IMDb Polls

Poll: A Reverse View on 'The Batman'

The Batman (2022) was a big hype in 2022. More than 550.000 people rated it on IMDb. It has a big rating of 7.9/10 (as of 08/01/2022), which tells us that people loved the movie. Before the release of it, there was a big controversy about the new Batman that appeared to be a very aggressive revenger in the new production. On IMDb there are many polls about different movies released, which ask you what's your favorite character. According to the controversy about 'The Batman', we want to ask a reverse question:

Which key character of former movies of the Batman franchise was portrayed better in 'The Batman'?

Please tell us here.

Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Robert Pattinson in The Batman (2022)

    Bruce Wayne / Batman
  2. Vote!

    Andy Serkis in The Batman (2022)

    Alfred Pennyworth
  3. Vote!

    Zoë Kravitz in The Batman (2022)

    Selina Kyle / Catwoman
  4. Vote!


    Lt. James Gordon
  5. Vote!

    Paul Dano in The Batman (2022)

    The Riddler
  6. Vote!

    Colin Farrell in The Batman (2022)

    Oz / The Penguin
  7. Vote!

    John Turturro, Colin Farrell, and Robert Pattinson in The Batman (2022)

    Carmine Falcone
  8. Vote!

    Alex Ferns, Rupert Penry-Jones, Peter Sarsgaard, Jeffrey Wright, Luke Roberts, and Robert Pattinson in The Batman (2022)

    Wildcard for Thomas Wayne
  9. Vote!

    Alex Ferns, Rupert Penry-Jones, Peter Sarsgaard, Jeffrey Wright, Luke Roberts, and Robert Pattinson in The Batman (2022)

    Wildcard for Martha Wayne
  10. Vote!

    Grumpy Cat

    None of them!

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