IMDb Polls

Poll: To Sequel or Not to Sequel: That Is the Question

Whether 'tis nobler to suffer the sequel and The slings and arrows of an outrageous suggestion, Or to be a champion for a noble idea, and by not opposing them? Which of these movies would you most like to see as a sequel?

After voting, please discuss here.

Results of 1,015 votes:

  1. 1.

    Inception (2010)

    The "Team" has another mission in the near distant future. What they don't realize is, they are being manipulated by another "Thought Extraction" team. The two teams get lost in ea…
  2. 2.

    Serenity (2005)

    Reavers beware.... River Tam is hunting you to the point of extinction.
  3. 3.

    The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

    The Matrix IV.... Smith 2.0 The peace treaty in the park fails, when the machine world, has an "Upgraded" replacement, for Agent Smith. Who will be "The One" this time?

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