IMDb Polls

Poll: Oscars 2015: Best Actor Snubs

Which is the greatest snub in the Best Actor in a Leading Role category at the 2015 Oscars?

For context, here are this year's nominees:

Steve Carell for Foxcatcher, Benedict Cumberbatch for The Imitation Game, Bradley Cooper for American Sniper, Michael Keaton for Birdman, Eddie Redmayne for The Theory of Everything

Discuss the most unforgivable Oscar snub of the year here

Results of 5,352 votes:

  1. 1.

    Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler (2014)

    Jake Gyllenhaal as Louis Bloom in Nightcrawler
  2. 2.

    Ralph Fiennes in The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

    Ralph Fiennes as M. Gustave in The Grand Budapest Hotel
  3. 3.

    Matthew McConaughey in Interstellar (2014)

    Matthew McConaughey as Cooper in Interstellar

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