Hercules, Prisoner of Evil (1964) Poster

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Average Muscleman movie in which Ursus /Reg Park takes on a nasty usurper and a feared witch
ma-cortes13 October 2016
¨Sword and Sandals¨ movie in which Ursus or Hercules lives in a far land that is being tormented by the bloody raids of a monstrous specie . As a monster marauds the country commanded by the stiff-upper-lipped Prince Regent called Zeretelli (Furio Meniconi) , who seized power several years ago through the assassination of the Great Khan . The villain regent fears that local hero Ursus (or Hércules) may wrest the throne from him . To solidify his power , he schemes to marry his cousin , Amiko (Mireille Granelli) , daughter of the Great Khan and to take firmly the throne , but Amiko loves the big he-man Hércules , the leader of the upright villagers . Then , the arrival of the shrewd Ido (Ettore Manni), the brother of Ursus , provokes a battle between the two communities . Ursus is trying to encounter and subdue the ominous monster , being badly injured . Zeretelli takes advantage of this situation through attacks , rampage , ravage and pillage , but Hercules is healed by his followers, recovers himself of the wounds ; he then defeats Zeretelli in combat who now reveals that Amiko is not the daughter of the Khan . The real daughter results to be Kato (María Teresa Orsini) , a young woman saved years ago and cared by Ursus and his townsfolk . The bouncing Ursus , helped by Ido , reunites an army of rebels to take on the enemy troops . But Ursus is captured , locked and a witch -who has enchanted various other men in the past- uses her extreme powers to turn him into a monster . As Ursus imprisoned , become a spelled monster and forced to carry out heinous activities as a terrifying being .

Italian production with dark scenarios , spectacular outdoors and functional production design , including a lot of caves , forests and grottos plenty of stalactite and stalagmite . This is a regular spaghetti , myth-opera with action , a love story , battles and lush landscapes . Breathtaking scenes when Ursus faces off a monster and overwhelming final battle with surprising and moving scenes , including a flood . Reg Park , in his fourth film , is passable as the mythical hero who encounters many dangerous situations while trying to save countrymen of numerous odds . Reg Park himself became something of a cult personality in the Italian epic genre . Reg was a personal fitness trainer in South Africa . His friend and protégé Arnold Schwarzenegger considered Park to be the best of the "peplum" heroes . Reg Park who played the mythic Maciste in a few movies was randomly assigned the identity of Hercules , Goliath , Ursus , Samson or Aron for U.S. viewing . Bouncing and strong Reg was the third American actor bodybuilder , after Steve Reeves and Gordon Scott , to be recruited by Italian producers to star in Peplum films . Reg Park played reserve team football for Leeds United before turning to body-building in 1946 . He finished Mr Universe runner-up to future film rival Steve Reeves in 1950 , then won the title outright in 1951, 1958 and 1965. After marrying South African-born Mareon Isaacs in Johannesburg in 1952, the Parks moved permanently to South Africa . Reg used the amount of money he made acting as hero and gladiator films in Italy to fitness . As the muscle-man Reg Park left allegedly the sword and sandals genre for the gymnasium in South Africa where Reg ran a chain of fitness studios . He was one along with Ed Fury , Dan Vadis , Brad Harris , Alan Steel , Rock Stevens , Gordon Scott whom to seek fortune acting absurdly as muscle mythological figures , but nobody topped Steve Reeves in popularity . Reg only starred 5 Peplum , such as : 1964 ¨Ursus , terror of the Kirguisos¨ , 1961 ¨Ercole Al Centro della terra¨ , 1961 ¨The conquest of the Atlántida¨ and ¨Maciste in King Solomon's Mines" which , handily for Park , was filmed on location in South Africa . Park's last film was ¨La Sfida Dei Giganti¨ until his death (2007) at age 79 .

¨Ursus, Il Terrore Dei Kirghisi¨ displays a colorful and glimmer cinematography by Gábor Pogány , filmed on location in El Lacio and other Roman exteriors . Pogany is a fine Italian cameraman including notorious titles as "The Last Judgment" , "The Magistrate" , "A Man Gets Killed" , Pink Floyd at Pompeii¨ , and ¨Pianos Mecanicos¨ . This oddball Peplum with brief touches of horror was regularly directed by Antonio Margheriti , and it has some flaws and gaps . Being helped as direction assistant by the famous Ruggero Dedodato , author of gore and cannibal films as ¨Body count¨ , ¨House of the edge of the park¨, ¨Jungle holocaust¨and ¨Cannibal holocaust¨ . Antonio M. Dawson was born in 1930 , Rome, and died in 2002 . He was a director and writer , and especially known for his works with miniatures , explosions and flood sequences . Antonio shoots with ordinary aplomb and being famous for Yor (1983), Virus (1980) and Horror castle (1963) . Italian writer-director of horror and exploitation films, a former university engineering student who began in films in 1956 . He was also an expert in special optical effects , FX , and model-making . Often used the pseudonym 'Anthony M. Dawson'. He directed all kind of genres such as Wartime : The last hunter , Tornado , Code Name : Wild Geese , Commando Leopard , Der Commander ; Sci-Fi : War of planets , Planet on the prowl , Criminali Della Galassia ; Action : Operazione Goldman , Indio , The Squeeze , Cyberflic ; Terror : The Virgin of Nuremberg , Virus or Cannibal Apocalypse , Alien from the Deep , Flesh for Frankestein and Spaghetti : Joko and Dynamite Joe .
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Kinda likable
a-east21 March 2013
Some reviewers have been decidedly unkind to this minor sword-and-sandal effort but those willing to indulge the sloppy dubbing, chopping editing, and murky prints may find a certain likable quality here. Think of it as an amateurish but enthusiastic high school play, or a big mutt who climbs in your lap and licks your face. Most of the faults cited by other reviewers can't be denied but the main problem here is Hercules' curious absence from the plot (due to injuries) for a 25-minute stretch in the middle of the movie. That's a real momentum killer. Did Reg Park become ill or otherwise unavailable during the filming and thus they had to film around him? (One fight sequence uses an obvious stand-in for Park, lending some support for this theory.) Yes, the monster is more laughable than frightening with a squawk like Rodan's, and disappointingly little is made of Hercules' superhuman strength. (He isn't even bare-chested very often.) Also note the puzzling Oriental decor in some of the palace interiors. However, if you're kind, all of these things might be viewed as part of the fun.
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You're The Prisoner, Not Hercules
zardoz-1318 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Hercules, Prisoner of Evil" is awful.

As an earlier commentator has noted, this Hercules movie occurs outside of the peplum era with Hercules living with a nomadic tribe somewhere in Europe. Reg Park plays the muscle-bound hero, but he has little in common with his other Hercules incarnations. This is not one of director Anthony M. Dawson's better movies. The tribe that Hercules resides with is being plagued by a monster that lurks in the woods at night, but it turns out that the monster is anybody who comes into contact with a witch who lives in a cave and has an evil potion. Drink the potion and you become the monster. Think of it as an early version of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." I bought the Retromedia DVD, too, and experienced the same problem with the audio, but I have an earlier VHS copy that I transferred to DVD-R for my own enjoyment and the audio and the picture are perfectly synchronized. Unfortunately, neither of them is in the widescreen process so the picture is cropped to full frame. The drama is minimal and Hercules really performs nothing in the way of memorable feats. Of course, when the monster appears, he is played by another actor who bears no resemblance to anybody in the cast so if you figure out the plot, you'll be lost. About midway into the action Hercules suffers a minor wound that takes him out of the story for several scenes. This is a below-average Hercules film and a below-average Reg Park movie. Only completists will want to watch this yucky yarn.
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Pretty lackluster
Woodyanders1 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Jolly legendary strongman Hercules (an engaging performance by the handsome and muscular Reg Park) battles evil sorceress Amiko (gorgeous brunette stunner Mireille Granelli), who transforms men into vicious and hideous werewolf beasts. While the central premise certainly has promise, it's unfortunately rendered pretty flat and uninteresting thanks to Antonio Margheriti's pedestrian direction, the leaden pace, the meandering pace, a plot that fails to blend the horror and fantasy elements together into a cohesive and satisfying whole, the inevitable cruddy dubbing, a crippling lack of tension and vitality, and the classic problem of much dull talk detracting substantially from the too little, yet still quite exciting action (the usual rough'n'ready swordfights are especially stirring). The werewolf monster is likewise a disappointment; he's some pudgy guy in silly hairy make-up who proves to be more laughable than scary. On the plus side the girls are definitely attractive, with the ravishing Maria Teresa Orsini a stand-out as fetching slave girl Kato. Furio Meniconi delivers an effectively slimy portrayal of wicked no-count prince Zeretelli. Franco Mannino's score alternates between slushy orchestral mush and rousing full-speed-ahead barnstorming music. A passable, but overall forgettable diversion.
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"A good sword is a man's best friend"
hwg1957-102-2657048 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A rather busy Hercules/Ursus film with an evil usurper, a princess who really isn't one, a princess who really is but has forgotten, a wailing werewolf kind of monster, a bit of sorcery, a fire, a fire eater, a village massacre and other things. The story wanders about with bouts of action but on the whole I didn't find it engaging. Reg Park has magnificent muscles but his Hercules/Ursus character is feeble. The other members of the cast don't shine either. The film does look good in 'Eastmancolor' and 'Totalscope' but then peplum films usually were though the movie did seem to have footage taken from other movies. On the whole, rather routine.

I did however like the idea of the monster being more than one person, including Hercules/Ursus himself. A sort of Dr. Jekylls and Mr. Hydes.
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Not a worthless film, but you can do a lot better in this genre
Leofwine_draca29 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A disappointing peplum with horror touches, especially regretful given that one of my favourite all-time directors, Antonio Margheriti, is at the helm. Whether it's the typically poor dubbing job - it would have helped if they had picked voice-over artists who could actually put emotion and inflection into their voices - or the apparent lack of interest of everyone involved, who simply go through the paces, this is below the average for an Italian peplum film. Even Margheriti can't hide his low budget this time around, with grotty locations and a lack of conviction in the easily-burnt down sets. The action sequences highlight actors who are simply going through the paces, swinging their swords with a lack of energy, and the plot itself is very simple and doesn't hold together. One thing that is surprising is the twist ending, hinted at in the film's American title, that Hercules himself is the monster that has been terrorising the community as a result of the potion he has been given by an evil witch.

I bought this film on the strength of an enthusiastic review claiming that we get to see Hercules battling "werewolves" in this movie. I'm always a fan of the peplum/horror combinations so my hopes were high for this movie. What a letdown. The "werewolves" are little more than half-naked guys covered in yak-hair and bad make-up, who jump on top of people a lot and just look like what they are, scrawny guys in bad make-up. The immortal character of Hercules doesn't even have many enemies to fight, and lies around for ages in a cave after being injured by one such "werewolf".

Reg Park takes the central role of Hercules (originally Ursus) but his character here is far less developed than in, say, HERCULES AND THE CAPTIVE WOMEN. It doesn't help that Park is wooden in the part - a fault of most, if not all, bodybuilders turned actors. At least this guy's physique is impressive and matched only by Schwarzenegger's in sheer bulk. The supporting cast includes the dependable Ettore Manni, wasted in a dull part, and the usual Italian glamour ladies, but there's not a lot here to get excited about. Even Margheriti seems rather half-hearted in his direction, for there are no memorable scenes. At least I can forgive him, for it was early in his career, but I expected more from the man who gave us CASTLE OF BLOOD. Not a totally worthless film but you can do a lot better in this genre and it disappoints throughout.
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Slightly Underwhelming
Uriah4315 August 2015
This movie begins with a monster that is terrorizing the surrounding countryside which is divided between two different tribes. One side is led by "Hercules" (Reg Park) while the other has a regent named "Prince Zerah" (Furio Meniconi) temporarily in charge until "Princess Amiko" (Mireille Granelli) is ready to assume the throne. However, Prince Zerah doesn't want to surrender his power and being jealous of Hercules he decides to blame him for the monster's destruction. He also attempts to kill Hercules on more than one occasion with no success. Meanwhile, the monster's reign of terror continues. Now rather than reveal any more of the plot I will just say that this movie was a bit underwhelming for a couple of reasons. First, although he has played the part several times previously, it didn't seem like Reg Park was as fully committed or utilized for this particular effort. Additionally, the reasoning for the monster's presence wasn't demonstrated very well either. Even so it wasn't a terribly bad movie with both Maria Teresa Orsini (as "Katya") and the previously mentioned Mireille Granelli providing some beauty to an otherwise drab affair. Slightly below average.
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Ursus Minor.
BA_Harrison10 August 2017
Directed by Antonio Margheriti (Cannibal Apocalypse), with help from assistant director Ruggero Deodato (Cannibal Holocaust), this mid '60s horror/peplum gives very little indication of the future gory delights to come from either film-maker: Terror of the Kirghiz is strictly family friendly fodder, as brave warrior Ursus (muscleman Reg Park) protects his people from a marauding monster (a man in an unconvincing mask and hair glued to his torso), wicked tyrant Zereteli (Furio Meniconi), and a scheming witch, Amiko (Mireille Granelli).

Lots of dull dialogue and badly choreographed fight scenes make for a really boring viewing experience, with Park putting in a forgettable central performance as the bland hero: the bodybuilder might have the physique, but he sure lacks the charisma. Mind you, with such an uninspired script and flat direction from Margheriti, he never really stood a chance.
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Go! Go, Monster! Go!"...
azathothpwiggins17 June 2021

After a caravan is decimated by a werewolf (aka: a hairy man in a cape, shrieking like a hyena that's being electrocuted), Ursuscules jumps right in to help get to the bottom of things.

Meanwhile, the sinister Prince Zereteli uses the incident as an excuse to kill his enemies, and to get Hersuscules out of the way.

The werewolf continues its rampage, while Urcules goes shirtless, eventually getting his chance to toss the Prince's soldiers around like ping pong balls!

A later entry in the muscleman epic craze, the addition of the "monster" is novel, though not that effective. Still, Park does his best with the material...
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No one looking remotely Asian
bkoganbing21 May 2018
Ancient peplum hero Ursus is now doing his thing in Eastern Europe where the Mongol conquerors are running things but with arrangements with the locals. Not anyone in the cast looks remotely Asian however, especially one who as it turns out is the lost princess daughter of the Great Khan who was murdered in a palace coup.

Anyway the usurper and his partner who is a sorceress have the common serfs under control, but for Ursus who leads one of the tribes. The sorceress gets the big guy under her control and turn him into some kind of ravenous beast.

Good thing the good guys have someone skilled in the black arts who brings Ursus around.

Just like Hulk Hogan going over to the dark side.
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Endearing fun
LeoLom2 December 2021
Ursus, il terrore dei kirghisi is the proper name of the film and it is pretty unusual mishmash of peplum, horror, geography and ethnicities. Suspiciously Mediterranean looking Kirghiz somehow manage to oppress unusually Nordic looking Cirkassians who seem to be living just across the hill from each other (it's like horse riding from Canada to Mexico!!!). The main hero - Ursus (not Hercules! Though all names have been altered for american edit) is played by Muscle man Reg Park was a mentor and inspiration for Arnold Schwarzenegger both in terms of over-exaggerated physique (of cartoon superhero/"bullied kids dream variety" and nowhere near as objectively beautiful like that of Steve Reeves) but also in wooden acting department (again making Reeves look almost method actor in comparison). Most other characters (in original Italian version) seem to have Georgian names for some reason - Ilo, Kato, Aniko (who became Amico in american version because...?) and finally Prince Zereteli - who would be happy to know that there is a street and a Metro station named after him in downtown Tbilisi, Georgia :)))
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Antonio Margheriti and Deodato debut
andreygrachev1 August 2008
Quite rare stuff. Two masters of Italian horrors Antonio Margheriti and young Ruggero Deodato directed this film in 1964. It has a lot to do with antique fairy tales and the screenplay is really original. Ursus is the prototype of Conan and other muscled heroes of fantasy movies. He is real hero in this film, fighting against evil, black magic, selfish king with a small number of friends, like Robin Good. Good fighting scenes really liked them. Good costumes and rather progressive score. Bewitched fighters turn in to werewolves like monsters. So this is a real epic fantasy with wise dialogs and 60s colors. Andrey Tripod "www.myspace.com/neizvest" Quite rare stuff. Two masters of Italian horrors Antonio Margheriti and young Ruggero Deodato directed this film in 1964. It has a lot to do with antique fairy tales and the screenplay is really original. Ursus is the prototype of Conan and other muscled heroes of fantasy movies. He is real hero in this film, fighting against evil, black magic, selfish king with a small number of friends, like Robin Good. Good fighting scenes really liked them. Good costumes and rather progressive score. Bewitched fighters turn in to werewolves like monsters. So this is a real epic fantasy with wise dialogs and 60s colors. Andrey Tripod "www.myspace.com/neizvest"
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