Love Camp 7 (1969) Poster


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The Nazi's; the most boring extreme group ever?
The_Void27 October 2006
Well, first of all; I'd like to say how relieved I am to have finally seen this film. I watched this, and the other three boring Nazisploitation films on the Video Nasty list, purely because I wanted to see every film on it - and now that I've got through these four films, I know I don't have to suffer Nazisploitation ever again! Love Camp 7 was made before most other genre attempts, but that doesn't make it any less dull. The cinematography is less sharp; but aside from that, it's pretty much business as usual. The plot follows two female army agents that go undercover at a Nazi concentration camp in order to extract some information from a scientist. However, their escape plan goes wrong and they end up stuck behind enemy lines! As you might expect from a film called 'Love Camp', there's plenty of sex on display, but it's never particularly filthy, however. The film was banned back in the eighties; and I have to wonder why. All I can think is that it was simply thrown in with the rest of the Nazi films by a group of censors who probably didn't even watch most of the films they banned. The plotting is very dull indeed, and as you might expect; the film is very boring. Overall, Love Camp 7 is not recommended.
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The Boring Pioneer of a Boring Sub Genre
Coventry23 June 2007
Even though they all look sensational, shocking and hugely controversial, "Nazi-Exploitation" moves generally are the most boring and irritatingly awful titles that fall under the cult-genre. There are some notable exceptions (like "Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS" and "Salon Kitty"), but the vast majority is just boring rubbish with awesome looking VHS-covers. "Love Camp 7" was one of the first (maybe even THE first) Nazi-exploitation flicks ever made, and it already sucked badly, so it's only logical it spawned a whole series of terrible followers. The plot is very rudimentary and implausible, as you may expect. Two gorgeous looking (talking in terms of late 60's/early 70's standards) infiltrate in a Nazi Camp where random women are picked from the streets to serve as sex-toys for German military officers. So basically, these two girls are prepared to be humiliated, sexually harassed and maybe even tortured, exclusively to study and find out more about the perverted desires of soldiers of the Third Reich??? Quite unlikely to find volunteers for that type of assignment if you ask me, but hey…this is exploitation cinema. There's an overload of full-frontal nudity in "Love Camp 7", but the actual sleaze and sex footage is – understandably – still rather tame. Nazi Exploitation gradually became more rancid and explicit, and by the time of SS Hell Camp (1977), the female cast members were even submitted to having sex with genetically engineered and super-hairy monsters. That certainly doesn't imply the later efforts in this sub genre are any less boring and inept, mind you. "Love Camp 7" hangs together by awfully written dialogs, lousy acting performances and totally intolerable characters. Enduring this film until the end credits role over the screen is some sort of torture on itself. Go straight for Dyanne Thorne's grotesque escapades in the aforementioned "Ilsa, She Wolf in the SS". Or better yet, avoid Nazi-Exploitation in general.
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Sexploitation and Sleaze
kevin-1675 December 1999
For those who prefer movies that degrade women and have an overflow of rape, nudity and violence, then this movie is for you! Maria Lease plays one of 2 women who are taken captive by the Nazis. She is one of the many women that are used to "amuse" the high commanders of the Nazi Military. The buxom Lease is stripped, hung, slapped and all other forms of sexual mayhem that come with being a pretty captive of the Nazis. An enjoyable film. At the time I am sure it was considered controversial.
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One of the Better Nazi Sploits
QueenoftheGoons1 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a 32 year old woman, got hooked on these a few years ago. This was one of the last i have seen. This is one of the better Nazi exploitations. Too much story though. Not into Lesbo, not into whipping, or the fat officers. Like the good Nazi officer. He can use his tongue rather well. The movie has too much talking. We know what we are watching. Let's just get to it. Let's get to the leather already. The blond officer at the end whose face you never see, love to find out who that is. Looks like Mike Masters but you can't tell that. Didn't like killing of good German or the blond officer's death either.
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A truly awful, awful film.
poolandrews2 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Love Camp 7 tells the story of WAC Lt. Linda Harman (Maria Lease) & WAC Lt. Grace Freeman (Kathy Williams) who volunteer to go undercover in Germany in order to contact captured scientist Martha Grossman who has potentially vital information about a new jet engine. Unfortunately Grossman is currently being held captive at the notorious Love Camp 7 which is where high ranking German officials go to have sex with female prisoners of war & generally do whatever they want to them for their own sadistic pleasure. In order to blend in & get close to Grossman both Harman & Freeman have to submit to their German captors & take part in humiliating rituals, maybe this mission isn't going to be as easy they first thought...

Directed by Lee Frost this was maybe the first Nazi-Exploitation film but otherwise there is nothing of note here at all & Love Camp 7 turns out to be a throughly awful, awful film in every respect. The film runs a coma inducing 91 minutes & it amongst the most boring 91 minutes of film out there, it's that bad. The script has this wraparound segment where this guy in London tells the story which saves on exposition, sets & other character's as he can just say what happened rather than the makers having to go out & shoot it. I am not sure if the makers of Love Camp 7 felt their film had some credibility by including some narration about how many high ranking Germans were captured at the end of the war because so many of them went to these love camps but it doesn't & I seriously doubt it anyway since the majority of this tawdry little film is spent on women getting undressed. Considering it's reputation Love Camp 7 is pretty tame stuff, there's no blood & while there's some silly torture scenes (the camp Commandant has the girls hold buckets in the air!) the whole film feels like soft porn, every scene is geared towards making the women get their clothes off & have sex or fondle each other. The character's are paper thin, the girls are all good, the camp Commandant is a sadistic monster & of course there's the one sole sympathetic guard. Love Camp 7 may have been the first but that doesn't mean it's any good does it?

Despite a lot of nudity there's nothing that graphic here & the women are strikingly unattractive, while all the women get naked the men don't & I don't understand how you are meant to have sex while you keep your trousers on. As I said there's lots of groping & kissing but nothing else. The whole controversy surrounding these types of films is the sexual violence & that these women are just raped & used but the acting & staging is so poor it's almost impossible to take it seriously. Distasteful maybe, offensive & sick no. The sole action scene at the end is also badly staged & seems to take place in front of a barb wire fence. The sets are cheap although at least the makers could afford a few Nazi costumes which look alright. Th is was & still is banned over here in the UK which to be honest after watching it is a real blessing, my fellow Brits are not missing anything here at all.

The budget for this was probably none existent & it's a really cheap & badly made production all round. The acting is awful to match the rest of the film & some of the German accents are embarrassing.

Love Camp 7 is a very early runner (it's only the 2nd January) to be my worst film of the year, only 364 days left to find out if anything beats it. If there is a film out there worse then I don't want to see it.
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Well made, but rather tame Nazisploitationer
Corpus_Vile28 August 2010
Two hawt allied spies go undercover in a Nazi love camp, (where women are there "to please the officers of The Third Reich") in order to bust out a spy. Or something. All the nudity distracted me. Anyway, they soon come to the attention of the camp's camp evil warden, who likes nothing better than having prisoners lick his jackboots, when he isn't thinking up tortures for chuckles. Mucho nekkidness and sleaze ensues before the tables are finally turned on the rotten Nazi swine blah-de-blah.

I really only wanted to see Love Camp 7 because it was one of the original video nasties, and I wanted to see it purely for the sake of it. Now that I have... It's pretty meh.

Being a Lee Frost (who gave us A Climax Of Blue Power and The Black Gestapo, which were also pretty well made) film, it's typically well made, although the acting is pretty dire. Although tame compared to say, The Gestapos Last Orgy or Ilsa, it was probably eyebrow raising enough back in its day, as it's no wimp for its time.

Overall though, it's just standard, nothing special sleaze, and worth a look solely for those wishing to view all the films on the video nasty list.
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Squalid Nazi exploitation
augustian13 March 2017
Made in 1969, this is reputedly the first of the Nazi exploitation films but whether that should be looked upon as something to boast about is a moot point. On the one hand the credits say that all the Nazi equipment and regalia was hired out from experts but on the other hand the production leaves a lot to be desired.

Two British female soldiers are sent into a Nazi POW camp where all the inmates are all chosen for their womanly charms in order to please the high-ranking German officers who go there for their off-duty amusement. Surely German generals would take their amusements in palatial chateaux, not in some filthy prison cells as shown in this film. Perhaps so much of the budget was spent on the boys toys that there was none left for decent locations. The acting leaves a lot to be desired as well - the camp commandant, played by the film's director gives a hammy performance, to say the least.

It seems that no-one in this production knew how to film sex scenes. Any excuse was used to get the women naked but there is nothing erotic or titillating in this film. The sex scenes were filmed in the aforementioned filthy cells where the sex was nothing more than the men groping the women to the sound of guttural groans and moans. They did not even bother to take their trousers off.

This may have been the start of the Nazi exploitation genre but this one is surely notorious for all the wrong reasons. Exploitation films are OK in my book but not this one.
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Is it porn or a mainsteam film?
JasmineFIowers22 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to know whether it's a porn movie or a sadistic film pretending to not be a porno. Whatever the case, it's got itself banned in the UK. Which I would say was unnecessary, it was poorly made and acted but doesn't mean it's any worse than a red-blooded male can buy down at the porn shop these days. From a female perspective, the plot was lacking, the acting was s***, the cinematography was forgotten as was choreography and realism a joke. I saw "The Downfall" the same day I saw this, and to compare, Love Camp 7 makes you roll your eyes about the Nazis whereas "The Downfall" makes you a little empathetic. Certainally, Love Camp 7 doesn't make you hate them, as it's so over-the-top it's kidding itself. I found the physical contact between the characters downright boring, and you just know what they're doing is fake and unrealistic and a put-on to avoid getting banned, as nobody gets their pants off.

In conclusion, some women get attacked, some director had his wet dream come true, and nobody learned anything about Nazi Germany. Mission accomplished?
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Still banned after all of these years.
BA_Harrison27 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The depiction of wartime atrocities for entertainment purposes is undeniably in very poor taste, and it's easy to understand how Love Camp 7 still remains unavailable in the UK (along with a whole bunch of similarly themed titles). Of course, it is this complete lack of sensibility on the film-makers' part, coupled with the film's notoriety as a 'video nasty, plenty of unintentional hilarity (depending on how warped your sense of humour is, of course) and the fact that the film kick-started the entire Nazisploitation genre, that qualifies the film as essential viewing for anyone remotely interested in thoroughly deviant and taboo-busting trash cinema.

Directed with zero finesse by Lee Frost and featuring a virtually talentless cast (men fresh from the 'Ve haf vays of making you talk' school of Nazi acting and a bevy of big-breasted 60s babes willing to shed all for a few minutes on screen), the film is far from a masterpiece of 60s cinema, but it delivers where it counts, with non-stop nudity and female degradation, some very silly sex scenes in which the men all strangely opt to keep their trousers on, and a violent ending that sees the baddies finally get what they deserve.

Although certain later Nazisploitation movies (particularly those out of Italy) would outdo Love Camp 7 in terms of excess in virtually every department, the film still offers enough depravity, sleaze and general schlock to please most fans of the genre and at the very least deserves recognition for being the first to have the balls to tackle such a delicate subject in so brazen a manner.

6.5 out of 10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
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Substandard in Every Way
Uriah434 August 2015
Unaware that she possesses extremely valuable information, the SS arrests the secretary of a recently deceased Nazi scientist and sends her to a concentration camp simply because she is Jewish. Derisively referred to as "Love Camp 7" this particular prison exists solely for the sexual gratification of the officers and soldiers of the Third Reich. Additionally, because they are regarded as "inferior humans" the female prisoners are routinely raped and tortured in the process. Meanwhile, after being informed of the important knowledge this secretary has the Supreme Allied Command in London decides to send in two female American soldiers to assist her in escaping. Naturally, before they are sent both "Lt. Linda Harmon" (Maria Lease) and "Lt. Grace Freeman" (Kathy Williams) are fully briefed on the treatment they will have to endure. Unfortunately, after being subsequently arrested and taken to the prison they discover that their target has been moved to another area of the camp reserved for even harsher punishment. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that, although it was one of the very first "Naziploitation" films every produced, it really wasn't a very good movie. As a matter of fact, it was plain awful. Not only did the sex scenes lack eroticism but they lasted much too long and were extremely repetitive as well. Further, the acting was substandard, the character development practically nonexistent and other than possibly Kathy Williams (the taller of the two female soldiers) none of the actresses were all that attractive. In short, this movie was pretty bad and I doubt anybody-other than die-hard fans of this particular sub-genre-will care much for it. I have rated it accordingly.
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The Godfather of nazi sleaze cinema!
Jens-2823 June 1999
The Frost/Cresse team are responsible for loads of depraved and memorable exploitation epics like "Scavengers" and "House On Bare Mountain" (w/Cresse in drag!). "Love Camp 7" was the forerunner for the more nasty 70's nazisploitationers like "Ilsa" and the more vile Italian rip offs ("Nazi Love Camp 27" etc.). It's tamer than those but Bob Cresse's gleefully, almost tongue-in-cheek, portrait of a nazi camp commandant is worth the price alone of the video. Oscar material!! The massive amount of nudity, rape and torture should satisfy even the most jaded thrillseeker + it's a historical important movie, sleazewise. John Alderman ("Erotic Adventures Of Zorro") and trash film mogul David F. Friedman ("Bloodfeast" etc.) are also in the cast. After "LC7" was a hit in Canada, Friedman backed the infamous "Ilsa" movie.

Frost went on makin' films like the bizarre and extremely un-PC "Black Gestapo". Cresse sadly died in '98 after years of illness caused by being shot by two undercover cops! Somebody should write a book on him.
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Who knew the beginning of Nazisploitation could be so boring?
LoneWolfAndCub8 April 2012
Love Camp 7, directed by Lee Frost, is an important film, as it began a sub-genre of exploitation cinema, suitably called Nazisploitation. Essentially, Frost gave birth to a much maligned sub-genre, with a good few of the films being persecuted in the UK and dubbed video nasties, this one included. These films generally contain copious amounts of nude women getting abused by Nazis, this one, however, is about a 'Love Camp' in which women are forced to please soldiers. Two young officers agree to go undercover to get information from a scientist being held in the camp, but alas things go wrong and the women are forced to endure indignities. Apparently this is based on a true story, but the film is so unrealistic and stupid you would have to be a fool to think this film is based on truth.

Quite frankly, this film is incredibly boring, and the 90 minute run time feels like 3 hours by the end. There is a wraparound plot where some guy in London is telling the story to another guy, it just meant that production values could be lower because the story could just be narrated rather than shown. Considering the film's reputation, there is very little blood or gore, and maybe a couple of scenes of torture e.g. girls holding buckets over their heads, the standard whipping, the 'seat of honour', but it all just seems like softcore porn than horror cinema. Even then, the film is not that graphic, and despite the fact the BBFC think the point of the film is for males to be aroused by the events taking place, it is the most unerotic film one could see.

The film scores points for Bob Cresse, who plays the cruel Commandant with relish, it is obvious he loved his role. Also, the final shootout is kinda cool, it also meant the movie ended which was a relief.

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The One That Started It All
Michael_Elliott5 March 2017
Love Camp 7 (1969)

** (out of 4)

Maria Lease and Kathy Williams play women who agree to be sent to a Nazi concentration camp to get some information on a scientist doing experiments there. It doesn't take long for the women (and others) to sees the horrors that are going on at the camp.

LOVE CAMP 7 is a rather historic film because it took the women-in-prison genre and took it a step further. This here was the first film to throw in the Nazi side of things and the result would end up leading to the creation of Naziploitation, which would take over drive-in screens for the next decade. A lot of people call this film boring and they call it tame. This might be true but at the same time people need to remember that this here was the first film and everything that followed had a bar that they knew they had to surpass.

For the most part I didn't find this film as awful as some have. I actually thought for the most part it was well-made and it at least looked like a real motion picture unlike so many of the films that were to follow. The film really doesn't have much of a plot but this is exploitation we're talking about so the only "plot" needed is to just get us to the next bit of nudity. Speaking of nudity, there are plenty of women undressed here and that's the whole selling point of the picture.

The majority of the 96-minute running time has women standing around their cell naked or being sexually assaulted by the guards. The women are basically sex slaves so there are countless scenes of the woman being forced to have sex. The camera knows what to focus on and this is certainly clear during a scene where the women are forced to stand in a circle and hold up buckets. The camera is in the middle of this circle and basically just goes around capturing all of the breasts.

LOVE CAMP 7 isn't a masterpiece but it does deserve credit for being the first of its type and it did get the subgenre off the ground.
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Dated, and then some
Leofwine_draca11 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
LOVE CAMP 7 has gone down in the annals of Z-grade exploitation cinema for precisely two reasons. First, it's the first film in the exploitative 'Nazisploitation' sub-genre of films, typically featuring captives being experimented upon and variously humiliated, tortured and killed by participants of Hitler's cruel regime. Second, it was banned outright in the UK back in the 1980s, linking it with the infamous 'video nasties' scandal. Seen today, it's a pure skin flick with very little in it to actually offend, although it is tasteless. It plays out more as a prison film than a Nazi movie, and it has little of the depravity that the sub-genre would become known for in the 1970s with the likes of the ILSA franchise or the Italian versions of the story. Essentially this is an excuse for wall-to-wall nudity and sex scenes, with the bare bones of a plot about a couple of spies in the camp. The only good scene is the violent climax; the rest is oh-so-dull.
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THE actual worst film ever made
shandycr23 March 2023
This literally is just an excuse for simulating the rape of women by fat ugly hairy unattractive, trousered male cast members.

That's it, plus unsimulated whipping. The 'plot' hardly needs dignifying by anyone looking it up here. As it unfolds between literal carboard backdrops for 'mise en scene' before they can get back to the business at hand, via ungainly and vertiginously leering camerawork.

If that's you're bag then go for it. Just know that you are a sick pervert.

The one 'video nasty' that truly deserves it's UK ban to this day. I really hope every fat, slobby, slavering basturd that was involved in the making of this protozoaic sludge died the most agonising, undignified, lonely, prolonged death possible.
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Don't Take This Movie Seriously
rogerun16 December 2002
The violence and sexploitation are best taken as tongue-in-cheek. By enjoying the exploits of the two WAC officers, Maria Lease and Kathy Williams, the movie is quite entertaining. Both Lease and Williams could pass as Playboy Playmates. In one scene, as the girls are being introduced to the camp, Bruce Kimball is unable to control himself as his large hands roam all over Kathy ("Bubble-Butt") Williams' backside. Kimball then feasts on Lease. Both girls have no less than four scenes each were their wares are sampled - talk about copping a feel, these horny Nazis devour these two toothsome actresses!
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Very Possibly The Very First Of The Nazisploit Genre...
EVOL6668 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not nearly as good at keeping track of the history of exploitation and horror films as I am at watching them and giving my two-bit opinions on. But given my semi- knowledgeable knowledge of such things-I'm not aware of a full-length Nazisploit film that pre-dates LOVE CAMP 7. I know there were a few earlier shorts and loops that made reference to Nazi-ism in terms of exploit/sexploit films-but as far as I know-this was the first to make a feature-length film out of the concept...

The premise of LOVE CAMP 7 is told as a flashback from a retired WWII vet, who tells the story of two brave young American female soldiers who volunteer to go behind enemy lines in order to meet up and extract information from a German/Jewish sympathizer regarding a top-secret airplane project, who is being held captive at the notorious 'love camp'. The sole purpose of said camp, is to provide Jewish women who will serve as love-slaves for the German soldiers. Once in the camp-the two female American soldiers witness firsthand the brutality of the Germans-but are firmly resolved in carrying out their mission...

First off-LOVE CAMP 7 is not a great film by any means. By far-the only notable performance in the entire film is by Bob Cresse (who also wrote the film) as the brutal Commandant of the camp. He obviously had 'fun' with his role and it shows in his performance. The rest of the film is made up of rather lackluster actors/actresses-and even though the film sports plenty of tits-and-ass from the mostly attractive female cast- the 90 or so minute runtime starts to feel more like 4 hours around the 3/4 mark of the film. Regardless-I still give LOVE CAMP 7 relatively high marks for being one of, if not THE originator of an entire sub-genre of sleaze films-which other than a few notable entries- weren't much better-and were oftentimes far worse than this precursor entry. Maybe not too shocking given today's standards-but I can imagine this one turned some heads back in '69. 7/10
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Not worthy of its banned status
theundertaker18022 October 2001
Famous for being the very first in the wave of sleazy "Nasty Nazi" movies, predating the Canadian "Isla" and the notorious Italian "Death Camp" movies. 2 young WAC officers go undercover as POW's in a prison camp hoping to get some information from a scientist that's being held there, before being sprung by the french resistance. Unfortunately things go wrong with the break out and they end up overstaying their welcome, They are then subjected to the same indignities as the other inmates. A few nasty scenes appear in this movie but by today's standards these could be cut by the BBFC and passed for release.
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mmthos5 July 2020
I only watched this because I'm going down the list of British Video Nasties, and I can see why it's never been certified: endless bouts of naked women writhing under men who don't even take their pants off, and scenes of "medical" exams where they're prodded and poked you-know-where, and an extended one of bull-whipping of one who refuses to "cooperate". For impotent sadists only
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