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It's Italian Exorcist rip-off time again.
BA_Harrison9 February 2014
Directed by Andrea Bianchi, the man who also gave us the hilariously trashy Italian zombie classic Burial Ground and the magnificently sleazy giallo Strip Nude for Your Killer, Malabimba is a fairly humdrum tale of possession, clearly inspired by The Exorcist but given a massive shot in the arm by the presence of some serious Euro-babeage and the inclusion of several very steamy scenes, some of which even enter XXX territory thanks to the use of hardcore insert shots.

Star of the film is the rather lovely Katell Laennec who plays sixteen year old Bimba Karoli, whose over-protective father Andrea keeps her away from the rest of the world in the family castle, which is also home to several other relatives. During a séance, intended to allow Andrea to contact his dead wife Daniela, Bimba becomes possessed by the spirit of evil ancestor Lucrezia and is transformed into a sexual deviant. Apprentice nun Sister Sofia (Mariangela Giordano) realises the truth, but can she save Bimba without falling victim to Lucrezia's seductive power herself?

Lots of shots of luscious Laennec in the altogether indulging in all manner of perversion; Giordano whipping off her wimple and habit to get saucy; and busty blonde Patrizia Webley (as Bimba's nympho aunt Nais) making a couple of the men in the castle very happy chappies indeed: despite the rather mediocre plot, Bianchi's film has more than enough quality sleaze to ensure a good time, with the added explicit footage only making matters even more seedy.

In the film's predictable finale (if you've seen The Exorcist, that is), Sofia sacrifices herself by becoming the vessel for Lucrezia's corruptive spirit and promptly dives head-first off the castle's ramparts before she is able to succumb to sin. What a waste of a randy nun!

Interestingly, a virtual remake of Malabimba-entitled La Bimba di Satana (Satan's Baby Doll)- was directed the following year by Mario Bianchi (no relation of Andrea, as far as I can find out); the uncut version of that film also featured several equally explicit sex scenes but the torturously slow pacing and shoddy direction made it a far less entertaining affair than it's predecessor.
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sleazy possession film that is pretty entertaining
FieCrier18 December 2004
Surprisingly sleazy! I was expecting a giallo film for some reason, but it is not that.

After a séance in which the presence indicates itself to be foul-mouthed, accusatory and randy, things get even dirtier. A young woman exhibits the same behavior. Perhaps she's possessed, or perhaps it's her frustrations and acting out against repressed desires.

Some reviews mention a scene with a grandfather, but the video box of the copy I saw refers to the father, but the subtitles in the movie refer to Uncle Adolpho. Perhaps different copies subtitle that scene differently.

The movie takes some ideas from The Exorcist, but seems more Gothic than that, and it was also pretty explicit.
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Malabimba-The Malicious Whore
Scarecrow-8816 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Sheltered 16 year old, Malabimba is possessed by the spirit of a deviant ancestor, after a séance unleashes her, who uses the girl as a tool for unmitigated lust, shocking the girl's family and "nun protector" with suspicious sexually depraved behavior.

Little more than well made soft-core erotica with a slight bend towards horror. Superb camera work(..two cinematographers contributed)and an ideal setting(..a wonderfully atmospheric isolated castle monastery on a hill)provide this film with some class despite the trashy premise and characters.

The shocking subject matter is what sets it apart from what one might see in today's modern cinematic porn. A teenage virginal innocent besieged by the spirit of a horny ancestor who was once a nymphomaniac. Malabimba attempts to seduce her own father, gives grandpa oral sex(..which, I guess, gets him so worked up he has a coronary!), successfully ravages her nun, Sister Sophia(Mariangela Giordano;the spirit had attempted to possess her at the opening), and often peeps on the sexual activities of her voracious slutty aunt, Nais(Patrizia Webley). Nais is married to Bimba's uncle(Giuseppe Marrocco)but yearns for her father, Andrea(Enzo Fisichella). Nais, after repeated tries, is able to secure Andrea's desire, and Bimba looks on, actually luring Sophia into voyeurism with her. And, easily the film's most unpredictable sequence, has Bimba pulling up her dress, displaying her naked body for a dinner party of guests as her family stare in disbelief!

Director Andrea Bianchi is known as a director willing to push boundaries, and does so here. Katell Laennec, who has a more mature body than an expected 16 year old, still looks young enough for her teenage character's wild antics to cold-cock an audience into silence and awe. Bianchi's camera enjoys closing in on the crotches of both Webley and Laennec, both seemingly open and free with exposing themselves. Webley is often seen in lingerie, gallivanting her body for those she wishes to proposition. The film's most erotic component is probably Bimba's methodical seduction of Sister Sophia who is able to ward off the permeating desire to engage in lesbian pleasure, finally giving in at the end, ultimately allowing access for the evil spirit to invade her(..I'm not sure why the spirit would wish to leave the younger Bimba for Sophia, unless it was the devious idea of overtaking the body of a God-fearing nun). The Karoli family is an open wound for the viewer and we witness their moral decay.

NOT for the easily offended or those bothered by immoral acts of sexual gratification. Often labeled an EXORCIST rip-off, I think the film is it's own beast, really only using a little bit of the Catholism..this is a possession movie exploring erotic territory, rather than Satanic horrors regarding unsettling demonic images.
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Sleazy but enjoyable
lazarillo3 August 2006
This isn't necessarily a high compliment, but this might be the best of the many Italian rip-offs of "The Exorcist". It's definitely better than bigger budgeted nonsense like "Beyond the Door" and "The Temptor". It may be kind of a toss-up between this film where Mariangela Giordana plays a middle-age nun engaging in hot inter-generational lesbian sex with her demon-possessed teenage charge and "The Sexorcist" where Ivan Rassimov plays a demon/Christ statue come to life who pulls himself off a crucifix and nails, in quite a different sense, a sexy female artist. I guess what it comes to though is that I'd rather see Giordano naked than Rassimov (that or I'm just a sucker for nun-related, inter-generation lesbian scenes). This movie does much more faithfully follow the plot of the "The Exorcist". The possessed girl, Bimba, lives in an old castle with sundry relatives and a nun guardian. She is somewhat older than Ravin in "The Exorcist"--the character is supposedly sixteen but the actress (the never-to-be-seen-again Katell Laennac)looks to be a few years older than that. This is no doubt a good thing as she spends the movie graphically masturbating with stuffed animals, spying on her sleazy aunt having sex with her uncle and her widowed father, dispatching an unfortunate (or lucky?)elderly relative with a fatal bout of oral favors, or having the aforementioned lesbian sex with Giordano.

This movie works for two reasons. The first is the director Andreas Bianchi who, though far less prolific, was a lot like Spanish auteur Jesus Franco in his ability to take irredeemably sleazy material like this and make it somehow oddly watchable. Bianchi's work includes "What the Peeper Saw" which offered the unusual pairing of Swedish sex kitten Britt Ekland and the kid from "Oliver", scuzzy giallo favorite "Strip Nude for Your Killer" where the usually classy Edwige Fenech simulated both oral and anal sex (not surprisingly, it's the only recent DVD release she hasn't provided any commentary for), and his follow-up to this film "Burial Ground" again with Giordano who this time gets her latex nipple bitten off by a strange-looking dwarf who is supposed to be her zombified son. Which brings me to the second reason:the infamous Mariangela Giordano. Although she is sometimes labeled a "scream queen" this label doesn't really fit Giordano as she was an actress for twenty-five years in Italian genre films before she ever started doing nude sex scenes in sleazy horror movies like this in her early 40's (during her marriage to producer Crisanti). She proved so good at it though that even years later when she appeared in Michael Soavi's "The Sect" she has a scene as the world's sexiest 53-year-old naked corpse! But besides having a virtually un-aging body, she was a pretty decent actress. It is a testament to her thespian abilities that this sultana of sleaze is even remotely believable as a nun. (And if her initial seduction by the possessed teenager seems amazing just wait around for the "exorcism").

The only serious downside to this movie is the inclusion in most available versions of unappetizing hardcore "inserts". In this case though they may, at least, have involved the original talent: Bianchi often did hardcore work, the actress playing the aunt certainly looks like a porn star,and even Laennac at one point shares the screen with a visibly aroused male. Still these scenes could easily be lost. It's a sufficiently sleazy and enjoyable movie without them.
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good one
dasa10825 June 2011
Malabimba is a good example about how to do a memorable film, with low budget, and stay present in the mind of the viewers. The idea is present the history of the girl (the only movie of the actress, I don't understand why), when has problems with a subtle entity... And she reacts in a very sexual manner. If you have a little money, and you want to react the Exorcist with low budget, but with dignity, the director choiced the best option. The eurotrash should return: when the people is tired of porn (is always the same, no doubt), if you present a good history with some spice, then the score is so better. I ask all the french, Italian and spanian directors: remember Bianchi, Franco, D'amato, Brass... This is the way.
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Felt cheated. It's not a horror film but a titillating softcore with an interesting tale about a dysfunctional family.
Fella_shibby20 July 2020
I saw this for the first time recently without checking the trailer. Some reviewers compared it as an Exorcist rip off n Beyond the Door which aroused my interest but aft starting the film, my other interest got aroused due to the lavish display of Patrizia Webley's awesome boobs. The insertion of the hardcore clips were uncalled for though. The plot is about a neglected adolescent Bimba who starts behaving like a nymphomaniac bimbo after a spirit enters her body. The spirit radically changes Bimba n forces her to see the sexual and perverse vices of her family members. Dont expect any head turning, green puke, demonic face n all that stuff. The film doesnt have any scares, absolutely no kills but tons of titillating seductions. Katell Laennec was only 19 at that time n her nudity was a put off for me but when u put a 42 year ol Mariangela Giordano in a nun outfit n ask her to masturbate, it does get titillating.
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Puts the TRASH in Eurotrash like no other flick I've ever seen! *small spoilers*
Jenabel_Regina_del_Mundo26 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I knew nothing about Malabimba before viewing it, other than that it was directed by the same man who brought us the fine zombie flick, Burial Ground. What can I say? WHOOPS! Here I thought I was gonna view an innocent little gore/splatter flick and what do I get? Well, since I was viewing the complete version, uncut (i.e., like the men in this film), I found instead of a family-friendly horror movie, I had been duped into watching a very lame European porn flick. I wasn't so sure that dame who played Nais wasn't actually Jerry Hall slumming for a few extra lira. What would Mick have said? Tsk, tsk! (It's actually Patrizia Webley, who made a number of trashy flicks, 'Salon Kitty' and 'Queen Of Sex' being 2 of her better ones.) Not too shabby in the mammary department at any rate - and the gal *does* know how to strike a pose in lingerie. Essentially, this is a pornified variation on The Exorcist, which would've bored me beyond belief were it not for the lesbian nunsploitation elements. I've seen both better Exorcist ripoffs (try 'Exorcism' by the always delightfully kinky Jesus Franco) and better nunsploitation (try 'Flavia The Heretic' by Gianfranco Mingozzi). This film apparently did nothing for the career of the main character, played by Katell Laennec, as she seems to have no film credits besides this one. Too bad - just watch the excruciatingly slow way she teasingly takes down her little white panties in the scene where she seduces her uncle Adolfo (not her grandfather, as incorrectly noted in some other reviews). Hey, if that ain't talent, what is? I understand there is a censored version sans the hardcore scenes - does that mean there's a version where Bimba doesn't have sex with a teddy bear then stab him to death? Does this girl have no MERCY? Malicious little whore, indeed! Teddy bear lovers, UNITE and stand up against this abominable filth! If you enjoy really vanilla hardcore sex scenes, or scenes of young ladies masturbating with stuffed animal toys, you may appreciate the uncut version of Malabimba more than I did. I found it to be more porn than horror and dull unimaginative porn at that, for the most part. Left me frustrated and longing for some blood and bone-chilling terror - to say nothing of more bizarre sex scenes. Definitely EURO and most definitely TRASH!
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The Exorcist, Italian exploitation style!
The_Void12 April 2009
Ah...you've got to love seventies exploitation. What we basically have here is a rip-off of The Exorcist; except instead of spewing green gunge all over the place and turning her head round 180 degrees; the possessed in this film becomes addicted to sex. Anyone going into this expecting a horror film is liable to be extremely disappointed; but director Andrea Bianchi serves up plenty of lurid sex scenes, and anyone that knows of his work (Strip Nude for Your Killer, What the Pepper Saw) is likely to have been expecting that anyway! The film focuses on a young (apparently sixteen year old) girl named Bimba. Bimba lives in an old castle along with several of her relatives. Some members of her family, for some reason, conduct a séance and apparently it went wrong and the young girl has began acting strangely. She has become obsessed with sex and begins seducing other people in the household; including her own family members.

Malabimba has a reputation for being sleazy; and that reputation is not exactly unfounded. The sex scenes are shot as gratuitously as possible and the film is rather erotic in places. It's not all just regular sex scenes either, and Andrea Bianchi has been kind enough to include perversions such as incest and lesbianism into the mix. The title character is played by Katell Laennec (who, incidentally, never made another film) and the actress seems very at home during her numerous sex scenes. She is a little androgynous if you ask me, though. The central location works well and the director adequately ensures that we are always aware of the fact that what is happening is isolated from society at large. There's not a great deal of atmosphere in the film, however, although clearly the sleaze was always intended as the main focus. The film saves its best sex scene until last and the ending wraps things up nicely. Overall, this film certainly won't appeal to everyone; but if you like your Italian sleaze, you owe it to yourself to track this flick down!
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It can't get much sleazier than this
rundbauchdodo28 December 2000
This extremely low-budgeted Italian effort is shoddy even for the most forgiving Euro-trash-fan. That doesn't mean it's a thoroughly unwatchable movie, but, well... there's not really much going on during the film. A young woman gets possessed by a sex-crazed ghost. She begins to seduce the men around her, even her dying grandfather, who doesn't survive her "attack" (in a scene which has to be seen to be believed). It's more sex than horror: Instead of gory moments you get hard core inserts (at least in the uncensored version). All in all quite an odd obscurity from Andrea Bianchi, recommended to die-hard-sleaze-freaks only.
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MALABIMBA – THE MALICIOUS WHORE {Integral Version} (Andrea Bianchi, 1979) **1/2
Bunuel197621 November 2007
Expecting an unashamed Italian rip-off of a Hollywood box office success to turn out into something remotely as good as its original source is like being born a millionaire (i.e. only one in a million {sic}) – and this belated eroticized EXORCIST-clone is no exception to the rule. Still, being aware of its notoriety for a couple of years (via "Stracult", an essential tome on Euro-Cult I picked up at the 2004 Venice Film Festival), I was rather looking forward to Severin's recently released DVD. However, the first online reviews I came across were far from encouraging...

As it turned out, I found MALABIMBA not to be as bad as I was being led to believe and certainly deserving of its ungodly reputation for sleazy exploitation. In fact, I chose to watch the lengthier "Integral Version" of the film (which adds some 10 minutes of horrendously preserved expository footage – not too dissimilar in quality, in fact, to the R2 disc of WITCHFINDER GENERAL [1968]) and it's an enjoyably trashy ride. There's nudity galore and unlimited camp value (and, consequently, unintentional hilarity) as in the opening séance (with a man's zipper being undone by itself and a big-breasted woman going suddenly topless!) and Bimba's penchant (while possessed by her black sheep of an ancestor's evil spirit) for humping her teddy-bears!! The over-the-top dialogue, then, gives the whole a faux-sophisticated air which raises it slightly above its tawdry origins.

As opposed to other Italian variants on THE EXORCIST (1973) I've watched – like Alberto De Martino's interesting THE ANTICHRIST (1974) and Mario Bava's wretched THE HOUSE OF EXORCISM (1975) – the film under review is (as was to be expected) more often sleazy than scary, thus also inviting comparison to contemporaneous Italian films of the "naughty teen" variety like Fernando Di Leo's LA SEDUZIONE (1973) and PECCATI IN FAMIGLIA (1975). Which brings us to the hardcore inserts; the film's numerous sex scenes are lengthy and flatly shot which, frankly, stop the narrative dead in its tracks (much like what happens in Jess Franco's movies). Still, director Andrea Bianchi may not even be in the league of a Franco (and certainly not Walerian Borowczyk) but his camera is, during the quieter moments, admirably mobile with the great location of the old castle enriching the film's interesting depiction of a decaying aristocracy; the score – with its accompanying spooky ghost sighs during the possession sequences – is also quite notable.

Luscious short-cropped redhead Katell Laennec (whose only film this proved to be!) looks like a more sensual version of a young Shirley MacLaine; she is quite good in the role but should perhaps have tried to vary her range a little more in conveying possession than by just narrowing her eyes. Mariangela Giordano (who would go on to reprise the role of the nun in the 1982 remake; see below) is decent enough but the fact that Patrizia Webley is even more of an irrepressible nymphomaniac than her possessed niece in the first place, rather defeats the purpose of the whole enterprise!
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Bimba and the Devil
andrabem2 January 2009
Malabimba is not just a sleazy film. The film has more depth than people give it credit for. It is one of the more notorious "Exorcist" rip-offs (and the best of them in my opinion). This is of course a matter of taste. I've seen some of them:

"The Antichrist" (cinematographically speaking is the more traditional of the lot and therefore the easiest to please the majority, but being an Italian film (even if tame for Italian standards) it crosses boundaries that Hollywood would never dare to trespass (the goat scene). It's a film that in spite of being exploitative follows the "Exorcist" recipe more closely and with more seriousness.

"L'Ossessa" (The eerie midnight horror show) – See my comment in IMDb.

"Un urlo nelle tenebre" released in English under many different titles ("Cries and Shadows", "Naked Exorcism" "The Possessor" etc..). The film is a hopeless mess. It's very uneven. Sometimes it's visually stylish and atmospheric (good use of scenery – small village on the top of the hill, narrow and gloomy streets, the house and its interiors etc..), but the film seems like a collage of different scenes, losing some steam in consequence. It was directed by two directors: Angelo Pannaccio and Franco Lo Cascio.

Back to Malabimba. A lonely mansion/castle on the top of a hill. There live the Karolis. The Karoli family was once wealthy and aristocratic, but now they are almost bankrupt. Tragedy, resentments, intrigues, decadence... In this place, Bimba (Katell Laennec - mala means bad), a shy teenage girl, lives a secluded life. One day a harsh wind blows into the house. It's the devil – a hoarse whispering wind. It attacks everybody in the household, but it takes possession of the innocent Bimba. Bimba's sexuality till then dormant explodes. Sexual hunger, anger, frustration, she wants satisfaction at any price... but the grown-ups (with the exception of her preceptor, the nun, Sister Sofia – Mariangela Giordano) are too busy with their own problems to realize what's really happening with Bimba. She's passing through hell and the devil in her will convulse the whole house.

"Malabimba" is audiovisually an engaging film – the hand-held camera explores corridors, enters rooms, follows the characters, as well as the hoarse wind (the devil) that prowls around. The gardens are seen from the upstairs windows, and the distant mountains..... There are many sex scenes (already widely commented by other reviewers). Some hardcore porn inserts are present, but not many, and they don't spoil the overall effect. The images are punctuated by a good and effective soundtrack (some of it borrowed from "La morte ha sorriso all'assassino" by Joe D'Amato, but who cares?).

Immerse yourself into the film, and you'll have an enjoyable sexy audiovisual trip.
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Depraved excuse for possession.
insomniac_rod7 November 2004
I had the fortune or misfortune to catch this obscure movie on an art channel from Mexican television. It aired the somehow Cut version which I believe was cut by the channel directors. Anyways, it didn't impress me the first time. So I decided to track a DVD but I was unfortunate enough to find it so I went to an obscure market in Mèxico D.F. and found a VHS copy of "Malabimba" (which was labelled as "Sexually Possessed" or something like that).

"The Exorcist" references are obvious but were taken into a disturbing direction. I won't say this is a rip-off of Friedklin's masterpiece but it's obviously inspired by.

The plot could be similar to "The Entity" because a sex ghost (properfly named an Incubus) comes to terrorize a young "beautiful" woman. In "Malabimba" a ghost sex possesses a teenager and suddenly her behavior becomes "nasty". And I mean NASTY. She sexually liberates everyone on her way (even her grandfather!)and later kills them. My beef with "Malabimba" is that the plot is executed in a poorly manner. I mean, all the scenes are just excuses to perform hard core sex scenes. So there are creepy and dark moments in the movie but it's all about depravity.

The "infamous" teddy bear masturbation scene is exactly what you think. Yes, a really dirty scene which may offend many people. So, after viewing the unrated or uncut version I recommend this one for fans of exploitation and depravity. But I think that this one would be more successful as a hard core sex movie with Horror references.
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Wild, man. Wild.
BandSAboutMovies15 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Andrea Bianchi, you lunatic. You made Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror and for some directors, that would be enough. But you also made Cry of a Prostitute and Strip Nude for Your Killer, so I know that you aren't kidding. You really have your heart in the wrong place. And I love you for it.

A seance has been held to contact the spirit of a murdered woman but instead, it calls forth the spirit of Lucrezia who possesses the quiet and restrained Bimba (Katell Laennec), who is the daughter of master of the house Andrea (Enzo Fisichella) and the woman who has just been killed. The spirit within her wills the young girl to sexual mania and exposes the many affairs within her family. And oh yeah, going down on her invalid uncle Adolfo (Giuseppe Marrocu) and throwing furniture around like she's Regan.

They hope that Sister Sofia (Mariangela Giordano, who Bianchi would abuse in Burial Ground; she was dating producer Gabriele Crisanti and also appeared in his movies Giallo In Venice and Patrick Still Lives, later saying, "I shouldn't have done them. But I was in love with Gabriele, I would have done anything for him.") can tame the flames of passion that are inside Bomba. The opposite comes true, as women become lovers and decimate the entire house.

Malabimba was remade as the even more sexually themed -- is that possible? -- La bimba di Satana.
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Total sleaze!
HumanoidOfFlesh23 June 2005
Seemingly as a result of séance that goes wrong(or was this an attempt at exorcism)Daniela is possessed by the evil spirit of Countness Lucrezia and becomes sex crazed and her mother Nais,also becomes sex crazed as Daniela watches.Daniela grabs men's crotches,flashes her pussy during a party,gives her grandfather a blow job and thereby kills him,seduces Sister Sofia who then commits suicide by leaping off the battlements."Malabimba" is a crazy Italian porno/horror that has to be seen to be believed.Apparently producer Gabriele Crisanti didn't thought the film was sleazy enough so he edited together an alternative version which included about five minutes of hard core sex footage.Some of the horror scenes-such as the séance at the beginning-are wonderfully over the top and stupid.So if you liked Andrea Bianchi's sleazy giallo "Strip Nude for Your Killer" or his extremely entertaining zombie film "Burial Ground" give this sleaze classic a look.9 out of 10.
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Decent Rip
Michael_Elliott28 February 2008
Malabimba, The Malicious Whore (1979)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Andrea Bianchi (Burial Ground) directs this Italian rip off of The Exorcist, which adds some hardcore footage to the mix. Katell Laennec plays a teenage girl who becomes possessed by her dead, whore mother and soon starts acting out in sexual ways. I've probably seen about five or six of these Italian rips of The Exorcist and this one here is probably the best, although that's not saying too much. If you've seen the director's cult zombie film Burial Ground then you'll have the idea of what to expect from this movie. The entire thing is silly, over the top and at times downright funny, which I don't think was the intent but oh well. The performances are actually pretty good as is the photography but the rest is pretty much camp entertainment. Some of the sex scenes manage to be quite erotic but the added hardcore inserts don't work and come off looking very cheap. The teenage girls sexual desires range from molesting her paralyzed uncle to having sex with her teddy bear so those against this type of thing shouldn't even bother with the film. There are plenty of beautiful, naked women running around throughout the film, which is never a bad thing especially when they're Italian. The film gets to be too long for its own good and it could have used some editing but God knows there's a lot worse out there.
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A choice seamy chunk of Italian horror trash
Woodyanders24 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Sweet and innocent teenager Bimba (a very bold and uninhibited portrayal by fetching slender brunette Katell Laenec) transforms into an evil, predatory, and sexually insatiable whore who proceeds to unsettle her wealthy family with all kinds of rude and improper behavior after a foul, vengeful, and lecherous spirit takes possession of her nubile body.

Director Andrea Bianchi, working from a gloriously lurid script by Piero Ragnoli, does an ace job of crafting a deliciously sleazy atmosphere of unbridled carnal desire and simmering perversion as well as delivers oodles of tasty gratuitous female nudity and scorching explicit copulation. Voluptuous blonde stunner Patrizia Webley vamps it up with sizzling saucy aplomb as shameless conniving slut Nais while the equally sumptuous Mariangela Giordano acquits herself well as selfless nun Sister Sofia. Moreover, it's a total twisted treat to see a bunch of smug rich hypocrites being tormented and terrorized by an unruly supernatural force, with the definite amazing highlight occurring when Bimba causes her paralyzed uncle to succumb to a fatal heart attack as she performs fellatio on him (!). Solid sordid fun.
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Malabimba a.k.a The Malicious Whore
morphine66620 October 2003
This one is weird, pagan and malicious in a non-bloody way - I love it. A young girl, enprisoned in a convent-like country estate environment which is her home and has been in the family since generations, can't handle the frustration of being entrapped and not let out of the country estate area. There is a nun in the building that is to comfort and watch for this girl but I bet she wish she didn't because something lurks in this twisted girls mind... she simply can't keep her sexual frustration inside, but have to push it further... and she does.

This movie is a freaking wonderful masterpice in my opinion - make your own ;)
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a sexual imbroglio
anthonycwhittle29 July 2002
Wow, this was just great and to think it came from the director of Burial Ground( one of the best zombie films ) made it even better. The storyline is tenuous but who cares, there is enough licentious festivities happening to satisfy the most avid euro-trash followers. This sordid film is almost impossible to find but if you do find it purchase it because you will never see anything like it out there.
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The only way to save Bimba's soul is to lose yours.
lastliberal31 July 2010
A Matchflick reviewer recommended this film some time in the past, so I took the trouble of tracking it down. It was not easy, but I finally get to see it.

It is a ripoff of the Exorcist, to be sure. It starts with a séance gone wrong, lots of things go flying through the castle, and we are to assume someone is possessed by the ex-wife Lucrezia. Most likely the teen Bimba (Katell Laennec), as she is acting particularly strange.

Dad (Enzo Fisichella) really starts to worry when she French kisses him and grabs his crotch. Maybe it's not teen phase after all.

The scene with Uncle Adolfo (Giuseppe Marrocco) was pure magic.

But, it is Mariangela Giordano as Sister Sofia that gives the best show with Bimba.

It would have been better had it not had snippets of porn placed here and there. I would have like to see the original.
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