Legend (1985) Poster


Kiran Shah: Blunder



  • [the goblins spy on the unicorns] 

    Blunder : [pointing]  Look! Ugly one-horned mule!

  • Blix : Magic horn is mine, mine, mine! Now all creatures will love the night, and worship goblins as divine.

    Blunder : You shouldn't talk like that, Blix.

    Blix : Why not? I've got the power now.

    Blunder : [spits]  Plenty big puff!

  • Pox : [to Blix]  You only got the shot in 'cause the Princess was there! Wrong! 'Twas Beauty led the Beast to bay!

    Blunder : She was so sweet, I could eat her brains like jam!

    Pox : I could suck her bones...

    Blix : Enough! Better hurry. Dark Lord, he don't like to wait.

  • Darkness : YOU LIE! HERE IS DAWN!

    Blunder : The mare lives still!

    Blix : She is only a female, Lord, she has no power.

    Darkness : Only the Power of Reproduction! Get the mare! I command you!

  • Blunder : Have you no sense of humour?

  • Gump : One word out of you and you're Shish-Kebob!

    Blunder : I swear! By the festering forlock of Nicodemus!

See also

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