Fluppy Dogs (TV Movie 1986) Poster

(1986 TV Movie)

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Proposed Pilot To A T.V. Series That Was Never Expanded.
Dawalk-13 May 2016
For those of y'all who didn't get to see/read my previous review on this, I decided to delete it to type up a new one and change my rating for it. I was inspired to have second thoughts after reading a review of this on a blog, I'll elaborate more on that in a moment. As one of Walt Disney Television Animation's earliest productions, it was to be the stepping stone to a T.V. series that never came to be. When this first aired, it was a few days after I was born. I wouldn't see any of it until I visited someone's house and caught it there in the mid '90s. I saw only part of it (which was when Jamie and Claire have to hide the Fluppy Dogs in the basement from Jamie's mom), but it looked interesting. Almost five years ago (late May 2011), after reading and learning more about it on Wikipedia, I watched the whole special on Youtube. I'm glad I was able to do both. Though I am so and originally gave this ten stars, I now have second thoughts about that. I had a change of mind and decided to reduce it to six stars instead because, again, I was influenced by a piece a read on it by a blogger. He pointed out that it's not without its flaws, notably the writing. Nobody get me wrong. I still enjoy it despite that, but it's not totally perfect or even the best. I don't detest it, I still find it to be passable, but I don't consider it my most favorite either. I can't really hate this enough to give this the lowest rating possible here, as there have been worse and it's not as bad as those other, worse things. So it's not like it's very bad and I think I'd still buy it anyway if it were available officially on DVD. If there's any one good thing I can say is that at least the animation quality is up to Disney's standards as they usually have been. The characters are alright, although better could've been done with the Fluppy Dogs. It'd been mentioned this never went further than the pilot stage due to low ratings and shortage of viewer support. The blogger believes this happened, because of its imperfections, such as the writing. The points that he made, maybe he did have them there. I like how Disney attempted to adapt the toy line and other merchandise, and it was a nice try, but could've been better. I wish it were, I would've loved to see this as a series. It left me wanting more. Had it been expanded upon, all it would've needed was some fine-tuning. Regardless of the problems with it, I, too, would recommend this. Since at least it's not like the mindless drivel that's too common on kids' T.V. nowadays. This is a good watch if y'all don't happen to find anything better.
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The Fluppy Dogs
sorceress_815 February 2005
This has to be one of my favorite's all time movies!

The story was just magical. My favourite character was Stanley, the blue fluppy.

It is such a shame that the movie was not released by Disney, so that future generations could watch it and admire it like we did back in the 80's. When I eventually settle down and have children of my own, I hope that they too will be able to watch this fantastic kids movie. They really don't make movies the way they used to!

I too would love to get a copy of this movie.
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Best Disney Movie EVER!!!
katiespruce26 April 2007
I absolutely love this movie!!! My mum taped it off the TV for me when I was little, and my sister and I were obsessed with it! I have long since lost the tape, and I am devastated that I can't find it anywhere! Disney really need to release this movie on DVD - I can't believe they never released it before!!! It is truly a classic, and a movie I will never forget for as long as I live. If anyone can tell me where I can get my hands on a copy of this, I will be eternally grateful. I found the intro to the movie on You Tube, but can't find anything more than that. I know that I am not the only person out there who is in this situation - I'm sure that there are many more like me who would love to watch the Fluppies again!
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My favorite childhood movie!
ghaberek29 November 2006
I love this movie. I used to watch it religiously. The story and characters are unique and lovable. Kids can really relate to the main two characters, and who doesn't love cute cuddly talking "Fluppy" dogs?

My father managed to record it on VHS when I was 3 so I could watch it whenever I wanted.

I really think Disney should have released a 20 year anniversary DVD of this movie. Its too bad, because this will probably fall through the cracks even though it is one of the best Disney moves of all time.

I need to dig out my VHS and transfer it to a DVD so one day my children will be able to enjoy it as much as I did.
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I have finally found this movie
BeccaAmell14 April 2010
Oh those Fluppy Dogs... Whom could ever not like or remember this movie? I have gone through so many years of my life asking friends and others if they have ever seen or heard of this magical film. Rocking 80's fashioned dogs that can sniff out invisible, crystal accessed doors, how amazing!! .... No one ever could relate to the childhood wonder that i felt watching this flick. My parents old Lazy Susan, wood paneled TV had me glued when this Movie came on. No David Copperfield impressions my brother had to offer could pull my little Quarter Roy Oshkosh B'Gosh butt away from this movie!! I will, mark my words, show this to my children in hopes they too will pass on the legacy of The Fluppy Dogs. It took me years to track down a copy of this flick and i finally found it. It is offered in parts on YouTube! And there are lots of free programs that will download YouTube clips!. If anyone needs more help on obtaining there very own copy just let me know!! And may The Fluppy Dogs Live on!
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ajcandrian14 June 2000
Every now and then when I think about movies I used to watch when I was little, I think about this movie, and I LOVED IT! I want to buy it so bad, where in the heck can I buy it? Oh my heck, I want to watch it again!!! Does anyone else love this movie as much as I do?!
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This pilot deserved better
brailsford13 May 2016
It was a shining example of what could have been an excellent addition to the Disney afternoon lineup in 87, but Disney chose to air this on thanksgiving prime-time when it had nothing to do with thanksgiving and it preempted a news show, not surprisingly Nielsen showed channels changing (your target audience was getting in bed adults are not going to keep watching this) The story follows some multi colored mini dogs from another dimension that have the ability to travel between realms using a magic crystal that works like a key which will open a limited number of doors to jump realms. The dogs for reasons unknown speak fluent English (cause 80s fantasy?) however hide this to blend in with normal dogs. The Protagonist the blue dog gets adopted by a boy and with his help tries to stop an animated Alonzo Hawk like Antagonist who wants them in his collection for reasons. There is some really nice 80s animation here and it was seriously a good effort into how much detail was put into the characters for a show that was intended for weekday after-school TV. Arguably some might say it felt a bit like care bears but it had some interesting twists like what happens when the fluppy's ears get scritched. Yeah admittedly it didn't have a lot of story to it but it was a pilot, the planned things they had for the series seemed fairly compelling (more story ideas, new characters). Its really depressing it won't even get remembered.
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Great Movie
swing185014 October 2006
When I was little this was my favorite movie of all time. A band of humanoid dogs who were dimension hopping for adventure arrive on earth in a North Amercian city and into big trouble. Then it disappeared never to be seen again until it aired in 1996-97 on the magical world of Disney on the Disney channel and after wards the second time was never seen again I totally loved this movie , it's just so cute I don't know how anyone could not think the same. The story was just magical. My favorite character was Stanley, the blue fluppy. I also own a rare copy of this movie & I watch it again & again.

Does anyone else love this movie as much as I do? . It's just too adorable!!!! They really don't make movies the way they used to!
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My favorite
chelekat2 June 2006
When I was little this was my favorite movie of all time. I always had to watch it when it came on. Then it disappeared. It's taken me forever to remember its name since I was so little when I watched it. All I remember from it was the dogs sniffing about to find the door to their home and opening up tons of other worlds in the process. Then there were these crystals hung around their necks that they used to open the invisible doors. They even let out some strange, large animal into our dimension on one of their misadventures.

The last time I saw this on television, we tried recording it. But that tape has long since been lost or recorded over. I would absolutely love to see this movie again.
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hottie-35 June 2002
I totally loved this movie, it's just so cute I don't know how anyone could not think the same. I would also like to own this movie so if anyone knows a place to get ahold of it please post it. My favorite part of this movie is when they're in the mansion and the boy scratches the dogs head and then all of the other animals get out of their cages, it's just too adorable!!!!
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"It's an ADVENTURE Jaime!!!"
klkoch-328156 December 2015
We love this movie and still use quotes Years later. Unfortunately, outside of our little family- no one actually "gets" what we are referring to. If I find this movie, I am buying a copy for each member of my family. So, we can show it to others when they ask. It will be a great find, it I can locate it. Our family has a vivid imagination and the idea of puppies that can talk, has always been a wish. We think the colors and the excitement of discovery and adventure is a great theme. Being Irish we always think there is Magic just out of sight, so the Fluppy Dogs hold real appeal. There is no one that can make movies like the Disney group. I just do not see why this would not be re-released.
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Too good for the time.
lindskotar17 August 2018
This show was original and adorable. My mom recorded it on VHS and I watched it all the time It's too bad they didn't get to make it into a show like they planned..
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skelebunny-174-9798471 October 2011
This movie brings back so many memories! The only copy of this cartoon I ever had was a VHS recording from when it was aired on T.V. and it's now destroyed, due to a recent house fire ;( This is one of the best Disney cartoons ever!! I have no idea why they've never released it, re-done it, re-mastered it, or just re-televised it but I would absolutely love to have a copy.

I can barely remember the story, but from what I do remember these dogs were from another dimension and could travel between worlds. When they used their crystal key to go through a gateway portal, they end up being adopted by this kid. I can't really remember the rest, but I remember I watched that tape so much I'm surprised it didn't break!

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The Fluppy Dogs
lift21528 August 2007
This one of those movies that brings you good memories of your childhood and it is a shame that you do not have the opportunity to buy it and keep it in your movie collection. The Fluppy Dogs is that movie that will keep a child imagination going on for ever. Walt Disney Corp should have a place where to buy these old movies. Amazon could also help here. This action could help other people find what they are looking for. Fluppy dog's movies are great. I love the Fluppy Dogs Movies. My favorite character was Tippy. I also like Claire. The hippopotamus part it was very funny. I love this movie.I really love it.
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great movie
mrf_ool4 January 2007
i used to watch this movie as a kid over and over until the me and my brothers broke to tape, wish i could buy a copy for my kid and nephew. it was great movie even that i don't i have seen it in about 10 to 12 years. it was a good talking dog movie i don't know why it wasn't sold to the public it was on TV but as far as i know never sold in store. as far as i can remember the dogs walked and talked and their were 5 all up and they were different colours like blue green pink yellow and purple there are movies out there that don't get to make it to the store. i just don't know why it should have to be ten lines to be able to make a comment about a movie but hopefully i will be able to get a couple one day
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Vague but definite impression
cindyhiser16 January 2010
I would really like a copy of this for my future children... I used to watch this when I was young , but its probably been 15 years...all I can remember is colorful scenes of crystals and out of this world flowers... Uniquely Magical it is I cannot believe that it isn't recognized for that. I wish Disney would release it on DVD I wish there was somewhere to at least watch it again. This is the only child's movie that has really stuck with me even if it was only that one scene, I remember watching it and knowing that I would never forget it. I feel bad for the others also that seem to be in the same situation. If anyone knows of a place to obtain a copy or to view it if they could please share it with the rest of us I think everyone would really appreciate it, it would be even better if Disney re-released this to DVD so the legacy wouldn't disappear with the 80's generation.
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Favourite Childhood film!!!
alej_86-961-87732929 March 2014
I cannot believe after years of searching for this film I have finally found some information about it!! I remember my mum taped this film for me when I was about 3 or 4 and I loved it (although I can't remember what happened now and didn't help the fact that I've been calling it the Fluffies all this time as that's how I pronounced Fluppies apparently!) and it unfortunately got taped over :( i cannot find a copy anywhere and I am gutted! If anyone does find a copy please share!! I remember watching it when I was about 3 or 4 and 23 odd years later I would still happily sit down and watch it! Awesome film Disney needs to re release!!
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A Charming Cartoon Pilot That Fell Victim To Bad Scheduling
jeremycrimsonfox29 March 2024
Fluppy Dogs was a movie I was not aware of, as it was released a year after I was born. Basically, this TV movie was actually a pilot for a potential series for the Disney Afternoon, airing on Thanksgiving Day, however, it aired on the slot as Our World, a news program that would end up failing as the time slot would put its first half-hour in direct competition with The Cosby Show (as well as being on a time when the target audience would already be in bed), therefore, it did not do well in ratings, and alongside Disney not being interested, caused the Fluppy Dogs not to move on as a series, which is sad.

In the movie, a group of Fluppy Dogs, led by Stanley, end up on Earth after dimension hopping. With Stanley adopted by the mother of a boy named Jamie after being sent to the pound, the two make a bond as Stanley hopes to free the others, especially when a ruthless businessman named J. J. Wagstaff, who actually hunts exotic animals, is after them to add to his collection.

Now this is what I call a great TV movie. The idea of dogs that can travel through worlds sounds like a neat concept, and even brings in good voice actors like Carl Steven, Lorenzo Music, Susan Blu, Hal Smith, and even Michael Rye. The story is a heart-warming tale of friendship and adventure, and the movie has a lot of heart. It's a shame Disney and ABC messed up with scheduling this, as this movie makes me wonder what a series would have been like, maybe Jamie, Claire, and the Fluppies going on adventures in different worlds while learning morals. One can dream. One can dream.
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✨ Meet the new cast ✨ INSTAGRAM #thefluppypuppies By @ryan_lovell84
yjqbjfbvt25 November 2022
The Amazing, Wonderful and never forgotten, Walt Disney's... The Fluppy Dogs! 🐾 While visiting my grandparents farm during summer breaks when I was a child, there was one special VHS tape I always watched over and over and it was Disneys The Fuppy Dogs. I loved them so much I started drawing them all the time and my older sibling said one day " why don't you draw something else for once.." using that as constructive criticism I sat down at that moment and drew up a new cast for a new movie as years passed not working on my passion but occasionally adding in ideas into a book, I came back to the characters I reimagined and started the opining script and then lost passion for it again, 10 years later while watching a Sylvester Stallone's inspiring video he did while in his office reflecting and encouraging himself to finish a scrip he was working in, I decided why not finish what I started.

I drew up the rest of the cast and finished the script in two weeks, it may be only a rough draft but it is finished now, just working on finalizing and ready for presentation to Disney and share this long life dream and magical story with family's and kids all over the world. Check it out on Instagram >>> ✨ #thefluppypuppies ✨ By @ryan_lovell84.
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Disney failed this TV special
anna_ianana26 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about Fluppy Dogs, which are humanoid dogs. The movie starts out with the Fluppies traversing a mountaintop and traveling through a magic door with a magic crystal key to a different world, as they're looking for their own. We come to discover that they like to go on adventures, but it can often lead to trouble. They're able to sniff out these invisible doors and are desperately trying to find their way home. Eventually they enter the human realm, and quickly end up in a dog pound. The woman that adopts one of the Fluppies, Stanley, takes him home to her son, Jamie. Jamie is initially disappointed in the dog because he was bragging to his friends about a big police dog. Due to an unfortunate accident on the "dog walk" with Jamie, Stanley reveals that he can talk. Stanley and Jamie become quick friends as a series of adventures, or perhaps misadventures ensue. Stanley is perhaps not the best role model and encourages Jamie to do some questionable things such as break into the pound to save his friends. They could only afford to rescue one from the pound, Tippi. When they get home, his mother says they cannot keep two and suggests giving her to their neighbor, Claire. Another negative decision or temptation is when Stanley asks Jamie to help the Fluppies find another door, which would require Jamie to cut class. However, it's clear over the course of the movie that Stanley truly cares about Jamie and realizes that he's gotten him into a lot of trouble. Jamie, while frustrated at his new friend at times, puts the Fluppies needs ahead of his own best interests, sometimes to his detriment, such as incomplete homework, and getting into trouble with his mother for his strange behavior (not to mention cutting class). It's obvious that they're friends and care for each other. I won't ruin the the entire movie, but I enjoyed the magic and adventures as a child, and I still really enjoyed the movie for what it was. I don't care what that person said who gave it 6/10 stars. The nostalgia from this movie alone gives it a much higher rating in my books, at least an 8. Criticize the writing all you want, but it's still just as good as I remember, and I certainly can't say the same about many things I enjoyed as a child still being enjoyable as an adult. I remember watching this when I was home sick from school one day, and then searched for years in vain to come across it again. Little did I know that it was a "Special" and Disney failed to capitalize on making it a series. I get that Disney decided to scrap the series due to low viewership, but that's probably because they didn't market it well enough, at least, that's my thought. I never saw a commercial as a kid and just happened to stumble upon it. I didn't even know merchandise existed until today. I would've begged my parents to buy some for me as a kid. I never did see this movie again until decades later, but I would randomly remember it at times, and would try searching for it. I see all the comments of people wanting to buy it, which I would love an opportunity to do as well. As of today's date, I saw it on Amazon.ca, but it's currently unavailable. However, there is a silver lining, I did get to watch a remastered version which is currently available for free on Youtube. If you have the opportunity to watch it while it's still up, then I highly encourage you to do so. "Adventure, Jamie!"
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