GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka (TV Series 1998) Poster

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An Incredible Feel Good Anime
Zombie-Kermit23 May 2008
First of all I will start off with the anime series. No, this doesn't have giant fighting robots. It doesn't have talking animals so cute that it makes you squeal. It doesn't have many of the things that people have come to associate with anime (except for a decent dose of panty shots and such), but what it has, it has a lot of. I was still willing to take a chance with this one. I'm definitely glad I did. I love feel good comedy. And I love anime. So when I watched combination of those two things so awesome, I was hooked. I also love tough characters with golden hearts, and Eikichi Onizuka is a perfect example of that sort of character. The anime is based off the manga series of the same name, which I haven't personally read yet. But look forward to getting the chance. So likely most of the stories in the anime were written by Tohru Fujisawa, the writer of the manga.

A former juvenile delinquent (and certified 22 year old virgin) who decides that he wants to be a teacher because it would be a great way to meet teenage girls. Fortunately, he unwittingly impresses the director of the prestigious Holy Forest Academy, and by a miracle he gets a job. Unfourtunately he is shoved in with a bunch of 14-15 year old kids who are sworn never to trust a teacher, and will stop at nothing to get them fired. Onizuka soon realizes that he can do a lot for these children... but he will have to survive them first.

Throughout the series he has to struggle to keep his job, and at the same time get through to the very same kids who are trying to destroy him. One by One, you get to see him change the lives of these children, and the anime shows that not everything in life is black and white. The children are real kids with real problems, some like the ones that go unspoken, but do happen. Like the boy who has a mother complex because his mother was 13 and alone when she had him. And the boy who gets beaten up by a group of girls. In short... it's a pretty screwed up group of kids. He also has a certain assistant principal who wants to get rid of him as well. It's very well written, and the characters are both likable and unlikeable at the same time. They have real depth.

Also in the series is the other new teacher at Onizuka's school, Azusa Fuyutsuki, who essentially serves as Onizuka's friend and possible love interest. The show is also extremely funny. It's not so much the overly zany humour that most comedy animes have, it's more of a clever and witty sort of humour. A humour that people can understand on a personal level. Every episode offers you something new, and the time will fly be. I was very upset when I reached the end of the series. Not many animated shows can be called inspiring, but this is definitely one of them. The animation is pretty basic, nothing really to rave about there. No complaints from me though, there's nothing wrong with it. I will make note of the music used in the series. I really like it. That's what I will say about it. The opening theme is one of my favourite anime themes around.

So in closing, this is a fantastic anime, albeit a little different than you may expect. I would gladly recommend it to anyone. Although I will note that from what I've heard of the English dub, to be blunt, is not good. The voice of Onizuka didn't do an awful job, but for the most part the voice acting is not as well suited for the characters. They basically took the most basic aspect of the characters and gave them the most stereotyped voices I could imagine. For example, the character of Yoshito Kikuchi has been given a high class, snot nosed voice that just pains me, to be honest. Let me put it this way, In the Japanese version they sounded like a bunch of teenagers, in the dub they sounded like a bunch of voice actors. So my opinion would be to get the DVDs and watch them in the original language with subtitles, but to each their own. Keep in mind, my opinion on dubs is pretty biased, as I usually dislike them. Although for the most part, I am not against the voices, more against the fact that a lot of the dialog gets changed, and it doesn't always seem necessary.

Now for the live action series. I'll put that here since this page seems to be for both series. I was lucky enough to find a subtitle version of this. Since I was a huge fan of the anime I was more than happy to watch it. And I was happy to find that it was a very funny series. Takashi Sorimachi did a perfect job as Onizuka and the story lines were pretty good. Some of story lines were very different to the ones in the anime. Most of the characters from the anime remain the same, although some of them have been combined to save time, as there was only 12 episodes of this series. All the acting was pretty good and it was overall a pretty good series. It's a fun series with a lot of hilarious ideas that come together really well. This series has more of an emphasis on the relationship between Onizuka and Fuyutsuki than the anime did. Yes, I have no shame in admitting that I love romance, so I enjoyed this aspect of the series. So I would definitely recommend watching this if you are able to.
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Starts off good but ...
ebiros211 June 2009
Unbelievably good series starring Takashi Sorimachi as Eikichi Onizuka, a guy who was a former biker gang leader became a teacher because he had no other job offers. His future wife Nanako Matsushima also stars in this series as Fuyutsuki Azusa an English teacher in the same school.

Students in his class are outcasts in one way or another, and in the beginning sees him as another teacher who only cares about rules and formalities and tries to kick him out. Actually, Onizuka is far more "out there" than any of the students, and starts to win their respect one by one.

Romance between Onizuka and Fuyutsuki starts to form, as Fuyutsuki begins to realize that Onozuka is a truly unpretentious character that she couldn't find amongst posers that she used to date. What's interesting is we're probably seeing a real life romance between them unfold before our eyes, as they will be married in real life 3 years later.

Takashi Sorimachi and Nanako Matsushima looks great in the beginning, but as the episodes wears on, you can see them getting tired, and it starts to affect, fun of watching the series. Also, the heroics of Onizuka starts to become cliché, as they starts to run out of fresh ideas.

Based on a comic GTO by Tooru Fujisawa, the series does good job translating the characters and episodes from the comic that inspired it.

Although not well known in the U.S., this is one gem of a TV series that's worth seeing.
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He really is the greatest teacher to ever grace our screens
togutas1 May 2012
The thing that saves this show from it's occasional character inconsistency, unsettling shifts in tone, predictability, repetition etc is that GTO is one of the most heartfelt anime I have ever seen. It completely transcends the 'newly appointed teacher solves all the world's problems' trait seen far too often by having that teacher be a juvenile, ex biker gang leader, virgin, short tempered, violent man who, despite this, knows whats right.

I'm not saying the comedies not funny because it definitely is. A few episodes out of the 43 can sometimes miss the point or be incongruous but the majority of episodes will have you laughing out loud even when you're alone. This isn't the general standard of anime comedy where underage sex, over the top actions and dipping into absolute obscurity are the norm. These things are still present but are used sparingly and to effect and... before I go any further, watch this show dubbed! You absolutely have to, not because of acting ability, god no, but because the jokes, language, expressions etc are all changed in the dub. No matter how much of an anime fanatic you are there is always a cultural wall between the East and West in terms of comedy, and the dub succeeds in breaking down that wall, shirtless, with a sledgehammer (viewer in joke) The jokes are specifically altered and re-worded in order for the comedy to become accessible to overseas audiences rather than being alienating as is usually the case. This makes the dub essential, though not necessarily better or even typically 'good' in the strictest sense, with a few performances dipping into laughable territory. And I have no problem with that as it just adds to the absolute joy of don't give a f*** airhead attitude that makes the show work.

And the greatest achievement of the show (except from Onizuka himself) is the fact that this show does not pull any punches when tackling the issues with the Japanese education system and schooling in general. The relying on financial success, abandoning or ignoring of troublemakers instead of turning them around, the blind eye turned towards bullying. These are issues that are all to familiar in school that not many series, films, books etc seem to address and is where the show succeeds best. GTOs lessons are truly of life and how to mature and better yourself as a person, I guarantee that you will find at least one episode you can relate to in your time at school and maybe even learn something from Onizuka himself and be a better person because of it, thats where the show really shines.

The reasons for this show being marked 8 rather than a 9 or 10 is purely because as much as it pains me to say, it does not really deserve higher. This is one of my all time favourite anime and a show that actually made me a better person because of it but there are some crippling flaws that I have previously mentioned as well as the shows plot threads and pacing being all over the place. From an objective, critical standpoint I cannot mark it higher, but I return to the same point I made in my opening lines. The heart and passion of the show whether that be the lovingly fun and deliberately awful in some places dub, The unflinching depiction of the education system and Onizuka's unorthodox methods of tackling these issues or just Onizuka himself, he is the greatest teacher who ever lived.
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Fujisawa Touro's GREAT TEACHER ONIZUKA springs to life!
otaking30 December 2001
The story of a man who took seven years to graduate from a third year college with high aspirations of teaching is not only going to grab you, but it will literally steal you away for twelve hours as the characters endear themselves to you.

As a manga story, the characters are comical, to say the least. The lead, Onizuka Eikichi (masterfully played by Sorimachi Takashi), applies at Musashi Seirin Academy only to be rebuked by the Head Teacher Uchiyamada. After an altercation with students that result in Onizuka physically attacking the Head Teacher, does he impress the school's Chairman, Sakurai Akira (played by Shirakawa Yumi), enough to be hired on as the homeroom teacher of Year 2-Class 4 (considered to be the worst of the worst). On his first day he meets the "Madonna-sensei" of the Academy, Fuyutsuki Azusa (played wonderfully by Matsushima Nanako), and the romantic angle is set into place. A condition of his employment at the Academy is that he must carry with him at all times, a written letter of resignation, to be submitted should he cause trouble or break any rules.

The tightrope-without-a-net plot makes for some very interesting episodes. But as you watch each episode and gain an insight into Onizuka-sensei, you cannot help but smile, laugh, gasp, and live vicariously through him. Watch and bond as he wins over his class, one student at a time. This is a highly recommended series!

If you enjoyed this, check out "OverTime" with Sorimachi along with "Syomu ni" alum Esumi Makiko.
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The greatest show ever
lukehought6 September 2018
Something about this show... cheesy, wearing it's heart in its sleeve, ridiculous at points, yet... will leave a grown man in tears, cheering at the screen at the same time. Great.
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From start to end a great experience
eduke-49 February 2014
After watching the anime, I heard a little about the live action TV drama, but didn't really know what to expect. The recepetion was generally good and people recommended it. So I did watch it.

And what can I say? I already loved the anime, but the TV drama was even better in my opinion. The first 20 minutes were a little awkward, since the characters were rewritten a little to fit real actors and the general goofiness was reduced. The overall low production value was another thing that was hard on the first expression, especially when you're accustomed to current TV shows. BUT after those 20 minutes, i was completely hooked and watched the whole 12 episodes in one weekend.

The actors did an unbelievable job, every single one of them. Especially Takashi Sorimachi as Onizuka and I loved Miki Kuroda as Tomoko. The great performance of the actors was something, that totally caught me off guard. I didn't expect them to be THAT good and convincing. Take these great actors paired with a great story that was rewritten to an extent, that even knowing the anime, it didn't feel like rewatching the whole thing at all.

I don't know the manga, but if you liked the anime, don't even hesitate a second and give this one a try. You will surely not regret it. It kept me laughing and cheering as well as in (manly) tears of sadness, rage and joy, almost every episode.
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Another perfect anime series........
iamwaqasuzair22 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The charm of watching this series is in how a simple minded person with clear conscience will approach the daily life problems of students. I watched GTO in subs, this series reminded me of my school days and every character resembles some type of student that you find in any school. Students facing problems in their life, Onizuka was a former bike gang member, every two or three episode focuses on some problem any student have and how Onizuka approaches to solve that problem, though Onizuka's character is light mood and silly looking but he has his own way of solving those problems and his thoughts are more clear and his approach is blunt; though people around them can't appreciate what he is doing till he end up the right way, though some time he seems to be getting unexpectedly lucky.
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For everyone who has ever been a student or a teacher in sometime of their lives.
nikebere26 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
(I guess this is about the television series I did not watch yet, my review will be about the anime. I can move it there when the anime series gets its own page.)

It is like Dead Poets Society meets 青い春.

You need to know/accept three things before you watch the anime though.

1. Onizuka's body is invulnerable. He is basically a T-800 model Terminator.

2. It contains a lot of fan service. High school girl legs, breasts, even panties. And also lots of handsome guys with thick arms and perfect abs etc.

3. A 22 years old bachelor guy can have the humanism and the understanding of human psyche that can only be matched by of Toltstoy's.

I won't say it is the best anime I have ever seen, since I would have to elaborate why it is better than the others but I can say that it is the anime I love the most. It is the most extra-ordinary thing that this kind of material would come from Japan, but it may also be that there was no other way, that it would have only been made by a Japanese, by an extra-ordinary Japanese person, Fujisawa Tohru, 藤沢 とおる 先生.

I think it's a contribution to culture/literature in a universal scale.

== spoiler ==

I think Urumi Kanzaki is the young and female version of Hannibal Lecter. As attractive and dangerous as he is.

== spoiler ==
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I liked the anime better but this deserves an A for effort.
Sabre_Wolf9 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this out of curiosity and I didn't find it too bad though I preferred the anime (which was actually better then the manga) this was a pretty decent interpretation of GTO where I felt the GTO 2012 live adaptation was not at all.

I liked Sorimachi's interpretation of Onizuka because really he did inject humanity into Onizuka's character (where the anime did a great job of that) and was genuinely humorous unlike Akira's flat and tasteless interpretation of Onizuka in the 2012 live Azusa in this was much better and Nanako Matsushima gave a good performance and I liked how in this she was not some puppy to Onizuka like in the anime (though I admit the manga did that too) unlike Miori Takamoto's interpretation of Azusa.

Also like the anime characters were left out (as much as Urumi Kanzaki was my favourite character she would not have fit well in a live adaptation particularly one like this and don't get me started on other pointless stories, plot lines etc.) and to good effect plus nobody was neglected like in the anime.

There were more episodes and more of a story then the dreadful 2012 live action and there was actual character development not to mention far better story-lines.

Also this did a better job of living up to the spirit of the anime (and GTO's predecessors Shonan Junan Gumi and Bad Company) then either the 2012 live action or the GTO manga itself ever did.

I do think this is so-so compared to the anime but there was so much effort in this and there was better acting and story telling then the utterly moronic 2012 Live Action Series, with its horrible scripts and terrible acting.

So if you want GTO go for the anime (avoid the manga because it had so much junk, plot holes and pointless characters got introduced very few had any potential even then they got wasted on how they were included) but if you want a live action version go for this one because it is better then the 2012 live action in so many ways!
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A Winner
poikkeus23 April 2010
Generally regarded by some fans as one of the best, if not the best Japanese drama ever made, this is almost a template for the successful projects that would come later - highlighted by the likes of SAKURAN. What happens when a delinquent turned high school teacher must reform a dysfunctional class of unruly students? The result is very funny, tense, and highlighted by engaging performances all around.

But unlike other series' of its ilk, the bravado of the main characters is flavored with a sense of realism, so it's easy to enjoy as comedy and drama. This would be followed by a special and a feature film, but it would be hard to surpass the novelty of the original.
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Worth a look.
dave13-110 February 2012
This show takes to a few episodes to truly engage the viewer, but is worth the time. At first blush, the main character comes off as a thug and low- life, not to mention hopelessly unqualified as an educator,yet his street- smart approach puts him in a position of strength with respect to his unruly and often conspiratorial class that would chew up any other teacher. The plotting is at times clever and the simple fact that the show manages to make the main character even halfway sympathetic is a testament to its quality and that of its original source material. The show's character design looks a bit odd and the action animation is nothing special, but the show has a good eye for hard boiled images of school life contrasted with street toughness and makes a solid impression visually with touches of noir. For animation, this is essential. The main story arc tends to meander, but usually into interesting business, and so this is not actually a weakness. I found it rather surprising that I liked this show as much as I did.
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A Very Funny and Entertaining Series
SiCHris051715 December 2003
When I first saw the cover of this anime I thought it was some kind of action/adventure type anime, and the "GTO" title definitely threw me off. It is in fact a comedy, about a reformed gangster turned school teacher Onizuka. The story basically revolves around Onizuka's early career as a school teacher and how he manages to overcome obstacles given to him by students and faculty members. I'd say its a light-hearted anime, with a few dirty jokes and sexual innuendos here and there. I definitely recommend it to any anime fan who wants to take a break from sci-fi (or hentai, whatever you watch more often) and is looking for a good laugh. I give this one a 10/10.
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Its a blast.
ayuyj12 August 2000
This series is based on the Japanese manga, "GTO" aka "Great Teacher Onikuza". I must say the TV series certainly did the manga justice and Sorimachi brought the lead character of Onizuka to life. The series is immensely funny and it is filled with many examples of Japanese school life.

Onizuka who has been a deliquent all his life is suddenly thrusted into the role of a teacher which is his lifetime dream. The concept of a gangster type person being a teacher is already comical. Though it is funny, GTO has some serious moments as well. When he first started out as a teacher, the class he was in charge of were all against him but slowly as the series progressed, he came to earn their trust and teach them valuable lessons on life they would never have learnt in the classroom. For anyone who's after a good laugh and a peek into the Japanese student culture, I recommend watching this great series.
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This is actually a very good series. It follows the same line as the manga and the live action, though it drags it out a little more.
victorie_rune2 March 2005
This is actually a very good series. It follows the same line as the manga and the live action, though it drags it out a little more. Good if you want more GTO, bad if you're not so interested in all that filler.

The live action version was the most popular TV event in Japan's history, and remains so to this day. The drama it invokes when you think of this normal guy, whose life wasn't easy, who didn't become a teacher (mostly) to hit on girls in fukus, taking on these kids, and making them see that he, even if nobody else agrees, does not think they are trash.

He doesn't always assume that the adult is always on the right side of the argument, and he doesn't assume that these kids are automatically going to do wrong by him. However, he doesn't take their crap, and will not hesitate to call out his gang or dangle you over a roof to get his point across. Its a brilliantly done series, and one I VERY highly recommend.
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One of the few Japanese dramas I like
nihonniboku14 February 2004
First thing I want to point out that this is the not the anime that several people commented on. This is the drama, two completely different works. Both are based on the same manga, but relatively different. GTO (the drama) is excellent. Its one of the few Japanese dramsas that I actually get excited about. While at times it can be a bit cheesy, the actors in the series are so incredibly loveable that the exploits of this troublesome teacher are so touching that it makes this one of the most addicting dramas I've ever seen.
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GTO is as original as the manga series.
huj26 February 2001
I was sort of a sceptic when I first heard of this show. The manga series is highly entertaining and full of surprises I was wondering if the TV series can deliver the same punch. And Yes it did. Onizuka, the main character himself, is same kind of badass as he is in the manga, oh, the bilingual (English) version is available for those who are learning Japanese and vice versa.

I will have to say that the TV series is very original. I was hoping that it would follow the manga story line but it didn't, which is a good thing in my opinion, because after the 1st episode, I left my manga aside and I was able to cast away my expectations.

Everyone episode has a point, or moral value that which Onizuka was able to stir up in people's heart. A value in all of us once but long forgotten. But Onizuka, being contrary to societal norm, was able to prevail and bring people back to who they are, via, of course, unconventional means of course. I can not recommend this series enough. But if Japanese is not your first language and you are not fluent in Chinese characters, I then recommend the manga. Watch it, or read it, you won't be disappointed.
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Brilliant, One of My Favorites
CaliforniaTan9 September 2004
This TV-series was based on a very popular anime and manga series in Japan. I've been learning Japanese for two years now and I'm not very interested in anime because you'd think there'd be robots or something, but not at all. Eikichi Onizuka was a trouble maker in his school days, he was in a biker gang (Japanese bikers aren't at all like the stereotypical American bikers) and was always getting into fights. (The prequel to GTO featuring Onizuka in his youth is called "Bad Company") Onizuka got kicked out of school and ever since, he's realized how awesome school was. He just wished that he hadn't been kicked out and he's always wanted to become a teacher. One day he finally gets his chance at a private school because the head of the school is a very nice lady who believes in Onizuka. He's appointed to teach for the infamous class 2-4, a class so bad that's been going through teachers very quickly. Onizuka wins them over and shows he's more than just a teacher. He's a great teacher and a great person. This series is SO funny. I loved the anime and I love this show. It's out with subtitles and I suggest you look into finding some copies, if you ever watch any anime or any Japanese show, I suggest you watch this. If this was shown in America I'm sure it would be EXTREMELY popular. The last episode of Great Teacher Onizuka (the live action series, not the anime) was the most viewed show in Japan. Onizuka is one class act and no matter who you are or what you're into, you just can't not like this show.
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Randy, not raunchy, and smart and funny.
KingKaid20 November 2002
GTO seems like another semi-hentai ecchi series for 14 year olds at first glance but it definitely is not. While this is definitely a man's show (women tend to not get it) it isn't dumb or overly crude. Onizuka is a great teacher. Beginning as just a pervert he evolves quite quickly into a radical who believes that the students shouldn't undergo the boredom and humiliation he did. While full of weird, sex driven scenarios, GTO doesn't turn into a porno and uses them for laughs rather than sick titilation. I can't express enough how much fun this series is. It's currently my favorite anime and I recommend it to all anime fans and especially the non-fans who think anime is just giant robots and fighting. (Did I mention there's a bit of fighting here too? But I digress.) 10/10
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