Blood Reaper (Video 2004) Poster

(2004 Video)

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an exercise in horror
jbarker7117 October 2004
The film is just that- an exercise in horror. Poorly executed, sure, but this is technically a film. I commend the filmmakers that they got a crew and cast together and finished this, but, it's just of the worst quality. We've seen it all before. And it's like it was shot with a $300 consumer miniDV camera. What I did enjoy, I really enjoyed- the creepy horror music and the DVD case- they both get A's. The campfire scene with the country singer was strange. The 'waking up and the killer is sitting outside' was weird. So was the scene with the director as sheriff walking through the forest with the reaper creeping around. The sped up footage of the woman getting in the boat (verged on Benny Hill territory there). And the creeper's shack... I could go on and on. This film is an inspiration to would-be horror auteur's because you too can pull off something like this.

No doubt this gave the cast/crew a couple weekends of fun to pull off, but it needs to be better all around.
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What a Disgrace to Horror
Matttttttttttt9 June 2008
This is my first review on IMDb, so bear with me. I just felt absolutely compelled to comment on this "film" after suffering through what felt like hell.

Now I'm not one to bash low-budget horror, but Blood Reaper is a complete mess. It is filled with some of the worst clichés I have ever seen, terrible production qualities, along with terrible acting, costumes, and dialogue. I consider myself VERY lenient when it comes to reviewing horror movies and I have endured some of the worst. So let me tell you folks, this is among the worst.

There is NOTHING redeeming about this film. The only people that I could imagine giving this high ratings are those involved in the production. Please save yourself $5 and avoid renting/buying this piece of trash. I almost went crazy trying to endure the first half of this film, then I gave up and watched the second half at 4X speed. I don't feel like I missed a minute of the film, that's how terrible it was.

The killer's costume looks like it was purchased at the local Home Depot and the actors seem as though they were pulled off the streets. The writing and plot exhibit how anyone with a bit of cash can film their own movie nowadays. The only reason this gets a 2/10 from me is because of my own rule: I only give a 1/10 if I cannot finish the movie.

Bottom line: Avoid this like the plague.
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So much not explained... Such a useless movie
jenny_paxton-237-18534112 December 2011
So blood reaper...

#1 what happened to wesley (I think thats his name) he never got killed as far as i can tell. He was just forgotten. There were 6 when they got to the cabin.... now on the back of the incredible DVD case it says there were only 5 friends. Im not even counting the guy who dropped them off! there was a sixth friend at the cabin! #2 Thank god for the DVD case yet again for its information.... As I did not learn the killers motivations at all from the movie. The Case sort of gave me a back ground.

#3 You can get current clothes from a thrift store. It is not necessary to have people wear 1980s clothes in a more current movie.

#4 There were no walls on that cabin. So while he was trying to break down the door I was saying there are no walls why isn't he going in through the wood. Im happy to see some other people noticed this. As it was so funny.

This was the worst low budget horror movie I've ever had. And I own a lot of them. I only gave this movie a 2 because the reviews were more humorous than the movie was good. So much not explained.... Yet if it was it wouldn't even matter....
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Your typical "slasher in the woods" movie.
bfan837 December 2004
I was really looking forward to seeing this movie, once I found out Brinke was in it. Thus, I waited patiently....for 4 years! For a movie that took 4 years to be released, I expected much more, but I didn't receive that. It's your usual a group of twenty-something's, camping out in the woods, with a serial killer running around. Another thing that disappointed me was that "Scream Queen" Brinke Stevens was only in the first 5 minutes of this movie! Oh, what a let down. Anyway, there are some postives to this movie. The filming was professional. Although, shot on DV, the camera shots and editng were both strong, and the cast really did give it their all. My rating, 5 out of 10. It could've been much better, yet remains your typical, formulaic, slasher in the woods movie.
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Well, it was MADE
romances15 November 2003
I agree with Joe Bob Briggs that while there are literally THOUSANDS of these things actully finished, much less were actully released in some way, it's still incredible that money was raised on a premise like BLOOD REAPER (I defy you to remember that title) and put out for those to see (currently, as of this writing, at midnight in some movie houses here - rented by the producers). About the most cliche of stalker notions (camp, teenagers, woods, killer who is "unknown", those wandering out muttering "Hey - anybody there", you know the drill, a surrated knife actully lovingly rendered on the one-sheet, and a "Featuring Brinke Stevens" who is hardly in the film for bait to suckers willing to part with money to buy a ticket or DVD)are on hand for not-a-short-enough 90 minutes to appeal to absolutely nobody, for it is done sans humor, tension,or even a weird take on something-or-other for some spice. Just a dreadful movie-going experience; doubly depressing for those whose films are lingering in local film fests and bad distributors. It DOES show, however, that even in Hollywood, empty halls are there to rent, and who knows? You might make a buck or two towards your NEXT epic. A thought.
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pope_goat28 December 2006
This movie was so bad it was good. Somewhere between the continuity errors, lack of plot, vomit-inducing bad acting, terrible writing and effects, and elements that just plain sucked, this movie fell out of the horror genre and landed heavily into comedy. Note: -the random guitar carrying guy who wanders aimlessly back into the forest -the chase scene that is a manner worse than home movies i've seen -the pointless ax (he always carries it, but always uses the knife to actually kill people) -and the guy who looks eerily like a goose. I don't think i've laughed this hard in a long time. Kudos to the talentless retarded dumb-asses who created this movie.
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Low Budget Rubbish !!!
Moviereeeels1217 October 2019
Very poor across the board .... it's not even worth reviewing !
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Gag me!
shadowgirl1010125 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Gag me with a fork, this movie was so bad I paid $3.88 for it.

My son took it to a shop that buys video's and got $6.00 credit for it.

They called this Movie a Horror movie?

When you have a killer wearing a gas mask running around killing people isn't a horror movie more like a serial movie that was poorly made one at that. I guess the horror for me was wasting $3.88 on Blood Reaper.

The stars in the movie were not even known stars either, maybe the guy wearing the mask was known but I never got to see his face. Maybe he was too shy to show his face for fear of losing his standing in the movie business. When I put the DVD into my player and waited until it loaded. The movie reminded me of Blair Witch Project(which I did like), when it came to looking like someone's video homework. What was the budget for this film Blood Reaper? All I can say...Bad filming, bad clothing (the clothing was it boughten in a Second Hand Store?).

When looking for a movie to rent or buy walk or run, run far away from this one.
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Mediocre garbage
petersburg-0358515 January 2022
One of the most vapid and terrible movies I have ever seen. I hear people talking about the limitations of an SOV film and yeah, I understand that, but that doesn't mean I should expect boring, predictable trash. Some of the SOV slashers have a charm to them, but the majority are about as interesting or note-worthy as a glass of milk.
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jxf-422 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the worst movie I have ever seen in my life it's corny and it looks like its filmed on a camcorder or a web-cam. The acting is really bad and so are the effects the killer looks like a normal person with a stupid mask and I can't believe it came out on a movie. Do not waste your money on renting it in blockbuster or any local video store. Don't even waste your time watching it on t.v. you can tell right away that it's not a good movie. i would rather watch Gigli or Ashlee Simpson dance than watch this movie. If it wasn't a rented movie than i would of tooken it out and stepped on it multiple times until it was nothing and it didn't exist in my presence because it is such a bad movie. Get better actors.
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generic, forgettable, and very bad
movieman_kev21 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Brinke Stevens is only in the film for all of seven minutes or so during the pre-credits sequence. A group of seven friends take a trip up to the camping grounds in Whitewater River, discount the legend of a local nut who escaped from a mental facility who only murders on full moons of leap years (never mind the fact that the majority of the people who die, do so in the daytime) as a mere myth. Of course their cell phones don't work this far into the woods, so they're easy pickings for this gas-mask clad killer This is a completely generic extremely low-budget slasher film. The killer has a resemblance to the one in "My Bloody Valentine" (which is a vastly superior film in every way and doesn't do this film any favors by drawing the comparisons to it) One doesn't care for any of the potential victims and thus lacks any tension whatsoever. This film is about as lifeless as the bodies after the killer is finished with them. Furthermore, it's not even worth it for Brinke Stevens' fans due to her very minuscule part.

My Grade: D

Where I Saw it: Netflix online via Xbox 360
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A guilty pleasure
kbtoys1009 February 2021
Look, unless you enjoy bottom of the barrel DTV do not watch Blood Reaper. If however, you find enjoyment in dreck like Last Slumber Party, Houseboat Horror or anything of that ilk you may want to seek this one out.

Competently filmed, a good location, cool killer and some decent gore plus an appearance by Brinke Stevens are all positives. There's also a genuinely disturbing bit with an elderly gypsy woman that is memorable.

Highly recommended for the die hard slasher fans, others best stay away from the Blood Reaper's woods.
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Why? Why? Why?
AmazonRider2 September 2004
I just don't understand why these things keep getting churned out? Would it kill someone to make a independent MONSTER MOVIE these days? This thing is so clichéd it's not even funny. The killer looks so lame, the only way he'd be able to get you is to kill you when you're on the ground laughing at him. Total clumsy oaf, terrible costume, and not threatening in the least. There are only two things that save this from being completely unwatchable, the music and the crazy tent lady. The music makes this film better than it should be. It's appropriately haunting and adds suspense when the situations in the film can't. Kudos to T.Reed for his work. The crazy tent lady is the only one who can act, if she is acting at all!. Very Lynch-ian, she belongs in a different film all together. All in all, don't waste your time. Just hunt down a soundtrack, it's a helluva lot scarier and creepy than the film itself!
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Absolutely Fantastic
turet_18-15 August 2005
I saw this film while on holiday with a few of my friends and while I would love to illustrate my great taste through agreement with the general consensus that this film sucked, I don't think I can. This is quite possibly one of my favourite films of all time providing me with more laughs than any comedy film I've ever seen. The 40 year old actors that played the 'teens' were amazing in all the wrong ways and I am sure that it was film with a digital camera.

Here are some things to look out for-

* The old lady with the doll(?!)

* The park warden (or whatever he is) who likes to look at EVERYTHING through binoculars

* The odd man who sits down at the camp fire with the 'teens' sings a short song and then leaves immediately (probably the weirdest thing ever....)

* The girl with the huge arse

* The final scene with the dramatic chase. One of the guys enters a hut to escape from the reaper. The hut doesn't have solid walls and has huge gaps in the sides... however both fail to notice this and the reaper persists trying to enter through the door while the guy tries to stop him. This goes on for a long time before eventually the guy just jumps through one of the gaps....... (What is the point in this scene!?!)
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Hooror on wheels & the diver is satin
chrismulkeyisgod23 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Chris Mulkey was not in this movie (I don't think) but it was really okay anyways. The musics were really good and there were scenes where people drank. I love to drink! That was awesome! (Especially that part in the back of the picking up truck). I really felt the suspense because I felt like I was there? In the woods with the people. I would like to have more friends like this because I'm in a wheelchair :( Why did the park ranger know the reaper????? fpo!

I loved the twist on the end because as it so turns out, there was actually no twist. Usually I'm expecting a twist but no such thing happened--although getting killed by a shovel WAS an ironic fate for the "blood reaper".

If my dad was an actor, maybe he would be able to be in the movie too because there were dad's in this movie. No Chris Mulkey though; I wish he were my dad.
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Satisfying homage to the golden age of campy horror.
GoreFan30 August 2004
Like the exploitation gore flicks of the 70s and 80s that we all loved, this one takes itself seriously as well it should.

Kids are camping. Why? Because kids go camping. They want to.

A slasher is in the woods. Why? Because slashers live in the woods. They want to.

Watching this movie brought back fond memories of my childhood staying up late at night in a sleeping bag on the floor with potato chips and popcorn in the dark watching old gore flicks that I had rented.

Back then they were scary and in your face. Watching those old ones again now would probably cause me to break out laughing. Blood Reaper is no different. Sure, there may be some funny parts, but for the most part this is good solid horror from Unstoppable Pacific Productions. I look forward to future releases from this company.
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Get your pitchforks ready, cause I'm defending this!
j-1297810 August 2021
Honestly, movies that are shot on video are mostly unfairly treated. I mean just because a film is shot on video means we should shun it? Yeah, no. I found this movie enjoyable, fun, and entertaining. It takes me back to the 80's when horror was actually at least somewhat decent. I have a feeling this would get more appreciation from horror fans if it was released around that time, but I still like this regardless. Since Friday the 13th and My Bloody Valentine are some of my all-time favorites, I love the inspiration this has from those two amazing movies. The killer looks cool, the special effects are pretty good in a cheap, stage-like way, the kills are solid (in my opinion), and unlike most of these shot-on-video films, the acting isn't that bad, a bit wooden, yes, but not terrible.

8/10. Great film for what it was.
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Nobody's ever seen him because he's up to no good.
meredithlee3265 January 2009
This movie will go down in history as way better than "Gone With the Wind", "Psycho", "The Godfather", and "The Wizard of Oz", but it's tied with "Free Willy". This movie literally blew my mind out of my shoes, I had to have my Mexican maid clean it up when I was done. This movie was the epitome of cinema genius. I want to marry Jewbles Fishman and have little black jean wearing babies with scrunchies in their hair and delicious pastries in their mouths. After watching this movie I decided that I also was in need of a kick BOOTY theme song and here it is……

" My name's big Dan I'm the mother ducking man I live in a trash can and cook in a pan I go in the woods I like to play in muds and smoke mad buds all just because . I only have one leg but it's a okay that's what I say I watch Blood Reaper all damn day." That's just a rough draft.. It's gonna be way better once I stop smoking crack. Okay well watch this movie it'll change your life, and you'll have to change your pants BECAUSE YOU WILL POOP YOURSELF
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