Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds (Video Game 2003) Poster

Kari Wahlgren: Willow Rosenberg


  • Willow Rosenberg : [after defeating alternate reality Tara]  I can't believe I went through all that, and this is the prize. Urgh, I can't wait to wash my hands

  • [everybody arrives in front of a fortress] 

    Ethan Rayne : It's here. The First. I can taste its power in the air.

    Cassandra Rayne : You... I sense something about you, some kinship. Who are you?

    Ethan Rayne : Ethan Rayne, madam. Decidedly *not* at your services.

    Willow Rosenberg : He's your great, great... something. A descendant.

    Cassandra Rayne : I can sense the dark magic in you, the chaos in your soul. I was a soldier of light, and this is what my bloodline has come to? You repulse me.

    Ethan Rayne : The feeling is entirely mutual. This isn't fair, you know. Technically I've won. The power I bargained for should be mine. But if you destroy the First...

    Cassandra Rayne : Silence dog. I would silence you myself if I were able.

    Spike : Here, let me get that for you.

    [Spike punches out Ethan] 

    Cassandra Rayne : My thanks, kind sir.

    [Cassandra then glares at the fortress] 

    Cassandra Rayne : I... I know this place. This is where I... this is where I died. But who are all of you?

    Buffy : We're trying to finish what you started, Cassandra. Trying to destroy the First. I'm Buffy Summers. The Slayer.

    Cassandra Rayne : A Slayer. This is good fortune. I am but a lost soul, and can no longer wield Hope's Dagger. But you are worthy Slayer. It shall be you.

    Willow Rosenberg : That... that's great and all, so, thanks. But where does Buffy find Hope's Dagger?

    Cassandra Rayne : Inside the fortress. It will still be there. Only one who is worthy may wield it.

    Faith : You don't gotta be virgin or anything, right? Cuz that could be a problem.

    Cassandra Rayne : No. Only one can go, and it should be a Champion of the Powers. There are no Champions present, but a Slayer will more than suffice. Buffy must go alone.

    Faith : Sucks to be you.

    Buffy : At times. Now, for instance.

    [Ethan's unconscience body disappears in a flash of light] 

    Willow Rosenberg : Ethan! What happened to him? He just went poof.

    Cassandra Rayne : Perhaps the First has plans for my traitorous descendant after all.

    Buffy : Only one way to find out.

  • Faith : You did it, B. Thanks for the ringside seat.

    Xander Harris : So what now? How do we get back?

    Willow Rosenberg : It will happen on its own. I can... I can feel this place unraveling.

    Buffy : What about you, Sid? What happens now?

    Sid the Dummy : Now? Now I get to rest, at last. I've heard it said Heaven's different for everyone. For me it's gonna involve cards, babes and whiskey. Maybe I'll try to look up that doll Cassandra when I get there. Fella like me could show a girl like that a real good time.

    [Sid leaves in a flash of light] 

    Buffy : I bet you could, Sid. I bet you could.

  • Willow Rosenberg : [finds a medikit]  Great, now I can be Nurse Willow! Tara's gonna love this

  • Willow Rosenberg : [picks up a stake]  Just my kind of tool, no moving parts!

See also

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