Yo soy Boricua, pa'que tu lo sepas! (2006) Poster

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A candid portrait of Rosie
jotix10013 June 2006
Rosie Perez is a woman who has distinguished herself for her work in films and in the theater. She was also a dynamo choreographer that made that old TV series "In Living Color" come alive with her inspired dances that were amazing. Now, she returns as co-director with Liz Garbus of this enormously appealing documentary where she shows her proud heritage as a Puerto Rican.

We are taken by Ms. Perez, and her sister to visit her relatives. The extended family include relatives in New York, Puerto Rico and Florida, where we accompany her in a voyage of discovery. Rosie and her family prove they have a rich heritage living in two cultures. Together with her sister and a cousin, Sisto, they exchange their views about what being Puerto Rican means to them.

This 86 minutes is much too short as we get involved in the stories and the folklore the proud Rosie has to tell. There is also a comprehensive history of Puerto Rico and the people that made it great. She pays tribute to Pedro Alvizu Campos, the man who did so much for the island without asking anything in return. Also, the 60s group, the Young Lords' work in the community is pointed out.

The narration by Jimmy Smits serves well the documentary, but it's Rosie's personality and ebullience that keeps us wishing for more and more.
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Wonderful documentary but....
americo-paez13 June 2006
Rosie and her family did a wonderful job of outlining our history in a way that is exciting and informative. Even the dedicated historian might learn a thing or two from this film but what it offers most is a genuine 'feel' of the Puerto Rican experience in America. Sure, the PBS programs of Puerto Rico are more informative, but they lack the personal touch.

But here's whats wrong with the film... Though the Taino Indians were mentioned probably over a dozen times, their culture and history explained, the contribution of Africans to the island was sadly absent from the documentary. I am very happy that the more contemporary historical black figures such as Don Pedro Albizu Campos were celebrated in the film, but you'd think black folks did nothing but work until he came along. Much was said about resistance against Spain and about bomba music, but they forgot to mention that bomba is African music as it is interpreted in Puerto Rico and that it too was part of the resistance. No mention that those barriles (drums) were outlawed because they were part of the resistance.

There was an entertaining, if not slightly embarrassing section (if we can't laugh ourselves...) on Puerto Rican Spanish. They mentioned the Taino influence, they mentioned the English words that have crept in but surprisingly, failed to mention all the African words that make up Puerto Rican Spanish like 'bemba' meaning lips or mondongo which brings me to food. Yes, they mentioned the frituras and Puerto Rican cooking but failed to mention the many African influences that make up our daily meals from cuchifritos and mondongo to pasteles.

My final comment: It was a good piece. I applaud our sister Rosie Perez on her directorial debut and wish her the best of luck. I encourage you to see it if you haven't, see it again if you have.
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American Born Puerto Rican
Lisette190814 June 2006
Rosie, I think you did an alright job but you could have added so much more to include all Puertoricans and not just the stereotypes. I was so surprised that you did not mention Luis Munoz Marin... you didn't mention him at all... It was a great effort but I was disappointed that there was not enough viewing of the beautiful places in PR. I Love PR and go often. My whole family is still there. I have Aunt's that will never leave and have never left... LOL I felt as if you were trying to get people to feel sorry for us. I don't want people feeling that way. You know that feeling you had when you called the University to set them straight after saying that you went from homeless to Hollywood... That is the feeling I got. Not all Boricuas are from the ghetto and none of my family lives in poverty. As a matter of fact I have never even seen the type of poverty you have shown in the movie. I have seen it in the Dominican Republic and in Central America but never in PR (Maybe just haven't been in those places).

My beef with PR is that we don't fight harder to become a state. There is no way in He$$ that we could ever be Independent and why would we want to. We have been promised the opportunity to become a state since 1954... what is taking so damn long. I wish you would have put more beauty of the island and politics in the film. Congress has been doing economic studies on the island for years and this documentary just made it seem as if we are not ready to become a state. This is a major set back. We need to promote our prosperity, show off what we have and what we have accomplished.

Hermana - you did alright.. and I felt more love after seeing the film. But Nena come on... let's show off in a good way let there be a Part two... "Puerto Rico - Today"... what do you say? Un Abrazo, Lisette
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Deep, poignant, and funny
grellyursik20 February 2006
This thoroughly engaging documentary will resonate not just with the Latin community, but with immigrants in general. Through interviews with Rosie Perez, her family members, and leading figures in the Puerto Rican immigrant community, this documentary gives tremendous insight into just what makes Puerto Ricans "so damn proud," while revealing shocking tidbits of history that have never been revealed in Uncle Sam's textbooks. Viewers will learn about the forced sterilization of Puerto Rican women, the Young Lords, and Pedro Albizu Campos, Puerto Rico's very own Nelson Mandela/ Martin Luther King civil rights leader. This fun-to-watch, educational, deeply personal film is filled with music, laughter, and the warmth of family and national pride. Fans of Rosie Perez are in for a real treat. By the end of this documentary, you feel like you're on a friendly first-name basis with this still fly girl.
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It's a good start to our Heritage!!
proudcalirican25 September 2006
First, I just like to comment to those who felt that this Film was not about Puerto Ricans....I felt that This was a great start for Rosie to get the information out there about our Heritage. From this film I was able to understand my culture and begin to see where our people came from. My Family was born and raised in Ponce, Puerto Rico. I would have never know the struggle that city went thru if it was not for this film. I now know the struggles that our people went thru when they came to the United States seeking the American Dream. This movie left me wanting to know more about my people and to appreciate what my grandmother and grandfather went thru.

PR, has its beauty just like everywhere else you go in the world. But, it does have its poverty stricken areas too. So just cause you been to Pr, I'm sure you haven't visited every nook and cranny of the island, because its not just the Haitians or the Cubans or the Dominicans....its everywhere and everyone....

I feel that Rosie Perez and her Crew did a great job getting us to want to know more...No one can put our entire heritage into a short documentary...so if you want to know more do the research and go out and make a 5 or 10 hour movie to explain every piece of our culture...overall I thought it was a good start and I hope that other people can see that and at least acknowledge what she opened our eyes too.

Goodbless, One Proud Cali Rican!!
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great film, a must see
ricantoofine22 June 2006
I think that this film is great. Its target audience will find the film very insightful. I highly recommend this film for all to see! There is a lot of history explained. Not many people, even Puerto Ricans, who know about Don Pedro Albizu Campos, but they should. In the film, the audience is introduced to the works of Campos. The film helps people to begin to understand the stagnated situation the island of Puerto Rico and it's people are in. After viewing the film, the audience should be interested in learning more about Puerto Ricans and their culture. For those that seek to learn more, there are a lot of academic works dedicated to the study of Puerto Ricans and Puerto Rico.
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Very good !
jvliv6 September 2006
As a Puertorican raised in Chicago, "por la Division" I certainly can identify with the documentary. Some people, especially from mainland Puerto Rico may consider it offensive or distorted, but for us, those who were raised in New York or Chicago, prior to the new Puertorican boom exodus to Miami and Orlando that came in the late 1980's, we can tell, we have lived that we have suffered that, not to mention our parents and ancestors. Myself, I was victim of more discrimination from mainland Puertoricans when I returned as a child to the Island than the one I already experienced in Chicago. Gringo, jincho, etc were among the nice compliments I got from the mainlanders.

Newyoricans, Chicagoricans, we have something in common and it is our pride in our ancestry and heritage.

The part of visiting cousins you have never seen brought fond memories. The documentary presents a relatively unknown aspect of Puertorican history, especially the discrimination against independentist, documented experiments performed on women and radiation exposure to inmates and the awful living conditions that our ancestors had to endure in New York living in slums resembling those that many Italian immigrants experienced during the 1910's. Something's are better not said, but this kind of thing must be denounced. For those of my paisanos who live in LALAland, this documentary is not for you. For those who want to learn and research a little bit more, this is a good starting point.

Bravo Rosie!
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...educating the world...
kay8016 January 2007
At first, I was a little skeptical about watching this film because most films I have watched go along with all of the stereotypes. I heard an interview on the radio, where Rosie gave an overall summary of what the movie included. This sparked an interest in watching it. She spoke about testing samples taken from Puerto Rico, and although I knew worst than this has happened, to imagine that such a civilized country would do something like this. Since then, I have referred people to see this movie. I think that it is important to know where you came from...and why we're where we are today. It was after watching this film that I started asking my parents questions because I remembered that as a child my parents participated in political movements in Puerto Rico. I found out that it was for this reason that we moved to Boston, MA. Corruption in PR during that time was at it's best and the police and government were ridding' of all people who were in the independent movement. I never understood it, but now I understand why my parents were fighting.

Thanks Rosie! We need to continue to educate the world... And ask those posting ignorant responses, where they came from... Chances are, they don't know.
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A nice documentary
bocabonita_amh14 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I recently viewed this doc. on the IFC channel and I found it very informative about the history of Puerto Ricans and Nuyoricans. One reviewer gave this 1 star due to the fact he/she stated "this was not a doc. about Puerto Rico"...well it did not claim to be one. Rosie Perez stated herself this was a doc about Boricua pride, and last time I checked there were more people of Puerto Rican descent here in mainland U.S than PR. I felt there was a good explanation of Puerto Rican history and the history of Puerto Ricans in the U.S., but with any doc. there is always a possibility of being politically skewed. But look at it this way Perez told nothing but the truth.
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yankee6-113 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I being of Puertorican descent, had mixed fillings about this "documentary". First I was offended that Ms. Perez compared Senor Campos to Che Guevarra. Also just a point of fact,Mr. John Leguzaimo is not of Puertorican descent.His parents came from Columbia. Whomever did research on this was not very accurate. I feel that the future of our race rests on education. This message should have been resounding throughout this film, Education is our road to freedom and power I think any future endeavors of this production team should make this their focus.In my opinion,this film swayed toward an anti-American sentiment.
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great flick
ag2001229 September 2006
it's about time. I grew up around the lords and the CDC. I didn't know Ritchie Perez and Pedro petri have passed, may they RIP. I actually hung out with Pedro and his friend john Jr from buffalo, john introduced me to my first wife.Thanks for bringing up the lords(YLP. my brother Felix would have loved this film. (RIP)

OK some of the black contributions were left out in detail, but it may have been implied in reference to the skin color references. I forgive I'm just glad Rosie put this film out. we need it. I want to buy it for my daughter whose mother is black. she lives in mobile Alabama. The only thing she knows about PR is her father and a tee shirt i gave her(shame on me)now she will have the DVD.This was great its about time. thanks Rosie Perez. despierta boricua, defiende lo tuyo.
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Documentary about the culture of Puerto Ricans
neslyart2413 June 2006
I am so appalled by this documentary. I am deeply embarrassed and ashamed by the way Puertoricans were portrayed. This documentary was not about the culture of Puertoricans. It was about the culture of Nuyoricans. Puertoricans and Nuyoricans are two different cultures. Very different cultures and should not be generalized to the Puerto Rican population. Rosie, before you make a documentary, you need to do the research. You also need to check and make sure your sources are credible. Puerto Ricans are not all loud and they do have class, which is one thing the documentary lacked to show. When I saw Rosie and Jimmie on the View and Rosie on Martha Stewart I was very excited about watching. I even made sure to let my parents know since they love Puerto Rico so much. After the first five minutes I could not believe how the documentary bashed the US and made Puerto Ricans look like a bunch of guinea pigs. You need to go and visit Puerto Rico and you will see that Puerto Rico is not a 3rd world country where more than 50% of the population is in poverty. Puerto Rico has colleges and well known Universities, roads, cars, shopping centers, malls (The largest Kmart and JCPenney's I've ever seen), restaurants, theaters, beaches, hotels(Ritz, Hilton,etc.), casinos, churches, agriculture, Auto Expresso, and restaurants just to name a few. Poverty? NOT 50% of the population is. Puerto Rican culture is about family, music, food, celebrating, and trying to move forward not backward. Oh, and new cousins don't just pop up out of no where. No that is not a Puerto Rican thing, that is a ghetto thing. We are not bastards. Parents of Puertorican descent who would like to teach their children about Puerto Rico should invest in a trip with the family so they can see first hand what Puerto Rico is all about. They will see its beauty, people and culture. Please don't show them this documentary because it will only cloud their minds with negativity. Oh, and please don't tell your American friends to watch this documentary because it will only make the Puertorican people look ignorant.

Yes, I am born and raised PUERTO RICAN from the island. Just so you know!
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Eye Opening
dwashington-320 June 2006
This film has broadened my sense of who I am. I think Rosie did an excellent job documenting the history of Puerto Rico. There was so much that I learned from it. Especially considering my parents did not discuss any aspect of where I came from. I just knew the blood running through my veins came from Puerto Rico. Not once was I explained the aspects and experiences of how I became Puerto Rican. I just knew that I was. Both of my parents are considered Nuyorican. Rosie, if your listening and/or reading, I too was raised in Bushwick/Williamsburg on Central Avenue at the corner of Jefferson Street. I use to walk to my aunt's house on Flushing Avenue. I too remember kids asking me what was I. And even today I still get asked that question. I think our younger generation today should be introduced this film. I know I've made my kids sit down and recognize.
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Soul Tickling, Brain Enlightening and Deeply Heart Felt; WOW!
salvador-145 May 2006
Thank You for your Courages steps in creating this much needed film. Above all "May God Bless You." I just have some questions concerning people, places and things. I did not see Roberto Clemente, Puerto Rico's first MLB Hall of Fame inductee. Also missing is Carlos Torres-Iriarte, Founder of "La Assoicion NETA." It is an Inmate organization protecting Human Rights from abuses from Prison employees and "Insectos," other inmates. Example:"That no inmate may look or act upon another inmate as if he were a woman, unless that fellow inmate feels like one." In other words "no raping." There are many more rules and The Neta Assoicion truly uplifted the Humanity missing within the prison system in Puerto Rico. On the Island it is recognized by the Administration, yet here in NYC (Up North) it's considered a gang. Also for what ever reason, the FLAN I did not hear or see. Personally I do NOT believe in exploding bombs or any extreme form of violence as a means for change or respect. Yet, the greatness of History and Life in general is clear total TRUTH. I love Trinidad the boxer, yet, there are so many other Great Puerto Rican boxers; Wilfredo Benitez, Juan Laporte, Hector Camacho, Wifredo Gomez, Esteban De Jesus, Edwin Rosario etc. At one time in the '70s/early '80, Puerto Rico had five world boxing champions at the same time. That was considered remarkable coming from such a small island. 100 miles long and 35 miles wide. I may be wrong on this, but I read that Don Pedro Abizu Campos was subjected to "ratiation," torture while incarcerated. That was to destroy his awesome HARVARD educated brain and prevent his Godly Heart from continuing his Struggle of demanding respect for our culture and people. You can NOT truly get freedom until you are respected first. Rosie, I was raised in the South Side, Willaimsburg and I HIGHLY respect you for your expression of LOVE to God,Country (Puerto Rico/Unided States of America) and Family. Thank you once again for bringing warmth to my heart,knowledge to my brain and laughter to me soul, that is exactly what I still feel from your film. I framed your autograph of the 5/3/'06 showing. PLEASE keep creating documentaries, let your LOVE FLOW. De Corazon,SAL, AKA:Indio 360. "GENTS."
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Perfect! Thank You!
multiherb22 August 2006
Rosie, Thank You! Thank you for showing me something I did not know. For giving me a reason to look further into my roots and to explain how we Puerto Ricans here should look at one another and reestablish who we are which was so beautiful. I always wonder about where we come from and why things are the way they are. This film has inspire me to make the connection on those issues we experience today and kinda of just wonder why are we this way or that.

Your film has open the door to information we all should know as the basic. Then research all the wonderful things our peoples are. Any longer and we would just sit there and start cooking something. Instead you give us a light at the end of the tunnel for anyone looking to know why we are who we are. And we are! Love You!

P.S. If I get this DVD before Christmas it will be this years presents to all my family, mind you I come from a family of 14!
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God awful portrayal of Puerto Ricans
dmspanish13 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I hated the way Ms. Perez portrayed Puerto Ricans! We are not all ghetto - and we do speak Spanish- not Puerto Rican! I can not speak for the uneducated persons you have run into. But our language is intact, our island is our pride. Puerto Rico is better off economically than any other Caribbean island! I'm glad we are not like Cuba, Dominican Republic or Haiti, free from American influence? Free in true poverty, not the U.S. standard of poverty. We are not victims we are resilient, humble,honest and intelligent people. Our ancestry does include strong African roots, but not "black" roots- I have nothing in common with Black Americans 9do the research).

The analogy between Pedro Albizu, Che Guevarra and Martin L. King could not be more off the mark.

MLK was a great hero a true revolutionary- an honest man who saw a day when we would all be free.

Che Guevarra helped Castro create the Cuba that is today, is that why boat fulls of Cubans risk their lives to come to America- because Che made such a better place for them? You had a great, awesome, bright idea but you politicized it too much. We have so many things to be proud of as a people - don't bring shame to our people by victimizing us. I am not a Nuyorican and perhaps that is why I can't share your views. I am Puerto Rican, I speak Spanish, I am not a victim and I have been able to accomplish many of my goals in America. If there is a part 2 in the future - less politics more history more stories of triumph- there are many.

Damaris Maldonado
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firecracker77728 September 2006
This documentary was very thoughtful and full of goodness. I think that anyone who comes from a country that was conquered by Spain or who comes from a country that is oppressed by the U.S. should see this film. The film is heartbreaking and yet, optimistic. Puerto Rico lives!!! This film will be great to show students--at the college, high school or middle school level. The power of the film is in how Puerto Ricans, because of their great self-will are able to de-colonize themselves--and this is something that all peoples who have gone through such a devastating genocide need. Now we need to fight to make Puerto Rico its own state or country. They should have the freedom they deserve--and the U.S. should make good on what it promotes. Spain should apologize for the all the people it killed. Rosie Perez got at the very heart of what makes Latino populations so strong--undying devotion to La Familia.
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I had no use for this "documentary"
aisydaisylady25 October 2006
I was excited to hear that someone had made a documentary on what it was like to be Puerto Rican. When I heard it was Rosie Perez, I wondered..could she possibly know what it is really like to be Puerto Rican. As far as I knew....she was a Nuyorican. Well anyway, I anxiously sat with my popcorn to watch. I realized 10 min into it that my initial apprehension was right. Rosie Perez has little knowledge about what it is like to be Puerto Rican. This "documentary" is more a 1st hand, very very personal account on what it is like to be a Nuyorican..and all of what that entails. She (like most of the Nuyoricans I know) have a watered down, partial and sometimes twisted sense of history. (How could they not..they live here.) Yes, all of them are proud. As they should be! But a lot don't know the ins and outs of the REAL culture, history and political background or language for the most part. It all became very very apparent with her participation in the Vieques issue. Regardless of my personal take is on this issue..at least I know what the hell the fight is for. There is she is getting arrested for something she knew little about.. and only participated in because it was a "Puerto Rican Cause" I really don't understand how she is not embarrassed to admit to it. For those of you that are not Puerto Rican, please view this as a partial account of a woman's journey of self discovery and acceptance. Do not take this as gospel...a lot of it isn't even true. Please consider the source. Rosie is an actress; not a historian. This movie is not and should never be, for other Nuyoricans, the base for their information. Instead, just a step towards finding more info, learning and debating what the reality is. Not just the one coming from this woman's eyes.
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Arriba Puerto Rico
bori20912 June 2006
Hey Rosie! Let me just tell you how moved I was by the awesome documentary you produced about our heritage and culture. Even though I reside in Miami Beach Florida I was born and raised in the South Bronx. Thank you so much for taking the initiative to let the world know of all the accomplishments that we "BORICUAS" as a people have accomplished in life. I come from a very close tight-knit family as most Puertoricans are and it was very endearing to see you on film being your true natural self along with your beautiful family members. Watching all the footage from Bushwick to my South Bronx neighborhoods and Puerto Rico just made me even more PROUD than I already was. To know that you went to lengths and countless hours and time to research all that information made me feel even more proud of you as a TRUE Puertoriquena and Latina. Everything from the the great Taino Indians to the cuchifritos and then some will forever resonate in my heart and for that i thank you dearly. My home was filled with nostalgia as I sat watching your wonderful piece of work. May God bless you and your family and thanks for keeping our precious Island alive. There is so much talent that has come out of such a small island as we all know and it will always continue to be that way. Best wishes and congratulations and may you keep bringing us all the wonderment that you are known for. I love you!
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Somos Boricua!
pete32713 June 2006
I saw the film for the first time in IFC last night, actually I caught it in the middle and I missed the whole beginning, it definitely caught my attention! I just HAD to see it again, It replayed at 1AM (I am usually in bed by 11PM) so I stayed up to watch again. I was born in Rosie's home town of Aguadilla, Came to the US (Bushwick Brooklyn) at the age of 1 and was raised in NYC. I was never aware of the sacrifices that my mother went through to provide for six children in a city that was completely unfamiliar to her. I was really never aware of the struggles that our grandparent & great grandparents went through to survive life & raise a family, We should worship the ground our loving parents walk on, the atrocities that were presented to our people on the island was also news to me, it has made me want to research & inform myself our culture at the museums Rosie visited. Great Job Rosie!! I can't wait to enlighten my family and friends with your film. It actually was a moving experience that made me re-think & re-visit who we are as a people... You have changed me as a person.... Jose'
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Thank you Ms.Perez!
loisitarodriguez18 June 2006
Ms. Perez's documentary was a wonderful experience to watch! Myself along with my family became enchanted with all of the information provided in the video and I will be buying many copies to hand out to my family members; I learned so much and in the process became even more proud to be a Puerto Rican! It was wonderful to see that she included my family member Miguel Pinero in her video; and I pray that Ms.Perez will keep fighting the fight and my wish is to one day be able to join her in the fight for our people. Thank You Ms.Perez and I will tell every single person I meet about this video it is a must have in All Spanish speaking homes.
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Fake documentary - Bad, bad, bad.
drcobe17 June 2006
I am Puerto Rican and this is one of the worst documentary of I've ever seen of any type. You can see that the people on it are clueless. They don't know much about Puerto Rico and its culture. They claim to be Puerto Rican because they are from Puerto Rican descendants, but they probably know less than others who are not from there. You can see while they are talking that they are contradicting themselves. If you would like to see a real, and I mean a real, genuine documentary from Puerto Rico, then you must see "Mi Puerto Rico". That's a serious, real documentary. Not like this piece of junk. Rosie Perez based this documentary on herself. I thought it was suppose to be about Puerto Ricans. They keep repeating I didn't know. Well, that's about the only thing they got right on this so called documentary. I hate to see such a piece of garbage being done using the name of the Island. It brings down the standards.
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Good! Keep the good work
jmatos-117 June 2006
This is a really fun to watch documentary. Rosie, her sister and their cousin, from the "whiter", "richer" and recognized side of the family, had obviously a blast doing this film. I think that the film was well directed with the story flowing from beginning to end. This documentary offers a little history of the island of Puerto Rico and the immigrants of the 1950s to mainly New York and New Jersey. It shows how many of the Puerto Rican immigrants swap slumps in Puerto Rico for slumps in the Big Apple. It shows how they were taken advantage of in factories and farms in US and in Vieques in Puerto Rico. But it also tells the story of a proud people that celebrates its traditions and cherishes its background. Celebration and pride summarized when people in the Puerto Rican parade sing, "Yo soy boricua, pa' que tu lo sepas" ("I'm boricua, just so you know.")
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Documentary not about Puerto Rico
agunes0913 June 2006
I sat down to watch a documentary about Puerto Rico, and I ended up watching one about Nuyoricans. When I go to Puerto Rico, I fail to see the 50% that live in poverty. When I do see struggling people, they are usually Haitians, Dominicans, or Cubans that have recently arrived to the island. There is no such thing as spanglish... either you speak Spanish, or you don't.... and from what I heard... you don't. Pedro Albizo Campos IS NOT MLK to me. MLK was a great man. Campos is a great man to those that want independence which is 1%. To the rest he as loco as Osama Bin Laden. Puertoricans that want independence are a bunch of fools. If you want any proof to all of you dreamers of an independent Puerto Rico see Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, all of South and Central America, and Mexico. Its worked wonders for them. This documentary is not about Puerto Rico, this documentary was about the Nuyoricans and their struggles.

To the person that complaint that not enough of Africa was on the show... it was suppose to be about Puerto Rico... not Africa. Denzel will make one shortly just for you.

In conclusion... to all those ignorant white people that think we need green cards to come to the US, and want to learn how the prime minister runs things, this is not a good documentary about Puertorican culture. Tell your kids to pay attention in Geography, and History class.


Bocabonita... "doc." was about Nuyoricans. She promoted it as if its how we all feel. Should have been titled... "yo soy nuyorican... lunche...can't speak Spanish." PLEASE STOP USING PUERTO RICO, RICAN, BORICUA, OR ANYTHING ELSE ASSOCIATED WITH PR WITH THIS NUYORICAN HISTORICAL LESSON. God forbid they play this on the island.
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Every Puertorican should see it!
cara411-12 January 2007
This documentary was such an eye opener! I stumbled across it while channel-surfing and was captivated upon watching it. I am a Puertorican-American and found this to be very educational for me and my children. Last year my family & 1 went to Puerto Rico. The excitement I felt when stepping off the plane was such a wonder feeling, tan orgullo! I love the segment where the word "orgullo" is described,it's like they took the words right out of my mouth. There is so much to see and do in Puerto Rico,that I see why people go and stay for months at a time.The history of our little island is rich.I related to this film on so many levels. We've been to the Island of Vieques,and saw the despair & poverty there. I was completely dumbfounded by what I saw as was my husband & children. I knew alittle about the events of Vieques,but was not at all prepared for what we saw. Rosie,is to be commended for making this film and every Puertorican should see it!
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