911: In Plane Site (Video 2004) Poster

(2004 Video)

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This video raising very important questions and if nothing else, calls for some honest answers. There are many unexplained issues that should be explainable.
rickr288923 July 2007
The questions raised by the video are valid questions. How could a plane have crashed into the pentagon leaving no wreckage whatever? The photos and videos of the fire fighters confirm there was absolutely no wreckage on the ground. Where is the wreckage what of the black box? An eye witness said he saw something like a missile hit the pentagon.

President Bush told school children that he saw the first plane crash into the tower on TV. Why would he make that up when there was no video of that crash on TV at the time?

How could the steel inner core of the towers melt when the fire did not reach the bottom of the towers not even half way down? Why is it that not of shred of evidence related to the planes has been released?

How does it happen that the tower planes and the pentagon plane somehow exploded into oblivion. One must admit that is very suspicious as though it were planned some how. How convenient that all the legal work on the corporate fraud was destroyed in building 7. Frankly it takes a lot of blind faith to believe the government and media explanations for what happened.

These are all valid questions and they deserve honest answers.
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A good intro to the facts
aikido_ronin24 May 2008
Although a bit dated, the facts set forth in this documentary are truly valid. They have been documented from a number of sources ranging from lay comment to expert testimony verified by video footage of the day's events. Although there are now a number of more recent documentaries that expose the myths set forth in the 911 Commission Report even further, this is a must see. As is stated in the beginning of the film, denial is a common response so I suggest viewing with an open mind. Other documentaries on the subject include: Loose Change (also 2nd Edition and Final Cut) 911 Mysteries (Part 1, Demolition) Other parts pending.
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cold clear logic
net34313 December 2005
It assumes you are naturally resistant to a conspiracy so large. It takes the viewer through a series of logical steps, using easily-available photographic evidence and published reports, and leads to what turns out - surprisingly - to be an inescapable conclusion. It really changed my view of the US military, who I had naturally assumed to be generally incompetent. Now, I have much more respect for their capabilities. It also explains why the neocons are given so much respect in the capitol. I won't say you'll be as convinced as I am. I had an open mind on the subject, and was simply waiting for the time and inclination to look into the facts. It's true I don't automatically accept the 'facts' presented by US govt officials and reported without comment by the media, but in all other ways my brain works quite normally. Whereas Michael Moore does not dispute the 'facts' presented by US govt officials (Chomsky-like), this movie just examines the hard evidence - and more importantly, examines it in a logical order. There is no jumping around, no confusing lists of names, none of that skull n bones and illuminati stuff. Just 'look at this picture, do you see what I see?' and 'if you see what I see, and nobody reports it, doesn't this imply a kind of conspiracy?'. It's a well-done, high-quality production.
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Makes you wonder what other lies we have been told
Mythicalreviewer28 September 2005
After having watched the DVD yesterday I must say that the evidence is so overwhelming that a cover-up took place that it's amazing that there is not a widespread movement to bring the government to task.

All you need is one lie to make you question all the disinformation we were fed after 9/11.

Tim Moody's comments are illustrative of a "ostrich in the sand" mentality. Like the movie commentator said there will be 1/3 of people who will vehemently deny any facts brought before them.

We do know that there were other instances in American History that demonstrate cover-ups and disinformation: OKC bombing, 1st Iraq war, WWII, JFK assassination, Civil War, War against Cuba, etc. etc.... How can anyone trust what the major media outlets and the government say? It is true when they say you must always follow the money..... Wars make those in power rich.
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In plane site, I don't see any fact that proves in this documentary that says 9/11 is an inside job.
ironhorse_iv11 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This film has no credible information because the film didn't add anything new to already well-spoken conspiracy theories that been surrounding 9/11 since that day. Other previous 9/11 documentaries did a better job explaining these theories a lot better than this film. The film felt like another conspiracy theory documentary with nothing new to say. It was just a lazy film that retells the same old information that other did the research for their documentary. The documentary doesn't even bring any good information. It just talk about the same old things that most conspiracy theories documentary are showing and questioning like: why the pentagon wreckage was so small and show little remains of aircraft or how the World Trade Center might have bombs inside the building and that the plane that crash into it, doesn't like a commercial jet. First off, the pentagon is a fortified building with steel reinforced walls. I found it plausible that only the nose of the plane pierced the building and the rest of the aircraft disintegrated and followed inertia into the hole. Plus, the film only talks about the second floor hole, and not the 90 feet ground floor hole. So the film present it in a misrepresentation matter. Second off, the plane that hit New York was clearly a passenger plane and it indeed crash into the World Trade Center, and the bombs weren't bombs, but the floors collapsing onto each other. Let's note that this film is created in 2004, so it's a bit outdated. There are a lot of documentaries that came after this, that try to answer those questions, and pretty much show that there is no way, the US government could had done an attack like that. It would first be costly, second off, war isn't as profitable as it was in the old days, and third, if the government did do it, do you really think that all those people would cover up a horrible act for so long. NO—somebody will come out. I don't think our government planned 9/11, but perhaps they knew of the terrorist attack ahead and allow it to happen, to gain more power to convince us to give up more freedom for security. Still, it's up to question. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying trust your government! I might be against the idea that the government did 9/11, but no way, believe everything they say. I do know about the government covering up events in the past before, such as the 1964's Gulf of Tonkin incident, the whole Operation Northwoods, the whole pre-knowing of Pearl Harbor, and even the Remember the Main incident. Still, I don't think this documentary did anything to make it stand out. It didn't go to Washington D.C, Pittsburgh, or New York crash sites, and look for the clues. It didn't go to former president Bush or any current or former government figure and dig any question out of them. It didn't go to the military and dig for answer. It didn't even bother getting the firemen that it was supposed to get for the interview. Question, if the fireman that was getting interview, got let go by the firehouse, how come the interview didn't still go on? It seem like a lame excuse to tell why the firemen was unable to show up on camera. The film didn't even left the radio station. It's seem like just one long ad for the radio station, power hour looking for viewers. Most of the film show other people's materials and video footages. I like how they show blurry close up of video tapes that really doesn't show anything and act like there is something there when there isn't. Then it cut back to a talking head that has nothing to do with Sept. 11. Honestly, what credit does this radio host guy David von Kiest has to talk about Sept. 11? He isn't a former government leader, he isn't part of the military, and no way does he have clue what he is talking about. Plus, the film acts like its only purpose is to seek out the truth, but it's so one-sider, it's can't be taken serious. Don't the filmmakers know that there were a lot of confusing information that came out of that day that proves that their conspiracy 'facts' might not hold up with the greater amount of information. Honestly, to solve this conspiracy theory, more than seeing the wreckage by looking at video footage. Why not look for it at its source. Go to New York and Washington and find what happen to the airplane wreckage. If not that, they should go find out find all the people who were on the flight and do the research on their families to find out whether there was actually a plane that consisted of passengers that hit the pentagon and the World Trade Center! If the people don't match or look fake, then it's not a conspiracy theory at all. It's simple like that. Clearly, the planes weren't shot down in the Atlantic, as none of the planes were near it. Duh, movie. If you really want to make a truth video. Then go to Washington D.C or Afghanistan and ask the 'so-called' terrorists. I don't see any of these documentaries going hard on the source. If the government really didn't want us to know that they did it. At less, you would think they would had done a better job. The movie was even reject from some individuals in the 9/11 truth movement due to its outlandish crackpot claims. If this film was reject by some people in the 9/11 truth movement, then you have to see that this movie isn't as clear as it makes it out to be.
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9/11 changed the world -- this documentary will change 9/11
G-Com27 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Many of us remember what we were doing on September 11, 2001.

Like most Americans, I watched in horror and anger and bought into the official story. But the inconsistencies contradicting the "official" story began piling up. I couldn't ignore it. In the months and years since, so much evidence refuting the "official" line has come to light -- and nowhere will you find a better compilation of the evidence than "9/11 In Plane Site."

Host Dave vonKleist examines such things as the object attached to the belly of United Airlines Fight 175 (the second jet that hit the south tower) and the flash that occurs milliseconds before impact, the apparent lack of windows on the plane, the pancake collapse of the World Trade Center towers, the mysterious collapse of Building 7 (which I believe was the control center for the "pulling" of the World Trade Center towers,) and the Boeing 757 ("American Airlines Flight 77") that supposedly struck the Pentagon.

Watch and decide for yourself if this is a conspiracy theory -- or a conspiracy.
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At Last the truth !!!
welshhibby17 September 2005
For once the truth has come out about that fateful day in 2001.

And to reply to MR Stupid AKA Tim Moody (UprTupr)

(Not since "Fahrenheit 9/11" have I seen such bombastic, utterly laughable garbage purporting to be "truth)

Michael Moore is a hate figure in the US but is loved here in the UK and Ireland because unlike most Amercians he can see what has being going on just like the rest of the world. OPEN YOUR EYES.

(A "pod" on UAL Flight 175? Nope. Try the shadow of the right engine since the sun was shining in that direction.)

YES there is a POD there are you blind ??!!!

(A "flash" upon impact? Sorry. Metal on metal sparking and/or video enhancement)

Metal on Metal sparking ???...strange considering there are mostly WINDOWS along the surface of the two towers !!! Video enhancement - now you are just making it up !!!

(No other security camera footage at the Pentagon? It obviously didn't occur to von Kleist or his handlers that the Pentagon is a high security building and providing footage from other cameras would have compromised security by revealing their location.)

Everyone knows the location of the Pentagon so why would it compromise its location ???!!! and I'm sure camera are hidden quite well these days anyway.

("Pull" the building? Nowhere on the video is the use of this term explained. It's taken completely out of context)

If you were paying attention to the film the phrase is actually used. And the clip was shown TWICE.

As the presenter said at the start of the film so of you would be in denial and it looks that way.

no wonder most people in the world look at the US and shake their heads as you haven't got a clue.
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Another conspiracy fantasy....yawn
hprice-jr24 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
One can only sit with a sense of humor through this excruciating piece of nonsense and wonder aloud how such dribble is attempting to pass itself off as 'proof' of what really happened. A desire to again blame a government conspiracy on such a major tragedy is a poor excuse for jumbled facts, quotes taken out of context and very questionable interpretation of video footage from that fateful day.

The other major problem with this flick is it's hokey cut and paste approach in order to present the 'facts' that it's attempting to prove. Flashes, pods and an animation of a plane that looks like it's rolling across a runway towards the Pentagon. Are we to dismiss totally the accounts of eyewitnesses who saw that jetliner tear into the Pentagon? What about the photos published after the event that show aircraft wreckage from different vantage points at the site which is barely flashed in this film?

If one is to take any of this seriously the viewer is left with only one question - what happened to the aircraft involved and all of the passengers? If anyone can answer that million dollar question with any reasonable sense of clarity, then perhaps the entire premise would at least have some validity. If the die-hard believers in this film is are still not convinced, the following link might be of some interest:

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See the Director's Cut version
Effexra8 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Dave has recently released a director's cut version of this film that is 76 minutes. He adds some footage from OKC. The original version to me left a bit to be desired, and I would have given the original an 8 or 9. The director's cut presents a much stronger case against the official story on 9/11. If you have only seen the original, you should check out the director's cut. To me, this and Alex Jones's "Martial Law: The Rise of the Police State" are the two best documentaries on 9/11.

The reason that I think this is one of the better 9/11 documentaries out there is that they stick to documented video evidence. There is a review on this site that claims that the video is doctored. If this reviewer had taken the time to obtain the PBS "America Rebuilds" documentary, as well as the Naudet brothers video and CNN's America Remembers, you would see that the video is not doctored. I went to a screening of this video and Dave was offering a free copy of the CNN video to anyone who bought the DC of "In Plane Site." The one problem I had watching the original was when they started taking about the pods. Conspiracy theories are easy to dismiss when you can focus on some fringe argument as if it is the main point. The arguments concerning pods and remote control and stand down orders are difficult, if not impossible to prove. To me, the strongest provable argument against the official story is Larry Silverstein's "pull it" quote from "America Rebuilds" concerning WTC7, which was not even mentioned in the 911 Commission report. He admits that the collapse of building 7 was a controlled demolition. Since it takes weeks to wire a building for demolition, how did they do it in just a few hours? People died in this building when it collapsed, so why is Silverstein's comment not viewed as an admission of premeditated murder? Anyway, when viewing the pod evidence in the video, it is important to watch on as big of a TV as possible. I was initially skeptical as mentioned above, but it is very clear when I watched the DVD on a 36" TV with component inputs. You can see both the pod and the flash from four different angles. What it is and why it is there is not the point. The point is that it is not a feature of a commercial plane.

This is a great film by people who love this country and are not trying to profit from tragedy like Michael Moore. We need more people like Dave Von Kleist and Joyce Riley.
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Snake Oil Salesman presents "evidence" of conspiracy
zensixties7 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
9/11 in Plane Site is an attempt to sway the gullible viewer into believing completely irrational theories of 9/11. It shows a lunatic named David von Kleist presenting video "evidence" that the World Trade Center was a controlled demolition, but also that the planes had missiles attached to them. Yes, you heard that right. In spite of the massive evidence that Al Qaeda on the orders of Bin Laden highjacked 4 planes and drove 3 of them into buildings causing those buildings to collapse, von Kleist asks you to believe otherwise.

This video is just a symptom of a sickness. The sickness is called irrationality. Some of the afflicted deny the Holocaust, some believe we never went to the moon, some that we are being visited by aliens. All present skewed laughable evidence. Many believe JFK was killed by conspiracy and their evidence is Oliver Stone's movie. Some believe the bible is literally true and their evidence is that's what they were taught.

To believe this 9/11 conspiracy crap you have to overlook the evidence pointing to Al Queda, the thousands of witnesses to the events, the forensic evidence of all crash sites, the cell-phone calls, the black boxes....in short you must ignore EVERYTHING except what these cranks want you to see. And what they show is laughable. The "pod" on the plane is actually the right fairing that contains the landing gear, the flash is what happens when metal hits an object at 530mph. The extensive damage of the Pentagon's 5 rings is not shown...only the facade is. WTC7's massive damage is not shown here; von Kleist has his own explanations for all this and it doesn't gel for anyone who values rational thought. For those with an agenda, or a world view that can't accept that chaos happens in a chaotic world, you might believe this junk. For the rational, don't waste your time.

Popular Mechanics has a good article that debunks these theories on their website. It's called "Debunking the 9/11 Myths".
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your all in denial
cadreau28 September 2005
I have seen a lot of movies on the 9-11 cover up. however, this one probably sums up the endless proof the best. Also I do believe that Van Kliest was the first person to notice the pod and the missile flash before the planes hit the tower. Good call man. sometimes the best place to hide something is right in front of your face! Just one quick comment on the flashes. It is absolutely irrefutable that the flash happens before the first plane hits. The second one is controversial. However, if the flash really is the fuselage sparking off the tower wouldn't the wings also spark????? When you view the footage the rest of the plane goes in without any flash.

Don't listen to these people that are saying this movie is terrible. They are in denial. Take the red pill and do some research.
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Must see documentary
mrk19743 January 2006
Everyone who had any reaction to the incidents that took place Sept. 11, 2001 owes it to themselves to watch this film. It is a non biased reflection and presentation of newscasts, interviews, physical evidence or lack thereof that the American mass media didn't seem fit to force feed its viewers as was done with the images that were literally burned into the minds of horrified viewers. The material contained in this film is shocking, the fact that this information has not brought more media attention is just plain mind numbing.

The events that took place are tragic enough as they were, that so very many questions have gone unanswered and blatantly ignored compounds the situation exponentially. See the movie, listen to the information and decide for yourself, then most importantly...SPREAD THE WORD.
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Not a single photo of the plane
ayhanozdere4 July 2022
Isn't it unbeliavble that there is not a single photo of an approaching airliner? Even our modest apartment buildings have security cameras just in case a small burglary occurs. Even a few vague picture would stop all this senseless discussion. Americans -- and the whole world -- were fooled and we are still paying the price in terms of mistrust, war, hatred, etc.
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One of the most stupid pieces of TV I have seen.
kwackers4 January 2006
I have just seen this "documentary" on TV. Anyone who believes this rubbish really needs to turn off their TV and actually start thinking for themselves. The presenter begins the program by asserting this is a conspiracy and not a "conspiracy theory" and makes some strange comparison to buying raffle tickets, and it gets worse from there.

The first theory presented in the program is that a missile hit the Pentagon. By casting doubt on random pieces of information, however irrelevant, the presenter is hoping that we suddenly believe his version of events. In one example he quotes an independently published book that states the damage was 100 feet across, when it was actually less. Somehow this is meant to strengthen his case, but he never actually says HOW this should convince us.

For the remainder of the program the presenter focuses on the World Trade Centre attacks. Most of this segment is based around quotes taken from people soon after the attacks. Anyone watching on that day will remember how scrambled information was to begin with. People who have just witnessed a traumatic event are not reliable witnesses, especially when there is actual video evidence (which was ignored in this program) that contradicts what they are saying.

Most of the "information" that this program is based on was taken from random conspiracy websites. The producers should have saved themselves some time and visited Snopes: http://www.snopes2.com/rumors/pentagon.htm I'll leave you with a final thought - even if the official versions of events is wrong that DOESN'T make this version any more correct. Remember that, watch the program again, and you will see how little "evidence" this program actually presents towards its inane theories.
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Eating government rubbish
hazza6910 September 2006
The film 'In plane site' was an interesting revelation into pictorial fact. At least it was done WITHOUT any powers that be, therefore without their manipulative media control and this alone opens speculation around the 'powers that be' and their real agenda's, opposed to their supporters who don't seem to know that the governors they support are not capable of representing the good of the major part of the population,FAR FROM IT!! They are consumed with self interest. History shows the same pattern over and over. (And over...argue with that dockyards!) If you really think they act only in the peoples interest wouldn't they be more up front about their dealings?? NO! they're not, but you 2 party idiots keep voting for them 'coz it's all you know how to do!! Wake up fools! you are riding the whole worlds death train.
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Take your first step
Xavier_Stone29 May 2020
This is a good first step in looking at the evidence of the attacks on 911. It shows a lot of strange or coincidence happenings on the day and also is not over bearing or hard to follow. It give the viewer a lot of little hints that something might be wrong with the official story, and the logical next steps are to start viewing other docs for more information, or to close the closet door and remain close minded.
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Paranoid beyond belief
smw7312 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Do I trust the United States government? Hell no. But this show is ridiculous. There were many independent witnesses of what happened at the Pentagon and the WTC. There were pilots who were scrambled to follow the hijacked planes, and are still giving their testimonies. How do you explain all the phone calls people made from the planes to their relatives? I agree that the US govt used 911 as an excuse to invade Iraq, and they have done similar things in the past. The intelligence services during WWII knew that Pearl Harbour was going to occur - that has been pretty well established. But I don't believe that they would actually murder thousands of their own citizens. The Commission into 911 showed that the terrorists had been plotting their attacks on US landmarks for years, and they themselves admitted to it. I saw this show on the fifth anniversary of 911 - and what an insult to the casualties and their families.
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It is fiction
drengen_ortmann698 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a poorly made, so-called "documentary". Made by the untalented William Lewis and Dave Von Kleist. None of them have any education, and they have made this so-called "documentary" in their basement. Which can be seen. It is very poorly made. The kind of smoking gun in this so-called "documentary" is some footage of questionable origin, which "reveals" and explosion in the WTC before on of the plane hits it. The two persons that worked on this so-called "documentary" claims that it is from reel footage taken on 9/11. Right... Then why have no news-station taken this up, and shown it?? The Conspiracy-virgins answer would be that the secret Zionist-American-Muslim-Shadow-Government have control of all the worlds TV-Stations. Which I have actually have heard conspiracy theorists claim over and over again..... But if you use your brain on this, then you'll come to the conclusion that it is a ludicrous lie: all the world TV-stations, is about hundred thousands to millions of people.... and all of these people are according to the conspiracy theorists part of the conspiracy, by covering it up...... Conspiracy theorists see no problem in it, but all with a decent brain do. All the TV-stations of the world have not taken these kinda "documentary" up, because of: they are poorly made garbage, plain and simple. What you see in this so-called "documentary" is false and fake footage. The conspiracy theorists are the first to claim that all what the government (I.E. people with education) present to us is all false and fake...... how come that all the what the conspiracy theorists present to the public automatically is the truth, which is to be believed in blindly? The truth is that there are just as many idiots on all sides. Many of these conspiracy theorists are lonely people, who grave attention, so they make fake documentaries with fake footage, to get attention from other people of their kind.

Why do conspiracy-theorists believe in these documentaries??

There have been made thousands of documentaries that states that Al-Quada attacked USA 9/11. These documentaries are all made by dozens of educated and clever journalists. These documentaries are based on hundreds upon hundreds of eye-witness-accounts, words of experts and reel footage.

There have been made hundreds and hundreds of books that states that Al-Quada attacked USA 9/11. These documentaries are all made by dozens of educated and clever journalists. These documentaries are based on hundreds upon hundreds of eye-witness-accounts, words of experts and reel footage.

There have been made about 5 books that state that USA planned 9/11. All of them are based on 3 or 4 eye-witness-accounts. Based on 1 - 2 expert-accounts (and mostly in a different field), and also based on doubtful footage.

There have been made about 3 - 4 documentaries that state that USA planned 9/11. All of them are based on 4 or 5 eye-witness-accounts. Based on 6 - 7 expert-accounts (and mostly in a different field), and also based on doubtful footage.

It is beyond me that you people (conspiracy-theorists) choose to believe in the documentaries and books that state USA planned 9/11. But then again there are those people that think that the Holocaust never happened.

This documentary is fake to the bone. None of the elements or footage in it can be trusted. Also: Have none of you even questioned the legality of this documentary? IT HAS ONLY BEEN MADE 2 PEOPLE. This is the same of all conspiracy documentaries: Alex Jones so-called "documentary" also only includes himself as doing all the work, and also the two people that made the poorly made so-called "documentary" "Loose change", or whatever that poorly made piece of garbage was called. Reel documentaries have many times that amount of people involved: researchers, journalists, experts and other technical people. This so-called "documentary" has not got that many people involved - and what does that tell you? Yes that is right: it is fake.

It is fiction.
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Blatant HIT AND RUN approach
covalatt11 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This 'documentary' raises some VERY interesting questions, every single one of which can be explained with the help of expert knowledge in various fields concerned.

This is a 'hit and run' strategy, where they throw a bunch of questions at you (that initially provide partially believable 'evidence'), and run with the money they made from selling broadcasting rights to TV stations around the world.

By the time you do some thinking and reading of your own, and realise that their version of events have 10 times the number of inconsistencies compared to the official version of events, it is already too late. You have already made the producers rich by watching their show.

Conspiracy theories are exciting, because they offer an alternative to the official versions of events, and tricks the viewer into thinking that they are a select few who know the TRUTH (despite the fact that if you saw it on TV, so did millions of other people).

One must do a lot of research to make a show like this, and there is no way that he did not come across perfectly valid explanations for the claims he's making (such as that found in the Popular Mechanics article, link below:)


The producers knew that each and every one of his claims, while creating some interesting questions initially, didn't stack up in the end.

For example, the hole in the Pentagon didn't seem wide enough for a Boeing jet - but did they consider that the fuselage carries 95% of the weight of the aircraft, such that when it crashes into reinforced concrete, it leaves a hole the size of the fuselage, rather than a perfect imprint of the aircraft like you see in cartoons?

And did they know that there were photographic evidence of remains of airplanes at the Pentagon crash site, and of passenger windows at the WTC crash site?

Of course they did. But did they address any of them?

Of course they didn't.

If you spent any time at all researching the evidence (as the producers of the show would have), you would have found out that it simply didn't make sense.

This show is pure garbage - and a moral/ethical crime against those whose lives were tragically ended that day 5 years ago.

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Interesting thoughts mixed with conspiracy mumbo jumbo
mathiaswce8 November 2006
I saw this film a while ago and I must say that I was impressed the first run. However, after checking the facts myself I could see that most of the controversial points made in this movie could be easily refuted.

I do believe that the whole truth about the events of 9/11 is yet to be unraveled, but this movie does its best to divert doubters from the real issues.

I would recommend to see the "9/11 Press for truth" documentary, see the "Why We Fight" documentary and read John K. Cooleys book "Unholy Wars" instead of watching this poorly researched movie.

The 911 Truth movement needs more peer review and less ranting conspiracy theorists. However, this movie is not utterly useless, if nothing else it raises important questions that drives you to pursuing the facts for yourself. So if you have an hour and a half to spare, see it and make up your own mind. Do NOT take my word for it.

It is when we stop asking questions that the real trouble begins.

According to many, this has already happened.
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Gives Conspiracy Theorists a Bad Name
UprTupr7 July 2005
Not since "Fahrenheit 9/11" have I seen such bombastic, utterly laughable garbage purporting to be "truth".

Through the use of obviously doctored video, mysterious audio added to video, and statements taken out of context, host von Kleist attempts to hook the viewer into believing that 9/11 was all a big government "plot", "conspiracy", "scheme", "shell game", etc.

A "pod" on UAL Flight 175? Nope. Try the shadow of the right engine since the sun was shining in that direction.

A "flash" upon impact? Sorry. Metal on metal sparking and/or video enhancement.

An explosion at the base of WTC 2 BEFORE the collapse? Obviously doctored video since if you look at what is supposed to be the south tower it has the same exact damage as the north tower. (But I believe von Kleist said this was due to a video "glitch" in his "director's" cut. How convenient. ) No windows on the plane? How far away was the viewer and how long did they have to see the plane before it hit? Being a pilot I know from experience that at 500mph and close to a mile away you can't discern much detail on an aircraft. And considering that airliner windows are less than a foot square this would be consistent. Go out to an airport someday and park about a half-mile from the approach path and watch the airliners come in. See how much detail you can actually see. Anyone who bothered to look for photos of the second plane will find them with the UAL logo on the tail and UAL's paint scheme.

No other security camera footage at the Pentagon? It obviously didn't occur to von Kleist or his handlers that the Pentagon is a high security building and providing footage from other cameras would have compromised security by revealing their location.

"Pull" the building? Nowhere on the video is the use of this term explained. It's taken completely out of context.

As for WTC 7? Watch the History Channel's presentation of Greatest Engineering Disasters in their Modern Marvels series and all of this is explained. There were no preplanted explosives or any other such nonsense.

And as for the missing debris from the plane that hit the Pentagon? In this case watch the National Geographic Channel's presentation of "Seconds From Disaster: The Pentagon" for a truthful explanation.
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Civilization Vs. Barbarism
jldmp16 September 2006
Another 'documentary', produced by cranks, more or less like "Loose Change". It's no wonder these people, including their panjandrums Michael Moore, all the way up to chairman Howard Dean and beyond, are collectively referred to as the 'Nutroots'.

At least "Loose Change" has the more movie-ish construction, with the narrator 'outside' the visual narrative. This is a radical's "Shame on you" TV report. So if you're just interested in the intellectual train wreck of a thought process displayed by the modern radical Left, go with "Loose Change, Edit. whatever-they-extend-it-to".

I devoted most of my "Loose Change" comment to refocusing the attention to what is completely ignored in that work: the question of why They hate Us. Isolated from that inconvenient issue, in an alternate universe, actually, the conspiracy makes perfect sense. That's how movies work; there must be a viable postulation of an alternate reality.

What gives me great concern is that these 'movies' don't postulate a viable alternate reality; yet judging by the proliferation of websites, blogs and comments, large numbers of people seem to profess absolute belief in these contrarian views. The motivations include (but are not limited to), the following: hatred of President Bush, hatred of America, hatred of the West, ignorance, postmodern relativism, multiculturalism, love of Socialism, and combinations of all of the above...the central delusions include that all the Western powers are 'wrong' and ruled by friendly-fire despots, and all of the 'oppressed peoples' of the Earth should be vindicated.

So I urge the reader who invests time, as I do, in movies and the commentary surrounding movies, to remember the larger picture that's 'outside the movie':

"What happened on September 11, 2001, was a kind of barbarian raid. It is true that it was not driven by the desire for plunder, but by the desire for destruction and glory, yet it was a barbarian raid for all that. In style and perhaps also in its deep motivation, it was the old spectacle of the wild herders from steppe and desert irrupting into the settled, orderly, civilized places that they simultaneously hated and envied. It was a raid across the Great Wall...

"In our own age there is of course no Great Wall to mark the line between civilization and barbarism. In this world of easy travel and globalized commerce, it is not easy even to tell where the one thing ends and the other starts...

"...(still,)it is an extreme kind of moral obtuseness that refuses to notice the difference between a people who strive to minimize non-combatant casualties and a people who do their best to maximize them. I note also that when Arabs are injured in an Arab terrorist attack against Jews, they are cared for in Israeli hospitals, to which they have been transported by Israeli ambulances. Imagine the converse, if it were possible: Jewish inhabitants of an Arab country, injured in a Jewish-terrorist attack on Arabs. They would be torn to pieces by ululating mobs of Arabs, and the pieces would be paraded triumphantly through streets crowded with laughing revelers, the whole thing broadcast on Al-Jazeera to general rejoicing around the Arab world.

"There you have the difference between civilization and barbarism. If you can't see it, I can't help you: you are morally blind. The wars we are fighting now — the war against Islamic terrorism, and also the war against the desperate, degraded, dangerous state of Middle Eastern political culture at large — are wars of civilization against barbarism. There is no guarantee of victory, and it is possible that our people's will might waver and fail; but these are not contrived or unnecessary wars against equal cultures — this is no "clash of civilizations."...We are not fighting against Islam, or against Arabs, or against Iraqis. We are fighting barbarism,...the most ancient enemy of all."
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The unbelievable gullibility of some people......
borntoworship20064 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! Where do I start with this travesty of truth? You know, it really scares me that there are people so stupid and clueless as to not recognize the wool being pulled over their eyes! There are more unanswered questions in this film than there are answered ones! Does that not tip you off to the absurdity of this lame production? For instance, if Flight 93 landed in Ohio, then what happened to the people who called their loved ones on cell phones and said goodbye to them? Also, when several tons of airplane smack into a building at 200 plus miles an hour, whether it hits concrete OR glass....are you really SO stupid to think that a "flash" spark of that contact would not occur? And aside from Flight 93, what happened to the other 3 commercial flights that went missing that day? What happened to their passengers and crews? You wonder why explosions were heard as each tower fell. Did it occur to you that when tons of debris from each ascending floor smacks into each other it might sound like an explosion? Did it also dawn on your dumb butts that each floor probably has at least one if not several water heaters on it? Have you ever heard a water heater explode? I guarantee it's big enough and loud enough to level a normal one-story house or building! The sheer weight of each floor collapsing in on itself would have flattened and popped every water heater like a balloon! Oh, and I've seen a hundred other photographs of the Pentagon wreckage that this film conveniently left out that shows PLENTY of room for a commercial airliner to fit into...so don't start in on that either! This film relies heavily on all of the misinformation that floats around in the early stages of any disaster. It takes DAYS to sort it all out, and you all KNOW that! From the mistaken reports of two other bombs located in the OKC wreckage to the reports that there were more than 4 planes involved on 9/11 (I have those all on videotape)...all these reports occurred in the first hours of each event and were later cleared up and corrected.

I am just praying to God that you people who actually believe in some kind of conspiracy and take this dumb film as fact do a lot more research for the REAL truth, and stop wasting precious time and your lives believing doctored footage and misrepresentation of what you can actually see with your own eyes! It's this kind of garbage that helps perpetuate the belief, by outside countries, that the people of the United States are uneducated and stupid! Please stop fueling that fire!
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"How Deep Does This Go?!"...
azathothpwiggins29 June 2021
911: IN PLANE SITE has all of the answers, man! You thought that the terrorists hit the World Trade Center towers with passenger planes? Ha! It was the government, man! Just like they did at Pearl Harbor! All a ruse, just get us involved in a war!


The Pentagon and WTC were bombed with bombs and missiles, dude! The evidence is clear! It was an inside job! Wake up and smell your President, man! This whole plot was pulled off by that well-known super-genius, George W. Bush! He and his hand-picked cabal of like-minded, ultra-brilliant psychopaths orchestrated the whole thing, man!

In league with the media and other world powers, that Machiavellian mastermind, George W. Bush, and his conspiring cadre of creeps concocted this calamitous catastrophe!

Where are the hidden videos? Why haven't they been released? The truth must come out! Only William Lewis cares enough to take on the nefarious powers that be! He's gathered the information, and only he knows what really happened on that dreadful day!

Our worst fears have been realized! Our leaders are all members of the "Common Purpose" organization! They're being trained to rule the world, man! This is why the transportation and education systems don't work! It's all part of the plan!

Spread the word, before it's too late! "It's A Cookbook!", "Keep watching the skies!", "Soylent Green is people!", "There is no spoon!". Amen, man...
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Spoiler alert...a few points about this video
dddmi7-130 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I would like to comment on a few points given in this video (I hesitate to elevate this video to the status of a documentary).

I'm going to outline the points I found interesting that were put forth on this video. It contains quotes and abbreviated text from the video so here is your spoiler alert...although I doubt anyone could spoil this smelly pile of rubbish as it was presented (comes off like a high school video project)

1. The Narrator goes to great pains to "program" the viewers at the very beginning as to his definition of a conspiracy theory. He uses some off the wall raffle ticket "theory" scenario to convince people that the term conspiracy theory is a misnomer. His hypothesis comes off as dime store psychology to me, you be the judge. Note that he claims no matter how flimsy his evidence is (he's that confident at the outset), you still have to lend it credibility. These are the rules he imposes for viewing his "documentary". He also uses the word documentary at least 5 times in the opening...to give this video added credibility?

2. Direct quote from the Narrator: "No credible claim of responsibility" was ever received after 9/11. Uh, Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attacks 2 days later and a week later provided video of them celebrating the news of the attacks via the media. How does the Narrator conveniently ignore this? Is he just trying to trick those too young to remember watching the news coverage?

3. Uses eyewitness accounts quoted the day of the attacks, many taken from non-professionals (no pilots, experts in explosives, people unfamiliar with jet fuel fires, explosions, terrorist attacks, normal everyday citizens). Uses quotes saying it "smelled" like a bomb, stating a plane looked like a cruise missile "with wings" (that sounds a lot like a plane). "It looked like an 8-12 passenger commuter plane". Live on NBC's Today Show Katie Couric stated the same thing looking at a tape rewound 3 minutes after the 2nd jet hit the world trade center and was immediately corrected by Matt Lauer and Al Roker (who both obviously had more experience flying in a commercial airliner) that it was much larger than a small propeller commuter plane. Point: not everyone is capable of judging the accurate size, distance, or scale of an object in a fraction of a second during an accident or attack. Actually, eyewitnesses were doubted as to what they saw right outside their windows in Manhattan prior to the video tapes being replayed. You can find all of this online, they state it was a large wide bodied commercial airliner, just went past my window and into the world trade center. Reporters ask: are you sure it wasn't a small commercial plane? The callers are adamant...finally one caller tells them he's a former pilot and aviation expert...and no way can something that small create a multi-story hole in the world trade center.

4. We are next provided "evidence" in the form of the "Hunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions" website from France. This website magically appears 4 months after 9/11 with photographic evidence that it wasn't a wide bodied commercial airliner and that the damage/hole in the Pentagon changed size (smaller/larger) depending on when the photos are taken and who took the photos. Of course this is hard evidence, nobody in France uses photo editing software! Discovery Channel aired multiple documentaries interviewing forensic and engineering experts as to how the jet planes loaded with fuel entered the world trade center and Pentagon and how the buildings buckled and eventually collapsed from the stress and how it was much different than bombs planted in the building, which many conspiracy theorists offer including this expert/radio talk show personality (which uniquely qualifies him to provide all this valuable evidence). Using the pictures from the French web site he shows books out in the open, undamaged furniture and office cabinets. Has this person ever seen Tornado damage in a house where one room is completely missing and the kitchen is barely touched with dishes and cups neatly stacked in the cabinets? No two explosions/fires are identical. He also claims we should see unique damage entering the Pentagon from the tail of the jet. OK, this is very basic forensics: by the time the tail section of the jet came to the imaginary line where the front wall of the Pentagon "used to be" the tail section is entering a fire ball created by the fuel in the tanks, along with tons of some of the strongest reinforced concrete walls and steel ever used to make any building in the world. The tail is made of...plastic and thin sheets of light metal/aluminum. He wants to see seats, clothing, luggage, wires, a tail section...on the outside of the Pentagon. Well, at over 300 mph (not the 250 mph figure he uses) everything went into that section of the Pentagon and exploded....inside! Hence, the debris was inside, and is shown on other more credible "documentaries".

5. My last point is in the next section of the video he quotes from a French (why are all the 9/11 conspiracy theory experts from France?) expert in environmental studies. But he quotes her opinion on the structural damage to both the Pentagon and the jet. She's not a structural engineer. Is this the only expert in the entire world he could find to support his theories? Just asking...

have to cut this short due to the 1000 character limit...I feel sad for those duped by this tripe...
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