Dr. Chopper (Video 2005) Poster

(2005 Video)

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OMG Complete waste of time
patriklassi17 August 2005
20 years ago Dr Chopper(yes, he is driving a chopper as well as chopping people up) disappeared when the police found dead bodies at his clinic. Since then people have been disappearing around Lake Tanoka(or something) and dead bodies/parts of bodies has been found all over the place. Turns out Dr Chopper needs body parts to stay alive and has been taking them from strangers, like pair of lesbians and 5 sorority girls on their initiation(you get the picture) traveling through Lake Tanoka. When a bunch of teenagers decide to go camping they are bound to clash with the doctor.....

Well, if you wanna waste some time this is the right choice. Acting varies from really bad to mediocre with the girls tripping and falling all the time for no apparent reason. Every chance of showing skin is taken but without actually showing anything at all. The same goes for the special effects who are pretty pathetic with every slash filmed in an angle so you cant see it but there are a lot of body parts in the movie all drenched in blood(probably to cover up how sad they really look ). The plot is pretty faulty and dialog rather sad. Only time I laughed was when Dr Chopper said: "Howdy!" when trying to be scary. Don't watch this one if your not a hack'n'slash freak. Even then I would recommend you to watch something better.
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dr chopper ...now I've seen everything
darksorcerer31 July 2009
i paid $2.00 for this piece of crap, i want my money back. it is a d grade horror movie that isn't so groovy

There are many MANY floors in this film, including the acting, the lack of actual horror, the lack of nudity (which besides the starting Nurse (porno outfit) and the still breathing nude corpse flash, there is none.

The sound track maybe is the best thing because it has some upbeat sorta guitar riffs/tracks.

There are your usual typical characters, the jock, the jocks woman, the nerdy guy (who looks more like a jock), the rookie cop/ranger (who has the biggest gap in his teeth i wanted to slip a few dollar coins into that gap..or go for a field goal) the mysterious fella and the Pure girl.

The make up was pitiful with side views of dr chopper showing a clear "make up line"and natural skin tones, the cover art to the DVD is clearly photoshop/enhanced to make the cover more enticing as Dr chopper looks like an old "plopper" The scraggy women that hang around Dr chopper are not explained and or look convincing like the rest of this movie.

The plot twist was VERY predictable and the abundance of bad looking FAKE limbs was laughable, what did they think,.... um throw some limbs around and some fake blood and you have a horror film.

Dr chopper himself is the most stupid character created I've seen in a while, though original i believe that the creator of this film was strained for ideas and possibly tried to use the rhyme Doctor and chopper (bike) and thought "bingo" ill make a crappy movie about that.

I've seen worse before..... but this is just plain bad.. everything about it is bad... the lack of suspense...the lack of actual horror or character development... the lack of a decent storyline ...the only thing good about this film was when it finished. This film doesn't fall into the category ïts so bad its good" for me either/

Overall 2/10 the director/writer/editor should know better.
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Not very good.
poolandrews26 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Dr. Chopper starts shortly after teenager Nicholas' (Robert Adamson) mum has died, he is still cut up about it but every cloud has a silver lining & in this case it appears that his mum owns a log cabin at Lake Tatonka the self proclaimed 'friendly place for happy people' that she didn't tell him about. So Nicholas together with his girlfriend Jessica (Chelsey Crisp) & three friends, Jimmy (Butch Hansen), Reese (Chase Hoyt) & Tamara (Ashley McCarthy) head out there for a fun weekend. Unfortunately things don't go according to plan, the cabin turns out to be little more than a run down shed & their neighbours turn out to be Dr. Chopper (Ed Brigadier) & his two nurses who go around killing anyone they meet to use them in horrible experiments...

Going straight-to-video/DVD Dr. Chopper was edited & directed by Lewis Schoenburn & this film seems to be having a hard time here on the IMDb with some pretty harsh reviews, while I think Dr. Chopper as a horror film is pretty worthless I don't think some of the criticism I've read is entirely justified. The script which takes itself very seriously is credited to Ian Holt (whether he likes it or not...) who has a role in the film as Detective Crocker according to the IMDb cast list although I can't remember any character of that name, maybe he was one of the cops at the start? Anyway, the basic story is alright I suppose although it's a tad dull & lasts for too long, it's typical slasher fare with some sort of evil character running around bumping off our annoying American teen cast, you know the drill by now. Besides some brief & undeveloped nonsense about Dr. Chopper using body parts to replenish his own deteriorating body there's not much story here & the script seems to exist solely to invent situations for girls to take their tops off, there's the inevitable sex scenes, there's a sequence where some girls have to complete a sorority house initiation topless & there's even a couple of lesbians here as well one of whom is seen without her full compliment of clothing. Oh, & when I say topless I mean they aren't wearing any tops but they all keep their bras on so you may want to bear in mind there isn't any actual full frontal nudity in Dr. Chopper at all. So there you have it really, it's an average story that has a mildly surprising twist at the end which is wasted, is populated with poor clichéd dumb character's that exist only to showcase some cheap gore scenes & girls in bras. To be honest I expect a little bit more from my films but then again maybe I'm just being picky.

Director Schoenburn does OK actually, this is by no means the worst looking film I've seen although it still looks cheap. There's no style here, I didn't think it was scary & there's no atmosphere either. The gore is restrained & restricted to some dead bodies & severed limbs, there's nothing new here or any particularly convincing special effects. Dr. Chopper is also one of those films where character decisions & motivations are ridiculous.

Technically this is a little rough around the edges but is reasonably well made on what was probably a really low budget, the forest locations are suitably isolated although the cops office looks like someones front room & the two nurses outfits at the start look like stripper outfits. The acting is alright, it could have better but I've certainly seen worse.

Dr. Chopper indeed features a doctor who rides around on a chopper motorbike but unfortunately that just isn't enough to satisfy me, despite it being a reasonably competent production the lack of any real gore, nudity or a decent plot sinks it without trace.
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So wrong in so many ways
czarnobog11 November 2006
If there was justice in the cinematic universe, director Lewis Schoenbrun would never be allowed to set foot on a movie set again. It would seem inconceivable that anyone who spent two full decades in an editing room, where LS started his movie career, could be so utterly devoid of any sense of pacing or dramatic staging, but this film is damning evidence.

As bad as it is, it is fascinatingly so. From the opening scene, where a nurse is clad in a costume appropriate only for a porno film or a skit on a Mexican variety show, the viewer is compelled to see just how low it can go. The answer isn't far away, as in the next scene we move to a funeral parlor, where the next stunning fashion statement comes in a sexy off-the-shoulders black dress worn by one of the mourners.

Aggressively inappropriate costuming isn't the film's only flaw. The dialog is a treat for connoisseurs of bad writing. "You turn my tears into wine," is a sample gem. The actor deserves an Oscar for delivering that one with a straight face.

The director reinforces every cheeseball scene with what is possibly the schmaltziest soundtrack score ever recorded, which veers from embarrassingly maudlin in the dialog scenes to cheesy groovebox wannabe rocknroll in transitional scenes.

The script introduces characters with no rhyme or reason and story beats are doled out as if with a broken ladle.

Let's not forget this is a "horror" film, though. Our characters find themselves in a forest wherein lurks Dr. Chopper and his two "scary" henchwomen, who are supposed to be some kind of Frankencreatures but look exactly like Valley Girls with fake blood dabbed beneath their Supercut shags. I've honestly seen scarier make-up on eight-year-olds out trick-or-treating on Halloween.

And again we get a whiff of the costume designer's malodorous handiwork, as Valley Ghoul One prances around in a pseudo-Victorian polyblend smock while her buddy wears a nondescript ensemble that might have been almost fashionable in less hip corners of the 1980s.

Dr. Chopper makes the big fashion statement though, looking like a Crisco cowboy who got lost in the woods on his big black Harley, clad from head to toe in zippered black S&M leather.

If this sounds intriguing, by all means check it out. There is plenty of side-splitting and belabored dialog (like the precious "elephant's graveyard" scene or the "intellectual" discourse on Ginsburg).

To be fair, the cinematography is good, considering what was put before the camera, and the actors strive (with wildly extreme results) to make something from a scrap heap of clichés and inanities. You do have to wonder if they were really really stupid or just blindly desperate, not to walk off the set after catching one glimpse of the ridiculous-looking villains with their 99 Cent Store weapons.
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God what a terrible film
MadMovieMax23 January 2007
The acting was very sub-par, You had Costas Mandalar acting like Triple H's dumber forest ranger brother, a Scott McMahon look-alike as his depute who I guess your supposed to care about but there is no emotional involvement anywhere. You have the Stupid lesbian, Not that I have any thing against lesbians, i don't just stupid ones who keep running around in a punisher like shirt and a grunge like hat who keeps asking if anyone saw her dead lover.

The Villain could be scary and there is a morality tale somewhere about trying to fight age and death but it is lost in this movie. Costas Hurst Helmsley points out to the soon to be victims the way back into town, while obviously there are city lights behind him.

Also A mispronunciation of Ed Gein but pronounced it Gine. As a citizen of Wisconsin. We have had our share of Monsters Gein,Dahmer, and McCarthy, but if your going to use it pronounce it right.

God Why do i watch all these terrible films. Oh yes I am a glutton for punishment and I watch these so you don't have to.
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Potential Academy Award Winner.....for people who are deaf and blind
basketballin278510 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching this because i thought it was a really shitty porno. As i kept watching the only thrill i got from this movie was finding out what the name of it was so i could look it up and rip on it. I just finished it and have considered ending my life knowing that someone actually made this movie.

For the people who commented on this movie as having a good script and great acting, my words of wisdom for you are that you probably have no friends because you were in the movie. You are probably wishing you had all that time back of your life that you wasted on making this movie.

There is no way that this is a serious movie. There was an old guy that gets stabbed and it doesn't even hurt him at all. And when everyone else gets stabbed they drop dead.

It was probably important that these people killed random people and ate them and also hung out with an 80 year old man that wanted to put the parts into his body.

My favorite part was when the old man found the "hemoglobens" or however you spell it because that made the movie seem very intellectual and probably helped to reach the older crowd.

What really blew my mind that they decided to throw in that random scene about the college girls going into the woods looking for fake skulls.

If you do attempt to see this movie, you should probably fill up your bathtub and drop your hairdryer in it and be ready to jump in.

THIS IS A MUST SEE!!!....for anyone who believes there life could not get any worse because this will help you realize there are people out there(the makers of this movie) who are even more pathetic and are going no where in life.
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A B-movie by any other name would still smell like $%!@
jamesh200812 February 2007
This movie is by far one of the worst B-movies I have ever seen. There are no plot twists at all. Though the acting is decent, the storyline is terrible. There are also many mistakes in the movie, and it was bothersome to watch. For any of you who like horror movies, slasher movies, or even B-movies, I don't recommend this to anyone at all. Most of the movie is focused on pointless killing, in ways that aren't even worth discussing. This movie could very well be compared to a crappy remake of Jeepers Creepers, which, too, wasn't that great of a movie. For anyone who wishes to spend a day at home, watching poorly made movies, this one takes the cake.
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so bad it's good..?
systmofadwn1755415 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Possibly one of the best, most horrible b movies ever, as in it's so bad and random,it's kinda hilarious and i don't know how to feel about it..reminds me of Cabin Fever..there's just something about that kid jumping off the porch doing karate and yelling 'pancakes' that's intriguing. Since a lot of people have already outlined the plot and everything all i'm going to do is sum up the quality of the movie with one quote: "I'm the park ranger who's going to f*ck you up". yeah, enough said?. If you're looking for quality or a really scary movie, i don't recommend it. but if you like these sorts of films then I guess you would enjoy it..I don't know how, but I guess some people would.
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I want you to meet someone...my inner *****!
whammy66618 August 2009
HAHAHA! This film is actually REALLY funny. REALLY terrible at the same time, but you can't really say it is boring. A friend told me this was the worst film ever, and I needed to see it, so I did and only enough I kind of enjoyed it. It has some okay gore, and some really hot ladies, but the acting is bad, and the "villain," Dr. Chopper has to be the most nonthreatening villain I have ever seen. And I love why they call him Dr. Chopper...dude, he rides a motorcycle! With an obvious ending, but entertaining all throughout, this movie isn't so bad. A scene at the end when the main character frantically throws a garbage pail at the villain is the funniest. Worth a look if you are really bored and need a movie to mock.
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Really Bad
Michael_Elliott27 February 2008
Dr. Chopper (2005)

* (out of 4)

Incredibly stupid, direct to DVD horror film about a group of teenagers who go to a creepy cabin in the woods where various teenagers have been chopped up over the past twenty years. The title character, a psychotic doctor riding a motorcycle, is chopping up teens hoping to find eternal life. After a pretty good opening, which contains some nice gore, this film quickly falls apart due to the horrible acting and a stupid plot twist, which can be spotted within five minutes. After the opening sequence there's very little gore and nudity, which is certainly not a good thing. The performances are so incredibly bad that I often found myself cheering for the bad guy just so I wouldn't have to suffer through any of the acting. Another strange note is that the title killer is somewhat interesting but they end up turning him into a supporting role hiding behind his two female assistants.
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Proves that you CAN make a movie on a $2.98 budget!
maxcellus4611 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Low budget "films" like this just give me hope as an aspiring screenwriter. In other words, if there are people out there who are willing to finance a piece of schlock like this, than there's certainly much more than a glimmer of hope for someone like myself who can actually write stories. This film is right up there, or should I say "down there" with the Ed Wood's of the world. The story, if you can call it that, and the dialog, not to mention the sophomoric acting, is a travesty toward the genre itself. Someone should have driven a stake through this stinker while it was still just on paper. It follows that since literature has pretty much been killed off, that film should follow. In order to have a good or even just passable movie, you must have at the very least decent writing. The legendary Curt Siodmak springs to mind. They used a lot of his stories for low budget films way back when but they still come off today as good, serious entertainment, i.e. "Donavan's Brain". The cast for this "work" should seriously consider going back to work at their respective hamburger joints or shoe stores and forget about any future feeble attempts at appearing in front of a camera. Avoid this one like the plague itself!!!
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Ed Brigadier is a Lloyd Bridges-Judas Priest lookalike,and he surely has a menacing bike!!
glyptoteque13 August 2005
Looks like I'm the first one out to comment upon this excellent and completely talentless tale of cannibalism and plastic surgery gone haywire, and here it goes. Dr. Chopper himself is a lunatic doctor very obsessed with the harvesting of human parts. The good doctor, backed up by some psoriasis-ridden vixens, needs to chop a bit off here, and a bit off there, in order to achieve immortality, so that he can tend to his heavy-metal bike forever and forever. He is apparently able to stir up quite an amount of terror in the hearts of his potential victims, and you really do sympathize with the cabin-youth, you really do feel that there is cause for alarm and a urgent need to flee, when this deadly 80-year old turns up on his bike, sporting a this-is-no-laughing-matter leather suit and WW 2-goggles. On his trail is the tough, not-stereotypical-at-all, small town sheriff, caught up in shouting at people in a very small-town-sheriff way, and of course throwing them around a bit in a very small-town-sheriff way, when he feels the situation calls for it. This is not to lead you to believe that we are here talking about a one-dimensional character at all, because he also is careful to set aside the proper amount of time for grieving. And he shows us clearly, in case we should have any doubts whatsoever, that his heart is not only brimful of the need for fist-use, but also brimful of tears. The way he sits there, in the usual dark office with the usual fireplace, having a really emotional conversation with a picture of his dog-wife Trixie, the tears streaming down his liquor-saturated face....can it really be?! Yes it can, no less than a priceless script, and priceless acting!! There are surprisingly a few decent attempts at creating tense horror, and in these few instances it does not take the old nose dive into the proverbial rock. Not all the way, anyway. But as much as I would have liked to think that I've managed to expose this film as nothing but a horribly failed, but serious attempt at horror, I find myself sitting here, having doubts. Maybe the directors intention was on the contrary, to create a parody? Or a horror-comedy? I really don't know. But you can choose to see it any way you would like, that doesn't change the fact that the film has the words "Half-attempt" written all over its face. Or should that be "Non-attempt"?! Do not be mistaken, when you are going to watch a film of this magnitude, have the old paraphernalia ready at hand; the pipe, the beer, and I guarantee you that the exceptional well written dialogue and acting, will make you end up in Gobbledigob-heaven. All feathery, and jerking it's head. For even better acting and dialogue, I recommend watching each and every Chuck Norris film ever made.
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Absolutely uproarious...
putnamos16 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Many of the others writing reviews for this film have touched on the major 'plot points' involved here, so I won't bother repeating them. The one scene that has not been mentioned, but certainly deserves attention, is Ranger Terrell's (Costas Mandylor) struggles with his past as a top-notch chiropractor. We often see films in which the protagonist is running from a past he cannot escape; most often these characters are ex-police officers haunted by a fatal shooting of an innocent person. Ranger Terrell, however, is an ex-chiropractor struggling with his inability to save the life of his wife... through chiropractics. This scene, complete with tears and tortured emotion, is a wonderful and hilarious take on one of the oldest clichés Hollywood has to offer. Terrell becomes a Park Ranger in a remote town to escape the horrors of 'losing his touch' as a chiropractor. A chiropractor? Brilliant.

There are many more scenes of this type sprinkled throughout the film, and I suppose it is up to the individual viewer to decide whether or not we are to take them as tongue-in-cheek or as serious cinema. My vote? Tongue-in-cheek, no question about it. Six stars for unique takes on dated Hollywood plot-fillers and at least four laugh-out-loud scenes. Currently playing on Starz on demand, so for those with access to this service I recommend a big bowl of popcorn and an open mind.
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Mediocre Throw Back To The 80's
terrible225 July 2007
Not recommended if you are looking for a horror film to really wrap your head around, or if you are hoping to have the crap scared out of you. But, if you are a fan of the 80's horror / slasher genre and have seen all the original films at least a dozen times, then this is a fun little (no-brainer) for an evening's enjoyment. Director Lewis Schoenbrun brings us a somewhat befuddled story about a plastic surgeon gone mad, while a group of teens spend the 'ol weekend at the creepy cottage. Written by Ian Holt, the story really doesn't seem to have a final destination and most of the characters are unbelievable... But, the acting is not bad at all (for the most part) and the film does have that cheesy 80's kinda feel to it, that we have all come to love. Again, if you are seeking a "Friday The 13TH" remake or a psychological horror thriller... Don't bother, but if you want to crack a beer and watch some blood, guts, boobs and butts... Pop it in.
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Makes 'Cabin Fever' Look Oscar-Worthy
Allison_Rae24 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I'm upset there's no choice of a "0" out of 10.

I was bored tonight, and while flipping through the channels, I see Dr. Chopper. With there being nothing else on, I decide to watch it, expecting it to be just another crappy horror movie, with a similar plot to Cabin Fever.

Man was I wrong...Dr. Chopper made Cabin Fever look like it should have won numerous Academy Awards. May I remind you, Cabin Fever contains a scene of a little hick boy doing roundhouse kicks off of a porch screaming, "pancakes!!", characters who leave their dying friend in a tiny shack to bleed to death, and Shawn from Boy Meets World mistakenly fingering a hole in a girl's thigh.

So needless to say, Dr. Chopper was a big, smelly pile-o-crap. It wasn't even funny crap. It reminded me of a horror movie I had to make in 8th grade, called "The Campout". Except for the fact that "The Campout" had a better script (we wrote it about an hour before filming), better actors, plots, bloody scenes, and camera work. I was hoping to get some laughs out of a poorly-made horror film, but instead I could only watch in astonishment as I thought to myself, "Was this made by 8th graders?".

The acting was horrible, the events and different little subplots were thrown together and didn't make sense, and the gore and violence was very minimal. I liked how that from a small stab wound, people died instantly, and the only weapons the killers had were small pocket knives...if you're going to make a horror movie, at least give the killer(s) an insane killing device.

Also, what the hell was the point of the sorority girls hazing their pledges? Good way to bring in some scenes of girls running around in their bras, even if they have no relevance to the story whatsoever. And I must say, my favorite line was when the blonde says to Dr. Chopper, "I'd like to introduce you to someone....my inner bitch." Her "inner bitch" then proceeds to grab a garbage can, throw it at Dr. Chopper, miss, and back up in terror of the killer.

Wheww....well that was a long one, but I felt that I needed to express my feelings on how absolutely horrible this "movie" was. I know that everyone has their own opinions, but if anyone rates this movie higher than a 2, they should be shot to Hell...

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visagrl55918 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie sucked on so many levels! Ever seen the Dentist? This movie made The Dentist look like a masterpiece. I do not recommend this movie to anyone, unless of course you are really really really really really bored, then maybe. It was SO corny. The killer reminds you of the grandpa from the monsters, except he has goggles on. When Jessica said "I want you to meet someone, my inner bitch, I thought she was going to kick his butt, however all she did was throw a frig-gen trash can at him. I was very disappointed. And when the ranger had the crying scene about his wife, I SO felt the pain behind his tears.........NOT!!!!! So before watching this movie, grab a blanket and a pillow, get comfortable because it is very relaxing.
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tash47927 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Ugh, bad, bad, bad, but I have seen worse which is why I gave it a 2 instead of a 1. Just got finished watching this movie and I thought it was about as rotten as the flesh on Dr. Chopper's face. The worst line of the movie had to be "I like to introduce you to someone... meet my inner b*tch" which consisted of the lone survivor of the fantastic 5 group throwing a trash can at Dr. Chopper and then falling on the stage. Second worst line, "I'm the park ranger that's gonna f*ck you up" What, this freak ain't even a cop????? Did anyone else notice how everyone instantly dies from the magic gut stab (no one dies that quick from a gut stab, I know this cause I see them frequently in the operating room) except super park ranger. Dude had like a bucket of blood poor out of that wound, writhes around on the floor some, and then comes in for the finale to take a parting shot at Dr. Chopper while inner b*tch lies cowering on the floor. And if that don't beat all, he doesn't even have the decency to die then like everyone else. Inner b*tch helps him limp outside and proceeds to tell him not to die while she runs for help cause he's like her only friend left alive now. Since when did these two become friends? I don't think a frantic meeting in the woods where he tells you to head for the city qualifies as getting to know you time but whatever.

Only watch this movie if there's nothing else own and you have nothing else to do with your time.
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Pretty dreadful
preppy-34 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Stupid horror film about five 20 somethings (3 guys, 2 girls) going to this place in the middle of nowhere. What they don't know is Dr. Chopper and his female assistants attack and kill anybody who ventures in their woods. They use their body parts for some experiments...or something. Also five college girls and two lesbians are thrown in to be killed off and show some cleavage.

Pretty desperate. The story is confusing and boring; the gore is laughably fake; Dr. Chopper and his assistants overact TERRIBLY; there's some dreadful black "humor" in here and people just stand around while their friends are being attacked or just stand there and let the people kill them.

This was pretty insulting. There are a few pluses. A twist an hour in was pretty good and the five young actors are actually good! Chase Hoyt is great as Reese; Butch Hansen is OK as Jimmy; Ashley McCarthy is also good as Tamara and Robert Adamson has his moments as Nicholas. Best of all is Chesley Crisp as Jessica--she was excellent! Some of the dramatic scenes between these five were well-acted and interesting. Unfortunately the dialogue wasn't really there for them. I'm giving it a 4 for their performances--but nothing else here is worth mentioning. Hopefully these actors will get roles worthy of them.
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Silly gimmick for a slasher film.
DigitalRevenantX77 October 2014
Celebrated plastic surgeon Dr. Max Fielding goes on the run after police link him to a series of killings. Twenty years later a group of young friends head to the countryside town of Lake Tatonka in order to unwind. But the town is cursed by the presence of Fielding, now known as "Dr. Chopper" due to his unique method of transportation (a chopper motorcycle) & army of demented nurses. At the same time, the local park ranger, a burnt-out shell of a man named Terrel, must find the inner strength to do his job properly.

Zombie fans will have heard of & curse the name of Lewis Schoenbrun. Schoenbrun was an editor dragged into the quagmire that was called Children of the Living Dead after writer-producer Karen Lee Wolf fired the film's director & crew & enlisted Schoenbrun to re-edit the film. The result was an unholy mess. This should have been enough to have the editor disappear from the genre without trace, but things seldom turn out that way. In 2005, Schoenbrun managed to get the chance to direct his own film. The result was Dr. Chopper.

Dr. Chopper is pretty much a pedestrian slasher flick that has almost nothing to redeem it enough to be watchable. But Schoenbrun surprises by having some skill in editing the film – this one's a lot more coherent than COTLD was. Having said that, the film is nowhere near good enough to warrant a viewing unless you want to see Australian actor & future SAW villain Costas Mandylor do his best glass-munching (the act of doing extreme emotions in an OTT way) & Ed Brigadier walking around in biker garb.
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For time wasters only.
knucklesnielsen30 May 2016
There is an expression (I think an Einstein quote) that says, if you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it enough. I understand bad films so i will make it snappy. The acting frankly is not that bad (Even if is based on a horrible script). The "Teens" are obviously actors well into their mid to late twenties, and how 3 well built football players can't hold their own against an old man on a motorcycle and a typically built woman with knife is beyond me. I guess they build them soft in that part of town. Even Costas Mandylor & Miranda Kwok, who are both respected & accomplished actors, cant save this one.
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A hilarious cult film in search of its cult
udar5511 July 2022
I knew I was in for a treat with this film early on when Dr. Max Fielding (Ed Brigadier) chops off a victim's right hand and the director shows a left hand in a bowl. Ah, so that is why they call him Dr. Chopper. He chops people. Nope! Minutes later the cops raid his empty house, spot a picture of him on a motorcycle and exclaim, "Dr. Chopper!" But our plastic surgeon-turned-madman escapes with his two nurses. On his chopper, we must assume. Cut to 20 years later and sullen Nick (Robert Adamson) is recovering from his mother's death when he finds the deed to a cabin in the woods. His girlfriend Jessica (Chelsey Crisp) suggests they head there with some friends for a weekend ("You turn my tears into wine" Nick realistically says). So with Ginsberg-loving Jimmy (Butch Hansen) plus couple Reese (Chase Hoyt) and Tamara (Ashley McCarthy), the fivesome head up to the cabin to help Nick inspect the place. The bad news is this isolated area is Dr. Chopper's new...uh, chopping grounds. Their only hope is an embittered, alcoholic park ranger (Costa Mandylor).

When recommending this film, my friend mentioned that nearly every line of dialogue is hilarious and he wasn't lying. I laughed harder at this film than any comedy from the last twenty years. It is full of nonsensical stuff. For example, Jimmy from outer appearances is shown as a beer guzzling jock, yet he is annoying people with his neurotic ticks and talks of Allen Ginsberg. The latter leads to a great bit of dialogue where the kids stop at a roadside store and Jimmy immediately shouts this to the older black store owner. This is literally said as their Jeep pulls to a halt in the parking lot.

Jimmy: "You like Ginsberg?"

Store owner: "Ginsberg? Jeez, everything he wrote after 1980 was crap."

Later when the owner sees a earlier Chopper victim pleading for help to the kids to find her girlfriend, he says, "White folks!" I was also legit dying during an emotional exchange between the kids at the cabin (after a cleaning montage, naturally) where Nick guilt trips everyone for not being their when his mom died.

Nick: "I didn't see you at my mom's wake."

Tamara: "Where were you when Reese and I broke up last semester? Friendship is a two-way street, Nick."

Nick: "Where was I? I was with my mother, who was dying. That's where I was."

However, nothing tops the bit where Mandylor is talking to his new trainee about his past. Screenwriter Ian Holt is hoping to go for metaphor here as Mandylor's character starts talking about the elephant graveyard. I get it, dude is burnt out after his wife's death and just looking for that mythical place to go and lay down to die. But if you start your goddang backstory with "Once upon a time I was a chiropractor and holistic healer..." I can't help but burst out laughing. Less than a decade removed from Picket Fences, Mandylor had to be channeling some real life angst and frustration into this role. Luckily for him, the Saw series would pick him up the following year and Dr. Chopper would be a minor speed bump in his long career and I couldn't be happier he hit this slump. Director-editor Lewis Schoenbrun made his feature debut with this film and - wait for it - he was also editor on Children of the Living Dead (2001), which I saw a few months before this and declared one of the most unintentionally funny films I'd seen. It is uncanny how both films have the exact same feel, from the stilted dubbed in lines right down to the neon green DVD cover. Dude has the magic touch. Dr. Chopper might still be looking for its cult, but it is two strong right now.
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Greatest movie created in history
corkhill_949 June 2008
I have never been so entertained and laughed so much in my life. The director, writer and actors have created a true comedic masterpiece that will be watched for generations to come. The script was amazing. I mean, who would have thought that a chiropractor "lost his touch" and it caused his wife to die only for him to end up as a park ranger.

Some of the greatest quotes in movie history are in this very film. "Your words turn my tears into wine." "I want you to meet someone, my inner b*h". (Throws bin and fails) "When i was looking into the kids eyes, I thought I was looking at you, and I wanna be looking at you. I wanna be looking at you." (Tries to shoot himself and fails). "I'm the park ranger who's going to f*k you up". "Look its a guy on a motorbike." "Thats not a motorbike, thats a chopper".

Dr Chopper is a scary character indeed. Whenever he magically appeared on that chopper, with his freaky white face paint, something bad was about to happen. Dr Chopper's female nurses would attack the characters with daggers, taking scary air swings.

The script writer really knows how society works as well. One of the girl's boyfriends gets killed by Dr Chopper, but 10 Min's later shes already moved on to the philosophical and great cast character Jimmy. Jimmy will go places in Hollywood. My favorite moment was his interaction with the movie's token black character, arguing who is the best philosopher of all time. Sure, he was a great character, but it was Costas who truly stole the show with his passionate portrayal of a park ranger who's lost his touch in life.

Overall, the best comedy I have seen in a long time. I know it may be considered a horror movie, but surely even the director was taking the p*ss? If not, I'm going to head out tomorrow and make my own horror movie, it would probably be more believable than Dr Chopper. I guarantee enjoyment out of this movie.
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Odd, but funnily enjoyable
Verona15 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a B-Movie fan, so I set myself down for a great treat when I read the description of "Dr. Chopper". We seem to have 4 different story lines going on here- namely, one, being that lesbians are complete morons, a tortured park ranger (I though Park Ranger's carried guns), a "Doctor-murderer" who no one has caught over 20 years in the same patch of woods (and who looks like Frankenstein from Death Race 2000) and the group of horny teens out in the woods.

I HOPE this was supposed to be funny as well (c'mon, the Doctor thought he was "hot" 20 years ago? He looked like the Sandman from the Metallica video). And I like how the Park Ranger ran away from a woman about a foot shorter than he was. The kid who played Nick was a TERRBLE actor, and the other sympathetic characters (Jimmy, the blonde guy) were taken out first.

Anyway if you can get by the many many "huh's?", its pretty funny. One more question: with all his nurses dead, was he going to do a heart transplant on himself? In conclusion, as Tom Servo says "The movie that delivers more 'huh's' per second!".
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Best Slasher Movie Since Scream!!
Dragonprnz20 August 2005
Sure Dr. Chopper is low budget, but the acting is good and the story has some really tense moments and a few great scares and a wow of a twist and is total fun!

This movie is a throwback to the hey-day of 80's slasher films! And boy, how I did not realize how much I missed them. This movie is every bit as good as any Friday The 13th, Halloween or Nightmare On Elm Street! In fact it's better because it has a plot and the killer is not just a mindless maniac who cannot die! He's a plastic surgeon who has taken his desire to remain young and beautiful too far. The movie is a metaphor for our greedy, celebrity, youth obsessed, plastic surgery mad culture. Dr. Chopper has a point of view and lets the viewer decide which side of the debate he/she falls on. Is the discovery of eternal life and youth worth a few dead sex obsessed teenagers? That's for you to decide, but damn if this movie didn't scare and excite me more than all of this summer's big budget junk! See Dr, Chopper!
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There's worse ones out there
slayrrr66627 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Dr. Chopper" was a pretty decent slasher film.


After discovering a secret cabin in the woods is theirs, friends Nick, (Robert Adamson) Jessica, (Chelsey Crisp) Jimmy, (Butch Hansen) Tamara, (Ashley McCarthy) and Reese, (Chase Hoyt) drive out to have a weekend away together. As they clean out the cabin, they find a series of newspaper articles about a deranged serial killer named Dr. Chopper, (Ed Brigadier) a former plastic surgeon. When he arrives and attacks the cabin, they flee into the woods, but are captured and taken prisoner. Discovering the source to his power, they fight back against the ruthless surgeon.

The Good News: This really wasn't as bad as it could've been. The overall concept of the killer was one of the film's best parts. It's a wonderful social commentary for the current times, and it makes the killer have an actual reasoning for his killing rather than cold-blooded murder. The high body count is also pretty nice, which is that there's always a death just around the corner if it gets to be too boring. The huge body count also provides some nice gore moments, and the nature of the film provides a lot of blood and gore to display. Hacked off limbs, free-flowing blood splatter on the walls, the trails from the wounds and a couple surgical procedures are shown here in graphic detail. Much better than what was anticipated. There was a couple of nice suspense scenes thrown in here as well, including the scenes on the highway and a second half that featured some pretty decent scenes. The cabin scene featured a rather nice jump that wasn't all that bad, and there was little things here and there that weren't all that bad.

The Bad News: There's only a couple things that need to be brought up. First of all, the killer has absolutely no idea how to be scary, as he looks plain silly. There's no fear in him, and he doesn't really project fear. The goggles worn might be a reason, but it still looks rather silly. Also, despite the large body count, there's relatively no variety at all in the kills, and are mostly the same thing. It's such a shame when this really could've featured some really good death scenes, and it wastes them by repeating the same type of kill over and over.

The Final Verdict: Fix a couple of small little problems, and this isn't all that bad of a film. It's decent enough to hold it's own for the time being, and will no doubt have some followers, so this might be a nice sleeper find for slasher fans. Others might want to exercise caution with this one.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity
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