Live Feed (2006) Poster


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What a pile of rubbish!!
ESXTony28 November 2006
This is one of the worst films I've seen in years!! You could randomly pluck 5 people off the streets and they could act better than anyone in this film. Absolute waste of time watching it. I only gave it a 2 as I like gory films but this is just plain rubbish. The acting (and I use that term VERY loosely) is abysmal, someone please tell me that the 5 main actors in this were making their first ever film?? Don't waste your time watching this. Hostel was a better film by some way. I cannot believe that someone has spent money making this, I hope for the producers sake it only cost $50,000 to make - it looks like a school project, made by kids who haven't got a clue. Did this even make it to the cinema??
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Brutally Awful
bobcoughlin21 December 2006
First of all, this is a low-budget movie, so my expectations were incredibly low going into it. I assume most people looking at the info for this movie just wanted a bloodfest, and essentially that's all it is.

Plot? There really is none. It's basically Saw but in China and a whole hell of a lot worse. Cast? There is none, period. Special Effects? Absolutely awful in my opinion... There were cutaways and the blood was often completely unbelievable because of amounts, splatter, color, texture, etc.

I believe the purpose of this movie was supposed to be a brutal, shock film. Now it had some great potential on a bigger budget but poor scripting, poor dialogue, awful acting, what seemed like camcorder video shots, and just plain unbelievable "gore," made this movie truly awful.

There are movies worth taking a chance against some reviews, even "b-rate" movies deserve some opportunities (blood trails for example was the most recent I saw against reviews that was worth it), but this was simply awful. I hope that people considering this movie read my comment and decide against it.

I'm all for brutality and shock, but the overall unrealism and truly awful acting makes for an awful experience. Save your time/money and chance something else, you won't be disappointed.
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debski222214 October 2006
just watched it, me and my better half could not believe how awful and badly acted it was. If anyone else thinks its good then you must be easily pleased. I actually gave up a night out to watch this, its all been done before. IE. hostel springs to mind, but at least that did not make you cringe with the bad acting and lack of story line, same old stuff, re-hatched,i read so much about this film, i even recommended it to my mates, my fault,someone said it was good! no more gory,horror or reeling back in disgust than your average "scary movie" it has to be said, please don't bother with this movie. get mary poppins. now thats scary! I'm off out now, go to the cinema and watch something scarier than this, little miss sunshine maybe
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Better than Hostel...I think not
deadman7112 June 2007
I watched the Unrated version of this film and realised about 30 minutes into it that I was never getting my time back. I persevered to the end hoping that the dialogue would improve, the martial arts would look realistic eventually, the special FX would actually look special. I was so wrong. I love Horror, I am a complete gore hound. I number some of the eighties splatter flicks amongst the greats of the film world. This however was not made in the eighties, if this film had come out in the early eighties the FX could be forgiven for looking so bad. It wasn't so it hasn't got that defence. The dialogue is terrible with so many bad lines I was wincing at the writing rather than squirming at torture. I don't like Hostel, never have, I thought it was over rated, over hyped and I felt nothing for the protagonists, however it shines as a beacon to greatness next to this garbage. The back of the cover for Live Feed promised a twist you would never see coming, I'm still waiting for the twist that was promised.
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Fyxe20 February 2007
This is the kind of movie that's so extremely bad that you cant stop watching it because you keep telling yourself that 'it cannot continue to be this crappy all the way to the end. It just cant'. You know, 'worse than Jaws 4'-kind of bad.

I honestly think I've only seen ONE movie that was worse than this, and then we're talking religious crap about how you'd end up in hell for lying or watching football.

Gore? Indeed and lots of it. Well made gore? No way.

The acting is beyond bad and all the lines are lousy clichés. Same goes for the storyline which only really consist of sex, blood and violence, like so many other gore movies.

If you're hoping for a mix between Ichi the Killer and August Underground… keep looking. You wont find it in Live Feed.
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This movie sucks!!
ameswife7 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be the WORST movie ever!!! The acting is scarier than the movie. Lots of blood, but no idea where it comes from, cuz they don't even show you the cuts. I can't believe I wasted my time watching this movie. We laughed like we were watching a comedy and not a horror movie. This is a disgrace to horror films!!! For one if they are in Asia why is there a white cop driving past Waste Management trash cans?! There's so much of another language that you don't even know what's going on half the time. The film editing is a joke, my teenager could do better. And if I went to a movie theater and that nasty old man was working the window that would be the first clue. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! NOT TO EVEN SEE HOW BAD IT IS, YOU WILL BE SORRY YOU DID!!
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A disappointing full-length feature from the maker of Torched.
BA_Harrison3 November 2007
The first full-length feature from FX-man turned director Ryan Nicholson, Live Feed treads similar territory to recent 'torture porn' movies Hostel 1 & 2 (and to a lesser degree, Vacancy and Turistas), and likewise fails to make the most of an admittedly interesting premise. I guess the fact that I actually rate it on a par with much higher budgeted efforts from major studios can be seen as a positive, but, considering I really enjoyed Nicholson's earlier 'short' Torched (rated 8/10 by me), I can't help but feel somewhat let down.

Live Feed sees a group of five hedonistic friends on vacation in the Far East, who become trapped in a sleazy porno theatre. There they become the latest victims of a vicious organised crime syndicate whose boss gets his kicks from watching people die. One-by-one, the petrified tourists are slaughtered by a hulking brute wearing a rubber apron and a bizarre S&M-style mask, with all of the gory action broadcast to the sadistic boss on a 'live feed'.

With plenty of nasty violence and loads of gratuitous nudity, this film certainly doesn't pull any punches, but it is let down considerably by bad characterisation, lame acting and a poor script. Unfortunately, no amount of extreme bloodletting and welcome T&A from pretty girls could distract this viewer from these weaknesses, and although I enjoyed the many brutal deaths (especially the bit where one guy gets his head twisted clean off!), I wish more time had been spent on bringing the substandard aspects of the film up to scratch.

Nicholson could be praised for achieving the same degree of nastiness in his film as self-proclaimed 'saviour of horror' Eli Roth does with his over-hyped Hostel. But since I genuinely believe that he has more potential than Roth (and certainly has more respect for fans of the genre), I regrettably give this film a rather disappointing 5/10, and hope that he fares much better with his next project, the intriguingly titled Gutterballs.
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For the Director
show_me_your_belly_butto9 September 2007
I just want to start by saying this is the first review of a film I have done on the net. I felt the need to warn people about this film because it truly is one of the worst films I have ever seen. After reading interviews with the director he says he respects constructive criticism and so i will try to avoid bashing the film just for the sake of it and offer my opinions as to why i found it to be so catastrophically terrible.

1. The actors. I know the budget may not have allowed for great thespians but with Nicholson working in the industry for over ten years surely he knew some actors who were at least average.

2. The incredibly lame make up and special effects. Once again budget obviously interfered with what was originally intended but after working in make up for so many years there is really no excuse.

3. The obvious similarities to Hostel. Whilst not being exactly a rip off it sure does try to cash in on the former films success. Only problem is Roth knew where he was going and exactly how to get there...

4. The music. Not at all creepy or haunting not even sickening just plain annoying.

5. The script in general. All dialogue was forced and terrible! Also the sub plots about the theatre and the guy who comes in to save them were weak as and almost like an afterthought.

6. The editing. WTF. How jarring, and not in a good way. nuf said.

Seriously I would like to hear the director's thoughts on my post (he no doubt frequents his pages on IMDb.) cause buddy... what were you thinking. Surely at some point during either the shooting or editing you realised what a turkey yolu had on your hands... Sorry I don't want to be harsh but you must have more talent than this i hope your next feature that gutterballs movie or wahtever is better, hopefully practice makes progress.

But in the mean time avoid this like the plague. I want my 81 mins back with interest. (At least I didn't pay to watch it.)
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So bad it's terrible!
byroti18 November 2006
I'm all for a "bad" horror movie but this was just a pile of dog sh!t! How anyone can call this movie cool or decent is beyond me. If you like rushed editing to cover the special effects, bad acting and a bad script then go for it! There was no suspense whatsoever and the gore factor was laughable because it was so fake. I'll take Hostel or Wolf Creek over this pile any day. My partner gave up after about 20 minutes, she knows a stinker when she sees one. I on the other hand stupidly sat through the whole movie just to wait and see if it got any better. No such luck! I haven't sen his other movie Torched and I doubt if I'll bother now.
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Bad acting, and bad everything else.
The_Void31 July 2007
2005 gave us the very decent "gore porn" flick Hostel, and 2006 gave us Live Feed; a not so decent rip-off of Hostel. Live Feed follows pretty much the same formula as Eli Roth's earlier film, except this time the dumb kids are in Asia rather than central Europe. The plot focuses on these dumb kids, and one of them has annoyed one of the locals so they find themselves in trouble. The locals decide to lock them all in a theatre, and kill them. Despite the fact that I'd heard some less than favourable things about this film before seeing it, I still hoped that it might be at least half decent because director Ryan Nicholson previously made the very decent 45 minute rape and revenge film 'Torched', but this film falls down simply because most of it is either ridiculous or boring. The film is obviously trying to hark back to the good old days of Grindhouse cinema (which Hostel did, successfully), but it really doesn't come off. Surprisingly, considering Nicholson's previous work in special effects - not even the gore is impressive...although it is a lot better than the acting! There's not much else I can say about this's bad and not in a good way. Avoid it!
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Sleazy and extremely gory low-budget horror at its best.
HumanoidOfFlesh9 February 2006
Five young tourists(Mike,Darren,Emily,Linda and Sarah)are on vacation in an Asian city.First they visit a traditional Night Market,where they are shocked to see a butcher slaughtering a dog for meat.After this gruesome event they decide to relax and have some fun in a local Karaoke Bar,where Emily meets a handsome Japanese man named Miles.Unfortunately for them Mike insults the Triad Boss,who entered the place with his henchmen.Big mistake!However Miles defuses the situation as he apologizes to the Boss and persuades the tourists to move on as soon as possible.Soon the action moves into a creepy porno theatre.The tourists buy tickets and enter this filthy place to forget about the evening's hostilities.Unbeknownst to them the Boss and his cohort have followed them to the Venus Theatre.The sadistically explicit bloodbath begins there...First of all I enjoyed Ryan Nicholson's nasty rape and revenge shocker "Torched",but "Live Feed" is even better.It is also one of the goriest horror films I have seen.The gore is plentiful and truly extreme with dismemberments,decapitations,grisly tortures,sword impalings and geysers of grue to boost.The acting is great and the action is fast-paced,intense and bloody as hell.Stephen Chang is especially memorable as the Triad Boss with a taste for human flesh.So if you are a fan of gore or grindhouse exploitation flicks you can't go wrong with "Live Feed".10 out of 10.Truly awesome stuff that will surely please genre fans!
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Damn, I Wanted To Love This Film...
EVOL66627 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It almost hurts me to have to write this review - I REALLY hoped that LIVE FEED was going to be THE "underground" film to watch for this year, and have been anxiously awaiting a view. Well - I got ahold of the unrated screener, and I have to say that I was disappointed. I really dug director Ryan Nicholson's twisted rape/revenge film TORCHED - as the performances were good, the gore was hot-and-heavy, and the subject-matter and film as a whole had a dark and twisted feel to it. LIVE FEED fails on pretty much all those levels. I was hoping for a nihilistic gore-fest and instead witnessed a disjointed mish-mash of genre stylings with a few decent moments...

Five tourists on holiday in Asia make a big mistake when one of the group insults a mob Boss while hanging out at a bar. A local guy tries to smooth things over but the Boss and his gang aren't so easily appeased. Things go from bad to worse for the group of travelers when the gang of thugs trap them inside a seedy porno theater and decide to show them a little Asian "hospitality"...

Good points - there are some decent gore scenes, and the beginning has a good bit of relatively explicit nudity. The over-the-top performances by the Asian mob Boss and the character of the bugged-out looking porno theater doorman were enjoyable. Unfortunately, that's about it as far as the good stuff. The acting by virtually everyone else is pretty weak, and the film feels disjointed and "confused", as though Nicholson didn't quite know what sort of film he wanted to make. Overall, LIVE FEED felt too campy for my taste, and I was hoping for something "darker" and more nihilistic. It's not a horrible film by any means, and is relatively entertaining - it just didn't feel like anything truly noteworthy to me. I still think Nicholson has a ton of potential, and just hope that GUTTERBALLS turns out better...6/10
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C'mon it's complete rubbish
chuckm7622 March 2009
Anyone who has said that it's better than Hostel is talking complete crap, believe me I'm not a massive fan of Hostel but this is just ridiculous.

Just another shot on camcorder, straight to DVD, low on ideas waste of your time, I can't believe how many of these films there are and I'm yet to see a decent one. In the 80's video nasties, gore and horror movies were made with no budget but a great story and a load of new ideas and most importantly the heart and soul of the director who had something to say. Now they just seem to be pumped out in an attempt to trick people browsing in Blockbuster to rent a copy, until people stop doing this then I guess these films will keep appearing.

This film is so low on ideas it's just amazing how it ever got made, the acting is also terrible, the location completely unconvincing and the soundtrack is so annoying it beggars belief. This waste of time has absolutely nothing going for it, unless you're on a quest to compile a list of the worst movies of all time.

My best/worst part of the film is when a female character is pointing a gun at someone and threatening to shoot them if they don't back off, you can see that she isn't even covering the trigger with her finger just holding the grip. An absolute joke.
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Don't even feed this to your dog
asda-man25 June 2012
I have never, ever, ever turned a film off in my life, neither have I walked out in any and believe me I've been close ("Import/Export" COUGH) but with "Live Feed" I was so, so close to turning it off. I bought it in "Poundland" for the magical price of £1 but please save that pound and cherish it! Buy yourself a nice posh pen or something because this is utter, utter sh*t. I've even been close to throwing this away.

Everything could not be more worse. The acting actually made me laugh out loud in places, the actors are as wooden as the "John Smith's Pine" shop. The directing is absolutely sickening, as is the terrible special effects (there's nothing special about them). The plot is taken entirely from "Hostel" with even more perverted sex scenes in. The director is obviously trying to shock but with such tacky effects it can only disgust.

"It's Hostel... With snakes!" A quote boasts on the DVD cover. It's so predictable and cheap it really angers me thinking about it! The characters are just complete perverts, like the director, and the revenge sequences are just laughable. "Live Feed" is quite possibly up there with "Import/Export" with being one of the worst films I have ever seen. It's not even fun to laugh at, it's just pure exploitation. Trust me a snuff film would be more fun to watch.
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Messy independent horror which makes "Hostel" look like "The Godfather"
DVD_Connoisseur16 June 2008
"Live Feed" is one of the few films I've struggled to view to the very end. The production is amateurish in the extreme and the pace is the most torturous element of the whole affair.

While there are moments of inspiration during the uneven proceedings, the lack of any genuine suspense or convincing bloodshed leaves the viewer wondering why they bothered watching this title in the first place.

The electronic score is awful and the performances from most of the cast are just not up to scratch.

I love independent horror movies but this one just fails to cut the proverbial mustard.

3 out of 10.
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The worst movie I have ever sat through in my life
Michael_V_Berg29 February 2012
Okay, I'm at the store and got to pick a horror movie real quick. I discover "Live Feed" and thinks that it can be fun. But I was dead wrong.

First of all, the introduction is promising with great atmosphere and it sets the mood right. That's the first 7 minutes, because suddenly it's a laughable excuse for a horror movie. The actors are by far the worst I have ever seen on film, their expressions did not at all match what was going on and they were so awkward to watch that THAT'S what the real horror was!

The plot is sickeningly standard, you already know what it is. It's about stupid teens travelling and getting locked in a hotel.

SFX weren't anything to write home about, considering this is extremely low budge, BUT in the beginning this actually works. What happened? In the beginning it actually felt like a horror movie, but when those treasured minutes were gone it just became hilariously bad, so bad that this is number 1 on my crap-list. Never come anywhere near this movie, you'll just waste you and your friends time.

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Bad acting, bad plot line
jsb-2611 November 2006
I agree with the last reviewer that this movie had terrible acting. Yes, there was a lot of gore and some nudity. But it was overshadowed by a slow-moving, meaningless plot and dumb ending. Where was this supposed to be filmed anyway: a Canadian Chinatown or Hong Kong? Hostel was a much better movie and I would recommend seeing that instead. A technical annoyance I had with the DVD is that if you shut off the Spanish subtitles, they return after a few scenes and then you have to go back to the main menu and turn them off again. Also, don't waste your time on the deleted scenes because there's no audio and it just looks like tourist footage.
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dermot-529 June 2007
An obvious b-grade effort to cash in on the Hostel/Saw buzz, my expectations for this film were low (really low!) and yet it still managed to disappoint on every level. The acting is so bad it's not even funny, the plot-line is non-existent and the only scare was realizing that I had wasted 1hour 21 minutes watching it! I'm surprised to note that 34 people gave it a 10 star rating. I can only suspect that 33 of these are Cast and Crew. The 34th is possibly the directors mother? - although I'm sure even she would find it hard to go higher than a 2! DVD extras include an hour long "making of" feature. Which raises the question, "Why?" (although perhaps it serves to demonstrate what not to do!). Avoid at all costs.
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Prettay Crappay
ElijahCSkuggs30 October 2006
Whoa nelly! I've heard a ton of mixed reviews for this...but one of my go to hardcore horror reviewers really found it to be disappointing. Man was he right on the nose! This movie was acted by pure amateurs. They HAD to have done one take, maybe two on each scene, the movie seemed soooo rushed. The script was also poor....they had lines that tried to be unique but failed. Miserably. "Get your meathooks off of me!" Oh man, I hate it when movies try to do that. It happens all the time with comedies...but, with a horror movie and with below average actors....the results are incredibly pathetic. The lines and scenarios were all very predictable. But what made me feel so negative towards this movie was, again, the damn acting. It was awful. Besides by the little Asian guy who worked the booth. I thought he was great.

The movie is about 5 stupid dumbsh!t tourist who are on a vacation in Asia. They end up at the wrong place and fall into the hands of a mafia run sex/slaughterhouse. Sounds like a cool story. But watching someone with a bad case of diarrhea is probably more fun and intense to watch. The only reason this is considered horror is because of the killing. There wasn't a trace of suspense.

I like many other horror fans were dying to get their bloody little mitts on this. But unfortunately with a HUGE capital U, the movie was incredibly disappointing. I did enjoy the ankle break and the blood effects. The flabby chicks were also so so.

Everything about this movie screams amateur. This is Ryan Nicholson's first feature length, and for the most part he failed. There's no denying he has a sick sense of humor and taste for horror. I pray his next movie doesn't play out like another B horror flick...unless he tells us that's what it's gonna be. Even after this disappointment I'm willing to give Ryan another shot. From what I've seen of him, he's a true, dedicated man to the genre. Good luck next time, because this was bad news.
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Absolutely the worst movie EVER!
deaz7530 August 2008
First I'd like to excuse my bad English.

I'm not a HOSTEL-hardcore-fan, but I liked that movie nevertheless. Live Feed, however, SUCKED BIG TIME! I have never seen a gore-movie with superb acting, but hey, who's surprised? The acting in Live Feed was... well, not there! I've seen some commented this as it must have been a school project or something. Okey, but not by students in media or acting school. This was NO class at all! And what about the story? A really sad rip-off on Hostel. And what about the gore? What about the psychopathic torture scenes that supposed to make your guts twist and leave you cold-sweating? That was the most disappointing about the hole movie! Short, quick and NO edge. More like an execution rather than a torture. Okey, there where buckets of blood, but it didn't even look real. The slaughtering and the violence reminded more of Braindead than Hostel or any of the Saw-movies. And Braindead was fun! Okey, I laughed at Live Feed a couple of times, but that was more out of disappointment than out of sheer fun!

So instead of wasting 80 minutes by watching Live Feed, watch ANYTHING else!
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Horrific in all the wrong ways.
staffy-228 January 2011
I've no idea what movie the '10 Star' reviewers on here have seen but it stretches credulity to think that it was the same one that I've just suffered through.

I really struggle to find anything to recommend about this movie, I really do. The best I can come up with is that, in a time when the movie industry is moving towards CGI blood as the standard, it is good to see that somebody still seems to keeping practical effects alive... Even if they aren't exactly convincing here.

Oh, and Taayla Markell is very easy on the eyes.

There, that's two good things. As for the bad... Where the heck to start? Well, you might have noticed this review gives no indication of what the story is... That's because it's barely there and only really serves to string together bland and unconvincing murder scenes.

Unconvincing is really a word that sums this movie up. Set 'somewhere' in China, the fact that it's clearly a Chinatown somewhere with English street signs and all means that 'suspension of disbelief' has been kicked to the curb and we're not even 3 minutes in. It only gets worse from there.

The acting is uniformly terrible, not even up to the standards of daytime TV soaps, though given the dialogue they have work with not even Alec Guinness could do anything with it. The characters are also poor with absolutely none of them being remotely likable. By the movie's end you really won't care who lives but you will hope every one of them dies. This won't be out of the desire to watch another boring torture scene, but for the reason that there all vague stereotypes. Speaking of, this movie also contains a veritable rogues gallery of offensive Asian stereotypes. A dog's getting its head chopped off inside of 5 minutes and by the end the gangster's molls are delivering the type of dialogue that would shame an 80's 'Nam movie.

With lot's of Asians in the movie you just know that some of them are into their martial arts and, yes, there's a lot of 'Crap Fu' on display. The director really doesn't know how to frame action, or anything for that matter, but definitely not action.

I could go on but I'm too depressed. To sum up there's no story, it's technically incompetent (outside of the effects), the acting is atrocious, the script dire, the characters loathsome (and that's just our 'heroes'), the setting unconvincing, the stereotypes offensive, the violence boring and the supposed dark comedy non-existent.

I saw it for free (on TV) and I've paid too heavy a price. Don't make the same mistake, watch something else!
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Unrated version = gorehounds paradise
BoardWarrior27 October 2006
I finally got to watch the unrated version of Live Feed and must say I'm pretty impressed with this wicked little film. Sure, the acting isn't academy award stuff, but it's much better than alluded to by several other reviewers. The bad guys are evil enough to make you shudder, and the creative bloodletting is a breath of fresh air. There's enough slicing/dicing/stabbing/twisting (watch the movie) to satisfy even the most jaded of gorehounds. Far hairier than Hostel, and on a much smaller budget to boot. This flick packs a few jolts, although the 'scare factor' isn't all that high since you pretty much figure out the young people are in deep doo-doo right from the start. The unrated version isn't for the faint of heart, and since I've not seen the cut version I can't comment on the differences. All in all I give it a solid 8 (the victims could have garnered more sympathy). A very good soundtrack, that doesn't get in the way of the action, and bad guys that are so bad you wanna take them home, make this a must see for the deviantly inclined.
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I don't think it's all that bad. It's just not that good.
Hey_Sweden10 November 2012
Riding the coattails of the popular "Saw" and "Hostel" franchises is Ryan Nicholsons' "Live Feed", which may not be that good as a film but does its job as an intense, atmospheric, onslaught of gore. A quintet of not terribly sympathetic attractive young folk are travelling in Asia, taking in the sights, when they make the fateful decision to enter a movie theatre. What they don't know is that the local crime boss delights in voyeurism, watching as the unlucky schmucks who enter the V.I.P. rooms of this theatre get filmed as they get systematically tortured. It remains to be seen whether any of these people are going to survive the night, as things get progressively more demented and depraved. It can't be said that Nicholson doesn't know how to go for showmanship as the blood flows and flows and flows. It's true enough that viewers may find themselves having a hard time caring about what happens to the characters, but if you can go into this not really expecting to give a hoot about that sort of thing, you might be amused by the spectacle. At the very least, this is the only film that this viewer has seen that has a scene of a snake forced down the throat of one victim and then emerging from a gash made in their belly. The filmmakers create an appropriately seedy look for the whole thing, and the transitions from camera footage to live action aren't badly done. As for the acting, well, as has been said in numerous other reviews, it's not the kind to generate any Oscar buzz, but it basically gets the job done. Stephen Chang looks to be having a high old time as the crazed, creepy mob boss, Kevan Ohtsji is remarkably sincere as the young police detective wanting revenge, and lovely Taayla Markell is quite easy to watch as Emily. Overall, while "Live Feed" doesn't size up as anything special, it's not as terrible as its reputation would suggest and might satisfy the more undemanding of genre fans who just want to have a gory good time. Six out of 10.
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A low budget Hostel rip-off.
poolandrews3 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Live Feed is set in some unnamed Chinese/Japanese Asian district somewhere as five American friends, Sarah (Ashley Schappert), Emily (Taayla Markell), Linda (Caroline Chojnacki), Mike (Lee Tichon) & Darren (Rob Scattergood) are enjoying a night on the town & taking in the sights. After a scuffle in a bar with a Japanese Triad boss (Stephen Chang) they decide to check out a porno theatre, as you would. Inside they are separated & quickly find out that the place belongs to the Triad boss who uses it to torture & kill people for reasons which aren't made clear. Can local boy Miles (Kevan Ohtsji) save them?

This Canadian production was co-written, produced & directed by Ryan Nicholson who also gets a prosthetic effects designer credit as well, one has to say that Live Feed is another pretty poor low budget shot on a camcorder type horror film that seems to exist only to cash in on the notoriety & success of Hostel (2005) & the mini craze for 'torture porn' as it's become known. According the IMDb's 'Trivia' section for Live Feed writer & director Nicholson wrote it after hearing about certain activities taking place in live sex theatres, for my money I reckon he wrote it after watching Hostel! The script is pretty poor, there is no basic reason given as to why this porno theatre has a big fat ugly freak dressed in bondage gear lurking around torturing & killing people, none. Was it for the Triads? Was it for his pleasure? Was it to make snuff films to sell? Some sort of explanation would have been nice. Also why did he turn on the Triad boss at the end? If your looking for a film with a coherent story then forget about Live Feed. It seemed to me to be some sort of uneasy misjudged mix of sex, S&M, horror, torture, gore & action films which doesn't come off. I mean just setting a horror film in a porn theatre isn't automatically going to make your film any good, there still needs to be a decent script & story, right? The character's were fairly poor clichés & some of their actions & motivations were more than a little bit questionable. It moves along at a reasonable pace, it's fairly sleazy mixing gore, sex & nudity but it does look cheap which lessens the effect.

Director Nicholson doesn't do anything special here, the editing is choppy & annoying, he seems to think lighting almost every scene with neon lights is a good idea & the film has a cheap look about it. Available in both 'R' & 'Unrated' versions I saw the shorter cut 'R' version which really isn't that gory but I am prepared to give the benefit of the doubt to the 'Unrated' version & say that it might be much, much gorier but I can't say for sure. There's a fair amount of nudity too if that's your thing. I wouldn't say there's much of an atmosphere or many scares here because there isn't & aren't respectively although it does have a sleazy tone in general which is something it has going for it I suppose.

Technically Live Feed isn't terribly impressive, the blood looks a little too watery for my liking & entire scenes bathed in annoying neon lights sometimes makes it hard to tell whats happening, it to often looks like it was shot on a hand-held camcorder & the choppy editing at least on the 'R' rated version is at times an annoying mess. Shot on location in an actual porn theatre somewhere in Vancouver in Canada. The acting is poor, sometimes I couldn't tell if the actresses in this were supposed to be crying or laughing...

Live Feed is not a film I would recommend anyone to rush out & buy or rent, I didn't think much of it with it's very weak predictable storyline lacking exposition & which goes nowhere, poor acting & less than impressive gore (at least in the 'R' rated cut anyway). Watch either Hostel films again or instead as they are superior.
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Um.....This movie is violent..
elmundodelundo884 November 2006
This is among the most goriest movie I have ever seen,out of any movie like 2001 maniacs,Cannibal Holocaust,The hills have eyes or any other horror movie. This has gone way over the notch. Lots of torture in this nasty flick and If I was the director of this movie I would probably ban any people over 70 to watch this movie because they will probably end up having a heart attack and I will end up being sued! Its that nasty! If you have been looking for a brutal violent movie-Live feed is waiting for you on the shelf probably under the x rated movie section!! The acting in this movie to me was OK, this flick is almost like hostel but 100 times more brutal and graphic. But I mean I would give this movie 6/10 just because of how violent it is.
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