"Doctor Who" Dalek (TV Episode 2005) Poster

(TV Series)


Christopher Eccleston: Doctor Who



  • Dalek : Open the bulkhead, or Rose Tyler dies.

    The Doctor : You're alive!

    Rose Tyler : Can't get rid of me.

    The Doctor : I thought you were dead.

    Dalek : Open the bulkhead!

    Rose Tyler : Don't do it!

    Dalek : [to the Doctor]  What use are emotions if you will not save the woman you love?

  • The Doctor : All right then. If you want orders, follow this one.


    The Doctor : Kill yourself.

    Dalek : The Daleks must survive!

    The Doctor : The Daleks have failed! Why don't you finish the job, and make the Daleks extinct? Rid the universe of your filth! Why don't you just *die*?

    Dalek : [evenly]  You would make a good Dalek.

  • Dalek : [scared]  Keep back!

    The Doctor : [the Doctor confronts the Dalek]  What for? What're you going to do to me? Because if you can't kill, then what are you good for... Dalek? What's the point of you? You're nothing! What are you doing here? What the hell are you here for?

    Dalek : I am waiting for orders.

    The Doctor : What does that mean?

    Dalek : I am a solider, I was bred to receive orders.

    The Doctor : Well, you're never going to get any. Not ever.

    Dalek : I DEMAND ORDERS!

    The Doctor : Well they're never gonna *come*! Your race is dead! You all burned, all of you. Ten million ships on fire. The entire Dalek race, wiped out in one second.

    Dalek : You lie!

    The Doctor : I watched it happen. I *made* it happen!

    Dalek : You destroyed us?

    The Doctor : [the Doctor walks away from the Dalek]  I had no other choice.

    Dalek : And what of the Time Lords?

    The Doctor : [pause]  Dead. They burnt with you. The end of the last great Time War. Everyone lost.

  • The Doctor : The metal is just battle armour. The real Dalek creature is inside.

    Henry van Statten : What does it look like?

    The Doctor : A nightmare. It's a mutation. The Dalek race was genetically engineered. Every single emotion was removed except hate.

    Henry van Statten : Genetically engineered. By whom?

    The Doctor : [about Davros, the Dalek's creator]  By a genius, Van Statten. By a man who was king of his own little world. You'd like him.

  • The Doctor : [the Doctor believes Rose has been killed by the Dalek]  I could have killed that Dalek in its cell. But you stopped me.

    Henry van Statten : It was the prize of my collection!

    The Doctor : Your collection? Well, was it worth it? Worth all those men's deaths? Worth Rose? Let me tell you something, Van Statten, mankind goes into space to explore, to be part of something greater.

    Henry van Statten : Exactly! I wanted to touch the stars!

    The Doctor : You just want to drag the stars down and stick them underground beneath tons of sand and dirt and label them. You're about as far from the stars as you can get. And you took her down with you.

  • Dalek : And the coward survived.

    The Doctor : Oh, and I caught your little signal, help me, poor little thing. But there's no-one else coming cause there's no-one else left.

    Dalek : I am alone in the universe.

    The Doctor : Yep.

    Dalek : So are you. We are the same.

    The Doctor : We're not the same! I'm not the... No, wait, maybe we are... Yeah, right, yeah, okay. You've got a point 'cause I know what to do. I know what should happen. I know what you deserve. Exterminate!

    [he flips a switch which begins to electrocute the Dalek] 

  • The Doctor : Rose, get out of the way now!

    Rose Tyler : No! Cause I won't let you do this.

    The Doctor : That thing killed hundreds of people.

    Rose Tyler : It's not the one pointing the gun at me.

    The Doctor : I've got to do this, I've got to end it. The Dalek's destroyed my home, my people. I've got nothing left.

    Rose Tyler : Look at it.

  • The Doctor : [rummaging through some alien weapons]  Broken... broken... hair dryer...

  • Dalek : Why do we survive?

    The Doctor : I don't know.

    Dalek : I am the last of the Daleks.

    The Doctor : You're not even that. Rose did more than regenerate you. You've absorbed her DNA. You're mutating.

    Dalek : Into what?

    The Doctor : Something new. I'm sorry.

    Rose Tyler : Isn't that better?

    The Doctor : Not for a Dalek.

    Dalek : I can feel. So many ideas. So much darkness. Rose, give me orders. Order me to die.

    Rose Tyler : I can't do that.

    Dalek : This is not life. This is sickness. I shall not be like you. Order my destruction! Obey! *Obey*! O-BEY!

    Rose Tyler : Do it.

    [the Dalek self destructs] 

  • The Doctor : So you're just about an expert in everything, except the things in your museum. Anything you don't understand, you lock up.

    Henry van Statten : And you claim greater knowledge?

    The Doctor : I don't need to make claims. I know how good I am.

    Henry van Statten : And yet I captured you. Right next to the Cage. What were you doing down there?

    The Doctor : You tell me.

    Henry van Statten : The Cage contains my one living specimen.

    The Doctor : And what's that?

    Henry van Statten : Like you don't know.

    The Doctor : Show me.

    Henry van Statten : You wanna see it?

    Rose Tyler : Blimey, you can smell the testosterone.

  • [the Doctor is being introduced to an unknown alien that Van Statten has christened "The Metaltron" which he keeps in a darkened cell] 

    The Doctor : Look, I'm sorry about this. Mr. Van Statten might think he's clever but never mind him. I'm here to help. I'm called The Doctor.

    Metaltron : Doc-tor?

    The Doctor : [shocked]  Impossible!

    Metaltron : *The* Doctor?

    [the lights come up, revealing the alien to be a Dalek] 

    Dalek : Exterminate! Exterminate!

    The Doctor : Let me out!

    Dalek : EXTERMINATE!

    Diana Goddard : Sir, it's gonna kill him!

    Henry Van Statten : It's talking!

    Dalek : You are an enemy of the Daleks, you must be destroyed!

  • [first lines] 

    Rose Tyler : So, what is it? What's wrong?

    The Doctor : Don't know, some kind of signal drawing the TARDIS off course.

    Rose Tyler : Where are we?

    The Doctor : Earth, Utah, North America. About half a mile underground.

    Rose Tyler : And... *when* are we?

    The Doctor : 2012.

    Rose Tyler : God, that's so close. So I should be... 26.

    [the Doctor flicks a switch and lights flood the area] 

    Rose Tyler : Blimey! It's a great big museum!

    The Doctor : An alien museum. Someone's got a hobby. They must've spent a fortune on this. Chunks of meteorite, moon dust... that's the milometer from the Roswell Spaceship.

    Rose Tyler : That's a bit of Slitheen! That's a Slitheen's arm, it's been stuffed.

    The Doctor : [to a classic Cyberman head in a glass case]  Ah! Look at you!

    Rose Tyler : What is it?

    The Doctor : An old friend of mine... well, enemy. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit. I'm getting old.

    Rose Tyler : Is that where the signal's coming from?

    The Doctor : Nah, it's stone dead. The signal's alive. Something's reaching out. Calling for help.

    [the Doctor lightly touches the glass. Immediately, an alarm goes off and they are promptly surrounded by armed security all pointing their guns at them] 

    Rose Tyler : If someone's collecting aliens, that makes you Exhibit A.

    [the Doctor grins at them. Cue opening] 

  • Henry van Statten : Who exactly are you?

    The Doctor : I'm the Doctor and who are you?

    Henry van Statten : Like you don't know. We're hidden away with the most valuable collection of extraterrestrial artifacts in the world and you just stumbled in by mistake?

    The Doctor : Pretty much sums me up, yeah.

    Henry van Statten : Question is, how did you get in? Fifty-three floors down, with your little cat-burglar accomplice. Quite a collector yourself. She's rather pretty.

    Rose Tyler : She's gonna smack you if you keep calling her 'she'.

  • The Doctor : [referring to alien object Henry van Statten is holding]  I really wouldn't hold it like that.

    Diana Goddard : Shut it.

    The Doctor : Really though, that's wrong

    Adam Mitchell : Is it dangerous?

    The Doctor : No, it just looks silly

  • The Doctor : Why won't you just *die*!

  • The Doctor : [after the Dalek exterminates Rose]  They've killed her.

    Henry van Statten : I'm sorry.

  • Dalek : I fed off the DNA of Rose Tyler. Extrapolating the biomass of a time traveller regenerated me.

    The Doctor : What's your next trick?

    Dalek : I have been searching for the Daleks.

    The Doctor : Yeah, I saw. Downloading the Internet. What did you find?

    Dalek : I scanned your satellites and radio telescopes.

    The Doctor : And?

    Dalek : Nothing. *Where shall I get my orders now*?

  • The Doctor : It's not just energy. That Dalek just absorbed the entire Internet. It knows everything.

  • [the Doctor and Rose come across the head of a Cyberman in Van Statten's museum] 

    The Doctor : Oh, look at you!

    Rose Tyler : What is it?

    The Doctor : An old friend of mine, well... enemy. The stuff of nightmares, reduced to an exhibit. I'm getting old.

  • [a Dalek is loose in an underground base] 

    Henry Van Statten : I thought you were the great expert, Doctor, if you're so impressive, why not just reason with this Dalek? It must be willing to negotiate, there must be something that it needs, everything needs something.

    The Doctor : What's the nearest town?

    Henry Van Statten : Salt Lake City.

    The Doctor : Population?

    Henry Van Statten : One million.

    The Doctor : All dead. If the Dalek gets out it'll murder every living creature that's all it needs.

    Henry Van Statten : But why would it do that?

    The Doctor : Because it honestly believes they should die. Human beings are different, and anything different is wrong. It's the ultimate in racial clensing, and you, Van Statten, you've let it loose!

  • [the Doctor is killing the last Dalek] 

    Dalek : Have pity!

    The Doctor : Why should I? You never did.

  • Dalek : Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! You are an enemy of the daleks! You must be destroyed!

    [it points the gun. Nothing happens] 

    The Doctor : It's not working!


    The Doctor : Fantastic. Fantastic! Look at you. Powerless. The great space dust bin! How does it feel?

  • Henry Van Statten : The vault is sealed.

    The Doctor : Rose, where are you? Rose? Did you make it?

    Rose Tyler : [still inside]  Sorry, I was a bit slow.

    [the Dalek pursuing her approaches] 

    Rose Tyler : It's the end, Doctor. But it's not your fault... And you know what? I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

  • The Doctor : So that's your secret. You don't just collect this stuff, you scavenge it.

    Henry van Statten : This technology has been falling to Earth for centuries. All it took was the right mind to use it properly. Oh, the advances I've made from alien junk. You have no idea, Doctor. Broadband? Roswell. Just last year, my scientists cultivated bacteria from the Russian crater and do you know what we found? The cure for the common cold. Kept it strictly within the laboratory, of course. No need to get people excited. Why sell one cure when I can sell a thousand palliatives?

    The Doctor : Do you know what a Dalek is, Van Statten? A Dalek is honest. It does what it was born to do for the survival of its species. That creature in your dungeon is better than you.

    Henry van Statten : In that case I would be true to myself and continue.

  • Diana Goddard : [about the Dalek]  It's been on Earth for over fifty years. Sold at private auction, moving from one collection to another. Why would it be a threat now?

    The Doctor : Because I'm here.

  • The Doctor : [about the Dalek]  What's it doing?

  • Dalek : Then I shall follow the Primary Order. The Dalek Instinct. To destroy. To conquer!

    The Doctor : What for? What's the point? Don't you see, it's all gone, everything you were, everything you stood for.

  • The Doctor : It knows I'm here. It's going to get out. Van Statten! I swear, no one on this base is safe! No one on this planet!

  • The Doctor : Listen! That thing down there is going to kill every last one of us!

  • The Doctor : [about the Time War]  I win! How about that?

  • The Doctor : How did it get to earth? Does anyone know?

    Diana Goddard : Records say it came from the sky like a meteorite. It fell to earth on the Ascension islands, burned in its crater for three days before anyone could get near it and all that time it was screaming. It must have gone insane.

    The Doctor : It must have fallen through time, the only survivor.

    Diana Goddard : You talked about a war?

    The Doctor : The Time War, the final battle between my people and the Dalek race.

    Henry Van Statten : But you survived too.

    The Doctor : Not by choice.

  • The Doctor : Next flight to Heathrow leaves at 1500 hours.

    Rose Tyler : Adam was saying all his life he wanted to see the stars.

    The Doctor : Tell him to go and stand outside, then.

    Rose Tyler : He is all on his own, Doctor, and he did help.

    The Doctor : He left you down there.

    Rose Tyler : So did you.

    Adam : what are you talking about? We've got to leave!

    The Doctor : Plus, he's a bit pretty.

    Rose Tyler : [innocently]  I hadn't noticed.

    The Doctor : On your own head...

    Adam : [Rose and The Doctor step into the Tardis]  What are you doing? She said cement. She wasn't joking - we're gonna get sealed in

    Adam : [walking towards the Tardis]  Doctor? What are you doing standing inside a box? Rose?

  • The Doctor : Give guns to the technicians, the lawyers, anyone, everyone. Everything you've got, it's your only chance of killing it.

See also

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