"Life with Louie" Kazoo's Coming to Dinner (TV Episode 1997) Poster

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Who's Laughing Now?
ExplorerDS678927 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Some jokes are funny, and some are not. It takes a real man to be able to identify which types of jokes are in good humor, and which are meant solely to put someone down. Will Louie be able to tell the difference between good natured and bad? We'll find out on tonight's episode of Life With Louie. Now, I'm sure you're all familiar with the nightmare of coming to school in nothing but your underwear, well imagine a similar scenario when you're awake, and your underwear is accidentally exposed to the entire class? Such is what Louie experienced in math class, thus creating the equation Louie - dignity=laughter. In desperate need of a pick-me-up, he goes to the grocery store. En route home, a big stretch limo pulls up beside him and out jumps a wise-cracking, fast-talking showman named Marty Kazoo, having come all the way from Vegas to perform in the little town of Cedar Knoll. Well, mostly he's there to reclaim an old flame... are you ready for this? Ora Sherman (Anderson), and he goes on about what a sexy thing she was, all to the boy who was her son, and when he clarifies his role as Ora's offspring, Kazoo gives him tickets to his show that night, requesting he bring his mother. However, it turns out Ora never heard of a Marty Kazoo, even though her actions speak louder than words. In this case, putting the groceries away in the wrong places. When Louie shows his parents the free tickets to Kazoo's show that night, and while Andy jumps at a free show, Ora passes, citing comedians to be cruel and heartless. So, how does Kazoo's show fair, and just what kind of a comedian is he? He's like Henny Youngman without the wife jokes. Seeing that man do his schtick gave Louie an insight on what he wanted to do with his life: insult people! Going to see Kazoo the following day, he asks him to teach him a thing or two about comedy. While at first reluctant, Kazoo gives him when Louie promises to invite him to dinner at his house...unfortunately, that never happened because Ora instituted a B.S. 'No Comedians Allowed' policy in the house. Ah well, what Kazoo doesn't know won't hurt him.

Lesson 1: look for peoples' faults and point them out for laughs. Kazoo demonstrates this practice to Louie in the park, going up to random people and insulting them. But when he insults the wrong angry bald guy, Kazoo whips out the two most important words in the English language: "just kidding." However, he gets quite a few laughs at Baldy's expense at his next show, with Louie sitting right on stage behind the curtain. So inspired was he by this crude, flamboyant man that he tries it out at school, making fun of Craig Eric's ridiculously loud shirt. That particular joke came with a very literal punchline, and unfortunately "just kidding" was not his Get Out of Jail Free card. As Louis admires his new shiner, Jeannie is right at his side to tell him he kinda deserved it. Say, whose friend are you anyway? But Louie won't let a little setback like this get him down. Kazoo sends him around the park on a time trial: how many people can he insult in under 30 seconds? Quite a few. Since he's passed the test, Kazoo tells him that he can put together 5 minutes of material, he'll bring him out on stage at the end of his next act. Louie couldn't believe it, it was like a dream come true! But what about his part of the deal, getting Kazoo to have one of Ora's home-cooked meals? Louie arranges a chance meeting between his mother and Kazoo at the grocery store, with a curious Andy spying on them. Rumors were going around that his wife used to date a comedian, and he was worried this old flame was going to be rekindled. Fortunately, true love prevailed as Ora stomped out that campfire and rebuffed Kazoo but good. It's true, they used to date, and Kazoo was a real smart-ass who told mean jokes about Ora to everyone at school, prompting a very well-deserved break up. Well, on to Louie's debut. Hopefully nothing will go wrong. Well, at the tail-end of Kazoo's act, moments before he would be introducing Louie Anderson to a comedy crowd, he started joking about how the people of Cedar Knoll are fat, and their kids especially are morbidly obese. Louie took great offense to his "jokes" and left the stage, heartbroken. Of course, the big jerk tells him not to take it personally and "that's the business." Louie tells him where to stick his business and goes home. In times of crises, you always find out who your real friends are, as they'll catch you when you fall. In this case, Louie had his very supportive family to pick him up and dust him off, with his mother relaxing her "No Comedians" rule and she and Andy encouraging him to have his big debut at home. He was advised to find his own voice, and if he needed material, just look around. I mean, he could do an entire routine on his father alone. So, Louie launches into his act, getting big laughs from his family. Oh, and I like this little scene at the end, where Kazoo's limo stops outside the Anderson house, and he listens to Louie's family laughing at his jokes, while he looks sad and depressed. We get a good insight into who Marty Kazoo REALLY is: a very lonely, unhappy man, in contrast to Louie who has friends and family who love him for who he is and stick by him no matter what.

Funny episode with a very good message about showing respect for your fellow man. Louie's routine at the end is gold, and as far as his comedy career, the rest is pretty much history. And let me tell you, that when it comes to comedians named Louie, I'll take Louie Anderson over Louis C.K. any day. That man is vulgar, sexist, racist, immature, and his idea of comedy is shocking people into laughing. On the flip side, Louie Anderson can make people laugh without being vulgar and insulting. He thinks up real jokes, as said above, he can do a whole routine on his family life alone, especially his father. As for C.K., he had a show on FX called Louie that got pulled when he was revealed to be a degenerate pervert. But, if you like listening to a pathetic, foul-mouthed hack turn the air blue and recite crude names for female body parts, then more power to you. For me, I'll stick to people who are actually funny. Speaking of whom, that's Sid Caesar doing the voice of Marty Kazoo, and the character is a decent caricature of him. So, if you've ever thought of being a comedian and then you came to your senses, I suggest Kazoo's Coming to Dinner. Incidentally, he never did get that dinner, did he? Sure, he's a jerk, but a deal is a deal. Perhaps Ora can bake him a great, big humble pie to choke down as he goes back to Sin City. Check this episode out, it's good for some laughs.
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