Killer Pad (2008) Poster


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Mr. Englund could have done so much more
Shattered_Wake15 June 2009
With only his second directorial showing in feature films to date, Robert Englund (best known as Freddy Krueger) brings us 'Killer Pad': the story of three loser friends (Doug, Craig, and Brody) who take up residence in a haunted house (address: 666 Perdition Road) in Hollywood. The house is wicked. Seriously. Coyotes and portals to Hell are included in the price.

The movie includes a couple small cameos (Lin Shaye and Andy Milonakis included), and features a whole host of odd characters (possessed Mexicans, S&M midgets, Joey Lawrence?). If you haven't noticed yet, and I pity you if you haven't, this is a comedy. Is it funny? Eh. There are some good one liners and stupid-funny jokes. But it's pretty much all the same sarcastic humour we've been seeing from better movies with better actors and higher production value over the past few years. I'm actually getting a little bit tired of the unattractive male-centered movies. They're fun on occasion (Knocked Up, Superbad), but they're flooding the comedy market and it only takes one like this to ruin the streak.

There's plenty of hot (and not-so) women, alcohol, partying, and crude humour, but that's about as far as your interest will stretch. It's not UNenjoyable. . . but it's just not very good.

Final verdict: A pathetic 3.5/10.

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Directed by Freddy Kruger, Starring one of the kids from Mean Girls, Joey Lawrence and Andy Milonakis - How can you go wrong?
Wow, uh, yeah. What the hell was this. It looks like maybe the people who made this move had fun making it, but this sure was, wow just bad.

The over-the-top acting and stupidity was obviously intentional, which isn't as bad as some movies who don't even realize how bad they are, but it was just as stupid.

There were also lots of weird sexual-homoerotic things going on here. I don't really know what the hell the deal was, maybe Freddy Kruger (Robert Englund, who played Freddy Kruger, directed this masterpiece) is into that. Also, as mentioned by some other reviewers Daniel Franzese, who was in Mean Girls, has his stomach wrapped in cellophane in a hot tub scene. There is no explanation or rhyme or reason to it, its just that the lower half of his torso is wrapped in cellophane for whatever reason. Yea.

The one positive thing this movie has going for it is the death of Joey Lawrence. ANY film the kills Joey Lawrence earns at least a couple stars. But there really isn't anything else positive to say. Andy Milonakis is also in this movie, I think just a handful of people in LA who didn't happen to be working just got together to make this weird movie.
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If Bad Movies was an event in the Olympics...
bababear19 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
...this would bring home the gold. It's almost painful to watch. Robert Englund's direction is good, and the actors seem to know what they're doing, but the script is awesomely bad.

Three young men with room temperature IQ's rent a house in the Hollywood Hills. They throw a huge party, and discover that the house contains the gate to the pit of Hell.

OK. So it's like THE SENTINEL, except with no name actors. The problem is, the young men are dim bulbs and so are the people attending the party. There's no sensible character (I'm thinking Ripley in the original ALIEN) who's trying to bring order out of the chaos. As a result, corpses pile up but nobody cares. The body count rises and the main characters roam the halls uttering dialog that has little connection to actual human speech.

After the demons are sent back to Hell (this is punishment?) the house falls apart- well, actually a hastily constructed model of the house falls apart. Morning comes.

The characters dig themselves out of the rubble of the house and dust themselves off. We find that the characters who were killed are still alive, because the demons' return to the pit undid the damage they did. Hey, I didn't write the screenplay: don't blame me.

The real estate agent comes along and asks what happened to the house, then offers to buy the three young men breakfast. Of course she's got a forked tail, so there's the promise of a sequel. Many years ago Mr. Englund directed an atmospheric horror film called 976-EVIL and did a really fine job. He showed a lot of promise as a director. Now, years later, he's just another hack.
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Do not waste your time on this
dj_stv6 February 2008
To be franc, this has been one of the most unpleasant experience I've been through as a movie enthusiast. "Killer Pad" seems to be summing all worst parts in cinematography: from poor newbie actor and awful lines to dull a script (three good friends move into a new house which seems to be the dwelling of the devil, wow, how original). To top that, this film also includes a lot of grouse and pathetic scenes which, of course, the directors thought would be very funny.

Don't mean to be uptight or something, but this movie is really crap.. In fact, it's more than that, it's an insult to the whole independent film making industry. To sum it up, don't waste your time...
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Hellishly bad
shinsrevenge23 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Now, how should I describe it? Trash-Comedy may be fitting enough for this production of doubtfull and very limited entertainment value. It's one of those "don't trust the cover"-Movies, which promise more, than they can offer. The story is somewhat ridiculous, the dialogues aren't funny at all and the special effects are some of the worst I've ever seen. This might be the fist time, that I actually have pretty much the same opinion as the rating. If you have absolutely nothing better to do and watch, try starring at the sun. Let's hope that this movie returns to where it came from: The pits of hell.

I give it 2 stars out of 10, because there were at least some nice women and some very few funny scenes, which of course can't make up for the rest.
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This film is truly awful
worthington42910 February 2008
I watched this film after seeing it was produced by the team that did "Dude where's my car". I know it's not the best reason to watch a film, but what the heck? I had an afternoon to kill.

There are some films that transcend the depths of awfulness and are then actually reborn again as an entertaining must see movie (See Vanilla Ice's classic Cool as Ice). However this film is just truly terrible. The characters are your typical stereotypes and the film just goes from one bad joke to another for 90 minutes. I don't know why but I watched the film to the end, I guess I'm a sucker for punishment. Once it did finish I was just left wishing that I could get the 90 minutes of my life back that I had just wasted. I was left feeling dirty and violated so I then watched Leon to try and cleanse myself once more.
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'Killer Pad' is a killer comedy
shoesncandles3 November 2011
Let me start out by saying that nothing will ever, ever, and I do mean EVER top 'Lesbian Vampire Killers' for hysterical horror satire. But 'Killer Pad' just beat out 'Shaun of the Dead' for second place.

The humor in American horror satire is usually limited to slapstick, sight gags and pop-culture banter. Consequently it quickly becomes dated, and the humor loses its edge, leaving its audience to wander off in search of the next fix. 'Killer Pad' actually bothers with a script. The situational comedy is deftly arranged, so that the running jokes STAY funny, popping up in unexpected ways, and often the excuse to bring the gag up again is a gag in itself. The jokes don't need to be propped up by a backstory only one generation will really get; they're funny on their own. And likely to remain so!

The actors deserve equal credit for the comic success of the film. It's difficult to keep a character consistently, genuinely, believably oblivious for more than an hour, and to make the audience genuinely laugh at their idiocy instead of just rolling their eyes and getting bored. They achieve it, though. It's my favorite thing about this movie.

Those who come to 'Killer Pad' looking for shallow, cheap humor and obvious jokes will be disappointed, but for anyone seeking a fresh, fun spin on the "evil house" theme: you've found it. So sit back and enjoy!
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Killer Bad
RedMal8 February 2008
I've been waiting for this film for a year now, because the trailer looked cool. But Killer Pad is one of the worst Hollywood-movies in years. Yeah, it did have some funny moments and few good actors (Lin Shaye and Bobby Lee). But the movie in whole is just horrible.

First of all, the dialogue didn't make any sense. Neither did the way, the characters behaved. Of course, it was supposed to be funny, that all the characters think was the party and sex. It just never hits the score.

Then the acting was awful. Especially Shane McRae and Eric Jungmann. But like I told you before, Shaye and Lee were in it, so there was something good. The directing was okay, in the matter of fact, it was too good for this film.

Well, that's it. I have nothing else to say about this film. It is one of those movies, that you want to fade out of your memory right after you saw it.
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Robert Englund, what happened to your direction?
FieCrier9 March 2008
He'd directed 976-EVIL which was a pretty good movie, but this one was terrible!

Irritatingly stupid characters, terrible special effects, pretty women but no nudity, and the film takes forever to get to the big party where everything is supposed to happen.

What a travesty! We finally had to give up and watch the movie on 16x forward scan, and we could tell nothing of interest was going on at all.

I'm glad it wasn't me who wasted my money on the rental!

Englund's next set to direct The Vij, which was a really good Russian horror movie. I hope he doesn't slaughter it!
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Not very good, not very bad
SleepKills26 February 2008
Idle Hands meets Dude, Where's My Car. Sure Killerpad isn't as fun as Englund's directorial debut 976-EVIL, but still he did a pretty good job making a simple teenage horror comedy. Sure it's predictable, sure it's everything but subtle and of course it's just allot of nonsense thrown together. But what did you expect to see? Especially when you put Killerpad next to recent comedy's like Epic Movie, Date Movie or Little Man, it's pretty nice to see a teenage comedy that cán actually make you smile once and a while. The film has some pretty funny moments, especially when Joey Lawrence pops up and makes fun of himself. The three main characters act pretty over-the-top, but in stead of being really annoying, they are funny from time to time.

To make a long story short, Killerpad is nowhere near a great movie, but it certainly has its charm. No hilarious comedy or great fun horror flick, but pretty entertaining here and there. That's it. Can't wait to see Englund's next directing job, The Viy.
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one of THE worst movies EVER made
nikkiten19795 February 2009
one of the worst movies i have ever seen in my life and i feel like that's what the producer was trying to do - make the worst movie ever to get a rise out of people? what's the purpose of that? why be known as the guy who can't make movies? a movie can be so bad it's funny, this one fails to be so bad that it's funny. it's simply bad, boring, stupid, awful acting, awful EVERYTHING...

i have wasted 15 loooong minutes on this piece of garbage trying hard to stay interested and even fast-forwarded it to see if it would get better... but NO it kept getting worse!!!

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Killer Pad is a killer time!
the_headless_cross2 April 2008
I don't get why this movie is getting bashed so hardcore. Were you people expecting something like No Country For Old Men when picking up a movie directed by Robert Englund about some 20 something guys getting out from living their moms and moving to house and partying to get laid? Sometimes people expect too much.

Frankly I was surprised this was directed by Englund. I haven't seen his directorial debut 976- Evil, but the thought of Freddy himself directing a comedy in the vein of Dude Where's My Car is kinda strange. But he pulls it off pretty well, creating many laughable situations. And c'mon, this has Joey Lawrence in it! That's just too awesome!

Any nitpicks with this? Well, for a teen sex comedy/horror, there isn't any good nudity. The closest is a guy's butt (in one of the grossest scenes). But let that slide. If you are a fan of movies like Dude Where's My Car and horror movies, this is one for you!
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A better than average horror comedy
JoeB1319 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This was actually a pretty funny movie.

The plot is that three slackers move to California, and are given a house rental of a small mansion in the hills. There is only one catch. The house is a gateway to Hell. This does nothing to deter the slackers, who proceed to plan a killer party, assisted by a sexy woman named Lucy (as in Lucifer) and her two friends, Jezabel and Delilah. They also invite their hard partying friend, who is about to become a Catholic priest.

Well, as you can pretty much guess, the party commences and the demons proceed to start killing the guests in gruesome ways, including Joey Lawrence, who was on his way to Toby McGuire's house on his way to oblivion.

Some of the jokes are truly gross, such as the butch female bodybuilder getting sucked into a toilet, or the hapless Mexican gardener whose attempts to warn the slackers is hindered by his inability to speak English. Very politically incorrect jokes, to be sure, but maybe we need some political incorrectness.

If you are looking for a true horror film, this isn't for you. If you are looking for some cheap laughs, this movie works.
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PADded with terrible comedy.
privatebleeding22 April 2008
I'll still go with Return of the Boogeyman as the worst movie of all time, but this dud's in my bottom twenty. That's quite an accomplishment. I give very few movies a "1," but this sucker deserves less.

Here's the deal. Three teens rent a near-mansion (that they consider a "pad") above the portal to hell. The best parts of this movie (plot, sense, meaning) are awful. What lowers this beneath most other train wrecks is the strive for comedy in every single word uttered by the ugly, flamboyant, s*** eating leads. Honestly, I'd rather have spent 84 minutes in a highway rest stop on National Chili Day.

This is the kind of steaming pile that nobody involved with will ever want anything to do with. The actors will blame the director for their bad performances, the director will blame producers about creative control, and producers will blame everyone but themselves.
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Truly Terrible
complications12317 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of cheese, shlock, and camp in horror from time to time, but without a modicum of restraint and some semblance of narrative gravity it's impossible for it to work. What some people don't enjoy, or appreciate, or perhaps don't even understand is that it takes a measure of talent to make a so-bad-it's-good movie. One can't simply throw together a film absent meaning with the expectation that B-movie lovers will latch on.

Killer Pad fails on almost every level imaginable. I'm not sure whether to say the acting is over the top or just non-existent. As others have noted, there is a noticeable homoerotic undercurrent between the three leads, not in the least dispelled by the fact that none of them have sex, the strange boy-cuddliness they share, or that the only nudity is a fat, hairy butt. As far as the script goes, these characters behave completely nonsensically. There is only the pervasive notion to "get laid" throughout the entire movie. As a result of this alternate reality in which all this happens the deaths are neither shocking nor meaningful and it is impossible to connect with and thus have any sympathy for the 3 repressed buffoons.

As a note to any filmmaker reading this: no one over the age of 9 or 10 thinks fecal humor is funny let alone the gratuitous scene presented in Killer Pad!!! The remainder of the jokes are unfunny at best, downright painful at worst. This concept of the American comedy as a sort of live cartoon has been done far better before, even in the horror genre, and frankly wasn't all that funny to begin with.

The special effects are among the worst ever conceived and ought to have been omitted in favor of the expected nudity. Deaths were tragically uninventive especially for what sick and grotesque methods you'd think Satan himself could come up with

Overall Killer Pad is a steaming pile of incomprehensible garbage. There isn't a shred of emotion, suspense, shock, humor, or even decent gore to hold more than 5 minutes of this film together. Avoid at all costs.
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Utterly unfunny non-comedic horror film
kannibalcorpsegrinder19 November 2015
Arriving in Los Angeles, a group of losers hold a special housewarming bash to celebrate their independence, but a series of misfortunes before and during the event eventually makes them realize that the Devil is using the location to harvest sinful souls to rot in Hell and they must try to stop it while keeping everyone safe.

This one was quite a lame and incredibly unfunny horror/comedy. Among the numerous highly detrimental flaws here, the majority of time here is that the supposedly cheesy comedy is really lame and so not funny, not only in the execution but the concept as well. There's little about the concept of being unable to understand the Mexican that is provided with subtitles while they believe his concerns are for food, the absolutely single-minded mentality of keeping the house to themselves during the party as obviously creepy goings-on are happening that should render a higher degree of urgency in their actions or even taking those actions with much more intelligence than what's going through their reasoning here which is filled to the brim with such lame concepts that are supposedly funny. The characters here are so brain-numbingly stupid in their decision-making and backwards in their logic that there's so little to be feared from the scenario as it's furthered by their pure idiocy that they feature some nearly impossible amount of work throughout here just to make the story seem competent that these guys would be that completely stupid to let these events keep happening and not do something useful only to continually be stuck in the same situation minutes later due to their inherent stupidity. While there's little to blame here about this not being all too funny, the general stupidity of the action required to complete the storyline here is what hurts this one so badly and severely that together it's enough to knock this down even before getting several of the big flaws. Despite the length, there's several needless scenes here with the Fire Marshall and the lonely guy at the party just being totally unnecessary to make this seem longer than it really is, and there's the utterly detrimental plot thread about the story being treated as a joke here in the course of the movie which lower this even further. There's still a few positives here in this one, from the horror-worthy set-up that's pretty nicely done, there's some nice atmosphere at the part of the demons and some of the action at the end here isn't bad as the concept to overcome their Satanic powers isn't bad. Still, this one is just plain stupid and really can't overcome these problems.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Violence, Brief Nudity, heavy drug use, intense scatological humor and a clothed sex scene.
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Painful from start to finish
bugaboo-710 January 2009
Well, where to start. This was the cinematic equivalent of the NTSB investigating a head on train crash - tragic ugliness everywhere you look.

Campy acting, insipid dialog, sophomoric humor (of the painfully unfunny variety) and with as many scantily clad B-movie kittens inhabiting the scenery, you'd think you'd at least get some obligatory nudity, but no.

If this film were used as an interrogation tool (which would probably be the best use for it) it would be ruled in violation of the Geneva Convention. So I'm giving it one star because there is no option available for zero.

So I guess to sum it up, if you have a choice between watching this or re-arranging your sock drawer, take the opportunity to get some home organizing done. I wish I had.
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Almost unwatchable.
Philbs1327 April 2008
Three stereotypical guys...though in this case all three come off as homosexual airheads...move to L.A. to "start their lives" where they are directed to a mansion by a transsexual realtor. After moving in, it's apparent that the house harbors a gateway to Hell, but they ignore this to throw a party under the persuasion of three stereotypical sluts. What had potential to be a decent, tongue-in-the-cheek parody of horror films quickly turns into a virtually unwatchable, unfunny, horribly acted and scripted take on what America has ignorantly considered to be funny for the last ten years: feces jokes, unrealistically slutty teens, midgets, and token racial characters. It's blatantly obvious why this film went straight to DVD with very little marketing. Englund really should have used the alias "Alan Smithee" instead of taking credit for the direction.
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Take away his DGA card
kvatter9 September 2014
Are there producers out there looking for films to create tax write-offs? I believe the answer is yes, because I've found a clear example of one. There is no other explanation for how this got funded. It's more of a high school film project but without the creativity. The direction is of the school of "point-and-shoot". The film is supposed to be a combination of humor and horror. The humor(if you want to call it that) is juvenile and the horror portion certainly isn't scary. This movie might appeal to some young teens but will they be the ones staying up past midnight when this will probably be running to fill some cheap space on an unwatched cable channel?
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Surprisingly Very Enjoyable - frame expectations
TheTaoofNetflix11 January 2009
I have to say that I really enjoyed this movie. It is absolutely a comedy/horror hybrid, with the clear emphasis on comedy. The production values are surprisingly high, and the acting works, particularly when considered in light of the script and characterization. Just go in with the right expectations and you may enjoy.

This movie may apply to a niche crowd, but if you're inclined toward comedic horrors, give it a try. Movies that are somewhat similar that I also enjoy in a similar vein: Tequila Body Shots, Hatchet, Dead and Breakfast, Sean of the Dead. I particularly enjoyed the main guy characters; their characters were distinctly well defined and amusing; their acting was on point to the story, and not over the top; also not bad acting either.
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Padded Humor
thesar-217 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The once great Freddy Kruger and horror B-Movie Icon Robert Englund knows horror, right? Absolutely. Comedy? Kinda. Making films? Eh, not too bad.

So, Dude, Where's My Salvation, or Killer Pad, is a leave-your-brain-at-the-door comedy-horror with actors who, honestly, tried their best. Maybe my heart was softened for once, I am supposed to hate this kind of movie, after all, but I honestly thought this was harmless fun. And if the three main dudes didn't put so much energy into their slacking & wise-cracking roles, this movie would've collapsed into the depths of direct-to-video Hell.

Three east coast dudes, Doug, Craig and Brody (Franzese, Jungmann and McRae) who think it's 1,300 miles from Arizona to California, embark on the rebirth of their life and of course, chicks, man. The first crappy apartment falls through and they're too dense to see the "too good to be true" multimillion dollar city view "pad" is way out of their price range. Heck, it's out of six of me. Luckily they had the ever hilarious Bobby Lee (playing Winnie a female real estate agent who's "strangely" not affected by the housing crisis) introduce them to a place to get the ladies who wouldn't normally pay them a glance.

Enter every cliché involving a "HOUSE BUILT ON NATIVE American CEMETERIES" and you have the rest of the movie where these fools, though sweet hearted BFFs, host a house party with pretty chicks and the stereotypical males, including Joey Lawrence as himself and the inevitable little person and the night goes…to…hell.

You have to…HAVE TO…know what you're getting yourself into. It's completely and utterly silly but it's fun to watch how these doofuses handle each situation – i.e. the exact opposite from any rational person. In fact, a live action Scooby-Doo was my thoughts of these three guys.

Again, the guys have such energy, you have to give them kudos for the material they're given. And Englund, who surprisingly didn't make a cameo, didn't do a bad job at direction. Most special effects worked, but the ones that didn't – i.e. twisting head and the ladies falling into hell in the closing – were just plain awful. Not funny, just bad.

Seriously, I laughed and some of the ongoing jokes were funny so I would recommend, slightly. It's not set to win awards, but perhaps a good drinking game.
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Loved it!
brunke009126 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with the comment I just read about this in saying, I don't see why this movie got a bad wrap, I thought it was great.

The only problem I really had was the intense over-acting of Brody, but at the same time, it made it a tad bit funnier. I think Englund did an amazing job with this film, probably one of the best horror-comedy films I have seen in a while.

The only other thing I could have changed in this movie was the really lame "lets dress up a dead body to make it look alive again." Weekend at Bernies could do it and make it funny, this movie didn't.

I liked the cameo by Bobby Lee, he made the movie just that much more funny. But then again, you could put Bobby Lee in anything and it would make it funny.

Midgits, Pornstars and Satan, what more could you ask for?
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Killer Pad
Scarecrow-8828 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Three kooky Midwestern pals move to Los Angeles renting what they believe is the perfect place, sitting on a hill away from civilization, not knowing that inside the basement is a portal to hell! Three Hollywood hotties, presumed neighbors who supposedly wish to greet them to their new residence, are actually Satan and his minions wanting the naive outsiders to host a party inviting citizens who unknowingly will become victims for the Lord of Darkness.

I will admit that the premise wasn't as much a draw as noticing that Robert Englund was returning for only his second film feature directorial stint(..after a twenty year absence). Without even listening to Englund's theatrical audio commentary(..which was a lot of fun), you can tell that Killer Pad, from the very beginning, is aiming squarely for laughs. A lot of Hell jokes and toilet bowl humor which will probably leave many wanting pure scares and not finding them here. Lots of in-jokes regarding reality TV(..a priest, portrayed by Jeff Bryan Davis, was once an alcoholic, drug-addicted human-stunt crazy, modeled after those idiots from Jackass who purposely perform body damaging stunts to inflict harm for laughs by unorthodox means)and LA itself, featuring many eccentric citizens such as porn stars, gym babes, Joey Lawrence(..who provides some humor involving his peers such as a bad impersonation of Bruce Willis and his secretary's address miscalculation which sends him to the party instead of Tobey McGuire's house for poker), a Kinkos teenage nerd with no friends, a fire marshal desiring to work as a guard for the party to find a date, an Asian transvestite who provided them this palatial pad to begin with, and 16 year old Catholic school girls in need of some clothes and a spanking.

The three leads were obviously hired for their physical comedy, their faces are colorful and Daniel Franzese, Eric Jungmann & Shane McRae really play their dupes to the hilt, providing the film with prime bona fide morons to root for with all our hearts. These guys work well off each other, embracing their characters' gullible nature. Their horny goof balls are easy prey for the major babes, Emily Foxler( Lucy/Satan, who looks fantastic in red), Noureen De Wulf, and Corri English who use their seductive wiles, attractive figures, and supposed willingness for sex as a weapon. The film is loaded with wacky special effects such as Latino "angel" Héctor Jiménez(who attempts unsuccessfully to ward our heroes away from the pad housing hell)who, at one point in the film, spits pea soup, is forced against his will to rip his own heart from his chest and eat it, with his head twisting and spinning repeatedly(..spoofing The Exorcist)before leaping off their balcony. Three models from Sweden are boiled in a jacuzzi. One poor soul's head explodes(..well, the silhouette of his head from behind a closed curtain does)while another's throat is slashed after his body slams into a mirror. We get to see the babes in demon form and the priest, after porking one of the naughty Catholic school girls, converting to a rocker, belting Kiss' "I Just Want to Rock'n'Roll All Night.." in an act against Satan and his/her minions who were about to pulverize the entire group assembled together in the party who hadn't been killed yet. We get a disgusting bathroom sequence featuring a very imposing masculine woman and the toilet she was using. Englund just seems willing to please and the film has a goofy spirit to it, but I thought it wore a bit thin by the time it was over. Englund, during the making-of doc on the DVD, speaks about how his film, shot on a Viper camera, doesn't, at all, use stock;the entire feature is shot all digital. Almost the entire film exists within the "killer pad" and shies away from presenting nudity even when the porn stars show their breasts to our Kinkos nerd. Oh, and there's a dwarf(..who orders the porn gals around) whose buttocks are present throughout for in his cut leather pants for extra tasteless chuckles. I sure do wish Englund would actually make a film built for scares instead of giggles, though. He understands menace and evil portraying quite a many unique and colorful monsters over his career, you'd think Englund could direct a chiller. Still, the film has moments which are quite stylish when Englund doesn't resort to zany hi-jinx and over-the-top cheese. The pad itself has a very vibrant use of red and he establishes this as the film's intricate color because of the story arc involving hell. Englund also uses symbolic imagery involving Satan(..such as a pentagram from discarded beer cans and statues featured throughout the house).
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If you value your brain, don't watch this nonsense.
jackmeat7 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Movie review:***spoiler at the very end****Read a few posts down, this movie is the epitome of what we were talking about: Inability to shut a movie off when it starts. Robert Englund is back directing after 976- Evil, 20 years ago, btw. That isn't a good start, but I still had to check it out. I'll give the story I guess, 3 guys (actors names are unimportant) fall into some money so they decide to move from IL to LA and get a great place to live the good life, and get laid. Well, they stumble upon a great house for a very cheap price (and when i say house, that is an understatement) and immediately jump on it. So, yes, of course, the place is the home of a portal to hell located in the basement of course. Well, minor, yet trivial things happen there but the go unnoticed, blaming these things on "squatters" living in the house. The writers must have thought that was the funniest thing ever since it comes up at least every ten seconds throughout this movie. I digress, by this point you already have seen/heard some really lame attempts at humor that most would have already turned off, ME? Hell no, how much worse can it get? At this point, I was already set to begin heating up a spoon and gouging my eyeballs out but i continued on to find out the plan was a huge housewarming party (more victims) so I figured maybe some creative deaths and boobs. OK, complete failure there and my brain is now begging me to shut off the movie, but I had already taken a nailgun and fastened my hands to the desk so I was unable to stop it. The pain of doing so actually hurt less than watching the movie. The 3 complete idiots have some very sweet friends from down the street that help them get a party together, played by 3 young, attractive women that couldn't act there way out of a cardboard box. I may have dozed off from blood loss, but the party at the Killer Pad is now in full swing and I swear I heard a familiar voice. Could this be star power? Yes, it's none other than Joey Lawerence. Ladies, I know you MUST be very interested now, he's a "dream." So cue the party goers getting killed in really stupid, non gory or creative fashion. All the eye candy was completely wasted, not a single joke worked in the slightest, and if the ending surprised you, there is no amount of teaching you can receive to cure your "stupid." I won't bother describing in detail any of the killings since i pray you don't damage your mind and watch this crap. The movie does end, might be the longest 84 minutes of your life, and maybe you will do what I did to feel better. Took off my socks, dipped my feet in gasoline, lit my feet on fire and ran across a field of broken glass for about an hour. Since I struggle to find a good point in a movie, it was a nice house. Luckily I didn't subject anyone else to watching this with me, I don't have many friends and I can assure you, that would've sealed the fate of any relation with anyone. If you are like me and just have to see it, do not return and say I did not warn you. Freddy, do us a favor, don't make any more movies, stay in front of the camera, please !!! 1.4/10 IMDb 3.9 Joey must've blown a LOT of people to get that rating up. *********spoilers******** Nobody dies, everyone miraculously gets up after the house implodes and is just fine and that isn't the big surprise, you already saw that one, and it better not surprise you.
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Great movie
jborden12110 February 2008
I bought Killer Pad because the box looked appealing to me...knowing nothing about it, i thought, what the hell, I will give it a try. I was very pleasantly surprised with this independent movie. Hilarious movie. I was laughing throughout the movie. Hector Jimenez (the guy from Nacho Libre) was great. Another thing that I enjoyed was the appearance of Milonakis. I very much enjoy his show (very unique at times i know), and his appearance in this movie was great, not to mention the up-and-coming actor Eric Jungmann (I think he is on the Wendy's commercial now) This movie really does have everything.

Being an independent film fan, I am very impressed and would recommend the movie to all audiences.
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