Putevoy obkhodchik (2007) Poster

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If we just stick to the plan, things will go as easy as pie.
lastliberal25 April 2009
The movie opens with two criminals discussing a bank robbery and the escape plan. Everything sounds fine, and it goes off as planned. Only, when they get into the tunnel that they were to use for escape, they come head-to-head with a slasher with a pick axe that lives in the tunnel and, believe it or not, collects eyeballs.

I would not call it as gory movie. Yes, the slasher does use some kind of eyeball-removal tool after he kills, but that wasn't really bad. It is the terror that makes it interesting.

Sure, we have seen this many times before. Originality is not something we expect in horror movies. But it was done well and there was plenty of excitement as they try to escape.

I am really not sure about the ending, though. It just didn't seem to fit.
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Haven't we seen this before??
FrightMeter16 July 2009
Obviously blatantly "inspired" by a few other horror films (namely "My Bloody Valentine" and "See No Evil") "Trackman" is a rather boring and lazy film that meanders along through all the typical slasher film clichés that we have come to know. However, a tad of originality never killed anybody and this is a concept that completely eludes the makers of this film.

The plot centers around a couple of criminals who decide to rob a busy bank in the downtown Moscow area. After fatally shooting a security guard the crooks take a few female hostages and escape into an abandoned tunnel that runs below the bustling city of Moscow. However, it seems they chose the wrong hiding place, as a serial killer wearing a variation of a gas mask and armed with a pick axe (sound familiar?) patrols the tunnel, ready to kill and collect the eyes of anyone foolish enough to venture into to it.

The Good: "Trackman" is a great looking film. The production values are top notch and, stylistically, the film the film works better than most horror films that have made it into theaters lately. The tunnel setting is definitely creepy and claustrophobic, but the director doesn't take full advantage of this opportunity. The killer is also pretty creepy and intimidating, and his mask/costume works pretty well. He is certainly your 80's style slasher film killer.

The Bad: For starters, the characters are all annoying as hell (even the two hostages), so it is really hard to sympathize or even care about any of them. Instead of going this route with the plot/characters, I feel the film could have been more effective following the typical "teenagers in peril" formula. Instead of having robbers as the main characters, have a bunch of teenagers who venture into the tunnels for a little partying be the victims. In fact, when I was watching this film, I kept thinking of the film "Catacombs" and how, if we could take elements from each of these films to make one film, it could be pretty darn good. In addition to having uninteresting characters, the film itself gets pretty boring. There are long stretches of time where nothing happens except the group wandering around the tunnel, occasionally stopping to yell at each other or slap around the hostages. It doesn't keep the viewers attention at all, and when the slashing does begin, it's entirely too late and too tame to redeem the film. Again, we don't care at all about the characters, so it is hard to get too invested in what happens to them. When the end finally does come, it is such a head-scratcher that it makes you even more angry that you just bored yourself for an hour watching the dang film.

Overall: A film that is pleasing to look at because of its high production values and stylish setting, but suffers because of a boring pace, extremely clichéd and predictable plot, and unlikeable characters. I'd strongly suggest skipping this one and popping in "My Bloody Valentine"(either the remake OR original!), as no matter how many times you have seen it, it will still be more exciting and entertaining that "Trackman!"

FrightMeter Grade: D-
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Well made although a very uneventful slasher.
jhpstrydom22 December 2009
When I picked up TRACKMAN in my latest online order of DVD's and checked out the cover art, I thought it was going to be one of those cheap annoying and unoriginal slashers, well when I started watching it it didn't look cheap at all it was actually nicely shot and it wasn't the usual annoying teen slasher flick, it actually featured a band of bank robbers who successfully pull off a bank job and take hostages and are looking to make their escape by going through an abandoned metro tunnel, but soon they realize they're not alone in the tunnels.

As soon as we are introduced to our killer hiding in the tunnels, the immediate reaction would be that this guy was photo copied right out of MY BLOODY VALENTINE and the plot or at least from the part where the robbers and hostages go into the tunnels, is like it was taken from a 70's horror movie called RAW MEAT or a latter day horror film called CREEP, to top it all off this film never builds any kind of tension or doesn't really scare you or keeps you on the edge of your seat, its only redeeming factor is the cinematography, this film is beautifully shot, the film makers certainly weren't lazy in attempting to create atmosphere.

Although this film is very well made at the end of the day after watching this film its a question of, seen this, done that and bought the T-shirt, as it doesn't really offer anything we haven't seen before
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Been there, seen this... a lot better
dschmeding8 December 2007
Trackman could as well be an American movie if you replace the Russian cliché actors with their Hollywood clichés. The whole thing is pretty much ripped from other movies and stretched to the limit. It starts in a pretty modern way where 2 bank robbers make their plan in a McDonalds, time switching to the later bank robbery and back. Although I liked the beginning of the movie it seemed a unnatural and like the director begging to be different. Anyway, we've seen this... although not in a horror movie. So what next... After the robbery fails they take hostages and hide... oh yeah .... in an old abandoned metro tunnel system under a junkyard. You can guess whats coming from that point. Now you got 4 gangsters and 3 hostages to go for a killer who lives down there and has a strange interest in his victims eyes. The whole thing makes absolutely no sense... so the typical comment of one gangster "Did you hear the tale of a mutated maniac living down here" is totally nullified with the ending which is trying to give an endless 80 slasher-minutes some meaning and fails miserably because it makes absolutely no sense with a killer having his eyeball-collection office installed down there. If the movie sticked to its slasher basics maybe it could have succeeded with the eerie atmosphere in the tunnels but still most of the time nothing is happening and the eeriness wears off after seeing dark empty tunnels with something moving far away for the 100th time. The kills are boring, the acting not too convincing and the back story seems too constructed trying to get out of its genre barriers but stumbling across its many plot holes. If you like dark empty tunnels and pickaxe-murders with wielding goggles mixed in with some real annoying modern editing and action-elements thrown in... go ahead. I guess the ending will ruin it even for you... the escape sequence on the motorcycle is beyond laughable.
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Not so bad, but slasher non-sense and lack of originality
onirique12 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, our robbers had a fine plan escaping the bank except for the killer being in the abandoned metro system. Now they have to survive, managing 2 hostages, 1 cop and maybe treachery inside the team.

It was not as bad as I thought. Clearly, Igor Shavlak has a good team to work with and the movie has a peculiar feeling (image and sound speaking). It's a technical demo explaining that Russian directors can do as well as American ones.

Too bad they forgot something to make the story interesting. Despite its short playtime (1 h 20 min), there is no really anything going on. The killer is not inventive and not manipulative (though the place suggested a nice "cat & mice" game) enough. The movie has a really good scene at the end when the last two survivors are followed by the killer and finally interact. It should have been this all along the movie to be really enjoyable.

If "old nightmares have a new face" as it is written on the poster, it sure reminds other movies: Silent Hill, Jeepers Creepers, Descent. Not a bad basis to work on but as I said before it lacks the originality.

With a good plot though, I'm sure that Scavlak and his team can make a fine movie to watch.
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Scarecrow-881 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Thieves remove money and three hostages from a Russian bank, take it to a labyrinthine underground subway system of tunnels where their mastermind is supposed to be waiting since he understands where the exit is. What the three bank robbers don't expect is a psycho wielding a pickax with a penchant for removing eyeballs as keepsakes! The film highlights Grom(Dmitri Orlov)as the most level-headed humane figure among the thieves who soon becomes leader of their motley frightened group hoping to set some sort of trap for the killer, but his problem is that only the "trackman" understands his way around the underground maze. Kostya(Tomas Motskus)and his partner were responsible for this seemingly perfect plan of snatch-grab-hide-and-escape not knowing that there would be a major set-back awaiting them in the tunnels. Kostya and his pal had planned on keeping the loot for themselves which, in a wicked twist of fate, is spoiled thanks to their choice of location.

The killer wears an eerie pair of goggles over a ski-mask, heavy overcoat and pants, carrying not only his trusty pick-ax but an eye-removing device as well(..one of those nasty kind of creations obviously designed and made by his own mind and hands). Director Igor Shavlak often shoots the trackman in ominous ways and really exploits the dread of our characters' situation thanks in part to the choice of location. The ancient abandoned underground subway tunnels make an ideal choice for an atmospheric hunting ground for a killer, and the perilous situation our characters find themselves in works in the film's favor. The idea that the killer knows the method of travel and escape in the tunnels as the others attempt various ways to escape heightens the suspense even though slasher fans have seen this all before. Director Shavlak mostly pulls his punches, not really elaborating on the attacks with great detail, disguising the pick-ax violence(..and eyeball extracting)through cunning camera-movements and editing. What is a constant, a certain success, is that the location, claustrophobic and unsettling, where light is privilege the characters often lack and their cold breath is always visible, works it's hold over you..you would certainly not want to be caught in this environment with a killer who knows where every nook and cranny is of the place. Unlike a great number of films in the slasher genre, the identity of the killer is of no great importance to the plot as a whole. He's a warped and dangerous psychopath who constantly threatens those he pursues. Guns are used in ways which shape the outcome of certain characters' lives thanks to a killer who hides and moves well in the dark patches of the place with fear often separating them. One robber, who decides that there's no way in hell the killer would get his trophy, slashes his own eyes with a blade. We do witness an eyeball being pried away from the socket, but it's rather brief. I think the novelty of this being a Russian slasher might catch on with fans of the genre, while others will find it just another average entry in the ever-growing cycle of films regarding a serial killer chasing his prey.
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Who cool killer who deserved to be in a better Movie
loomis78-815-9890345 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A group of bank robbers take some hostages after a heist and hightail it to an abandoned underground subway station. After being double crossed by one of their members, the group finds themselves lost in the underground tunnels. To make matters worse there is a killer on the loose in the tunnels known as the Trackman (Aleksey Dmitriev) who stalks and kills our hapless group. With goggles and a pick Ax in hand, the Trackman goes to work and the group falls one by one. This Russian horror film has an impressive looking villain in the Trackman and some of the deaths by pick ax have some fun to them. Director Igor Shavlak keeps Trackman in the shadows and manages to build suspense in short blasts. Unfortunately the screenplay and the poor dubbing get in the way too many times and sink the film every time it gets going. One of the actresses dubbing one of the characters is whining the entire time and is annoying as hell. There isn't any real explanation for the Trackman being down there or what the bank robbers were trying to accomplish by going underground after the robbery. A cool killer, who belonged in a better movie.
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Another one for the ... shaft?
kosmasp26 December 2010
Or is it "My bloody Russian-tine"? Any which way, this tries to mix horror and action into one movie. And while it is very familiar (to anyone who has watched a slasher movie before), it is done decent enough. Not good mind you, but not bad either. The characters are exchangeable (but then again, what slasher movie has great characters in them? Exactly!) and the death scenes are not overly inventively (not in my book anyway).

What stays is a nice setting/atmosphere and an extra point for trying. Russian movies that are successful outside their homeland were mostly movies that are thoughtful (Solaris et al). Recently of course there was some Fantasy (Nochnoy Dozor aka Night Watch for example) and here we have a slasher. Nice for a try, but nothing to get too excited about.
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Slow building fear from Russia.
michaelRokeefe28 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a Russian entry from the Ghost House Underground collection translated as TRACKMAN. A bank heist is planed at McDonalds using condiments. The robbery itself isn't perfect; good enough though to getaway with money, but bad enough to need hostages. The criminals with hostages in tow take refuge in abandoned underground subway tunnels below a junkyard. Things otherwise is going as planned until they realize they are trapped in the tunnels with no way out and they are not alone. The tunnels are home to a demented serial killer that has an affinity for his victim's eyeballs.

Most of the movie is underground making for most of the anxiety and fear. Two very nice looking hostages are played by Yuliya Mikhailova and Svetlana Metkina; and the Trackman is played by Aleksei Dmitriyev. The movie's director Igor Shavlak also has a role.
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My Review
joemamaohio10 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In Russia, a group of bank robbers rob a bank and take three tellers hostage. They escape through a series of underground tunnels, but what they don't know is that the tunnels are home to a maniacal serial killer who enjoys taking the eyes of his victims. Now the robbers and their hostages must work together in order to make it out of the tunnels alive.

This isn't one of the best Ghost House Underground movies to be released, but it's not the worst. It lacks originality, development and storyline, but it does accomplish the gore factor extremely well. The movie was made in Russia so the English is dubbed, which I always have a problem with because I get a headache when they don't say what's being said, but overall it was a highly forgettable film.
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Does not really offer anything new to the genre horror enthusiasts have not seen before
jordondave-2808526 July 2023
(2007) Trackman/ Putevoy obkhodchik (In Russian with English subtitles) HORROR

Co-produced and co-written by Valery Krechetov with successful heist group with hostages, escape toward an old mine shaft only for each one of them to be stalked and killed by an undiscovered demented serial killer. We then find out that he was on the loose, who became who he is was, was a result of Chernobyl, and that his trademarks is he plucks eyeballs from his victims! Nothing what people of horror films haven't seen before, "My Bloody Valentine", "Wolf Creek" and "Descent" to name a few... with the only difference here is that it's a Russian production.
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Oh my god....Hargh!
mladen_gb20 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A splendid movie, in which a couple of Russians end up in a abandoned subway system beneath the streets of Moscow. Before you know it, a freak (mentally and physically challenged one) is poking their eyeballs out with an eyeball.... poking....thingy... Even though they're all armed to the teeth, almost all of them, somehow managed to die. In the end Grom(some Russian fellow) and Katja(Some Russian bimbo) Surprisingly managed to kill the mentally and physically challenged freak and escape on a motor bike. A THRILLING conclusion to a great, twisted, filled with metaphor and eyeballs masterpiece of a movie. A MUST SEE!(if you happen to have an unpoked set of eyes) P.S. I think it would have been a tiny bit better if the guy shoved the eyeballs in his rectum while making the following sound: "Hargh!" Thank you and good night. Sincerely,

The eyeball
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