Night Night (2021) Poster


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So let me get this straight...
chelseatriscott3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was kinda enjoying it up until the point where the guy revealed his identity. I mean yeah it crossed my mind that he was the dad but that's where I got lost so I've been searching for an explanation and was hoping somebody could shed some light on it? So he was cheating on his wife, neglecting her and his 2 children, with the woman who ultimately and coincidentally ends up killing them in an accident...but then - and only then - he suddenly loves his wife so much that he's willing to commit murder to avenge her death 🤔 it would have made sense if he hadn't clearly met April (and begun lying to her I might add about his job and everything) before the car accident. But then it turned out he was the CEO of the phone company so it implies that this was also a way of protecting his company from backlash or something because she was using her phone while driving... I'm getting confused trying to lay it all out so please somebody help me lol.
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Bad Hitchcock wannabe
Armin_Nikkhah_Shirazi10 March 2022
The movie poster for NIGHT NIGHT recalls old school movie posters, say from the age of Alfred Hitchcock. And its plot has more than a few passing Hitchcockian undertones, even if imitated pretty badly.

The first strike against the movie is its production values: they look so cheap that it is suprising to see at least a half-way realistic-looking accident-scene. But other than that, the cinematography almost yells "basement budget" in practically every scene.

The second strike is that the movie does not contain much tension, as it is possible to figure out what is really happening quite early in the movie. I dismissed it as way too implausible (see third point) and was therefore hoping for a plot twist involving the protagonist's brother, but the entire thread involving him ended up being irrelevant to the story.

Thirdly, and most importantly, the plot is so implausible that it not only passes the threshold of incredulity, but leaves it so far behind that it passes the threshold of stupidity. What are the chances of such an event happening? How did the police not figure it out immediately? How does the villain have such apparently superhuman powers in manipulating data remotely and killing a police officer on short notice without getting caught? Why was there no discussion about who was at fault in the accident before it was dumped on the audience at the end in a court scene? And what was up with that nonsensical, stupid epilogue?

As of this writing, NIGHT NIGHT is rated 7.3 on IMDb. I have found that, for whatever reason, high IMDb scores seem to be unreliable indicators of quality for recently made indie movies. A couple other low-budget, low-quality affairs with similar problems I have seen are TAKE OUT and a WISEGUY CHRISTMAS, which got 7.6 and 8.0 respectively, as of this writing. I think from now on I will ignore high IMDb scores for indie movies less than 3 years old.
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Standard plotting with meager production values
jmbovan-47-16017317 March 2023
Woman has car accident, suffers amnesia, and then weirdness follows. There aren't any real surprises in this film, and it relies heavily on typical elements and tropes to pull the cookie cutter pieces together. Unfortunately, there isn't much to pull together in the first place. "Surprise" ending is neither a surprise nor much of an ending. Acting is standard without much punch to it. The quality of the film looks like nothing more than a low grade cable movie that would are after midnight. It tries for something greater in a psychological thriller, but it left me with a tinny taste in my mouth, a poor quality artificial substitute. If you want a casual distractor during a rainy afternoon, this works well as that. Otherwise, don't expect much of anything and choose to pass.
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Inflated score from fake reviews
jfgibson7327 December 2021
This was terrible. I gave it a chance because it had a score of 6.2 on this site. However, I took a look at the breakdown of the votes. The people who post to this site regularly gave it an average of 3. The look of this film is that of a low-end made for tv movie--visually bland. The acting does nothing to add to the enjoyment, although I can kind of see some potential in Brenna D'Amico. The story is completely unsatisfying with a cop-out ending. At about 45 minutes in, I was still somewhat interested in seeing where this went, but once the answers came, it fell apart completely. This should never have been made.
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Terrible, just terrible
rallenbrewer14 January 2022
Acting was decent at best. The writing was atrocious. Too many impossibilities and timeline snafu's to even go into. Don't get me started on how much of a dumpster fire the ending was. Did I mention there were tons of impossibilities? Oh and a gazillion things were left unexplained that simply make no sense even to a troglodyte. I wouldn't even classify it as a "B" movie. More like a F movie for abject FAILURE to have one suspend belief. I can never get back those lost minutes of my life.
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Very Bad and Boring:
bajaharley12 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst and most boring movies ever made. A woman who has been drinking then driving while on her cell phone among other things, kills a family with no consequences. She has a drug addict for a brother and they are wealthy. This is some of the worst acting I've seen from a lead actress in a long time, but then again she never was any good. Most of the movie takes place in her home with only a few actors and she does a very bad job of keeping you entertained. You can piece the movie together very early on making the rest of the movie just repetitive. I don't know if the writer is attempting to get you to feel sorry for this young lady or not but it is very difficult to get past the fact she killed a family. She believes it was all an accident but texting on your cell phone, putting on makeup, taking selfies, drinking, there is nothing accidental about that. She is charged with 3 counts of vehicular homicide for which she shows zero remorse, but is only put on probation for 5 years. I guess money can buy anything. The only thing that can satisfy is how it ends.
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Worst movie I have seen in a while
sohini-6966628 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: Spoilers This was a truly terrible movie. I will keep aside the "made for tv" production value because that is the least of the problems.

The main problem is the totally illogical storyline where absolutely nothing made sense.

The boyfriend turned out to be seeking revenge for his wife and children's death. However, he was already having an affair with April? So, April just out of sheer coincidence has the accident which kills his family? Then he suddenly seeks revenge for the death of the wife he was cheating on? Ok, maybe he was avenging the death of his children and not the wife (trying to insert meaning where there is none). But in that case, wouldn't he blame the wife and not the girlfriend?

Say I also let it pass, the strange coincidence and the stranger revenge motive. But what on earth happen at the end? Did he come back from the dead? Is this now a ghost story?

Also, so many loose threads left beyond this. Was her coworker actually killed? Why was the brother's story important? How was her estate lawyer also her criminal lawyer? SUCH AWFUL WRITING.

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Uhm.. alright. 😆
twb63231 March 2022
From the oddly paced story to the weird character development choices, this was a strange and silly watch. But I do like Brenna D'Amico a lot and I feel like she can shine in a better directed and well written project.
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Don't waste your time
gtx-5123522 November 2021
The trailer is way better than the movie itself. You are left with so many question to things that make no sense. The acting and the story line is terrible.
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Horrible movie
lisea-6228024 January 2022
Where to begin. The acting was alright. The problem was the storyline you could tell right off the bat what was gonna happen. So easy to figure out what would have been great was if there was a huge plot twist at the end where you find out she did it all on purpose because she found out she was his mistress.
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A real discussion piece, even if you're not stoned
agupta-875-13314917 November 2021
This was odd, colourful and relatively entertaining. What more could you ask for in the genre. Most "horrors" these days aren't real horrors, they're just great watches.
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Effective low budgeted thriller.
Iceman-156 March 2022
The poster for Night Night has the beautiful star of the film, Brenna D'Amico, clothed in a barely nothing slip, holding a gun. Clearly the marketers wanted to get the viewers attention, and from my male perspective, it worked. She looks like a young Angelina Jolie "type." But that's not what the film is about. Night Night is a thriller, the type we've seen many times, that's tacked on with an ambiguous ending, made watchable by a few, genuinely creepy moments and the gorgeous D'Amico. 7 out of 10.
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Not spectacular, but ok thriller
tarchon24 April 2023
I didn't expect a lot from this film since it telegraphs "low budget" from the start, but it's a decent thriller. I'm pretty sure I've seen this plot before, but not entirely sure where. However, it's a good story so I can see how it gets reimagined periodically. There's a little bit of an attempt to mix up the "psychological thriller" formula up at the end. I'm not sure it totally works, but an effort was made. The movie sets out from the familiar car accident/coma combo and from there goes down roads that the thriller fan knows well, but I think if you're a genre fan, you'll find it acceptable viewing. If, however, you don't really get into the thriller conventions, it doesn't rise above them, so it's maybe worth skipping this one.
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It couldve been good
theravenontopofthehill23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was horrible through and through, First off absolutely no mystery to the plot, which I'm assuming is someones cup of tea, sure isnt mine.

Second off, while I understand what they where going for, a shaken accident victim awoken from a coma, it was poorly acted out, instead she looked like a well informed actor trying to look clueless.

The beginning happened. That's about it. It has no further direct mention later on in the plot. Perhaps it was to paint her as a well put individual to then show off that she too, could be oblivious and/or unfocused. But it could've been woven within the story.

Unto the boyfriend, I still don't understand his end goal or even his logical place in the plot, he met her before the accident, started texting her while he still had a struggling girlfriend with children. Then after the accident, he bugged her house and gave her a fake world to live in. Out of anger by his own fault at effectively losing his main girlfriend to a new one perhaps. Well I forget he did lose other family members in the car accident, I'm assuming it was to avenge them.

And what happened to the police officer? Why did it happen?

Granted I am half asleep, one thing I can say for sure, the acting is horrible, the plot is confusing and I am very much confused.
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No. Bad. Terrible.
renaeott28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's visually unique and the colorblocking had both an aesthetic and a tonal purpose. And, those are the only things even tolerable about this pointless mess. Um... So, the guy our protagonist's been banging for about a month has...a wife or girlfriend, and 2 kids who are killed when our heroine/his side piece crashes into them while tipsy-sending him car-nudes-while-driving. And the cops don't connect our girl's boyfriend to these people. Oh, and ... After she justifiably shoots and kills this philandering and psychotic douchenozzle, he then is able to haunt her and kill her new boyfriend ( one of the cops she met while he was investigating the crash). So. I guess, nonsense prevails for those who gave this dumpster fire anything above 4 stars. Like the lead actress but I feel she was let down by the director. And the last 45 minutes of "plot". Why was her brother even IN this movie??? Added literally zero. Ew.
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Lazy and just plain awful
ntdvxwrq7 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A truly despicable "protagonist" may be in danger. But why should anyone care?

I'm not sure who this film is attempting to reach, but it fails on every level. The storytelling is slow and the narrative leaves more omissions than anything else.

April is an entirely stereotypical poor little rich girl who inherits millions when her parents pass away. Not a care in the world, she drives around drunk focusing on literally everything but the road in front of her: putting on makeup, taking selfies, texting the guy with whom she's cheating on her boyfriend. Any feelings the viewer might have about the devastation of the car accident that ensues are overshadowed by the fact that anyone who isn't April saw it coming. When she awakens from a 5-month-long coma, she retreats right back into her world of privilege and never even bothers to find out a single detail about who she hurt, instead determining to continue living her life as though the accident never happened.

Despite the overall slow pacing, the scene in which detectives confront April about her BAC is entirely rushed and unsatisfying. The detectives needed a court order to take a blood test, so the fact that her BAC was 0.7 at the time the test was administered is meaningful, and I find it difficult to believe the detectives wouldn't have elaborated on this. The court order would've required a judge's signature, meaning that the blood test likely occurred hours after the accident, thus April's BAC would've been well above the legal limit of 0.8 at the time the accident occurred. And yet they say none of this and, unsurprisingly, poor little rich girl gets a pass with the court system as well.

The plausibility only goes downhill from here. April clicks a link from a random email she never subscribed to and notices the same family appearing in every image with their faces blurred. Yet somehow it takes over an hour of screen time before it miraculously occurs to her that maybe, just maybe, she's being targeted and this is the family she killed. It's clear that she never sought out any information as to whose lives she destroyed, but neither the cops nor the court system would make sure she was well aware? I don't buy that at all.

A detective confirms April's suspicions that her boyfriend has malware tracking every activity on her phone, yet when he realizes she's in danger, he texts her again and again to let her know it's the boyfriend? Why not text the boyfriend directly if you're going to be that foolish? I can suspend disbelief when a better film warrants it, but I can't suspend all logical reasoning.

This leads me to the next piece of the puzzle, which makes even less sense than any of the aforementioned, yet again the viewer can see it coming from a mile away. Surprise, surprise! That family she killed? It was his! From this we can glean little more than the knowledge that both of these characters are despicable. They started dating a month before the accident, he lied to her about his job, his family, the entirety of his persona, and yet suddenly he's a family man out for murderous revenge. And the fact that it was his family she killed is too much of a coincidence to be at all plausible.

Frankly I hoped they would both wind up dead. No one to root for in this mess of a film.
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laurenh-5579617 November 2021
This was hands down the worst movie I've ever watched. No real story line that added up and could have ended like 6 times before it actually did.the trailer looked so good so I rented it and I wish I could get my money back.
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The trailer is better.
gtgonzz20 November 2021
Trailer is better than the movie. If you're looking for a good story, good acting and good cinematography this is not the movie for you. Poor timeline and they provide no details into anything for the story, I can't unwatch it but please spare yourselves from this beat down.
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Avoid any recent movie with Eric Roberts
OzMovieWatcher27 November 2021
Eric Roberts was once an accomplished award winning actor. In more recent years, appears every movie he is in is rubbish and his acting ability is poor. I do not know which was worse in his acting ability... this rubbish movie or that disgusting vomit of a movie called "rebels of PT-218"... give this movie a huge wide berth, it is rubbish from start to finish.
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Very disappointed
itsali-1609926 March 2022
7 on IMDb qualifies as a good watch. It's the opposite. Way too impractical, way too fictional and an ending that was designed to leave people thinking about the movie more has only achieved the thought of idiocy about the story of the movie.
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Solid indie
markbarton-8598421 December 2021
Solid indie with good twists and turns.

Definitely better than some low budget indie films.

Liked the star and I thought the writing and directing was really strong.
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Good attempt
bergsr-7284323 December 2021
Not a bad film at all. Low budget but very entertaining. Some of the performances brought it down a tad, but overall a good attempt and an intriguing story.
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Oh NO!
zigmasand29 November 2021
It's not the worst movie ever made but it is probably the worst movie to be released so far in 2021. I have considered Justice League for that spot. Then I saw the new Home Alone which I was sure would be the strongest contender but now Night Night has joined the chat and I'm convinced it is the worst movie of 2021 and if we can do worse then I would be interested to see how.

Disney girl should stick to Disney channel. Eric Roberts is Eric Roberts. Tony Todd is good for the five minutes he has but we need more of him.

Please tell me the director and writer who made this were trying to Punk me because I don't know how to justify this crime against humanity and film if this was meant to be taken seriously.

Seriously! No!
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Still tryin to get over the old lady nighties...
randyunseen29 November 2021
The beginning of this movie had potential for five minutes... Then this picture was all over the place. What was the point again? Loved Eric Robert's as a doctor in pink scrubs "Not" I also loved the green old lady night gowns " hideous" This was just a horrible movie...
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Immediately no
unforgivenreign7 March 2024
Don't you hate when the Trailer Is better than the movie And finished product. I was intrigued when I saw the trailer and I thought wow this looks amazing. I get my popcorn and other snacks ready. I sit down and start the movie and guess what within five minutes I immediately turned it off. The acting is terrible like literally it seems like I can get better performance from a high school theater class. The premise sounds really good, but I cannot get past the very poor acting. To make things worse, I decided to spoil the movie and look Up the ending. And I am so glad that I did not waste two hours of my life watching this movie because the way it ends is literally terrible. Do what I did and the movie for yourself don't bother Watching.
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