American: The Bill Hicks Story (2009) Poster

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How do you do a legend justice?
crazy-bananas22 January 2010
Bill Hicks had built up a large and very loving fan base in his adopted home of the UK before his sad and early departure. One of life's many contradictions is that the country that spawned a genius also spurned him, most notably David Letterman scrapping his final (of many) appearances on the late show. Bill felt it was a mere biological coincidence (listen to his routines) that he happened to be a Texan, and this comedian and social commentator belonged to the whole world rather than just two countries on either side of the Atlantic. He belonged to the whole world in my opinion because he had such a relevant and timeless message, that fuelled every polemic routine. I've been a fan of Hicks since I was 18 years old, making many of the discoveries this guy had made at the same age. For anyone who regards themselves alive enough to cherish self awareness and to contemplate questions such as why do the good guys die and the twisted little men thrive in their place, tune into Hicks (not Fox News). Fitting given his fan base that this documentary was made with love by two British directors. As I said, I consider myself a huge fan, but this film shed light on an already big star, especially his formative years and relationships with his friends and family. 'American' is a journey, a ride, and one you'll be very glad you came along on.
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Great Documentary - lives up to the hype Warning: Spoilers
I approached this film half expecting a cash-in, as Bill Hicks' legacy seems to have become lucrative for his relatives & each new release is often more brazen than the last (e.g. 2003's Shock & Awe).

Happily, this is not the case & the film seems to be both a genuine & sincere homage to the man himself, but also a real attempt to bring something fresh & unseen to fan-boys (such as myself).

The plot is fairly simple - it starts off with his early years & ends with his death from cancer. In the process, they place each of the DVD's in context & show lots of interview clips of fellow comedians, friends & family.

So far, so predictable.

The great thing about this film though is that they have included many, many pieces of unseen footage & have strived to put him in the context of fellow comedians (all of whom are excellent - e.g. Jimmy Pineapple)

The most original contribution that the film maker's have made is to take all the 100's of photos of Bill & turned them into action-stills. A lot of the material by the man is the same, but he always had a gift of being photogenic & hence this factor symbolises the director's efforts to bring something new to the table.

By no means is this film perfect & I have heard some people say 'It's not that good', but not from anyone who's actually seen it.

One thing I can pick out is that there is nothing about his relationships or Girlfriends that were so formative to much of his comedy (e.g. his Fiancé Colleen McGarr).

There is also the fact that the film ends with the 'It's Just a Ride' scene, which is fast becoming cliché (e.g. Zeitgeist).

(Oh, and there is a bit at the end of the film which grates a little, where the screen says something to the effect of 'The Hicks family continue to live in ... & are all remarkably intelligent'. Although they may be, this seems a little bit of an affectation towards them...)

Besides this, there was too much to like about this film. It was really interesting to find out how Mr Hicks used to take mushrooms on a ranch with friends & about his final cancer-ridden days.

I hope that, when the DVD is finally released, it will include full extras of his 'Rant in E-minor'/ 'Arizona Bay' routines but, for now, I really hope that people will flock to buy this DVD. If the evidence of George W Bush is anything to go by, America (& the World) could really do with knowing more about Bill Hicks.

Here's hoping they move onto George Carlin next...
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Perfect combination of biography and live performances
craig-holmes-928-57172520 December 2010
I am an enormous Bill Hicks fan. Obsessively so. I think I have all the bootlegged concerts on my computer, and a DVD of rariety camcorder shows as well as enough official CDs and DVDs that I have basically all his material available in one form or another. I also have about three books - two biographies and a book of transcripts and scripts and other writings. So that's the background I took into this documentary.

First of all, it's a beautiful film to look at. There's the usual audio history going on in the background, but what the directors have done is taken still photographs and created pseudo-animated sequences to support the narrative. It's odd at first, but very quickly you stop even noticing that the still faces aren't moving in their animated environment. Very clever.

Secondly, where has all this new footage come from? There are several camcorder recordings which must go back as far as the early 1980s that I have never seen before. There's some bits (about his father) which I'd never heard before which were used to accompany the section on his early shows. I don't think they are quite as old as that (he looks a bit older than 16) but it's not far off. Some of these early clips also show later material in an earlier form - like the fantasy about the grotesque death of woman that broke his heart seeing him on the Tonight Show as she breathed her last.

The best thing about the film, however, is they way everything is brought back to the comedy. With enough reading, you'd already know about the drug stories and the depths of his alcohol abuse and his tragic early death from pancreatic cancer. While all of these are important parts of the story, no-one dwells on the more sensational details, but instead uses them in partnership with recordings to show how they motivated what he was doing on stage. There's clips to show him drinking excessively on stage, clips about his growing dislike of governments (including from Hicks and Kevin Booth's trip to Waco in 1993), clips contrasting his rapturous reception in the UK (the huge rock and roll entrance of the Revelations show at the Dominion theatre) adjacent to the small audiences ("staring blankly back at me like a dog that had been shown a card trick") of a backwater comedy club in the US South. I like this because it feels like the best use of the documentary medium, and gives fresh insight into a topic I (and many other fans) already know well. I mean, I can read and re-read an autobiography of his life but only in a film can I really see the effect on his work. Very much recommended, for disciples and neophytes alike.
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More than a collection of comedy bits...
dbgeorge9 April 2011
I was able to see this on my local cable provider's VOD. I half expected this to be part biography and part collection of comedy routines. It was heavier on the biography part and not as much a retrospective of performance bits. That was perfectly fine because this documentary was more about the man and what drove his comedy. Also, it appears Bill Hicks was an incredible blues guitarist from the few audio clips played. Most of the beginning is about his family and upbringing which sourced his early comedy. It also described his friendships and the relationships that led him into comedy. Towards the end, more of Bill Hick's comedy is performed, but more to emphasize the circumstances of his life and how he managed his career.

Bill Hicks will always be one of my favorite comedians, and to see the man behind the comedy was fascinating. I have a deeper appreciation of the man and his work after seeing this film.
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Goat Boy Returns
tieman645 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"The only downside to listening to Bill Hicks is that, once you've done so, almost every other stand-up comedian will sound like a waste of your time and an insult to your intelligence." - Andrew Mueller

"I thought he was the most intelligent, most liberating social and political comic I had ever heard." - John Cleese

Though he died in 1994, Bill Hicks' reputation has been growing steadily amongst comedians and comedy aficionados. Like Dean, Cobain, Marley, Morrison, Lennon etc, Hicks' death immortalised him, turned him into a hero, a microphone legend for the disillusioned youth of the 1990s.

But to his fans, Hicks was more than an iconoclast. They saw him as prophet, a truth-teller whose message of love, hope, sense and reason lurked closely behind an outer facade of anger and cynicism. Describing himself as "Noam Chomsky with dick jokes", Hicks offered a strange blend of high brow and low brow comedy. He was the Holden Caulfield of stand up, exuding a dangerous and subversive cool. Hicks may once have described humanity as "a virus with shoes", but Hicks was never cynical - just angry and perpetually disappointed, as any compassionate, decent person should be.

But it wasn't only his mixture of intellect and humour that made Hicks popular. Everyone loves an underdog, and Hicks was the ultimate showbiz underdog. With cancelled TV shows, censored television appearances and 12 years in the wilderness working in small clubs and empty bars, he struggled to catch a big break. He was hardworking and adored by fellow comedians, but at a time when American conservatism was at its strongest, homeland audiences simply failed to "get" Hicks' act. Then, just when stardom came knocking, Hicks developed pancreatic cancer. His audience didn't know it, but he was dying, his awareness of his impending death tingeing his later shows with a strange sense of melancholy. To some, Hicks' late shows are the closest stand up's ever come to a kind of spiritual comedy. And then Hicks died.

Over the years, numerous other comedians would borrow from and be influenced by Hicks. George Carlin's entire late career emulates Hicks, though Carlin substitutes apathy and bitter disenchantment for Hicks hopefulness. Lewis Black, Doug Stanhope, Jon Stewart and a bevy of other comedians (including super-hack Denis Leary) would adopt Hicks' trademarks, mannerisms and intonations to great effect. And though dead, Hicks himself would slowly begin to gain fame. VHS bootlegs and late night HBO airings would spread his name, before the internet generation, and the second Gulf War, popped him back into the limelight. Having broken free of what he called "purple veined dick joke material" and developed a more politically and socially aware philosophy over a decade earlier, the now dead Hicks began to appeal to the jaded, twenty first century audiences of Generation Youtube. It also helped that his rants against the first Gulf War and George Bush Senior translated equally well to Gulf War 2 and George Bush 2.

Hicks wasn't political in any complicated, dangerous or sophisticated way, but his scepticism about war, the arms industry, his libertarian view on drugs, his anti-corporate musings, his mocking of the stupid and/or ill-educated, bashing of presidents, love for tobacco etc, were novel on the stand up circuit at the time. Hicks' world-view – we are all energy, money and status are meaningless distractions, authenticity of feeling is paramount, embrace love, not fear – basically made him a hippie disguised as a punk or anarchist. And of course he bashed Rick Astley (of Rick Roll fame) long before anyone else did. Throw in a paedophilic satanic alter ego called Goat Boy, and you had one unique comedian.

Directed by Matt Harlock and Paul Thomas, "American: The Bill Hicks Story" is an excellent documentary which has the hard task of making Bill's childhood years interesting, and chartering his long, lonely years on the road. The film consists of interviews with Hicks' family, associates and childhood pals, but the dialogue is sculpted such that the film plays less like a documentary and more like a moving 3 act tragedy. Coupled with this is an impressive style which revokes talking heads in favour for an animation technique which brings to life photographs of Hicks and his circle of friends. Aesthetically, I've never seen a documentary look quite like this.

The film touches upon Hicks' childhood, his strict Baptist parents, his early days in comedy clubs, his fondness for Woody Allen and Richard Pryor, the incredibly early age at which he started comedy and his transformation from clean cut comic to ticked off alcoholic. More than this, the films shows why Hicks became the comedians' comedian. He was never sullied by Hollywood success, he was never given the opportunity to sell out, his life was cut short before he got stale and his career coincided with the age of the camcorder, all factors which contributed to his mythologization.

8.9/10 – Whether you find Hicks to be good, great or overrated (he was probably a bit of all three), this remains a sad but entertaining doc. Fans may want to check out "Bill Hicks: Agent Of Evolution" and "American Scream: the Bill Hicks story", two books which to a better job at delving into Hicks' life.
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Greatest American Comedian of all time . . .
bujin_tao18 November 2010
Namaste, Venakam, Salaam Alaikum, Sat Sri Akal.

Bill Hicks' comedy has been a godsend in my personal life. Being a native of the Balkan region of former Yugoslavia trying to acclimate to American society without acculturating and losing my identity, his work was invaluable. He has said the things that most people don't even acknowledge or think about.

Bill hicks was an amazing artist and human being on many levels. In particular, on a spiritual and philosophical level, he is easily the most relevant and profound comedian of all time. No other individual has managed to take the unpalatable truths of "modern society" and deliver them with the intellectual poise, sincerity and utter hilarity of Bill Hicks.

He is in our hearts and minds for all eternity, and its a joy to have known his eternal individual nature through his recordings.

May we meet again in the cosmic energy pool of eternity.

Peace, Love & Light,


"It's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one."

  • William Melvin "Bill" Hicks
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So what did we learn?
alfiefamily31 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing Bill Hicks perform on various HBO specials in the early - mid '80's. I'd seen him a couple of times on Letterman, and didn't think any more about him, until I had heard that he died at the age of 32 from pancreatic cancer.

I'll admit, I was never a big fan of his. I thought that other comedians were doing somewhat similar material, and doing it better. So I watched this "documentary" to see if I could learn what I was missing or not "getting" about Hicks.

I'm not sure I was missing anything. This documentary does a fine job of telling you about his origins, and his life and the people he knew. But it does not inform you as to what he believed drove his comedy. It also doesn't discuss the inner demons that he fought or explain why, after working so many years to build a career, he would just walk away from it, just because his act was edited.

His "rants" were not the stuff of Lenny Bruce or George Carlin. His talk of drugs was not as clever as Robin Williams or Sam Kinison. So the viewer is left still not able to understand why people love his comedy.

The film is told thru stop action animation, which is clever at first, but gets old real fast. It is hard to understand who is doing the talking, because actual live faces or names are rarely flashed on the screen.

On the whole, I'm glad I saw the film, but very disappointed with not having any greater insight to the man after having viewed it.

6 out of 10
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The final bill on nutshell hick-ups
rotildao23 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I believe all George Carlin fans will come out of the theater after watching this documentary feeling they also lost a son.

Comedy itself lost another true hero. Specially nowadays where nothing seems to make any sense in the world, except for the fact that all the ones who dare to understand this humongous, hypocritical world we all live in, suddenly, out of the blue, they all leave.

The documentary is somewhat superficial, nonetheless, very important, because it shows how everything started for Bill Hicks, and there is great archive footage of his early stand-ups. It also makes one feel very interested particularly in his great come back moment, after he gave up drugs and alcohol, and as far as what made him become the Bill Hicks that conquered the UK unfortunately little was said about this period in the movie.

The final scenes are Hicks' best moments. And after the late George Carlin there was nobody else who could have filled his shoes and enlightened audiences with greater political insights such as Bill.

So, a must see, but not as informative, nor as edgy as it could have been.

My vote is 8
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Short, To the Point Review
sponge32 July 2011
This documentary is very in depth but it's focus on still photography/animation left me wanting more. The story of Bill's life is definitely covered very thoroughly but I almost felt like this could have been an audio book. I enjoyed it but would have liked to (visually) see more interviews, Bill's comic sets and video of real life people that would get you to know Bill.

I just felt it could have been done better but you do get to know "the guy". IMDb requires ten lines of text for a review so I will have to fluff this review with garbage in order to have this review be approved. Are we there yet?
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A very enjoyable documentary about the life of one of the greatest Amerian stand-ups...
ajs-1029 August 2011
To the people in the know, Bill Hicks is revered as one of the greats. I must admit I wasn't all that familiar with his work before seeing this documentary. I may have seen the odd snippet here and there, maybe even caught part of the odd TV appearance when getting back late from the pub, but this is the first time I've actually sat down and watched any his work properly. You'll be pleased to know you've got a convert right here! I can see why he was so successful over here in the UK; his style of humour is just the kind of thing we love. But I digress, here's a bit about the film.

We are told the story of Bill Hicks right from birth until his death, tragically young, only 32 years later. It's quite fascinating how he started out as a teenager with his friend Dwight Slade, and how they'd sneak out of the house to go and play gigs at a local comedy club. He gains some success and ends up solo when Dwight has to move away and we follow his career through alcoholism, drug abuse and back again. It's only when he cleaned up that he had his greatest successes though. Sadly he never really made it really big in his home country during his lifetime, but he left us with some truly memorable and thought-provoking comedy… In my book, a genius.

Rather than just having lots of talking heads in between scenes of Bill on stage, the filmmakers used some photo-animation to illustrate certain parts of the story. This worked very well and served to keep the audience interested in the narrative. Many of his friends and family contribute to the story, which gives this version of events a lot of credence. I found I was not only intrigued by his life story, but also by his comedy. I will certainly be looking at more of the work of Bill Hicks… Recommended.

My Score: 8.2/10.

IMDb Score: 7.9/10 (based on 1,716 votes at the time of going to press).

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 82/100 (based on 55 reviews counted at the time of going to press).
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How the British have always appreciated true comedy.
TheDocHierarchy15 March 2012
Bill Hicks did not live an extraordinary life. Born into a middle-class suburban home with doting parents and overachieving siblings, the teen found his calling in furnishing extraordinary insights into the ordinary life that he, and most other Americans in the 70s and 80s, led. Getting his start as a teen comic in a local Texan comedy club, he was the young upstart coming at issues from a fresh angle, the ease and confidence with which he delivers his jokes distinguishing him as a special talent.

Dropping out of school and chasing the dream in LA, Hicks struggles with failure and fitting in with what the world expects of his humour. Falling into patterns of drug abuse and alcoholism, his comedy mirrored an outlook on life that was not mainstream. He was cynical, he was rash and he was jarring, and for all those reasons, he was an acquired taste. His anti-American routines particularly did not bode well for his career; in an industry where shock is now the norm, Hicks was ahead of his time, but that was to prove little consolation.

Eventually, ousting himself from the cycle of rejection and abuse, Hicks winds up in New York where he gets himself clean and his magical touch returns. Though he never sacrifices his right to say and joke about whatever he wishes (and highlights from various gigs are used as proof of this), in doing so he pushes back against the mainstream tide that flirts with but never embraces him. Diagnosed with cancer in his early 30s, Hicks never receives the true acceptance of the American audience that he perhaps craved, but he died in the knowledge that he stuck to certain values that never let him compromise what he believed in to merely give audiences what they wanted to hear. Many would argue that, in itself, that is a very American value.

Harlock and Thomas' film joins the growing collection of posthumous albums and features that have attempted to reclaim Hicks' image, to wonderful effect. Whether it is guilt for ignoring him whilst alive, America has finally embraced the humour of a man whose only really fame was an ocean away in the United Kingdom. As only a proud American could care enough to write the jokes about the fatherland that Hicks managed, his emotional emigration to the British Isles is as tragic personally as it was a highlight professionally.

If the documentary has a flaw, it is that Hicks wasn't around to truly finish it. This is a half-finished documentary because it was a half-finished life.

Concluding Thought: As a resident of the UK, the portrayal of Hick's success in the British Isles being down to his anti-Americanism is somewhat simplistic. The UK has a wonderful tradition of supporting comedians regardless of background or content, purely because they make them laugh.
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Take the ride of your life..
morrison-dylan-fan1 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
About three or four years ago,I picked up an album with a very eye- catching cover (AEnima) by an alternative rock/metal band called Tool.When I opened the case,I instantly noticed a picture of a slightly wild-looking doctor with the heading- "Bill Hicks: Another dead hero."Whilst playing the fantastic album,I could hear some very interesting samples of his material being used in the album.So,I ended up looking around for any CDs/DVDs of his stand-up act.Though I was able to find a good amount of stunning audio/video of Hicks,I always felt a little bit disappointed that no one had made a film about him.Happily,after having watched this great documentary a few times,I feel that it was defiantly well worth the wait.

The outline of the documentary:

The film chronologically looks at the life and career of American comedian Bill Hicks.It is shown how Hicks started out as being a comedian inspired by Woody Allens performance in Casino Royal!.To,completely transforming his stand-up into some of the most personal performances that a comedian has done in the last twenty years.A over-view of Hicks stand-up act and life is shown with an almost unprecedented amount of never seen before footage of Bills earliest shows,to a huge number of photos which are "animated to illustrate particular moments in Bill Hicks life. View on the film:

As the film started,I felt very nervous that the only footage of Bill that would be used in the film, would be of his latter performances which are always used for footage when Hicks is ever mentioned on TV.Smartly,directors Matt Harlock and Paul Thomas (who both also produced the film and also did the "animation" footage with Graham Smith) decide to mainly focus on the very little seen early days of Hicks stand-up.This is done by cleverly using never-seen before photos from the family library,and impressively animating them to make them look very "bold".And for the video tapes, that are well-over thirty years old,the picture and audio is in shockingly excellent quality.The only slight disappointment that I had with this fantastic film,was that there is no interview or mention of Bill Hicks manager (who he was also engaged to.)

Final view on the film:

A stunningly made film with unforgettable images and videos of one of the greatest comedians of the last twenty years.
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This is a fan piece, and will work just as that
fredrikgunerius21 October 2023
More than leading an interesting life, Bill Hicks - one of the most significant American comedians in recent times - was an interesting soul with an important voice. This is what, after a somewhat slow start, Matt Harlock and Paul Thomas' biomentary American: The Bill Hicks Story is able to convey. The filmmakers use a combination of creative and agreeable photo-animations and traditionally voiced interviews with Hicks' friends and family to tell his story, and the film captures some of the comedian's struggles, a little bit of his agenda, and a fair amount of his sense of humour. Hicks is portrayed, as dead artists often are, as something of a martyr, which is fitting enough, but the filmmakers make the deadly sin for documentarians of not treating their subject material with any form of criticism. This is a fan piece, and will work just as that.

If the film inspired you to check out more of Hicks' material, I think the filmmakers will feel that they've done their jobs. In that case, I suggest Totally Bill Hicks, which includes his last performance in England.
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Poorly made and boring
scott-vandemotter27 July 2011
It seems like the other reviewers are giving this documentary high marks because it is about a comedian they love. That is a mistake. This is a poor documentary. This documentary consists of friends of Bill's talking about him while we look at old pictures scrolling across the screen. This is occasionally interrupted by 5-10 seconds of actual video of Bill or one of his cohorts.

To me, this fails as a documentary, it is purely a fan piece. If you love Bill Hicks now, then this will make you love him more. If you are not a fan, then this will make you avoid his work as much as possible. From what I know, Bill was a very thoughtful and talented person, it's too bad someone as thoughtful as him didn't make the film about him.
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Insightful and revolutionary comedian taken from the world too soon
tdclark002625 October 2010
Watching recordings of Hicks, I am impressed at how his stand up shifts from vulgar bathroom humor to such profound social commentary. He truly was unique and ahead of his time. I guess it figures then his life was taken at such an early age. That seems to be the pattern we see in history with great thinkers (Ghandi, Jesus, etc). When I hear him speak, I caught myself saying, "He should've been president!" Instead he was regulated to doing comedy in two-bit clubs in the redneck south. Also of not is the wonderful picture-animation technique, which I have not personally seen before. It helped to fill in the gaps left by not having the titular character being present for an interview.

See it and learn something.

Your father didn't die for a flag. He died for the symbol that the flag represented, which is the freedom to burn the flag. -Hicks
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The world lost a great mind
SamWizeGanji16 May 2022
Beautiful tribute to the great Bill Hicks. Anyone who loves him should watch this BBC production!

Hearing his family remember him brought tears to my eyes. His friends made me wish I knew him.

Rest In Peace, you will be remembered until the world destroys itself <3.
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Illuminating enough insight into someone regarded as one of the finest comic minds of our times
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

Coming from a country famous for making an institution out of stand up comedy, for many an insincere route to bigger things, Bill Hicks is certainly a name that stands out in many 'best jokes ever' polls over here, despite being, interestingly, American, where people are known to be a little more sensitive. And, it would seem he got his big break over here, his true talent and potential not being explored in his native country enough, where he either caused too much offence or was simply a misunderstood genius. Basically, the guy has a massive cult following that has continued many years after his death and this documentary attempts to cast light on his life and times, without reflecting too much on the influence he still has today.

Hicks didn't seem to let how much he was far away from where he went to become famous stand in his way at all, chasing his small town boy dream with all the confidence and gusto of a tornado, a character possessed by a dynamic mind that refused to be restrained who, like the best of anyone, ended up living fast and dying young. People are appreciated more in death, for sure, but it's undeniably often the case that people with an unquestionable talent in whatever medium they are in can be taken away in their prime, and it's definitely sad to see all that potential and talent taken away.

This is a sincere, honest, insightful, revealing and well made enough expose of Hicks, opening up his unique observations and comedy stylings to a new generation of viewers. ***
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probably the finest stand-up comedian of all times
dragokin16 March 2013
If you're looking for material about Bill Hicks, this is a place to start. If you're acquainted with his work, this might be your collector's album about his life. None of the background has been omitted: the highs and the lows supported by lots of previously unreleased footage.

The interviews with Bill's family revealed how much love and affection he received from them. In my opinion, this environment along with his talent and experience led him to become one of the best stand-up comedians of all times.

I found it great how this movie has been made as a mixture of archive footage and simple animation with voice-over of the interviewees. However, i felt that his approach might turn-off the average viewer, as well.
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Discovering a genius: the story of Bill Hicks
gsilecchia21 May 2024
"American: The Bill Hicks Story" is the remarkable opportunity to delve into the brilliant mind of one of the most iconoclastic and visionary comedians of our time. Directed by Paul Thomas and Matt Harlock, this documentary goes beyond recounting the life of Bill Hicks; it delves into the soul of a man who challenged conventions and used the stage to expose uncomfortable truths and provoke profound thoughts. The documentary is a fascinating collage of interviews, animations, and archival footage that paint a vivid and personal portrait of Hicks. What makes "American: The Bill Hicks Story" particularly engaging is its innovative use of animation. Photographs of Hicks and his friends and family are animated, creating an almost dreamlike effect that allows the viewer to step directly into the comedian's life and thoughts. This technique not only makes the storytelling more dynamic but also manages to capture the essence of Hicks' inner world - a world of deep reflections, sharp humor, and a constant quest for truth. The strength of the documentary also lies in the testimonies of those who knew Hicks best. The accounts from his friends, family, and fellow comedians offer an intimate insight into his character, struggles, and extraordinary talent. We discover a complex man marked by a profound awareness of the world's injustices and an unquenchable thirst for truth. Hicks was not just a comedian; he was a modern philosopher, a prophet who used the stage to illuminate society's darkness. One of the most poignant parts of the film is the recounting of Hicks' battle with pancreatic cancer, which took him away at just 32 years old. Despite the illness, Hicks continued to perform, demonstrating incredible strength and determination. His final performances, infused with a keen awareness of his own mortality, are a testament to his greatness as an artist and as a man. The music in the documentary plays a fundamental role in creating the right atmosphere. The musical choices, ranging from psychedelic rock to melancholic ballads, perfectly reflect Hicks' rebellious spirit and tormented soul. The soundtrack is not just an accompaniment but an integral part of the narrative that amplifies the emotions and reflections evoked by the images and words. If I were to evaluate "American: The Bill Hicks Story," I would not hesitate to give it top marks. Not only for the technical quality of the documentary but for its ability to capture the essence of Bill Hicks so deeply and authentically. It is a film that manages to be both educational and touching, amusing and heartbreaking. It reminds us of the importance of thinking critically, challenging conventions, and always seeking the truth, even when it's uncomfortable. "American: The Bill Hicks Story" is a necessary tribute to a man who left an indelible mark on the world of comedy and beyond. It is a celebration of his life and work, but also an invitation to reflect on the power of words and the role of the artist in society. Watching this documentary is like receiving a life lesson from a master who, despite his brief existence, lived more fully and authentically than many others. "American: The Bill Hicks Story" is a must-see for anyone who loves comedy, philosophy, and the pursuit of truth. It is a fascinating and moving journey into the life of an extraordinary man, a documentary that not only informs but deeply inspires. It is an invitation to know Bill Hicks not only as a comedian but as a thinker, rebel, and visionary.
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*Hmmm... I imagine he would say... "Suck Satan's Cock, haHaHAHA" :P
web-accs17 October 2010
*...Who knows?.. I'm sure he would appreciate the fact that it is, at least, the truth.

If anyone has not yet experienced any of Mr. Hick's incredibly funny, artistic and sometimes groundbreaking performances, expressing his ideas, opinions and beliefs through the medium of Stand Up comedy then (unless you are from another planet...) I would have to ask; "where have you been and what exactly have you been doing with your life??.."

Although this was pretty well made and mostly interesting it is more a homage by his family and closest friends about his upbringing and his life from their point of view, not a detailed dissection of all his work and media appearances. It is also, perhaps, just a final gesture to the many fans to maybe set the record straight on a couple of minor details and to publicize his life again for a new generation of fans... Which, in an age of misinformation, illegal wars and rapid global change is, I think personally, very very important.

It fails miserably however to really express just how great this man is and why he is revered by many as a genius and by most, not least his peers, as one of 'the' (sadly)rare and truly important artists in the relatively short history of the form. To be this is really a companion piece to the live recordings and the various other media floating around in the virtual ether.

I gave it 8 out of ten just for the possibility that it will encourage some new fans to watch his stand up, learn about him and hopefully, more about the world around them in a humorous way.

To me he still is a truly genuine human being in a world full of fake, fallacy and fear.

An inspiration to anyone who believes in logic, reason, individuality, equality, the freedom to choose and that love is about the human race as one.

Enjoy... :)
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You can't make great by pretending
artpf14 November 2013
Photo-animated feature documentary, uniquely narrated by the 10 people who knew Bill best.

I never liked Bill Hicks. There's a reason he was much bigger in the UK. His humor doesn't work here. And the people overseas somehow thinks he's a snapshot of American joke telling. He wasn't. He reminded me a bit of Sam Kinison who was way funnier and much more on the edge.

This docu-movie is way boring. The subject matter is not a genius but we are forced to sit through so much talkie dialog about how special he was. Who cares? He didn't make a difference in life. Few people even know who he is.

The definition of greatness is someone who stands the test of time. Pryor, Carlin. These people will be remembered. Bill Hicks will not. What's his name again?
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an honest and psychedelic fusion of art and artistry that lays bare the heart and soul of an idealist who, if he had lived, may have staged a revolution.
jackharding89-19 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If you've never heard of Bill Hicks, I'm guessing you've heard of Muhammad Ali. That brash and forthright hero of boxing who was much more than just a sportsman; a social and political icon who through his actions, words and spirit, inspired millions. Though revered the world over and without a doubt "up there", Ali is seldom considered the best boxer ever. What's this got to do with the late stand-up comedian Bill Hicks? Well, he too may not have been the finest his medium had to offer, but he's certainly the most important.

In the first official documentary feature about his life, American is a stylish and moving experience that charts Hicks' physical and spiritual journey through the stand-up circuit, both off stage and on; his quest for success that would transform him from one of the brightest young talents in stand-up to the ranting, renegade genius whose mind-opening material went beyond comedy and changed it forever.

Made with the full cooperation of Hicks' family and friends, novice directors Matt Harlock and Paul Thomas have crafted an essential look into one of the most devalued and influential figures of the modern age whose unsung words of rage and wisdom still ring true over a decade on from his untimely death.

Though frank and sometimes vicious in his observations of American life and politics, Hicks is portrayed as a hopeless romantic; the ultimate patriot who believed in a better world. His was the voice his country needed, just not the one it wanted. Such was his domestic anonymity that the bulk of his praise ultimately came from the British public and media who, in the early 1990's, championed his hilarious, homespun satire and antisocial cynicism. What's not to like about taking the mickey out of Americans? The film's finale (an exert from one of his UK shows) is a heartfelt meditation on war and peace that defined what the man was all about, though. Hicks never hated his homeland, he just feared what it had become and thought it could do better.

There's more to this documentary than Hicks' fascinating work and ideals, though. A level of cohesion and humanity is found in the film's attention to detail regarding Hicks' estranged personal life; from his alcoholism and regular drug use to his lone life on the road and fatal date with pancreatic cancer. Hicks was also a talented musician and poet whose memoirs and music feature throughout the film in addition to oodles of unseen archival footage and stills from his shows and youth.

Despite a slow and sometimes repetitive opening, Harlock and Thomas' off-the-wall documentary is a fresh and thoughtful biopic; an honest and psychedelic fusion of art and artistry that lays bare the heart and soul of an idealist who, if he had lived, may have staged a revolution. Hicks told the truth about the way he saw the world and did so with such humour, such clarity and candour that it riled a lot of people. He inspired a whole lot more, though. His influence on stand-up comedy and comedy, in general, are there for all to see. Bill Hicks achieved something only terrifying artists do- he told us; this is how we live now. American is the quintessential portrait of his life. Unmissable.
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