"Doctor Who" Revolution of the Daleks (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Having Captain Jack back is the best part
mhorg20185 January 2021
So this idiot prime minister is ok with security drones that are obviously built from Daleks? Is this doctor who from an alternate reality where oh, the third doctor didn't avert WW3 by stopping the Daleks? Where UNIT never fight them? I feel bad for Jodie Whitaker, whose term as the doctor has been the worst written, even worse than Capaldis, who at least had a few decent episodes. Please fire Chibnall. Please.
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An OK episode for the Chibnall era but I have one main problem
richardsonalex-3607421 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I know it has been over 10 years but does no one in the Whoniverse remember the Battle of Canary Wharf or when the Earth was moved across the universe. There were hundreds of thousands of Daleks in the sky and invading every home but yet no one recognises these 'Security Drones'.

Also, Jack Robertson is a terrible villain. He has character has no development or story arc and there was no need to bring him back.

The only thing that held this episode together was John Barrowman's Captain Jack Harness. A solid performance of one of my favourite characters.
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Duelling Banjos...
Xstal7 January 2022
I don't think we'll see Jack again, he likes to leave things dangling, if he was caught by one of the Dregs, they'd rip it off, tear it to shreds. He's not the only one to close, as Graham and Ryan choose new furrows, leaving Yaz and the Doctor to play with themselves, although Bishop Twankey might become one of the elves. Another Dalek episode, opposing factions duel their banjos, a bit of fun but little more, they need to open brand new doors!!!
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It's quite decent but still not reaching spectacular
jackdeth_20061 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was actually better than most of the Doctor Who that has been written recently. For the criticism some have undeservedly given Whittaker, shes actually done alright in the role...terrible writing has been the villain of thr piece and it was already taking centre stage during the latter part of Capaldis run.

This is much better written, but it maybe because it feels awfully familiar; so stay with me here...

Human made Daleks who are built to provide the country with security; the Doctor warns everyone that they are actually dangerous but no one listens. They have a creator with the best intentions, however their creator is secretly working for the Daleks without even knowing it; and when the time is right, they unveil their plan.

Oh also, they are mutant Daleks and no longer "Pure". So when the pure Daleks show up they start eliminating the impure Daleks.

If that sounds familiar, its because the majority of the plot is near identical to 'Victory of the Daleks' from season 5.

As Rick might say, Its Season 5 Episode 3 with extra steps!

Its definitely a good episode...but not an original idea.
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A decent special
maxglen1 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This New Year we have the return of Doctor Who and hand I'm hand the return of Captain Jack Harkness and we are met with... mixed results, shall we say? The dialogue is still pretty cringe for the most part with a few subdued moments that were the clear highlights. There's some cool stuff with the Daleks but for an episode called Revolution of the Daleks they are surprisingly absent. It's a mostly character focused episode and that's fine. We also get some cameos from the Weeping Angels, Ood, Sycorax and The Silence which was nice. Jack was brilliant and honestly I just want Torchwood back on our screens, the mention of Gwen made that even more apparent to me. We also say goodbye to Ryan and Graham and it's handled about as well as he could be, it doesn't feel like it comes out of nowhere, it feels right. The guy from the spider episode is just about as annoying as he was there and they tease that we'll see him again at the end which rubs me up the wrong way. Ultimately, a not bad time but not overwhelmingly amazing either. It's enjoyable and that's fine. 7/10
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Decent, but still full of flaws.
Sleepin_Dragon6 January 2021
It's been a long time since The Doctor last graced our screens, question is, was it worth the wait?

I love the show, and will watch whatever, but in truth it's not been great in recent years. Revolution is a solid enough episode, it's slow to start, but does have some excitement later on.

It felt similar to Resolution at times, some of the ideas were influenced by that and past stories. It was quite a bloodthirsty episode.

Jodie, she was better when John Barrowman was present, he seemed to elevate her performance, unfortunately when she got with the fam, it all went a little flat.

I liked the new Dalek design, pretty good, hopefully not a replacement, but was a nice addition.

That ending scene was awful, poor Ryan.

Rumoured for being Jodie's final season next, I wonder if there will be a third Dalek installment?

It was ok. 6/10.
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The Doctors writers need the Mandolorian treatment.
MikeHunt10754 January 2021
Doctor Who is stuck with God awful writers right now. Trying way too hard for emotions to be fealt between characters coming and going. Filming a boring quick scene with sad music is not how you do it.

The entire episode focused way too much on the wrong things and ramming too many stupid emotional elements in that its just lost it's way. It's Doctor Who, not Days of Our Lives.

Right now the Doctors writers are that of Star Wars 7, 8, 9... Get rid of them and find it's Mandolorian writers so all hope is not completely lost for the future of Doctor Who.
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Actually decent
garybulmer-329251 January 2021
This was pretty decent it probably deserves a six to seven but I'm just trying to even the score. At the biggest push it's an 8. Better than parts of the last series, I just want this show to get back to its original heights yet I think with each passing chins series the show gets slightly better. Bring on series 13!!! But please don't make it crap.
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The Daleks Return! And So Does the Doctor! And Jack!
Gislef2 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The 2021 holiday special, "Revolution of the Daleks' is filled with returns, and is a sequel to last year's "Resolution" And we get the return of Jack Robertson from "Arachnids in the UK". And the special has to wrap up the plotline of the Doctor being imprisoned at the end of "The Timelesss Children". And juggle the departure of a couple of companions. And bring the viewers up to speed on what the fam has been doing in the 12 months since the Doctor left them on Earth.

And "Revolution" is... okay. Robertson is suitably slimy, Jack is appropriately over-the-top, and everyone else is pretty much themselves as well. "Revolution" does seem much more... significant than "Resolution", because we get two armies of Daleks instead of one lone Dalek. It's also epic, what with the two armies, and Jack, and Robertson.

A lot of stuff is glosses over. The fam really don't get much time, and there's as much telegraphing of Ryan's departure as one might expect. Graham gets less time, and Yaz--who stays--gets the most screentime of any of them. Even though his characterization isn't that well-developed. Why is she so dedicated to continuing on the Doctor's work, and obsessed with finding her? Don't look for the answers here: you won't get them.

John Barrowman steps into the role of Jack Harkness, and he's the highlight of the special. Just because he's... normal. And provides what characterization Yaz gets, although it's after we've already seen an obsessed Yaz. So his motivational speech accounts for Yaz staying, but we never had any doubt that she would be leaving. Did we?

Chris Noth is good as Robertson, playing the traitor to humanity while trying to come out on top. There's political commentary along the way, but it's not as blatant as it was in "Arachnids". At least, I didn't think so. Maybe the production staff was trying for it, but it got buried in all of the noise, and the chaos, and the proper return of the Daleks.

Speaking of a "proper return", doesn't the Doctor seem rather ready to call in the exterminator/gold Daleks. Since when have numbers ever bothered her? If an army of Daleks hinder her, one wonders how she became the legendary Oncoming Storm? I wonder if all the people the E/G Daleks killed are happy the Doctor called the really bad Daleks in? But rush rush rush.

Whittaker is still good as the Doctor, and she gets to do some grief here as her fam breaks apart. And be all strong and determined as the Doctor, fighting the Doctor's greatest enemy. Again, I wouldn't call it a great performance. But I'm not sure that she's given a "great" performance since taking on the role.

Overall, the special was okay. It's suitably epic, but tries to cram in a lot of little moments which they tend to get overwhelmed by all the noise. I would have liked to seen some development on Jack, and Yaz, and Graham. Ryan is the only one who really gets the attention, which is ironic since he's probably the least interesting of the fam.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. What do you think?
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Here we go again
Tug-32 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Chibnall era of Doctor Who is adamantly opposed to fun, not only in the show's tone, but also in its strange refusal to give us a straight-up Christmas special. Gone are the days of settling in to watch the Doctor's newest adventure after Christmas lunch. "Revolution of the Daleks" is so anti-holiday, there's only the briefest mention of it being a new year.

The lack of fun continues as we get reacquainted with the "fam," all of whom shuffle through this episode as if suffering from severe post-holiday depression. Even when the Doctor is rescued from her space prison, their moods do not improve, and they keep guilting the Doctor about her absence rather than wondering whether decades in a Judoon prison have had any effect on her.

Thirteen's era is so odd. We spend an enormous amount of time with her companions, yet we never get to know them. Nearly all of their countless conversations have been about the same three topics: not giving up, not letting the Doctor down, how they're a family now.

Character growth has been so stagnant that when Ryan announces his decision not to accompany the Doctor anymore and states that he's found his purpose on earth, the most sensible question is "What is that, exactly?" All Ryan needed was one more line, indicating that he was, I dunno, going to join the police force, or look into UNIT, or pursue a profession--ANYTHING. Instead, the episode ends with him still having difficulty riding a bike, which is exactly--EXACTLY--where the character started! It's the show going out of its own way to indicate its own lack of character arcs.

(One tangential note to close: I've read a lot of other Thirteen-era IMDB user comments, and I notice a thread among a lot of the positive reviews: many of them start with some variation on "Don't listen to the trolls! They're all men who just hate the idea of a female Doctor!" Note to anyone who writes this way: This is an ad hominem attack, not valid criticism, and it will stop people from taking your reviews seriously.)
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wetmars2 January 2021
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The upcoming festive special will see the return of one of the Doctor's biggest and most feared enemies - the Daleks. The Doctor is locked away in a high-security alien prison. Isolated, alone, with no hope of escape. Far away, on Earth, her best friends, Yaz, Ryan and Graham have to pick up their lives without her. But it's not easy. Old habits die hard. Especially when they discover a disturbing plan forming. A plan which involves a Dalek.

It is the best of Chris Chibnall. I've been getting used to the Timeless Child thing and, I'm alright with it, I guess. The episode was entertaining. I was thrilled a lot, laughs, and serious moments. The Daleks felt so menacing in this one as they should always be. Brilliant. I love the Dalek action. I feel bad for the Reconnaissance Scout Dalek as he served for his mighty Dalek race to explore Earth. But hey. The Daleks are merciless cold-blooded exterminators, little green blobs.

John Barrowman and the Daleks stole the show. It was so fabulous to see Jack back. He's now wise, no longer flirty, loved the references here and there, even cameos back in the prison. I was terrified when the army of Daleks came in through the TARDIS, but, instead, it was a trap. Cracked up where Jack was implying that the Vortex Manipulator was in his. Yeah.

I think this was Jodie's best performance. After all, I'm alright with her new outfit. I'm used to her positive moods by now. She will get a Dark Doctor moment soon enough.

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Welcome return to light-weight adventure
jamesrupert20142 January 2021
The Doctor's nasal nemeses are back. A researcher working on the remains of the Dalek scout fried in 2019's 'Resolution' inadvertently resurrects the scout's malignant bio-material, which promptly begins self-cloning and reprograms a 3D-printing factory to produce the familiar weapon-laden conical exoskeletons. The episode is a refreshing reversion to straight-forward adventure with little of the self-righteous sermonising that permeated many of the last few seasons' stories (although Chris North is back as amoral corporate sleaze-ball Jack Robertson). The story moves along at a brisk pace and the climax, although a bit 'convenient', is satisfying, but clearly there wasn't enough plot to fill 70 minutes, so the episode trails off with an maudlin and overlong farewell to Graham (Bradley Walsh) and Ryan (Tosin Cole) (as I never liked the Doctor's 'fam', any attempt at an affecting epilogue would be lost on me). Jodie Whittaker is somewhat more restrained in her 'eccentric goofiness' shtick and her scenes with semi-regular Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) are pretty good. The special effects are serviceable and the latest iteration of the iconic Whovian enemy nicely designed. Hopefully this episode will set the tone for the upcoming 13th series (since the 2005 reboot, 39th since the show began in 1963)).
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from the best show in the world to... meh
mhorrighan6 January 2021
The first twenty minutes of this episode I had to constantly stop and research the last episode or characters from before so I would be able to understand what was going on.

I know all the stories and arcs and characters from before Capaldi took over and most of what happened in Capaldi's time as the Doctor. I have almost no recollection of anything that happened during 13s time and that tells you everything you need to know about Whitaker's era. Which is a shame, since I like her but Chibnall seems determined to give her nothing to work with and to bury everything that made Doctor Who great. He needs to be replaced like, 2 years ago.

This episode gives no answers, has as many plotholes as that godforsaken Spider episode we last saw Chris Noth in and the only thing that makes it bearable is John Barrowman as Jack Harkness but even he makes me sad 'cause he got old, which reminds me that I got old as well which is not ok.

I just miss the old Who and also the new old Who (9, 10, 11). This here feels wrong. Where are the great companions and side characters that got real development? Do you remember Harriet Jones, Prime Minister? We knew who she was. Here I have trouble to remember what the companions are called.

I never thought I would say that but maybe it's time that I gave up on this show. For years it was the best thing in the universe. Now? It's not and it breaks my heart.
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A solid seasonal special
Tweekums2 January 2021
As this episode opens the empty shell of a Dalek is stolen as it is being transported to a secure facility... a year later it forms the basis of a new security drone. They should be perfectly safe but one of the developers found a tiny trace of DNA inside and decided to clone it to see what it was. Inevitably the results aren't good for humanity. Meanwhile The Doctor has been serving a long prison sentence; shortened when Captain Jack Harkness turns up to break her out. She gets back to Earth several months after her intended arrival, leaving there companions wondering what happened to her. Once they tell her about the potential Dalek problem she sets about discovering the truth and saving the world once again.

This New Year's special has both good and bad points. On the plus side it was fun to see Captain Jack back again; John Barrowman is a lot of fun in the roll... seeing him again reminds me what a pity it was that 'Torchwood' was cancelled. The new Dalek design is really good, more menacing than before. The story provided some good scary moments as well as fun references to previous adventures and characters. I know she isn't popular with everybody but I am still enjoying Jodie Whittaker's Doctor. On the downside the companions are a problem; any one of them might be great but having three means they continue to be a group separate from The Doctor. The way the Daleks was defeated was solid; and should have been the end of the episode. Unfortunately we got an overlong epilogue with much 'meaningful' dialogue... at least it might solve the companion problem. Overall it was decent enough but by no means a classic... I'm certainly glad there were no attempts to add Covid references!
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Revolution of the Daleks
Prismark102 January 2021
As the episode was shot in late 2019. We were thankfully spared a gag of a cupboard in the Tardis full of toilet rolls.

This was a bright way to start off the new year. A Dalek invasion of Earth.

Chris Chibnall has dialled down the exposition. There was more show and less tell. Although it could had done with being tighter.

Since Doctor Who returned in 2005, it was evident that the showrunners have studied other sci-fi writers. Less noted is that they have also looked at comic strips.

Here returning shady bad guy, Jack Robertson has been retooled as a Lex Luthor type who wants to make a deal with the daleks. I reckon Chris Noth might feature again in future episodes.

John Barrowman returns properly in Doctor Who for the first time since 2008 (barring cameos.) He was fun and less pensive than he is in Torchwood.

Taking its cue from the previous New year's special when a lone dalek featured. Robertson plans to use the design to start a security force using robotics and AI. Not realising that some dalek DNA is still active.

The episode looked beautiful on screen, some nice action, some fan service with fleeting appearances from a Weeping Angel, Ood and a Sycorax.

Another British Prime Minister who does not last long enough to herald in a new golden age. Well they were in cahoots with Robertson.
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Best Doctor Who since 2017!
2004Daniel1 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's Important for reviews on here not to be a review of the whole Chibnall era, and that it doesn't cloud our thoughts. This special, on its own, was fun, exciting, and the Daleks didn't disappoint!

The Special struggles with pacing early on, but after some monologue between Ryan and the Doctor, the episode kicks on and we are not left short of any Dalek action! The story regarding the Daleks is really good, and the stakes were significantly raised when the Daleks exterminated the Prime-Minister there and then.

The defining moment of the episode as the Doctor defeats the Daleks was done well, as we had already had the other TARDIS seaded in our thoughts at the beginning of the episode.

Along with the Dalek action, there's a big focus on the characters, and on a character level, the defining moment came at the end as Ryan chooses to leave the TARDIS and Graham follows. Certainly not the most emotional of goodbyes on the show, but that's simply because the characters haven't been developed enough beforehand. On its own, I thought the scene was alright, but kind of carried by some great acting by Mandip Gill.

John Barrowman's energy is absolutely fantastic. He's simultaneously a blast from the past and a breath of fresh air, which only Doctor Who could do! It's great to have Jack back and he's written well, with some nice references to Rose Tyler and Gwen Cooper.

Let's hope Series 13 carries this same energy! 7/10.
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Unoriginal and badly written
mhiggott2 January 2021
Nothing original here. Whittaker's Doctor is, frustratingly, still the most badly-written Doctor ever ("me and me mates are here to protect Earth"). Her companions provide another showcase of one-dimensional acting. This series desperately needs an injection of ideas, better writing, and some realistically human characters, never mind more convincing aliens.
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One of Thirteen's Best
CulvertonSmith1 January 2021
A lot of great scenes in this story, our main characters are a highlight, the Daleks are effective as villains, and most importantly it is just a lot of fun. There's no particularly incredible event or moment, but it all comes together to be a thoroughly entertaining adventure which I had a blast watching.
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Another bad episode...
stenri-892411 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
1) Story.

Chris Chibnall messed up again. New twists in resolution and revolution of the daleks.

If you are fan, you can see, that Chris Chibnall got "inspiration" and didn't copied some ideas from Episodes: "Doomsday, Victory of the daleks". Daleks were sucked in another dimension in Doomsday? Well, we got the new version of this, daleks were sucked in fake tardis.. Daleks were good for sometime, but not for episode? Oh yeah, it's new plot.

The entire episode is a mess. We got exposition, but it was not long. 2) There were some theories, that Graham O'Brien and Ryan Sinclair actors will leave this show and it's true, but realization was awful. It was like: Hi doctor, I love and earth, and I want to live there, goodbye. Doctor: Oh, ok, bye, but remember,before you exit: WE ARE FAMILY Graham: Oh, doc, I want leave too, cuz I want, bye bye.

3) Where is Jodie Whittaker's acting talent? In music? in stupid dialogues?

4) Music. Without Murray Gold it's not doctor who, it's just silence or typical music in games or films, but not in sci-fi serial.

5) Daleks As for a fan, it's too stupid to watch Human back crabs. Oh yeah, Chris introduced to us new functions of the daleks: They can control people and they jump like headcrabs... And now, they can also be grown from their DNA... 6) If you are clever, you can solve Revolution of the daleks plot, that Trumpa clone from Hotel Episode can betray doctor, because he wants some money or power.

Overall, plot was bad, Chris Chibnall copied previous episodes, that were long time ago and add his vision, that was showed to us in the episode "Resolution".


And yes, bad script can destroy John Barrowman charisma.
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Dalek fun that needed more thought.
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second of Chibnall and Jodie's three New Year Specials featuring Daleks. It is a lot of fun but is, in my view, flawed (as usual in this era).

What is great is that John Barrowman returns as Captain Jack and gets to team up with the 13th Doctor. He is as good as usual. I don't think Chibnall allowed enough warmth or chemistry between him and 13 though. It feels like 13 is cold towards him despite him rescuing her. I don't really see why she would be so dismissive of him as I feel their relationship has moved on and she should be grateful and happy to see him.

The rescue is a bit unconvincing, I think, as is the opening sequence where MI6 entrusts transport of a Dalek casing to one person without any security at all. And did the people stealing the Dalek guess which burger van the driver would stop at or did they put assassins in every burger van on the route? Again it just feels slapdash writing that is lacking credibility.

The episode is mostly entertaining and enjoyable though, with good action, some nice banter at times and menacing Dalek confrontations. The return of Daleks acting as puppeteers of humans is fun because that idea is scary and cool.

Captain Jack adds some quality and all the companions perform well. We say a sad farewell to Graham (especially) and Ryan with a touchingly sad exit scene. Bradley Walsh was superb and made Graham a top level companion despite very patchy material. I am glad he later returned for Jodie's final episode. I reckon Tosin Cole was overly harshly judged and just was let down by the material too much of the time. I think he was a decent companion and quite endearing.

The Doctor inviting Dalek armies to Earth to deal with the mutated Daleks on Earth is another unconvincing aspect. Far too risky.

Overall this is a mixed bag - enjoyable, not bad, but has a few too many flaws really, in my opinion.

My Rating: 7/10.

Series 12 Episode Ranking: 7th out of 11.
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I tried to watch fell asleep
metdvls-13 January 2021
Really- I was that bored. Poor story, poor acting. This was worse than WW 1984. I at least stayed awake for that.

Call me when Whitaker and Chibnall are kicked out. They are the equivalent of 1985-86 SNL.
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Just love the warmth and humanity
victoriansquid-623862 January 2021
My favorite parts of this episode (and the last two seasons in general) are the wonderful emotional interactions between the lead characters as well as the amazing acting. It's not everyone's cup of tea (pun intended for those who have seen this episode) but this show really soars during those moments. In this episode those moments were the Jack-Yaz and Ryan-Doctor conversations, as well as the four leads talking at the end after the main adventure had ended. Those talks were the difference between a solid adventure story and emotional punches that pay off two years of slow and subtle character growth, including growth for The Doctor (!) As I said it's not for everyone. But some of us will love it and be very much thrilled for Series 13.
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Glimmers of greatness
harry-3451818 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode of Dr who is very much a good episode but it really is no where near as good as it was lets say 3 years ago.Whilst it has some good running themes the writer needs to be sacked. The dialogue here at points is so bad and so annoying that I nearly turned it off in the first 20 minuets but I stuck it out and Oh boy am I happy I did. This epiosde takes its time to get it footing but when it does, which it does very well becomes a Dr who Gem. However IT only reallys gets it's footing near mid way through then looses it near the ending. The whole dalek invasion sequence was great but also too short with very little after effects shown. The daleks eating humans was a good concept and finnaly the original dalek design came back. But this is the second time they have came back in the past few years for a special and whils tthe two episodes link they need to bring in some more new intresting villians. I would also for once like to see an overarching dr who story which it lacks for the most part. The acting here is great with a nice good by to Ryan and Graham and the new introduction of another companion is nice. As for the dr Jodie is trying so hard and does her best with the horrible writting and finally i feel we are starting to see a good doctor from her and with the write show runner she could be great. As for captiain Jack, I really hate to say it but I feel we have had enough of captain Jack he was great in torchwood and he was great in the earlier episodes but now what he was is gone; It is no fault of Barrowmen though and once again it s the fact these writters don't know what they are doing.
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Dr Doo Doo
peeedeee-942813 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry, I'm a life long fan of the show, and even collected the blu ray sets and dvds of the original series. But this latest Doctor incarnation has been horrible. Part casting, part writing, part directing. Stuff just happens, no logic, we're supposed to believe this is what the Doctor would do. Seriously, you end the destruction of earth by the new Daleks, by bringing the original Daleks to Earth?!! Who came up with that idiotic plot point? And where did this second TARDIS come from. The Doctor just happened to have a spare TARDIS in her pocket? Damn, this writing is so bad. And usually when you lose a companion, it's an emotional moment. This was more like relief, like 'finally'. There were just too many people in the TARDIS. Now I see that they might be hinting at a possible more-than-just-friends relationship happening with Yaz and the Doc? Hmm. Why not just write better SCI-FI stories, instead of filling 80% of each episode with relationship drama or social justice pandering.
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Awful, contrived, dull and an embarrassing mess
nbofnimachine1 January 2021
The lowest point of doctor who... This show is a joke, these actors/writers/directors have learnt NOTHING from the mistakes they have made for 2 whole seasons now. How can they not just write a half-decent episode? One of the biggest problems of the show right now is Jodie Whitaker... She has NO chemistry with any of the characters, including Captain Jack, who has had great chemistry with all previous doctors. I am concerned that they are harming his character, I really hope he gets out of this show quickly. None of the actors in this TV show don't seem like they want to be here, they seem like actors, not characters. The only thing these actors are good at doing is being really depressed, blindly following the doctor and generally being useless. There are so many other problems with this show. Graham/Ryan/Yas once again doing nothing throughout the entire episode. Horrible unlikeable side characters. Rehash of old plots. Terrible script writing. Awful special effects. Horrible music (please bring back Murray Gold, although I doubt he want's to be associated with this show anymore). And most importantly, Chris Chibnall - once this guy is gone, doctor who will be one small step in the right direction from this awful direction it is currently going in.

Regarding this episode... there were so many missed opportunities, pointless dialogue, ridiculous use of daleks (You're really using them to spray civilians with water? What's stopping them from just kicking the dalek over? How on earth is this making the country more secure? Why use daleks?) Also, the doctor just left a massive dalek farming factory in the middle of England??!?!? Also, why were there some random daleks inside the Tardis's wormhole vortex thing? Also, why are all the companions so whiny and depressed when the doctor goes away for a bit? Like come on get a grip of yourself, do something different with your life, surely your whole life doesn't revolve around tagging along with the doctor?

This show has declined in quality so much... It's so sad to reflect back on earlier seasons when this show was so good.
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