"The Expanse" Nemesis Games (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Good but not a great season
michalklebs3 February 2021
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I've read all the books and novellas and love the show, but the way they handled Alex is poor (looks last minute fix, as it probably was - he dies of a stroke on a stationary pinnace being a pilot who handled 5G in previous episodes and numerous times before???). Also: Amos lands on Luna on a stolen ship with bunch of thieves in the middle of a war and everything is fine - not even a single dialogue here?! I might be nitpicking but too me it felt rushed after very slow episodes 8 and 9. I didn't like pacing in the second part of this season. For me, season 3 is still unmatched.
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Good finale
Ashitaka1373 February 2021
The Expanse is really a unique show; and it's setting the bar for space battles in shows and movies, to a whole new level for the sci-fi space opera genre. The big negative for me, was how they ended a great and impactful character(character not actor) without a build up to it or even an eulogy or a proper farewell for that character's journey from the very first episode of the show! For the rest i assume(i hope) they're building up the final season to be that much more climactic.
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What the actual ****?
y-oswald13 May 2021
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I went through the boring episodes till here expecting much given the average good rating.

How Alex, an extremely likable character, was killed off was the most ridiculous stupid thing I have ever scene on screen. I did not know anything about the actor's controversy and this is not a statement relating to this. But this was absolutely bad story writing. I loved the expanse. I have never been this disappointed by anything ever before, including GoT.

The season was at best mediocre. Didnt get me like previously unfortunatley.
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This season 5 finale episode is like a normal episode once was .
tdonnelly-45 February 2021
We had to endure 3 long weeks of dull setup filler episodes for a Grand Finale of season 5 that was ONCE a typical episode on this show before season 5. I'm not even looking forward to season 6 now.
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And we're back
nlmike3 February 2021
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I get the complaints of the slow episodes, i was a bit on the edge. But looking back at it, and how this season ended i get that it was a very conscious move to tell the story of family abuse and how we got here. It's not over and it looks like things are scaling up again in s6.

And rewatching it really shows they improved on many things. Hopefully the drama is a little less, or shorter next time.

Sorry about T. It just happened, but i fear that was the message.
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An end to another awesome season
TheFarscapeProject7475 February 2021
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Honestly I dont get the hate this season has gotten, I was not bored or felt the show was slow for a single minute. Did people honestly forget how the first seasons wasnt all action every episode? Even the first season which had its action scenes was character driven show. It's like some people dudnt even watch episode 9 cuz they claimed it was all about Naomi when she was in it for about 5 minutes out of a 50 minute episode. Also about Naomi the villains this season are her ex and son and hey people are shocked and complain that she was given a bigger focus this season, and yeah she cried quite alot but try putting yourself in her shoes knowing that your child not only hates you but also took part in murdering millions of people and would know doubt kill millions more if anyone tries to stop him and your psycho ex. If that isnt something to cry about I dont know what is. Anyway I'm not giving this a 10 cuz of how they ended Alex, I knew Cas Anvar had been fired but to just randomly have Alex have a stroke was kind of bs. Also I thought he was staring in shock at something and didnt realize he died until later. I think that the character deserved to reunite with his family they could have easily made that happen between seasons.
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The season was good but not their best
mrbrown5254 February 2021
A few great moments but overall not their strongest season. I feel like it's a mid series lull before the writers crank out the magic in the finale seasons. This show is awesome so an off season of this show is still amazing. One of the best things to happen to SciFi since firefly.
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Not the best ending, but still a very good one.
ainsoff4 February 2021
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Alex's death makes an interesting change in dynamics on the show. He was an "okay" character with expendable contribution/easily replaceable by a more compelling character, which Bull appears to be so. Even his role in the books can be easily taken over by a new character. The mood in the Roci is getting pretty stagnant with the 4 of them and will only get more stale without mixing things up. There's nothing to be whiny about the loss of a "major" character especially when we get to see more people in the ship next season.
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Good enough given the obstacles...
pascalnasa22 February 2021
I've read the reviews and it seems the ignorance that we're living a in a pandemic is not lacking.

I understood perfectly that the show was written and shot with the limitations of the 2020 pandemic in mind, most characters have been paired in groups to minimise interaction as a whole, most scenes were confined to one or a few locations, with the exception of Amos, for whom it was business as usual.

On the Alex / Cas Anvar issue... well, we live in the cancel culture zoomer times. It's unfortunate that the showrunners jumped the gun and already "convicted" the actor and it's unfortunate how his on-screen end came like this. It's undoable if the accusations prove to be exaggerated or won't lead to anything concrete legally wise, which should be the actual basis for anything done to an individual professionally wise. But, as I've seen in the past, these types of people can and do hide perfectly well under a veil of deceptive appearances. They appear decent enough to pass as nice guys. But what the truth is is up to the investigators to uncover.

As for the end, I did not expect that. Good show, gents!
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Good finale but with one huge exception
8512229 November 2022
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Greetings from Lithuania.

In this episode one of the main characters dies. I won't spoil which one, but the way it was done was so anticlimactic. Honestly i did not even understood what happened when that happened and was very disappointed of how it was handled. Other than that, the episode itself was good, but man did they do not know how to say farewell to main characters - I'm still in a bit of a shock. Even some third-rate characters had a more dramatic ending then that one which we got in this episode.

Overall, a good episode ruined by terrible character demise. I hope there is a twist in next season, otherwise it's not acceptable.
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Removal of Alex flawed.
carol_weaver-609-8711546 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like this show very much, but am docking 2 stars for the loss of the character Alex which was to show that 'there are consequences and add it adds reality' to paraphrase the blurb I read. I think that viewers have been misread about this. Some may go for it, but I'm sure that I'm not alone in hating the loss of major characters. It isn't reality that we're watching, it's fantasy and you can always leave main characters alone to satisfy the viewing public, especially when the loss of one is not true to the book. Don't upset the fans, as happened in Harry Potter when too many of the well-loved characters were killed off by the author; Game of Thrones which had illogical, annoying and sometimes ludicrous plot lines and poor writing, especially the ridiculous finale, and some sequels including a couple of Star Treks and Star Wars where characters bound together by adversity and love are then shown as separated through circumstances etc. It doesn't wash. The kind of love that has endured through thick and thin, endures through thick and thin, and strong characters have strong characters, if you see what I mean. Producers and writers are so bound up in themselves, taking themselves too seriously, that they sorely misjudge what the viewer wants from fantasy. Drama, yes, but they want their major players to emerge intact from bad situations. The loss of Alex is a loss to the strength of the cast.
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The most disappointing finale of all seasons
xaliber135 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This actually is an overall decent finale. The tense in Camina's fleet is good. The Rocinante battle is good. Naomi's rescue is good. The reveal on the end was also good. However there's one reason that makes the episode feels like a jumble of choppily edited scenes: everything involving Alex's death.

I don't take issue with it being sudden and abrupt, as many deaths are. But everyone feels really disconnected from that one incident that should have affected at least all the main casts. Alex just died, but Holden and Naomi spent their time to listen to Naomi's supposed farewell (and spent minutes on it). Amos was more eager to bring Peaches instead of mourning his close friend; even worse he was only informed about Alex's death off screen. For a fellow Martian and somebody who has spent quite a time with Alex, Bobbie seems largely unaffected at all. And Alex, well... The only tribute they gave to this incident is a plaque, which makes for some emotional moment, but that's it. Heck, that part where Holden talked to Naomi to rekindle the events almost feels like Holden breaking the fourth wall to explain to viewers due to how abrupt it is handled.

It almost feels like the event is not supposed to happen, and the showrunners edited in last minutes.

This season has been nothing but a Naomi season that leads to a reunion of Rocinante crew. That incident stuck like a sore thumb, making the supposedly joyful event with all crews gathering feels really emotionally detached. Not to mention that, barring the reveal at the end, most events still happen off screen. Just like most things that happened this season. We don't get to see the impact of something big happening.

So despite being an overall decent episode, this finale closes the relatively most mediocre season The Expanse has produced. I'd even say that the quality is even lower than Season 4. The first four episodes were nice, but it went downhill and stagnated really fast.
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mistroman8 February 2021
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I had to pause immediately after the death of Alex. I was so confused and dumbfounded by that scene that I just couldn't believe it. I instantly came on here to read the reviews to see if people felt the same way and they do. I don't care much for the drama that led to Alex being written off, but what I do care for is how it's done and portrayed. The politics seeped in and poisoned this storyline. No consideration for the audience given. I really liked Alex's character. When I watch a show I want to immerse myself in it. Killing him off like that; so nonchalantly (especially the aftermath which was ridiculous), completely destroys that immersion and made me angry that anyone could think that was a good decision to make. What a shame I thought this episode was going to redeem this quite boring season. Instead it's left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. Very disappointed.
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Solid season, great episode!
Trigedasleng11 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Episode Rating 10/10 Season Rating 9/10

I don't get the hate this season receives. Not the best, nor the worst. We knew Alex Kamal was gonna die and I liked the matter-of-fact way he died. It was lifelike, s*** happens sometimes. I liked that character, but the low ratings among some reviews, solely for Kamal's death, is quite meager.

I enjoyed the new and semi-new characters this season brought, especially Peaches. Interesting cliff-hanger ending and a long wait for next season... But most importantly: I really hope Bezos, or perhaps somebody else, will finish the series with nine seasons - The Expanse is among the best series and it deserves it.

Haters gonna hate, I'm gonna watch.
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Great Episode - The Actor Who Plays Alex Did it to Himself
tvdefrancesco7 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For those that don't know the actor who plays Alex is under investigation for sexually harassing multiple women and his contract wasn't renewed for season 6. I thought we were going to get some BS off screen death in season 6 so I was happy we at least got some type of story from it. Even though it was brief and rushed. I wonder if they didn't do a quick reshoot once they found out he wouldn't be coming back.

Season 5 has been very up and down. The first 3 episodes were excellent and episode 4 was one of the best episodes in the entire show if not the best. However episodes 5-9 really got bogged down in the Naomi saga. When she flew through the vacuum of space like Princess Leia in The Last Jedi it was the lowest point the show ever reached. After that we get nearly an entire episode of her wimpering and crying. It was beyond annoying. I nearly muted it. There was also the fact she was barely phased by being in Space. She obviously should have been dead or at least be covered in 3rd degree burns with several broken bones after crashing into the ship frozen. The whole Naomi story on the ship with Philip was terrible too and way too drawn out. Should have been one episode tops.

Marco Inaros is a great villain. He's been awesome throughout this season and he doesn't disappoint in this episode. I wish this were episode 6 or 7 because they really could have built on this and had an amazing finish to the season. Having said that this episode was really good. But the previous 4 episodes should have been condensed into 1 or 2 tops. I'm excited for season 6 and I hope the writers read the feedback and end this show with a bang. Also there are so many chances for great storylines not including the Rocinate and I would love to watch some type of spin-off in the future.
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Great series, great episode
patrickaschulze10 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off: it's obvious many people writing these reviews have never read the books. The producers are trying to follow the story arc of the books, hence the season finale episode titles.

I'm mad that Cas Anvar did something so stupid and rightfully was fired from the show. It's better to go ahead and kill of Alex then try to recast him.

This finale was great, amazing action, real despair, and I think we all agree that Wes Chatham plays Amos absolutely perfect. Seriously, I was iffy on the rest of the cast, but they nailed Amos perfectly.
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Complete season review
MiloSuperSpesh25 July 2021
I thought season 4 was slow, dragged out and still managed to waste time with pointless scenes but this season took it further.

I havent read the books, but i feel like this show could be spending more time on the actual story instead of dragging out everything for ' impact and atmosphere'.

Since the show was 'rescued' by amazon someone forgot what pacing is, the season is short enough as it is but for some reason there is still too much filler in each episode, each episode could be cut down to 30 mins of the actual story.

Other than the filler when the story is actually moving forward it's great ! I would advise a binge watch tho :)
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Absolutely dismal exit for Alex
aleminium13 February 2021
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Absolutely dismal exit for Alex! How could you send off one of our characters without a proper bonvoyage?? Poor writing & decision, end of story.

Other than that though the episode was great and I enjoyed the season. Looking forward to Season 6!
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Solid Episode, Average Season
hugor3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 9/10

Season 5 (6/10)

Can't review a season on its own, so doing it here. The season was solid overall, but there were plotlines that were completely abused and got boring fast and some incredibly asinine writing at parts.

Most of it comes down to the Naomi storyline in the final episodes. It was boring, drawn out, repetitive... in a nutshell? Horrible. On top of that, we get the jump across vacuum to another ship... i mean, do they consider the viewers idiots? And then again, a massive amount of runtime dedicated to a crying, suffering Naomi. It was actually unbearable. So yea, that's the big negative of the season.

The rest (despite lower run time than Naomis) was great! Amos and Peaches storyline was cool. Holden, Monica and Bull as well... Bobbie and Alex same (despite what happened to Alex), hell, even Avasarala had shining moments.

So yea, decent season, but completely unbalanced by how much Naomi's "Days of Our Lives" Soap we got.
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One horrendous writing decision...
capnpopetastic-705153 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a solid season, though likely the weakest of the series. But the decision to kill off Alex, a main character, in such an incredibly anticlimactic, unmoving and matter-of-fact way was stunningly bad. Firing the actor from the series is no excuse for this pathetic handling of how his character was written off. Tough pill to swallow for a major fan of this series.

Even without this one horrible writing decision, I must say, the season suffered from some pacing issues. The later third of the season seemed to drag out Naomi's storyline, only to rush at breakneck speed into a cheap cliffhanger. This could have been handled much better.

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What Happened to Alex?
Vrian Sinth3 February 2021
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Alex is just gone after some beeps? No explanation? No tears? What a lame way to off one of the coolest characters of the show.
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Still watchable, but not a patch on previous seasons
djohnson-971434 February 2021
The unrelenting focus on Naomi and her doomed relationship with her estranged son and his father spoiled this season for me. All other characters and plotlines faded into the peripheral background as we were constantly confronted with Naomi's emotional turmoil - which personally began to bore me rigid. And the last four episodes could have been easily been condensed into one in order to propel the plot forward. Instead we were just treading water. Such an anti-climax and disappointment overall - even if the final episode whetted our appetite for what is to come in Season 6.
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abysz-230204 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"The big end" Screen time:

80% drama and talks.

15% action (Launch missiles, shoot bullets ... never seen before) Funny fact: We don't know anything about any of the destroyed ships. Exciting, right? The irritating character who controlled Camina and was given development all season dies from a simple random hit. Exciting, right? Alex, one of the 4 main members, dies in an abrupt and absurd and inconsequential way. Literally 100%, I'm not exaggerating one iota. Exciting right? The worst thing is that his death does not affect anyone or anything too much later. No words.

5% actually SCI FI Build up (Still probably more than all season).

All the characters separated and now come back together, but everything was pure inconsequential filler. Avasarala arc is a joke. In past seasons a fight developed where she lost her position. Now the winner dies suddenly, a new leader is developed to be eliminated after a few chapters and Avasarala returns to his same position again. More absurd filler.

The final "surprise" attack generates zero interest since the ring has been ignored all season. I don't know who fought, and a couple of random explosions hardly serve as mediocre entertainment. If they had spent 10% of the time used in crying and generic drama to develop this story maybe I would care about something. This season could easily be reduced to 3 episodes and nothing would be lost. The final 5 minutes remind us why we liked this series, but it is just the typical scam, hoping to get you excited about a possible redemption in season 6, but that in no way makes up for this absurd and boring 10-episode journey.

The last 20 seconds of CGI is an extremely cheap gimmick, showing a glimpse of what we were supposed to come to see this season, and what we got was a long and tedious family drama with no mystery or excitement on the horizon. Very ... very disappointed with the script and the decisions made.
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Meh..... Season 5 = Not even close to Season 3
rctripp3 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was a slight improvement upon the last 5 episodes, but that's not saying much because the last 5 completely dragged.

This episode was more of Naomi whimpering, Naomi crying, Naomi physically struggling, close up facials. More of Marco and son, who I just don't feel are acting well enough to give much depth to the characters.

Don't get me wrong, the show is centered around characters, but now it's just too much sappy drama.... where did all the elements of season 3 go?! Where are the cunning political games. The strategic story lines of Holden and crew. The stories of people like Anderson Dawes. The sci fi mystery (we get one brief glimpse at the very end). Where is the magic from season 3?!

They've turned it from sci fi adventure thriller to sci fi drama. Oh and Alex's death was weak af. I realize he had to go but they didn't even bother to make it emotionally impactful or epic at all. Such a great character deserved better treatment for the demise, regardless of the actor portraying him.

Bring back season 3 vibe please!
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One can't review Season 5 in one go, so it will have to go here.
Paynebyname4 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So disappointing, what happened to the show? It's like it was written and produced by two separate groups of people.

For the first half we had the grand, solar system spanning schemes and plots that had consequences on everyone. Marco pulls off a dramatic attack and forms some impressive alliances to put the Belters firmly in charge. All epic so far and then the show just ground to a halt.

Amos' story is quite interesting initially but then perplexing. Why the sudden rush for everyone to leave Earth and get to Lunar. Yes, the Earth has been hit with some asteroids but it wasn't an ELE. The Earth still has things going for it.

His character becomes unlikeable like when they break into the survivalist's home and as the audience we are just meant to think 'oh that guy was arse, he deserved to die'. Then they go to the big house and they are happy to treat the servants still as servants expecting to cook and feed for them.

And then, oh my god, the final supposedly exciting race for the lunar shuttle. It was completely devoid of tension. Some random bad guys that had been plucked from nowhere, no fear that characters would die, Amos firing a shotgun at distant foes. You knew Amos wasn't going to die and you knew Peaches wasn't, so it was just complete empty filler.

But the award for filler really goes to the decision to focus the entire second half on the season on Naomi. Oh my god, could they have dragged that out for any longer? Yes, okay she deserves an Emmy but the crying and the wailing and the crying and the wailing and the falling over - we get it.

Here we are meant to be enjoying these huge world changing events and we have 4/5 episodes focused on rescuing one character from one ship.

This in turn led to what has to be the most insipid and devoid of tension 'space battle' ever. The makers have spent the last 4 episodes on Naomi, was anyone really expecting her to die - of course not. We've all seen Drummer and where her allegiance is, was anyone expecting her to go through with killing Naomi and the Roci - of course not.

How did this represent entertainment to anyone who has been watching the show for all of this time? It was telegraphed to everyone what would happen. Naomi would be saved and the Roci would be saved. It was meaningless bangs and pops on screen with no feeling that anyone was in danger because we all knew what would happen.

And as for the death of Alex, Jesus that was laughably bad. It doesn't matter what happens off screen with the ACTOR that plays the character, you don't just dismiss a character at the click of a finger because of off screen behaviour. He's playing a character people and it's the character that is integral to the show.

To literally show him having a nose bleed and then an embarrassingly rushed 'these things can happen in a hard G turn' is so utterly, utterly lame.

So we had Marco's brilliant schemes reduced to a tedious inter family squabble, we had Amos aimlessly pulling in Alex's replacement and we have Avarasalla returned to exactly where she was at the beginning. Anyone feel like the whole season was just filler.

I mean everyone is back together on the Roci, apart from the banished Alex, and the whole 'red aliens that wiped out the builders' story is suddenly picked back up again in the very last minute of the show.

What have Amazon done to this show. Okay they pumped some money in but goddam if they haven't turned into another tedious soap opera with some flashy effects. Season 4 felt like a filler but I was prepared to hang with the show as I believed Amazon were finding their feet and there was some really interesting developments with Bobby and the cultural changes within Mars.

But Season 5 has revealed Amazon's hand and maybe the nature of what money can do to a show. When it is limited, the creators are conscious to use every penny and keep things tight to convey the story. But when Amazon comes along with its big dollars, they take the foot off the gas, let the money roll in and intentionally drag out something over four episodes that previously they could have done in one episode.

One of the things that used to be great about the series was how grounded it was in reality and created compelling tension. These elements have simply evaporated from the show. Naomi can now fly through space without a suit, Amos can fire a close quarter weapon at a ranged opponent, everyone is in a rush to leave planet Earth to go to new planets which have absolutely no infrastructure at all.

I mean the one armed gang boss is confident of making money in the New Worlds, he does realise that when he gets there, he'll need to scratch a living out of the dirt. There won't be any running water or electricity or governance.

It kinda says a lot that when I see the elites leaving Earth like some kind of used condom and racing to the Apple store base on Lunar, that I'm with Marco and his plans to reclaim space for the Belters.

So very disappointing and yet I guess so very predictable. It's hard for shows to keep impressing you and I guess the injection of money and the slow creep in of wokeness will lead to the drop off in quality.

The Expanse has now moved from the pinnacle of sci-fi entertainment into the realm of 'yeah, it's okay'. At least I won't have to be counting the days now until season 7.
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