White Noise (2020) Poster

(II) (2020)

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A good documentary that falters somewhat in its second half
Jeremy_Urquhart3 October 2021
It's interesting and unnerving at times to get a perspective from the subjects in this documentary.

There are no real "gotcha" moments or overt techniques like narration specifically calling the subjects out, but I don't feel like the documentary is endorsing their beliefs (maybe some viewers would feel differently).

Sometimes what they say makes them come across pretty bad- plus editing, in terms of choosing what to show, of course. Funniest part was Cernovich exercising like an absolute clown, and after taking a huge number of supplements with two espresso shots (and he later says - while trying to sell his products online - that he doesn't like too much caffeine!)

I definitely feel like he was running faster than usual because the camera was on him - almost sprinting - and there's no way he keeps up that pace while trail running (presumably long distance? Who knows. But he looks like he's trying to flex 😅)

It's interesting for the first half or so, but I felt like it ran out of steam and new ideas in the second half. Felt a bit repetitive, and I felt like the second half either needed some unique scenes to show or concepts to explore, or otherwise needed to build to something climactic, and it didn't really do either for me. That's the only big flaw here, but it's unfortunately quite a significant one.

Otherwise it's definitely good stuff, and at least half of it is quite compelling.
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PatriceLeGraisseux9 February 2021
I don't think the documentary tries to expose the AltRigt or its rhetoric as much as to expose the airheads behind it, all egomaniacs who at one point or another were given enough attention to pursue it indefinitely as a lucrative business. The documentary shows the political culture of our time in painful poignancy, empty, void of any real substance or ethical argument and charged with individual motives and always tied to personal financial gain.

White noise is infuriating and annoying but if you don't turn it off you may very well stop hearing it and learn to live with it.
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Not a Real Alt-Right Documentary
Documentarygal24 October 2020
This was really just a journey into the lives of three or four individuals. The doc doesn't really do a deep dive into the views of the Alt-Right. I think a documentary solely about Bannon alone would probably give us more insight. I don't recommend paying for this. If it is free, I still don't necessarily recommend.
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Thoroughly Researched and Illuminating Piece
aholland-3935125 June 2020
White Noise takes a raw and up-close look at the alt-right movement as it gained significant momentum in 2016 through present-day. The level of access to some of the movement's most high-profile figures is stupefying.

Lombroso presents a largely nonpartisan narrative that truly allows the viewer to make their own verdict on the impact and effects of alt-right movement. Ultimately it lifts the cover on the unifying power of vitriol and hatred, and shows the path to power of this largely cast-aside movement.
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Poor excuse for an insight into white supremacy
cotta002-318-86511926 January 2021
I watch many documentaries about far right, left, political parties and this was not a good product. It spent a lot of time allowing the three subjects to self reflect on their greatness, directions inspiration etc. No challenging questions. Was an important subject but could have been better thought out and bring in other voices / experts to have a to and fro. Your time could be better used than to watch this documentary. Avoid.
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Stunning, chilling front row seat to the alt-right
jaiaretter26 June 2020
WHITE NOISE is a shocking and extremely timely documentary that takes viewers inside the alt-right through multi-year discussions with leaders of the movement. The film is unique and powerful in offering unparalleled access to what seems to be becoming a not-so-fringe movement and unusually candid conversations with its members and leadership. Lombroso has created a significant historical document that should be required viewing in schools, for law enforcement, etc.
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It's exactly what you think it is, but not a documentary
trust-me118 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Oh boy where to begin.

Former alt-right idol Lauren Southern sells out the alt-right, that's what you're hoping this is right? Yeah, not even close.

It's a "documentary" about how one pretty white attention-something... said some racist things and advocated for racist beliefs, got too much negative attention and couldn't find a boyfriend who was "nice". Years later she finally found one, but there's a problem, he's a different race and the type of person who she was openly racist towards for years. Realizing there's no way this would end up well, she proceeded to delete absolutely everything about her online presence and hope that the world would forget her as quickly as possible.

But it doesn't end there, because there's no way anyone would let her get away with disappearing after setting back race relations by about a hundred years. So!

She's now right back vying for attention again, but this time she's claiming to be one of the very same type of victims she spent SIX YEARS trying to convince people that no, those victims DIDN'T EXIST. Honestly, it should be criminal to be this much of a drama queen and provocateur and then literally swap sides and play the victim.

The only legitimate reason anyone should watch this is to learn how successful and idolised you can get by being a racist. Then by lying and claiming to be a victim of the very ideology you spent years tirelessly trying to push.

In this criminally bad documentary, she explains about how she was a totally innocent, normal person who was quite simply "tricked" by men. Yep, that's it. That's her simple story. She was tricked (by men of course), fooled into being one of the most famous racists of the 20th century! Who would have thought!?

What follows is her own attempt at a smear campaign and has literally none of the guilt or real evidence befitting a truly reformed person. It's a performance that doesn't deserve the first handful of microwave popcorn waiting in your cupboard.

I am literally dumbfounded that people are watching this and take any of it for fact. The girl quite simply loved being an icon of the alt-right, loved being admired, loved being a sex symbol and when she found the man that she wanted to be with. Well all that negative attention she was getting suddenly had no place in her life. The only way out was to swap sides, feign ignorance and blame everyone else.

If you've ever seen a real doco, you'll instantly realise this is not one.
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djaho24 January 2021
Not sure if this is pro nationalist or anti nationalist.

Has no substance or direction.
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Insightful, almost hilarious view of the alt-right
sharma-hemanee8 July 2020
A fascinating, unbiased character study of three distinct alt-right influencers. It's clear to see the progression of trust building between director Daniel Lombroso and the three prominent alt-right figures. Their motivations and desire for the spotlight candidly unravel as the film, and the movement, progress. Highly recommend for an objective, humorous look at the alt-right.
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Insultingly transparent misinformation trying to pass as a "documentary"
aciolino13 July 2022
Literally. If one watches paint dry with the expectations that something important, informative, or enlightening will occur... well guess what?

"White Noise" is actually worse. This "documentary" (which, by and standards, is NOT) not only lacks those qualities but delivers completely unsubstantiated misinformation, sprinkled with highly charged emotional left-wing rhetoric and outright lies. They adore the term "alt right" though never define it other than implying that it is another term for Nazism. In fact, any Conservative, Traditionalist, or anyone holding even moderate right of center views is thrown in the "Nazi" mess.

Disgraceful, bigoted, and dangerous. Watch only to learn how devious those at the Atlantic can be.
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Intense and informative look at the alt-right
aawalji25 June 2020
An unsettling look into the rise and transformation of the alt-right, Lombroso gets unfettered access to the movement's most divisive and popular pioneers. A cautionary tale about the pernicious nature of racial bigotry in today's internet age, this documentary is powerful, pertinent and impartial allowing the viewer to draw his or her conclusions about the future of the alt-right.
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White Fluff
giladinis29 May 2022
Of the 3 people he introduces and covers only one is truly by definition a concern and that is Richard Spencer. Lauren Southern and Mike Cenrnovic are hardly the fear conjuring figures the documentary suggests they are. This is a hit piece and in bad faith.
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A shocking, profound exploration of the psyche behind the alt right
astergross30 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
From the moment it begins, White Noise hooks you in and doesn't let go. You are floored by the secret Nazi chants, the casual, unchecked misogynistic and racist rants, the scandalous high-level sexual solicitation, and ultimately, the wild realization that white nationalists walk among us, even in cities where we assume they couldn't possibly thrive or survive.

But ironically, what makes White Noise truly special is its humanity. There is a palpable level of candor and unexpected intimacy between Lombroso and his subjects, who you hate and yet are forced to acknowledge as real human beings with their own self-doubts, contradictions, and inner turmoil that we can't help but find ourselves relating to. What Lombroso does as a director and a cinematographer is far more interesting than just infiltrating a hate movement and exposing their worst behavior; rather, he explores the cracks in the psyches of people who come to identify with such movements. Layer by layer, he reveals their vulnerabilities, and the identity crises that are encompassed so perfectly with the James Baldwin quote at the beginning of the film:

"I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain."

Well done.
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Incredibly insightful doc, gave me chills
cad-645238 July 2020
As a person who was not familiar with the alt-right, this doc allowed me to be a fly on the way which I absolutely loved because I was able to formulate my own opinion. The director shot scenes in a very personable way (I.e shot in cars a lot) and lingered on certain moments made me feel like I was actually there, which made me feel even more disgusted that it's possible for people to create and amplify a movement like this. This film is so relevant to the current climate, it couldn't have come out at a better time. I can't wait for this film to be on streaming services because it should be shared with everyone.
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Enthralling and Relevant
rgottlieb-8341425 June 2020
White Noise provides thought-provoking insight into the alt-right movement. By profiling several of the leaders of the right in an objective, comprehensive way, Lombroso has given viewers a rare and in-depth view into this movement that is fueled by hatred and fear. This subject of this documentary has never seemed more relevant.
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jacobleizman25 June 2020
White Noise was an excellent film! The film provided a truly unique view of the alt-right movement only possible with the access and trust director Daniel Lombroso built with the main characters over the years. Journalistic masterpiece. Stylistically, the film is filled with stunning shots and powerful music in a way that we can appreciate the artistic value of the film even while the subject matter is intense. Lastly, the film really tells a narrative-- the rise and fall of three prominent figures in the alt-right movement, and the psychological motivations of hate, sadness, and search for meaning underlying their drive for the spotlight. HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend.
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An Intimate, Jarring, and Deconstructive Window Into the Alt-Right
caramgross7 October 2020
White Noise begins at an unparalleled precipice in American history: immediately after the election of Donald Trump, when the alt-right is at peak boldness. Capturing the uniquely electric and terrifying energy of this moment in time, the film follows the meteoric rise and subsequently mixed trajectory of a movement that is both laughable and horrifying, as well as the very human characters driving it from the top.

In addition to showing moments that truly shock - notably the viral conference scene in which attendees "Hail Trump!" and brandish Nazi salutes - the film explores the insidious ways that violently racist ideas can be cloaked in rational, innocuous, or humorous messaging, particularly via social media. An intimate portrait of the figures it follows, the film moreover gives the viewer the sense of having an exclusive backstage pass into their innerworkings and family lives, for which Lombroso deserves great commendation. We see them as far more vulnerable, and full of contradictions to the prescriptive worldview they supposedly espouse, than they would ever admit publicly.

The viewer is left to puzzle both at what will become of the alt-right, and why, in this modern age, such a movement can catch on like wildfire. Though its leaders prove to be fallible, their worldview may not retreat so easily. While it may be baffling how in the 21st century neo-Nazism can capture the hearts and minds of so many ordinary and young people in the U.S. and worldwide, White Noise provides an essential window into the motives and the cognitive dissonance of those who benefit most from it. The film dismantles the illusion that the alt-right truly provides a bolstering worldview, even for its most vocal adherents.
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Incredible Access to the Underbelly of the Alt Right
bjstein-229 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"I don't think it would be endearing to put such an emphasis on that, what does it matter to me," a stunning turn from the alt-right ice Queen. Cernovich the pill pushing huckster and Spencer the former theater director's in his mother's Whitefish mansion, just unreal.
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Eye opener into an extremely timely issue in the United States
bensyatt26 June 2020
This film draws viewers in right from the beginning. A captivating storyteller and cinematographer, Daniel Lombroso thoroughly and artfully examines white nationalism as a contemporary paradigm while tying to the historical context of institutional racism in the United States. The film closely follows three activists deeply embedded in the movement and their personal journeys in influencing white supremacy. The film directs the viewer's attention to the most powerful moments through lingering shots and seamless transitions. The film is a call to all of us, whether on the left or the right, to open our eyes and be aware of the omnipresent vision for a white nation, a desire coming not just from rural areas but particularly from the largest metropolitan areas in the western world. In light of recent atrocities to the black community, this film highlights the incredible power of the white nationalist movement and its leaders to foment hate amongst millions of people, which can lead to these atrocities, even if the original intention is not to kill. This is an essential film and we all need to open our minds to the fact that white nationalism is alive and well.
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Incredible Journalism by Lombroso and The Atlantic
molstein-965991 July 2020
This is an important documentary that I strongly recommend to anyone that wants to understand how radical, hateful ideas can develop and propagate in the age of social media. Far from the obscure - YouTube just shut down Richard Spencer's channel yesterday for violating its hate speech policies - this journalism reports on a trend that must be taken seriously.
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Fresh perspective into the alt-right
jsherry-0695430 June 2020
A well-done narrative that brings you up to speed with the current alt-right movement. Brings together three spokespeople who are using the nationalist movement to push their agendas and monetize the momentum from the 2016 election. Years of research and interviews weave together an alternative perspective on the leaders behind the movement. Recommend to those who want to understand the current white supremacy climate and those that profit from it.
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An excellent dive into the alt-right
abdallahfayyad2 July 2020
If you're looking to understand the world of the alt-right, you should watch this movie. The director does an excellent job contextualizing the neo-nazi movement to familiar and unfamiliar viewers alike, without giving alt-right activists a new platform. It's at times horrifying and funny or amusing at others. Leaves people understanding the movement as dangerous yet hollow and vincible. Must-watch.
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Great doc
stevendbateman30 June 2020
The portrayal of these people ultimately as grifters and influence peddlers without any actual beliefs is very good. It should be shown to the people who find these people inspiring or insightful.
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Incredible film!
michaelherzberg-4780225 June 2020
Incredible film that gives insight into the white nationalist movement, white supremacy and the alt-right group. It captures some of the pivotal moments in the movement as well as the day-to-day personal life of a few major players of the alt-right. Daniel Lombroso was in the room where Richard Spencer had the whole room hailing Trump, a terrifying moment and one that is so important for people to see and understand the direction and severity of the alt-right. Lombroso also captures moments with Lauren Southern, a young anti-feminist/anti-immigration YouTube star who we see grow conflicted over some of the values of the movement that she so passionately represents and fights for. Over the years, Lombroso follows these individuals all over the world and sees the development of the movement. This is a must watch, especially at this point in history. Daniel Lombroso and The Atlantic did a phenomenal job with White Noise!
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Definitely a Must-See
driskillmarshall8 July 2020
Unsettling, yet absolutely fascinating look at the alt-right. Truly outstanding work by Lombroso and crew--cannot recommend enough!
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