"Smallville" Stiletto (TV Episode 2009) Poster

(TV Series)


Tom Welling: Clark Kent



  • Clark Kent : Lois?

    Lois Lane : [in British accent]  Lois? Who's Lois? I'm Stiletto. I should get back to my cave.

    Clark Kent : Lois, you could have a bag over your head and I'd still know it's you.

    Lois Lane : Go figure. I want the Red-Blue Blue, I get the exact opposite.

    Clark Kent : What do you think you're doing?

    Lois Lane : What are you doing? You're supposed to be feeding Shelby. Seriously, is there any woman in your life you haven't stood up?

    Clark Kent : I saw the way you looked at that scanner and I know how much you want the superhero story, so I came here to make sure you're okay. You're obviously not if you're impersonating the Stiletto.

    Lois Lane : Okay, first off, it's just Stiletto. There is no "the". And second, I'm not impersonating anyone. I *am* Stiletto.

    Clark Kent : You made up a fake superhero so you could write a story?

    Lois Lane : Yeah. Stiletto's only the beginning, Clark. These heels could kick down some major doors for me. What if Stiletto could help me land a one-on-one with the Red-Blue Blur?

    Clark Kent : Well, this blur, he - he avoids reporters for a reason.

  • [Lois answers the phone booth and its Clark on the other end as the Red-Blue Blur] 

    Clark Kent : I received your letter, Miss Lane.

    Lois Lane : Call me Lois... if you want. And while we're at it, you wanna weigh in on the whole Red-Blue Blur thing, because it's kind of a mouth full on this end.

    Clark Kent : I think there's probably a better name out there. And if there's anyone who can find it, it's you, Miss Lane.

  • Clark Kent : Looks like you got your cover story after all.

    Lois Lane : I guess.

    Clark Kent : You guess? The last time your name was above the fold, you held a champagne toast. Is there something about this article that's still bothering you?

    Lois Lane : Fine, I admit it. Sometimes, the Lois Fast Lane ambition ramps into cruise control and gets away from me.

  • Clark Kent : Those mob guys would still be on the street if you hadn't come to my rescue.

    Lois Lane : Your rescue. Yeah, right. You're the one with the... Smallville, if you hadn't been there to...

    Clark Kent : You're welcome, Lois. I hope this means that Stiletto's hanging up her heels for good.

    Lois Lane : Gladly. Those heels were giving my blisters blisters. Besides, if Mannheim had better aim... you'd be dead. And if was really sweet of you to, you know... throw yourself in there, but, uh, I never should have put you in danger. It's not like you save lives for a living.

    Clark Kent : No. There's only one Red-Blue Blur.

    Lois Lane : Honestly, I don't envy the guy. After walking a mile in Stiletto's shoes, I was reminded that I am not cut out for that life of solitude.

    Clark Kent : I didn't know there was room for introspection underneath that costume.

    Lois Lane : Wow. Look who got grazed by a funny bullet.

    [taking his bear claw] 

    Lois Lane : You weren't gonna eat this, were you?

  • Clark Kent : [catching Chloe at the hospital]  Is this what it takes to get a call back from you these days? Are you okay?

    Chloe Sullivan : Yeah, thanks for coming. Sorry about being the invisible best friend lately.

    Clark Kent : Where have you been?

    Chloe Sullivan : Um, Watchtower. Just when I thought I'd hit my fill of, uh, high-maintenance men, I take a job from Oliver.

    Clark Kent : I thought he was off the grid.

    Chloe Sullivan : He's in Syria. Sort of incommunicado with the rest of the world. Which is why I'm glad you're here. My laptop was in my back seat when the carjacker peeled away. I've been using it to update my Watchtower databases from home.

    Clark Kent : Chloe, those files contain details of nearly every operation.

    Chloe Sullivan : Hence the panicky flair with everything I've been saying. And before you bite my head off, I admit, I know I never should have taken it home.

    Clark Kent : Just tell me it was encrypted.

    Chloe Sullivan : But not unhackable.

  • Clark Kent : Okay, I'll find your computer. Did you get a good look at the mugger?

    Chloe Sullivan : I got a good look at the asphalt after he hit me. But there was another witness. When I came to in the ambulance, Lois was raving about some mysterious heroine who swept in and saved the day. Stiletto?

    Clark Kent : Must be some kind of knife expert. Where is Lois, anyway?

    Chloe Sullivan : There may be a new superhero in town. Where do you think she is?

  • Clark Kent : Chloe told me about the attack. She said you mentioned someone named Stiletto?

    Lois Lane : Patience, Smallville. Tomorrow, you can drool over her with the rest of the world. I'm fine, by the way. Thanks for asking.

  • Clark Kent : [giving Lois' article a once-over]  Stiletto gave you all these quotes?

    Lois Lane : She was talkative.

  • Clark Kent : Look, I need you to put me in contact with her.

    Lois Lane : Get your own hero. I have to respect her request to keep a low profile. It is not every day that a superhero entrusts me with her phone number.

    Clark Kent : She gave you her number?

    Lois Lane : Sorry. My eyes only, Smallville.

  • Clark Kent : Lois, this carjacker took Chloe's computer. It has all her Isis client information on it. If this Stiletto was the last person to see this guy, I need to talk to her.

    Lois Lane : Look, if you wanna help Chloe, why don't you go downtown and talk to the thug they did catch? Maybe Stiletto left enough teeth in his mouth for him to rat out his buddy.

  • Lois Lane : Slow night.

    Clark Kent : I'm good if you wanna go. If the Red-Blue Blur calls, I'll be sure to patch him through.

    Lois Lane : Oh, that's right, because your idea of being a hero is making sure there's still paper in the fax machine.

  • Clark Kent : Chloe, it turns out Lois' super-friend may be our only hope in getting your laptop back. According to Met PD, Stiletto's takedown posted bail before they ever got him behind bars.

    Chloe Sullivan : Well, I haven't been able to find any more leads on Stiletto's whereabouts, but you might wanna take a look at this.

    Clark Kent : [she types on her keyboard]  "Blur-Etto"?

    Chloe Sullivan : You know you've made it when you have your own fan site. And it looks like your fans are doing a little matchmaking.

    Clark Kent : [reading the posts]  "No one understands a hero's life of solitude better than a fellow cape"? "These two lonely hearts belong together"? Who thinks this stuff up?

    Chloe Sullivan : Are they that far off the mark?

    Clark Kent : Chloe, romance is the last thing on my mind right now.

    Chloe Sullivan : I know. But let's face it. You thought you found your super-powered soul mate in Lana, and I haven't heard you say a word about her since she left.

    Clark Kent : That's because I have you.

    Chloe Sullivan : Come on, Clark. I know I haven't been the most reliable sidekick lately, and Oliver and his gang are MIA. Having someone on speed dial who knows what it's like to lead a double life might not be such a bad thing.

    Clark Kent : No, my double life and I are just fine. I'd rather focus on finding Stiletto and getting your computer back.

  • Clark Kent : [learning Lois is using Stiletto as a means to land an interview with the Red-Blue Blur]  What would you say to him no one else already has?

    Lois Lane : I wouldn't say anything, Clark. I'd listen.

    Clark Kent : What if he's not looking for a best friend?

    Lois Lane : Superpowered or not, every Fred needs a Barney.

    Clark Kent : Unless it's based on a lie. Besides, it could be dangerous. Eventually, you'll find yourself in a situation you can't Stiletto yourself out of.

    Lois Lane : Stiletto kicked ass last night. You should have seen the guy I sent downtown.

    Clark Kent : I couldn't. By the time I got there, some attorney named Moynihan already got him off before I could talk to him about Chloe's car.

    Lois Lane : Chris Moynihan? He represents Ron Milano.

    Clark Kent : The biggest crime boss in Metropolis.

    Lois Lane : Then let's go save the world. I'm in the market for a sidekick, anyway. Just don't slow me down.

    Clark Kent : I'll find Milano on my own. You're gonna do everything you can to make sure your Stiletto story doesn't get published.

  • Lois Lane : [after Clark took a bullet for her]  Why did you do that, Clark? You didn't need to be some kind of hero.

    Clark Kent : [affected by the kryptonite in the room]  Lois... you have to get me out of here.

  • Chloe Sullivan : Hey, Clark. Thank you. I never thought it would feel so good to be reunited with a bunch of silicone microchips.

    Clark Kent : I grabbed it before the police arrived. So hopefully Mannheim wasn't able to pull any files off of it.

    Chloe Sullivan : Well, rest assured, Tony Soprano, Jr. is my last close call. I am done traveling with all of my techno treasures in one basket.

  • Clark Kent : Are you expecting company?

    Chloe Sullivan : Uh, no. Turns out that my body's natural reaction to stress is to bake undigestible amounts of food.

    Clark Kent : Really? After all the near-apocalypses we've been through, I've never seen more than a chocolate chip cookie come out of that oven. Are you okay?

    Chloe Sullivan : It's... I mean, you almost died yesterday. For my computer.

    Clark Kent : Chloe, you made an honest mistake.

    [showing her that where the bullet grazed him has healed] 

    Clark Kent : I'm fine. I know you better than that. This is not about a computer. What's wrong?

    Chloe Sullivan : Nothing. Really, I'm fine. Look, I apologize if I've been a little off my game lately. It's just that after my divorce and Brainiac and now playing Watchtower to a bunch of needy superheroes, I forget that I need to be all smiles all the time.

    Clark Kent : Chloe, no one expects you to bounce back from everything you've been through. I just want you to know I'm here for you if you need me.

    Chloe Sullivan : I know. But right now, I really just need a little bit of space. Not a super save, okay?

  • Clark Kent : [disguising his voice]  Is this Lois Lane, the reporter?

    Lois Lane : Who wants to know?

    Clark Kent : This is the Red-Blue Blur.

    Lois Lane : Yeah, right. How do I know you're not some Deep Throat wannabe with a lot of time on his creepy hands?

    [the sound of him speeding past is heard] 

    Clark Kent : Look down.

    [doing so, she sees her invitation to him in the Planet's opinion section] 

  • Clark Kent : [disguising his voice]  You're nervous.

    Lois Lane : Can you read my mind?


    Lois Lane : Who am I kidding? It's Saturday night and I hightailed it down here because I have one obsession right now, and it's you. And when you didn't reply to my skywriting, I just...

    Clark Kent : It was a nice one, by the way.

    Lois Lane : Between you and me, I could use a little work on that subtle thing.

    Clark Kent : You know there's nothing wrong with taking your job seriously.

    Lois Lane : There is when you don't know who you'd be without it.

    Clark Kent : Something tells me you know yourself better than you think. Lois, you're a great reporter. All on your own. You don't need a hero or some gimmick to make a headline.

    Lois Lane : Thanks. My editor would kill me, but... I don't want this story. What I've really been wondering is... what is it that you need? I mean, you've dedicated your life to a city full of strangers. And I'm not saying that, I know what it's like to be a hero, but... even the fastest blur in the world can't outrun loneliness. I guess what I'm saying is... if you ever wanna talk, totally off the record, I'm only a phone call away.

    Clark Kent : I'll keep that in mind. And Lois... when I'm ready to tell the world my secret, you'll be the first to know.

See also

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