River of Darkness (2011) Poster

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I'll save you the eternal torment...READ THIS CAREFULLY!!!
TheCornProject6 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Do you love seeing your favourite WWF/WWE/TNA star battle it out against a bunch of hillbilly swamp-things? If you do, please hide your innocent mind from this giant regurgitated turd of a film...Do you want something to laugh at? Please just watch re-runs of "Friends"... Are you sadomasochistic & get pleasure out of the pain your eyes & ears experience when you watch a really horrible film? PLEASE I BEG YOU, SPARE YOURSELF FROM THIS HELL!

Alright let me calm down & explain myself before you all think I'm going off on a tangent. The premise of this story is quite simply explained; a country town (by a river- go figure) suddenly becomes plagued with a series of unexplained slayings. This is where Kurt 'the wannabe rock' Angle steps in as the simpleton hick sheriff who is entrusted with the task of solving these brutal homicides as well as expressing deep emotions at key points & delivering the correct lines from his script on cue (much like his fake wrestling persona I suppose). Anyhow, our buff sheriff with his years of detective work finds himself with no other option but to walk around town brandishing the confidential & explicit crime scene photos to every dog & his aunt in hope of, of uhmm...a confession? Heck maybe he thinks he can get the truth out of one of those demonic redneck fisherman from I Know What You Did Last Summer? So as the plot progresses we find out that the bodies have carvings of the term "HIX" written on them (I would make a joke out of that but I can't be stuffed), anyway the sheriff finds out that this is the last name of a weirdo recluse named Harvey Hix who headed a group of vigilantes that murdered the Jacobs brothers, played by Kevin Nash & Psycho Sid Vicious (don't worry they have no real back story other than being two 6' 10" hobos who never had pro-wrestling careers to begin with).

Actually I think that is a touch mean spirited comment by me, I should really praise all of those pro-wrestling fans out there who spend every waking moment of their lives supporting their heroes in films like this. Now enough of the sentiment & back to the plot; so the brothers have been summoned from their watery graves after 30 years because God makes rules about releasing souls after a set time so that they can exact their revenge on the townsfolk who had nothing to do with their deaths- much like how Jason Voorhees takes out his anger issues on those innocent teens at Camp Crystal Lake; actually no sorry my apologies, that exciting comparison is not what this film is like. So anyway that covers about 40 minutes into the plot & I basically daydreamed for the rest of the time so I can only assume that everything ended peacefully with enough room for a sequel.

In the very least I think it's safe to class this film as a direct-to-VHS bargain bin trash-fest. However I think that summary is a little too classy & upbeat to truly summarise this seething pile of goat spew accurately. Believe me guys I have seen some bad films; if you don't believe me just look at the list of films I have already reviewed. The actors in an Ulli Lommel film give more heartfelt, genuine performances than most of the actors in this one. Even I struggled to get through it without needing to fast forward through the horribly stagnant dialogue. I have to say without a doubt that this film was the longest 80 minutes I have ever spent watching any film. Don't even buy it if it's the price of a nickel because that metal will be worth more to humanity in the long run than this will be in an eternity!

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absolutely pathetic!!
andyjay-967-7997543 February 2011
before me, there where 5 users who voted this an average of 7.5/10?!? What is the world coming to if anybody actually thought that this movie was watching? Were the crew voting for themselves perhaps? this movie was such a waste of time and in the end I couldn't even make it to the finish before turning it off. Kurt Angle obviously has serious skill as a wrestler but as an actor he is seriously lacking. unfortunately, he was not even the worse thing about this *cough* "film" *cough* the script/dialog is just pitiful. There is one line from an actor where she says that the bad guys eyes were RED, yet when they show close-ups of Kevin Nash's character his eyes are yellow/orange... the story, pathetic. The casting is a joke - i've seen better acting with more personality from a 1st grade school play. Kurt Angle as the lead was stiffer then a plank of wood yet when he is doing his wrestling promos, he comes across with so much passion and personality. Then the 'special effects' / makeup department... oh my god... in todays age this should just not be allowed. Anybody involved in this abysmal attempt at cinema should be embarrassed enough to crawl under a rock and never come out again. I cannot remember attempting to watch any other film which was this bad, especially considering this site shows they had a budget of $3.26 million, where you look at a movie like Paranormal Activity made in 2007 for an estimated $15K that turned out to be a fantastic movie. Please I implore anybody, do not waste time on this garbage
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drastically a disaster of a film
torstensonjohn8 December 2012
WOW!!!! This is one word I can use as being tremendously awful. Where does someone begin with a film like this. Storyline was absolutely uneventful, characters were nothing short of uncompelling, cinematography was lacking throughout and the editing was sub-par at best.

Why do wrestlers insist on going into acting, Kurt Angles performance was sour and collectively did not fit the character.

The combination of slasher/paranormal/undead pairing was an utter "bomb".

Terrible, clueless, dreadful are words to describe the acting throughout the film. In fact this is pure garbage and in this film collector's eyes should have never been made. The audience as well as actors and people who worked on this film should all be given refunds for how terrible it is. It is 1hr 30 minutes of your life you'd like a refund on.
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This film is scary for the wrong reasons....
BleakDestiny14 September 2011
...the reason being that it was made at all. If your a wrestling fan looking for the novelty of seeing Kurt Angle, Sid Vicious and Kevin Nash outside of the ring then please realise....its not worth it. Nash and Sid are unrecognisable and rarely out of the darkness and Kurts acting is so appalling you will turn away and cringe so you wont see him much either.

In fact if you doubt that fact check out the other movies starring Kurt. He's an unbelievable athelete and in my opinion the greatest all rounder in the history of wrestling but outside the the ring he falls apart and cannot be taken seriously.

The acting is beyond awful, the special effects are preschool and the storyline is recycled. There is nothing good to say about this film and I hope all involved are ashamed of themselves.
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Poodle of bad acting
tdeladeriere13 April 2011
Dreadful acting throughout weigh down this moderately enjoyable slasher/ghost DTV. Undead victims of a smalltown lynching come back from the dead to take their revenge on the hicks responsible for their murder.

Good production values and regular slashings help salvage this very uninspired offering. This was meant to cash in on wrestling fans, and to be honest, I've seen much worse movies, but God, the acting. And the lead is not entirely responsible, everybody here does an absolutely terrible job of conveying the simplest emotions. A woman who just lost her child to the undead is particularly amateurish, and one paranormal researcher looks ready for Skinemax. One of the zombies is a dead ringer for 'Dog' Chapman. If you're not regarding, this can entertain you for 90 minutes.
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worst movie ever
maddy2323234 February 2011
oh..come on! seriously??? worst film ever... oh my god...i just cannot believe it! everything about the movie was terrible.

At one point, I actually thought that it was a horror/comedy. But turns out that it's not.

you've gotta be kidding me to actually call this a movie and release it. seriously. I would not even want to get paid to watch this movie another time. horrendous.

Didn't the maker of this movie even watch this once, before he actually went on to release it? oh my god...seriously, this has got to be a joke or something.
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The only good thing it has going is its short length (84 min)
richius17 August 2011
I had low expectations going into watching this film as I saw it only to see how the professional wrestlers (Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Sid Vicious) did on the screen. I hoped for at least mildly entertaining in that bad horror movie way since the slasher/horror genre is just about the hardest to make truly bad. I was soon proved wrong as this is one of the worst movies I have EVER seen.

Sure enough, all three wrestlers were bad. Kurt Angle seemed to wear the same facial expression throughout the movie. Either he or the director thought it was some sort of deep thought look but I found it to be more of a "why am I here? what am I doing?" look. Nash and Vicious were even worse as they played zombie killers who basically had to emulate Jason and failed miserably. They looked more like animatronic monsters from a failed Disney ride than professional wrestlers who have plenty of experience with fake violence.

To be honest though, I can't blame the wrestlers for their bad acting as everyone else in the move was equally bad. Given the overall crappiness of the movie, I have to place most of the blame on writer/director Bruce Koehler. The plot is the typical slasher/horror plot of three people wrongfully killed by a lynch mob who come back 30 years later as zombies to get their revenge. Not the most original story but one that has worked for others into at least a semi- entertaining movie. Sadly, Bruce's script has the worst dialogue, horrible pacing, and too many plot problems. Seriously, if that is how he thinks police investigate a serial killer then thank God he isn't involved in law enforcement or no criminal would ever get caught. Dear Bruce, please watch a few episodes of CSI and Law & Order next time you want to write about cops.

Bruce can add horrible directing to his horrible writing credit as it appears he was happy with the first take on every scene. The movie also featured some of the worst production values I've ever scene in all their high def glory. The whole movie looked like it was shot under far too bright fluorescent lights. The slasher kill scenes were unimaginative and featured some of the worst, most obviously fake blood ever scene in a slasher flick. I suspect that much of the 3 million plus reported budget went to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of the cast and crew because it sure didn't go into the special effects or stunts.

Bottom line: if you are a wrestling fan wanting to see your heroes in a movie, skip this one and go re-watch a Steve Austin, John Cena, or Rock film; they aren't great but at least they aren't awful either. If you aren't a wrestling fan you should just run away at the mere mention of the movie.
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River of never ending tedium
juliethood21 March 2012
One of the worst scripts ever. This film was written, directed and produced by Bruce Koehler. I firmly believe he did it all himself because no one else was stupid enough to think that the abysmal script would work as anything other than toilet paper.

The acting was so wooden that the rest of the cast made Angle and co look like the spirits of Olivier. Don't get me wrong, they were by no means good. But the film started poor and just got steadily worse. The cinematography would have been substandard for views of Home and Away. Even low budget B-Movies should have standards. One last thing. Don't get me started on the 'special effects'. I have seen more convincing at Halloween parties.

In all this was amateur hour at its very worst.
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The only movie so far of 2011 that I downright despise!
TheLittleSongbird31 March 2011
I love movies of all genres, of any age, regardless of how good or bad they are. But River of Darkness doesn't deliver on any level. So far there have been some gems such as Rango, some mediocre efforts like Sanctum and some poorly conceived movies such as Battle:Los Angeles and Justin Bieber:Never Say Never. But River of Darkness is the only movie so far this year that I downright despise, it is that bad!

River of Darkness is a good example of a movie that is all style, no substance. Saying that does nothing in the film's favour, because production-values wise this film is shoddy. The scenery and sets have an appropriately Gothic look to them, but they are completely ruined by the cinematography and editing which makes the movie look as though it has been edited on a bacon slicer and the lighting which is incredibly dull.

River of Darkness fails epically in the story and writing as well. The story did have a nice arc to it on paper, but the execution was so derivative and poor one couldn't help thinking River of Darkness offers nothing new to the genre. Not one scene is believable in any way, the murders are all gore no heart no matter how marginally impressive the gore is. But that is nothing compared to the dialogue, I have heard some bad dialogue in many movies but River of Dakrness has some of the worst dialogue I have ever heard in my entire life. It is so cheesy and forced, and so clichéd and melodramatic I could not take it seriously at all.

The film's direction is incompetent. In fact the direction is so sloppy that the film could have easily had no direction whatsoever. The characters I felt nothing for whatsoever, they are written terribly and you learn next to nothing about them. The pace is languid so much so nothing comes to life. None of the actors are genuine or brings heart to their characters either.

Overall, a shoddy mess and to be avoided. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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A low-budget "Scy Fy" channel original-esque movie, with worse acting. Movie OK, acting really, really bad. I say D+
cosmo_tiger29 March 2011
How do you stop ghosts from killing? After a series a gruesome murders strikes a small river town Sheriff Logan (Angle) notices a similarity. After his investigation points to three brothers that are dead things start to get weird. For starters the main stars of the movie are three wrestlers : Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash and Psycho Sid Vicious. When these are you main stars you really can't expect a lot from the movie. The plot, acting and apparent budget reminded me of a "Scy Fy" channel original movie...only worse. The acting is really, really bad. The movie itself could have been worse I guess, but the acting was so bad it's distracting. Overall this was better then I expected, but the acting was SO BAD it's hard to overlook. Movie is a C-, acting is F. When taking both into account, I say D+.

Would I watch again? - No way
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danieljameswilcox9 February 2013
OK i am a huge film fanatic and have seen many horrible movies and still forced myself to try and enjoy it and find good points. i am also a major wrestling fan have been for 12 years which is the reason i decided to watch this film.

Please anyone that is reading this before watching the film DO NOT WATCH IT! it is awful in every way. acting is the worst i have ever seen from everyone involved. the film work is filmed like a old horror movie and even if you take that into consideration the film work is still completely terrible. i got 30 minutes through ( how i don't know) and i had to turn it off which is something i can never recall doing. ( as i said i always try to find good points.) Now moving onto the wrestlers. Kurt angle has disgraced himself and all wrestlers turned actors in this film. i actually felt sorry for him that he did this movie. Knash and Sid Vicous is where i turned it off after finally seeing them i realised there is just no chance this movie is getting better and they obviously did it for the money (which i hope wasn't much as they don't deserve it from this performance)

this is certainly the worst film i have seen 100% and if i find one worse i might start making movies myself if one worse than this can get produced onto DVD.
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B Movie - Review From The UK
retro-3712 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The movie itself is pretty well filmed, and particularly the night scenes, replete with back lit creepy scenarios and suitably applied wafts of mist, make for good viewing. The best moments do actually come when the Jacobs family appear out of the mist and set about their tirade of terror. Fans of wrestling will no doubt delight in seeing the icons Psycho Sid Vicious and Kevin Nash apply their might to taking out the trash on the big screen. There really is something quite enjoyably quirky visible in their eyes when they swing that axe. Go Big Daddy 'Kill' !. This one is really for fans of the wrestling stars on show, and die hard 'B' movie horror fanatics easily forgiving of such well intentioned trite. Former Olympic champion Kurt Angle might have greater success in attaining future gold chasing the end of a rainbow than pursuing a serious acting career, but if he can take himself less seriously in future roles it could be good times for all. Oh it's true, it's damn true !.
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River of...OMG BAD
okiereb15 April 2012
OK, I like B...and even some decent C movies. Going in, if you know it is a B, or C, you can offset it normally...maybe consider low budget might be offset by cute girls, scary off-screen suspense, or maybe just a lot of tongue-in-cheek humor. Kurt Angle has nothing to bring to this movie, and for him to be in over half the scenes, it's like seeing a tax auditor show up...and read his lines from a 3x5 index card. You know it's bad going in, when in the first scene you see him, you notice the cardboard 'sheriff's star' on his brown ballcap. A budget over $3 million, and they couldn't actually get him a plastic badge? Geesh. Do you remember high school, and someone having to read from a textbook? Do you remember the poor readers that made each word an agony to hear, as you followed along in the book, wanting to help them read it to ease the pain? Yeah, this movie is like that...only much worse. Do yourself a favor, pass on this movie and watch Scorpion King II, or Ishtar, or Jaws 4 or Rocky 5 or something...they are far less painful to your mind.
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Needs more Angle Slam
warehousereviews19 August 2020
Little disappointed there was no Jack-knife Powerbomb into a boat engine.. that would of been worth 3 stars on its own... Sid an Nash were as good as slashers as they are as wrestlers.. which is high praise. Angle enjoys turtle soup which is oddly intriguing, I would of liked a bit more back story into his turtle eating character.
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nogodnomasters19 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Here really isn't much to this film. Kurt plays an atheist sheriff (not that it played into the film) who is attempting to solve murders in a small river town. There really wasn't much acting, not much of a soundtrack and not much of a plot. At first I thought this was an attempt at a Christian slasher movie, but it really failed there too as the heavy religion aspect didn't play any kind of role.

As a bad or campy film, it lacks there too. The dialogue was dry. I would say avoid at all costs.

Parental Guide: No f-bombs, sex, or nudity. $3.99 for a rental? They need to pay you to watch it. This should be out on some cheap sci-fi 12 pack.
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laredj8117 October 2018
Oh my God, what is this silliness ? silliness !!! It's than more silliness. How did become the cinema look at the cinema? It's beyond imagination. Surely 0.5/1000
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Painful to watch
johan-werner27 April 2011
This movie was so bad that I even thought about turning it off. It was boring and painful to watch. The script was terrible and I think the actors knew this because their acting was not any better. Please do not watch this movie and this is from someone who loves B-movies but not even I could see any entertainment in it. If we scrape a little on the surface it seems like the script was made for a much shorter movie as they had to fill it with meaningless junk like the movie characters having to repeat almost everything that another character was saying. Ontop of all this there was no thrill, no thought through story and it didn't even have enough gore or blood to be classed as a splatter, which would've saved it.
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Complete Garbage
barry-stevens15 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The worst acting i have ever seen in a film finally forced me to turn off after just 10 minutes!!! I don''t think this film was cast at all, more a case of first to show up got a part. The dialogues is so contrived, almost as if they are reading from the back of their hands and an attempt at an Irish accent by the priest was so bad it was hilarious.

Don't bother, if you are a serious horror fan you will be more than disappointed to say the least.

The crew & actors should be ashamed at just how bad they have made this film and have probably set a new standard in 'BAD', well done
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River of Darkness up for worst list
mikelang4231 March 2011
I love bad movies as a rule. Hey i have Plan B from Outer Space. Compared to that film which is very funny, River of Darkness should not be mentioned in the same sentence. There is not one member of the cast that can act. Kurt Angle should stick to wrestling. The story lines on TWA are way above the level of this drivel. Was Angle reading his lines of an \idiot board ? There seems to be no one in every time he speaks. The other wrestlers including Kevin Nash have no lines at all and still look like idiots as zombies in crap makeup. At one point a girl is pulled out of a boat. There are two others in this boat, a girl and a guy. The guy just sits there as if nothing has happened. There is no climax to this film. It suddenly just stops.This movie should with out doubt be in the all time worst movies ever made. Do not waste your money on this. Mike Lang. UK Brighton Sussex. 31/4/11.
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Expected more out of everyone and everything.
garycbelleville25 May 2011
Look I love wrestling, been a fan now for close to 40 years now. Just because I love wrestling it doesn't mean I love all the wrestler's movies, but I do make a point of watching them all. Call me curious or respectful but I must see them all. I was anxious to see this one I had heard of it I forget how exactly but when I saw saw it was available I grabbed it. To be completely honest, the part that I liked the most was when it ended and all the credits had gone by. Sorry, I guess I just expected so much more, especially from Kurt Angle, Not as much from his acting but from his acceptance to be in this movie. I never expect Academey award winning performances from my favorit wrestlers but I do expect them to at least be fussy about what class of movie their going to appear in. As a wrestler he is always very believable and sometimes I tend to wonder if he really is acting or not. So, got to admit, that's good acting no! Too bad he didn't do the same in this movie though. Even though he was probably the best out of them all. Kevin Nash should study the undertaker's movements if he wants to play more living dead characters, way too smooth, I seen him do a better zombie imitation in a wrestling ring. Sad.....

Apart from acting everything was terrible. The lighting, the stunts, special effects. For me, that is what really sunk this movie. If it was just a far as acting I could have rated this higher But no. My first 1 vote in history. Sorry. I just expected more.
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what a waste of potential
alice00916 November 2011
All the reviews I have read about this "movie" so far on IMDb i have found to be accurate. It is hard to express how abysmal this film is. It is truly hard to say anything good about it.

The main cast featuring big time wrestling stars including Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash is what brought this film to my attention. But after watching this I cant believe it even was green lit to be released. Its as if it was filmed in 1 day. For fun.

Terrible acting. Other reviewers have pointed this out and I don't disagree . The director clearly likes to use the first take for EVERY shot. It felt like the actors were just reading their lines (and the dialogue is laughable). Pure amateurish film making with terrible editing and kill scenes, and the whole film just looks dull.

This film fails on every level. It tries to be a thriller but is in no way thrilling. Its unfortunate that with the big name wrestling stars on the card that they opted to make this kind of movie.

Wrestling fans who seek this movie out will be highly disappointed at the lack of screen time that Kevin Nash and Sid Eudy actually get, and their faces are covered in really bad makeup anyway so they just look silly.

This is the worst movie I have ever seen. Kurt Angle is a credible wrestling star and I am a fan of his wrestling work, but he should be embarrassed by this release.
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River of Darkness 2010
rev9372 February 2011
Will Logan, a sheriff protecting his town from the resurrected Jacobs brothers (Nash, Sid and Bill Laing), siblings who were lynched long ago and are back to seek revenge from beyond the grave. When unspeakable evil falls on a quiet river town, Sheriff Logan (Kurt Angle) is thrust into a chilling nightmare of death and mayhem. He is confronted with a series of horrific murders, each more viscous than the last, and soon learns of the community's seedy past and the evil that has risen from purgatory to exact revenge on the town. When Sheriff Logan discovers that the murders are committed by the spirits of old river squatters, the Jacobs Boys, the town explodes into an battlefield of blazing guns and zombies.
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River of Darkness.....Beyond Words....
fedesi16 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of movies...good and bad, and from all over the world... but this must be one of the worst movies ever.. Top of my worsts movies is the unbelievable bad Reno 911..but River of Darkness is not so far away, believe me. In a small town down south,there's a sheriff,one of those wrestling guys who have anything better to do than bluff, scream to each other, hit with chairs,and pretend they hurt each other. OK, so this sheriff in a small peaceful town got a killer,he roams around with his truck asking questions to people but anyone seems to really give him an answer.The town must have 15 people because he keeps returning to the same places and asking the same people for help. One of the things that made me laugh was his stare after he saw the dead hanging from the boat, he just stare at nothing like he was actually thinking...LOL. Anyway, his brilliant deputy is so smart or he must have all figure it out by now that he reads magazines and answer the phone. Doesn't matter if it is a troubled woman with her daughter missing or a guy who claims he saw a guy in a burlap sack, he just take his time to react. The sheriff is an unbeliever, so to understand what is going on he thinks the best way is to hear an old lady praying and mumbling apocalyptic words all the time.. Turns out about 30 years ago a group lead by a vigilante name Hix killed an old man and his 3 slow thinking sons because a girl accused one of them of raping. When the "evil spirits" shows up they look like if they felt in mud,reminds me of Schwazzenegger in Predator when he puts mud on his face to cover from the alien heat scanner. The folks in town are mad because they think his sheriff cant and wont do anything about the murders, so they take matters into own hands once more and sends the lead vigilante Hix to the death tied up on a boat in the river. And there you go,simple as they came only God knows why ( anyone in the movie seems to know why they showed up 30 years after )they go away.. So, if you want to waste 1 hour and 24 minutes of your life just go and stare at the water in the toilet..for real
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The fog n'at
BandSAboutMovies4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Somehow, someone, somewhere decided that a remix of Striking Distance - a movie that means more in Pittsburgh than anywhere else in the world - and The Fog should star a bunch of pro wrestlers and our world is all the better, particularly because they decided that Kurt Angle should play the lead, Sheriff Will Logan.

That someone is probably director and writer Bruce Koehler, who also made American Ouija. He cast Sid Vicious and Kevin Nash as the spectral Jacobs brothers, as well as the one-time Glacier Ray Lloyd and local Pittsburgh wrestler Jason Winn "J. B. Destiny" Bareford, once an assistant to George Romero and the 2007 Guinness World Record holder for the Most Consecutive Kicks To One's Own Head in Sixty Seconds, which he won by kicking himself 57 times in the head in one minute. He plays Angle's deputy in here. And that Dave Hawk guy in the credits? He was Angle's manager when this was filmed.

Pittsburgh movie fans will probably more excited to see first zombie - and the maker of Flesheater - S. William Hinzman as well as noted Steel City stage legend Bingo O'Malley.

It's shocking that this movie has an IMDB estimated budget of $3 million dollars, a budget I would be keen to dismiss. But who knows? It's not the first movie that Angle made with Koehler, as End Game was the first. There's also Death from Above, which adds Tom Savini and Robert Z'Dar to the yinzer and pro wrestling cast. Oh yeah - Matt Morgan, Rhyno, ODB and James Storm are all in that, so the TNA influence was heavy. Seeing as how it was also shot in Pittsburgh, I guess I'll have to watch that too.
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Dear Parents, If you ever want to punish your kids...here ya go
DocEphraimBates16 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm pretty sure that if you are still reading the reviews on this movie by the time you get to mine, you're just doing it for the sheer schadenfreude of it. With that in mind, here is my review:

I'll start out by using a line from the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" when King Arthur, Sir Robin, Bors, and crew encounter the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog, "Run Away!! RUN AWAY!!!" Believe the hype, folks, because River of Darkness really IS that bad, and you really SHOULD run away.

Here are just a few of my favourite horrifically acted scenes: #1. Toward the beginning of the movie, Kurt Angle's character is either trying to say "Mother of God" or "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph", but what actually comes out of his mouth is "Mother of Mary and Joseph". Call me a slacker on my Bible lessons, but I'm really quite certain that Mary and Joseph did not share the same mother. Quite certain, indeed.

NEXT!!! #2. At a scene where a rabble of rednecks are sitting around talking about the murders that have just recently taken place, one of them is quick to point out that, "...there is an old wise tale..." Old WISE tale? Sure, I get it that there is such a thing as "old wise tales", but you can tell from the emphasis that the reddy puts on certain words that he was obviously going for "old WIVES tale". No one had the nerve to say, "CUT!!" and tell the guy the error of his ways?

And my favourite one of all: #3. Afer there have been several grisly murders down by ye olde River of Darkness, a scene happens along in this film that utterly defies explanation and logic. It starts with a woman sitting at a kitchen table and peeling potatoes, and it's dark outside. As she is peeling the spuds, her 7-8-year-old daughter comes downstairs, putting on her jacket and telling her mother that she is going down to the river (yes...the river of darkness) to catch crawdads or minnows or lightning bugs, etc. Her mother, wanting to be a good mother, asks her the following question, "Have you finished all your homework?" Really?? Yeah, really. And then, upon finding out that her daughter has been thwacked by said grisly murderers by the river of darkness, the mother has the gall to blame the frickin' sheriff!! Somebody call that credit card company because this is priceless.

A couple of things about this movie before I close. The writer/director of this movie and Kurt Angle are from Pittsburgh, PA, and since this is where the movie is shot, I feel pretty certain the powers that be on this film just went and raided the local Pittsburgh SAG Rolodex. All of the minor roles in this film...aka people that die...are either from Pittsburgh or have hardly any other acting credentials to speak of on their IMDb page. Also, there was an editor on this movie. ???!!!!! I know...that's what I said. Honest to Pete, I'd LOVE to see the takes that didn't make this film. Finally, it says in the IMDb file for this movie that it had an estimated budget of somewhere in the ballpark of 3.3 million dollars. I really wish they had spent some of that money on a decent camera. This whole film looks like it was shot from somebody's flip phone. Although, I'm pretty sure the most expensive cameras that money could buy wouldn't have been able to save this movie from becoming a soon to be viewed Mystery Science Theater 3000 subject.
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