Make My Day (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

(2023– )

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Uncanny art and mediocre voice acting makes the story and characters hard to take seriously
RogerBorg3 February 2023
The visuals here are bold and interesting, a mix of traditional hand-drawn backgrounds and prop art, and stylised cell shaded CGI characters, not entirely unlike Arcane.

But not very much like it either, and this suffers badly by comparison. Bold and interesting doesn't imply success: the characterisation, clumsily keyframed facial expressions and frame rate are all sub par here - this is practically a slideshow.

The other thing that you could compare the character animation to is the Sims, and again, not particularly kindly.

The plot feels gamerish too, like watching an endless cut-scene for a 2010-era survival horror, where the unexperienced but spunky young protagonist in his exo-suit battles alien tentacle-bugs.

And that really is all we're getting here, an inexplicably hyper-militarised convict mining operation versus bad-touch space tardigrades. Nothing that we haven't done seen before - many, times - and better.

At eight 20 minutes episodes, you can rip through it quickly enough, although even at that length I found myself skipping some tedious flashbacks, and cringe inducing attempts at forcing pathos and drama into later episodes.

The plot, such as it is, reveals itself fully by episode 3, but with a whopping great contradiction in it. What we're told differs from what we've just seen, and there are constant reminders of this that make our protagonists' peril more than it needs to be.

Our main protagonist Jim doesn't have an arc so much as a flipped-switch, again in episode 3. Paired with the uninvolving animation and strictly workmanlike voice acting that quickly dissolves into the tedious anime "Oh!" and "Aaargh!", it makes it hard to take any of this seriously.

Perhaps that's not a bad thing. Sometimes you just want to watch space bugs eat faces and blow up, and you get a fair amount of that here. Not really enough to justify the tedious talky bits in between though.

Watch it, or skip it and forget it, your life won't be different either way.
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It's the attaaaack of the killer water bears~
vexed_writer3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Free TL;DR: It's not great, but it isn't terrible. I was entertained, and only started rolling my eyes near the end.

The Good:

The animation. I like this animation style that Netflix has been using on a few of it's shows now. Make My Day is basically a CGI anime but the wax figure/animatronic-looking CGI that usually comes out of Japan is replaced with the same style used in Arcane and a couple other Netflix projects I've scrolled past without watching. It looks pretty good.

The characters. They do a decent job on the characters. They have fairly fleshed out and believable personalities and motivations. Each character has their shades of gray, with some behaving selfishly or cowardly and others more heroically with various degrees of jadedness. They felt human, and, at least in the first half of the series, characters behave intelligently, thinking their way out of situations or struggling hard enough to make it through. This gradually gets replaced with increasing amounts of plot armor and deus ex toward the end, but at least initially the characters' survival felt like something they achieved rather than something that was handed to them by the plot.

The setting. I felt like the bleak colony world setting was skillfully established and used to decent effect throughout the story. The world is essentially a penal colony trying to make something of itself before hibernating hostile aliens are uncovered by their mining operations. A frigid climate and toxic atmosphere provide additional challenges for the characters to work around, and the story uses the setting well enough.

The Bad:

Ham-fisted redemption of irredeemable characters. There are several characters in this story who deserve to die by the end of it. Characters directly responsible for the deaths of many others or who do everything in their power to save themselves at the cost of everyone around them, and there is no comeuppance. Each one either does some token nice thing at the last minute which in no way makes up for what they did or tried to do before, or, less than that, they just sort of show a little regret or meloncholy over it and offer an apology and the story treats them like they've been fully redeemed. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

The monsters. So. Yeah. They're giant flying water bears. I understand taking inspiration from real life, that's great, but you have to do more than just enlarge a tardigrade, make it yellow, and have it eat people and poop out corpses. It also feels strange that none of the characters comment on the resemblance, given how exactly like water bears these things look. I get that water bears are very resilient, and that's kind of the theme with these monsters, but the animators could have made the resemblance a little less on-the-nose. I kept humming the theme song to Attack of the Killer Tomatoes every time they came floating at the camera in a big hoard, and while this was entertaining for me, I don't think it was what the show was trying to accomplish.

Last few episodes. 'Member when I said there wasn't too much plot armor or deus ex in the first bit of the series? Well they do a 180 on that in the last few. The plot starts dropping exactly what they need in any given moment near the end, and the main cast increasingly benefits from main character invulnerability. A woman gives birth in record time with no complications while a hoard of aliens apparently decides to hold back politely out of respect for the new mother? Debris falling from orbit falls just slowly enough for the main characters to escape the devastation. Bullets fired from a lethally precise robot wiz harmlessly past the protagonist on all sides without so much as grazing him. Because. Flying water bears which previously attacked military aircraft are blocked by walls of short, squat crates they can't seem to fly over for some reason. A complex mass accelerator still functions perfectly after the ground literally collapses beneath it, making it lean like the Tower of Pisa, which also happens to help the protagonists out of a different problem.

Missing scenes? The last two episodes both had moments where the story seemed to jump very quickly from one point to another with a feeling of disconnect. At one point they see debris falling from orbit and someone tells everyone to "get away from the windows." This implies that they don't have time to get out and are going to attempt to hunker down. Then, in the very next scene they are racing away in an armored vehicle, which apparently they were able to get to. Did they change their minds on the best course of action? How were they able to get a newborn baby, a mother who had just given birth, and two wounded people geared up and into the vehicle in time? Don't know, and evidently it wasn't important enough to show. Again, in the last episode, we go from being launched into space, to suddenly the doctor is administering CPR to the baby who I guess is choking on something? It felt like the scene, which must have existed, wherein everyone should have been relieved to have escaped but then discover there was something wrong with the baby was cut to save run time. Maybe. These transitions left me feeling like I must have missed something, but rewinding revealed that there was nothing in between the two discordant scenes in either episode.

Despite these complaints, it's not a bad show. Maybe my standards have been lowered by years of mediocre entertainment, but I finished the series without feeling like I had wasted my time. I was entertained, and most of the bits that really bothered me were only in the last few episodes, and I felt they were mostly forgivable issues. The show isn't something to write home about, but it's not bad.
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Go ahead... Make my Day?
rodneyn0513 February 2023
It's hard to write a review that doesn't cover what's been written before.

This anime, like most, suffers from typical anime issues. A young person is thrust into the spotlight to lead a group (or themselves) out of danger. They're initially shy and awkward, and then an episode later they're running around like they own the world, being impossibly awesome. It also has the same basic issue of static images with monologue look like stills, and it's hard to know whether the dubbing has been extended from the original or not, with a single frame paused to provide the additional time to bore us all with exposition. Add to that the 'surprise face' that the main character has and the 'oh, uh, ooh, waah' that we're constantly fed, makes me wonder whether this person is a newborn experiencing everything for the first time.

As many other reviewers have pointed out, the art work is great, and initially drew me into the show, however the show is let down by almost everything else. Including the basic plotline that just doesn't make sense.

Like, why is there a whole civilisation living on a barren frozen planet just to mine some special rock? If it's a penal colony, does there really need to be a whole city? How did the city get built if the air is toxic? Where do they get oxygen/nitrogen from to breathe? If it's a barren rock, why does the main building have a massive defence system? How come the tardigrades start to explode outside but not when shot hundreds of times in the mine? Why make this special mineral into little cubes that need to be fed in to machines like coins into a slot machine?

The plot conveniences are numerous and just go to show that, sadly, people can not write TV shows anymore.

If you're bored and really need something to watch, it's ok, but it's not going to win any awards for excitement nor originalism. Ah Netflix, you've done it again.
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A frustrating watch. At first I thought it had promise, but. in retrospect, no.
blackferret-14 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm amazed that I sat through the entire series. This is a series about stupid characters bumbling their way out of an alien bug assault while the writers go out of their way to provide plot armor to explain why they are not dead already.

The alien bugs get to be tedious and are inconsistently handled. I only write about them first because they still more interesting than the human characters They are at once a force of nature that cannot be stopped and something that can be easily killed or held off by a few people. There's also little originality in their design. They look exactly like giant, glowing tardigrades (aka water bears), such that I thought it would be a plot point about them being tardigrades being sent into space for scientific experiments that landed on the planet and mutated, or something. But they are just big alien bugs and that's it. Also, considering how many there are, I'm shocked that there is any of the Sig substance they feed off of left on the planet, considering that it's a mineral, which is non-replenishing, and there are so many of these bugs that they can fill the horizon with their numbers. The only culling force is a giant Dune-worm (awarding even less points for originality) which is only revealed and shows up at the very end to provide plot armor for the characters.

The CGI animation is off-putting. The look of the bugs, machines, and the environments are fine, but the looks and animation of the characters is vintage 1990s computer game. But their personalities are the deal downside. I quickly got sick of looking at many of them due to a combination of how they did the character designs, as well as their personalities. A couple characters are ok, like Walter, although even he has a moment of pure stupidity or two.

The main character is Jim, and his default expression is Heroic Bluescreen Of Death, as he just stands there in abject shock for the longest time at every little inconvenience or surprise that occurs, with the screen focused solely on his idiot face for extended periods of time. He also quickly alternates between utterly useless and the most competent person in the group. His girlfriend is perhaps the most detrimental to the group, in that she often convinces the characters to save, or at least not kill, other characters who have caused trouble and threatened their safety, and whom the audience absolutely knows will do it again (I'm looking at you Bark and Howard). And they do. It's amazing how much less difficult their getting off-world would have been with a couple well-placed bullets. The writers give some plot moments to justify their being saved, however, but it feels highly contrived, and they probably wouldn't have needed to get to those points if not for the problems caused by said characters earlier in the series in the first place. She is also pregnant, leading to an agonizingly long birth scene that I literally fast forwarded through as quickly as I could, and it still took too long at that speed. The secondary characters are a mixed bag, like trail mix, if someone had already taken the chocolate, raisins, and pretzels out, leaving only the granola and kale chips. Walter is ok, as the one who is with Jim most of the time. The others are more plot elements than characters, there to provide either useful info or create obstacles as the story needs. Their personalities range from either heavily cliche (again, looking at you, cold-hearted military officer Bark), or just outright bizarre and loudly annoying. They are like the NPCs of a game like Half-Life, which give you info before they die in a cutscene, except, in this case, they actually stay and follow the player along throughout the entire game.

Pacing is terrible. The characters spend what feels like eternity saying goodbyes or similar dialogue when time is short and they need to go someplace in a hurry. At one point Jim is trying to escape a room whose door is being bashed down by a bug, and he concocts a plan making rope from a sheet that should have taken a good half hour to do, at least, but is somehow done within about 30 seconds. Apparently he has the power of "montage speed."

There might have been some potential in the concept of an ice prison on a mining planet facing a suddenly-released alien threat, but this just does not work at all. The bug assault is both rushed (when offscreen) and takes forever (when onscreen with the characters). There is no originality or variance to the bugs, like in even Starship Troopers. The characters are insufferably stupid, getting in their own way more than the bugs do. Take my advice and avoid this series. I give it two stars for, well,... I liked Casper the robot.
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Seem altruism but in fact very selfish
toddcha4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The worms take a huge part in the series. They are the key that makes this series interesting. Some may think the worms are just a form of evil in other series/moves of the same kind but consider everything else is so predictable. What makes this series less appealing is the personality of the leading actor. A weak, self-doubting, but a bit chivalry person saves the world. So classic. Parts of the series touch upon the selfish side of humanity but did it in a very shallow way. Once you have these ingredients for the series, everything just simply falls out. Noting really shocks you. That is, a mediocre script. Typically, in this type of setting, the lame actor grows through unfair treatments, self questioning and challenges. Eventually he learns confidence and how to fight back. He may still have his righteous sense of morality and I-can-save-everyone naive. But this series is a bit different: he just wants to stay conscious clean. Seems a great man but deep down still for himself.
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Starts of well but the awful script ruins it.
deltagilbert4 February 2023
The basic premise of the show is 'big bugs discovered on an icy mining colony start eating everyone'.

The first two episodes were interesting. I thought it was some kind of animated spin off from the Lost Planet series of videogames and I was waiting to see bigger and more crazy looking bugs show up (which they never did). By episode 3 the plot had descended into badly written, non-stop, cringe inducing dialogue about emotions and how people should help each other with very little action to keep me entertained.

The bugs quickly became boring and each new character that the story introduces is more irritating than the last.

The animation is pretty good. Similar to Arcane but not as colorful and smooth.

After episodes one and two the series isn't worth watching. I watched the dubbed version because I was tired and too lazy to reach for my glasses. This was a mistake as the dubbing is possibly the worst I've ever heard. It might be slightly better with subtitles but not by much.

In summary, avoid.
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Good art sytle, but...
robert-n-strickland16 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
With out spoiling anything... I like the human interest story, but when the main character figures out how to end the threat in episode I think 3 he does not bother to tell anyone. Of course if he did the show would be over because the threat would be over. Is he selfish or stupid or both. He does not seem stupid for other reasons so if you want to watch a human interest story about a emotional cripple go ahead; none of us real people are perfect. The sci-fi concepts are interesting too. The dub is good. The characters over all are likable. Its just that elephant sized fly in the ointment plot device to keep up the danger that breaks it for me.
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Drama at a planet full of worms
danielcalegari11 February 2023
Initially it looks good but after 2 episodes it is ruined! The creatures are never explained, but they float and are hungry.

If you get it in original dub, japanese, you feel like watching a drama, to much emotional, about stupid people doing a service to save a young woman giving birth to a baby. Forget the scifi context.

But... If you are watching in Brazilian dubbing, you have to hear that bad accent of Alexandre Moreno crying as dr. Boyd. Be careful, it is hateful.

This episode 7 could be cut off and nothing would be missing at the whole story.

Sometime animation get slow and tedious... Everybody is just chatting useless speech while trapped againg at some base, alone, as all others already have flied.

Then they get runing again to other place, just as before, very easy to find a truck or new ship.

Maybe the original japaneses mangá drawing is a bit more interesting...
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More watchable anime from Netflix
krachtm30 August 2023
On a frozen frontier planet, criminals sentenced to hard labor and their guards have to fight off hardy creatures who feed on their power source.

The first thing I noticed was that the art was pretty good. Then I noticed that a lot of it was in a rather stylized computer-generated style. It's not bad, but it gives faces and hair a plastic-like appearance reminiscent of older, cheaper video games. Sometimes it looks nice, but the plastic faces can be a little off-putting at times, especially when you compare them to screenshots of the newest games.

The monsters are reminiscent of tardigrades, probably to explain why they're living on a frozen wasteland with poisonous air. They're initially presented as immortal, but the protagonists soon figure out some weaknesses. There's a little more that gets done with the creatures, but that's pretty much it. The science fiction elements a bit minimal and mostly provide some quick world building.

Our protagonist, Jim, is a likeable sort though a bit of a generic everyman. He's an artist who has ignored his dreams and is too shy to tell his friend how he feels. There aren't really any surprises in his character arc, but you may be surprised at how much of a fearless and badass soldier he is. It turns out that all you really need to reach your potential is a lot of heart and maybe a training video or two.

Jim's new best friend is a criminal who repeatedly shows courage and honor. When Jim finally learns his crime, it introduces the core theme: redemption. Most characters are a bit cliched, and some don't really have any defined personality beyond "Jim's love interest". However, their flaws and redemption arcs can give them a bit more depth than you might usually see. It's a mixed bag that may work as long as you're not looking for something grimdark.

I had to fast forward through a couple scenes because they were just too long and boring, which is very rare for me. However, one of them was a scene where Jim's girlfriend, a surrogate mother, gave birth. It felt like it went on forever, though it might have just been my annoyance with having to listen to all that yelling. Overall, I thought the pacing was fine, but the series probably didn't need to be quite this long.

If you don't mind your science fiction being a bit generic and lawful good, it's pretty watchable. It's better than some of the stuff I've seen on Netflix.
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Losses gas by episode 5
ryanmkincaid6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Too much exposition and an inability to match the sense of urgency in story with sloppy storytelling hampers this series in an unbearably bad way. Knowing that the motley crew has a finite time left to abandon the planet, instead of evacuating to the few remaining escape shuttles left, they instead spend precious time arguing in a lab. This time of exposition which is quite unnecessary is frustratingly painful to sit through as a viewer. Couple it with characters that you grow to hate (I'm talking about you, Jim) it grows exhausting to watch. Couple that with an I'll timed birth sequence and you just want to turn the series off by episode 6. It's bad. Animation is gorgeous but story is awful.
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A good sci fi adventure with a lot of heart
goguvarra16 April 2023
Quick review, as I can t understand all the other bad reviews here.

Maybe not the most original series but it s a nice well told adventure.

The characters are also well written even though it has its cheesy moments.

Also liked the fact that it s an optimistic show, with characters that grow, learn to forgive each other s shortcomings and try to improve their situation. Everybody grows into a well oiled team and helps each other out.

That is extremely satisfying and I found myself liking them more and more and rooting for everyone to get out alive...including the robot sidekick. He s the best.

Granted, the characters don t bring anything new to the table and they aren t something that you haven t seen before, but it works and their motivations make sense.

Just one character is annoying and always a crybaby which I couldn t stand. But the writers decided to save him to and he kind of reemeds himself too by the end.

So, stop being being such harsh critics and enjoy the feel good sensation that this show spreads.

Again, not the most original or best written, but it is a well executed story with a big heart, in my opinion.
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Marnie drags!
etoysalarin14 February 2023
Ah where to begin. Two episodes in, I was like, oh yeah! Lots of military scifi action. Animation is bad. Not really my cup of tea. But the premise of the story/plot is interesting.

Then the next couple episodes. The main character is weak. Though has tremendous potential. As always in japanese animé. Then the huge drama that comes with the Marnie character. Boy! This girl can cry! Again, thats japan for you. Want to inject a much needed drama? Make one or more characters wail and scream as loud as she can an cry an ocean of tears in the longest possible scene. I hope she gets eaten. But nah. She's the drama.

Then the rest of the episodes. Which are just filler episodes. Not much fun for me. But if you're a fan of extended loud crying in a very dated animation style, still a big no.
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Should have been a 90 minute movie
Camikka12 February 2023
I don't get why they made this into an 8 episode series. There will be no season 2, there's A LOT of filler, even in the short 20-minute episodes, and whatever air of "mistery" there is at the beginning it's gone by the third episode.

From then on it's basically a survival video game sprinkled with lots of useless, nonsensical dialogue. Half the characters are basically plot devices and mostly everthing they say is exposition.

The pacing is really, really bad. Characters stoping to have long discussions about every little thing undermines all the sense of urgency and chaos of the events going on around them. After a while you just don't care anymore, as there are no consequences from any of this.

The premise is interesting, but it gets smothered in such bad writing it's a shame.
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Ugly, uncomfortable, poorly paced, uninspired
bored_bingewatcher13 May 2023
Make My Day is absolutely terrible start to finish. I see reviews saying they liked the first two episodes, but those suck as well, though I think I know what they're talking about. So let's get down what I dislike about this series.

Firstly, the animation is in my opinion hideous. I get that this color scheme and these textures might appeal to some, but not to me. But even if you don't find it ugly, the movements just suck.

Secondly, the main character is a generic MC underdog that we're supposed to root for as he magically gets super competent. This trope annoys me to no end. But what makes it ten times worse here to the point of causing me physical pain is that his voice actor sounds constantly out of breath, and he is talking, or panting all the time.

Which brings me to the third point. The dialogue doesn't flow at all. They talk for what seems to be forever in the middle of every scene, slow and repetitive to the point of stating the same line three times.

On that note, the pacing absolutely sucks. The first two episodes are very fast-paced and have a lot of large-scale plot points, which is probably why some reviewers consider it good, but to me it went too fast. They kill off the entire prison and hometown like it's no big deal. The subsequent episodes in the middle and end move so slow due to the slow, long dialogues and largely feature only the established ten or so characters. It's really boring.

And to top it all off, there was barely any creativity here. The Swarm have the design of generic real-life bugs, the only twist is that they blow up. The company is barely developed and what little we get to know of them makes them seem like the bad guys in Avatar, except that they're not the main villains because the bugs want unobtanium... I mean sig. The planet has only very basic biomes/landscapes, no other fauna than the swarm, and the only flora shows up for one minute in the end.
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Did not make my day 4/10
gm-6471627 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this 4/10 because I liked the first 3 episodes; after that I quickly realized why it was originally slated to be a movie and not a series, and how abandoning that decision seems to have ruined what otherwise could have worked.

However if it absolutely must be a series, here is how I would've preferred it be done.


A) their illumination is reserved for rudimentary communication (with each other / only for simple things), or emotional indicators (hunger, anger, surprise, fear, etc.), thus giving them more ability to be sneaky and menacing, rather than goofy paper lanterns.

B) they would be able to spray limited quantities of digestive acid capable of severely damaging organics and some non-organics, although this would be used infrequently to avoid setting off trope alarms.

C) they would be somewhat able to digest organic life forms, although it would give them much less energy than sig (like a diet of potato chips or fritos), so while the latter would remain their primary objective, they would still retain a basic predatory impulse towards humans.

D) Their damage resistance would be clarified - outer shell able to withstand punctures / slashes equivalent to small caliber rounds, almost complete immunity vs blunt force, while their tongue tentacles would remain vulnerable while extended (although they would quickly heal). And they would not pass out from pain... especially not from a freakin' steak knife.

E) Their resemblance to tardigrades would be briefly commented on in the beginning, and their connection pondered although initially there would be no answers until later in the series when they encounter the scientist, who theorizes that Tardigrades may have been seeded across the galaxy by ancient aliens (preposterous, of course! ...right?).

Done worms:

A) More like gigantic centipedes with a bazillion segmented legs, and micro feelers that are able to detect and nab humans, which they are quite willing to munch on while going after tardigrades


1) Everything up through the excavator scene is OK and would remain as-is, however after Jim buried the tardigrades, he and Walter are flying back in the hover truck watching the dust settle and beginning to congratulate themselves on containing the threat, when there is an earthquake followed by an explosion of debris as one of dune worms - barely seen through the dust clouds, debris showers and camera wobble - bursts through the ground with a mouthful of tardigrades surging up past the truck before diving back under the surface, leaving a huge fissure which the rest of the swarm boils out of.

2) The next couple episodes would cover a period of days or weeks, wherein the military fights a slowly losing battle to repel the tardigrades using some cool tech including powered armor (in other words, exosuits enclosed in protective armor, which is a very logical progression that never appeared), and some heavy duty robot casts that aren't so gimpy.

3) Finally a dune worm shatters the remaining resistance, and all efforts turn toward planetary evacuation - this like the defense efforts are shown in more detail rather than spending the time on dimwitted exposition attempts and weak character interaction. Give them more events to respond to and let them define themselves by how they respond, rather than the gratuitous plop we were given.

4) Jim doesn't get peed on or made to wear high heels - no judgment but those things did nothing for me personally.

5) The scientist is an "Ancient Aliens" type who is regarded as a crackpot by most, but who was in the right place at the right on this one, and in fact (may) even be onto something (this credibility is generally overshadowed by all of his other theories that he tries to work into any conversation).

6) The characters all die one by one save Jim, Marnie and Walter who are protected by plot armor until they locate a shuttle that was left behind due to maintenance; Walter is able to get it working but dies before he can board, and Jim and Marnie blast off as the city is overrun by tardigrades and a couple dune worms who are slugging it out for the best seat at the dinner table.

7) Marnie delivers her baby under high G with only Jim there to get her through it... ofc she does make it through, along with the baby, and they link up with the waiting space tanker.

8) Unfortunately we soon discover the military has some tardigrades in the hold which break out, and... the season ends there on a cliffhanger.
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Supid story about stupid people with poor animation
bartkaibartka31 August 2023
What's the point of making an animated movie that has lower quality than every cutscene in even a low-budget game? I have no idea.

The first two episodes can be watched, apart from the wooden animation, there is some mystery. Unfortunately, the next episodes are so boring and nonsense that only rewinding with a preview helps. The characters talk terrible nonsense, act like morons. The monster attacks and the main character reminisces about his childhood and contemplates his feelings. The monster is polite and waits. The message of the film is ... stupid no one gets punished for anything even for trying to kill a toddler. The monsters themselves are another nonsense, filled with explosive gas, for the first part of the series they do not explode at all even after being hit by a cannon or rocket, then they even explode on their own. If there are two, one explodes from the other, but if there are about a million of them in one cluster, then not. Fighting them is also boring, just millions of monsters fly towards the defenders and they shoot non-stop. There's an infinite number of monsters, so shooting doesn't do anything.
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It gets a solid 10/10 and heres why
nickwakey25 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw it advertised on my landing page and clicked on it 'cos it was sci-fi but didn't have enough time to watch the first episode there and then. Come Friday evening and I fancied watching sci-fi and the clip I saw earlier in the week popped into my head. Straight from the off I was engrossed. The character animation, voicing, music and sfx were seamless and the cliff hanger endings of each episode enticed me to click the "next episode" button even though it was way past bedtime and getting further away with each intriguing cliff hanger episode.

The pacing is perfect and never looses momentum the whole time. I was hooked from the start and binge watched the whole thing; all eight episodes in one sitting.

I do hope the same team, writers, actors and actresses and everyone else involved in this make the next series, and more sci-fi products in the future. I do hope Walter gets pardoned for saving so many people, so many times and stays with Jim, Marnie and Kou.

Its nice to have happy episodes with a happy ending. Lifes bad enough without seeing people on tv having a bad time of things too.

Don't can this Netflix. I feel the Make My Day universe is a blank book of potentiality.

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Avoid as story and characters simoly sucks
matejkaarnost27 August 2023
Started to watch it as first two episodes have something to a good start. However after discovery of aliens the whole series goes nose down.

Story is totally depleted on the start and furthermore they just prolong everything as much as it can be.

Adding more and more irritating characters which are single minded or very inconsistent ( starting as crazy and in few minutes later are totally ok, then again crazy...).

Inconsistency is even in firstly impossible to kill bugs, later they are exploding to later again no explosions (as it would be quite boring when in swarm one destroyed all desteoyed at once.)

So let's say one and half episode ok, then total trash. Also nothinh new from initial discovery is shown, zero story progress or anything interesting developed till the end.
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Horrific dialogue, and WAY too long!
divemabini8 June 2023
I will echo what others have said, this show is WAY too long. It could have been half as many episodes, and still got its point across.

What is its point? Well, from what I can gather after a quick watch is that, "everyone is redeemable, and worth saving" matter how many times they F you over or try to kill you. This is a standard trope in a lot of these Netflix anime shows. Sometimes it works...

...but sometimes it doesn't. Like here.

The characters are mostly unlikeable. Act irrationally. Constantly have a ticking clock of doom, yet spend pointless minutes in cringe-inducing monologues or dialogue. And the lead, going from a whiny brat scaredy-cat kid, to a macho-man, in the span of 5 minutes is eye-rollingly bad.

Great premise. Horrific execution.
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Great story, voice acting was a little off sometimes.
chwpqknyp8 March 2023
Animation style was very different, but I did throughly enjoy this new style despite it being fairly new.

The story was absolutely amazing! You'll experience a range of emotions from hatred, despair, victory's and joy. I'd say it's like a sci-fi apocalypse with weird a huge alien swarm. Despite me thinking this'd be a Medicare story I was simply blown away. I binged the whole thing in one sitting. With the story only being 8 episodes and with a huge open ended cliff hanger it makes me want to know more about this new universe I've stumbled across on.

The voice acting was decent, not perfect but it was doable. Some of the lines too were a little cheesy, and I didn't feel they were delivered well.

Overall I'd definitely recommend watching this show. Some parts are predictable, but the delivery of each scene was amazing.
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Sci-fi anime about redemption and forgiveness works well
healingtoolbox1 September 2023
Outstanding example of how to write characters and character arcs. Professional, committed English voice acting.

A well-written original story is the big asset here. Less violence and action than most animes. The very unusual writing highlights the redemption of several unsavory characters, using forgiveness without violins or abandoning its gritty sci-fi genre track.

The eight episodes don't culminate in a tight third act. The story was designed to continue if there was a second season. Still the ending works well enuf to satisfy.

I think this is computer assisted Blender animation, nicely done. Not flashy yet not trashy in any respect.

Congratulations to all who created this.
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