The Legend of the Titanic (1999) Poster

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What is wrong with humanity?
getarounditschool8 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
At the time of writing, this is rated higher than The Legend Goes On, and I fail to understand why. The Legend Goes On was offensive and stupid, but this is even more so! It hijacks the titanic story to turn it into an environmental movie, and does so incredibly poorly. The animation, voice acting and audio editing is sub par at best, and worst of all, it says that nobody died on the Titanic!

Not to mention the padding, the terrible writing, and the downright creepy moments, like the main male lead sniffing the main female lead's glove deeply near the start after letting his dog steal it, or one of the main mouse characters fawning over a human female. What is wrong with the writers and director of this animated monstrosity, this... slight against good taste disguised as a film for little children?
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People are dumb enough to fall for this
carrotyamed16 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the most awful titanic film. This movie falls short on all elements that make a movie excellent. Besides being full of Clichés like the typical "I don't want to marry him" and "magical thing saves the day" and "good vs evil" , this movie can't even decide what it wants to be. We have mice, people, an octopus, whales, and dolphins mixed in a movie that has no focus. WHO CARES!?! They butchered a tragic story into a disgustingly simple "good vs. evil" play meant to inform people to stop hunting whales. By God, if you want to inform people about whales, do it somewhere else please. This movie also, deliberately, shamelessly, insults the people who died on that boat. It says everyone survived and were saved by whales. More of that dumb whale flashing again. It also doesn't have educational value, since it claims a gang of sharks told a giant octopus to throw an iceberg in front of the boat, and the boat sank. So I recommend not watching this, it's in the bottom 100, and Damn, THE RATING IS 1.6 STARS!
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It's exactly as bad as everyone says
tmwna11 February 2019
Just WTF. The film is basically feels like the net result of if you showed the James Cameron film to a three year old, and a week later gave them a bunch of crayons and asked them to draw what they thought the film was about, and presented the pictures to animators as a legitimate storyboard.
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Worst Animated Film Ever!
trevhall629 February 2020
Why was this film made? You basically take the tragic fate of Titanic and turn it into some environmental film?! I'm sorry, but what was wrong with the makers of this film. If you want to do a save the whales movie, then just make another sequel to Free Willy instead! The fact that this film insults the tragedy of Titanic and its victims just sickens me. I would rather watch James Cameron's Titanic movie instead of this one. Nuff said!
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So many positive reviews...
tazzygal23 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers

The first reviews I encountered, upon looking up this piece of offal, were all starred very highly and encouraged adults to pick up Legend of the Titanic for their young kids, because it's a "fun movie" and has "cute talking animals."

What the hell is everyone smoking?!

Cute talking animals do not a decent movie make. This story is horrendous! I came to IMDb to see if I could scout out an information about why this particular piece of garbage was created in the first place. The Nostalgia Critic theorized that someone must have thought the James Cameron film was a story about a fictional ship and the creators of the animated title went with a "kid friendly" take on the "legend."

I was really hoping to find some evidence that the people responsible for this stupid, stupid movie really didn't know this was a true story and were trying to re-tell a fairy tale. If the script-writers and directors knew that the Titanic was a true tragedy, and STILL went with the people all being saved by magical whales, I weep for humanity.

This is NOT a good show for kids. It's historically inaccurate, treats a serious subject with disdain, and is just plain disrespectful to the people who died.

Do NOT believe what people say. Cute animals are not enough to justify showing this crap to your child.
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The Worst Cinema Has to Offer
matthewmeduri4 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This work of pure genius takes one of the most catastrophic disasters of all time and completely adulterates it. Lousy, confusing writing, shallow characters, needlessly anthropomorphic animals, terrible animation, awful voice acting, and historical inaccuracies make this film something I would only let kids watch if I wanted to punish them. There are literally no redeeming qualities to this movie. Not to mention that it asserts that the R.M.S Titanic did not sink - and no lives were lost - due to a friendly giant octopus. So when your kid wants to hear the tragic tale of the Titanic and the hundreds of lives lost, just tell them that the history books were wrong, and it was all because of moonbeam magic and underwater evil shark gangs that talk like they're in Goodfellas. Waste of time and incredibly insulting to the tragedy itself.
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As awful as it sounds
ericstevenson18 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised that the most liked reviews here are the highest rated ones. Well, who am I to judge anyone? You should really go with the Nostalgia Critic on this one and flat out avoid it. He actually made a big mistake in reviewing this. He said that this one came after the other one, but this one came out first. I guess that technically doesn't make it as bad? I mean, the other one went so far as to rip "this" off. Of course, it's still an awful movie. The animation seems very jilted. A lot of times, it's just the same motion being shown over and over. I guess it's particularly bad because it's based on a true story.

Well no it really isn't. What made this movie unwatchable was how boring it was. Even for less than 90 minutes, this film still seemed to go on forever. It's mostly because a lot of the scenes are nothing but dialogue. I'm serious, it's just these mice talking about safety for like five minutes! It got worse as the movie went on. You'd think I'd be happy because such an awful film would be ending soon, but it just dragged on more and more. I was thinking that they could have at least have it be a tad realistic by showing at least the talking octopus and electrocuted mouse dying. Nope, they survive with everyone else!

The mouse that narrates the story claims that he knows what really happened to the Titanic. Yeah, apparently the newspapers and history books somehow covered it up that everyone survived! This is insane. Why would anyone even do this? We see all the people living, even the captain! How could the information possibly get misinterpreted like that?! Now, the mouse's wife does say that he's exaggerating, so I guess I can give the film that? It's still the worst animated movie I've ever seen. The voices in this film are horrendous. It was originally made in Italian, so I guess I could blame some of this on the dubbing, but it's still terrible.

We see dolphins that are flying around because of magic moon beams (!) and a bunch of whales who barely appear at all. This is easily a knockoff of the 1997 "Titanic" movie. That happens to be my brother's favorite movie. I doubt he'd like this! Knockoff products are rarely, if ever, good. It's just an attempt to cash in on the success of better movies. It has the same plot with the rich woman not wanting to marry someone. It's weird how people say the 1997 movie doesn't hold up. Of course, any film would be great compared to this. This seemed longer than the actual Titanic movie. As Roger Ebert says, a good movie is never long enough and a bad one is never short enough. These two films show that wonderfully. Half a star
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I hope the ghosts of those passengers on that ship will came back to haunt those film makers.
seanofthedead-7968013 May 2019
After the rapping dog in the other god awful animated film, I thought it was the worst thing I ever see on film based on the one of the most horrible tragedies in human history. Oh boy I was wrong, I was VERY wrong. What kind of people think this movie was such a good idea? What's next? Schindler's list with talking animals as a happy musical? I'll bet that will go well, you monsters.
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I hated it...but not Bottom 100 hated it!
planktonrules6 January 2016
Currently, this Italian animated film is #28 on IMDb's infamous Bottom 100 list. In some ways, I am very surprised since it's not a particularly famous bad film and there were a lot of animated films in the 1970s which had just as terrible animation! Still, I do concede that it's a bad film...and not one I'd let kids watch unless I hated them.

The film begins with a grandpa mouse telling his grandkids his story about the Titanic. Oddly, then the film switches to the perspective of all the humans! What follows is a bizarro story of evil sharks and a scheme to destroy the whales?! Huh...somehow I missed this when I've watched documentaries about this 1912 disaster!

Let's talk about what I really liked about the film... Okay, finished.

Okay, now let's talk about what I didn't like. The animation was very poor, with a very low cel count (making the characters move in a choppy fashion) and often only animated small portions of the characters in an effort to make the film less expensive. So, often the characters expressions were flat and a bit zombie-like. Also, to save money, bad CGI was sometimes used that looked so stunningly different from the other animation that I was a bit surprised. This sure ain't a Disney product! In many ways, it's akin to the cheaper Hanna-Barbera films of decades ago. The story was just bizarre and stupid...'nuff said about that. The voices used were occasionally not terrible. As for the music, it was odd to hear so much cheap electronic music (made using a keyboard) for a film set in 1912.

So my final verdict is that I did hate the film. But I still wonder how it made it to the Bottom 100 list. After all, there have been a lot of crappy cartoons (such as "Pinocchio in Outer Space") why did this one manage to achieve the notoriety of the Bottom 100 list? I'd like to understand well as a studio's decision to make such a misguided cartoon!
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Worse than 'Titanic:The Legend Goes On,' insulting and historically inaccurate
Stompgal_8719 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I heard of this film when I watched the Nostalgia Critic's review and he said it was worse than 'Titanic: The Legend Goes On. 'After watching this on YouTube in full, I couldn't agree with him enough. The main reasons this version is worse than TTLGO is because Tentacles, the giant octopus, throws an iceberg into the Titanic's path and everyone, yes everyone, survives the sinking. This is NOT what happened in real life. Thousands of people died when the Titanic sank so therefore not only was the climax in particular historically inaccurate but also an insult to those who have died and also their friends and families.

Moving onto the film in a different context, the animation has good cel-shading and it looks Anime-like but it is jerky in places and some of the character movements are excessive. The lip sync is very basic and sometimes the characters' mouths don't move when they talk. While most of the backgrounds are decent, there are a few uses of cheaply-rendered CGI such as the turnarounds of the Titanic's exterior, the chandeliers at the church where Elizabeth and Don Juan marry and the bridge where all the Titanic survivors meet. Further to the story, parts of it ripped off that of the James Cameron version, especially Elizabeth getting out of the car at the beginning of the film and the string instrument group playing a sad tune as the Titanic sinks. While the editing was consistent for the most part, there is one part where it was a bit choppy. In one shot, Smiley the dog is on the ramp leading to the Titanic's entrance, the next he is on the ground and peeing on the captain's leg. The dialogue is mostly adequate but the part where Ronnie says, "There's one thing I'm not and that's a racist" in regard to having a crush on a human female makes no sense at all. The music gave me mixed feelings. While the instrumental version of 'New York, New York' and the two songs were pleasant if unfitting with the film's setting, most of it did not fit in with the historical nature of the film. Not only was the story insultingly inaccurate but it was also plagued with unnecessary filler that nearly sent me off to sleep.

All in all there are a lot of mixed-bag elements but to top them all off, the main story is historically inaccurate and, as many other reviewers including the Nostalgia Critic have said, insulting. 4/10.
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An Excellent Titanic Animated Movie. Why All The Hate?.
sarah-132-6190613 October 2014
The Legend of the Titanic is truly a lovely family movie.It might be completely different from The Movie Titanic,but it is impressive and safe for all family members.

I remember seeing the commercial Titanic Movie With Leonardo Di Caprio (It Had A Sex Scene Of A Half Naked Woman portrayed In Kate Winsfield who posed half nude for a painting).

The nudity scene in itself was to tempt movie goers to see it.Titanic The Legend is funny and amusing. I really enjoyed this movie and I advise you to buy the DVD and not to believe all the hate.

Do not believe the hype,go and see this excellent film!.
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A Titanic Failure
piyup-4543222 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film is pretty terrible, it is pretty offensive, generic, and unrealistic. Why are there talking animals, why did a giant octopus save everyone? Last time I checked there are more casualties than survivors in the Titanic tragedy. If they are gonna make a film about a historical event, then don't sugarcoat and change the moments. Also the sinking is on purpose in this movie. What? Why? How? No!!!

The Victims are indeed currently rolling in there watery grave
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Insulting and doesn't make sense
TheLittleSongbird24 February 2011
The Legend of Titanic is not as abysmal as its sequel In Search of Titanic or the 2001 monstrosity Titanic:The Animated Movie(or The Legend Goes on). However, that is very faint praise, it is still terrible. The animation is alright, I wasn't impressed at all with the character designs but at least the colours were okay and the editing wasn't as all over the place as it was in the sequel or Titanic:The Animated Movie.

However, the music is poor. It is forgettable, and doesn't fit with the period at all. The dialogue is not even worth noting, other than to say it is forced and awful, while the story is rushed(the film is too short as well) and predictable with some unbelievable elements that insulted my intelligence to be honest. Not just the swing dancing, but also the mouse not dying from the electricity which had me shouting at my computer screen in disgust. And please do not get me started on the whole giant octopus idea. The characters are bland and unlikeable, and the voice acting is wooden.

All in all, an awful film, insulting and doesn't make sense. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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This could very well be the worst movie of its kind
TheUnknown837-111 December 2011
One of the often-debated theories among film critics is whether artistry can make up for the most extreme of subject matter. The 'extreme' being the degree to which a film can be seemingly tasteless or have a potential left of moral offense. It's a good enough theory, but a movie like "The Legend of the Titanic" really forces one to reconsider their perception on it. This could very well be the worst movie of its kind. Production-wise, it's just mediocre and flat, but its immoral and mindless attitude toward one of the most infamous disasters in human history strikes like a hammer blow to the head. Again and again and again.

The movie was made in Italy just a year after James Cameron's mega-blockbuster "Titanic" hit big screen there. With a film with that mush fiscal success, it was not surprise that an array of rip-offs and cinematic plunderers would appear on the horizon. But who would have ever imagined that a picture like "The Legend of the Titanic" would ever work. The movie is not live-action like Mr. Cameron's film or the marvelous 1950s picture "A Night to Remember." It is animated, sometimes with a computer, othertimes with a hand-drawn feel. Now this picture is charting itself into an ocean full of cinematic icebergs, but it is the way that the screenplay is written and the horrifyingly amoral ideas are played out that much it such an unredeemed fiasco.

Not only does it borrow heavily from James Cameron's film, but practically every Disney production featuring a talking animal over the last five decades. The central characters are not people aboard the RMS Titanic, but talking mice. According to a grandfather mouse who survived the sinking of the ship, the stories of 1500 people drowning in the icy waters of the North Atlantic was all a cover-up; that not a life was lost at all in 1912. Most of it is told in flashback (where'd that come from, huh?) and this introductory plot-flipper is just the first of four or five of the dumbest twists in cinematic history.

The biggest sin of the picture is the rewriting of a tragic event. The only possible thing that I can imagine was running through the screenwriters' heads was not to make a depressing, sad movie for children to see. But that goes back to my point that an animated movie about the Titanic disaster was an iffy premise to begin with. But even if we can forgive it for trying to make children forget that more than a thousand people lost their lives in a single night so many years ago, surely we cannot when it tries to develop a plot using dopey methods such as mice being infatuated with human females, dolphins that learn to talk when a human tear touches their nose (with a healthy dose of "magic moon-beams" attached), a chaste love story where the two lovers discover they're meant to be together after dancing for half a minute, and the inclusion of sharks and a giant octopus propelling an iceberg into the path of the ship. And when, for a second, it tries to treat the disaster head-on, the picture chooses to laugh it away in the very next scene. And it is not very far along before one realizes that it's far more concerned about protection of whales than it is about honoring a historical tragedy.

However, even if the RMS Titanic story was just a fairytale as this movie would like us to believe, "The Legend of the Titanic" would still be a disaster. That theory of redeeming subject matter requires artistry and there is none to be found. The animation is flat, uninspired, and marred with an interruption of hand-drawn images with computer-generated sweep-overs of the ship which I am certain were pulled from a Titanic documentary. The dubbing for the English-language print is dreadful. Voice work is flimsy and oftentimes a vocal will be heard when an animated character's mouth is clearly buttoned up.

It's almost as if "The Legend of the Titanic" wanted to infuriate and offend its audience. What's more horrifying is that lots of people went to see the movie in its home country and that it was followed by a loose remake, also about talking animals and the sinking of the ship, called "Titanic: The Legend Goes On..." a slightly better film (in both of its versions) but still insulting to history and the intelligence of the viewer. One thing many of us would like to do would be to sit in on a meeting where a project like this gets greenlit. Because I can't imagine why anybody thought that an animated movie about the sinking of the RMS Titanic was a good idea.
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Some things just aren't suited for happy endings
Machiavelli8428 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
You have to stop and think to yourself - how do you make a children's movie about the RMS Titanic? How do you take one of the most tragic events in history - the sinking of a major ocean liner which left 1500 people, more than two thirds the passengers, dead - and make it applicable to children? You have two options: 1) handle the subject matter in a mature and tasteful way (think Bambi's mother dying); 2) completely change everything about the topic matter and make it happier, albeit at the cost of your script's dignity. Guess what this movie does? You'll see.

The movie starts out with an old mouse being asked by his grandchildren about the Titanic, leading into the story line of the movie proper. The central story is about a young rich woman who is being compelled to marry a man she doesn't love, but falls for another man she meets on the Titanic, who spends his time hanging out with the people down in steerage. Sound familiar? Yeah...that's a little too coincidental. In fact, there's a scene at the beginning where the girl steps out of a car and lifts up her head, looking out from under a huge hat at the ship - sound familiar again? Basically imagine James Cameron's "Titanic" with little mice who help the man and woman meet each other. Add to that a convoluted subplot where the girl's fiancé owns a whaling company, and wants to marry the girl so that he can get the father's vessels for his own use.

At this point, some of you are probably wondering how the film goes when the Titanic gets hit by the iceberg. Well, throw away all the information you know from history books and get a load of these tidbits:

* Did you know the iceberg was actually a block of ice resting on the bottom of the ocean? Never mind that even two-year-olds know that ice FLOATS.

* Did you know that the iceberg was thrown by a giant octopus to win a bet with some sharks?

* Did you know that people started evacuating the Titanic as soon as it got hit? And that there were enough lifeboats? And that everyone was able to board with no one being turned away or deciding to stay?

* Did you know that a giant octopus held the ship together as it was splitting, presenting just enough time for everyone to leave?

* Did you know that Captain Smith survived, and it was because the giant octopus picked him and put him atop an orca? In fact, did you know that EVERYONE on the Titanic - including the captain, high ranking officers, and even the ships band - SURVIVED?

This was simply absurd to me, and quite frankly it was disrespectful to the subject matter. Permit me to use another tragedy to show just how insensitive this all is - I'm going to use the World Trade Center collapsing. Imagine if the reason the planes hit was because a big octopus threw them. Imagine if, as people were jumping out the windows, cartoon birds flew in and rescued them. Imagine if the film portrayed everyone in the WTC, as well as thousands of New York City firemen and policemen, surviving. Does that sound disrespectful? Does that get your blood boiling? Now imagine applying that to the RMS Titanic, and you got this movie.

Throwing all this out, the film still fails even as a film. Plot elements don't make sense (the girl speaks to dolphins after a tear lands on them and produces "magic," yet the villains can talk to sharks with no problem). The animation is a mixture of decent and choppy. The voice acting is abysmal, with the worst faux accents I've ever heard. Finally, the talking animals shtick is just seriously overdone. Dolphins, whales, octopuses, sharks, dogs, mice, birds...all animals talk in this movie, and there are animal characters galore. I don't dislike animal sidekicks, let alone talking animals, but this movie SERIOUSLY goes overboard.

As I said at the start of this review, it's entirely possible to deal with death and pain in a way that is suitable - even edifying - for children. However, if you don't want to portray a story about death and destruction, you should perhaps not choose a historical event KNOWN for its death and destruction.
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this is worst thing that humans have created
VideoMasher30008 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
THIS WAS CRAP! I am serious, this was the worst thing i have ever seen! its based off of the story of the titanic but it is screwed up so much that people still debate whether this was made or not here are the things wrong with it.


2. the good guy is a creep, he likes to sniff gloves.

3. they brought in more mice on board.

4. girl can talk to dolphins with some magical moon beam juice.

5. the titanic sunk because and evil whaling scheme with a gang of sharks talks a giant octopus with a dog face to throw an ice berg at the ship!

6. historically there was little to no room for people on the boats but in this film it says "theres room for everyone!"

7. to send out an SOS signal a mouse connects two wires to his mustache, and ends up killing himself.

8. everyone lived, no one died, and even though we see the mouse die and the giant octopus die, they come back to life.

THERE IS NO LOGIC!!!!! this is the most insulting thing i have ever had the misfortune to see! its pretty much a slap to the face of every person who died on the ship. if you ever get the chance to see this, PASS!!!!! its the scum of the cinema world
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EXTREMELY pointless
connormacrae20 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If I could list everything wrong with this movie, I would, and I'll do it now.

1. There are talking animals, particularly mice.

2. The names of the mice are Italian stereotypes.

3. There's a song about no cats being in America, which is obviously false.

4. There is an extremely inaccurate joke of one describing himself as not racist.

5. There is some form of magic coming from tears that allows a woman to understand human language from animals.

6. There was a plan to sink to Titanic and was done allegedly.

7. There's apparently enough room for everybody on the lifeboats.

8. This is historically inaccurate as EVERYONE survives the sinking in the movie.

9. This was all made up by an old sailor mouse.

10. This completely mocks the infamous sinking of the Titanic.

Any questions?
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an insult to people who were involved with the real titanic.
joebjackson4 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The story for the beginning is a carbon copy of James Cameron's's Titanic...except this version includes talking rats. also th villain played by Greg snegoff (the rapping dog from that other titanic movie!) wants to steal the whaling rights of the world from the girl's father (how does he own all those rights?) and also wants to sink the titanic for some reason and calls upon an evil shark army (you heard me right) to get a giant octopus to throw an iceberg (from under water mind you)and hit the titanic. later all the passengers try to escape and luckily the octopus helps keep the titanic from sinking?!?! oh and the rats help by conducting electricity through one rat's mustache to send an sos? (and he doesn't die?!) and in the end everyone lived and the bad guys get away (with the successfully stolen whaling rights mind you)and they all lived happily ever heard me right when discussing the technicals the animation is alright for low budget but it still looks rather poor (but better than the sequel)the voice acing for the most part is pretty wooden but they at most do their jobs. surprisingly the dubbers did a fine job dubbing this and I give them an applause for trying. but none of that saves this thing from its biggest flaw its story....NOT EVERYONE MADE OFF THE TITANIC LIKE THE MOVIE SAID, THAT OCTUPUS NEVER HAPPENED, SWING DANCING WAS NOT INVENTED UNTIL THE SIXTIES, HOW DID THAT MOUSE WITH THE MSUTACHE NOT DIE FROM THE ELECTRICITY, WHY ARE ALL THE CHARACTERS SO BLAND, WHY WHY WHY????????????????? but i will say this..its better than the sequel which featured a rapping shark. that is tentacolino or in search of titanic
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Insensitive, offensive and evil. Pure evil.
j-jessie-weaver11 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not only the worst animated film I've seen in my whole entire life, it is the most disgusting, insensitive, atrocious, abysmal, putrid and offensive piece of trash that dares to call itself a cartoon. Titanic's story should not be sugarcoated and made for THREE YEAR OLDS!

As if "Titanic: The Legend Goes On" wasn't bad enough, "The Legend of the Titanic" has the gall to tell its target audience that "nobody died" in one of the most tragic disasters in history that killed a thousand people. What I am going to tell you in this review will get even more horrid.

What's that, you may ask? Oh, I don't know, how about this idiot octopus named Tentacles, after being tricked by gangster sharks, throwing an iceberg at the ship?!

But, wait! That's not all! The writers intentionally rip off James Cameron's film! How do I know this? Let's look at four reasons why.

1. A woman named Elizabeth has to marry a man she doesn't love; FYI, Maltravers.

2. A gypsy prince named Don Juan sees Elizabeth and later on, they fall in love... after sharing one line of freaking dialogue! I am so close to screaming right now.

3. Maltravers has his manservant, Jeffery spy on Elizabeth and Don Juan.

4. The beginning of the movie is told through flashback by an old mouse to his grandchildren. Sound familiar?

Not only does it borrow heavily from the James Cameron movie, it makes fun of the disaster and transforms it into a "save the whales" plot that has absolutely no place in the true story.

If they wanted to make a movie to save the whales, they should have come up with another plot instead of throwing it into a tragedy where 1,500 people perished in the freezing water.

Oh, but I'm not done, yet. Remember when I mentioned not a single person dies in this movie? Tentacles, while the Titanic is about to break in two, grabs it with his tentacles and puts it back together. I don't seem to remember an OCTOPUS COMING OUT OF THE WATER AND SAVING EVERYONE ON THE TITANIC BY KEEPING IT FROM BREAKING IN HALF!

Yeah, I'm sure the history articles and Cameron regret not putting that into the ship's story! At least, the 1997 masterpiece didn't have brain dead people and talking animals!

To sum up, "The Legend of the Titanic" is despicable. The animation is awful, the history is BEYOND insulting, and having no one die? The victims of Titanic are spinning in their graves.

This movie is a travesty and it baffles me human beings were behind it. This and "Titanic: The Animated Movie" should have never been green lit. It's a crime this movie, its sequel and the other film even exist.
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The Girls' Comments Are Right. What A Great Movie!.
dixonbixon14 March 2015
In modern-day New York City an old mouse named Conners tells his grandchildren the supposedly "true" story of the RMS Titanic. In April 1912, Conners was a young sailor mouse on the Titanic's maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York. He is in charge of taking account for the mice who are making the trip. A young mouse from Brazil named Ronny who enjoys playing soccer befriends Conners and Conners falls in love with Ronny's sister Stella. Meanwhile, a rich aristocratic woman named Elizabeth and her family board the Titanic. Her father is a famous Duke and is very prominent in the whaling business. He and Elizabeth's stepmother have arranged for Elizabeth to marry Mr. Evarard Maltravers, a rich whaler. Unknown to the Duke, the marriage is actually a scheme concocted by his own stepwife and Maltravers to get certain whaling rights for themselves. Elizabeth is unhappy about the marriage. Elizabeth sees several gypsies dancing at the dock and happily watches them. A gypsy man named Don Juan is dancing with his dog Smiley. He notices Elizabeth and sends Smiley to see her. When Elizabeth takes off one of her gloves to pet Smiley, Smiley snatches it and takes it back to Juan. Juan looks at Elizabeth and the two instantly fall in love. The Titanic then sets off to sea from Southampton on her first, and only, voyage. Conners and Ronny learn all about what's going on with Elizabeth by their observations during their trips throughout the ship's ventilation system. They are appalled by the way Elizabeth is being treated badly and decide to help her. When Elizabeth goes to the bow of the ship one night, some dolphins talk to her due to some magic moonbeams. The dolphins jump very high out of the water and seem to levitate. They tell her of Maltravers's evil scheme. Maltravers's manservant Geoffreys spies on Elizabeth's activities and uses a special whistle at the stern of the ship to call the criminal shark named Mr. Ice and use him for causing destruction. Conners and Ronny introduce themselves to Elizabeth and offer to help her. Listening to their advice, Elizabeth tells her father she doesn't want to marry Maltravers. He listens to his daughter and tells her that he will never force her to do something she doesn't want to do. Meanwhile, Smiley tries to look for Elizabeth to cheer up Juan. After he unsuccessfully tries to find her in the ship's ballroom, he meets Conners and Ronny, who agree to help arrange a meeting and dance for Elizabeth and Juan. The meeting goes according to schedule and Elizabeth and Juan dance and kiss together. Elizabeth tells her father that she wants to marry Juan, and he agrees, but Elizabeth's stepmother is furious. When Elizabeth tells her stepmother that she should marry Maltravers, she storms off in anger, despite the fact that they both flirt constantly (this might just be the fact that they're scheming together). Elizabeth's stepmother and Maltravers decide to do things drastically now, as it's clear that Elizabeth will not marry him. They decide to sink the Titanic using the help of Mr. Ice and his gang of criminal sharks. Maltravers prepares to send news to his whaling ships by telegraph, and the mice decide to chew apart the wires to stop it from being sent. Ice and his gang of sharks decide to let an iceberg sink the Titanic. They fool an octopus named Tentacles with a dog's nose into heaving an iceberg to the surface of the ocean by concealing the plan in the form of a bet to see who can throw ice the farthest. On the Titanic, the Duke is forced to sign the whaling rights to Maltravers and his stepwife at gunpoint. Maltravers and his entourage escape the Titanic in a lifeboat. The crew of the Titanic then see the iceberg and attempt to avoid it, but the Titanic hits the berg anyway, due to the sharks blocking the rudder. The Titanic then quickly begins to sink, and the dolphins berate Tentacles for endangering the hundreds of lives on board the Titanic, and then Tentacles runs to the Titanic in an attempt to stall for time for the passengers who were still on board the Titanic to escape the ship, including Captain Edward Smith. The mice realize that because they have cut the telegraph wires, the ship can't send out a call for help. They enlist the help of another mouse friend of theirs, named Camembert, to help repair the wires. They are unable to do it, but Camembert gets the idea to attach the halves of the cut wire to his moustache. They do so, and Camembert somehow dies because of this. Elizabeth and Juan manage to save her father, as he was tied up in a chair by Maltravers, and manage to put him on a lifeboat. Tentacles notices that the Titanic is breaking in two and then comes a series of entertaining events till the end. Absolutely A Great Film That You Must See. The Girls who commented here were convincing that this movie is so good.
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iyerlakerfan22 September 2015
Let me preface this review by saying: I have no words for this atrocity that some people dare to call a film. I can only use Roger Ebert's words when he reviewed Caligula (another travesty I have neither time nor patience to delve into right now): "(This movie) is sickening, utterly worthless, shameful trash. If it is not the worst film I have ever seen, that makes it all the more shameful."

How in the world could an Italian direction possibly have perceived the completely clichéd love story encompassed by possibly the greatest tragedy of the 20th century and associate it with a rapping dog?! Why was it ever started? Why didn't they just quit halfway and realize that it wasn't worth the trouble?

Unfortunately, they went through with its production, and ended up insulting the memory of all the poor souls who died on the Titanic. NO ONE DIED?! IT WAS ALL A FAKE?! THE TITANIC WAS COMPLETELY FABRICATED BY THAT LITTLE MOUSE FOR THE SAKE OF ENTERTAINING HIS GRANDCHILDREN?!?!

I would not recommend this movie to anyone, even my worst enemies. Fabricated as this story purportedly may have been, a disaster did occur in the end - this piece of unapologetic garbage.

"I hated this movie. Hated hated hated hated hated it." - Roger Ebert
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Titanic: The Idiot's Tale
SpeedyEric18 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Dear lord, everything in this film is just a giant mess of stupidity. I'm mean "Titanic: The Legend Goes On..." was stupid, but it at least tried to have a story. This film has the intelligence of a film like "Garbage Pail Kids." There is NOTHING salvageable about this film. The story is disrespectful to the real sinking and the victims, almost everything is never explained, and sharks and a giant octopus were involved in planting the iceberg that sinked the Titanic? Excuse me, but I need to get my cellphone and call Bull****.

If anyone reading this needs any proof that this film is a titanic piece of animated crap, I recommend you see the review of this film by The Nostalgia Critic. You'll thank me later.
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Team James Cameron!
jamestftotani17 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The title of the movie should already be a turn off. Its a shame that this idiot from Italy wanted to tell his version of what really happened on the Titanic, and also had the nerve to call the Titanic a "legend". What a disgrace. This movie is so terrible that it already has spoiler alerts but who cares because nobody is interested in this wannabe-Disney garbage. The animation is choppy and there's no major focus on this movie. All we see is talking mice (a marketing opportunity to profit off the deaths of 1000s of people); a romantic couple which has a creepy man who sniffs on gloves and a woman who can talk to mice just because of the magic ju-ju that is caused from crying outside that we'll never ever hear about it again just because... MOVIE; and an evil whale hunter and his henchmen that has magic telecommunications with the sharks which has nothing to do with the ju-ju and crying tears. Just because its "not-fiction" and just because its magic doesn't mean you can make up the rules as you go along! During the climax we just see the sinking of the Titanic, so really there's nothing to build up to this. Oh and I forgot to mention, there's also this giant octopus with a human face which does not appear until shortly before the climax, which is apparently strong enough to throw an iceberg at the Titanic because the octopus was just playing games with the sharks.

Therefore, I condemn the lovey-dovey characters Elizabeth and Don Juan to read the 5 Languages of Love by Gary Chapman. The writers Celelia Castaldo and Loris Peota should also study magic from JK Rowling's Harry Potter just so they don't make a huge embarrassment of themselves across the world. Lastly, the director Kim J OK should also learn about how to incorporate anthropomorphic animals into a kids' film by studying from Disney movies. Damn! Don't give them any ideas.

Just watch James Cameron's Titanic (1997) and stop paying attention to this crap otherwise it will become popular and we will have to deal with more idiots making excuses for this crap that truly is only useful as a doorstop.
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Leave the fairytales to Disney and leave the story of the Titanic to the History Channel.
Allosaurus264 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
And now that we have the rapping dog out of the way, let's force in more talking animals, incomprehensible magic, evil whalers and sharks, a giant octopus that throws the iceberg into the ship's path, and a climax where everyone is saved by the octopus and disregards tragic history all for a forced wishy washy sickly saccharine happily ever after ending. And I thought it couldn't sink any lower.
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Completely insulting!
tristanjlangford10 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film is completely insulting! It's insulting to history and it's insulting to everyone who died on the titanic! If they wanted to make a movie about saving the whales then why didn't they just do that? Why did they have to drag the titanic into it? Also why make a children's film about the titanic at all?
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