The Amityville Haunting (Video 2011) Poster

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The Amityville Haunting: Just no
Platypuschow21 November 2017
My Amityville binge has led me to this, a found footage movie set in a world where Amityville has been recognised, made into movies and books and yet another family moves into the infamous house anyway.

As with all found footage films very little happens and this is 80 minutes of sheer unadulterated boredom.

What makes it worse (If that's possible) is that it's not even the Amityville house despite being said multiple times that it is. Both inside and out that becomes blatantly apparent and really is seven shades of stupid.

So we have shaky cam, we have night vision cam and we have the obligatory handicam filmed by someone who absolutely positively has to record everything for some reason.

In true Amityville style people change, folks turn on each other and yet somehow this is the worst one yet.

The Good:

It ended, that bit was good

The Bad:

That had to be the least sexy sex scene since the zombie humping in Braindead (1992)

NOT the Amityville house

The "Warning" real footage thing is getting dumb

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

The fact that there are no opening credits, no closing credits and therefore everyone involved is uncredited screams volumes

Someone should really trademark Amityville so Joe Talentless can't keep adding it to his film
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It's bad. Make the most of it.
krisapaulsen19 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, it is as bad as everyone says. So get your buddies together and make it a game. Take a drink of water (or something) every time...

* the camera blacks out so as not to reveal too much... uh... mundane- ness? What's the point of that again?

* the camera records "Low Light" or some other message that shouldn't be there. (Try this. Get out your old camcorder and start recording. Go into low light or low battery or some other condition that would trigger a message. Then play back the recording. What? No message? That's right because that's only for display in the viewfinder at the time of recording, not playback.)

* if you notice the camera that turns the screen green, but with no infrared illumination. Apparently it was an infrared camera without an infrared light.

* dad shows signs of denial. C'mon, the door just opened by itself.

* the kid recaps the days events without appropriate emotional response. "Le'see... my closet door opened up all by itself... I had a hot dog for lunch... oh, and someone died. What a day! I'm beat. G'night."

* you find yourself laughing at the acting. Hey, this is supposed to be scary, not funny... or is it. Is this a spoof?

* someone asks if anyone has seen anything weird, and no one mentions that three or four people died in the last three days, in separate events. Yeah that's not that weird. Accidents happen.

* you wonder who wrote the dialog. Oh, wait... it wasn't written. There was no script. It's obvious that the whole thing was made up as they went along. Or at least no one is taking credit for it if there was a script.

Please drink water responsibly. Drinking this much water could cause water poisoning.
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Back to Amityville...Well, Not Really
RaiderDuck6 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start? How about with several huge factual errors? The real Amityville house is located on the lake front in a tony New York suburb, and NOT in a middle-class neighborhood. The real Amityville house most recently sold for upwards of $900,000 and would not be purchased as a last resort by a family who "couldn't afford anything else." And, contrary to what the movie will tell you: since the tragic DeFeo murders and subsequent occupancy by the huckster Lutzes, a number of families have lived there for years at a time and reported nothing out of the ordinary.

Having said all that: if you're looking for a cheap, no-budget (this IS The Asylum) horror movie, you could do worse. The "camcorder" plot device makes the movie seems a lot less cheap than it is, and the acting isn't too terrible (although the father is such a Grade A jerk, you begin hoping for his premature death -- James Brolin he ain't). The plot is predictable, with only one minor (and I mean minor) surprise at the end. And with all its faults, it's still a better movie than Amityville 3-D.
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Surely that was meant as a practical joke?
paul_haakonsen25 December 2011
This movie was one of the worst waste of times I have ever had to sit through. Already from the very beginning, it was painstakingly obvious that this was going to be another delve into the likes of "Paranormal Activity" (which I didn't enjoy either).

But this movie? Come on! They take the Amityville name and then hype it up with one of these oh-so-great-and-oh-so-spooky documentaries, making it into a modern day version of the "Blairwitch Project". Yeah, great. Oh wait, except for it didn't working on any level.

The movie was an endless stream of really bad camera work, interrupted by this blackening-out screen and static sound whenever the entity was about to make something happen or make an appearance. What was up with that? I got thoroughly frustrated by the crappy camera work and the static sounds just added fuel to the fire called irritation with the movie.

"Amityville Haunting" is one of the most uneventful and frightfully boring movies I had ever had to sit through. Nothing even remotely scary happened throughout the entire movie, and I actually dozed off once or twice.

I am not a fan of movies of this caliber, and I didn't particularly enjoy any of the "Paranormal Activity" movies either, but checked them out because of the hype that was surrounding them. "Amityville Haunting", however, is just a cheap imitation of those movies, and then it is wrapped in a casing called "Amityville", a name that us horror fans will recognize from the early 80's.

"Amityville Haunting" was a sad excuse for a movie, and I wasn't the least bit entertained. If you are looking for a horror movie for the evening, or hoping to have at least a single scare, please, oh please, do pick another movie, because "Amityville Haunting" is just not worth it.
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Amateur-ville Haunting Cameras
amesmonde23 December 2011
Actual found footage that documents the horrifying experience of a family that moved into the infamous Amityville haunted house.

Opening with words in "1974" blah, blah "Defoe murdered his family", blah,"Lutz" blah, "32 years later", blah blah "what you're about to see is real". Then an aeroplane blonde graces the screen under torch light. After quick bloody death, your taken to the POV of a budding mini Steven Spielberg as he films his family.

It's indicative of Paranormal Activity and the recent Grave Encounters found footage films. With security camera's installed it's all be done and at one point it becomes a found footage within a found footage film.

Both female leads are effective enough, it's not an awful film, the acting is at times naturalistic but the issue is that this style of horror has already been done and done better with more imagination. Every line is a cliché , opening doors, accidental deaths, the wife that doesn't want to live in the house, no one believes the children, spook- less dark images, moving objects and so on.

At the midway mark as the 'boyfriend' vanishes and the police turn up you can help roll your eyes as the acting and script take a turn for the worse. The son becomes annoying due to the unnecessary explanatory dialogue and the father goes laughable loopy as he goes head to head with the entity. There are a few moments in the closing scenes where director Geoff Meed slightly redeems the film but it's too little too late.

The problem with The Amityville Haunting is that it perpetrates to be real and pushes the fact right to the end but nothing feels credible. The sound design is pretty effective if somewhat miss-placed missing the mark at times.

Overall, less effective than the Paranormal Activity series, clearly not much has improved since The Blair Witch Project.
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The haunting of a home by an evil presence that is intent on removing or worse yet killing the current residents.
My_Opinion-245-92080124 December 2011
The Amityville Haunting was yet another movie filmed in the ultra- irritating 1st person style. The title has the word haunting in it, which to a lay-man like myself, lends itself to indicate there might be a chance you will be scared. I can only tell you there is no such scene. Sadly, this was an awful movie; there was so much script material, and different avenues that could have possibly been explored. Yet, the writers and Directors failed to follow any type of format that would resemble a professional movie; you might say, whatever does he means. Well, allow me to expand, this movie was filmed in such a way, that we are to assume that a child filmed it, really! Why, would anyone want to pay to see a film that has no plot, flow, professionalism, or natural progression, nothing! Yes, I am slightly perturbed, I actually was rooting for this whole family to be mutilated, and that's how annoying this movie was. I rooted and kept thinking to myself: I can't wait for this annoying kid with the camera to get it!
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I know it's a low budget film but....
mgreeny-uk25 December 2011
The actual film was a parody of paranormal activity and the Amityville Horror, although it is the 'same' house it is now in the suburbs rather than countryside... but we need not mention the finer details. I loved both the original and Ryan Reynolds version of Amityville Horror so I thought that I would give it a chance regardless. It's not the same story or even a good sequel. It's shot like Paranormal Activity and seems to be an improv situation as no one really seems to know what to say. They try to add narrative with a child and a video camera who feels it necessary to annoy everyone in the film with the camcorder and me with his recap of each bad 'horror' segment. Where as in PA (which I did like) the characters seem scared... Not this kid, as he says things are 'really creepy'- Yes Tyler (or whatever generic name you have) it is actually if I was you I'd be like maybe we shouldn't be here rather than worry about your future career in documentaries.Although, he may get a job in one as he can't act.

This films acting I have got to say is pretty bad... really bad. I will watch films that give chance to new/young actors but I genuinely think they found these people on the street. I don't mean to offend but the emotions come across as if they were taken out of a labelled jar. The actors don't morph as a cast and the Dad's tone from the start makes me think that they casted him because he has the attitude of a serial killer with a slow mono-tone voice, and thats pretty much it.

I wanted to like this film due to my likings of any horror with a half decent storyline and OK effects. But even as low budget I cannot see any need for this film... No one is going to get a career from this.
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"Real footage"?
ankurkini-450-65546330 January 2016
so the movie starts with the words "what you are about to see is real" this is so not true, in fact, its another one of those Paranormal Activity "true story" plots where one person is shooting the video the whole time: it reeks of horror movie cliché. i don't really mind the whole 'shaky camera' trend in "real" horror movies these days, but what really gets to me is the fact that these people record the whole incident but don't bother to check what they have recorded until the very last moment. i mean whats up with that? aren't you even a little bit curious to see if there was any haunting recorded until you realize that people are dieing around you?
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Lori, I'm sorry, Lori.
DustinRahksi15 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Prolouge: So we open with some dumb ass kids breaking into a house, to do what you might ask, well sex of course. Guess what, they get killed, hilarious movie, hilarious. They leave behind their iPhone with video of their deaths.

Act 1 So a generic family moves in to the crime scene house. And of course there is a kid filming every thing. Heres my problem so far, the kid has already recorded supernatural events, and two people die in their first day in the house. And nobody thinks something funny is going on, oh yeah, and it's incredible stupid. Another thing you notice right off the bat, the camera keeps getting distorted and keeps making a ringing noise. That literally happens throughout the rest of the film, talk about annoying. There is a lot of pointless 30 second scenes here as well. But our main character ,Tyler is the biggest loser I have ever seen. He can't act even if his life was on the line. And he also video tapes his sister while she is getting naked, what an incestuous little freak. Then we are led to the back door opening segment.

Act 2 Yes, this back down is literally the only thing that tries to scare you until the last 5 minutes of the film. All that happens here is conflict. The dad thinks Lori(sister) is sneaking out at night, so he sets up a wild home security system. Tyler enrages every one around him, he's like the paparazzi. Tyler finds the iphone which has magically hidden itself in under a counter-top. He likes what the kids are doing in the video, so he shows it to his parents, yeah I don't know why. The father is becoming increasingly psychotic. Lori is questioned harder, Tyler annoys every one, and the mom breaks down. So it turns out Lori was sneaking out when with some random boy, and they father puts him in his place. That teen boy is then killed outside by the ghost, Tyler records it and doesn't tell anyone. So the little girl of the family has been talking to a ghost for this whole time, but the father thought it was BS. That was until he saw the invisible boy on one of his camera monitors. Everyone is convinced there is a ghost.

Act 3 So what do they do, why hold down in the house of course. With only two days left before the mom takes the kids out of the house (I don't know why they just didn't go to a hotel) all they have to do is stick together. So they sleep in the same room, except for Lori. All they have to do is stay together, but instead they all leave the room by themselves in the middle of the night. Lori is the first to go in a particularly graphic and painful way, poor Lori. Then the mom dies, because she seams to have forgotten there was ghosts in the house. The son goes looking for her, and he gets the axe in about the only have way decent jump scare. And lastly the little girl is now possessed and kills the father, that reminded me of Sinister, including her final words to her father.

So the film pretty bad, but it was watchable, even if it was really stupid. Take it for what you will.
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Total waste of time! Rubbish!
Michael-Hallows-Eve11 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is one of the worst movie's I have ever seen. It tries too hard to be like the 'Paranormal Activity' films, and fails miserably. The acting is very bad, to the point that I was laughing at parts of the film I shouldn't have been. The story is rubbish and the house isn't even the same house or even looks like the Amityville house. The effects are bad, just like the whole movie, and every time there is a death you don't even see it because the camera supposedly blacks out or it is just off camera. The only reason I watched this film up to the end is so I could give you a review and tell you to KEEP AWAY FROM THIS SH*T! All I can give this attempt at a movie is 1 out of 10.
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1 because it made me laugh
atinder25 April 2012
I have seen all 8 movies and the remake of Amityville. (This movie not to before confused with the upcoming found footage movie

The Amityville Horror: The Lost Tapes (2012))

(Here comes the 10th movies By by asylum) in the series, which is a found footage movie for the series!.

The movies start with saying, This footage you are about to see is real!.

It start with 4 drunk teenagers who break in and then drink and have sex with there a bit of nudity , while filmed by Phone and we see some one sucked in the door and blood sprays and girls scream and cuts to black screen (This happens under 2 minutes at start of the movie.

Then it cuts to a new family moving into the house Dad and wife, oldest is daughter in her teens, only one boy who's that documenting the things around the house and there a little girl You already know what roles they going to play!.

The acting and script were both really horrendous, all the chacaters are so annoying, that you what something really bad to happen to them, The boy was the only one that didn't annoy me at all!

This movie is not creepy or scary but do have one or two descent jumps scenes here and there and some scare are so utter silly that it will make who laugh!

The movie goes from bad to worse as it goes on and it is really hard to watch this movie, i still can not believe I saw the whole movie. T he worst movie in the series and this has to be one the worst horror movie of 2012! yes 2012.

1 out of 10
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Cinematic Materpiece
ermo229527 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin? This movie was the highlight of my Saturday night. To be fair, I didn't hear any of the dialogue because I was adding my own commentary, but the cinematography was top notch. It was almost like they were trying to cover up the fact that they had a 14 year old boy as their main narrator and camera man. One of the best actors of the movie was the ghost. He had an excellence stance and posture, really commanded any scene he was in (all 30 seconds of it). His character was very polite, slightly murder-y, and I empathized with him. This man proved that chivalry is not dead, though he may be. In addition he was a very industrious and ambitious man, who killed 7 people in 7 days. Who can blame him since he had to haunt such an ugly house? The wallpaper was atrocious, there was half of a marble column randomly in the living room, the backyard was lackluster at best, and the kitchen tiles were patterned (who does that?). However, it seemed like all of the blood stains from the previous murders cleaned up fairly well. Why I had to give this movie 9 out of 10 instead of a 10 out of 10 was because of the little girl (supposedly the youngest daughter). She looked far older than any child who should talk like a baby. I was concerned over her mental state. The father and the mother were both more than likely abusive and headed towards a messy divorce. Which wasn't helped by the entrance of the father's gay lover, Cut. But don't worry their marriage was saved by the ghost offing him. The oldest daughter, who was clearly the mother of the 'youngest daughter'(Mel), was a total slut who didn't fully grasp that bathing suits are more revealing than towels. In addition, her makeup applying skills were worse than sub par (which kinda should be expected with an angsty teenager). While watching this movie, a poster fell down in my room. I applaud the movie for scaring something.
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Not bad as found footage films go
magwell-123 March 2012
I don't know why people have such a problem with this film. It's nowhere near as bad as some of the silly reviews here make it out to be. People complain about the acting. While the performances here are far from Oscar-worthy, they are still reasonably competent. Wanna see a case of bad acting? Check out Strawberry Estates for an example of some truly awful performances by the entire cast.

Maybe I'm just a sucker for the 'found footage' sub-genre, but I thought this film delivered some genuinely creepy moments. It doesn't break any new ground or tell us anything we didn't already know about the history of the Amityville saga, but I enjoyed it for what it was. It's certainly hands down better than most of the Amityville sequels we've been subjected to over the years.
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Umm what?
zitzy200024 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This will have a spoiler.

OMG!! What in the world did I just watch? I love these kinds of movies, Blair Witch Project, The Jersey Devil, Paranormal Activity, love em all, but this? This was made by Asylum, so that should give you a giant red flag there, if the 1 star wasn't apparent. But forgiving that it's a rip off of movies that are already out there, the acting is just down right awful.

When the Tyler kid sees something for the first time, he sees a shadow of some sort, his line was.. Ah! No scream, no nothing behind it, just the word.. Ah, and then he ran! This is the spoiler.

When your kid stabs you in the heart, do you sit there, making groaning sounds.. lay back, then wait a few seconds, then put your hand over your heart, and shake a little bit, still groaning, then all of a sudden you stop your groaning, and let your hands flop down your side.

End of spoiler.

Come on!! This was a ridiculous acting performance done by everyone involved.
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Has to be 0 for shoddy camera work for starters
robert-gamble26 December 2011
Watched 20 minutes of this utter waste of film space before I couldn't handle the DT's of camera work any further. OK, so since the first Amityville, there has been a keen interest in the paranormal & the story surrounding the so called Amityville Horror. I could have asked my 3 year old son to hold the cam steadier than the actors or so called actors in this so called movie. It is really that bad, not anywhere near the hopeless camera work of Blair Witch or Paranormal Activity, 100 times worse than that. If you're looking for a scare, go to Walmart & watch what some shoppers choose to wear when spending up big. Please, save your 30 seconds of your life in watching this trash. You will thank me later.
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bonedigger5031 December 2011
This the one of the most laughable "films" I have ever seen. Bad acting, bad dialog, bad everything. The quality of everything that has to do with this movie is bad. It is not a true story - even though they try to make you believe it is. You would think that after the other horrible movies that were filmed like this - Blair Witch Trial, etc. they would have learned their lesson and given the whole "experience" a well deserved rest. The question I asked myself at the very beginning of the movie was "Why would you move into a house that has had something that terrible happen there?" And then half way through the movie the detective asks them that same question. My question to myself was - "Why did you waste the $2.50 to rent it in the first place?Don't waste your money!
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Insultingly bad
afishcalledsid15 October 2014
The film is ridiculous. Firstly, the interior of the home meant to pass for the historic, palatial and atmospheric DeFeo-Lutz haunted house on Long Island is clearly a modern townhouse or semi-detached. Most of the ...umm ...actors ...are completely wrong for the parts they play, mainly because the filmmakers just used the family members and friends they had available to fill the roles. The effects are beyond pedestrian and the storyline is not all that imaginative. This is not an "indie film", it's a home movie. This work is an attempt to grab a few bucks by exploiting the Amityville name before any potential viewers realize that it sucks and has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual events or location of the 1970's American haunting. I actually resent their perception of indie horror fans' as gullible and there to be exploited in this manner. This might be the worst movie I have ever seen.
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Stop saying it's based on a true story
ericstevenson31 January 2018
I thought I would be soon over these stupid "Amityville" movies for Book Month, but there's always more of them! They just keep getting worse! This film once again starts by claiming it's based on a true story. For the umpteenth time, none of this was based on a true story and the author admitted to making the whole thing up! It was based on a novel, not a work of non-fiction! I hope James Randi cancels these films.

This doesn't even have much to do with the actual Amityville story. There's a few allusions here and there, like the flies. This movie is dreadfully boring. It's basically trying to cash in on the "Paranormal Activity" movies and behaves exactly like them! Well, I guess a lot of found footage films act like this. The point is that new people are moving into the Amityville house and their son records everything weird that happens.

There's a scene where a ghost just appears and does nothing for a full minute. I haven't seen every single "Amityville" so forgive me if I missed something. The ending is probably the worst as it features the dad going nuts and acting like an idiot. He's just beating up air in one scene. People are violently killed throughout the beginning of the film and the family still stays there! It's a pointless clichéd film and I'm glad to be done with these stupid movies. *
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Failed Attempt
joseph-jaeger1 January 2012
Yet another film made to look like "real" footage. The only way for these types of films to be truly successful is to actually believe the footage may be real. First, the "father" character is so poorly acted you cannot get past it. His behavior has no clear motivation. It is completely unclear whether the "house" is making him crazy or if he is actually crazy all by himself. Second, the film is about one of the most recognizable icons of haunted house stories in American lore. We never see a sweeping view of the house, to prove it is actually the Amityville House. The Amityville house has three stories, amazingly, the house in this movie only has two stories. Thirdly, just pass this movie up completely and watch something else.
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The parents were the problem...
xxmisssvxx24 January 2022
Many people hate found footage films because of terrible camera stabilization, or there's not a lot of original work that makes a solid film deliver well. Personally, I enjoy found footage films but that doesn't mean it's always done right. For some, I question how these films even get made with how poor they are to begin with. In this case, they failed.

This film had some potential but the damn parents ruined it. They were so annoying throughout, and were too oblivious and stupid in my opinion. Listening to both them have pointless arguments, and verbally reprimand their son drove me nuts. Like STFU already and LISTEN.

If you're bored, you can kill some time watching this, if you care to.
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Amityville meet found footage
BandSAboutMovies10 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great tagline: The family did not survive. But the recordings did.

Good premise: The movie is based on actual found footage that documents the horrifying experiences of a family that moved into the infamous haunted house.

Bad news: It's made by The Asylum.

Found footage, meet Amityville. Amityville, meet found footage.

You two play nice.

The Benson family decides to move into 112 Ocean Avenue, no matter what the rest of the known world knows. As soon as they decide to close on the house, their realtor drops dead in the driveway. The next week, a mover falls down the steps and dies. But hey - once you're all moved in, who cares about little things like that?

Even when their daughter Melanie begins to speak to John Matthew DeFeo, no one thinks, "Maybe we should just rent a townhouse instead."

Lead actor Jason Odell Williams graduated from the Actor's Studio in New York and has written and produced several of his own plays. And yet, here he is, stuck in a found footage Amityville movie, a prospect that seems more dire than bugs attacking priests and blood dripping down the wall.

In the original Amityville film, an entire room would mysteriously appear. In The Amityville Haunting, it's a mysterious landline telephone. There's some message in that, I figure.
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The worst 'found footage' film yet
Leofwine_draca2 August 2014
Please note: I didn't realise THE AMITYVILLE HAUNTING was produced by The Asylum before I purchased it, otherwise I might have had second thoughts. This turns out to be a found footage twist on the whole AMITYVILLE HORROR franchise, which inevitably rips off just about every found footage movie in existence.

The main "inspiration" behind this film is, clearly, PARANORMAL ACTIVITY, although this movie makes that film look like a masterpiece in comparison. Everything about it is horrible: the acting, the style, the distinct lack of a story, in which the writer just throws everything into the mix in an attempt to make something stick (nothing does). So we get ghostly kids, intruders, doors opening on their own, murders. It's all ludicrous.

The film's main character is a kid, and about half the running time seems to consist of him pointing the camera at the floor while his parents argue; this doesn't make for a good use of screen time. Instead, I was bored witless by it. The only thing that kept me watching was the bad acting of the father, which was pretty amusing. There's quite a bit of incident in the last five minutes (none of which makes much sense) but it comes far too late in the game to make THE AMITYVILLE HAUNTING an interesting film.
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Totally 'Extream'!!!
jinx_malone21 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers for awesome.

This movie is, quite frankly, one of the worst pieces of crap you will ever see. With the caveat that the Asylum is somehow making bank off said crap films. They generally make their money back off a given 'feature' in about two months, which is a pretty sweet turnaround. I'm not sure what this says about the future of quality film, but I don't think the guys at Asylum give two *beeps* about quality, so yeah.

There was clearly (I hope) a lot of pressure put on the actors to improv their scenes but apparently the actors have no background in improv, so you are forced to agonize through scenes where everyone repeats themselves endlessly because they just don't know what else to do. And yells. And talks about how scared they are.

The kid/documentarian is hands down the worst actor I've ever seen. Stop now, kid actor. I don't know who you are and frankly I don't care, but a future in film is not for you. Annoyingly without any ability to emote whatsoever, you'll be pleased as punch to see him buy the farm. Even though you're cheated out of said scene.

The mom and both sisters are forgettable. They screech a lot. I don't know what else to tell you.

The dad has delusions of being a real actor in a real movie. Dude, my hat is off to you. Were you trying to play your scenes as 'ex-military dude' or 'ex-military dude with over the top PTSD'? Your tour-de-force in the living room where you ranted and screamed and crawled on the floor as if you were in the trenches--massive, sir. Simply massive performance. Why did you take so long to die? Your ranting was both hilarious and douche-worthy. I doff my cap to you, good sir.

Questions: Why did no one care about the serious as cancer military friend of dad's who got iced by the wire in the backyard? Who is the little boy ghost? Why doesn't the house have a boat slip like it's supposed to? Man, this family got the low-rent version of Amityville. No boat slip? I would have been RAGING.

Finally, when you can't even be bothered to spellcheck your idiot coroner's reports at the close and I am forced to read about the 'extream' trauma suffered by the entire dead family, you bet your ass I will write you a *beep* review on IMDb.

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Blair Witch/ Paranormal activity meets Amityville Horror
mm-3922 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this move for $5 for a cheap date night movie. The movie is filmed by one of the dead family kids via Blair Witch documentary style, and the rest of the footage is from via home security footage aka Paranormal Activity style. What worked for The Amityville Haunting was the low budget reality T V feel, which covered up for the bad over acting, which is a staple of reality T V. The way people suddenly died was a shocking surprise. No one see bad stuff coming! The movie is done on the cheap. There is no outer shots of the house. The place does not even look like the huge house. No porch, small back yard, and no boat house, which is a dead giveaway they filmed it in a smaller house. The ending is so bad that words can not describe how stupid of and ending it was. I give The Amityville Haunting a six out of ten. Not bad for a movie that looks like I could of made myself.
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One of the WORST MOVIES i have ever seen Warning: Spoilers
This movies Is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. There are so many thing that don't work with this film, the two biggest problems I have with this movie are: The Acting- I believe that this film has some of the worst acting I have ever seen! The Scares- The scares in this film are not only bad, but they are dull and boring. If you happen to find this movie in the video stores then take it from me, don't waste your money on the rubbish movie

I give it 1 out of 10

Thanks for reading my quick and simple review of 'The Amityville Haunting'

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