Battle Force (2012) Poster


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Pretty putrid, actually
mike-ryan45531 December 2011
I love World War II movies. I have enjoyed ones made during World War II through the present. I have enjoyed all countries of origin from the Nazi propaganda turkey "Stuka" on. I enjoy movies about all sides and all theatres of the war, if it's a well done movie. Alas, Battle Recon definitely is not.

It's normally a very bad sign when the director, the writer and the top billed star are all the same person. It was. With ludicrous acting and an utterly cliché script there was little to save the movie. The even had utterly cliché characters like the classic black on black trench coat evil SS officer.

The script wasn't just cliché, it was 21st century politically correct cliché. The day had to be saved by two Italian partisan women.

It's not difficult to get historical continuity in World War II movies. There are so many armchair experts to assist you. Obviously they didn't bother to go to and ask for a decent one. The German uniforms were clearly East German uniforms with Nazi insignias sewn on. They were almost all SS insignias, like they had hired cheaply a bunch of re-enactors.

They couldn't even get basic continuity items right. The Italian partisan's gun kept switching between a Mauser and a M1 Garand. It was as if they put down their guns between shots and couldn't even tell everyone to pick up the right one between shots.

Don't bother with this one, not with thousands of better World War II movies out there.
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From the war torn beaches of Malibu, Southern Sicily.
pamlico-131 December 2011
Let me begin by stating I suffered permanent brain damage watching this film. Just a little warning before we begin.

I appreciate the effort put into to making a film...I really do. Not much here to praise outside the competent camera work. This poor creature should be put down and given a decent burial.

This film revolves around a group of 1st Special Service Force guys scoping out Sicily prior to the allied invasion. Hey guys, the 1st SSF was never used in Sicily since the unit was heading for the Aleutians at the time. If I'm wrong I apologize.

The actors try hard. There just isn't much to work with. Watch for the largest 101st Airborne paratrooper in history. Probably took two chutes for him to make it to the ground safely. Check out the lip gloss on one of the partisan chicks. Very popular in Sicily at the time.

The combat scenes, if you can call them that, are just awful. Come on guys, there has to be someone in California who did a hitch in the Army Infantry. A little tactical advice could have gone a long way.

My suggestion is to dig up a copy of the "Devil's Brigade" with William Holden and watch that if you want a good war film with 1st Special Service Force action.
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Nice idea with practical failures
starfighter1110 January 2012
A special forces group fighting against odds on a suicidal mission. So much to the story, which is a workable plot. Equipment, at least on the Allied side, looks authentic. Individual acting is not bad, sometimes above average, maybe even too slick at points. The Nazi officer is overdrawn. The problem is the lack of combat feel. Some of the worst shootings in movie history. Special forces not able to aim, the Germans not doing any better. Tactics, group movement, avoiding ambushes (if there were any)...forget it. Surprisingly good close and knife combat between the LT and an Italian guy. A few minutes later, surprisingly underwhelming close combat between the LT and some other guy (saving the spoiler). The amusing thing is, the movie is not the typical B class movie that needs 30 seconds to quit, but is entertaining in its own way, with its mix of setting and dialogue, esp. with the Missouri GI. 70% watchable, the rest is running around and shooting...and missing.
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Would I have paid for that free ticket? No!
markleachsa-131 January 2012
Piracy the scourge of the industry? Hmm, and yet with piracy supposedly on the increase, the industry is making more profits than ever. Bigger and bigger profits, whilst agonising that piracy is killing employment. Big profits and yet jobs still have to go? Anyone spot the deliberate mistake?

It's a mistake that supposedly leads the film and music industries to try so hard to smash the internet completely, on the basis that we are all pirates, liars and thieves and would never ever pay for anything - even if it was worth it! But so much produce of Hollywood and the music industry is dross polished up and advertised as gold - which in my books is genuine fraud - so who are actually the pirates?

I never object to paying good money for a good movie. I don't think many people do at all. But a turd polished up to sparkle is still a turd, even if you sell it as gold - "Look at the shine! Don't look behind the sparkle!"

Of course, the real mistake is thinking that people would actually pay for a ticket to buy this dross if only they hadn't been able to download it. I wouldn't have paid 5p to watch this (a friend treated me - and I didn't contribute) as it's basically a Sunday afternoon TV movie, to watch after you eaten too much lunch and consequently can't be arsed to change the channel even though you have the remote in hand.

Thanks for making snooze material Hollywood, I won't demand a refund of my 90 minutes of life, as I actually enjoyed the nap, but never assume that I will buy a ticket to support mediocrity. I get that free from the television. So count me out of your statistics.

As for this film, my opinion is zzzzzzzz
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Waste of time
ewhendon6 February 2012
Sorry folks.....this movie has terrible acting and a terrible script. Simple awful.

I really enjoy WWII movies and have seen 100s of them. Realism is a must in any good action flick (Patton, Go Tell The Spartans, Das Boot, etc).

From haircuts to scripted words and phrases, this movie was strictly 1975ish.

The German commander could well have been the commandant on "Hogan's Heroes" and I kept expecting Sgt. Schultz to appear in the next scene.

The best part was when this thing finally ended.

Do yourself a favor and view an old episode of "F Troop" instead!
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With that kind of material, you made THIS?
muggsy365825 July 2012
I watched it through to the end. That's something. Especially since, in the opening scene, American GIs are firing bolt-action rifles as though they were M-1 semi-automatics, never once working the bolt. As the movie shows, they HAD at least one old Garand on set, that they could have used in that scene accurately, but no. The script delivered a sprinkling of facts about the First Special Service Force, and then ladled on a ton of malarkey. I won't address the fact that the set looked the same no matter where anyone was supposed to be, thousands of miles apart, and others have rightly criticized defects in costuming, weaponry, etc. I'll only say that, when the main Nazi bad guy stands TWICE out in the open, once marvelously silhouetted by the skyline, at, for the military, very close range, and highly trained commandos can't hit him, with an aimed Garand, a BAR, even the supernaturally accurate submachine guns, while your random, unaimed snap shots are taking out Germans who are firing from cover, well ... There are other, more egregious crimes against history, good movie making, and the laws of physics in this movie, but we'll leave it at that. The closing scene, I can say without spoiling the movie, was particularly wrong headed. Having read three books about the FSSF, I can say that anyone with a smattering of that information could have crafted a screenplay better than what was served up, with the same guns, costumes, and characters, and made a decent movie out of it, since their ACTUAL exploits still rate as fantastic, without exaggeration, to this day.
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Should have killed the movie too
shandilla7 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's better than a blank screen. Otherwise, stupid characters, predictable plot, bad acting, poor effects, generic sound effects, on and on. What happens when you run in front of the guy firing a machine gun behind you? You walk away. What happens when shots are fired at you? You put your hand on your head and wait for the fake sparks to go away. What happens when you see a "Nazi"? You grin and shoot three magazines worth of bullets from one. Really a pathetic attempt with an old story line. Don't pay anything to watch this one that's for sure. Your grade 8 film club could do a more convince job with wooden rifles. It would be a better investment to pay them!
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Not bad for a WWII flick filmed in LA.
transientdreams12 May 2012
To be fair, as someone who absolutely hates most low budget WWII movies, this was surprisingly well done given the limited scope of budget and location. The acting was certainly decent and watchable. The script may have had its clichés, but what script doesn't? The important part was genuine and tries to entertain rather than educate. It's NOT a documentary, which many critics here fail to understand. It's a decently crafted 'Drama' which was well shot, choreographed, and realized. The SS officer was a little over-the-top but again, this movie DOESN'T insult your intelligence by trying to be something it's not. It is NOT an amateur project by any means. It is NOT a 'Great' cinematic masterpiece either. It is simply, a reasonably well thought out period piece that offers some very decent entertainment despite a few shortcomings.

It's obvious these people worked very hard to make this project as good a movie as possible. There was no 'slouching' in how they went about shooting and producing this. If you want to look for all its faults rather than enjoy the sincere effort put into it, go ahead. Otherwise, have a glass and just let it roll. It hooked me, and THAT is a very hard thing to do.
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Poo Poo Poo
sorehammer31 December 2011
They should have spent some money on research on the weapons or sacked the person responsible for it and hire a 5 year old kid in the first 5 minutes you are treated to a squad of soldiers with bolt action foam rifles be fired as if they were m1's that was the most I could stand with out smashing the screen on my TV.

If you watch this and enjoy it you are to thick to read this review they did seem to spend dome money on the effects on wounds the best being a nice neck shot on a GI sending blood flying every where but that was no where enough to make me watch any more than five minutes of the utter dribble they call a movie.
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A film that promises much and ultimately delivers little....
azanti002931 October 2012
I picked this movie up on a whim, one of many recent low budget WW2 movies that seem to have been hitting the shelves of the straight to DVD market. I have no problem with low budget films of this type and recently there have been some good ones and this one starts out with noble intentions as the opening titles would suggest, that the film is about the story of a real unit, made up of Americans and Canadians (The Film the Devils Brigade covers the actual unit) but here unfortunately is where the factual content of the film ends.

Set just before the invasion of Scily an American recon unit (Apparently the 101st Airborne who never actually were there) are captured and another team is sent to rescue them. That's the plot in a nutshell. The DOP has gone to some considerable effort to give the film a warm feel to represent the right part of Europe, but this can't let the film escape the fact that it was obviously all shot in California. I would have thought someone could have least grabbed a camera and taken some shots of the actual island which could have been nicely edited in to compensate for this. The acting wasn't all bad, and there were some funny lines,(plenty are just awful) but that's the problem with this film, it gives the impression its going to be about a factual battle, then half way through tries to become Kelly's Heroes and does neither successfully. The unit don't act like a military unit, moving with caution in one shot and then sauntering along the same path with not a care in the world in the next moment. The Nazi officer is just comical and stands in the middle of the road firing his gun while gunfire rages all around him. The fight scenes are actually quite boring and full of continuity issues and often make little sense to the plot or serve to enhance the story. (Such as it is) This project obviously started out with good intentions and its not as bad as 'Rhineland' (That's way worse) but somewhere it got lost and couldn't decide what it wanted to be. If your going to make films set in Europe, then you need to look at A Midnight Clear for an example of how to do it properly (Shot entirely on location in the USA)

I wanted to like this film and for a brief moment I thought I might, but in the end there was just too much that was wrong with it, which was a shame, because there could have been a good little film here. Alas sadly not.
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jonathansebgarcia7 January 2019
Best movie ever. It's like The Room. Some people love it, some hate it. It's pure gold. Love it!!! Big fan!
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Standard-Issue World War II Thriller
zardoz-1317 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This boot-strapped World War II movie isn't a classic, but it is neither a bomb. Believe it or not: writer & director Scott Martin's "Battle Force" opens with a German adage and its English translation: "Das Dicke Ende Kommit Noch" or "The Worst Is Yet To Come." Afterward, we are treated to the following preface for historical purposes: "In 1943 an elite fighting unit made up of US and Canadians was formed. Officially named the First Special Service Force, they were made up of mountain men, hunters and all around misfits. They were trained to scale cliffs, jump out of airplanes, and kill Nazis. In the summer of 1943, just days before the invasion of Sicily, the best of these men were handpicked for a desperate mission. This is the story of those men."

Basically, if you've seen the vintage Andrew V. McLaglen war movie "The Devil's Brigade" (1968) with William Holden, Cliff Robertson, and Vince Edwards, this 102-minute epic concerns the same group of commandos but on a far less spectacular scale. Some of the dialogue is amusing: "Sweaty women in Mississippi smell like jasmine." Since I live in Mississippi, nobody can accuse me of ethnocentrism. Primarily, two characters compete for being the most memorable. The first is buffoonish Mississippi Sergeant Douglas E. Dickie, and actor Clint Glenn Hummel is reminiscent of Brad Pitt's anti-Nazi officer in Quentin Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds" with his revulsion for all things Nazi. The second is Andreas Lyon's egotistical, man-in-black, Gestapo officer Reinhardt Von Klaus. This low-budget "Where Eagles Dare" World War II thriller is tolerably entertaining. The big difference between "Battle Force" and "Where Eagles Dare" is our heroes wear their Army uniforms into the combat zone rather than enemy uniforms. The firefights are nothing special. Martin must have seen "Saving Private Ryan" because he plays with the shutter speed to heighten the spontaneity of the action. These scramble-and-shoot firefights boasts some GCI blood splatter. Everybody fires a weapon in their fists. Meaning, you won't see any armor or aerial strafing. The final firefight is the best of the bunch because the actors have an entire bombed out village in which to shoot it out. One soldier wields a bolt-action rifle, but he is never shown racking the bolt between shots. According to the Internet Movie Database, Martin lensed the action in California at El Matador Beach, Malibu, and Santa Clarita.

The action unfolds on the coast of Sicily. The Germans ambush a recon team and capture an important American officer, Captain Lyle Lewis (Dennis LaValle of "Black Sea Raid") and three enlisted personnel. They beat up the captain and then a cheerful Gestapo officer, Reinhardt Von Klaus (Andreas Lyon) questions Lewis about their presence on Sicily. When Lewis refuses to divulge his orders, he watches in horror as the Gestapo interrogator brandishes a pair of pliers to extract a tooth without Novocain from a G.I.'s mouth. He threatens to do worst unless the captain coughs up the information that he wants. Meanwhile, Army Brass sends in Lieutenant Allen Wright (Scott Martin) and his six-man team of elite commandos from the First Special Service Force Unit. "I cannot overstate the importance of getting this man back," Lieutenant Colonel Shelton (Daniel Riordan of "My Blue Heaven") assures them. Shelton tells them about the forthcoming invasion of Sicily and the use of a dead man on Spanish soil planted with phony documents to throw the Nazis off the scent. He elaborates that Lewis was in case of this deception. Our ragtag team is shipped in by sea because the military won't risk airplane. The Commander explains that they have 72 hours to find their objective. Unfortunately, he adds that the enemy has a spy in the Italian Resistance.

Our heroes are dropped off four miles from the beach and immediately encounter enemy resistance. Wright and his team find Lewis after about three engagements with the enemy but they are trapped in a building surrounded by Germans. After they escape Van Klaus, our heroes hole up in an abandoned village. A major revelation occurs during the last 30 minutes. The traitor rears his ugly head after he buries his bayonet into Antonio's chest and starts killing off his own men. Wright contacts the 82nd Airborne and his men and he await their arrival. Van Klaus and his Germans show up and the biggest battle of the movie erupts. Eventually, Lewis explains what prompted him to turn traitor: "Because I got 30 years in and they sent me—me—to do recon on a mission that I should be planning with Ike and Patton." It isn't often that an Allied officer sells out his country because the Army Brass overlook him.

I'll watch any World War II movie at least once. Chiefly, "Battle Force" suffers from too many unrealistic scenes. Soldiers in a combat zone don't wander around out in the open like these lackadaisical guys. The acting is up to snuff. Martin is not a standard issue hero; he lacks the he-man bravado. The biggest problem is that few of the characters are differentiated enough to be memorable. Aside from Dickie and Van Klaus, Caterina is the only other character who makes an impression. She has a heroic death scene. Mark Atkins' cinematography and the production designs are fine enough. "Battle Force" ranks as an average World War II with some good moments that doesn't wear out its welcome.
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bad movie
yfrank14-651-25314021 August 2014
don't watch this if you know anything about WWII, military tactics, firearms, rank, insignias, know which way a swastika hangs, know there is a difference between the 101'st airborne and the 82nd airborne and members of the 82nd don't wear 101st patches or if it would bother you if you saw a new clean living room set in a bombed out WWII village. or , when concrete railroad ties started to be used on railroads. do watch this is you like cleavage and, in all fairness, there are two great hand to hand/knife fights in it. near the end of the movie our hero has to fight two bad guys, the spy and the guy protecting the spy. oh, and if you know your Vietnam war area military vehicles, close your eyes during the garrison scene.
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Saved by OK combat effects
bgm200526 August 2012
To be fair, I watched only the first 20 minutes of this movie, so my comments are only based on that. I might have hung around if WWII Sicily's "landscape" wasn't so easily recognizable as that of Southern California. I gave up hope when several shots showed the film's characters walking along railroad tracks on top of modern concrete ties with modern signals in the background.

I get the feeling this movie was a film school project. And if it was, then I guess it's OK for that purpose. If not, at least it was a good opportunity for inexperienced actors to put something in their blank resumes.

The combat special effects were OK... enough has been said by others regarding the realism of the combat itself, but I thought the special effects used for weapons discharge and bullet flight was OK... more realistic than those we used to see 15-20 years ago. That earned this movie its 3rd star.
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Needs a military adviser
movieeffects23 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
We'll where to begin. These guys could have used a military adviser. Historical and specifically military historical accuracy were obviously not the "objectives" of this exercise. From the mish- mash of infantry weapons used to the Vietnam era M35 Deuce and a half's. The M35's are those two and one half ton cargo trucks that were used in the background of the garrison sequence. Also some one neglected to tell the film makers that troops were generally clean shaven when in garrison, especially officers. Wardrobe was all over the place. Female resistance fighter wearing contemporary clothing. US Army uniforms are a "hodgepodge" the German uniforms are none better. The Nazis are all on foot. Which is ironic since they kinda of perfected mechanized warfare can we say "Blitzkrieg" anyone? Oh yeah these guys are all members of the illustrious 1st Special Service Force. According to the synopsis on the back of the sleeve this takes place in 1942 unfortunately 1st Special Service Force didn't actually see action until May of 1943 and it was in the Aleutian islands in the North Pacific against the Japanese not the Mediterranean theater. They finally made it to Italy in November 1943.

One more tidbit regarding the box art. On the back is this nifty( Possible spoiler) artwork of an aerial dogfight between two P-51D's and a BF 109G (these are fighter aircraft). Doesn't happen in the movie. Please avoid this film. Believe the tag line. "The worst is yet to come" especially if you watch this movie.
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Still a good movie in some ways.
Boba_Fett113821 June 2012
Well, surprisingly enough I did mostly liked this movie. Of course I recognize it as a cheap and original one but it still does plenty of things well and does offer some decent entertainment.

Perhaps I just liked this movie because this is the sort of movie I would had loved to have made with some of my friends. It's a low budget WW II production, that still has a good look to it and has some pretty neat little details in it as well.

Thing that definitely is still holding this movie down is its story. It's a very simple one, that besides it's being far from an original one. Another thing about the movie and its story is that about halfway trough the movie feels wrapped up already. There was no need for the movie to go on for as long as it did and some of its moments definitely feel stretched out.

You also never really get into any of the movies its characters, so it's definitely not being the most involving movie to watch. I honestly don't remember any of the character's names and really don't know who dies and who survives, at the end of the movie. Seems like they had some pretty good character ideas but none of it gets developed well or properly enough in the actual movie.

The action is all filmed well enough, though it certainly is nothing too exciting. Just some firefights, with always the predictable outcome. It still entertains good enough all and makes sure that the movie never becomes a too slow or boring one, though the movie still most definitely has its slower and boring spots.

Really, this movie is not half as bad as some people try make you believe it is. Or perhaps it just happens to be so that I have seen far worse genre movie already and therefore am being quite mild toward this one. But just judge and see for yourself. Changes are you might end up liking it good enough and are able to enjoy it for what it is.

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get a job scott martin
stiankristensen8428 January 2013
On the cover it says: Based on real events. Must say it was a lot of fictional reality in this movie. This was a disgrace to all WWII films. And all the real heroes who fought for freedom during World War II. Low-budget movie or not? there is nothing that is correctly in this movie. uniforms, vehicles, weapons, and the fact that the movie is being filmed on the wrong side of the earth. but when the whole story. is a historical lie.

Scott Martin, get a job, stop making stupid adventure, write that they are based on real events, it's bullshit. I've seen a lot of bad movies in my life. But this is absolutely the worst. The script is more fictional than the Bible itself. My opinion is, do not watch this movie, it's terrible. A shame for the truth. For God's sake, make a low-budget film, pretend you are on the other side of the globe, with bad costumes, wrong weapons, least talented actors in the universe. But praise is not on the cover, and say the movie is based on real events. It is a sin to make the adventure of something that has been a true hell for so many innocent people.

Sorry for my bad English, but the film was probably worse?
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What a Disgrace
akdocfmf16 September 2012
The director, writer, producer and those who funded this film did the men of the "First Special Service Force" a dishonor even mentioning them in this film.

From the beginning to the end this film was poorly done. The acting was horrible, the military tactics and language was wrong. Everything about this movie appeared as if it was done by someone who played war video games on line, instead of actual experience.

My suggestion would be, next time talk to a few real vets and don't use the name of a unit that has such a legacy to try and pawn off your film as historically pertinent.

The reason I rented this movie was because it supposedly portrayed a historical moment in military history when in actuality all it portrayed was poor acting, slipshod research and nothing historical at all.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
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Not that much force in this movie, is there?
TheLittleSongbird13 January 2013
Battle Force is not a complete waste of time. The camera work is competent, the actors do try very hard and some of the combat effects are okay(though not much more than that). But nothing else works. The rest of the effects are slipshod at best while the settings look rather limited. The script is of poor quality, with a lot of unbearably cheesy lines, there are a couple of reasonably fun ones but they are all too far and between. The story is too stretched out and felt as though it had concluded far too soon, most of the second half felt like contrived filler. We learn nothing about the characters and we are indifferent to them also, no matter how hard the actors try. The action lacked any kind of momentum or professionalism, and the film was just dully paced and flatly directed.

All in all, I do try and be fair to me, and while there are much worse and there are a few redeeming merits Battle Force was not good at all. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Low Budget Film
brookshunt21 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It was like I was watching Hogan's Hero's. The difference was that Hogan's hero's was supposed to be funny, this movie was trying to be serious. The comic relief had a horrible southern accent. The terrain looked more like southern California instead of Italy. I just love how each person had about 5000 rounds of ammunition for each battle scene. In the movie there is a Nazi who stands still with a hand gun and 5 people are shooting at him with machine guns and never gets shot. Horrible movie. The only reason I kept watching was so that I could make fun of it and write a review. The "good guys" run across a stream with machine guns blazing and not one of them get hit. I think a 10 year old wrote the script.
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The story was fiction, but the unit was real.
blackhawks-6723913 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The First Special Service Force were known as the Black Devils, the name given them by their terrified German enemy. The stickers were real, put on the helmets of their slain enemy. The sticker reads in German "The worst is yet to come".
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ritojitishere27 March 2013
One of the baddest movies I have ever seen. How Tom Sizemore cold sign up for garbage like this after doing so well in SAVING PRIVATE RYAN is beyond me. The plot is unreal, the action clearly fake, the special effects juvenile and the characters caricatures. The train yard scene would be hilarious if it wasn't so repellent. The director should be prohibited from making another movie EVER. The bad guy with the gimp leg is one of the most ludicrous characters to ever disgrace the movie industry, and the calling out of targets on the road while driving is pathetic. British boor - ism is evident and disgusting. The script writer should be shot for writing this load of horse dung.
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----spoiler alert
angelreborndark25 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
to make a resume....they waste tons of ammo without anyone dying from gunfire. For God's sake, more people die from knifes and hand to hand combat that from bullets. From a point on, the movie is like looking at a a hall with sewing machines because everyone is firing their weapons and at some point (after 100-200 rounds) they remember they should reload. Pathetic. When they had to clear a village, each grunt got a house to clear if you can believe that so the team was separated all the time. Good one guys. Honestly, look at another movie...even looking at the sky seems a better deal than watching this movie. Even when the Germans make a fire barrage and shoot the good guys from the back they still don't get anyone. Oh, I almost forgot; in this movie they can shoot in bent trajectories; for who's interested in this, should check the first 5 minutes of the movie and see that the captain shoots from behind a rock and then advances to hide behind a bigger rock that was in front of his line of site previously.
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My dog crapped in my house as I put this on.
swmwshrk19 January 2021
My dog has never had an accident in the house since we trained him. This was the first time in 3 years. I ignored that omen and tried to watch this movie... I should have heeded the omen. I enjoyed cleaning up the dog crap more than the 10 minutes I watched of this film.

My tolerance for bad movies is high. I made it through Telephone and Spaced Invaders. My favorite movie has a whopping 2.9 on this site. Do not watch.
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One of the worst
bullrider_19622 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I won't go into the historical inaccuracy as it would take up too much space. Do not watch this for any attempt at learning historical accuracy. The 1st Special Service Force deserves much better than this portrayal. This movie does an extreme disservice to this unit and veterans in general. To top it off, to even consider a captain in the 101st AB during WW2 would sell himself to the Nazis makes this movie traitorous to our nation. Hard to believe after the good movies made about WW2 in recent years that this could have even been considered or funded. Whoever was sitting in class in junior high and came up with this story line needs to find a new job.
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