"Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" Hegemony (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Mr. Scott...WTH?!
gbarrett-3994110 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Another winner of an episode! We have the Gorn. We have Mr. Scott! We have an excellent episode. The only flaw is that there is no suspense about Nurse Chapel as she is Star Trek: The Original Series . The Gorn bring a level of suspense that is truly engaging. I really like that they have a mystery box of Gorn capable offensive weapons and detectors. The way Mr. Scott was introduced was brilliant. It showcased and foreshadowed his future knack for developing creative life saving solutions. Killing the crew from the Cayuga was not impactful as we don't know any of them. Also having nurse Chapel being the only survivor was overly convenient but not convincing. All in all it was an outstanding episode. Ready for Season 3!
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Well That Was Frustrating But In A Good Way
mataidixiong10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This will have spoilers, putting it out there from the start.

Let's go to the big one shall we? We meet Scotty! And what a random introduction to him and yes it did feel a bit shoehorned in but the way we meet him does make sense. I guess he becomes a season 3 regular now.

This episode felt very Jurassic Park in space and there is a lot of plot convenience like Nurse Chappell surviving the ship's destruction and just conveniently having Spock there for them to have a convenient but nice space moment.

Pike's girlfriend is about to explode and what a finish to the episode with her being essentially a ticking time bomb while they are being attacked pretty fiercely by a very formidable enemy. Sentient dinosaurs basically are running around and they are really scary. This is how you build a villain, they do, as Pike said, just seem like monsters who enjoy being monsters.

That said, Pike talking about a way of reaching them will clearly hear fruit in season 3 but how much death will happen in the interim until that happens? I do like that they showed the Federation as being really competent here as they have been planning for this attack for some time but covertly.

All in all, this was an absolute cliffhanger where I don't know what decision Pike will make next and it sucks we have to wait a long time I suppose to find out.

A strong end to a very strong season.
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Incredible season finale
Jeffsteele110 August 2023
Again, Wow. This episode did such a fantastic job of keeping me on my toes, not knowing if certain characters were alive or not, if this was going to be a two parter or not - one moment yes, but then no, but then yes - great acting, great writing, great production.

If I had one complaint, it would be the underutilization of La'an - I think she is an incredible character and actor, and the one with the Gorn backstory, yet she wasn't a central focus of the story. Given the nature of the cliffhanger, there will be the opportunity to give her character some Gorn related growth.

Played right, the Gorn will offer so many more robust stories. I can't wait for season three.
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doon_va10 August 2023
Is season 3 out yet???

How.... HOW are we supposed to wait for the continuation of THAT "ending"?????

After a few light hearted episodes scattered amongst some of the best Trek to have been written in the modern era, Season two concludes with a dark and menacing feel, akin to a Ridley Scott Sci-fi Horror (the only thing missing was Ripley!) and it is awesome!

Well written, directed and acted, episode 10 reintroduces a familiar character whilst continuing the development of the Strange new words crew amid their fiercest mission yet. The only low point is the frustration set in the "to be continued" message at the end - right at the most intense part of the episode - and knowing that Season 3 will likely be a while in the making.

All-in-all though, an excellent offering that will have Trekkies, young and old, on the edge of their seats.
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critic-97-41765712 August 2023
How are supposed Star Trek fans not getting why Spock has emotions? This is a younger Spock who hasn't undergone Kolinahr, the Vulcan ritual of purging emotions. A real Star Trek fan should've picked up on this by now. I suspect that at some point, Strange New Worlds will show him undergoing the Kolinahr ritual.

This storyline adds a lot to the mythos of Vulcan customs and their stages of maturation, as well as filling us in to Spock's past.

But hey, if you want to watch stereotypic cavemen men being dudes, watch some old westerns or just hit play on a Michael Bay movie or something. I don't think a progressive, socialist show like Star Trek is for you.
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Great ending to a great season
lujason-4582212 August 2023
Hey Paramount executives who are reading this, this is the Star Trek show we want. Keep on making more of it. This has the feel of a thrilling DS9 or TNG episode yet is modern with a new blend of characters. The writing, acting, and plot points are exciting (was on the edge of my seat the entire time). This entire season of Strange New Worlds have a good mix of serious episodes like this and laid back ones to enjoy, the balance combination of it is what makes Trek enjoyable. They really nail it this season and we have a terrific season finale. The Gorn has won its place as one of the most terrifying Trek villains up there with the Borg. Well done.
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Dark Frontier
infinitezer011 August 2023
This episode contains a lot of the high stakes energy of classic Star Trek two parters. The crew is tasked with a number of hurdles to overcome (which commonly involve rescue operations), and Starfleet plays the role of the underdog. I will never complain about this formula, especially as a season ender. The cliffhanger and wait for the resolution is actually quite nostalgic. In this case, the tension hit hard as the crew was divided and had differing goals to achieve which leads to even worse situations. Spock's mission in particular as the climactic moment was highly produced and made for some effective bonds. This season has been a bit of a mixed bag, I believe I've truly enjoyed about half of the episodes. The bottle episode format allows for this experimentation, but it somehow feels less balanced overall than older series. Not to say that TNG or Voyager's offerings were all above average, but the experimentation was somehow more believable under the same hull.
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Hooray - Star Trek is back
ewaf5810 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'd generally been disappointed with this second season, recycling of old ideas and a general lack of creativity.

But this episode was splendid and had a welcome suprise half way through where Pike and crew come across a new friend, who just happens to be a creative genius.

The acting was very good and the special effects cinematic at times.

It may have featured an old foe , but transformed through modern day effects

No rubber suits this time around.

I hope that series 3 builds on this excellent episode , and possibly brings back some of the classic episode music from TOS .

TOS featured some wonderful composers like George Dunning, Fred Steiner , Sol Kaplan and of course Alexander Courage.

Their compositions really enhanced each episode, with a classic composition by Sol Kaplan for The Doomsday machine.

Anyway, my faith in this series has been restored.
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Very good episode overall - but I do have concerns...
simianfriday11 August 2023
I mostly really enjoyed this episode. I think it does "action trek" in pretty much the best way possible - and that's definitely a good thing. On top of the strong action sequences, there were some interesting moments between characters and some really cool sequences with the crew trying to think their way out of different situations. This is the sort of thing Trek has often done well and it's nice to see it working with SNW just as well as it has in past shows.

That said, as much as I enjoyed this episode - and I did enjoy it: 8/10 after all - I am a little bit worried about the future. It really seems like they're trying to position the Gorn as the Borg-like adversary of SNW - and I just don't think the Gorn are interesting enough to fill that role. They're little more than Xenomorphs at this point and I haven't seen any effort to make them anything more than that, so building them up as some kind of primary antagonist as this show appears to be doing just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I really hope they introduce a different sort of enemy that is actually interesting at some point because the Gorn, while fun for an episode here or there, just isn't interesting enough to be much more than that.
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return of the gorns
valeryjdenis10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After the laugh "à la Buffy", again the fear : A remarkable scenario, the main antagonist - the gorns - begins to be a little more elaborate. The game of references specific to the series continues (Scotty, particularly noticed, as well as the post-apocalyptic atmosphere in the 1950s "à la" fallout), but the scenario gains in originality by creating suspense at every moment, especially as the enemy being barely explored in ToS, we discover it along with the heroes. Once again Strange New world shows that it is not only a great gift to fans but a series in its own right worthy of the rest of the franchise. And this ability to alternate laughter and tears from one episode to another is really a signature of the series, in line with ToS.
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So, when do we meet the GORN QUEEN?
peter-4697811 August 2023
You know it's going to happen.

Certain kidnapped humans will be taken to the egg-laying Gorn Queen. She'll try to assimi-- err, chemically brainwash some of them and make them into crazed Gorn Lizardlings.

Perhaps Pike will offer himself in exchange for certain kidnapped humans, and even be turned into Locut--I mean, a spokesperson for Gorn-Human relations. You know, someone to convince humanity that resisting the Gorn is... an endeavor not worth attempting. But, do we blow up the Gorn Lizard Cube with Pike on it? NO. We attempt a rescue! Data (I mean, Scotty & Spock working together) will rig something to teleport onto the Queen's ship and keep the away team cloaked. None of the Gorn will even know what's happening until it's too late!

Then maybe Ripley-- err, La'an, can come out with a flamethrower and blow the damn Gorn Queen out of the airlock! Then with no Queen to guide them, the rest of the Gorn will be thrown into chaos again, eating each other like it's lunchtime at Chipotle.

Pike will have to have the Gorn implants removed but will be back on duty in no time, after a recovery stint on his wine farm on Earth. Then it's off to another lighthearted adventure, perhaps a mystery to solve on an Irish-themed planet.

I know, this is all farfetched but who knows!
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Why set up such an unbelievable scenario?
gtwucla27 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this episode like most episodes, but the writers have a problem. They are consistently creating scenarios that stretch believability and it's completely unnecessary. Why make it so there is only one survivor on the ship? I mean it was set up so that we knew the doctor character would survive, we were just waiting for the camera to pan over to her. It wasn't a surprise or mystery at all whatsoever. This is immediately rectified with a distress call before the blocker is set up or morse code with blinking lights or just don't make it her ship or have her on the surface, etc. It takes away from the show. Not in anyway a dealbreaker, it's just shotty writing.
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This is not a Starfleet crew, this is a joke
Zaffy-115 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, Enterprise has this brilliant idea to use the remains of a destroyed Starfleet ship as a weapon to attack the enemy.. WITHOUT checking first if there are any survivors left in the wreckage they intend to use.

And of course there are still people alive, at least one, nurse Chapel, which they save and still they do not even care to check the rest of the ship. As long as Spock and Chapel meet, who cares if Starfleet personnel is sent to their deaths? Apparently not their fellow Starfleet officers.

Ok, I know what plot armor is and sometimes you just have to accept it. But this was simply ridiculous.
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That is a classic one
marianciobanuz12 August 2023
Probably this is one of the greatest episodes in the recent years and without no doubt one of my favorites of all times and it looks exactely as i wanted this series to be,it is scary, it has tension, a good story, good visual fx and i can sincerly tell i liked this episode as much i liked the two parters episodes from TNG, DS 9, or Voyager,the only issue with this episode it is the age of Scotty, i always thought he is the oldest character from the original crew, not the youngest and this seems to be another deviation from the original story which is another reason for the producers to put SNW in a different timeline, just to please the fans, but anyway the episode is a very good one, even if it was a predictible one, because we knew from the trailers that the gorns should be in at least one episode and probably the last from the season was the more suitable one. This episode really deserves its 10 stars.
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Beam me up Scotty!
Cpt_JackSparrow10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After the disastrous previous episode in which I gave a one star rating I am happy to say that the show is back on track and true to form.

It's clear they were saving their budget on this episode and hopefully the next one as well. Everything about this episode is what I love about this show. I'm particularly amazed at the CGI for a TV Show. Almost cinema level quality.

No spoilers, but I'm very excited about the new addition to the crew! He did a fantastic job and his on-screen presence is captivating.

I only hope that Strange New Worlds continues this trajectory of good Sci-Fi story telling with a mix of excellent cinematic actions scenes and even some horror elements. 10 out of 10.
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How could this episode have a lesser rating than the
terrylarosa11 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Worst SW episode in the entire series. I'm talking of course about the abomination that came out two weeks ago with the freakish, forever crying, whining cartoon characters from Lower Drecks. This was a superb episode. We got to see an adult Gorn ( a far cry from TOS Gorn ). A great battle between Spock, Chapel and that adult Gorn was definitely the highlight. Stellar special effects and some great suspense. Though I didn't like it at first I'm now really enjoying the Spock/Chapel relationship and the dynamics it's brought to the show. The tactical uniforms they wore and a certain Scottish character were an added treat. My only complaint is the episode could have been a bit longer. The show ended on a real cliffhanger and a high note with the last two superb episodes. After sinking to the lowest level with that cartoon nonsense the season ends with a fantastic finale that should give no pause as to why we love this show.
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Please make Spock more like spock
zfgcjx12 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Spock is getting more and more cring. Spock is Vulcan and yes he did struggle with emotion at times. But it was kept to a minimum as he concentrated on being Vulcan. This show will become dumb if Spock does not get back to being Spock. The Gorn are positioned as the Borg threat. I'm good with that as they make for a race not really explored. Scotty was great. There is a lot of talent in these actors and actresses and the crew and cast is great. But let's make sure characters stay in character next season. I'm tired of this writers think they know better than the original. Please stop thinking you can write characters and stories better than the original. Half of the season was good. Let's go for 75% good next season.
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This is what Star Trek should be!
dusadomovine12 August 2023
The last ep of season one was excellent! Sadly, the first nine eps of season two were unpalatable with ep 9, the singing and dancing ep being total barf. Like Pike says in this episode "Sometimes a monster is just a monster."

The whole season should have been about the Gorn. Finally we have an interesting problem to solve. Finally there is action and heroism - the stuff we Sci-Fi'ers want.

What I want to know is how does a reptilian species with hands for killing develop such high tech? Next season we might get an answer but if we extrapolate from the past into the future, ep one of season three will be interesting and then the rest of the season will be vomitous.
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Satisfying And Well Written
TMAuthor2313 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This season, like the first season, has been uneven but mostly very good.

With the finale we get a return to gritty character arcs, an exciting story with real stakes, and no heavy handed social messaging, but they did squeeze in a plug for vaccines in the first few minutes. Not all social messaging is bad, but when overdone it muddles the story.

So many of the performances are solid and the pacing is very well done too.

My issues were the three uncharacteristic moments where Pike (Anson Mount is good even with improperly written scenes) behaves in ways that don't mesh with the character we have come to know.

1) He freaks out during Ortega's shuttle flight which, although it gave Ortega her moment ( I've come to like the character even though her constant irreverence runs counter to what a starfleet captain would accept), was tonally out of whack with the rest of the episode. Pike was a test pilot. Flying acrobatics wouldn't make him puke. Why not have another character exhibit some white knuckling?

2) When Pike, Scotty (great character intro!!) and Captain Batel are confronted with a Gorn youngling, Pike freezes and holds up his hands as though a submissive gesture in front of a (as learned last season) blood thirsty crazed alien would accomplish anything other than provide an easy meal/host.

3) At the climactic ending, when confronted with a spacefaring confrontation against seemingly insurmountable odds, he freezes AGAIN! Una Chin Riley actually has to verbally ask for orders twice, as though Pike was an inexperienced cadet. First, Pike has proven to be a man of action, and second, he knows his fate and would see any interceding dilemma between his present and ultimate tragedy as being not only winnable, but also a bump in the proverbial road.

I'm not sure why the writers and show runner are doing this, but I'm hoping there's some explanation in season 3's premiere episode.

Carol Kane's scenes were good and promise more, which surprised me because I've never been a fan of her work. Scotty's intro was GREAT and we're treated to an actor's interesting interpretation of an iconic character that falls somewhere between James Doohan's and Simon Peg's. Well done.

Chapel gets some great screen time, Spock as well as he searches for some kind of closure with their doomed relationship. I'm hoping his performance gets closer to the canon ordinance of Nimoy. La'an is relegated to plot service, but Christina Chong handles her moments with her standard high level performance.

There is a great scene (heavily borrowing from Alien) that features good CGI, tension and the revelation of what an adult Gorn looks like and how it is possible that a savage species can pilot spaceships.

Overall a great episode that may or may not be well served by the next episode's answers.

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Finally a good episode in this terrible season.
christophe-huysecom10 August 2023
Title says it all. I found this second season the worse I have seen in the entire Star Trek franchise. No story arc and silly experiments with cartoons and musicals.

This episode however gives me back hope that there will be more suspense in the future.

I have been missing Discovery (that is in my opinion one of the best new additions of the last few years) so much during this season of SNW.

I hope they now continue to pick up the pace and deliver true Star Trek, and no more of those frivolities that are not why I have loved this franchise since the original series.

This show has great potential thanks to the great cast and setting. Please make it 'fly' and not dance around with silly experiments.
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Can someone explain ...
brekelm10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good episode! But what is bugging me (and I have seen it in a lot of series): if something explodes in spaces, why does the debris stay in its place? There's no gravity, the explosion propulses it, why doesn't it just fly away?

Apart from that, I'm happy no Klingons are singing. I'm sorry, but these episodes with (let's call them) experiments tend to mess with my Star Strek world as I build it in my head while I'm watching. And as funny it can be to others, it is just not original: a lot of other shows did it as well, and not only sci-fi shows. But ... to each its own!

And ... here's Scotty!
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To be continued
notanaxkiller-107-28791121 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To be continued...but not for a long time. With the writers strike expected to continue for an extended period, it may be summer of 2025 before we find out what happens. That's time enough for memories, and interest to cool. That's TWO YEARS! This episode started off with the narration explaining that the Cayuga was overseeing the human colony world Parnassus Beta. It had been designed after a small town model, to mimic the old midwestern United States. 1950's to early 1960's by appearance. This was not by accident, but choice, as it represented a time in America when the majority were if not rich, at least prosperous, the most moral, and the happiest in the history of our nation. And hopeful of the future...not fearful. Hegemony is a great title for this episode, as its definition means leadership or dominance by one country or social group over others. It seems as the though the Gorn will become this series Borg. It also seems like an occult nod to the censorship occurring in America. Great writing and acting by everyone in this episode. But two years or more is a long time to wait for a resolution. Many people will die of old age and illness before the next season. Maybe even some of the lead actors. I don't know who is to blame. Are the writers being greedy, or is it those that pay them? This year has been an uneven one, as there have been great episodes mixed in with terrible ones. If the writers want more money, perhaps they should be more consistent.
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Entertaining episode with one highlight
snoozejonc12 August 2023
A human colony is attacked.

It is difficult to judge the plot of this one before the story concludes, but it provides good setup and cliffhanger. I am not one to complain (much) about writers breaking continuity with previous Trek when the story is good, but the arc involving these particular antagonists will need to have a very good conclusion in light of how much revision of backstory appears to be happening prior to the events of a classic episode of the original series.

As for the species portrayal in SNW, there is a bit too much "Alien" similarities for me, and so far they appear to be one of those classic Trek baddies that have implausibly developed space travel. However, I accept there could be more backstory and explanation to come.

The characters are mostly used well, particularly the reintroduction of a classic who fits nicely into the mix and is played strongly by Martin Quinn. This is the best aspect of the episode for me.

As always the visuals, art design and effects are of a very high standard.
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Offputting writing and directing.
kokkiekok7511 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Dialogue, odd facial expressions, angles, close to zero tactical awareness (common sense) of the landingparty, and the Erica Ortega-character simping in this episode did the character a huge disservice. ¨Whats this? Thats the debris-field. Really? Cant we use the debris-field? Thats brilliant, Erica!¨ NO ITS NOT! Anyone with half a brain could come up with that... Then, judging by her face she snorted a pound of coke just before piloting the shuttle down to the planet.

Also, ive seen already dead and buried redshirts with more tactical awareness than this landingparty.

It reminded me of having to sit through a school-play.

A few bright spots, but i was glad when it was over.

Oh, its a 2-parter? Damn!
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great ending to a strong season!
nerrdrage6 December 2023
Season 2 is definitely a step up from Season 1. The characters have really gelled as a team and every single one of them is valuable. Which becomes a problem with these darned Gorn episodes. Half the cast is unkillable for canon reasons (unless they want to get really daring) which makes me nervous for the other half.

As an action episode, this one's pretty much perfect, with emotional stakes being ratcheted up to the sky and the dilemma of Pike wanting to protect his people who are outside Federation territory without starting a war being very understandable. We even get a zero-G fight scene, always fun to see.

And yet another familiar face joins the party. Small galaxy, huh?

There are hints that there's another shoe to drop in regards to the Gorn. Not spoilers, just speculation: the animalistic Gorn we've seen don't seem like they could be building and flying starships. Are all the ones we've seen the young Gorn and with maturity, they change a lot? Is there a different caste of Gorn who are actually running things and the animalistic ones are the soldier caste? Maybe there's a completely different species running things, who use Gorn as their cannon fodder.

With that cliffhanger, it's gonna be a long wait. Sigh.
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