Last Hours in Suburbia (2012) Poster

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teodoramonika8 January 2022

The film has a lot of good comments and I'm honestly surprised by that. The movie isn't bad, it's not boring but it's nothing wow. It's only good for killing time. The only thing that is really good in the film is this beautiful and charismatic brunette, who plays a dead friend.
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Lost in Space-Lost Hours in Suburbia **1/2
edwagreen13 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Taking responsibility for one's actions is one thing, our leading lady legitimately did not know what happened on the night of her dear friend's death. Her friend evidently knew and comes back to help our accused find the solution to what had occurred.

For a girl who is now dead and can only be seen by the accused, she is very jolly with caustic one-liners spoken as the two attempt to reconstruct what happened at the party and afterward in the car on that fateful day.

The ending, I guarantee, will not be satisfying to the viewer, but may very well be true to life.

This film would have worked far better had it been a comedy. I could see that in the 1940s and the end would have been different and therefore satisfying.
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A thoughtful drama
kathicutler3 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I tuned into this movie on Saturday evening and hesitated at I really want to watch this? I deal with kids every day as an educator and it looked like just another teen flick at first, but, it soon caught me up in the emotion of a young girl who is facing prison for decisions made in one night of partying, drinking and driving. I dare say we all know at least one person who has been killed by a drunk driver.

The actors were real in their characters but a couple do stand out: Malara Walsh as the girl who died and Steven A. Miller as the young man who has turned to alcohol to assuage his guilt. I also enjoyed Kelcie Stranahan as Grace.

I hope this movie is viewed by lots of adolescents as a warning of what can happen when decisions are made after drinking and partying.
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So Bad They Named It Twice
Onerous122 October 2017
No Spoilers in this review.. for that. there would need to be a plot to reveal. I see some good reviews for this film, but I can't decide whether they are the usual "vested interest shills", or impressionable teenage girls writing them. It's another one of those films that had so little impact that it scarcely matters what the film title was... "Last Hours in Suburbia", "A Fall From Grace"... call it what you like, scarcely matters.! Kind of reminded me of "Before I Fall"(slightly), but nowhere near as good..!
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review of Last Hours in Suburbia
Susan-McKeon21 October 2012
I was initially intrigued by Last Hours in Suburbia because of the assumption that the audience would accept Malara Walsh as a spirit, when she appeared to be human in all ways. And the concept worked! Although we couldn't see through her, we somehow knew that she had passed from our world into another. The inclusion of the two male leads provided an excellent contrast between the dramatic struggles of the girls, to the more low-key responses of the boys. I was mesmerized by Steve Miller's ability to keep from over-acting. He reminded me of so many of the males in my life, who try to deal with stress by keeping emotions withheld, dealing without drama, "like a man". Miller was able to convey his confusion and his fear through his eyes, which I see as a sign of a true actor. Well done!
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loved the movie
vgibbs543 October 2012
I really enjoyed Last Hours in Suburbia. As an educator, it really showed taking responsibility for one's actions. The two lead young women were wonderful and totally credible. I loved watching the character, "Pete," (Steve Miller) go from this really cool "with it" guy, to a totally different person who was so lost to the world because of the tragedy that occurred. I'd really like to see more of this actor and all that he is capable of projecting on the screen. He seems to have much potential, especially in his last scene of confrontation. The movie is a good teaching tool for high schoolers and the reality of peer pressure and consequences.
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Great movie, Very deep and emotional.... Warning: Spoilers
This is a very well made and touching movie. I connected with Grace greatly, and even by the end I still felt sick and depressed just as she must have felt, rather than disliking her for what she did and being glad about the outcome (not to say she wasn't wrong, but still). That means the acting was very good and believable...except for the fact that Grace (and her mom or really anyone else, actually) did not shed any tears at any point, which is very unrealistic. Guess that was too hard for the actors...but it's really not such a big deal. Just saying.

While I thus was, initially, very disappointed that the ending did not turn out to be, as I put it, "for the best" or what "should have happened", I realize that that is actually a fact of life and this movie shows harsh reality about what mistakes and carelessness lead to. Clearly you can see that Grace normally wasn't such an irresponsible or risky person, but she made a mistake and indeed paid the consequences. However there are two things I would like to point out in light of some other reviews, based on my opinion (note that the following is particularly where MAJOR spoilers are included, by the way, so only read if you've seen the movie!).

First, I'm pretty sure that the "sadness" conveyed in the end is not so much about Grace having to go to prison for the crime she only just realized she committed, but that she caused her friend's death. Note that what actually caused the crash wasn't so much that Grace was too drunk to drive properly (although obviously that didn't help and could have caused a crash regardless), but that she turned around to yell at Jen in a way she really didn't mean and regretted. Think about it. In theory, that accident could have happened to a sober person, who was extremely stressed and distracted, in just the same way. Grace already cried after the confrontation with Pete because she realized she caused the crash. Her later sadness by the lake, which carried through and set the tone of the end the movie, was due loosing Jen, particularly with the last interaction they had in the car.

The other thing is that Jen's appearance is not really as a ghost. True, at times I would like to believe that, since it does make a lot more sense at times and is easier to understand. However, if that was true then Jen would have either expressed from the start that it was Grace's fault....and Jen would have been still upset, or at least hurt, that Grace was "cutting ties" between them right before the crash. Yet Jen was acting as if they were still friends...and they were, since Grace didn't really mean what she said in the car and did not hold on to those feelings afterward (in fact she regretted it so much she shut it out of her memory). Furthermore Jen even says to Grace that "I am a manifestation of your guilt". Of course, Jen does act more as a ghost than a hallucination by appearing as more of her own person than something out of Grace's mind. However, it just doesn't match up- the "Jen" that follows Grace around during the search for what happened does not know any more than Grace does, other than the fact that she sees and remembers some of Grace's memories better than Grace. That means that she is like Grace's conscience, in that sense.

Anyway, although the movie depressed me and has stuck to my mind for who knows how long, I think it has a good and well made plot, with very valuable lessons, ideas, and messages.
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Good Content
debbie-estok3 October 2012
This movie kept me hanging, there were great foreshadowing techniques. The actor who played Pete, Stephen Miller played a great role in the movie, I would like to see him in more movies. Like action thrillers, Love movies, something that shows off his talents. He played a character who was full of emotion, from elation to deep sorrow. What a wonderful role. I think Stephen Miller did an excellent job persuading the audience to believe his sorrow after the tragedy, as well as showing his positive emotions during the flashback scenes. Please let me see more of this talented actor... He is a star waiting to shine and show his talent to the Hollywood producers.
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weezarlouise22 December 2013
I thought this film was fantastic. The story line was very interesting and the ending was great. I have watched this film twice in the last 2 days and will probably watch it again. Although I would have made a few minor changes as a director like maybe not being able to see Jennifer's shadow. There was also a part where the actress was still in the background waiting for her cue but she was in full vision, these are just minor errors that could have been fixed by the editor but oh well it's done now and the acting was still strong and the characters were portrayed well. Apart from the errors it is definitely a film worth watching. Most people won't pick up on them anyway.
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Great movie!
kantolupe4 October 2012
I am not usually a Liftetime movie fan, but I watched a repeat of this movie after several of my friends were raving about it. I am glad they recommended it! This movie kept me guessing until the end. I agree with many of the reviews above that it sends a powerful message to teens. I think this is an effective film to show kids the consequences of drinking and driving or even just excessive partying. Grace must defer her college dreams to report to prison. Just one careless night of drinking and partying leads to the death of her best friend. I do not think all the characters were developed enough, though. For example, I would like to know more about Pete. He clearly is a pivotal character in all this. I would have been nice to see him more throughout the movie. I guess this movie is part of a series, so maybe he will star in the next installment! I have been a big Maiara Walsh fan since Desperate Housewives, and she is awesome! I hope she and Steven A. Miller can star in a sequel together.
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Intriguing plot
lindacartiglia6 October 2012
I felt that the plot line was extremely intriguing and that it thoroughly kept the viewer glued to the screen. There was one particular outstanding supporting role played by Steven A. Miller and I wish that he would have had more screen time. He kept the viewer guessing with his subtle mannerisms. The two female leads, Mariara Walsh and Kelcie Stranahan, had great chemistry and were dynamic. All the performances, in particular of the three mentioned, kept the story moving. All the twists and turns we're nail biting and I found myself gasping aloud. I would definitely recommend this movie for a night at home.
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Quasi-Jungian themes... in a Lifetime movie!
sasatranslations3 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm writing this review because so many reviewers (and the IMDb synopsis) seem to think the Jennifer character is some kind of ghost, when it's made very clear she is a construct within Grace's psyche: perhaps her 'guilt', perhaps her 'conscience'. There are references to FIGHT CLUB, both verbal and visual, which had a similar but very Freudian theme (the Id fighting to emerge) and while it's understandable people would believe 'Jennifer' to be a good old fashioned movie-style ghost, that character most certainly is not. She is a part of Grace's fractured psyche trying to inform or guide; as such she appears to be Jennifer, but actually isn't: she is an image Grace's psyche is using in a sort of metaphorical way to represent a value within Grace herself. This is a really high-minded concept to use in a, basically, supposedly mundane Lifetime movie about the dangers of teen drinking and driving! I was shocked. It's like HERMAN'S HEAD or INSIDE OUT, but much more intelligent and corrosive. I admit I watched this movie on Netflix because I knew my teenage daughter had seen it, and I don't see her that much. Teen flicks on Lifetime are not my thing; I would not normally watch this kind of movie; but this is some very intelligent film-making. Thing is, with this kind of psychological theory (mostly Jung), the figures used are just symbolic or metaphorical, and are not the physical figures themselves: they are kind of... 'borrowings'; in this movie's case, the seemingly ghostly 'Jennifer' isn't the (now-dead) physical Jennifer at all, but an image of Grace's friend Grace's mind/psyche is trying to use, un/subconsciously, to comprehend the tragedy. Jennifer in this movie is a part of Grace's personality, not Jennifer. This is a VERY complex idea, like I said, to use in a more-or-less throwaway Lifetime movie! Somebody put a lot of thought into this. It's as if INSIDE OUT used, instead of distinct characters (Joy & Co) to represent Riley's psyche, figures from her physically real life (parents, etc.) were used instead, and functioned on two levels: outer physical life, as themselves; and Riley's inner life, as metaphors. LHIS does this: it uses a physically existing person (even if now dead) to represent a part of Grace's psyche. This is complex stuff and it can get very confusing. I'm very surprised someone used it in any movie; I think that maybe it got done because of the Lifetime sponsorship: if it was a big-budget production, I seriously doubt anything this confusing would have made it past the first draft. And there is one awesome sight-gag in this very special and very smart film: Grace brawling with Jennifer, having another character catch her at it... and revealing there is no Jennifer: it's just Grace herself, who is, literally, 'wrestling with her conscience'! That scene blew me away; I was open-mouthed at the audacity of it. This movie really sticks in my memory. It's really, really good.
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Why isn't this movie a 10 of of 10!
CheerChick129822 November 2013
I absolutely love this movie. I think that it has humor, drama, an is a thriller, because it will have u hanging on every minute. It has such an amazing plot and cast that I wish there were more movies like this or even a sequel. Anyone else a agree? That's not to say that it didn't end perfectly! Over all it's above any expectations that is out there! It has so many twists and turns that you will be shocked and maybe even crying by the end. Not to say a sad movie but just because you will be thoroughly moved. A lesson about decisions that will make teens like myself start to take responsibility if and when they choose to make life changing decisions. All teens need to see it for themselves. Lessons to be learned...
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Last Hours in Suburbia
brenda_friedler2 October 2012
The powerful message in "Last Hours in Suburbia" is most compelling. This movie is a must-see for adolescents. Maiara was superb, and the handsome young actor, Steven Miller, was a refreshing new face who was most convincing in his role.

The idea behind "Suburbia" is catching on and most relevant--I am thinking (as are my friends) that this could spin off into a mini-series of sorts, perhaps similar to "Revenge' or 'Desperate Housewives" with twenty-somethings in the lead roles. There is so much material in our suburbs---stories abound--based in truth. Maiara Walsh and Steven Miller could make a series like leap to life---I think it would sell.
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I love this movie.
jeanna_eason4 December 2013
I just learned about this movie this year.I think its the best movie in the hole wide would. and Iam sick and tired that it is not on DVD. and i love this movie and i cant watch it when i want. and besides this movie is better then the most movies i have seen in my hole life. and men and black is so stupid that the last hour in suburbia is much of a classic.and its great for friendship and its really sad. it made me cry that Mariah Walsh died from a drink driving accident from some girl that is her friend. at a party that drugged her that accident killed her best friend. and its really sad . and i really vote for this movie. i want it on DVD. this movie is a bad ass. they need to play another movie two Maria Walsh is so fun and perfect for the movie she played she made me laugh she's so funny the movie would not be that great with out Mariah Walsh play that part go Mariah Walsh. this movie made me have goosebumps until it got to the end.
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Loved the acting and story line!
Jnwalls6 October 2012
I was really impressed with this film and genuinely surprised by the excellent acting. Most important was the film's very relevant message for both teens and college students. I love a movie that keeps me guessing and this was one of the few that actually surprised me! I thought the female leads were very talented; actually, the actors were appealing but I found myself drawn to the character of Pete. I thought his transformation was amazing. Although I am an older viewer, I watched this film with my college age niece and her boyfriend and they appeared equally engaged in the film. What was even more satisfying was watching them discuss the film and the messages it conveyed. I would love to see the female leads and the actor who played Pete in other films. I think they have excellent potential and their attractiveness certainly makes them appealing to viewers of all ages.
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Great Cast, Relatable Story
kbarbro4 October 2012
I don't usually watch Lifetime Movies. But for whatever reason I found myself watching this one. It kept drawing me in as I tried to figure out what was going to happen next.

The story is completely relatable. So many parts of it are like scenes from my own memory of days gone by. The two girls were very convincing. They reminded me of, me and my best friend, total opposites and of course often bickering like sisters. The two male actors were great too. Naturals in fact! I believed every second, and am pretty sure that I have encountered guys just like them at parties I have been to.

The message of this movie is wonderful. It reminded me of an after school special that might have been on when I was younger, but with better acting, better producing, better editing and a way better script.

Overall, I have to say, Bravo! I may just have to catch another Lifetime Movie to see what they have in store next!
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Loved the movie!
Beanie9362 October 2012
Liked the movie a lot as didn't know until the end what would happen. Really kept me guessing as to who was responsible for accident. Deals with an issue that is a big problem in high schools and colleges today. Two leading ladies did a good job and were believable. Thought new actor who played "Pete" was hot, hot, hot. Would like to see more of him. Great scene was toward the end in the confrontation scene. He was the only main actor who I have not seen before. Liked the way his character changed as the movie went on after the loss he suffered. This is the second "Suburbia" movie I've seen and would like more. Would not have classified it as a thriller, however, just because there was a "ghost".
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Retracing Her Steps
lavatch14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Gracie and Jennifer were best friends. But Jennifer died in a tragic automobile accident in which Gracie was apparently the driver. The problem is that Gracie has no memory of the accident.

The film juggles flashbacks with scenes in the present when Gracie is due to report to prison for manslaughter. Gracie's kind mother was convinced that this was the best option to avoid a trial and the potential of her daughter serving a much longer sentence.

A conceit of the film is that the Ghost of Jennifer appears to help Gracie reconstruct the day of the accident that included a party in which Gracie became intoxicated. While the ghost convention sounds like a cliché, it was well-handled due to the sassy and wise-cracking interpretation of Jennifer. Some much needed levity was brought to an otherwise depressing scenario.

One of the themes explored was what Jennifer refers to as "badassery." Utterly blunt in all of her observations, Jennifer helps to steer her friend to a reconciliation of the truth of what happened on the fateful night of the party. And she does so in the way of tough love.

The performances were first-rate, especially the synergy of the two friends. The arc of the narrative was in the direction of a coming-of-age film. But it also was imbued with a profound sadness of a loss that will never be recovered.
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Last Hours in Suburbia was spell-binding. I loved it!
Jacquie-stengel3 October 2012
This was one of the best Lifetime movies I've seen. I especially loved what they did with the character of "Pete" and how well the part was played by Steven Miller. I hope to see more of Steven in upcoming projects! He's sure to be a fan favorite!! This was a particularly good-looking cast. Obviously the female leads were gorgeous young women but what really stood out were a couple of close-ups of the aforementioned Steven Miller. He is destined to be TV's newest heart-throb. But he's not just a pretty face...he is obviously very talented too.... In particular, I enjoyed that the plot kept us guessing all the way to the end. The friends I watched with kept shouting out their opinions and nobody in the group actually guessed the correct ending. Lifetime, keep up the good work and, like I said, bring us some more of Steven!!!
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Very emotional movie
vickypapagew4 April 2019
It was one of the best lifetime movies! I didn't except the ending!!
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loved this movie -- especially the actor who portrayed Pete
Pamela-Pero15 October 2012
As a mother of teenagers, I really thought this movie was a wonderful way to point out the finality and unspeakable danger of drinking and driving from the point of view of the victim as well as the accused. It was poignant but still had light moments that kept the watcher intrigued and involved.

My favorite actor in this movie was DEFINITELY Steven Miller, who portrayed PETE. He is extremely talented, and I hope to see much more of him in movies and on television. He would do very well in anything from soap operas to movies to sitcoms to dramas.

Please put him in more of your movies.
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My favorite movie to be honest! Warning: Spoilers
I really loved this movie. Some talk about how happy the best friend is as she came out of the grave et cetera. I don't know if this has been said in the movie or if it is my headcanon. But in my opinion, Jeniffer wasn't a ghost or anything but more of a hallucination. Deep down Grace knew she was responsible, but because of the drama she surpressed it all and because of that the hallucination of her best friend came to realisation. Which explains why her best friend acts happy jolly. That was her personality before her death, the way Grace knew her. Above all she helped attempt to reconstruct what happened, because it is actually Grace her memory who helps herself, but acts through a filter (Jeniffer hallucination) because she otherwise couldn't live with herself. The brain protects ourselves.

I honestly believe many don't really see the point of the movie and actually thinks that it is her ghost (which indeed makes less sense). I could be wrong though, but hallucination makes sense in every way.

**EDIT** Jeniffer herself said she was the product of Grace's guilt so people who say Jeniffer is a ghost are wrong.
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Great Moveie
lraskin-493-4494284 October 2012
This was a great movie and i was very impressed with the quality of the script and the actors. I originally did not think I would enjoy another teenage flick, but I found myself being drawn straight into the story and the plot. Although i thought this was going to be entirely a suspense/drama, it became more than that. The story line became increasingly more suspenseful as the portrayal of the actors intensified..I kept watching the character Pete (Steve Miller) and was drawn into his portrayal of his emotions as they intensified throughout the movie..I would sure like to see him starring in other films as he seems to have a "special quality"....besides being very handsome!!! This is not just a has an important lesson for young people to understand as they continue to party and drink......There are consequences....look carefully at the script, who are you or who could you be? Know what path you are taking...or how to change your path......Lives are too precious....
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Didn't enjoy it
ivegonemod26 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing good about this movie was the Walsh girl. I think she's great in Switched at birth and I want to see more of her. She's just too beautiful for words, of course that's obvious. I think she's a darned fine actress who is on the way up.

In this movie, she plays a ghost. Being dead doesn't really seem to be a big problem for her character and that bothered me. I didn't think anything was funny about a life being ended like that. I really wish that in movies when characters are reacting to whatever a ghost is saying or doing that they would at least try not to appear crazy to others. Not a good idea to start boxing a ghost in public.

Overall, the movie was boring, and I had to speed it along, which is probably why I was confused as to who actually caused the accident. It looks like there was more than one scenario.
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