Blood Widow (2014) Poster


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Please buy a boom mic before making a movie.
maverickz-33-53038821 June 2014
I watch a ton of movies, so a lot of them end up being low budget horror films. That said I am used to sub-par acting, and scripts with plot holes. This movie was not as bad as many others I have watched and not as bad as some other reviewers are saying.

Most of my problems with this movie are of the technical variety. First the camera person had focusing problems especially early in the film.It was as if he was using the camera for the very first time. The biggest problem in the movie though is the sound. It seemed like the only mic used was the one built into the camera. This results in barely being able to hear quite a bit of the dialog, especially if the actor was either facing away or was further away from the camera. This was a big factor in characters feeling flat. Other sounds such as doors were muted.

Bottom line the movie itself wasn't that bad but the audio was so frustrating that it made the movie seem much worse than it really was. If you can deal with the audio you might like this, otherwise skip this one.
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Oh boy, I loved it! - Go Go sarcasm!
Patient44417 June 2014
Will this new wave of horror directors ever learn?!? Will their excuses always fall in the category: low budget, I did my best?? Why keep doing the same thing over and over when you know from starts it's nothing but a mistake?!?

Why do I always get to see cardboard characters in this kind of movies? How come only the worst possible decisions are taken, how come no one ever knows better and how great would it be to see some brain action for once? Blood Widow is a terrible movie: acting below amateur; the kills make you facepalm; the gore is laughable; the music used in the movie was probably made by an 11 years old with a free download program; last but not least, the killer design is worth of a better movie indeed.

This one will annoy you, will get you sad cause you wasted time on it, shows no potential, no real plot, just a very bad case of deja-vu. Stay away, look elsewhere, plenty of good indies around there.

Blood Widow translates into: "let's make the same mistakes again. maybe people won't notice!"

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performpail18 June 2014
What was there to like about this film, sadly.. not a thing!

The acting was well below par, even for a film of this nature. The death scenes were recycled garbage, poorly executed, and lack luster. I wanted more than anything to see who ever created the score killed in the film. In fact I wish the antagonist in the films used the director as a weapon to brutally beat the score composer to death.

Seeing that would have been more original than the over done script. Avoid this film, it's nothing you are looking for in a horror film. I literally wanted to punch someone in the face whilst I watched this. Horror films are truly becoming horrible.
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What a waste of an amazing villain
snobrdchic7 July 2014
My 14 year old and I found the only thing entertaining about this movie was laughing at the terrible acting. The only thing good about it was the villain. She could have been SO scary. That mask was my motivation for renting the film. There was little to no suspense. The gore was over the top. I could have forgiven that for the movie style had any other portion been good but it wasn't. And most importantly the story just didn't quite make sense. Then I thought there was going to be some reveal at the end, but nope still confused. Did I mention the acting was TERRIBLE? Total waste of one of the most awesome creepy face masks I've seen in forever.
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WTF did I just watch.
Elysion_x13 September 2014
Okay, so, the trailer looked kinda cool. Not extremely, but the killer looked totally wicked and it seemed interesting, so I watched it.

Big. Effing. Mistake.

This movie is nothing but crap from end to beginning. The lighting was awful and the sound keeps jumping from muffled to high-pitched throughout the film. But the worst thing about it, is the acting. I mean... no. Just no. These people cannot act to save their lives, and that is me being nice. The story was intriguing and the movie could have been amazing - but it wasn't. The only positive thing I can say about this film is this: The killer had a cool costume, and the gore was pretty nice. But unless horrible cinema and cringe-worthy acting is your cup of tea, I do NOT recommend this movie.
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Lousy horror film just keeps getting worse!
danocaster18 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible throwback to 80's slasher movies mixed in with a little torture porn. Poorly acted, scripted drivel that wasn't scary or fun. Very dark camera-work at times making even the decent gore scenes hard to see. Was also really slow to get going. It took the 45 minute mark before it kicked into action. The main problem though is just a lack of any suspense or even sense.Finally, the ending totally sucked and left me with a feeling that I wasted nearly an hour and a half on this flick. I love good solid low budget horror movies. Too bad this wasn't one of them. Please filmmakers give us characters that we care about. I've seen too many of these films lately. And whatever happened to having a satisfying ending.
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maryfeather8018 June 2014
First of all i knew where i was going with this movie and i didn't expect much from it..It starts really slow,the characters seemed like they were just got picked from the street and the script was awful!!I thought while i watched this 'is there anything more interesting to do'?My nails maybe??The good part was the blood widow!!I mean she was scary and creepy and deserved a better movie to start in..seriously now!I didn't get why she became a killer,i tried but i got confused because this girl had major issues!!The leading lady was boring and uninteresting and i already said my opinion about the rest of the cast,in other words avoid this unless you have nothing else to do!
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I gave it a 3... to be kind.
sstetsko17 June 2014
While this movie had more budget than many of the recent movies (especially the found footage movies) usually do, and thus could have had some benefit from that, I can honestly say that it was money well wasted. The acting is some of the worst I have ever seen, the characters epitomize flat, the premise is weak and given no real development, and the building of suspense is nonexistent. The gore is amateur and funny at best-- but not really funny in a good way. What makes it worse is just how terrible the characters are... for a bunch of successful young adults to just arbitrarily decide, without a second thought, to go onto private property and absentmindedly vandalize a home, even if abandoned, is absurd... it is like the story is written by a barely pubescent teen imagining what adults would do, and things just go downhill from there(note this is not really a spoiler, it happens almost immediately and is not really any more important than anything else in this sad charade of a plot). Of course, as always, watch it if you want to. It is not the very worst movie I have seen by any means, but it comes close, and given the variety of better options out there (including the option of replaying something you have seen before but enjoyed) you might save yourself some time and skip this poor attempt at a slasher flick.
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Welcome back to the 80's
sakna17 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If I had a dollar for every time an indie horror movie impressed me I'd be broke as a hobo. But occasionally there are small productions which have these small little bits that give a spark of light in the dark tunnel.

Black Widow is one of those movies. It takes me back to the classic horror productions and their, at that time, amazing special effects. I wasn't particularly impressed with the gore factor, neither was the story that interesting. I'm no professional critic but the poor acting and bad script will be obvious to everyone who watches this movie. The music left me with a headache to be honest. I don't really think acid trance (at least that's what I think it is) fits into the introduced bunch especially this year. Even I've made better songs than that.

We are introduced with the typical roster of characters which fits into the classic 80's horror picture. Annoying, inexperienced and even stereotypically predefined, who make stupid choices and mistakes under the influence of alcohol and drugs, which in itself leads to s**t hitting the fan. We get presented with one boring and poorly executed death after another. By the last minutes of the movie I was actually cheering for the antagonist, which finally leads me to the only speck of bright light in a very dark tunnel.

The Black Widow herself is an amazingly well designed character. Aside from the bad way her kills were managed, the persona has the potential to be one of the most evil and sinister villains in movies and/or TV. Maybe it's just my personal fascination with masks, but I'd put her right next to The Collector. The Black Widow needs to be handled in a more professional way, she needs a better background story, a better reason to do what she does and more toys to use. That's what it would've taken for this movie to impress me.

Bottom line is the movie is worth having a few laughs over a bottle of beer on a Saturday night if you have nothing else to do. And the only piece of eye candy would be the real main character in the movie, The Black Widow.
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Broken in so many ways
quincytheodore28 August 2015
This is what happens when a movie's good point consists entirely on one decent villain concept while other aspects are ridiculously abysmal. Blood Widow has one of the worst acting, foul production and misguided use of gore that ever shamed the horror genre. It's literally like Japanese B-movie gorefest you've never heard about, but at least that is built on quirky premise while Blood Widow is an actual miserable horror.

The lead characters find themselves at strange location where past tragedy happened. Following barren story line where a strange antagonist still survives like many other horror movies after Texas Chainsaw Massacre, this movie falls in every turn. The most decent parts are the villain who looks quite menacing and a couple of gore, but even those appear underwhelming.

It has cardboard acting as though the actors were sedated just before filming and took the scenes while walking on mental limbo. There are some moments that feel like they are trying to sabotage their own movie, yet not even intentionally bad performance can be this bad.

Visual is too dark most of the times, which leaves the audience wondering if this is shot with broken camera. Audio fares worse as the sound suddenly spikes in volume after several minutes of muffled voice. Obviously, there's no cinematography or choreography here, instead of that the movie sprays blood hoping it would resemble thrill.

Perilous to your money and time, just avoid Blood Widow or take a glimpse on the poster, which is given more investment than the actual movie itself.
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'Blood Widow' (Screener Review)
theicon8712 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm at the point now (like most movie-freaks) where I can tell within 10-15 minutes into viewing a feature, rather it'll be any good or not. And I knew that I was going to be sitting through this one through the duration. Even though some of the acting from the supporting cast is really bad, it wasn't enough to stray me away from the story.

'Blood Widow' starts off with a quick off-screen kill that sets the tone nicely. Then, we meet new homeowners, Laurie and Hugh. While happy to be moving, her mood suddenly is turned upside down when Laurie finds out that Hugh invited friends over to their new home, and intends on throwing a party. And of course, Hugh's friends have to be total jackasses, and decide to go to the boarded up boarding school next door, just for kicks. At this point in the movie, I knew that I was going to like it. I was surprised myself, by how much I was into it.

Upon breaking into the boarding school, aside from making fools of themselves, Hugh's mischievous friends find themselves in the wrath of the Blood Widow, who has a very troubled origin. I personally like the way the Blood Widow looks. Although it's a bit stylized, and perhaps it ruins the realness of everything, her outfit is pretty sweet, and the mask is nothing less than creepy. It's a very iconic look. It's feminine with a touch of serious danger. And once she gets a hold of Hugh, Laurie, and their buddies, she goes a major killing spree full of blood, brutality, and creativity.

Someone gets gutted in a violent and downright gnarly fashion, and there's even a double beheading! Again, some of these kills get away with murder (no pun intended) because, although they're not very realistic all the time, they're enjoyable and entertaining as hell. The Blood Widow is not shy on gore either, there's plenty to go around. And there's an overall gritty feel and setting in the movie, that keeps everything seem so much more intense.

Things get crazy towards the end, when the Blood Widow captures Laurie and ties her up. We see some serious sadomasochism, and some surprising unexpected deaths. The movie ends very dreary and dark. And bloody. 'Blood Widow' hits shelves this Tuesday, June 3rd. Don't miss it, especially if you're prone to like your horror a bit dark and gruesome.
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You won't be floored, but you will enjoy the ride
thatguyyouknow18718 March 2015
This is your average slasher, with a slightly unique killer. Overall Blood Widow hits the marks; annoying victim, no cellphones, and a drawn out back and forth of people being were they should not be. Those are the tropes of the genre.

Where Blood Widow excels is giving us an interesting killer, it's a woman! Okay this is not ground breaking new, but it is rare enough that it is worth noting. Also her costume is very interesting, and appealing to the eye.

The kills are all practical effects, and not CGI.that makes some things look a little cheesy, but it lends a bit of credit to the movie.

This movie gets it's grief, but I think it is worth a watch. The killer is all around interesting, and is fascinating to watch as she develops. The murder house is a good set, and the fact that the movie kept all of the effects practical make this movie stand out.
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A horror film of blood and guts and stupidity
jackatwo24 June 2014
This could be one of the worst movies I ever seen, a lot of blood and gore. Acting in some cases was amateurish, other times it was pretty good The story line and how the script goes is terrible. more imagination could have been added

The story goes against the human attitude, when one is threatened I am sure they would never allow them selves to be killed so easily.

I must admit I actually watched all the film even though at times I wanted to switch it off, some viewers will at times close their eyes and others will be cringing in their seats, other times you will be unhappy you watched it.

But all in all watch it and feel that feeling of horror when about to be killed,
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Slasher Porn
JoeB13128 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is typical, nothing new or creative slasher porn, with a female Jason Vorhees and uninteresting victims. It seems more like a demo flick for a makeup FX company than a real film.

"Wow, did you see what we did there with that totally implausible Disembowling scene?"

"Yes, that would have been awesome if I actually cared about the character."

So I can say that the slasher babe actually is hamming it up a bit and she makes her character kind of creepy, but at the end of the day, you don't care about any of the 11 or so people she kills, so what?

There's a whole subplot about the guy who wants a party house and the girl who just wants to settle down (by buying a house it takes 90 minutes to get to?) and a few of the typical clichés in modern horror movies like "Oh, the Cell Phones don't work!"
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I rather pick up dog poop than watch turd again, and I don't even have a dog.
draftdubya24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The sound and lighting were bad. It's no way this group of young people would've move to rural area like that. If they wanted to get out the city, then move to a suburb. In fact that generation don't even buy houses anymore.It's no way these types would buy a house that have NO cell service. The boyfriend invites a ton of 20-30 something on the first night they own the house. His girlfriend immediately complains that they didn't even unpack yet. Well dipshiat you just got a extra 8 hands(4 friends came over right after the couple did) to help you unpack before the rest of the people come for the party. The acting is terrible. Their lines are even worst. One of these so called actors, rich parents paid for this drivel.
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Who's idea was this?!
takato05248 March 2021
Too many things wrong to list here. Why would a group of adults trespass onto abandoned property just to vandalize it? I mean who wrote this, a 5 year old? Completely unbelievable. And who p's in a house? As a boy, he could've walked outside and gone in the yard, actually looked for a bathroom, or literally gone the 20ft back to the house he was staying at and gone. I checked out. The rest of the movie was so dull and cheesy I actually fell asleep. Twice!

Moral of this story is: don't buy a house with your partner until you're actually married!
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bobbynitefall17 January 2015
I can not tell you what happens in this movie because according to my video player, I only made it through about 6 agonizing minutes of really bad sound editing before I had to stop.

When one person is talking, it sounds like a proper movie, when another is talking in the same scene, it has a really annoying buzz like they used an old, old camera that used film and you could hear the belts driving it.

It made it sound like a student production (Jr. to High school...not even college). The video was harsh but acceptable.

I hope some of you with bad hearing made it all the way through. I just could NOT handle it.
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Immediately Deceived
ilovealicia6724 July 2014
If you're looking for yet another mediocre Texas chainsaw massacre slasher flick then look no further! The woman or man or not sure on the cover is in costume, from what I gathered while watching is that it has mental problems? When grabbing this DVD from red box at the safe-way I honestly thought it was a sci fie horror film. Like Jason X when Jason is in space because of how the title picture looked then finding out when popping it in it's just like every other B horror film I rented and have been renting for the last 6 months. I'm thinking that the main characters wanted to buy this house to throw large rave dance parties, one of the girls I think is a drug addict? Saying something about tripping out on drugs but I was en't really paying attention the film overall was not that good and for the most part up until the kills was boring and pointless. This is the first time I've watched a film from the production company and although it isn't as bad as Haunting of the innocent it's definitely on the crap list. I recall yawning throughout the film. The kills we're a bit unique but over all splatter slasher movies get so much better than this. I'm going to have to give it 2 out of 10 stars. It seriously was so boring it was hard to pay attention. Not so bad it's good but yet another so bad it's boring and when you mix together the independent splatter/slash with weak characters you couldn't give 2 dumps about with a killer that has already been done before or is unique but you don't really care then your outcome is a boring wasted Saturday night with 1.30$ missing from your wallet. Pretty disappointing. I'm on the chase for the next troll 2 horror and let me tell you "The fans" it's a so bad it's bad film. Take a few shots for me if you still are interested and want to watch with your buddies, get that movie style popcorn, and get ready to yell at the t.v like I do because you'll definitely be disappointed and bored.
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My Review Of "Blood Widow"
ASouthernHorrorFan20 May 2015
The story of "Blood Widow" is pretty mediocre but the new killer it creates is as memorable as "Chromeskull", a brutal, unapologetic force of unnatural death. A stereotypical group of friends meet a brutal end at the hands of a homicidal maniac in a mask is no new ground in horror but then again no one is wanting new ground, just new monsters and new bodies that hit the floor. "Blood Widow" gives us that. The acting is passable, with some proving better than others in bring the characters to life. The origin story and dialog in this film treads lightly with some spots fighting to hold true to the story but all that is forgiven in this slice 'em and dice 'em flick. The cast are believable enough, the action keeps your attention and the production is enough make the film watchable.

"Blood Widow" is a low budget but it doesn't pretend not to be. Even with the lower budget Buckhalt still goes full steam into the kill scenes giving fans what they want-blood and gore and screams. Some deaths are not as memorable as others but this film gives good kills. The effects are noticeably cheap but fun to watch. The blood is plausible, the gore is face-forward and the kills are at times creative. The killer does seem a little too polished for the setting but given the backstory and implied origin tale that got the killer to this point in life you can accept the "polished" costume-y style "Blood Widow" takes in this film.

Still there are some issues in "Blood Widow", the camera does hold on the cheaper effects a bit too long which could turn off more mainstream horror fans, the origin story is on the weaker side of horror mythos when comparing to other modern slasher icons, and some moments have less than stellar sound quality so be warned. Over all though, I found "Blood Widow", fun, entertaining and dark with no camp or extreme cheese aspects aside from the unavoidable like cliché characters and screaming while fake blood is spraying everywhere. Check it out if you are an indie or low budget horror fan.
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OMG!! Are you kidding me?!!
victorseay13 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
No spoilers could spoil this spoiled mess that is supposed to be a movie! Looks like a film school project! Makes The Blair Witch Project look like an Oscar winner!! The ONLY reason I kept watching this was in hopes of seeing the absolutely smoking hot Danielle Lilley get naked.....and that didn't even happen!! Unless you are having a Absolutely No Good Horrible movie marathon night with friends or are dying for a terrible tease....AVOID THIS STINKER!!! But if you are in the market for something you can play MST3000 on or something to go with say "Plan 9 From Outer Space"....then this is the "movie" for you!! Luckily I got this one for free....and it was about worth what it cost!! Am I over the top or what?
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Stayed true to the nature of a slasher film.
ellisscott11918 June 2014
The ending was brilliant in my opinion and the gore was the good gore done right, descent screen play and cast with a good director. I'm hoping it becomes a franchise with several sequels. I'm a slasher fanatic and this was the best one I've seen in awhile. The moments where certain characters hesitate seem so real and the dialog genuine. The killer was cool. I do wish they had chosen a better title. To me this is what horror is suppose to be. I love slasher movies and will try watching all of them and wow so many bad ones get made but every once in awhile I find one the hits the mark. For me the most important things in a slasher film are a cool killer, high body count, a cast that gives it their all and on screen kills that either make you cringe or think that was bloody awesome.When it comes to direct to DVD indie slasher films I don't expect a stellar cast with an amazing storyline, if it had been so it would of got pushed into theaters. I look for new slasher films to watch on a regular basis and after trying 20 or so unwatchable ones I was very happy that I came across this one.
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Pretty good
treakle_197826 April 2020
The kills,killer and the mask were great. The story was interesting but the acting and some choices choices were really bad. The guy characters again were wimps but definitely worth watching.
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where can i find the 0 here?
guillevica2 March 2020
I guess this movie is a home project, and i guess it is a film I do not know mak from youtubers, because what a garbage
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nanettefl28 June 2014
This was the most laughable horror film I've ever seen. Between the bad acting, predictability and the bad mikes for the actors, this was a sad movie.

I honestly can't believe that this was released with several of the actors mikes not working. At first we thought it was the boom person but when an actor right next to another one has his mike on, it's just sad.

The ending was awful and I certainly hope that they won't waste anymore time, energy or money trying to make a sequel.

In too many places the movie is predictable with very few scary parts, but believe me when those rare moments happen you'll be very surprised!!

Too bad these actors couldn't have afforded more acting lessons, and the 'acid' scene could have been played a whole lot better, maybe the director should have researched this better because a lot of what was going on was NOT even close to real life.

Hope you laugh you butt off when you watch this very low budget B rated film :)
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Nothing extraordinary in this slasher horror flick...
paul_haakonsen28 June 2014
"Blood Widow" is not amongst the top of the line as far as slasher horror movies goes. Why? Well, because the storyline was really unconvincing and was bordering on being downright ridiculous.

The storyline is about a couple buying a house on a secluded location, with an abandoned house on the adjacent lot. But the allegedly abandoned house is harboring a deadly secret. And when party-goers from the newly-bought house venture across the threshold, they unleash a silent killer.

That was basically it for the storyline. There is very little else offered to the storyline throughout the entire movie, except for some vague hints at what happened in the abandoned house, leaving more questions open than giving answers.

The acting was adequate, but the actors and actresses had a poor script to work with, and that showed on the final result on the screen. And the characters in the movie go a long way to show a new level of stupidity and totally out-of-tune behavior if one's life was threatened by a mysterious killer.

The two things that worked for the movie was the music and score which was nicely scored and composed by John Czaban. And the second thing that worked in favor of the movie was the killer herself; enter the Blood Widow. The appearance and outfit was really stunning and worked out quite nicely. While it is no Jason Voorhees, Blood Widow wore her mask quite well.

Most of the death scenes were just not working out too well. Especially because the Blood Widow had absolutely no problem decapitating people in a single thrust with her weapons. While it was good enough a kill on the movie, it was just not believable in any way that a woman of such small build and physique would be able to achieve such a thing.

Oh, and before I forget, then I will say that the camera work and editing was actually quite good, and was also a key ingredient to keep the audience's attention throughout the course of an otherwise below average horror movie.

Effects-wise, then "Blood Widow" was good enough. Don't expect a massive special effects galore here, though. The effects that were in the movie, however, were nicely executed and looked realistic.

Overall, then "Blood Widow" is a poor experience, especially if you are as seasoned to horror and slasher movies as I am. And as such, then the movie manages to scape up a mere 3 out of 10 stars from me. The story needed more of a solid and thoroughly followed through storyline, which would have improved the enjoyment tremendously.
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