Body (2015) Poster

(I) (2015)

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Tough call for the ladies
ferguson-613 June 2015
Greetings again from the darkness. Positioned as a "thriller", this Oak Cliff Film Festival entry is more psychological study than fright-fest or whodunit. Co-written and co-directed by Dan Berk and Robert Olsen, the film takes the rare and welcome approach of placing twenty-something females in the role of accidental trouble-makers who must make morally-clouded decisions under stress.

Home for the holidays, three long-time friends are hanging out together on Christmas Eve – just drinking wine, playing Scrabble, smoking pot, and teasing each other. After a "dark" opening featuring a frantic 911 call, the film is allowed to breathe for the next 15- 20 minutes as we get to know the personalities of Holly (Helen Rogers), Cali (Alexandra Turshen), and Mel (Lauren Molina). Their banter … and the fallout from triple word "satin" … provide us with the insight to connect with each of the ladies.

Seeking a chance to cut loose and enjoy their "girl time", they head over to a mansion supposedly belonging to an uncle of one of the girls. Booze, video games, laughing and dancing seem innocent enough until Arthur the groundskeeper (Larry Fessenden) enters the house and confronts the girls. While it sounds like the set-up to this week's horror film, it has more in common with Very Bad Things (1998). A tragic accident forces the girls into discussions and decision-making that's not usually associated with Christmas Eve.

What keeps our interest isn't so much the situation, it's the fact that we are rarely exposed to on screen women in such a mess. The varying female personalities negotiate the next best steps and the alpha in the group may or may not be the smartest (remember Scrabble!). With their own morals pushing and pulling their thoughts, it's fascinating that a trumped up attempted-rape accusation (and groan inducing evidence tampering) may be their best defense.

After a couple of twists, it's interesting to see how far one's moral compass can be adjusted for the sake of self-preservation, and to see how the bond's of friendship can be either a life preserver or cement boots. Don't look to this for your Friday night fright … though there is one jump-inducing moment … but rather view it as a chance to ask yourself how you would react in such an accidentally tragic turn of events.
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Let's twist again
Seth_Rogue_One18 August 2016
For a movie that starts out with having refreshingly realistic portrayals of young women (for a movie of this genre) it's almost painful to bear witness to the very conclusion of the film as it goes against those very portrayals.

Put under pressure humans can be driven to go against their nature of course but the very end there simply was no need for it, just add a last minute twist for the sake of adding a last minute twist is just poor writing.

But the road there is still enjoyable so I'll still give it a 6, even though the ending truly was pushing it.

No complaints regarding the acting or script etc otherwise though.
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Better then expected
dar04172 September 2020
Didn't expect much and it turned out to be an entertaining movie that takes 3 normal people and changes them into murderers.
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3 annoying people
draftdubya26 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
One girl(A) gets mad at another girl(B) for inviting a guy to their girls night..........20 seconds later the same girl(A) is about to stop the car to see how cute some random guy is. The ending was a bit silly. They may think that they got away with murder, but there is still a witness. If Holly ever breaks up with Ben, they're toast. Plus how fragile Mel is, she might just tell herself.
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kosmasp27 June 2016
I get it, that some character decisions can break a movie for people. I've had the same thing happen to me, even with movies that are considered classics (and this will not be in that category). But if you are willing to jump that flaw/hurdle and see past it, you will have "fun" with this.

It's actually a tight little movie with twists upon twists and a level of "how far would you go" and "what would you do" sort of scenario. Of course if you say you're rational, than you might have avoided a couple of things, but it's not always depending on one person what the outcome is going to be like. So sit tight and enjoy this thrill ride - if you can
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Dull boring and amateurish
MattyGibbs29 November 2016
Three fairly unlikeable young women break into a house and are left in a difficult situation following an accident.

This is all about moral quandaries but not particularly interesting ones due to the boring characters involved. There is little tension built up and due to the unsympathetic characters you really couldn't care less what happens to them. Although the bland dialogue doesn't help the acting is uniformly wooden from all concerned.

This film is only just over an hour long but it seems longer. It's rare to find films with hardly any redeeming features but this is one of them. There is literally no excitement at all as it limps to a dull climax.

A very poor film.
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Not bad if you like psychological thriller
cindy109895 October 2021
This was the 5th movie we started watching tonight and at least it held our Interest for more than 5 minutes. That being said, not too terrible acting and a look at the Shadow Side in all human beings.
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MUFCOK12 September 2016
Now, I'm not naïve, I didn't go into this movie expecting a masterpiece. In fact, I didn't really expect it to be very good at all. I did however; expect it to have at least one or two positive aspects and to not insult my intelligence for the duration of the entire 'movie'.

It was late, I was tired and I saw the runtime was 75 minutes. That was enough for me to put it on. I didn't look into it before viewing and was going into this movie blind, not really knowing what to expect, other than it was a low budget horror/thriller movie about 3 girls.

When films are that bad I usually do spoiler reviews so I can rant and rave about the movie in full, taking digs at the plot holes and ending. This movie doesn't even deserve that. There is practically no plot to ruin. The 'story' revolves around 3 girls who I imagine are supposed to be teenagers yet look about 30 years old.. They are having fun on Christmas Eve, Eve, smoking and drinking when they decide they want to do something wild. They drive to one of the girls Uncles mansions as he is on holiday and the house is empty. Before long things go wrong and the girls find themselves in a situation which is insultingly easy to resolve yet they don't seem to have a brain cell between them and drag out their indecisiveness and stupidity for the rest of the movie.

You have all the cliché characters here: The leader of the pack who simply has to raise her voice to get the other girls to do what she wants. She's not intimidating or scary, just purely annoying. Then you have the wimp of the group who is easily lead and scared of everything, she spends the entirety shivering and having anxiety attacks. Then you have the middle girl, the Plain Jane, no real character traits and is seemingly only there to make up the numbers. The acting is abysmal, its wooden, predictable and simply laughable. The harder they try to be scared or serious the funnier it is. The script they are given to work with is even worse with its awful run of the mill conversations and clichéd punchlines.

It's described as a 'psychological thriller' which is a complete lie. That implies that it's thought provoking and intelligent, that it requires the viewer to get immersed into the characters minds. I have no problem with low budget movies; I can see past poor acting and to some extents a poor script. But when they are all put together, with a weak plot with humungous plot holes, I really cannot pick out any positives. Actually, I do have one: The runtime of 75 minutes, or maybe even that's too long.

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Good start
Peernisse16 August 2020
The three friends were well acted and seemed very realistic in the beginning of the movie. I think the ultimate storyline and script led to aN inevitable poor second half of the movie. Four of ten.
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BODY An Intense Thriller
pampowell529 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Written, produced and directed by Dan Berk and Robert Olsen, this ever-increasingly intense psychological thriller will make you question your own morals and values. Starring Helen Rogers, Alexandra Turshen, and Lauren Molina these three older college aged kids are home on vacation. Finding themselves a bit bored and feeling "pathetic" for not having anything to do on the weekend, they go out to have a bit of fun. The fun, seemingly innocuous, turns horribly wrong and with every wrong turn, there's another one just ahead of them. Each girl has a different perspective and as each decision is made, the waters become muddier and muddier until those waters are completely black. "Body" is an amazingly intense film. The situation at hand becomes realistically horrific and the true personalities of each of the girls becomes more apparent. It's truly a gripping and disturbing psychological analysis of what happens to people in a dire situation. You'll be on the edge of your seat and talking to the screen (even if you aren't a "screen talker") trying to convince someone to make a different decision. "Body" will impact you long after you see it and you'll be asking yourself what you would do or perhaps what would your own daughter do in a situation like this. "Body" is a gem of a find if you enjoy intense psychological thrillers! With superb acting, clear writing and directing, this film is a success in its genre!
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Decent Dark Drama
Foutainoflife28 December 2018
This low budget film was much better than I was expecting. It's about three girlfriends spending some time together on a Friday night. In an attempt to remedy their boredom, they end up in a lavish house where things go awry.

From the start you can easily see that this is a low budget film and the initial acting comes off a bit cheesy. In my opinion, the acting seemed to improve as the filmed progressed and the low budget feel seemed to fade away. The plot isn't a new concept and you'll see all the typical bad decisions being made. I still found it to be somewhat entertaining. It's not the best but it isn't a bad film.
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Likeable if not great indie flick
youngcollind29 April 2021
Obviously low budget. Not a unique story. But it had the heart to be entertaining in spite of itself. They were fun characters to watch work through their horrific scenario. Works with what it's got and is as good as it could be.
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jfgibson7313 March 2022
Didn't really get into this one. I thought the premise sounded interesting, but for whatever reason, I ended up not really caring. It did seem a little unoriginal, and there were some logic gaps, but I wouldn't have cared if the story had been more entertaining. Very middle of the road effort with nothing to recommend about it.
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Nothing new but done technically ok
RandomTard28 November 2021
I think if seen a movie with pretty much this same plot for over 10 times already. There is nothing new added to the story. The 3 lead girls are all somewhat annoying and well, the story is just stupid. And the final story wouldn't even work for multiple reasons, the most being timing. But whatever.
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I expected much more...
teodoramonika20 August 2021

At the beginning, the conversations are very boring and stupid, there is no action and there are a lot of shots that are irrelevant, empty and unnecessary. After some action begins, however, everything is somehow lukewarm and weak. He is a little sick and morbid, but not well and interestingly done.
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Decent thriller
douglasblackwell_628 December 2017
I enjoyed this psychological thriller. It's about three girls who, bored on Christmas, break into a mansion and unintentionally find themselves faced with being blamed for a murder. I liked the characters, found their behaviour believable and was involved in their problems. I think this type of story has been done before but I still enjoyed.
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It's actually a drama with unbelievable tension!
Like most mumblecore movies making inroads into horror, this one has believable characters -- it takes a stand by putting the three characters a class level up from "generic suburban"; one of them mentions being in law school, though the plot summaries describe them ass "coeds" -- interacting with plausible (and occasionally hilarious) dialogue, life situations (the little brother who comes out for a smoke, persistently), and a little culture commentary ("Tell your father he's not going to get re-elected if ... ").

The result is, you don't really see *it* coming, the way the wind is taken out from underneath you, the way you're breathing heavy like the characters ... well not *all* of them.

For that, you'll have to watch the movie!

VERDICT: Professional indie, slyly made and a great use of locations and few actors. More weight is given to each. Your time won't be wasted, and it'll stay with you, like you learned something new. Plus horror great Larry Fessenden! How. Can. You. Go wrong?
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This movie would score 6 in Scrabble C.R.A.P
dandxchen23 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Technically, my review does contain spoilers but the movie's conclusion will ruin any chance this movie had of being memorable. Having said that, I won't forget just how disappointing the conclusion was.

Had such high hopes for this movie and had my suspicion that it was going to be similar to Identity (where there multiple personalities lead you to assume there are several characters involved), I would have been pleased, albeit omitting the suspenseful ending that particular movie provided. Yes, I would have worked out the ending within 15 minutes but I would've been happy with that.

Sorry guys (and girls), but this movie's ending was like opening the Xmas gift from you (ex)boyfriend expecting Victoria's Secret sexy lingerie and instead, be gutted cos it8s a pack of Primark full brief knickers(in Size 12 when your a Size 8).

Granted, the ending wasn't predictable, I'll say that much but only because I never envisaged it would be so darn rubbish.

What was the point in one of the 3 main characters commenting on how the Scrabble board had followed them???? I honestly thought that was an ominous comment that meant it was going to be a great mind f*** movie like Triangle OR Identity. Boy was I wrong! The only actor that gets any credit for their performance is Holly's boyfriend, who was in the movie for just over 5 mins. And what was the point in that? He loves Holly but not enough to endure anything other than a "walk on- walk off" part. I would've been more entertained if there had been a "wax on- wax off" scene lasting the entire running time of the movie, with everyone polishing the numerous cars outside with Turtle Polish!!!! Do yourself a favour and play Scrabble instead of watching this movie. It'll be more entertaining!
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Get away with murder
raz983014 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So a married man with 2 girls is basically framed for a rape and murdered because 3 girls break in to a house and are caught by a person who should legally be there.I always thought bad guys in Hollywood were always caught or killed but maybe girls should get away with everything in this new world.All films coming out of USA,Canada,UK etc need to show macho gum chewing women putting on killer faces to appease the women groups A better ending would have been a camera panning around to hidden CCTV camera's around the house which a house that size would probably have. Rubbish film to be honest. So a married man with 2 girls is basically framed for a rape and murdered because 3 girls break in to a house and are caught by a person who should legally be there.I always thought bad guys in Hollywood were always caught or killed but maybe girls should get away with everything in this new world.All films coming out of USA,Canada,UK etc need to show macho gum chewing women putting on killer faces to appease the women groups A better ending would have been a camera panning around to hidden CCTV camera's around the house which a house that size would probably have. Rubbish film to be honest.
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Literally just garbage.
brittanybettsedwards16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Boring ass movie with the world's dumbest characters. Especially Cali (who they show being dumb right off the bad by confusing SATAN and SATIN.) Yet they follow her plan?!

So many potholes. I could write a long review about everything bad about this movie but I need sleep. Do not waste your time.
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Falls Into The Abyss of Horrible Endings
HadiAriyan075 April 2020
Dan Berk and Robert Olsen's Body start slow with the hope of character building but as we go ahead with movie you don't know nothing about our three leads but the life and death one location situation that they stuck in it. The editing was bad in away the comes as dull, boring and amateurish unfortunately, the script thinks it self very smart but it ends with the premise of the movie. By the end of the movie you will despise the three leads and the filmmakers for sending a horrible massage with this movie if you are a decent human being.
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Worst movie ever
rotini-5258625 April 2022
Um.... stupidest movie I've ever seen in my entire life. Blonde girl is the worst actress ever. Total waste of time. Would rather watch paint dry. Dumb ,dumber and dumbest.
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A grim, compelling thriller
I_Ailurophile25 January 2023
It's not the strongest start; the first 15-20 minutes treat us to dialogue and scene writing that's less than engaging, to the point that I began questioning my decision to watch. I wonder if filmmakers Dan Berk and Robert Olsen didn't do this on purpose, however, as a degree of misdirection. Once we move past exposition and the story kicks up in earnest, the movie becomes difficult for a very different reason. In some regard there are facets of the picture that we've seen before, not least the crime thriller underpinnings. Yet 'Body' goes significantly further, in the process becoming so staggeringly dark that there's an undeniable trace of horror to the proceedings. I'm not saying that it's perfect, as there are some moments that just seem a little too on the nose, or elements that don't come off as well as they ideally should. Even at that, I entered with mixed expectations, but am delighted with the end result; I think this is fantastic!

Luke Allen's subtle score lends to the already stridently grim, ponderous airs as the primary trio of Cali, Holly, and Mel grapple with how to respond to dire circumstances. It's ultimately a pretty simple narrative, but strong and engrossing, with tight, fierce scene writing leading the way. As much as the title is initially unappealing, it gets far more intense and absorbing as it goes along; in the same measure, stars Alexandra Turshen, Helen Rogers, and Lauren Molina turn in excellent, vivid performances as events turn more dreary. Larry Fessenden, frequent flier that he is in genre fare, can always be relied upon to give 100%, and even as he's given less screen time and a uniquely limited role by comparison, still he impresses. Those behind the scenes put in fine work, including blood, and hair and makeup, and I think Berk and Olsen's direction is totally solid. 'Body' can also boast robust production values, such that the image is fundamentally pleasing, a credit as well to cinematographer Matt Mitchell.

I don't know if I'd say this thriller is specifically thrilling at any point. While I use the word "horror," understand that I mean it in the same way I'd describe 'Apocalypse now' or even 'The prestige': a class of feature that goes so severe in their storytelling of the extremes of humanity's cruelty, depravity, madness, or amorality, if not outright bleak, as to invoke a similar awe-inspiring dread. And no matter how one wishes to classify 'Body,' there are instances scattered throughout of aspects that don't quite hit the right note - the first fifth somewhat languishes; repetition of a character moment by one and then another, in the last fifth, is swell in theory but just a little too exact as is; the special makeup used to depict an injury late in the length comes off a bit unnaturally; and so on. Still, pick apart this and that as one might, overall the fact remains that as far as I'm concerned this is a splendidly dark, engaging flick exploring the dynamics of especial personalities amidst violence and urgent situations. Again, I wasn't necessarily getting my hopes up when I first sat down, and I'm taken with just how well done the film ended up being. If you're looking for a thriller on the extra cheerless side of the spectrum, in my book 'Body' is well worth a mere 75 minutes.
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elliotjeory3 January 2021
I turned this off because they were talking nonsense and one of the girls looked like The Joker and it was starting to freak me out.
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Trump and his Cult
jmat4017 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Cali is Trump. She cares about no one and nothing but herself and will stop at nothing to destroy people.
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