I Am Jazz (TV Series 2015– ) Poster

(2015– )

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Take out the fact that she's transgender, and you're left with an annoying brat with Amy Schumor's sense of humor.
ginarunnion22 April 2018
Jazz, is an annoying brat, she gets whatever she wants. I remember when in an episode, she needed to lose weight in order to get her surgery, and her brothers decided to help her lose weight, so they go and play soccer. And when Jazz decided to quit after 15 minutes, her brothers kept encouraging her to keep playing, until she threw a tantrum. Her parents aren't better either, as they make Jazz their evident favorite, and I haven't seen an episode where her parents and her brothers have actually talked for that long. The only thing keeping this piece of hot garbage getting the 1/10 that it deserves are Jazz's two brothers. They are the best part of the show, and its evident that they care deeply for Jazz, considering that they haven't stopped helping her on her path to becoming a women. So +1 star for each of them.
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Irritating but occasionally interesting
sbsieber20 February 2019
I've just seen a few episodes of this show; my interest ws piqued by the issue of Jazz receiving her complete transformation by obtaining what she kept referring to rather obnoxiously as "my vagina". It sure takes a village to raise this particular girl, and it appears she is the center of attention wherever she goes. I feel bad for her other siblings although they seem to take it all in stride and they show a lot of love for her sister. I appreciate that Jazz's road has not been an easy one, and she approaches life with a relatively upbeat, sunny disposition, but it is also obvious that she is spoiled and self centered beyond belief. Her attempts at flirting with her new boyfriend are cringe inducing and she is forever bringing up subjects that really fall under the TMI category; she really has no filter, The whole family is kind of wacko. but I appreciate that they are living their lives in a fishbowl under unusual circumstances, so I guess I could cut them a little slack. One thing that really bothers me is that Jazz seems to be constantly lying down covered by a blanket, like royalty surrounded by her loyal subjects. I really wish she's sit up straight. Nothing wrong with good posture.
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Makes The Addams Family Normal
coreycitn6331 December 2021
I Am Jazz has tragically become an exploitive show. The LGBT community should demand it to be cancelled for the good of Jazz. Jazz is definitely becoming exploited by her parents particularly by her mother Jeanette and her father is silent. She is definitely psychologically damaged and became overweight. If this show don't get cancelled a tragic outcome may happen. The parents see Jazz as a meal ticket and couldn't care less.
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cb-martin7 December 2021
Typical show about a spoiled child who is enabled by their parents. The parents are definitely only interested in the payout. I hate how shows like this exist and encourage destructive behavior. We should be better because this world isn't getting any better by watching this show or enabling this behavior.
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Great Show!
alombness24 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very entertaining and educational show about a family with a daughter who is transgender. Its really gets the viewers into Jazz's shoes and the viewers see life from her view point. You see all the hardships she has to go through as well as all the positive things. Its very inspirational, hear warming, saddening, funny, cute, heart breaking, and amazing! I would suggest this show to anyone who is open to learn or just curious what life is like for this large minority group in America. Jazz and her siblings are teenagers so there are teenager moments in the show but I just find it entertaining to watch and remember when I was that age. It also shows a great view from the parents also what they think about everything.

It's such an entertaining watch to learn and see what life is like for people who are transgender. I love it!
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Waste - Not What You Would Expect
lbeachy-6367421 February 2019
Enabling parents for a spoiled brat. The show is hard to watch partly due to the parents being so drama orientaed and making unwise choices such as constant enabling ( I can't stand the mother one bit, just my own personal say lol). Jazz is the worst and I'll just keep it at that. The show seems more interested in the unwanted drama rather than the story of someone experiencing such a life change and the day to day struggles and occurances.
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Entertaining And Educational
atlasmb13 July 2017
This reality show is about the lives of Jazz Jennings and her family. Since Jazz is transgender and an activist for the transgender "community", it is difficult to review this show without reviewing Jazz herself and the politics of gender identity. But I shall primarily try to discuss the show.

Though "I Am Jazz" is about the Jennings family, Jazz is the star of the show. She is intelligent, beautiful, and possesses a keen sense of humor. She is also blessed to be surrounded by a closely-knit family that is very loving.

I think she is also lucky that she self-identified as female at a very early age, making her journey of self-discovery easier than it is for many who assert their true gender identities after puberty.

However, her life is anything but easy. First, she must cope with some people who go out of their ways to actively deride her and her life choices, as if they have a stake in the matter. There is a word for those seek to control or undermine the personal choices that individuals make--bullies.

Secondly, transgenderism is a complex issue, so it is not easy to navigate. Jazz herself admitted she does not yet know her sexual orientation. So imagine how difficult it is for outsiders to understand the "rules" or processes that sexually dysmorphic individuals must discover for themselves.

Jazz is a very understanding person, but she has displayed a tendency to stereotype senior citizens. That is my one criticism of this exceptional young woman. Actually, older Americans and the world dealt with some of these issues in the sixties and seventies. If you are not familiar with Dr. Renee Richards, her Wikipedia entry is very enlightening.

As Jazz deals with the usual issue of adolescence (cliques, sexual feelings, physical attraction, high school, hormones), she is also dealing with the psychological and medical issues that surround gender identity. This makes the show extremely interesting. There is so much to be learned about genetic programming (genotype), body type (phenotype), gender identity, and sexual orientation, which are four different things.

In the show, Jazz is very forthcoming, very frank, and very authentic. She provides a window into the often confusing subject of transgenderism. The show feels very organic, not overly produced. The family dynamics are familiar; they have issues and situations to deal with, like all families. We see a family member that needs more attention. Jazz's mother feels abandonment when a child leaves home for college.

This is an unscripted show where no one knows the final act. It is both entertaining and educational to watch as Jazz discovers the best path through a minefield of personal and social obstacles.
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Worst Show Ever!
catozzieric19 June 2022
Jazz is really insecure and spoiled. She twists everything around. She causes drama and she has so many problems she needs to work on. She's a transgender AOC. Seriously, she needs therapy.
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Best Transgender TV Show to Explain What's It's All About to be Trangendered
tracyprell25 August 2015
This is a Great Show, because it shows the average family with a teenage child struggling with the many questions and few answers about being trans-gendered. The family and friends are loving and very supportive...this is unconditional love at it's finest! Their there to support their child and friend who was born trans-gendered ...that's right born trans-gendered...this is not a choice, just like others did not choose to be heterosexual. We didn't choose our physical attributes like the color of our eyes, or how many fingers we have, or whether were autistic or not...people are born this way from birth. Unfortunately, we have the ignorant people that don't have a clue or their religious beliefs do not allow them to love, support people that are different than them and don't share their views. Please read my review concerning Season 1 Episode 9 at this link. TLC you need to keep "I am Jazz" on the air and don't worry about "A Million Moms" who represent a small fraction of our Country. They need to either support others, or mind their own business. It's Jazz's life not theirs. They need to look and police their own backyard like the Duggars instead of condemning a 14-year girl and her family and friends that love her so much! Check out my other review on the IMDb at this link.

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child abuse
grantonearth17 December 2021
Parents enabling a child to go through this is child abuse plain and simple. TLC making money from a ruined Childs life is child abuse also. If only there was someone in her life that was willing to protect her she would have had a shot at happiness.
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Sexual Child Exploitation
qbrtmgy19 August 2022
This is exploitation, pure and simple. Jazz's parents should have had their son seek ongoing therapy prior to drugs and surgery. SURGERY! They have castrated their son and guaranteed that he will NEVER have a normal sex life or children. This show's promotion of gender dysphoria is disgusting.

As for the content, poor Jazz plays to the camera and the "storylines" are contrived and forced.
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This show had so much potential but totally missed the mark
janetra29 December 2021
What could have been inspirational and ground-breaking has evolved to something predictable and frustrating to follow. Jazz spends so much time complaining and it's become a downer to watch, imo.
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A great show
bichonbabies7 September 2017
We love this show....Jazz has always known who she is. She deserves to be a woman 100% Jazz, do not let the haters get to you. They are ignorant. I am in my 60's, but my wonderful parents always taught me the right things. I was always taught right from wrong. You are so lucky to have such a loving family...

God Bless you and your great family, Stay away from the ocean as we are DJ
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Not For Public Consumption
jimspencer711 April 2022
Why on earth would "loving parents" choose to be on public display? For parents to allow a young boy to transition this way, before even achieving puberty, leaves one questioning his parent's parenting skills! If Jazz chose this path, at least until after puberty, and did so privately, one might say, "to each his own", but to foist this upon the public just seems wrong at best.
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Changed so many lives
andersonmulch24 January 2020
She has inspired millions of people all around the world and I found this show when I was in a VERY dark place I was so emotionally drained from suppressing my gender dysphoria I Just had no emotions left in when I found this show it opened my eyes beyond my wildest dreams
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SOS! Just watched the entire series for research and 👎
fvtgnbxc17 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As the daughter of a trans woman I have to say this series is entirely aimed toward gender affirmation and never addresses the damage it can and does do!

You completely deny the connection between Jazz's mental health breakdown and the start of her hormone therapy at age 11, her first bout of severe depression is at age 12!! It's completely obvious to spectators.

This then gets worse and worse with every gender affirmation surgery Jazz undergoes to the point she ends up at 230-40 pounds as a way to deal with whatever mental health issue she has that has not been dealt with by literally chopping herself up in order to identify as female. Her poor mum suffers so much through guilt and must know how wrong she was in allowing all of this to go ahead, it's such a shame she put a lot of that guilt on the Dad who didn't even agree with what was happening and just tried to go to work in order to keep the whole family going! I can only see a young person recruiting in order to validate her delusions. Jazz has every advantage, she passes very easily and seemingly has the full support of her family, despite this she still self harms constantly! I wish her Dad had more guts and stick to his guns when he was trying to stop the non stop rollercoaster of surgery while he had a legal right to do so. Jazz is an over privileged spoilt child who has been allowed to systematically destroy her own life because her mum was too afraid to say NO! She is not ambassador or an activist, she is just a confused young person recruiting others that don't want to conform to gender stereotypes. You don't have to conform, just don't ruin your lives and be siren, calling for others like poor Noelle to join you in your misery. My Dad ruined his life with this nonsense and lost his life at 50 because of these "trans" identity issues, not by suicide but because of the cocktail of medications he was given by gender affirming "doctors"! None of your suicide figures are based in fact or statistics whatsoever, they are lies! All of the statistics for trans issues are lies. You also turn on your own people when they realise they were wrong and have hurt themselves beyond repair in your name. Please just stop promoting transsexualism. It's ok to support those suffering the same MH issues but you must stop promoting it as natural and encouraging people to undergo these awful operations, it's not innocent exploration, it's irreversible surgery and you know it. How do you know there are not people out there encouraging these surgeries so that you cannot reproduce? You don't! Stop and think, you do what you want with your life but stop influencing young people into awful situations. You are not a happy person despite your struggles to become female, please accept it's not possible and just try to be happy without hurting other along the way, please!
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Supportive family
crystal-1621516 February 2019
Love this show love the siblings and parents as well. Very supportive to one another. Best of luck to you all !
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hottestmexu23 February 2018
Whether Jazz is male, female, or transgender, the bottom line is that s/he is a spoiled brat. S/he gets whatever she wants whenever s/he wants by pouting, complaining, and making her parents feel guilty.

The grandparents and the mother are the ones who cater to Jazz the most. The father's opinions are largely ignored or overruled.

Dr. Marcie Bowers stood up to Jazz for a while, but I knew she would approve the sex reassignment surgery as she is always in it to make a buck.

Jazz does not put a good face on the transgender debate.
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Just sad
chiefsfan1011123 March 2023
From transitioning at such a young age to the exploitation of Jazz being on TV. I'm just sad for Jazz. Whether Jazz eventually wanted to transition it shouldn't have been until she was an adult. This might be shocking but kids say wild wild things. Does that mean we have to take everything they said with absolute certainty? I really think Jazz's mom has her own mental issues that need to be addressed. Hopefully Jazz find happiness in the long term for her sake. Hopefully the parents are not tied to her financial stability either. That way she can possibly have money from the show and go out on her own and live her life.
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the last economic bubble that will burst western culture
questiontheauthorities30 January 2023
Once you convince an entire population to stop having children, it's really easy to implode their economy. All you have to do is prey on the most vulnerable people, and use the most desperate and manipulative people to prey on them, making money in the process only the money isn't worth anything anymore, because their entire culture began imploding and not producing anything when it stopped making children.

But yeah, wah men alphabet soup!

Nothing is real, so my consequences have no actions but just because the world is fake and created doesn't mean there's a creator, or consequences to my life choices, so everybody stop caring and just let it all burn.

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These reviews are hateful and wrong
mbritton17763 February 2024
Jazz is a human, a complex, funny, brave transgender girl. Her family is supportive and loving. I watched the show from episode 1 until today. There are times I don't agree with the parents (I think Jazz should have gone to Pomona College) but never thought they were exploiting or abusing her. If you all feel that way, just don't watch it. I just see your negative reviews as the hatred maga has drummed up for drag queens and LGBTQ people. If you can't educate yourselves, just keep your hatred to yourself.

Anyway this show is fun, exciting, stressful but most of all real. And I appreciate Jazz sharing her life with us.
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Stupid and getting worse
njpaul-0063311 December 2021
The name should be changed to I Am Fat. Really was the enormous weight gain just to extend this spoiled brats time on TV? Just like other shows on TLC this one has exceeded its expiration date. Take it off already.
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Season One
welderchic3 July 2020
Great incite into the lives of a family coming to terms with their children growing up, and the struggles of being a parent to a transgender daughter. Jazz will be a role model for many, showing how you can overcome prejudice and be yourself with a smile.
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what the hell is this???!!
treykrumel1 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so tlc has make numerous mistakes in the past right but this is garbage. tlc does not know when to stop with making a foolery out of these peoples lives clearly tlc has no respect for privacy rules and laws shows like this should be illegal period. now jazz is well a selfish know it all she thinks that she is smarter everyone else lie seriously theres a lot of people smarter than tlc. shes acts nice one bit but when something happens she becomes a new person. again her parents clearly don't like her but let her continue being the way she is. tlc is destroying my life now tlc does not make lives happen it completely destroys them. tlc if youre seeing this just to let you know youre destroying my life and everyone around it who have to watch you for hours on end.
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Jazz embraced the opportunity to enhance the visibility of Transgender people and influence popular perceptions
acbcopywriter23 November 2021
This is a fantastic series and a must watch for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of what it is to be transgender. Jazz is honest, nothing feels staged, it's a real window into not only her life but the life of her family during her transgender journey and culminating in her bottom surgery. Her positivity and determination to challenge the view towards transgender people is both inspiring and humbling "I'm not the only one who's trying to make a difference in the world," she says. "I'm just one person doing what I can to make a difference.
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