Follow the Dead (2020) Poster

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Follow the Dead: Funny but lacking
Platypuschow30 November 2023

As viral videos seem to evidence the fall of Dublin at the hands of the undead, four Millennials in rural Ireland can't discern fake news from real. Has a dependent lifestyle left them too naive to weather their fate?


A competent bunch I'm unfamiliar with, but Tadhg Devery absolutely knocks it out ofthe park.


Surprisingly not the first Irish zombie movies I've seen after the likes of Dead Meat (2004) Boy Eats Girl (2005) and The Curing (2017) but perhaps the best of the bunch.

It sees a group of misfits unprepared for what's ahead, and for the most part it works and is a genuinely funny film. Alas where it doesn't slumps the movie into sheer unadulterated mediocrity and that just broke my heart as when it's good it's really quite good.


Am I suffering zombie fatigue? Zombies are my favorite sub-genre of the my favorite genre and I can't even begin to tell you how many I've watched over the last few decades. But is that damaging future ones? Has it created an expectation? Has it caused me to have higher standards? I hate to say it, but there's a distinct possibility it has. I've become a zombie snob.


Very endearing Genuinely funny in places Tadhg Devery Falls very flat in places.
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What happened?
bowmanblue20 January 2024
I think it's safe to say that since 2004, if you were to give the plot summary of a film as 'a bunch of losers try to comically survive a zombie apocalypse' then you'd automatically think of 'Shaun of the Dead.' It was a classic and well deserving of its iconic status. Of course if something is successful then others will try to copy. Over the years we've got plenty more 'comedy horror zombie' movies featuring lovable losers. Some were good, some were bad, but most were pretty forgettable.

Here we have Ireland's entry into the genre. Yes, it's another 'SotD' rip-off, so I won't bore you with a detailed plot synopsis, as there's not much you haven't seen before. I knew what I was getting into when I sat down, so I can hardly complain about its lack of originality.

And, as it began, I was pleasantly surprised. For a start, the characters were nice. And they were funny and therefore likable. Yes, there are more than a few Irish stereotypes thrown in there to keep reminding the international viewers that this is definitely set in the Emerald Isle, but, overall, all characters do a good job. My hopes were high.

So, I waited for the zombies to show. And I waited. The film began to drag about a quarter of the way through its runtime, but I continued to wait. The beginning was so strong and well-written I wanted to give it every possible chance.

Eventually, it ended. And, my overall summary would be that this is a zombie movie without any zombies. Okay, I'm exaggerating. There were some, but - seriously - in a film about the undead, chucking them in there for a handful of scenes barely counts in my opinion.

What you have for the main part is relationship drama. Just like the zombies never really show, the jokes slowly dwindle in favour of relationship issues. There's not much gore and I swear they stole a prominent mask from another horror film (I think 'Nightbreed' but I could be wrong). Anyway, what could have been a memorable entry ended up being pretty run-of-the-mill and an example of what could have been.
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NOT a "zombie flick" in most ways
I'll make this short, but felt compelled to leave a note so that folks at least understand what they're getting in to with this one.

Typically, when one thinks about a "zombie flick," there are thoughts of decomposing dead people walking around trying to eat regular people. While "Follow The Dead" is technically about zombies, it is only from a peripheral basis that zombies are involved. To be more concise, THIS IS NOT A ZOMBIE FLICK, rather a dramatic comedy that uses zombies as the foil.

Thematically, the film is about human relationships and values. There are angles that reach in to climate change, political control, and social morality as well, but those are breached within the confines of the script and not major studies. Many conversations of the previously mentioned themes run through the film, but one thing you will NOT see is zombies attacking people. Well, that is not entirely true. I think there are two or three examples of zombie bites, but there is almost no blood and there is certainly NO GORE. If that's what you're looking for, look elsewhere.

I mention all of the above not because the film is bad, but because it looked like a good zombie flick and turned out to be an ok dramedy. In that context, the film was fine. reiterate, THIS IS NOT A STANDARD ZOMBIE MOVIE. There is almost no blood, there is no gore, and only a couple instances of violence. In retrospect, the film was rather enjoyable. I just kept waiting for the blood to flow and it never did. That said, the characters were all likable, so watching their transition and growth was appreciated.

Overall, the film was well made. It looks and sounds professional, the script was adequate, the actors were fine for the most big complaints.

  • some profanity but not overbearing. Would probably fall in the PG-13 range.

  • no nudity or sexual situations
  • no drugs other than 3 seconds of a guy smoking what is inferred as being a joint.

  • no gore and very little violence. Blood is seen two or three times but it looks like not much more than scraped knee kind of things.

There is nothing that reasons why someone around 11 or 12 years old couldn't watch this.
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I feels scammed
cmdown-5050630 November 2023
What even was this film? I found it on Amazon prime and thought I'd check the reviews before giving it a watch and the majority of them are positive. Well they're obviously all written by people involved in the film because it totally sucked!

I fell asleep the first time I tried to watch it and decided to give it another go because of the reviews but it was just so bad. The acting is terrible, it literally sounds like they're reading a script as they act and it's barely even a zombie movie. Like what is the plot of the film? I watched it with two other people and they have no idea what the film is about.

TL:DR - watch shaun of the dead because this ain't it.
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Slow, Boring Strange Story
wolfqueen202023 May 2023
I should've known better than to trust the reviews. I didn't check to see whether they were fakes so that was on me. Irish films such as this one tend to really lack all the characteristics of an exciting film we are used to. This is in no way horror, only mildly funny, more drama than anything. My husband fell asleep during the movie and I nearly did too. It was mostly about this guy who left his wife to take care of his siblings and cousins. Most of the movie dosent make sense, it goes back and forth between terrorists and zombies. The characters weren't very interesting. The good part was the dialogue though. It was odd how it was full of wisdom and though provoking tidbits. This whole movie was just a big mixed bag of confusion and mess. If you want a horror movie this isn't it. I would in no way call this horror. If you don't mind the super slow burn drama with a zombie element you might like it though.
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Not too Shaby
thejhorton28 April 2023
I must say, I found this flick about the undead to be quite the groovy experience, man. It wasn't like those other zombie movies that shove it all in your face, you dig? No, this flick was more about the everyday lives of five cats - a brother, an ex-wife, a sister, and two cousins. They were just kicking back, you know, living their lives. But the atmosphere was thick with foreboding, thanks to those news clips and social media updates. That's what really gave me the heebie-jeebies, man.

But let me tell you, the dialogue between these friends was just cool, daddy-o. It was like listening to my own group of cats, just shooting the breeze and hanging loose. And the way the camera moved along with their conversation was just righteous, man. It kept the pace up, even when things got funny.

The general banter between the friends was downright entertaining, I tell you what. It was like I was there, man. The way they played off each other and joked around was so genuine. It was like watching a real group of friends, just being themselves.

And even though it was a movie about zombies, it never felt too over the top, you know? It was just the right amount of undead action mixed in with the real-life drama of these five friends. The blend was just perfect, man.

Overall, I thought it was one groovy flick, man. I'm definitely going to be on the lookout for more from this director. Maybe they can keep the magic going and continue to deliver films that are both entertaining and thought-provoking.
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Fresh Take on the Zombie Genre
baccaruda128 February 2023
I, like many, am a connoisseur of indies, so there are films out there that...make you want to scream. But every now and again you come across a film that showcases a new director, writer, or actor in their best light. "Follow the Dead" is one of those films. And while basic premise has become a perennial horror trope - zombies are taking over - now film makers are exploring other ways to show the undead apocalypse. In this case, it's a bunch of twenty-somethings in Ireland who cannot discern the truth of their situation because of their distrust of the media, after having been bombarded with "fake news" for most of their adult lives. That initial skepticism gradually gives way to their new reality, and focuses on the relationships of the characters. From the opening senes, it's apparent that "Follow the Dead" was crafted with the eye of a talented film maker and writer, Adam Cahill. The writing delivers a different take on the genre, with solid acting that organically follows the tale in a believable way. There is a gentle slacker vibe from the man-children, and the women in the story seem to have their acts together far more than the boys, which is a real-life truism. Some may feel that the action gets a little slow when it gets too talky toward the third act. There are some twists that don't conform to the genre either, which may be a good or bad thing, depending on the viewer and their expectations. Overall, this is a fine effort from a new film maker who has a bright road ahead. I enjoyed this one more than I thought I would, and give this film 3.5/5 stars.
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Zombies and Comedy
dtittone18 February 2023
In "Follow The Dead," Director and Writer Adam William Cahill crafts a creative zombie film blended with lots of comedic moments. The story is well-written and Adam does a great job keeping the audience guessing what will happen next. In addition, Adam has effectively created many well-developed, dynamic characters who have a lot of depth and layers. As a result, Adam is able to showcase the different layers of human emotion in an event such as a zombie apocalypse. With a blend of comedy, drama, and horror, "Follow the Dead" is ultimately an entertaining film that will keep the audience engaged until the very end.
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Delightfully Entertaining.
mettlesetdesigner26 February 2023
Follow The Dead is a blend of comedy, drama and horror that is a nice treat for the audience. The characters are well developed, more than usual for this type of genre. I give credit to the writers and director along with the actors. I don't normally go out for this type of movie but I'm so glad I did. It had me laughing out loud pretty much throughout the entire movie! Maybe I've find a new genre to watch. I enjoyed the mixture of being scared, excited, and entertained all at the same time. If your looking for a movie that will not disappoint check out Follow The Dead and be delightfully entertained.
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Is ZomRomCom A New Genre?
grant-macdonald23 February 2023
We've had movies about romance, comedy, and zombies. It must have been an interesting night when Adam William Cahill pitched a ZomRomCom to his friends.

Originally conceived and filmed as a short, Cahill and co. Felt there was much more to tell and the story was expanded to the full length feature we see today.

So does it tick the boxes?

Zombies - There's certainly your classic (in terms of looks and lumbering movement) movie zombies here, many of the standard movie zombie tropes are covered, although with one twist that I won't reveal here.

Romance - That's covered too, mostly in flashbacks as the main protagonists reunite after a period of separation.

Comedy - It's pervasive throughout with Tadhg Devery as "Chi" and Luke Collins as "Jay" playing off each other wonderfully. Devery picking up numerous nomination and two awards are a testament to this. The comedy is "low-key" and relatable rather than over-the-top belly laughs and pratfalls and works so well in this setting.

For a first time full-length feature Cahill, as writer / director / producer / probably made the tea too, is certainly a talent to look out for. The fact that this movie has been such a hit around the world at festivals is a testament to his, and the full cast & crew's dedication to the project.

I won't give anything away about the plot, you REALLY HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE.
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Well worth the watch
marycahill-4617421 February 2023
Great movie I really enjoyed it. Well worth the watch. I have watched this movie a number of times and still enjoy it every time. No matter how often I watch this, it still makes me laugh at the Irish humour and jump at certain scenes. This movie is full of typical irish humour and craic, and it is so good to see a zombie movie made in Ireland. The cast work well together and I loved all the Chi's verbal slip ups. Watch this movie and enjoy it even if zombie movies are not to your taste, I am sure you will enjoy it. Would 100% recommend this movie I hope there will be more from this cast and director.
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A Decent Satire
chadsmovies23 February 2023
Let's get one thing straight: this is not a cheap rehash of Shaun of the Dead that's also a knockoff of What We Do In the Shadows as the trailer might suggest. Neither is it a comedy in the traditional sense, nor is it interested in being a stereotypical zombie movie. What this movie is, is a straight up satire. The film shows off all of the laziness and selfishness of the entitlement mentality in all of its glory (or rather, lack thereof). It's a film with bite to it, that by its own admission hates the desire to have everything for little to no effort. It's a film that begs its audience to stand for something and truly care for the people around them. And for the most part it works. It paints such an ugly picture of its entitled protagonists that by the end you are basically begging them to just for once put some fight up for something besides their own selfish desires. If there was one thing that I wish the film had more of though, it's charm. The film shows that each character has their own quirks that could make them charming, but it does not lean into those quirks nearly enough. It does have enough charm to get you to like certain characters, but not enough to make you really like all of them. I understand making certain characters in this too likeable runs the risk of damaging the satire, but some glimmers of light in those characters would have really helped the desire to see them change be more than just feeling frustrated with the characters. Overall though, I enjoyed this film for what it was.
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Funny, Scary, Exciting
kjs114421 February 2023
Follow the Dead is a fun ride. It's a different kind of movie about zombies. It is hilariously funny, while at the same time it has some extremely emotional scenes in it as well. And sometimes it's a mixture of scary moments which turn into comedy at the drop of a hat. The story also has an epic quality to it as well. The look of the film is great as well. I thought the cinematography was excellent. And of course, with a film this original and funny, the writer/director deserves recognition. If you're looking for something funny, while at the same time scary, exciting, and also heartfelt and emotional. Give this one a watch, you will not be disappointed!
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Well Rounded Film with a Zombie Motif
catheraneskillen5 March 2023
This film is hard to categorize. It has comedy with some truly funny moments, heart-felt drama, and horror all rolled into one movie. Many unexpected circumstances and twists and turns arise along the way that keep us involved. Human elements arise that are universal, cutting to the core of being human, which certainly reflect our present day realities... distrust of the media, being in denial of our true selves to fearfully denying a loved one. Writer, producer, director Adam William Cahill did a masterful job. The characters were multi-dimensional and Luke Corcoran, Tadhg Devery, Marybeth Herron, and Luke Collins got it right, along with great cinematography and lighting. One scene stands out. Robbie comes home to a dark house and makes his way to the fuse box. The lighting on his face was magnificent. The film is well worth a look whether you are into zombie films or not.
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Zombies in Paradise
jerrymcgrathart25 February 2023
I enjoyed this crazy romp of Zombies in rural Ireland. A group of loser millennials hear of the coming possible apocalypse, mentioned in the news.

The thought of Zombies in one of the beautiful places on the planet is funny, an allegory of what humans create even if in paradise-it is a light touch of dark humor.

Tadhg John Devery as the lazy, exceptionally unmotivated, pot smoking best friend was pure fun and great social comment- great memorable performance from him.

Some very good scenes, my favorite is one where the 4 friends run out of petrol, not the first time. Then they had the sister push the car since it was her turn, in heels!

Fun script overall, congratulations Cahill.
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So great!
jasonfarleys21 February 2023
Loved this movie! Thoughtful, hilarious, great writing! Hope there's a sequel coming!

I can't think of any other movies that actually engage with the problem of a generation that can't tell the difference between fiction and reality because of social media. But Follow the Dead nails the reality of the question. And gives a fun and funny answer to the quandary.

And the acting?!?!? So good! I know it's an "independent" and a "low-budget" movie, but you wouldn't know it from the quality of the production or the acting. It's all top notch!

Also, the Irish sense of humor! This movies leans into the quirk! I was laughing from the get go! Love it!
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Follow This Movie
jae-8771320 October 2023
"Follow the Dead" isn't your run of the mill horror flick with constant in-your-face blood and guts but a well-balanced meal set in a uniquely Irish zombie universe featuring both humorous and serious ingredients and a smorgasbord of characters and situations.

It follows an everyday group of close friends and how they deal with the ultimate stress test that is societal collapse. We see the characters come to grips with their own individuality and relationship with the media, police, and the meaningful people in their lives. Like other films in this genre, it asks in its own way whether we have been truly alive...or just following the dead?

"Follow the Dead" is a hidden gem for those who appreciate a fresh, thought-provoking take on the zombie genre. It's a satirical mirror to our media-saturated world even in the midst of an apocalypse. Highly recommend!
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Interesting Irish perspective on the zombie genre
andrewwalshfilms25 February 2024
For as long as i can remember Ive held an affinity for Irish Cinema. From the "Commitments" directed by Alan Parker in the 1980's all the way to modern works such as "Once" by John Carney "Calvary" by John Michael Mcdonagh they've always been beautifully shot whether it be in the city or the rugged countryside poignantly written with a keen sense of humour and always with a deep distrust of authority. Follow The Dead written and directed by Adam William Cahill carries that torch further down the road.

Robbie (Luke Corcoran) is a disillusioned millennial trapped in a dull existence in rural Ireland living in a dysfunctional house with his sister and two cousins.

Meanwhile the nations capital Dublin has seemingly fallen to hordes of the undead and despite dozens of videos circulating online Robby and his housemates generally remain skeptical and apathetic to all the chaos around suffering instead them focusing on their short term attempts at validation.

Much like the late godfather of everything Zombie related George Romero (Dawn Of The Dead) Writer and director Adam uses the genre to explore social issues taking dead aim at the hollowness of internet hook up culture, influencers and how certain people will exploit any tragic event to further their own political agenda.

Follow The Dead is an interesting take on how humans cope when disaster strikes and while doesn't claim to have all the answers leaves the audience with some interesting questions to think about.
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