"Code Black" Third Year (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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For those looking for the final song choice . . .
pinchloopy26 April 2018
The final song was called "Open Arms," originally performed by Garry Gos. However, for much of season 3, the songs on this show are covers. In this episode, "Open Arms" was performed by John Ondrasik.

Hope this helps!
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jongoodwin73926 April 2018
This episode was just absolutely stunning. I could not believe what I was watching. At first, the one word that came to mind was intense. But as I kept watching, that word changed to powerful. I laughed, I cried, and I was absolutely so engrossed in the story. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I am so happy this show is back. It is unmatched.

Also, Code Black reached #6 trending on Twitter! Over 3,000 people were talking about this awesome premiere. It was definitely the best premeire yet. Just WOW!
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Engaging, Intense, and Simply Amazing
TVaddict99926 April 2018
Where do I start? I am just. Wow.

You feel this show. You don't just watch it. This show has succeeded great writers, actors, and directors, and outdoes so many other shows on the small screen. Not to mention it does this every single episode. And how? I have no idea.

This show is BACK and in a big way. I am confident this season is going to be the best yet.
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Can it be next week already?
meticulousthief4926 April 2018
OMG. It's about time this show returns! Shame on you, CBS, for shoving this show in the background! It deserves so much more praise!

I am just so impressed and so attached to this show. I really am. What impresses me more is how few people watch it and now about it, and I don't think the hiatus that CBS scheduled helped them, either. People need to know about this show. Anyone not watching has no idea what they are missing. This show is so intense and so well done in every single episode.

Since the show "E.R." ended in 2009, I've had a hard time finding a show to match it and have been waiting for at least a great medical drama. I finally found it.

The only thing: I'm going to need Code Black not to take my life, please. Y'all are supposed to be saving lives! I'm in awe here and I am hooked.

Final thoughts: This is what you call a season premiere. It had all the elements: drama, comedy, and suspense. I cried like a baby. I am so happy this show is back.

Mr. Seitzman, thank you for this show. It is awesome. Always on the edge of my seat. Plus your cast & crew are awesome.

If you're not watching Code Black, are you REALLY watching TV?
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Code Black: Third Year
weirdowarren_0726 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Season 3 opens with "Mama" introducing himself to the first-year residents, per tradition. They include Diego Avila (Tyler Perez), whose wealthy father pulled strings to get him the position, and Pepper Russo (Chaley Rose), who has the worst first day ever.

While Diego is busy filming everything for his documentary about Angels Memorial, Pepper -- who puked during an earlier trauma -- accidentally inhales fentanyl and passes out. As Leanne and the other doctors work to save her life, we learn that Pepper had throat cancer as a child. Things look pretty dicey when Pepper stops breathing, but she eventually comes through. Meanwhile, her fellow first-year almost kills a patient when he gives him medicine to which he's allergic.

As for the returning docs, Willis trades the hospital walls for field duty with paramedic Roxanne (Moon Bloodgood), who seems both annoyed and impressed by her ride-along partner. Willis is able to bring his battlefield skills to the job, zip-tying a wound during a shoot-out, but also takes the kind of risks that worry Rox. "I don't have a death wish," she tells him, adding that she doesn't think that this team-up is going to work. However, she later has a change of heart after she witnesses him comfort Elliot, who lost a patient. "There's nothing simple about you," she says to Willis.

Angus, too, is looking at a career change when Dr. Campbell pulls him into the O.R. After the procedure, Angus calls Campbell "an ass" and "tyrannical" (but also brilliant), not knowing that the surgeon is in the nearby bathroom stall, of course. (Like, dag, Angus, you need to filter yo self boi.) Despite that, Campbell still offers him an O.R. residency position, which Angus accepts.

Other Notes:

  • Mario and Noa disagree over a diagnosis, mainly due to their relationship bleeding into their work. When their patient almost dies in the process, Dr. Guthrie gives them a talking-to and advises them to separate their professional and personal lives, or they're going to lose both.

  • Leanne is in the midst of the adoption process with Ariel, who was suspended from school. Now the teen must work as a candy striper at the hospital, under Jesse's charge. "You look like a barbershop sign," he says, to which she replies, "You look like Hagrid in scrubs."

  • Just as there was no mention of what happened to Christa (Bonnie Somerville) and Neal (Raza Jaffrey) last season, the exit of resident Malaya (ex-series regular Melanie Chandra) isn't referenced in the episode. This really is the only complaint I have.

I am really impressed overall. I'll have to see a few more episodes to decide how I think this season will turn out, but I think it shows promise. This episode itself, however, was outstanding.
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It's been almost a year...and I am still so in love with this show.
totallysmacked26 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I even start? Jeez! This episode was an emotional rollercoaster. I am so blessed to bare witness to such an amazingly powerful show. If there are people out there not watching this show, they really are missing out.

Let me first say that I could barely breathe in the first 15 minutes. This new field medicine storyline is going to bring such a great element to this show! It's just what Ethan will need.

I love Rox. She is a great addition to this show. Not to mention she is beautiful. I praise whoever developed her character. Thank you for representing strong powerful women. It be nice to somehow see her become friends with Leanne. Now THAT'D be something!

I also wonder how Rox and Ethan will work together, given they both seem to know what they are doing and follow their own rules. It's going to be incredibly interesting to see. We saw how it wet with Leanne, but this being in the field, it brings a whole new dynamic. And I see already that Ethan working in the field has no impact on him being at the hospital, which is honestly great news.

Speaking of Ethan, I loved that he reveled a bit of himself to a patient. I am wondering if this is a sign of more to come. It would be so interesting to get a look into his past. Now that we know he had a brother, I would love to learn more about him especially.

It's going to also be interesting to see how Campbell and Angus will work. They are such different personalities but it will be so cool to see.

I loved the new residents. Diego will prove to be very interesting with his documentary filming. Considering this episode is based off a documentary, I wonder if Diego's character is inspired by the real-life Ryan McGarry. Pepper had a rough first shift, too!

I would love to know how Marcia Gay Harden gets the emotions perfect for each of her scenes. She slays everything and really just steals it all. Plus, I loved the final scene with Mama and Daddy. They're just what I have needed lately. Plus the song was a perfect choice for the scene.

The cast is perfect. They have excellent chemistry. The storytelling is amazing. I am just so amazed.

I loved all of it!
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Code Black is back with an action-packed, emotional season! ~ To Recap
code_black_fan12326 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Whether you have seen this show before or tonight will be the first time, you will quickly be hooked on this thrilling medical drama that has a lot of heart as they are saving lives.

Tonight, "Code Black" checked in for a third season on CBS and yet again Mama and Daddy have their hand fulls at one of the busiest ERs in the country!

The episode starts off with the new interns and they are going to have a busy first day ahead of them. Col. Ethan Willis shifts to field medicine this season and he is going to ride along with Rox Valenzuela. Their first case together is a shootout at a house where they have powder Fentanyl. They have to save the victims of both the gunshots and the ones who inhaled the drug. Both are equally as fatal.

While they are out in the field, Dr. Leanne Roris brings her soon-to-be foster daughter into work as a candy striper. Ariel wasn't too fond about the work, though!

This season is looking super promising, as in the coming weeks, they will deal with a warehouse collapse, a road rage incident, a 12-year-old girl who is alone on a plane with her mom who has passed out, deadly wildfires, an accident at a step competition, a boat crash, a kid who drinks boiling water, and they will also deal with treating one of their own who is injured in a hit and run.

If that is not enough to deal with, they have to deal with their personal lives too. There will be loss, love and so much more. They are a make-shift family in all of this madness.

Be prepared to laugh and cry with each episode. And next week get ready to dance along with a musical number that opens the show. There is a reason for it and the cast and crew went all out for this song and dance number!

Code Black is the perfect mix of medical and personal drama rolled into one great show. One that heats up our summer nights and gives us the adrenaline to get through the rest of week.
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So I accidentally bumped my remote. And this happened.
windingtrunc26 April 2018
I was flipping through channels earlier and wasn't sure what to watch. I finally found something remotely interesting, but then I bumped my remote. And I found something AWESOME. If you're not sure what I am talking about, it's this show!

How have I NEVER heard of this show?! Seriously? How does it not have a huge fan base? In my opinion, this is so much better than "Grey's Anatomy" and "The Good Doctor." There really isn't any competition.

The thing is, though, I am so glad I found it! Wow. And it seems I am just in time for the 3rd season, too! (I'll have to look into where I can see the first two because this is such an intense show and not a whole lot of shows get my heart racing like this one did!)

I may not know the characters or their histories, but that doesn't matter. I was still so intrigued and interested. This show is now a favorite, so congrats. You earned a fan!
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So relieved this show is back on!
CeeRice26 April 2018
It was worth the wait. Excellent show, superb premier. To follow up on pinchloopy's comment on the final song...you might know John Ondrasik better as Five for Fighting.
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Three years and still goin' strong.
haha_itsfred0126 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Things might be getting a little meta this season.

One of the new residents introduced on Episode #3.1 is filming a documentary - something along the lines of what Ryan McGarry made about the Los Angeles County Hospital ER, which the show is inspired by.

But he's not the only newbie, and boy did they have a hell of a first day. Pepper definitely had it the worst. Who gets accidentally dosed with fentanyl on their first day?! I hope her insurance and sick time kicks in right away. Despite her being, well, unconscious for most of the hour, we learned a surprising amount about the new female resident. In addition to being a little meek and self-doubting, her real name is Andrea and she had throat cancer as a kid. It's a start in getting to know her, but I really hope that her childhood illness isn't going to be the reason she became a doctor. Maybe she just really liked science. Maybe she binged too much MASH well bedridden. Maybe it's the family trade.

I'm a little worried that portrayer Chaley Rose is listed as a guest actor and not a recurring guest. It wouldn't bother me so much, but the other new resident's depicter, Tyler Perez, is listed as such.

And man, did his character annoy the crap out of me. The bright side to Diego Avila being the spoiled product of nepotism is that he has room to grow, and the Code Black writers have repeatedly proven that their up to that challenge. But seriously, the guy needs to put the camera down. I understand the reference to the Code Black documentary but get a GoPro or something. Moon Bloodgood rounds out the newbies, joining as Rob Lowe's new (reluctant) EMT partner. It's hard to say at this point how much chemistry these two will have, but things got off to a good start ... Well, their screen partnership did anyway. Rox looks like she might help ground Ethan, who does have a teensy bit of a death wish despite his protests.

Our third-years weren't given a pass due to their seniority, though. I'm actually hard-pressed to decide if I like Mario's or Angus's story better. It goes without mention, of course, that the Mario/Angus scenes took the cake. Mario's attempts to work out a balance between his professional and personal relationship with Noa weren't exactly riveting, but the story was notable simply because it took place. But how many medical dramas pair up docs with no reference to the problems that dating can create in the workplace? Currently, I can't think of any others.

If it wasn't for Dr. Wisdom reminding them, they might not make it. I mean, seriously. Think about it. Where would anyone be without Rollie? Personally, I think dead. I think they would all be dead. His reminder was: "Look, you two better separate your professional life from your personal one. Or you're going to lose them both." Honestly, it couldn't have been said any better.

Angus' post-recovery lateral promotion to surgical resident gave us some forward movement for my favorite character. I just hope he doesn't have to start his whole residency again. (I mean, yeah, he probably would in real life, which is why you need more than ten seconds to decide.) My one worry is that this could cut back on time for his interactions with Mario and Guthrie. Those are some of my favorite moments across the board. And I don't want to lose them.

The upside is that Angus can basically get anybody out of their curmudgeonly shell. Sending him up to the O.R. with Will Campbell will only help give that character more depth.

Even as it feels like "Code Black" is still trying to find it's rhythm, with bringing in an EMT and shifting the docs around the hospital, Jesse and Leanne are at the heart of everything. Still. And I love it completely.

I also love that they found an organic way to bring Ariel into stories at Angels. The best part was her candy striper storyline offered some comedy, which was a relief in this otherwise action-packed episode.

I'm really glad about the decision to move Marcia Gay Harding's character on from "damaged" to "recovering." The damage may never heal completely, but at least the character isn't static in her grief. Recovery is more nuanced, more dramatic, and more interesting, despite how beautiful her story was in season one. Especially with Jesse there to help her along. I again loved what Jesse had to say to her when she claimed she didn't know what to do with Ariel: "You said the same thing to me in the maternity ward the day that your first was born. I'm gonna tell you know what I told you then -- your only job, and the most important job you're gonna have, is just to love her. Okay? And make sure she knows that."

So what did you think of the "Code Black" Season 3 Premiere? Was your heart racing? Will the new interns make it or wash out? How will Angus fare in the O.R.? Can Mario keep it professional with Noa at work?
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Closing song
stewart-hopkins26 April 2018
This is by far the best medical drama on TV. But can someone please tell me who was singing the closing song in the bar lounge?
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