A Plague Tale: Innocence (Video Game 2019) Poster

(2019 Video Game)

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Video games as art.
Music is considered art. This game has inticing music. Graphics (paintings) are considered art. This game has great graphics. Books (story telling) is considered art. This game has well written story telling. This game is a piece of art.
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Beautiful story
Heartburnt_Kid2 July 2019
The story starts off strongly and definitely brutally. I'm not exaggerating, they definitely did a good job at showing how brutal and disgusting the Black Death was. However even such horrible event cannot surpass how some people were more disgusting to each other and in some cases they use the tragedy for their own benefits. The game portrays that very well.

In that horrible world we find the sister and the little brother who have that innocent and adorable bond. As the story evolves I felt so attached to Amicia, it could be the cute accent, but I think it was also how the character evolves to the point where she would risk anything just for the safety of her brother and that basically is how Amicia grew so charismatic and heroic to me.

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The game is just amazing.
swatibcharan13 August 2021
The game start off to an amazing start with the tutorial mixed up in the story (like any other game) but as the story advances it just gets mind-blowing and fantabulous. I feel sorry for myself that I did not enjoy the game earlier but now that it is here I am overjoyed.

The 1 star is for a plot in story which was not that good ( I won't spoil it for you) . But rest the game is just worth it.
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Unreal Experience
matthewmb-562864 September 2021
The captivating story line will have you on the edge of your seat the entire play through. From scene scapes to character developments everything was beautifully designed. The music was deep, dark, Erie but very enjoyable. Thank you for such an experience!
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A masterpiece
johnssonsam29 September 2021
This game caught my interest directly. The story, music, stealthing, fighting, emotionality. Everything was there!

I can't wait to play the sequel.
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alanaaq27 May 2019
Every thing was amazing -graphics -music -amazing Its an amazing video game
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One of the best and most overlooked games of 2019
P9720 January 2020
A beautiful experience that will surprise the hell out of you at how good an engaging the story is, in a year that most games felt flat for me this one really moved me with it's wonderful voice acting and amazing graphics that will grab you from the start and you really care for amicia the protagonist of the game and her little brother hugo, their relationship is so touching and innocent that you really want them to survive in their cruel world and to be perfectly honest this is easily behind RE 2 reamke and DMC 5 as one of the best games of 2019.
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What an amazing game!
davidbatusek12 June 2021
The first time I launched A Plague Tale: Innocence it engulfed me. I would compare the experience to a dark Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.

The environment of medieval and Black Death-ravaged France, where the game takes place, is shown really well. From the beginning you can feel the gloomy atmosphere and from some scenery there is a chill running down your back.

Among other things, the game won me over with its characters, who will experience a lot. In terms of story, it's nothing revolutionary, but thanks to the characters, you're guaranteed to be interested in the story. I would see another positive in the soundtrack, which is not for normal listening, but always fits into the given situation.

Plague Tale suffers from the classic problem of stealth games - AI is sometimes really stupid (a guard doesn't see a person hidden in grass one meter away), but sometimes he sees through a wall.

The game is definitely not perfect, but it offers a gloomy historical-fantasy world, so if you are a fan of games with a dark atmosphere, I can only recommend it.

Positives: Characters, atmosphere, soundtrack, graphics

Negatives: Artificial intelligence.
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Piece of art.
meamitkverma18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all the graphics and colors used are too pretty, one of the moment I remember when Amicia was dreaming of her brother after Hugo went missing that sequence was way perfectly put up with perfectly switches the color themes from forest to orange to dark.

Storyline and new concept of rats as a plague was well written and well executed.

Fights and action could have been improved it felt like too slow and most of the powers/magic were not in use mostly, very rare use.

Boss fight was quite unique (White rat vs Black rat).

Love to play the sequel.
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Calm down everyone.
bignut6 February 2020
Not a bad game at all, its mix of combat, stealth, exploring and puzzle solving is a welcome combo which keeps the chapters varied and engaging. There are a few irritatingly frustrating sections and attack pattern boss battles which are a little tedious but on the whole worth a look.....if it's on sale.
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spiritforce2 June 2019
The best game! Fantastic story, incredible music, awesome gameplay and unforgettable emotional moments. Excellent work, Asobo!
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A Bit Underwhelming
Xarx11722 September 2023
First of all, this game has good moments but its not as good as people let it out to be. Its not a "bad" game but I don't see a reason to be playing it really. The graphics are good but the art style aren't as good as they gcould have been. Also, I think the gameplay isn't good at all. Its extremely linear, but to a ridiculous degree. Not that there is anything wrong with linear but this is just way too much. Now, the only thing that remains is the story, and it isn't really any good in my opinion. I think many of the elements that the writters were trying to portay just did not hit as much as it could have if it was designed differently.

Overall, its not a bad game but I don't really see any reason to play it.
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Did I play a different game than everyone else?
caro-rose30 November 2023
Got this in a holiday sale because I love adventure games with strong narratives (TLOU 1&2, Uncharted series, Horizon series, Tomb Raider, Spider-Man 1&2, Star Wars Jedi series, Ghost of Tsushima, RDR 1&2, etc.) I saw reviews fawning over PT's historical horror-fiction narrative and comparing to other games in the "caretaker and escort" subgenre like TLOU and GoW, so I was excited!

All that said, I'm on Chapter 14 (out of 17) and feel compelled to write my 1st videogame review on IMDB as a disclaimer for those still considering buying. In my opinion, PT is no where near the standards of the games I listed above.

I understand Asobo is smaller than most "commercially successful" studios in the industry, so the music and landscape are impressive for a team of 40 developers...but the clumsy traversal+aiming mechanics, lazy dialogue, lighting issues, and many poor-developed level designs are very distracting. Which is a shame because the setting and the relationship development of the two main characters has a lot of potential. Even some allies have charming personalities, but under the surface, they're just stereotypical plot devices. The young voice actors did the best they could with the below-average writing in their dialogue.

I've played other recent adventure games from smaller studios (like Firewatch and Stray) and the difference is those managed to have developed characters and game mechanics in addition to a compelling story...which made those fun to play instead of feeling like a tiresome chore to get from one level to the next. I made it to chapter 14 (out of 17 total) and am considering quitting and watching the rest of the story in another player's video walkthrough because I don't have anymore patience or excuses left in me to keep playing.

Lastly, the lack of custom options or accessibility *for a 2019 game* is unacceptable given the amount of money the studio still expects from players for this.
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An unforgettable journey
kwarau26 December 2021
From the very first scene I was in awe of how beautiful the game looked and character felt. Taking cues from TLOU and God of War it's a journey of survival, a full linear story driven game. Although the game has no difficulty settings it's an easy game mostly stealth base system. The PS5 version really shines with 4K 60fps and added DualSense features adds value to your overall experience. This is one of few games that fully uses DualSense new features. The environment and settings really pulls you into the story and provides relatable experience. The game can be compared to AAA titles.
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The AAA game no one saw coming. Does not play like an indie game in any way.
healingtoolbox29 May 2019
A horror, survival, stealth game with action. The ending is appropriately operatic, and challenging, not a let down.

This is another textbook game dev example of how to take one new game mechanic and tweak it 20 different ways--within a story--and with engaging characters. Masterful

As it's female-led, it has many similarities in look and feel with the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot. This is high praise in my book. Plague Tale probably has the better narrative, better story, clearer story and more masterful narrative direction. Again, high praise in my book.

It has as comparable believable world creation to Horizon Zero Dawn, high praise again. The sense of a real world, with real locations, over a great landscape is similar. Environments are not as detailed; yet, the reality and feel of interior spaces and rural villages is AAA professional

Plague Tale is more horrific than either Tomb Raider or HZD. It uses many horror and plague tropes as gameplay elements. So be prepared for gratuitous landscapes of carnage, death and destruction If this doesn't bother you, the gameplay is AAA.
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2019 game of the year for me
kozel-49 January 2020
This has to be one of the best games I've every played. I've only played around 3 hours so far, but it is just simply phenomenal how well the game can suck you into the story and you genuinely care for the girl and the boy. Actually I was more worried that the boy got hurt every time my character had to make a decision.

Wonderful atmosphere, the music, dialogues are absolutely spot on to suck you into the world and feel the pain and struggle the characters are going through as they venture across the storyline.

I highly recommend it to anyone really.
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A refreshing new game
mmunro684 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This game got my attention through a trailer i saw a while ago, so as soon as it came out i bought it. I have no regrets. It is a clever game, the player needs to be inventive and skilled in order to overcome obstacles. Whether that be sneaking past guards, getting to secret areas or evading the rats. The music and graphics are outstanding. Creating both recreating the beauty of France, and the horrors of the Black Death. The way they recreate the chaos caused by this plague, the deaths it caused is incredible and eerie. One particular chapter involves going over a battlefield where English and French soldiers had fought on. Crossing this massive battlefield literally covered in bodies was haunting, in the right way. In my opinion, and i'm no historian, I think this game captured the historical side pretty well: Black Death caused mayhem and the English and French were at war. The AI in the game was clever and there was never an overload of soldiers. One part of the game i actually admire is the death system. If a soldier spots you and attacks you, you are just a teenage girl. You aren't able to take a few hits of the sword or take a few arrows in the back. This may sound a little frustrating but in reality it just added to the game. I loved this game and I will definitely be playing this game a lot more in the future.

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Great story and gameplay
85122220 December 2022
Greetings from Lithuania.

A Plague Take: Innocence is AA budget game with great story, simple yet tough characters and great gameplay. I loved the general idea and concept. Gameplay mechanics were also great - there are puzzles in this game but they are not annoying and always felt real. Combat mechanics were also very inventive and superbly made. There is even a crafting and upgrade of tools system which i enjoyed.

Overall, Innocence is a great game in every aspect. It's basically a stealth game but done right. I'm not into stealth games but this one i highly enjoyed. Will check for a second instalment now. Highly recommended.
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A poetic Journey!
AvionPrince1618 August 2021
The Game have a poetic side. Its a video game place in the medevial time. It is very original. We are Amnicia who after a tragic incident, need to survive with Hugo (her brother). I cant say more about the whole journey because it need to lived. I really enjoyed the video game. It s clearly my favorite video game of the year, by far!!
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Rats, rats, and more rats
thekinkychemist24 March 2023
A Plague Tale: Innocence is a game that requires you to rely mostly on stealth to lead Amicia and her young brother Hugo through a plague-ridden 14th century France after an unforseeable event forces them to flee from their home. I really enjoyed this game, but there were a few things that had me swearing under my breath every time I played this game. First, Hugo is quite an annoying character and has no sense of self-preservation. You essentially have to do everything for him, like lifting him up over walls. And if you stray too far from him, he will get scared are reveal your position. Second, as Amicia, you are not that strong. There is no hope of winning in hand-to-hand combat, even as a last resort. You just have to start over and be stealthier. Third, there were some parts of the game (including the ending) that I found nearly impossible to beat because of the combat mechanics. By that point, it sucked the joy out of playing. Despite my gripes, this game looks beautiful and I really did enjoy the story. I found side characters compelling and I even cried a couple of times. If you weren't sold on the game, I would recommend giving it a shot for at least an hour or so.
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I love this style of game
ghostamongyou1 June 2020
I love, love, love these single player 'adventure' style games, and this ranks up there with the best of them.
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megan_chatterton2 June 2023
A beautiful video game, but deeply disturbing. Siblings Hugo and Amicia struggle to survive in a world populated by horrid people and even more horrific rats. There are bloody and deeply sad scenes throughout the game with little positivity.

So much of this game is spent sending animals and friends to their deaths that I was deeply depressed by it. If you want a medieval horror that does a fairly good job showing how awful life was during times of sickness and corruption, this is it!

Pros: The characters and graphics are nicely realized. Hugo is a bit of a whiner, but he's little and going through major trauma.

Cons: At least for me, this game was just too dark. Don't play it his if you're already sad.
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Did not have a lot of expectations, still disappointed.
pmagel-540869 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can't understand how all the reviews on this site are so positive. The Gameplay of this game is like a not well done clone of "The Last Of Us" which is like 6 years older and on an older platform. The story is pretty flat. Parents get killed, brother is sick, we need to run away because the killer of our parents is chasing us. We find out that the sickness from the brother can be used to get a cure for the plague, and he gets captured by the evil guy who wants to use his power for his advance. There was no moment which surprised me or gave it some kind of unexpected twist. And the AI... Uff... what can I say about the AI. When I say it's dumb, I would overact it by so much. But I must say, it's kind of good-looking and the setting in the times of the black plague is quite nice but that's the only two things.

So I would defiantly not recommend it.
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abdullah-0348922 October 2019
Amazing game story, music, reactions, voice actors etc
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One of the greatest story-driven games ever
chrisaamodt116 April 2021
A Plague Tale tells the story of a girl named Amicia and her brother Hugo, who travels through 17th century France to seek out a cure for Hugo's mysterious illness. It's not an easy journey, as France is threatned by the black plague, and the british inquisition.

What makes the story so appealing is tied directly to the characters. You end up really caring about Amicia, the brave heroine who will do anything to protect her little brother, both from deadly rats, and evil knights. Her sling is in my opinion one of the greatest weapons I've ever had the pleasure to use. It sounds plain, but wait till you see what it can do, and you will be just as impressed as I was.

Amicia is in my book one of the best female protagonists of all time. I'd put her up there with Ellie from The Last of Us and Clementine from TellTale's The Walking Dead, and that says a lot.

If you want to play a story rich game, with stunning graphics and top notch characters, look no further, A Plague Tale's got it all.
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