Geo-Disaster (Video 2017) Poster

(2017 Video)

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GeoDisaster terrible movie, don't waste your time.
kimberlymurray0014 October 2017
The acting was terrible in GeoDisaster, at one part the teenage girl says, "Mommy" and all I can say is most of the parts are cheesy. The special effects are terrible and look fake.

Probably one of the worst movies we have seen in a long time. Don't see this movie, there are other new releases out there that are worth watching. We saw Happy Death Day last Friday, it was awesome. "It" was good and if you like movies about faith go see "The Power of Faith."
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Tedious characters
hilary_mae-912-8056126 October 2017
Nothing ruins an action movie more, than whiny teenagers who are self centred, selfish, shallow and thoroughly pathetic. A teenage girl who whines because she has to tear off the sleeve of her shirt to stop the bleeding of a badly injured person should be killed off in the first scene.

The makeup was not good,unless the actress who played the doctor at the observatory looks like a goulish crypt creeper......and THAT was before the devastation started.
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Hilarious: an accomplishedly stupid mutiple trainwreck
homine_iniquo6 February 2021
Most reviewers don't get the low-budget disaster movie genre: terrible screenwriting, absurd dialogue, laughable effects and shockingly poor acting are a feature, not a bug. If you're expecting to care about any of the characters you're mistaking this for a screenplay. Of course it makes no real sense, lame stereotypical shallow characters speak at one another in wooden, poorly timed silly exposition; inexplicably emotional damp squibs that build to nothing, aparently fearful of some terrible demise from falling polystyrene and 90s CGI so bad it would make your eyes bleed.

If you're not crying with laughter at the utter bilge of it, then you're in totally the wrong mindset (maybe you're not on your 5th beer yet?) It's genuinely HARD to make dross this bad. A solid 4 out of 10 for making me laugh so much, without being a real film of course.
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One of those times when I wish IMDb allowed a ZERO rating.
connelly-shawn27 October 2017
This movie was so bad, it doesn't even warrant a review. However, I feel compelled to issue a warning. Seriously, it's bad and not bad in a way that may result in a cult classic but rather, bad in a way that you want to sue those responsible for wasting your time and money.

Bad acting, worse scripts, poor camera work, ridiculous special effects, and atrocious science (or anti-science).

Sorry, I have nothing to really say about the scenes except to say that within the first ten minutes, you will understand why I gave this a 1 rating. If your time is precious, stop after ten minutes because it doesn't improve.

There was absolutely no talent involved in the making of this movie. Even the title is stupid.
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"Don't panic, it's ok! It's just a head wound."
conorrwebber17 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The quote (directly from the movie) should tell you everything you need to know.

I can't decide what made me laugh more, the acting, the effects, or the scene where the father and son are going down the mountain in the tent. The kid is "trapped" in a sleeping bag with his head and shoulders poking out of the top, the tent rolled down the mountain for like 2 minutes, and the dad casually opens the flap as they're moving (as if they are inside a mountain lift or something), only to lead up to the son and dad hanging on the side of the mountain arguing about how the dad is going through a midlife crisis. This movie is just horrible and all over the place. Please don't waste your time. You're better off watching Geostorm two times in a row.
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Don't believe Amazon video
SplatDcat8 March 2021
Which says IMDB rating = 4.8

This is a -4.8

We love movies where California gets trashed however the writers, directors and actors in thus Turkey deserve relegation to the fissures in the ground.
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ash-2108028 October 2017
Literally so bad i don't enough giving a review is wasting time or an appreciated warning to others. The acting is truly awful in so many aspects! the effects are poor in such ways it was like watching a game from an old console. Couldn't bare to watch anything more after 15m. For what is a good idea of a film.. so many aspects ruin it. If you cannot create visuals like the day after tomorrow, don't even attempt it.
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Proof positive that ANYONE (even you) can make a movie and be famous
dialedindude20 February 2020
Dear hay Zeus how in the fork is this actually a real movie from a director who has made lots of movies. As good of quality as this. How? I thank thee for thine inspiration. You are brave to put yourself out there like this. Yikes. Pretty sure whoever ok'd each take and said "yup, that's dynamite. Next scene". Is for sure blind, deaf and stoned beyond thunder dome. Also. This movie came out in 2017. What the
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If you watch this movie you will go blind!
ixla30 October 2017
This movie is so bad I'm breaking my lifelong rule of never reviewing a movie just to review this movie!

If I could have given it a negative star rating, I would have.

I can't even begin to describe how awful it is to watch. I managed 23 minutes of the most painful, eye-wateringly bad acting I have ever seen and that includes pre-schooler nativity plays.

Unless you're marooned on an island with only this movie for entertainment, or you're really, truly, absolutely, bored shitless, this is not a movie for watching - it's a movie to putting down and avoiding.
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Geo Disaster is aptly named
Snootz26 October 2017
I'm giving this a wary 4 stars... rather than a typical 2 or 3 an Asylum film would ordinarily garner.

On the one hand, for an Asylum film it's not half bad. Which means it's not half good. The whole film (without spoilers) can be summed up as:

1) Something bad happens that puts the entire earth in danger 2) A couple or three local bad things happen that endanger a family and their friends 3) Nothing much else bad happens, evidently earth-wide. Birds are chirping, the catfish are jumping, let's go play some baseball.

In short, disappointing and VERY anti-climactic. The one overwhelming sensation I got from this film was surprise when the end credits started rolling. What, seriously, that was it?

I reserve 1-3 for BAD films... and this wasn't a "bad" film per se, just not very memorable. It doesn't make any point. It achieves little other than "family is important". It's like a "bad day in my life" flick... which is about all that this encompasses... one single day. One would think world-wide cataclysmic events would entail more than a single day of localized disaster. I guess the special effects team ran out of miniature volcanoes and tidal wave tubs.

It's better than most Asylum films... which is still below standard cinema standards. One just has to wonder: Is Asylum even capable of writing an actual script? Or do they just send actors out into an area with a camera crew, an on-the-scene idea-man, tell them all to wing it and then handle all the rest in the editing room? Wait, I think I just answered my own question.
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What an AWESOME movie !!!!
billiepeters15 January 2018
Truly one of the greatest movies i've ever seen !!!
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So bad
lanechaffin-964-631903 March 2018
Bad, yet entertaining. I've seen this and Ocean's Rising from Asylum and had fun with them. There are many unintentionally comical scenes and parts. The movie strangely keeps your attention as a dysfunctional family of 4 fights for survival attempting to reunite with one another as an interesting scenario of world-changing events unfolds following a black hole passing through the Earth. I gave it 1-star, but it isn't really thaaaat bad.
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Lame with Awful Screenplay
claudio_carvalho21 January 2018
"Geo-Disaster" is one of those movies so lame that becomes funny. The writer / director Thunder Levin does not have any sense of proportion and weight. For example, the gorgeous Natalie Pelletier´s leg is trapped by a beam in the staircase. Where a rectangular block beam like that would be used in a building? The weight would be at least 2 t, but the girls use a small bar to release her. Further, she does not have any injury and is capable to run. Matthew Pohlkamp is looking for an alternative route in a map with his son and the geologist while a car is slowly passing by them on a road. The girls escape from LA in motorcycles but the traffic jam is on both sides (out / into LA). They leave the motorcycles to run uphill through a road with tire tracks. The old man with crutch climbs the ladder to the roof of the store when the girls is looking for a signal in a neighborhood with parked cars when every now and then have a car passing by. The proportion of the waves is something very ridiculous. The landscape of Los Angeles shows a beautiful city in a sunny day. In addition, the special effects are one of the worst ever seen. My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): "Geo-Disaster"
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Did they intend to make a comedy?
gerrgrady28 January 2021
This movie is so ridiculous so we stayed with it for the laughs. For instance, the dad makes a little speech to the son as they're crawling up the mountain that he'd always protect the son and never let anything happen to him and at that moment the son is hit head-on in the face with a softball-size rock. Silly as all get-out.
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It's just awful
nick-townsend2114 February 2021
Disaster movies from the 70s had better special effects, the dark matter looks like a huge ball of lint from a cosmic tumble dryer. The kids are really whiny and annoying..........actually everyone is.
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Terrible, pathetic effects and acting
junaidaslam-6074824 October 2017
IT was terrible movie. I mean if you want to show some fiction show it in proper way. Disaster, earthquake , tsunami effects all look fake. Or if we consider this movie to be based on family reunion topic then still it was worst. In one scene the mother's leg was badly stuck under some stone and in the next scene she was walking freely and shown some kungfu stunts on the way as well. In another scene camp of father and son slides all the way from mountain but still they weren't even harmed at all and icing on the cake was when a person came to help all the way up in the mountains from no where. 9.2 earth quake, lightning effects, tsunami and city was still standing what the hell!!!! Please don't waste your time and money for this movie.
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Prime example on how to not write a movie script.
ropipgi-581-48716630 October 2017
Thunder Levin show us once again that he have no idea on how normal people speak or how teenagers and kids behave in general. As usual withan Asulum movie, the acting is more shouting and screaming without anyone trying to get close to something similar to emotion.

The graphical effects would have looked dated ten years ago and when the actors crawled ( what i assumed should have been a steep hill ) it looked like they were just rolling around in dirt as the cameraman had no idea on how to " fake " a slope from flat ground. ( even back in the batman TV show from the 60s , they did a better job of that )

Here is a snippet of Mr Levin's writing of dialogue from this movie:

Person 1: Come on! Come on ! Person 2: Come on ! Come on ! Person 1:Come on! Person 2: Come on !

Person 3: How are we doing there ?

This guy is actually writing a book now. I really hope it is aimed for children between 3 and 5.
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A bad movie trying to capitalize on Geo-Storm
desuka-700915 November 2017
Just plain awful, the characters are just bad and tedious, you don't care about any single character. The effects are crap, they must have been bought from a stock page.

The story is dumb so there is no point in talking about it.

Do not watch this crap.
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It's a disaster all right
TheLittleSongbird8 March 2018
Have made no secret in the past of intensely disliking, and even outright hating a lot, a vast majority of The Asylum's (near-universally maligned for good reason) output, though there is curiosity as to whether they are capable of making something good and compulsive about their output's badness. Admittedly, The Asylum do have a small group of watchable films and the occasional (big emphasis on that word) above average one, unfortunately outweighed by the lacklustre at best and often dreadful films they churn out.

The marginally good news about 'Geo-Disaster' is that there are worse films from The Asylum, ones that are even more amateurish, intelligence insulting and ones that blatantly rip off infinitely superior films more cheaply. The bad news is that that doesn't stop 'Geo-Disaster' from being dreadful in every way imaginable and having all the trademarks of what makes an Asylum film so bad.

'Geostorm' may not have been a good film at all, among the bottom half of the films from 2017 for me, but it is a classic compared to this disaster that may have been released two weeks before but was still made to capitalize on that film's release. Just for the record, giving a film the lowest possible rating is incredibly rare for me these days, trying to be a fair reviewer trying to see the good in everything viewed. That rating is only reserved for films etc. that look like no effort or heart was put into it and like nobody was trying, a cardinal sin in film but actually not committed all that often. 'Geo-Disaster', and a lot of The Asylum's output for that matter, is one such film.

Visually, 'Geo-Disaster' looks incredibly cheap even for something made on a low budget. It's very drably and sometimes dizzyingly shot, incoherently edited (bacon-slicer-like) with glaring and unforgivably sloppy continuity errors and even the scenery doesn't make much impression despite being actually the least bad aspect of the film. Even worse are some of the most laughable and pathetic-looking special effects to be seen on celluloid, actually looking they were done as an afterthought and on the small remainder of the money they had left.

Can remember little about the music, which tended to be intrusive, annoying and out of place. Even for The Asylum, the script is so awkward, cheesy and improvisatory-sounding that it is enough to make the toes curl in how awful it is.

There is absolutely nothing thrilling, tense, suspenseful, emotionally investable or fun about the story. The predictability may have been forgivable if the film was actually engaging let alone exciting but it fails to be either throughout. 'Geo-Disaster' is basically non-stop dullness and intelligence-insulting ridiculousness, with unintentional humour because of the excessive cheese, bouts of mawkish and stilted melodrama and irritating character behaviours that makes one endear to them even less in a film with not one interesting or rootable character.

As for the acting it is appalling all round with no exceptions, the amateurish quality is just embarrassing. It doesn't even have dependable actors giving career-worst performances, that's how bad it was and it wasn't a case of the actors forgetting their acting skills. Instead they were completely deprived of them in a mix of histrionics and looking disengaged.

Concluding, a disaster. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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I was glued to screen because it's so bad.
kissmint_ca18 February 2022
I'm not kidding you. It's one of those films that it's really bad but you can't stop watching. The script, acting and graphics were all bad. Many scenes would not make sense but do give you good laughs. I didn't plan on writing a review, but seeing that the lady who played Cassie (young sister) received an award?! OMG I can't believe it.
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2.5? That's harsh.
Scar384 February 2019
I saw this film before Geostorm and I actually really enjoyed it. The acting is decent, with likeable characters, the effects are ok and the action and disaster scenes are well done.

Come on people, It definitely deserves more than 2.5.
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A disaster of a movie
Leofwine_draca2 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
GEO-DISASTER is another of the Asylum 'mockbusters' designed to cash in on the big Hollywood hits of the modern day. This one copies the big-bucks disaster flick GEOSTORM and tells of an asteroid heading towards Earth which causes the planet to undergo many natural disasters at the same time: volcanoes, earthquakes and twisters, all in the Los Angeles area. Inevitably the usual family are caught up in the events and travel from one set-piece to the next. With limited acting, awful CGI effects and a hackneyed storyline which has already been done multiple times, GEO-DISASTER is, yes, a disaster of a movie.
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It doesn't really make any sense.
nogodnomasters5 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is another Asylum disaster film (ambiguity intended) designed to confuse you when you go to buy or rent "Geostorm." Black matter hits the earth and punctures a hole straight through it. I am not sure how that would work, but if Asylum presents it, I know it can't happen. Typical formula is a family is divided, world coming to an end, dad works to reunite the family while saving the world, and John Rhys-Davies commands European forces. Remarkably John Rhys-Davies wasn't in the film and dad isn't trying to save the world. (That used to make the plot silly.) This is the same CG stuff from other Asylum films, in fact I think they used the same volcano scene from "Lavalantula." In the film when dad is driving out of town, you can see him driving through a red light. Apparently they had the streets blocked off for the scene and let the lights do what the want. Teens were overly moody.

Made for TV.
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just crap
chadmander-1273328 October 2017
the garbage trash bad copy of Geo-storm my god dot get why jiffy keep uploading this kind of garbage bad acting,bad cgi,everything in this trash movie is bad from beginning to the end,and don't get it when these retards keep copying others movies that bad?Please don'waste your time and money for this movie
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Disaster of a disaster movie
wilki3121 April 2018
Truly terrible awful diabolical movie.

Wooden acting (I'm sure the, erm, actors kept forgetting their lines), comedy "special" effects and a script that made me cringe.

It has to be watched to appreciate just how bad this movie is! Enjoy!
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