Human Resources (2021) Poster

(II) (2021)

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A somewhat wasted attempt at a horror movie...
paul_haakonsen11 February 2023
Stumbling upon the 2021 horror movie "Human Resources" here in 2023, and never having heard about it, of course I opted to sit down and give the movie a watch.

The storyline in the movie, as written by Branden Swope and Evan Swope, was a bit weird. Now, let me just say that the movie started out okay, but it quickly became somewhat stale as there wasn't a whole lot happening throughout the course of the movie. And when the final reveal of what was going on took place on the screen, you simply have sat through too much nonsense, so it was a little bit too little and too late.

I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, but the cast did good jobs with their roles and characters. Just a shame that they didn't have a more entertaining, enjoyable and thoroughly written storyline to work with.

Visually then you're not in for anything grand. There are virtually no special effects in the movie, and it "Human Resources" have had that at least, then it would have been a more durable movie to sit through.

For a horror movie then "Human Resources" was disappointing. Sure, I managed to sit through all 108 minutes of director Braden Swope's movie, but I was only slightly entertained by the movie as a whole. And if you are an avid fan of horror movies, then I wouldn't really recommend you spend your time, money or effort on this 2021 movie.

My rating of "Human Resources" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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This is a drive through
nogodnomasters22 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with Keith (Angel Hilton) going into the dark locked back warehouse with a red lantern and no hard hat. He is investigating the odd going ons at Brooke's Hardware. He falls off his ladder and out of the picture, Samm Coleman (Hugh McCrae Jr.) is hired to replace him by Gene Knibbs (Anthony Candell) a friendly type of guy. His supervisor is Brian Henderson (Tim Misuradze) a no nonsense man who never smiles. He holds the keys to the back warehouse. Samm is trained by Sarah (Sarah Jose) also very friendly. Samm notices odd things happening and discovers Keith's journal. Sam and Sarah go snooping.

The film is a horror comedy, light on both. Samm's character lacks confidence which turned out to be awash in being entertaining. His role was crucial to the production and his character fell short. The horror aspect was saved until the end which wasn't really horrific, i.e. Even the squeamish can keep their eyes open.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Indie for indie's sake
Go_For_The_Jugular20 December 2022
I'm not 100% sure what I was expecting, but from the trailer, it looked like a 'decent' indie flick.

The first 15 minutes or so, are OK...but the constant look of dread, pain...and worry on the lead's face, quickly becomes annoying. I mean it's every scene he's in. I'm not sure if this was the plan, but if it was, this really spoils the film.

Besides all that weirdness, the supporting actors are awful. Not a single one shone...even in their own light. To be honest, even the lead wasn't that great. He didn't really stand out as a lead.

The cinematography is good though, but the sound is awful...especially in some of the office scenes...the sound is awful. It sounds like the boom mic is miles away from the actors.

Story was abysmal and almost non-sensical.

Just not a great movie in any way, shape, or form.
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Possibly the stupidest movie I've ever seen
bookaholixanon18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, I've seen some pretty flat-out stupid movies, but honestly, this one takes the cake. A hardware store that is a front for "damned souls" who live in the back room and somehow have to be "fed" in some way that is never explained because it really makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. By selling merchandise in the hardware store, these damned souls are kept alive ... what?? And then when we actually get to see these "creatures", they are so laughably pathetic: they're just people with silly-looking masks on. Honestly, this is the kind of story that had to have been written by someone lacking even a high-school education. Watch this only if you want to see something so jaw-droppingly stupid you will never forget it. Or maybe you will. But for me, this was definitely a new low in movies. I would laugh, but I'm still dealing with a strong sense of incredulity. How does a movie like this even get made? Or bought by STARZ or whoever?

Rest assured that ALL of the 10/10 ratings of this movie are 100% fake. No one with half a brain could think of this mess as anything but complete garbage,
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really wanted to like this...
A_Different_Drummer12 December 2022
What caught my attention was that, according to the PR package, this film won 4 individual awards at various festivals focused on indie horror. But disappointment quickly followed. The premise is interesting. So interesting that some of the critics suggested placing it in the category of "workplace horror," but then remembered that such a category, if it did exist, would have almost no other competing films in it. The idea that a protagonist (Hugh McCrae Jr.) could be so desperate for a job that he would put up with "unusual" workplace happenings is interesting, and might even strike a chord in today's economy. But the followthrough was just not there; the film is way overlong at a 1:45 running length; and, seriously, how many H&S shots of McCrae looking harried or anxious can one viewer tolerate? I think the key here is that indie awards are given out by people who live and breathe indies, and they sometimes forget there is another entire universe of entertainment out there. ((Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." Please check out my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
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Bland, boring and mind numbing
zstikpg5 April 2023
Don't bother unless you want to fall asleep fast. Any of the 10/10 reviews were done by the director and his family/friends.

The premise had promise, however with the lackluster performance of the lead, the shoddy filming and the far too guessable plot, let's this film down. One of the most annoying parts of this movie was that the characters were so boring that they might have well been played by mannequins, at least then the "character development" choices (ie the lead's constant "anxiety") would not have been present.

If you want a not great but fun retail horror film, watch Black Friday or something similar, as they will at the very least be entertaining.
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The only reason I gave it a 1 is there is no zero.
lambgary44413 May 2023
Do not waste your time bad acting bad directing one scene he sneaks into a locked room then when he leaves he leaves the door open. The guy never notices the locked "room " is open awful directing and producing the slips up they let go. The characters are unbelievable as human beings let alone their characters the acting and script was that bad. My life is worth less for having watched this that time is gone don't make the same mistake. I have to keep writing to submit this what else can I say there is nothing good about this movie at all except maybe the woman actor maybe better than this movie i wish her luck and a better movie in the future.
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Perfect independent horror flick
ykjdh26 February 2023
I really like those low budget, indie horror movies that turn out to be surprising. Take for example Evil Dead and Night of the slicing dead. Shoestring budgets and lots of imagination brought o life by the filmmakers. Someone at work suggested I see this and I found it on Stars.

The opening scene set up the events in the movie pretty effectively. The pacing at times did drag but not for much and a few times I found myself asking WTH is going on here? The main character is a young person looking for work and finds it in hardware store which is creepy in itself. I mean, there's all kinds of potential things to obliterate a human in each aisle. Enter the female love interest who insists there's something creepy about the whole place.

So while most people would quit at this point, these two instead play some Scooby Doo and the movie's pacing is just fine at that point. I'm wondering how I missed this one in theaters because it's pretty decent and effective. While it won't be a classic like night of the living dead or evil dead, it does hold its own as an effective, suspense thriller.
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People Need To Meet Movies Where They Are
charlottecoolhorn20 October 2023
This is clearly super low budget, but you get the send that it's made with a lot of heart and passion from everyone involved, it oozes from this movie.

It's fun, it doesn't take itself too seriously, and it's a cool concept. If you're a fan or The Store by Bentley Little, this is as close as I've seen to something like that in a movie. This definitely felt more like the kind of weird horror fiction I read.

There are questions in the plot, the acting doesn't always land, and I'd have preferred better costuming for the supernatural stuff, but... None of that kills this. Even when the acting doesn't hit, I feel such an earnest care from the actors that I don't care.

A lot of people demand perfection from small movies, a perfection people didnt even expext from bigger studio movies in decades past. Everything has to be a sleek package these days. I say no, a flawed movie can still be a good movie, and what I see here is passion and a lot of potential, and that is worth supporting.

I'm pretty sure this is my first review. I've had this account for years, but the negativity here inspired me to speak up.

If you want to have some spooky fun, watch this movie and chill out.
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Horror with a heart
swopeleigh18 January 2023
This film is a must-see from start to finish. It masterfully portrays the bleakness of working in retail and uncovers the sinister motives behind the scenes. A thrilling horror movie that centers around the protagonist's internal struggle and concludes with an impactful finale that will have you cheering. A remarkable debut for director Braden Swope, who made the film at the young age of 19. And kudos to the cast and crew, who also largely composed of young talent, for their remarkable achievement in creating this film. The eerie soundtrack and stunning special effects add to the feeling of isolation and the drudgery of retail work. Don't miss it, you won't be disappointed.
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Amazing talent.
brunopaz-116274 January 2023
The only good thing about this movie is the rol of the protagonist. Hugh McCrae is an incredible actor, he surprises and leaves you in shock. It's really the first time I've seen him, and I don't know if he has theater formation, but it's something different and superior to what you see on TV or in movies, he has the talent to cross the screen. Let's see if any Marvel producer realizes this gem. Hopefully he can get good roles, and show all his talent. A great discovery and a lot of acting resources, he is of pure acting breed. The movie is not good or entertaining, but just seeing the protagonist already deserves it.
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evswope10 January 2023
This was such a fun, suspenseful watch. The acting is amazing and I see a promising future for everyone involved. That ending is INSANE!!!

The central story is super relatable: a young man trying to find his first job and doubting himself along the way. Anybody can empathize with him working long retail shifts with strange coworkers.

The action builds up in a really smart way, leading to a conclusion that is well worth waiting for. I really liked the cinematography, the sound design, and the writing. And director Braden Swope puts it together in a really solid way. There's a lot of really funny moments too.
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Quirky Horror
ladymidath11 September 2023
Having worked in retail, I could relate to the characters stuck in retail hell. I really like the premise of this movie. The huge eerie store, the retail workers boredom and feeling they are in a dead end job. The setting, a large hardware store is the perfect setting for a horror movie. A new employee realises that there is something wrong with the place he is employed at. The secret is much more horrific than even he realises. The story does manage to build a nice creepy atmosphere and it gives you the feeling that something Empty employee files, weird noises. Strange sights , the movies does a good job with it's obviously limited budget. A movie like this is not to everyone's taste, but some will find themselves enjoying it.
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Really different!
terri-6351910 August 2023
We liked this a LOT! This was totally a new kind of thing. We found the main character so endearing. This guy was totally sweet and afraid of failure and it was really well acted. Then, he gets the chance to step up and be the hero! He also, seemingly, gets the girl.

So, if you're not sure, go ahead and check it out. I mean, it's free right now on Tubi. So whaddaya got to lose?

We thought it was totally worth the good rating. It's kinda tongue-in-cheek and it doesn't take itself too seriously.

So, there you have it. Our two cents on a really good little movie.

Don't listen to the haters and just give it a shot. Hollyweird is putting out leftist trash anyways. This has none of that crap.
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