
18 Reviews
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Great little low budget horror outing
8 February 2015
Small town, low budget horror flicks that just ooze with sincere effort and originality are so much fun. Carnival of Souls is the best of this type, and while no Carnival of Souls, this is great little film. No name casts can add so much gritty realism if they know how to act, This cast does, especially Kristen Fraley. Director obviously loves her craft and her town as every cast member gets a long closing credit. Well worth the time. Thank you Amazon Prime for offering this gem.

Who knew Madisonville, KY was a hot bed of horror.

If you enjoy this, check out Messiah of Evil, Babysitter Massacre, and The Unbroken. All great, low budget horror by people who love the genre.
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Unbreakable (2000)
From the Pinnacle to the Pits
22 November 2000
"The Sixth Sense" was probably the best movie of 1999. Great story and great film craft. On the other hand, "Unbreakable" may turn out to be one of 2000's worst. If it had been an episode of "Tales From the Darkside", the story would have been cute and entertaining. But with an hour plus of filler, this movie is just plain tedious and dumb.

I hope M. Night's next effort is up to standards.
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Excruciatingly Exciting
22 June 2000
Being a fan and consumer of film from all decades of the 20th century, I tend to be put off by computer generated effects. It seems like such a cheap way to bypass the real work and imagination that was required up to the 1990's. And so often it looks just-plain fake. With the "Perfect Storm", I have witnessed a movie that makes a believer in the power of computer FX.

The action and the intensity of this movie is almost mind numbing. And the true heroics of the characters depicted is inspiring. I was not aware that the efforts of the US Coast Guard would play such a significant role in this movie, but they are a grand addition to the story.

While the computer FX are obviously, though seamlessly employed, the live action is well staged. Only one scene of Clooney on a loose crane boom looks more like 40's creature-feature work. But overall, this is an exciting and moving film, a ride well worth taking.
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One word describes this classic - VIVID
2 May 2000
For it's day; and, even this day, this is classic, almost perfect, masterpiece. Brilliant design work on the alien ships, incredible sound effects, and sharp, vivid colors. Pacing in this film is tight, and Barry's performance as a scientist in giddy awe of the alien's capabilities is masterful. Finally, the realism of the story telling is unrivalled in most modern science fiction films. All right, it's not true to Wells' original, but what's wrong with updating the story, especially when it is this effective.
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A footnote in pop history depicted by a footnote in film history
19 March 2000
While Lili Taylor's performance is delightfully deranged and the depiction of the time is flawless, this film lacks any profound philosophical or visual punch. Twenty years from now, this film will be largely forgotten, except by the hardcore Taylor fans. It's her legacy, which should be great, which will give long-term life to this film. The film itself, while a fine effort, says little to give it long term legs.
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Fun, but forgettable Frank vehicle
14 January 2000
Frank is cool in this cute, but lackluster little film. Most of the humor is derived from the steady stream of women in and out of Frank's nifty New York apartment. Being the fifties, the two main women in Frank's life have only one goal - getting married and having children (three children - it's the fifties). Fine supporting cast, especially the lovely Celeste Holm.
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Lost Horizon (1973)
Really not that bad, except for the numbers with Kellerman
18 July 1999
I caught this on AMC with high expectations for chuckling at what is supposed to be one of Hollywood's worst musicals. I was rather disappointed. Basically a good cast, with Finch and York displaying proper conviction and emotion for their roles. Pretty good production, with nice sets and a fairly convincing plane crash. And the songs, well I can't hum any of them 3 hours after viewing, but they were fine in a very 70s Bacharachy way. Where the movie falls apart is the staging of several of the numbers, especially the two (why two) with Sally Kellerman. These made me laugh, or was it groan. She can't sing or dance. As far as the rest of the movie, only occasionally can she act. But all in all, this is far from an awful movie. 7 out of 10.
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Worth watching for one reason - Mary Astor
4 June 1999
Compared with the original and it's brilliant cast, this sequel is a bit of a mess. Too much of Miss Lynley goes to New York and falls for very bland Jeff Chandler. Who cares. Also, the lack of a kindly Dr. (Lloyd Nolan in the first) strips the town of it's heart.

But, on the positive side, Mary Astor is terrific as the ultimate soaper opera version of the evil, possessive, rich, self appointed queen-of-the town. Some great verbal sparing with her new daughter-in-law. And even in defeat, her final, dignified speech is frighteningly prophetic 35 years later. I watch a lot of movies, and this performance took my breath away. Wow!!!!! She is to Soap Operas villains what Alan Rickman is to Action villains.
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Dead Ringer (1963)
Terrific twist, but a somewhat slow journey getting there
2 June 1999
All in all, not a bad little little film. Davis gives her standard campy performance and Malden gives his standard sincere performance. Peter Lawford's not bad as a smart playboy hustler. 6 out of 10.
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1 April 1999
I hate hating this film. Ford is one of the greats, and "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" is the greatest Western of all time. But here, despite gorgeous cinematography and underlying tension, nothing ever comes to anything in the area of action or suspense. Perhaps Ford wanted to revel in Wayne and his character, but a good story would have done wonders for true character development. Want to see real Wayne acting under Ford - try "The Searchers".
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Pretty dull compared with the Clouseau to come
22 March 1999
This is a generally dull heist-caper/bedroom farce; Sellers and a fine Mancini score are the only real high points. But even still, this is the weakest of the Sellers' Clouseau entries. Sellers hadn't found the accent and he has been given very few good lines. Clumsiness is the only real comedy here. Losing the wife and gaining Herbert Lom is what will be needed to turn Clouseau into a comedy masterpiece in the future.
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Petulia (1968)
Christie magnificent in Richard Lester's masterpiece
14 February 1999
Julie Christie is unforgettable as the lost and abused wife of an insane husband chillingly played by Richard Chamberlain. Looking for love she throws herself at the equally lost George C. Scott. John Barry's subtle score adds a gentle, poignant edge to the package.
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Ladyhawke (1985)
Could have been a classic.
13 February 1999
A truly fine story and the wonderful pairing of Hauer and Pfeiffer is lost to an annoying score, an equally annoying Matthew Broderick, and some sloppy direction. The finale and it's fight scenes are slow and badly staged.
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Pathetic waste of Portland and Pare
22 January 1999
Almost laughable production, but still basically just plain bad. Impressive fire shots are almost "Backdraft" quality. Score rips-off "The Rock" except it lacks energy, just like this lame film.
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The Rapture (1991)
Rogers is magnificent in this powerful film.
13 January 1999
Mimi Rogers proves she is probably one of this age's most under rated actors. She also is blessed with great material. The full gamut of a relationship with God is covered, but it is Rogers final two acts "of faith" that make this film a breath-taking masterpiece.

Try to see this film with someone whose religious conviction is different from you own. You should be in for hours of debate over the meaning of the film and the motivation for Rogers' actions.

One added plus. The film has some very funny moments, especially when Bauchau realizes he is losing his fellow swinger to the Lord.
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Frosty (1965)
This movie would be "lost" without MST3K - Thanks?????
20 December 1998
An amazingly silly and inept little film. Did provide 2 wonderful MST3K lines. As the credits roll and all these strange names appear, Crow says, "All of these names are Russian for Alan Smithee." Later in the movie, "Every country's folk lore includes the hero chasing a pig sled."

All in all, this is the kind of cinema gem that makes MST3K so much fun.
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Robot Monster (1953)
One of the finest pieces of **** ever made.
29 October 1998
Combine a deadly robot (an overweight actor in a gorilla suit and a diving helmet) with a death ray (a bubble machine), and you have more stupidity than even Ed Wood could have assembled. The icing on this amazing cake is that the robot has a conscience and he questions his mission of death and destruction with Shakespearean sincerity.
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Mean, painful, and funny
13 September 1998
Not as brutal as "Company of Men", but still a fascinating study of people and power. Missing that 'So, how does it feel' sucker punch to the audience; but still, in the end it's the meanest people that seem to win. Wonderful craft getting there.
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