
18 Reviews
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Great concept, great potential, poor execution!
23 June 2002
What a tremendous potential this film has....

The first hour is dazzling high tech, fast action with almost a "John Woo on speed" character. The plot is well developed and engrossing. So, what happened?

For the remainder of the film the pacing is terrible (bursts of action moving the story along followed by long periods of...well...sluggish navel gazing). It's as if Spielberg has NO idea what kind of a film he is making.

I understand the problem, as Philip K. Dick stories tend toward the futuristic high tech combined with film noire. But Spielberg doesn't combine them...he just makes two different movies and shows us one during the first hour, with the second movie making up the remainder of the film.

It's worth watching, and even paying for...but don't expect anything great. Just enjoy the action in the first half, and then head for the snack bar for a pot of popcorn somewhere in the middle.

(6 out of 10)
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Pitch Black (2000)
Very Unique!
11 October 2001
NO longwinded review / critique. I wasn't sure this wouldn't be yet another "monster" sci-fi movie in another environment. WRONG! The characterizations, subplots and storyline are all first rate. The acting varies from terriffic (Diesel) to passable (Hauser). This is a great roller coaster ride. Enjoy!
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C'mon kids....lighten up!
12 August 2001 it isn't EVER going to be confused with Oscar material. (However, they gave one to the mess known as who knows?)

Get a grip folks...this is relatively high tech 1950's pulp scifi with a VERY dry sense of humor, with an interesting philosophical basis if you know to look for it.. I have to be over 35 to get it, I guess.

Thought it was fun, what can I say? As for the folks here who just couldn't rush to their terminals fast enough to bash the film (think they are probably related to those folks who creamed Waterworld back when only the 'rushes' existed)....well, why even bother to see the flicks? Just wait for the critics and then LIE and say you saw the movie, then agree with them so that yer buds will be SO impressed with you.

Ok, Ok. I'll lighten up. It was a passable film, decent effects, pseudo John-Woo blow-stuff-up-when-you-lose-the-plot-for-a-few-minutes story telling that kills a couple of hours.

Gave it an 8....and if that bothers anyone, get over it!
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Major League (1989)
Why do I love this film?
28 March 2001
Beats me! All I know is that virtually EVERY time this flick hits cable...I watch it. There is something about the way this simple, very funny movie fits together that just compels me. Sheen is great as "Wild Thing" Ricky Vaughn. And the same can be said for every other actor (and character) in the film. They all just seem to click. Bob Uecker is priceless. I don't know, maybe I'm losing my taste, but this is a film that will ALWAYS pick me up and makes life just a bit better!
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Couldn't pick an ending, eh??
20 March 2001
The first hour-and-a-half or so of this film is fascinating, riveting, and compelling. But, somehow, Bob Zemekis has managed to destroy a very good film with a very long ending. It appears he was so focused on getting those few extra 'thrills' and shocks in, that the ending just drags on and on and on and.....well, you get the point.

Nothing wrong with this film that heavy editing couldn't fix.
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Not terrible, but needed more effort by actors and director
8 February 2001
Look, I enjoyed (am enjoying?) the entire Left Behind series of books, even though they are being drug out a bit too much. I expected a true mass market theatrical quality release for the movie, and didn't get it.

This is not a 'horrible' movie, and is worth seeing if you don't expect too much. Problem is, much of it is miscast (especially the Kirk Cameron role), and it reminds me too much of those 'gospel films' shown in churches on Sunday evening evangelistic meetings.

This one gets a 6, max.....
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Grey Owl (1999)
25 January 2001
I didn't expect much when I first saw the DVD cover. I mean, Pierce Brosnan as Grey Owl??

Ah...but then the story got underway, unfolded in a beautifully photographed and paced film. I was surprised and delighted at this (basically) true story. Made me want to read more about this fascinating character, which means, the director fulfilled his purpose, and the film was a success!
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Absolutely Classic and Clever!
23 September 2000
VERY well written, keeps the viewer guessing with dry (and wry) humor throughout. The convoluted plot keeps one guessing, and enjoying the twists and turns.

NOT for those who don't pay attention to the films they watch, expect everything to take place on a Jr. High School level, or have been raised on a steady diet of 'bang-bang' action flicks. This excellent film also is obviously (from the reviews) confusing for those who can't tell a "spoof" (which this not) from a true black comedy.

Well worth a view!
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Beautiful Story Telling, for the Sake of the Story
20 August 2000
This is an incredibly compelling story, told with great simplicity and grace. The story itself is the object of the film, although the scenery is beautiful. The acting is understated, even superbly so, for the characters themselves come through in all of their eccentric simplicity.

This piece of art will likely not be appreciated by those who view movies "casually", without due attention. It takes work to be brought into the story, but once you become involved the captivation is complete!
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Extremely Well Crafted
10 April 2000
First, I must be honest. I have seen an edited version of the movie (am waiting to see it uncut), so perhaps I wasn't distracted by any "excessive" nudity or gore....

This is one of Pacino's best performances. The nuances of expression and voice inflection he uses to create this attractive/repulsive diabolical character show clearly that he is at the top of his craft. Keanu Reeves is also very good, and the majority of the performances seem to fit the bill nicely.

What makes the movie stand out is the focus on TEMPTATION rather than total evil. John Milton (Pacino's character ....hmmmm..."Paradise Lost"...get it?) presents a series of temptations any of us might fall for, before recognizing the evil behind the promises. The writing includes many intricately developed pokes at the standard "Goodness of God, Evil of the Devil" arguments we all know.

The only weakness in the film, that I could see, lies in its ending....or does it? After watching the turns and twists of the plot, one is left with a bit of a "what really happened" at the end....and an understanding that temptation takes many paths.

I gave it a 9, and would highly recommend it.
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The Sender (1998)
What can I say? It's fun.....
15 March 2000 we're not talking Zanuck here. No Oscars, Golden will never be shown at Cannes.

But, it's a fun movie with little budget and a lot of heart. There's just enough pathos to make it involving, and enough action to make it absorbing. I don't know...maybe I just go for the cheap movies that help me pass a couple of hours every now and then. CERTAINLY is worth a rental, and is NOT a waste of time! (7/10)
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Harlequin (1980)
Remember the Czar??
11 February 2000
Fascinating, dark study of a political family seduced by the powers of a traveling magician who befriends their ill son. The story works well on that level, and the acting is certainly passable enough to be entertaining.

Even more fascinating when one realizes that this is a retelling of the historical plot of the fall of the Czar of Russia! In history, Nicholas (Nicky in this film) and Alexandra (Sandy) had and extremely ill son, Alexander (Alex) and allowed the "Mad Monk" Gregory Rasputin (Gregory Wolfe) into the family with his promises of a cure for the the boy. Viewed on this level, this interesting enough B-movie become a fascinating study in parallels. Well worth a rental and some time to enjoy!
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The Piano (1993)
Well.....nice photography...
24 January 2000
OK....critics seem to have loved this. It's a fascinating story, beautifully photographed, but directed with all of the subtlety of a small blowtorch.

The characters are fascinating, but we are left searching for something to connect the heavy-handed symbolism with the story. This film has it all, erotism, music, unrequited love, jealousy, bitterness, sadness.....and a totally selfish 'heroine' with a bratty daughter to match.

Sam Neill beautifully plays the long-suffering 'husband' of the new bride. She loves everything he can provide, and gives him nothing, not even civility, in return. She does, however, fall in love with the neighbor (after being carefully manipulated by the delightfully dark character of Harvey Keitel).

The problem is: when it all comes to a head, we are asked to believe that the husband, who has never shown ANYTHING other than a kind, gentle and patient side, instantly rebels with an act of unspeakable and unconscionable violence against the wife. The action was inconsistent with the character, the situation, and ultimately came off as little more than heavy handed propagandizing about the ultimate evil of men.

Gave it a 6, as I was feeling generous.
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Ronin (1998)
Fine Actors in Search of a Plot
15 November 1999
I didn't know it was possible to take actors the caliber of Bobby DeNiro, Jean Reno, and Jonathan Pryce, mix them together with John Frankenheimer, and still have a plotless mess.

Don't misunderstand, the acting is excellent, and the characters are quite believable. The problem is I'm left with the feeling that the writer never quite got a handle on the plot, never figured out where to take this, and so took it nowhere.

It's very chic to have a story about unanswered questions; an existentialist shoot-em up. The gags are well done, and the cinematography was very good. So, why am I left with a big "who cares" at the end of the film? 5/10 at best...
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Flubber (1997)
Sleeping Pill......
22 September 1999
I actually gave it a 2, because to give it a 1 I would have had to be awake during all of it...and that simply wasn't possible. There was absolutely no reason for making this film. Disney wasted its computers, its studio, a darn fine actor (Williams) and my time. Shame....
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The Patriot (1998)
Brain Must be Engaged....
20 September 1999
OK...ths film (like Segal's last few films) once again goes beyond the "knock 'em down, kick 'em in the groin, shoot 'em in the face, get revenge against the bad guys for hurting my sister's niece's cousin" stuff Seagal was into for a while. Geepers, Steven started thinking, and using his bucks to make movies with actual ideas in them. SURE....there is plenty of action in this flick, but also some thought and heart. It's not an Oscar flick, but well worth the effort, unless the viewer is so into brain dead violence that it hurts to have to think for longer than a second. It's worth a rental..or two!!
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Hagman does Corman.....sorta!
13 September 1999
The story goes that Larry Hagman had a week or two free, and wanted to have some fun. So...he put together a GREAT group of folks for cameos (and red jello, to boot!), and made this grade-z 'horror'! If you want to just have fun...with far more laughs than gasps...and you have 90 minutes to it! It's right up there in the genre of "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"...
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Dark City (1998)
New meaning to 'film noir'
2 November 1998
Imagine an entire world where 'Film Noir' is a way of life. This intriguing mix of 1940's detective thriller and science fiction catches the spirit of the dark cult film almost perfectly.
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