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Best Bond Film in Years
28 June 2010
Daniel Craig nails Ian Flemming's Bond. He is gritty, not overly handsome (unlike Brosnan and Dalton), and seems human. The story is excellent, the action is exciting, and the acting is spot-on. Ms. Dench has become a formidable but humanistic M. She is really adapting well to the roll and stories like QoS allow her to showcase her talents. Mr. Craig has redefined the character of Bond and the writers have stopped using silly gadgetry to cover bad story lines. This is a Bond film that would have made Sean Connery proud to be a part of. I look forward to many more Craig-Bond films and now I'll have to go and watch Casino Royale (2006). QoS is the first Bond I've seen in its entirety since Lazenby. I could never stomach the Roger Moore Bonds - total drivel.
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Noah's Ark (1999)
Utter Drival
27 January 2010
NBC should be ashamed. I wouldn't allow my children to see this. I definitely would tell my church to stay away. This movie is proof as to why NBC has always been a 3rd rate network The producers, actors, and writers should get on their knees and beg God's forgiveness for making this work of fiction. There were no pirates. Noah's wife didn't parade around on the deck of the ark. The ark had NO deck. Lot wasn't even born when this event took place. Did anyone attached to this project try reading the Bible? There were more than two animals of each type taken. Read the story in Genesis. How could anyone bring this to any screen, small or large!
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Fireproof (2008)
Sheridan Pictures Does it Again!
23 January 2009
Another home run from the producers of Flywheel and Facing the Giants. Once again, an effective message about personal relationships with God. Even though the acting isn't academy award level, even Kirk Cameron is a bit wooden at times, the story comes through beautifully. There is enough action with the fire and rescue scenes but the primary focus is the story. Poignant and an effective evangelism tool. I will use this movie as homework for couples I counsel prior to marriage. I will also use it for couples in counseling. This is a movie about relationships - with other people and with God. Overall, a 9 based solely on the story. Thanks Alex, keep 'em coming!
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Very funny but has some problems
24 January 2005
This is NOT Academy Award material by any stretch of the imagination but is hilariously funny. Sure, most of the bits are high school or younger level humor but overall you gotta laugh at these guys. Every guy can relate to these three friends. We either WERE just like them or knew someone just like them. Ist is a light-hearted Deliverance or just a lighthearted romp in the woods? I say the latter and trying to place it in the former is ridiculous. Take it for what it is - a silly, light-hearted look at 3 life-long buddies trying to recapture what they had as kids. Don't try to put in the same class as any great "film", it is not. Its a "flick", a fun, entertaining, kick in the funny bone. There are problems with this movie but watch it for what it is and what it was meant to be - entertainment. I give it a 6 overall just because I haven't had a good laugh in a long time. That's my two cents - where's yours?
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Gripping, beautiful, violent
10 March 2004
The summary says it it all. Those who try to tag this film as "anti-Semitic" forget the fact that Jesus was born for the very purpose this film depicts - to die, to suffer (passion means to suffer for those who didn't know!) on the cross and to take away all our sin. I am not Catholic and there is much dogma in Catholicism, but Mr. Gibson definitely got this one right.

The scouraging by the Romans and the shunning hatred by the Jewish Leaders is dead on. This film answers the question of who killed Christ - He did.

If you're looking for Jeffrey Hunter and the King of Kings, you won't find it here. Crucifixion and scouraging were brutal events. Gibson's use of Satan is not out of line with what happened, even though not factual.

This film is well shot and well acted. Kudo's to Mr. Gibson and I hope he is rewarded for his good works with a visit from Mr. Oscar!
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The Majestic (2001)
12 January 2003
A great film, undoubtedly Carrey's finest work. Martin Landau was, as usual, outstanding. Carrey's habit of over acting scenes, as he did in Liar! Liar!, The Grinch, The Mask, etc., didn't come in to play in this film, set in post-WWII rural California. He played the role of Peter Appleton/Luke Trimble to the hilt. I look forward to seeing more of Mr. Carrey's work in serious roles. I give it a 9. A Must See and it should be nominated for several categories by the Academy.
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Panic Room (2002)
An intense thriller that keeps you gasping for breath.
27 April 2002
Panic Room is a brilliant piece of film making. Fincher's unique camera shots build tension from the start and keep it going at a frenetic pace to the climax. Foster is very believable as Meg, the mom who really cares for her diabetic daughter, Sarah (Kristen Stewart). Jared Leto, Forrest Whitaker, and Dwight Yoakum give convincing performances as slightly inept bad guys after millions stashed in the house. One of the key shots is a seemless camera to computer graphics to camera shot that starts in the upstairs bedroom, pulls back, down two floors, zooms through a coffee pot handle, pans and zooms through a keyhole and pulls back to 2 shot of the bad guys trying to get in the house. Another interesting shot involves an Close Up on Foster in bed with one of the bad guys, out of focus, in the back ground. The camera rotates to show Foster vertical and the bad guy horizontal. I rate this one high on intensity and camera work. Overall - 8.5
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A serio-comedic look at WWII and the Nazis
9 December 1999
Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers are the best part of this movie. Even with a weak script, Grant is his usual insolent, witty, and charming self. Rogers is very good with a very flimsy character. This is one of those typical anti-Nazi war propaganda films that were prevalent during the war years. A little thin on plot but high on patriotism and anti-Hitler sentiment. The Germans are, at times, shown to be bumbling fools while also shown as the near conquerors Europe. The Baron, played masterfully by Walter Slezak, is both cunning and stupid.

There are some touching moments that revolve around the plight of the Jews, giving hints on their future, a bold statement in that day.

All in all, a below average script with above average contract actors creating a slightly below average film. Grade : C-, Rating : 6, at best.
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The Thin Man (1934)
Nick & Nora's first romp. A classic comedy whodunnit!
21 September 1999
William Powell and Myrna Loy share a wonderful chemistry in this very close adaptation of the Dashiell Hammet novel. The interplay between Powell & Loy comes off very natural, as if they WERE married.

Nick is a lovable lush with a sharp mind and Nora is rich beyond imagination, with a freshness and innocence not found in today's movie characters. The film has plenty of site gags with some occasional drama interspersed.

All of the characters are made believable by the actors and the direction is superb. The plot revolves around the disappearance of Prof. Wynant and everyone seems to be involved in helping him stay missing. Nick reluctantly takes the case and the fun really gets going. Plenty of misdirection keeps you guessing "whodunnit". The now classic gathering of all suspects lets you know. A really odd family, some "shady" characters, and William Powell/Myrna Loy's acting make this one great! This is the first in The Thin Man series, and, in my opinion, the best.

Rated 10 in my book. A must see for fans of comedy and classics.

Where are these kinds of movies nowdays?
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A "feel good" action packed sci fi flick that relies on more than fx!
28 May 1999
This is one of those movies that just makes you feel good. The President's speech will make you want to stand up and salute, or even sign up! Will Smith does justice to his character as does everyone else. Although the characters could have been developed a bit more, this is still one rousing good time. This movie could have easily been four hours long. It has a little something for everyone from the tree hugging left to the gun hugging right. Swap around some of the technology and you have a classic WWII patriotic movie. Good job!
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Chinatown (1974)
Slow and dragged out, a real yawner!
28 May 1999
This would have been better as a one hour short feature. Acting was good, direction (Polanksi) was awful. Did he have a shooting script? I fell asleep - and I was the projectionist!
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Whew - guts, gore, and more - way back then!
28 May 1999
This movie scared heck out of me when I was just a kid. It's no "Citizen Kane" but it has its moments. The arm ripping scene is good. The plot is good even if characters aren't - could have something to do with the acting. Put some top name people in the roles and then see what you get. This was one of those shoot, edit (what little there was) and distribute in a couple of months type of movies. This is classic low budget sci-fi and deserves it just due. I rated it a 9 based other films of this genre and age.
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Sentimental biography of Dixieland trumpeter Red Nichols
26 February 1999
This is the sentimental biography of the life of Ernest Loring (Red) Nichols, a trumpeter/band leader during the 1930's. Danny Kaye does a great job playing Red and Barbara Belgeddes plays his wife, Bobbie. Tuesday Weld plays his daughter, Dorothy. The movie follows Red through his career as a great jazz trumpeter who gives up music for family. A must see for Danny Kaye and Big Band fans. Some of the members of Red's "Five Pennies", as his band was known, were Glenn Miller and Jimmy Dorsey. Louis Armstrong puts on a stellar musical performance as himself. Red Nichols does the trumpet solos. Great music, good family viewing.
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Father Goose (1964)
Vintage Cary Grant in a romantic WWII farce with Leslie Caron.
13 January 1999
Warning: Spoilers
This is vintage Cary Grant, reminiscent of his earlier romantic comedies. He plays Walter Eckland, a rough, gruff, unkempt loaner coerced into being a spotter for the Royal Navy on a remote Pacific island. He is forced to take in a teacher and her seven charges, all female, ranging in age from 5 to 14. Leslie Caron is excellent and funny as the teacher. She sets out to change Walter "for the sake of the girls" by pouring out all his whiskey. One of the best scenes in the film comes when Leslie Caron is supposedly bitten by a snake (a stick) and Walter gets her drunk to ease the pain of her dying. This is great comedy. This film is a MUST SEE for Grant fans. Rating: 9.0
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Gregory Peck at his finest. Rivals "High Noon" for excellence.
13 January 1999
This is one of Peck's finest movies. He is outstanding as Gen. Frank Savage, who replaces the commander of a bomber group in WWII England. He comes in tough and the men hate him, but they perform. See the film to find out how Savage handles the attitudes of his men. This film is used by the US NAVY as an example of leadership styles in its Leadership and Management Education Training school. Although the film takes place in WWII it's message of leadership is timeless. Rating: 9.0
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