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Five Days (2007–2010)
It's a downhill slide
27 January 2024
The first two episodes start off well enough but then the story begins to devolve rapidly. There is certainly no love of the press. They are portrayed in the poorest possible light, even at the detriment of the victim, to get their story.

The character, Sarah, is introduced a few episodes in which contributes to a level of unbelievability. She is poorly written and the actress portraying the role brings nothing to the story. Equally, the mother is written shallowly and despite her attempts to create some depth, it fails to deliver. A third character is introduced in Episode 3 from the crown to conduct a 28-day follow-up. Does nothing to move the story along and just serves as a distraction.

I don't comment on child actors. The story includes a 7-year old which is written as if the child is 3. His character's inability to recall hardly any detail sells the actor short.

The show fails to deliver and creates a series of shallow characters that do nothing to drive the story.
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True Detective: Omega Station (2015)
Season 2, Episode 8
Season 2 let down
23 January 2024
Not nearly as compelling as season 1 and far too many moving pieces. Lots of story threads that never get resolved or at least in some believable manner. Worst yet, it's a huge investment in time with little, if any, satisfaction.

There are points where the story seems to want to go in a direction but then wanders off without any purpose or conclusion. Ultimately, you are left with a show with no heroes and no one ti root for. I absolutely regretted the time wasted watching this season.

One question I have to ask MAX (formerly HBO) is: Does the tobacco industry sponsor these shows. Compared to any other streaming service or theater release, the constant smoking is highly distracting and looks like one long commercial.
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True Detective (2014– )
Fair but too flawed
22 January 2024
The seasons are okay with lots of moving pieces, maybe too many. A few storylines add to the show but aren't worth the time it took flesh them out.

Where I struggled is with how badly flawed the characters are. Knowing their backstory helps as does seeing the ghosts that haunt them. Where it goes off the rails is depth of their flaws. They are so crippling that it's impossible to comprehend how they would be allowed to continue in law enforcement. Moreover, ever cop and severe baggage, there is no stability, and being functional only applies in the looses of terms. I'm not looking for Law & Order, but having some stability and structure world have led to a more focus story.
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Lupin (2021– )
Excellent first 2 season, not so much in season 3
11 October 2023
The first 2 seasons are highly entertaining, single-threaded, but the execution is fantastic to watch. The cat & mouse game, accompanied by a summary of the ruse keeps you watching for every clue.

Season 3 starts well with another intriguing heist. The first episode continues the excitement and entertainment of the previous season. Beginning mid-way in episode 2 of the season, flashbacks introduce Assane's mother. From there, the plot changes and reduces the lead to nothing more than a common thief being controlled by nefarious criminals. It truly devolves from this richness and intelligence of the character. It feels as if they needed to give Assane a reason to continue his thefts.

I'm open in seeing another season but only if they go back to the magic and mystery of the first 2 seasons.
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Heartstopper (2022– )
From a Season One 10 to a Season Two 6
26 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What happened?

Season 1 was this beautiful, whimsical tale of two young men falling in love and were supported in everyone possible way. Fantasy - yes, but it won our hearts and gave LGBT youth hope in a current climate that is anything but hopeful. Then Season Two came out...

Instead of continuing on this road of blissful happiness, the show opens with a recap of the last year, insultingly unnecessary, and a 180 turn away from the love and support that made the inaugural season a story for the ages. Gone was the magic, reshaped by unsupportive parents, absent siblings, and a level of homophobia from a family member, who incidentally came so far out of the blue that I actually paused the show to look them up, sure that I missed something in Season One.

The magic between Charlie and Nick feels more forced, less natural. Perhaps fame and an insane amount of press tours has taken their toll (my unsought advice would be for the young actors to take charge of their lives, and listen less to studios). Both are portrayed as intelligent, successful students, including a scene where Nick does his maths assignment whilst walking to class in Season One. Now he is failing his GCSE. Charlie, the student who sets the bell curve, is now struggling in every class. Why - because they are so "in love" that they are neglecting their studies. We see a harsh, painful, and homophobic society where darkness interweaves with their individual thoughts during the first three episodes. If I wanted that reality, I could get that by simply walking out my front door.

Season two opens with other unnecessary drama as well. Tao and Ellie have moved apart which is extremely unbelievable as we wrapped Season One with hand holding and an almost kiss. Imogen is now with Ben, who seems not only bi but must have dumped the other girl he was dating. Although in fairness you do find yourself feeling sorry for Imogen as she keeps trying to find herself within a small peer group, dating people she has known since childhood. As for Isaac, its a soft storyline with an onion that never peels away enough. Tobie is good actor, the writers missed an opportunity to use him more.

Lastly, during the opening of Season Two, we meet actor Nima Taleghani who plays Mr. Farouk. As first, I thought he was supposed to be a parody of Dwight Schultz from the US version of The Office. Then I realized that the writers ripped off a character from the show that drops the intelligence factor to sub-zero. Not knocking on the actor, just a terrible part that can't be taken seriously but isn't funny either. It was a huge swing and a miss.

I was beyond excited for Season Two as the first season was one of my all-time favorite shows. As for Season Three, I could care less as I am no longer vested in the characters. How the showrunners could create something so magical and perfect, then flush it is a spectacular example of too many studios execs trying to drive teh story. I am sure that years from now, this will be one of the shows with a trivia question? Name an LGBT series that went from riches to rags after its' first season.
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Asteroid (2021)
The movie poster is better than the movie
2 August 2023
I have no idea what I just watched. It was listed under sci-fi and was described as a comedy. There was absolutely no science or science fiction involved and I can promise you I never laughed once.

The script is terrible, acting is wooden, and the lack of special effects leave us with nothing falling out of the sky except the ratings for this movie.

It's not worth watching to make fun of as it fails to deliver in so many ways. Better to let it die in the cold lifeless vacuum of space.

What's most confusing is these type of movies get high promotion rankings on different stream services with conversation to others.
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
Okay but jumps too much
8 May 2023
Everyone has their preferences and mine is linear storytelling. Occasionally a flashback to give context is acceptable but Station Eleven is hodgepodge that is like looking into someone's dream.

Any given episode is constantly jumping, not just between past and present, but inconsistently in the past. There is no clear timeline of the past, making it impossible to tell from scene to scene how the two are connected.

While the past can help shape / understand the character, too much time is given to it. I found myself no longer caring for the character as the backstory overtook the present.

You watch a show about survival in a post apocalyptic world but end up watching the struggles of life before it ever took place.
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Never finds it's pace
18 April 2023
I watched all 8 episodes and it just spiraled downhill with each progressive show. While the actors are solid, the script and direction are amateurish, repetitive, and boring. Over the span of 20 years, the lead characters never grow, learn, or develop. We are suppose to relate to two people that are hopelessly self-destructive and toxic to one another through their own selfishness.

Their are two serious failures: Time Jumps - The series randomly flashes between 2004 and 2022, going from 20 year old college students to 40 year olds who lives have stagnated. This problem is there was no effort to make the actors look older. The 20 something actors look exactly that. The fact that, at 40, they are still in the same place in their lives is too much a stretch.

Mental Illness - The series never addresses it but it's clear the female lead suffers from several disorders. The male lead identifies with anxiety and depression. Making a show about their conditions while trying to form relationships would have been more interesting. It would have also solved several gaps and plot points that that exists thought out the series.
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This is what happens on Srooms
15 April 2023
This film, sponsored by the tobacco and vaping industry, is a drug induced disaster shot on a cheap camera phone. The cinematography of using my iPhone 12 to take videos of my cats is far superior to this movie. Wide angle shots are non-existent, relaying on heavy overused close-up like lens flares in a JJ Abrams's movie. The camera jumps back and forth between speakers in the most annoying's simply un-viewable

The story/concept/mushroom trip has no continuity. There is just an insanity of words and ideas that are unrelated and often used incorrectly. It's literally unwatchable, makes zero sense, and the characters lack of basic functioning skills means neither would have survived to 30.

Someone on set must have found a 7th grade math book and keeps quoting random geometry theorems that aren't related. Saying them with such randomness makes the speaker sound less educated than this trash of a script. If the writer of the movie reads this, Pythagorean theorem is a fundamental relation in Euclidean geometry between the three sides of a right triangle. The area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides. While one of the most proven theorems in mathematics, and part of the function in multi-dimensional space, a floating crystal playing back Battle of the dueling banjos from Deliverance isn't going to utilize this equation.

Unrelated, neither of the two main characters have any friends, family, or jobs. It is mentioned but they make, what they belief is the greatest discovery of mankind, yet never tell anyone, barring some disconnected interviews.

Audio - loud, quiet, and inconsistent

If there is any positive from this movie, it is that film schools could use this as a lesson of what not to do. I've acted or provided support for several film school projects so I can say, with some authority, everything done in this film is the opposite of what is taught. I'm all for creativity but rubbish is rubbish, regardless of how much "Art" you want to claim.
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How to Scam your Investors
9 April 2023
This is a movie that is nearly impossible to pick a category for worst (fill in the blank): The story makes no sense The script is awful Secondary school (high school) productions are better CGI looks like it was done on a generation 1 iPhone Green screen looks like something out of a 70's/80s movie The score is all over the place Dialog...can these actors not read the lines and say them aloud?

Whomever they got to fund this "epic" would have felt better if they just dumped their money in a burning barrel and watched it go up in flames. It would have happened in a few seconds as opposed to 2 hours of torturous flaying about on screen.

A few words about what might be a plot: A highly advanced and military species comes to earth, commits a large-scale drone attacked to wipe out the humans, then sends in ground assault forces to clean up the survivors. Amazingly, our military technology is somewhat effective while our nukes are not -yay F-18 Hornets, I suppose?!?

Somewhere along the line we have a secret weapon that can save us...maybe we should try it on DPRK to make sure it works.

This is all coordinated with dozens of other captured lifeforms that the aliens have imprisoned but somehow are now on earth fighting and fleeing with us (I really can't explain it, it made no sense). Lucky for these other captured species, our earth is hospitable to them as is our gravity and everything else. The only truth in this movie is that the human species is still hideously racist by treating everyone else as a lesser form of life (arrogant to the end...go humans).

I am thinking of not paying my Netflix bill next month as repayment for time lost watching this trash.

Apologies to all my friends in Australia, you are great people. Just remember Ryan Rynolds once made Green Lantern and Canada got past it.
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Fantasy Island: Gwenivere of Glendale (2023)
Season 2, Episode 9
Truly terrible episode
14 March 2023
I generally like the show, it's one of my guilty pleasures, but this episode was poorly written, acted, and included ridiculous set pieces. It is filled with factual errors and silly dialog. Sad to say but this is a true low and I hope it doesn't affect the show's renewal prospect.

Several of the shots switch between standard and high def and the background cracks me up. They show a medieval castle with a modern city behind it. Some island shots show mountains while others present the island as flat. It's clear that in certain close ups they use a lot of plants and a wall behind them. One shot included a watch / radio tower.

Editing was very uneven, especially in the beginning switching between the island, plane, ocean, dock, and Jeep. No transition, just wildly pieced together film footage.
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Started Strong and Drifted to Goofiness
1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The 8-episode, 50+ minutes each series starts out well and embraces the shows title. There are two clans, Fairbourns & Bloods with the intrigue of shifting loyalties as you learn more about each side. By the third episode you should have mapped out who the aggressors are, and while there no clear good vs evil side, it is obvious which group is doing a bit more evil to the other.

Sadly, for all it's promise, Episode 2 is the peak and by mid-way through Episode 3, the writers begin to get lazy with the story. However, before commenting on the downfall of the script, let's call out a few things that are downright terrible about this series:

Sound (editing, scoring) - The music score is absolutely dreadful in many parts of the series. The music simply doesn't go with the scene and jarringly rips you away from the story. In a few incidences, it appears that the music was selected for its lyrics without any regard to the music track. There were several parts that it was better to turn off the audio and watch CC to avoid the distraction.

The other part was in several scenes that the music played over the audio track delivered by the actors, making it difficult to hear their lines (ergo why CC was turned on).

Photography (lighting) - Not exactly sure what happened but when you get to Episodes 4 - 8, the show either fired their lighting crew, they went on strike, the show ran out of budget to pay them...whatever the reason, you find everyone stumbling around in dark buildings and forests, illuminated by a birthday candle. I have a new OLED TV that is properly configured and I had to go to vivid mode (where everyone looks like a plastic soap opera star) to lighten the scenes enough to see the action. It is a very noticeable shift when you get to the fourth episode and beyond.

As for the writing, here is where I am fully inserting my opinion on what make a potentially good show become dreadful (not in the Penny Dreadful good way).

The main characters go from England (sometimes in a major city, other times somewhere between Wales and Scotland - ha) to France via a tug boat (both are near the channel). They only have 5 days to get to see a mysterious witch and retrieve a sample of family blood. Despite this time crunch, it appears Ryan Air isn't operating, nor is Uber, AVIS, Hertz, etc. Instead we go from the coast of France to Paris (yes, Paris is located on the Atlantic Coast) and generally walk the whole of France where it appears that, outside of Paris, France is one big field and forest devoid of people, cities, motorways, or any civilization. Meanwhile, the baddies are driving about from the same location as the main characters on foot, yet all arrive at the rendezvous point at the same time.

Also during the 5 days, we walk slowly, do a lot of talking, have some sex, get held captive, join in chores and dinners, and find our protagonists hunted by multiple groups, all who have to pass through the territories of other witch lands, but only our characters get caught; everyone else more or less cruises through with few exceptions. There is a point in the show that they discuss the LOTRs and you have to think of the continuity issues of why Gandalf didn't just take an Eagle to Mt. Doom and toss the ring in the fire. A 14 month journey and a whole lot of people dying could have been avoided with a 30 minute ride on a bird. The comparisons are a bit too on the nose to miss.

There is also a disturbing love triangle occurring (all actors are of legal age) with our lead character, Nathan, who is 16, falls for his girlfriend who is only a few months older. He also falls for his traveling companion who is around 30 or so which feels a bit off to have a 30 year old in love with 16 year old. The story works but I would have made them a bit closer in age to avoid the creep vibe.

Eventually they make it to the witch to get the blood, but later, in fight scene, the character gets shot in the chest, shattering the vial of blood in his jacket pocket. Strangely, he isn't hurt so it appears glass vials can stop bullets (something good to know, I guess). As the vial has been broken, they need a new source of blood, and this is another huge plot hole. You only need a tiny drop of blood and you could take it from what's left in the vial, off his shirt, in his jacket pocket, etc...but no one thinks of this and we go headlong into more needless danger and death for the lack of an absorbent paper towel.

The big baddie is obvious, as is the prophesy, so the build up is a let down. Another big build up is Nathan and his father, whom we hear about for 8 Episodes only to see them interact for a 5 minute scene and...that's it. A true GoT moment for a few of the Stark characters. Additionally, we have a goodie who is obviously evil, Jesse, and when the time comes to kill her, they don't. It becomes one of two cliffhangers that will never get made nor will we care about.

There a few scenes were we see some good acting but overall most of the cast are support actors trying to step into leading roles and it falls flat. Not sure if its the actors or how the scenes were edited but there is only so long that a guy, lightly growling at people, can be believed to be a wolf.

I heard that on Dec 9 the show would not be renewed on Netflix. Doesn't mean it won't pop up elsewhere but I seriously doubt it. It was just too poorly written to carry forward.
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Something Bit Me (2022– )
Poor Production
20 November 2022
Like a thousand other "drama" shows, this one deals with bites / attacks on victims. Following an overused and tired format, we hear from the. Victim, the reenactment, some expert that is willing to go on camera but wasn't there, and finally the narrator who has to repeat everything you just heard 3 times previously. 15 minutes into the show, it's like okay, you got bit by a snake, go to the hospital. They spend 30 minutes telling a story that should have lasted 10 minutes at most.

Annoyingly, the show forces two unrelated stories to be told in parallel, further stretching out the 44 minute runtime. Sticking to this format is just tiring. Stick with the victim, tell the story, epilogue, and wrap it. All the other fluff is unnecessary and frustrating for the viewer.
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Disenchanted (2022)
No magic...and painful
19 November 2022
Not much to say other than, like Pinocchio, it completely falls flat. The music is great, as is Maya R who is deliciously evil/funny. The plot doesn't hold, Patrick is MIA, and it seems to meander with conflicting villains. Enchanted didn't need a sequel but what it got was a disservice, they try to explain things that didn't need to be (Disney, it's called magic for a reason, don't try to explain it).

Most of the cast do an okay job but there are parts that felt like they were dialing it in. Knowing that they shoot multiple takes, it stretches the imagination that what we see was the best version.

Years ago the house of mouse put out some great movies, then in the 70s - 90s it crashed and burned. While Disney peaked on several fronts over the past 20 years, the latest string of movies - Disenchanted, Hocus Pocus 2, Pinocchio, Thor, and numerous Star Wars shows demonstrate someone behind the curtain is calling the shots and they are certainly not a wizard.
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Young Royals (2021–2024)
It's definitely not Heartstoppers
3 November 2022
Season 1 kicked off with an interesting storyline centered around youth, love, politics, and the growing pains of board school life. While some drama existed, it was lite fare and fun to watch with the leads navigating gay life in a slow-to-accept upper class society.

Then came Season 2...and for reasons unknown, the show runners and writers amped up the drama 10x and the cutest was left on the cutting room floor. No longer a fun show to watch, you simply watch to see who's getting stabbed in the back. No love, passion, fun, it's just one long drama of sadness as if the sun will never shine again. After 4 long episodes in Season 2, you'll see where it's headed and it isn't good. By the end of the season, any redemption feels forced and the magic that existed in season 1 regarding the love between the leads is simply unbelieveable.
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Poor writing and unbelievable plots
16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It started with a good premise even if there weird theme music was jarring. However, by late in the second season, it just became unwatchable. The dialog is terrible and the storylines are simply laughable. I like Dylan as an actor but the role they wrote for him makes him look like a cartoon villain from a Bond movie. The guy is a major mobster who has killed dozens of people along with 100 different other crimes but suddenly he is the nation's cyber expert working for the FBI?...and the world's leading crypto currency expert as well????

Speaking of which, the use of "super smart girl" is so over. Real cyber teams have hundreds of people working together. This is because there are many types of technology and no one person could know ever system type, every computer language, and every decryption key. The crew of the Enterprise makes more sense talking about the warp reactor than the drabble the say on this show. Maybe someone could crowdfund so the show could hire a technical consultant.

While all the is going on, it appears that New York has been shut out by the Feds. International crimes, domestic terrorism, cyber crimes and terrorism, are handled by the organized crime unit of NY in some non-secure police warehouse. FBI, NSA, and DHS are no where in the picture except to pick up criminals. Its pretty odd that the very agencies tasked with leading these investigations are nowhere to be seen.

Finally you have Det Stabler's family that appear from time-to-time when it is convenient and then magically disappear. Wife is dead, son into drugs, mother has early onset dementia but everyone comes and goes as they please. Det Stabler disappears for weeks or months but everything is fine. It is just so poorly written that you wonder what happened. My best guess is that previous Law & Order shows had self-contained stories. Here the stories run the entire season, or at least 2 in the latest and the material simply doesn't hold up to the quality of single episode shows. After Season 2, Episode 11, I pulled the show out of my Hulu favorites and drop it from recommended as well.
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Love, Victor (2020–2022)
If only it knew how to write a strong lead character
17 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Many spoilers ahead. Don't read below if you haven't watched all of Season 2

Love, Victor is a TV serial based on the movie Love, Simon. While the movie was a bit too Hollywood ending for many, it did a solid job at telling a compelling story of coming out in the most formative years of most young people's lives, their teens. In the TV serial world, we are introduced to Victor during his sophomore year in high school (season 1) and junior year (season 2). Season 1 dealt with self-realization of being gay and ending with accepting of who Victor is. Season 2 deals with the aftermath of knowing who you are and the awareness of the people around you.

With that said, let's talk about what is great about Love, Victor. First and foremost, it deals with real issues and the focus is on the entire ensemble as opposed to the lead, Michael Cimino who plays Victor. The family is, at best, middle income. While we aren't exposed to specific financial struggles, costuming gets it right by putting Victor's family in Old Navy, not Dior. The parents struggle with marital issues from being togethers since their teens and a past affair. It also viewed from a Latino perspective, changing the expected white trope that is well past its time.

Writing around the sub-plots never seems to feel like the b-story. Victor's sister and friends have real stories and background, telling their lives in a compelling and believable journey (albeit wealthy and middle, jock and nerds coming together in the same circle). Equally, race is well balanced and a nice touch of muslim and christian friendships.

The show has hit all the marks in spreading out stories and bringing together much needed diversity. We, as an audience, are better for the exposure. However, where the show fails is with its lead. Its difficult to say if Michael Cimino, as Victor, has what is needed to carry a show that bares his name. Writing around his character misses the mark and we are left with more 4th wall breaks as he stares longingly into the camera than the much needed dialog we may have hoped for.

The key in storytelling is to be able to relate to your protagonist, be they good or evil. Victor is so "meh" that he could easily blend into a lesser story with Mia's complexities taking the spotlight or the excellent dynamics of Felix and Lake. The issues here is that Victor isn't fun. His character is so neurotic and drama filled that you become less invested over time. There is a point in Season 2 where Victor's boyfriend, Benji tells him how exhausting it is to be with him. Those of us watching this show would agree, the writers simply can't tell a story and make Victor interesting. This is one of the biggest mysteries of the show as it writes such compelling dialogs for the other characters.

A severe blow to season 2 was the Love Triangles. What happened in the writers room is anyone's guess but to simply copy and paste this terrible trope not once but 3 times in parallel storylines cross the lines of believability. We aren't supposed to know if Victory will stay with Benji for life but surely we can get past a few misunderstanding in 10 episodes before Victor professes his love and then finds feelings for Benji's polar opposite. For all the good work casting did in bringing us diversity, Victor becomes a stereotype of the fickle gay lifestyle that jumps from one relationship to another. To gays everywhere, it was an insult that I love you and being shallow are part of a gay genre.

We end with a very transparent cliffhanger, Victor ringing the doorbell of the person he chooses: the one he has been in love with for 2 seasons or the new boy that just came out and have spent 3 days knowing each other. SPOILER AHEAD

We know from the doorbell that Benji isn't going to get the rose. The disappointment here is that we invested in a storyline where we wanted to be part of watching Victor grow as a person as being written as a better character. At the end, we enter Season 3 staring down gay stereotypes.
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Cursed (2020)
Caught between two worlds, and neither are good
1 January 2021
Like others have commented, it is a show that doesn't know what it wants to be. If they had gone with "in a time before Arthur", as the opening credits suggest, then perhaps there would have been something worth watching. It could have easily gone on and at the end of the series, simply ended or have Arthur pull the sword from the stone. Instead, the writers attempt (and poorly may I add) to intermix an untold story with bits and pieces of the Arthurian legend thrown in. This makes a mess of a story that just isn't remotely satisfying (Think Merlin without the chemistry between actors or a solid script). At one moment you are watching an action movie, the next you are expecting Edward and Bella to start pinning for one another (yeah, it's that bad). The 10 episodes spend a lot of time drifting and not making good use of building the story or back story. I found myself doing other things during the show while waiting on it to get back on topic, not a good thing. A few typically strong actors fail terribly in this storytelling. Chief among them is Gustaf Skarsgard. someone whom I hold in high regard as an actor, suffers from interpreting the character Merlin in way that is just unrelatable. You don't cheer for his success or death, you just sit by and wait for his scenes to end so they can move on. Even after a few big reveals (no spoilers here), you just don't care and never relate to the direction of the character. Two other relatively unknown characters to America audiences, Daniel Sharman (the Weeping Monk) and Sebastian Armesto (Uther) bring nothing to the story. Sebastian doesn't seem to know where is character is going or why he is there. Daniel must have mistaken the part as a dark side of an Arrow episode. It makes sense that we call him the Weeping Monk as you desperately want to weep in every scene he is in. I don't know his other work but this part and his approach to it fail miserably. That said, Peter Mullan is scene stealing as a power-crazed, right-wing Father Carden. His evil, combined with his holy crusade, reminds Americans of some parties of our current government. He is a fine actor that takes a dull script and breathes life into it. Similarly, Devon Terrell, when interacting in a supporting role scenes, does an excellent job. Sadly, his character of Arthur is premature for this story but had he played by any other name, he would have brought another dimension to the show. After struggling through all 10 episodes, I would be surprised that this gets a second season. With so many far better tales of old on various streaming services, there is nothing to make this one stand out. Finally, Editing was hideous! You are watching this serious (at the best of times) drama and then there is this Monty Python cartoon transition between scenes. I literally wanted to scream every time they did it. It killed the mood and snapped you out of the moment. How the production team didn't see this and say no is beyond comprehension. If a giant foot would have come out of the heavens and stomped everyone between scenes, it would have been more appropriate. Scooby Doo had better scene transition than this editing monstrosity. I sincerely hope the story runners learn a valuable lesson and never, ever do that again (think lens flares by JJ Abrams) As a silly aside, costuming was not well done. Not being picky but most of the clothes worn were machine stitched, had lycra, and other similar materials. I'm good with overlooking a few things but this really stood out and while not off-putting, it was rather humorous to see such a grand scale production cheapen by a lack of detail.
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The Ghosts died of boredom
26 October 2020
The show starts out slow, as ghost stories go. It builds over episodes 2 and 3, Near the end of 4 you have it figured out so it is just a matter of the delivery. Sadly, the painfully long delivery is 4.5 hours away and just becomes repetitively mind-numbing. Its sad because it has good acting but it's a perfect 2 hour movie stretched into a 9 hour mini-series. So slow, so painful, and so drawn out. As it wrapped, I did think of it as an extremely long and slightly scary version of Edward Scissorhands, as such that it is a story, perhaps a fable to be told through the ages. If only it were the length of that movie then we could have had a very interesting story to tell.
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Sweetheart (I) (2019)
A Suspenseful First Act weakening during Act 2
27 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
***Spoilers Ahead***

While in the horror category on Netflix, this Blumhouse production is more of a suspense feature with a little mystery thrown in (I kept waiting for those meddling kids and great dane). It is a 2 act movie with a strong first half and sadly weakening during act 2.

The story centers on a the lead character washing ashore on an atoll. Jen, excellently played by Kiersey Clemons, immediately surveys her surroundings and quickly shifts into explorer / survival mode. It is a strong character that is refreshing and well played. The script is only 68 pages so dialog is scarce at the forefront but Clemons excels with what is given to her.

She discovers she is alone but not the first person there. Remnants of past travelers that perished on the island provide a plausible story that gives her limited survival gear. After setting up camp and attempting to signal a search & rescue plane, she sees a monster coming in from the ocean. It stalks her and unsuccessfully attacks her. Despite its strength and speed, it only throws her around as if it is trying to restrain her, not cause her harm. This become significant as Jen continually fights the creature, it seems to either protect her or simply want to keep her on the island.

Act 2 introduces two other survivors (Emory Cohen who not only brings nothing to the movie but his wooden performance creates an unnecessary distraction) that does little to add any depth to the story. After the creatures kills one, Clemons and Cohen head out on a raft, only to be stopped by it again. In the ensuing battle, Cohen is killed which elicited a few cheers from the group of friends that came over to watch the movie. Clemons' swims to shore, goes into battle mode, and is successful at defeating the creature.

If you shift your viewpoint just a bit, it never looked like the creature was trying to hurt her. It killed several people (and sharks) easily but, at best, she was just banged up. At one point the creature is trying to swim with her down to his ocean hole-in-the-ground and you are half expecting it to be some sort of spaceship and discover he is marooned as well. Instead of defeating the creature at the end, a much better storyline was her coming to understand that he was lonely and protecting her, leaving the two of them on the beach of an atoll that neither will likely ever be rescued from.

The movie started with a lot of promise but came up short in the end due to Cohen's poor acting as it certainly hurt the believability of the story. (He should have been recast earlier during principal photography.) Still, it is watchable and good to have a minority lead in a movie that shows strength, intelligence, and resourcefulness.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: A Trout in the Milk (2020)
Season 7, Episode 5
Worst episode of the entire series
26 June 2020
I don't even know where to begin. As a faithful watcher over the past 7 years, this episode was something were the writers let their kids have a day in the office. Plot holes everywhere, overacting beyond words, and the script was just dumb. I know that every long-running series has that one episode everyone wants to forget; sad that they saved it to one of the last in the series. I can guarantee that this is the episode I will never watch again. What a crapfest.
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Van Helsing (2016–2021)
Low budget, middle school production, cheap props
17 February 2020
It's terrible! I watched it via Netflix and there isn't anything positive I can say about it.

The acting is terrible for most characters. They can't act, direction is poor, the sets are laughable. Many of the episodes are copies from other popular shows, thinly vailed, if at all.

A lot of the indoor factory or warehouse shots are the same place over and over with sheets of plastic hung up. Same with the outdoor scenes as you begin to recognize select background landmarks.

The female actors that play "feral" vampires all wear the same wig. Makeup is childlike on background characters or they just cover their faces to save even more money.

One of the funniest scenes in nearly every episode is the sun. Amazingly the vampires are purposely polluting the planet to block the sun but in lots of outdoor scenes is blue skies.

All in all, it's a cheap product and it show
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Flagged (2019)
Too short to make sense
3 January 2020
At 7 minutes it doesn't have time to build suspense. It is more of a storyboard layout for a longer plot. K.C. Wolf as Ethan is adorable in it but even his scene is very short.
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Lost in Space: Echoes (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
Love the Show but this is the Worse Written Episode - Spoilers Ahead
25 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers

First, I love the show and watched season 1 twice, once when it came out and then again before season 2 so I was caught up. That said, sometimes the train comes off the track and while we suspend our reality for this show, this was an episode where the writers just lost their minds and made stuff up. Nothing is worse than dumbing things down to make a story fit so here is my picky parts...

We discover some a couple of weird things about the Robinsons; namely that they keep referring to Ms.Harris as Dr. Smith even through they know it is not her. It makes no sense even though her "real" name was stolen from her sister. We also discover that because of one kind deed in S2E1 she now has the run of the ship...pretty trusting for a family that this person tried to kill.

We finally get to the Resolute in this episode and immediately Ms.Harris is off to clear her name. She discovers Don West has Dr.Smith's physical ID so she takes it even though the whole family has seen it. She then amazingly enters Security on the Resolute which is a restricted area, logs in with an ID that has rights to personal files, and makes a few changes to Dr. Smith's profile so it is now her. This the part that kills the show... How does she get into a secure area? Who's user name and password did she know to access restricted files? With the hundreds of thousands of hours of video recordings, how did she manage to quickly isolate the file exact files of her interrogation and the murder of a crew member? How does she deleted protected video files? Does the Resolute not have backups, alerts to change files, etc.? If she has this access, why doesn't she delete the records of herself?

She then finds the real Dr. Smith in a medically induced coma and removes his ID implant, putting it in herself. While this gives her a bio device, how is it that she is suddenly able to go anywhere on the ship. If the real Dr. Smith has that kind of access, wouldn't someone in Ship's company recognize that isn't the same person?

Finally there are the Robinsons. It should be common knowledge that Ms. Harris is fraud but given she has cleaned her records, they accept this and admit defeat - WHY? This makes no sense in this episode. Hundreds of people know this so unless we find out in future seasons that this was all playing out in her head, this part of the story completely falls apart as it is beyond belief - bad job writers.

I could go on but I will leave it with the show is okay but the whole Dr. Smith thing really dumbs the show down. I love Posey Parker but this character is written poorly and needs to go.
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NOS4A2 (2019–2020)
A bad version of Stranger Things
11 November 2019
It tries to be more than it is and the script struggles as it lacks dimension. The lead character has too drama to be realistic as a teen and the whole Christmas land tale never really works. Not worth the investment to watch.
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