
2 Reviews
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Ponyo (2008)
Master is on form and welcomes a new generation of Miyasaki followers
24 January 2009
Quite simply, i was tickled pink watching this in the movie theatre and grinned from ear to ear; eyes wide open whilst trying to take all the details in that are at the same time insanely simple, fresh, yet incredibly sophisticated, breathtaking and in imaginative.

In terms of audience age range, it is probably pre Totoro. The plot works because of the pure heart of 5 years olds who are focused in what they want and conscientious in their pursuit. They lives in a world that is unspoilt by cynicism and cultural learning of how everything is 'suppose' to work. While most critics might disregard this film due to the lack of a 'message' or 'plot' film (Although it is in there somewhere), it is precisely for this reason the film should be cherished. Too often our judgement are impeded by our own limitations of cinematic and cultural standing. Like most of Miyasaki's film, each is totally unique but undeniably Miyasaki. Ponyo may at times feel so unique and fresh, it may feel alien like.

The viewing experience provide a wonderful change from all the generic children's products that are generally commercialised to please the adult demographics (ie/ Animals that talks like their human counterparts, Eddie Murphy in Shrek.) It is perhaps comforting to know that good old fashioned hand drawn cells still work so incredibly well in this digital era where Toystory/WallE/Shrek/Cars generally triumph. It therefore feeling rather nostalgic at the same time makes the film feels timeless, a bit like how Totoro and Jungle Book hasn't really aged.

The subtleties of each character's expression and body language is captured in such nuanced interpretation that digital films like Wall-e can never compete on, or if it does, it would be a very expensive process. It would be a big pity for Wall-E to win over this one at the Oscars, and it probably will this year. Yet it might be quite unfair to compare the 2 mediums, as it is really the craftsmanship and the story telling that wins at the end of the day. For this, Miyasaki is a true master of
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Rush Hour 3 (2007)
Better than expected, but any plus is equalled with a big minus. (Contains spoilers)
19 August 2007
Better than expected, but any plus is equalled with a big minus. Poor story with an ending full of holes (Entire triad organization consist of only 3 Non Chinese people and some goons??) At least it is funny including many unintentionally groan out aloud bits. The actress that played Soo Yong seems to thinks she is in it to win an Oscar with her overtly dramatic 'performance', one of the worst acting this year.

However this film also features probably the most inspired cameo this decade by the great Roman Polanski as a Parisian Cop who got punched in the face by both leads as well as featuring an 'up yours America' bit with his index finger (Pop ref. to his criminal record back in the US?). And here I thought he never had a sense of humour and only directs dark and serious 'cinema'! On the other hand, the casting of the 'surprise' villain was so uninspired, it was fairly obvious right at the start (Hmm Triads, oh let's get 'Ming the merciless' duh!).

Side note: Weird all the triad members were played by Japanese. Like what the heck was that about? Did Hollywood got confused with Yakuza with the Triad again? It is as bizarre as casting all Chinese actresses to play Japanese Geishas! But I guess that is Hollywood for ya.

Oh and i am not so convinced by Tucker's last fight scene when Jackie took ages to fight them on one on one.
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