
5 Reviews
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Visual answer to easy listening...
15 February 2007
With the exception of the painfully accurate 80s video spoof Hugh subjects himself to in the opening and closing credits, there's nothing to fear here. It's a solid, charming, slightly brainless "arrogant boy meets scatty girl" comedy with a few solid gutlaughs - and it's great to watch two masters of physical comedy bounce off each other.

...except in one way.

While as comic partners Barrymore and Grant sparkle wittily, their passion's about as bland and sophomoric as a Tiffany record. Friends - I'll buy that. Partners and work colleagues? Sure. Lovers? Sorry, no dice.

They're bolstered by an excellent supporting cast - particular credits to Kristen Johnson as one of Grant's former fans who still carries a torch despite 20 years and 2.4 kids, Haley Bennett as a convincingly vapid pop superstar and plenty of well-worked bit-part players.

So - it's an unashamed rom-com, it is what it is, and it'll leave you feeling happy and unchallenged. There's nothing wrong with a good 80s tune and similarly with this flick - although, like the tunes, in 20 years time you won't remember it until someone brings it up.
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Sky High (2005)
To the skies!
21 May 2006
A weird mix of Harry Potter, Breakfast Club and Mystery Men that shouldn't really work...

...but does, thanks to a cracking script, wisecracks that actually work, and genial razor-timed comic performances from almost all the kids and 90% of the adults. (Yes, Mr. Foley, I'm looking at you. D! Minus! I'd give you an F, but that only means I'd have to see you on the CW).

Wish-fulfilments and inspiration for all those longing to break the nerd/jock system. Refreshingly low in saccharine for a Disney flick, stuffed with laughs, some neat flights of imagination and the least convincing giant monster battle... ever. See it.
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Sealab 2021 (2000–2005)
Bizaaarrroooo, I love you, biiizzaarroo...
8 February 2004
Cartoon Network's dedicated team of lunatics, misfits and stoners at Adult Swim take hold of a staid, stodgy ancient cartoon (SeaLab 2020) and move it one year on to where the crew are bored, listless, and borderline insane...

Dodgy animation loops blend perfectly with edgy humour (Sparks: "Like veal. But with BABIES. I'm talkin' reaalll baby back ribs here...") and the show pokes fun at just about every cartoon standard.

Best of all is their take on the "evil twin" shtick, when the hideous mutant Bizarro versions of the crew show up. Simple yet genius - please let Adult Swim loose in the UK...
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Madness that way lies, matey, aharr Jim lad etc.
23 December 2003
This is the kind of movie we should be telling Hollywood to make.

Yes, it has big names in it. But they're also proper actors, not celebrity gurners (Willis) or a famous ass with celebrity baggage (J.Lo). Putting real actors at the heart of a daft summer flick like this results in the creation of uniquely appealing characters like Capn' Jack Sparrow.

Yes, it's got a huge budget and superb special effects. But they're there to serve the story and blend seamlessly with the action - not to replace story or character. (Are you listening, Wachowskis? Anyone care to greenlight LXG II? Thought not.)

Proof that there's life in the House of Mouse yet... Good gags, good characters, a few nasty shocks for the kiddies, and no bloody Phil Collins songs. Uncle Walt would be proud.
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The Guru (2002)
Spicy with big chunks of laughs
28 August 2002
I felt I had to reply to the above comment... no offence, but comparing this to "Dude Where's My Car" is INCREDIBLY unfair, simply because I actually laughed during this movie. A lot.

A traditional "snowball" farce - where an innocent starts a chain of events they can't control - this mixes broad laughs and scattergun gags with some superb and subtle comic performances, particularly from Jimi Mistry (check out the very, very subtle shifts and discomfort in his face when watching Sharonna/Heather Graham getting her groove on to Billy Joel...), Michael "David St.Hubbins" McKean as a kindly porn director, and best of all Christine Baranski delivering a delicious, razor-edged turn as a cynical New York socialite.

Minor worries: Heather Graham is... well, gorgeous eye candy and delivers comedy reliably but doesn't quite pull off the "inner turmoil" bits, and seems to be too nice to be truly stormingly angry at her eventual and incredibly public betrayal of her innermost secrets. But you can't have everything and the charm wins you over.

Knowledge of kink, porn production techniques, Bollywood, and classic John Travolta movies would be helpful. Veers from being daft as a brush to subtlety without warning, but there's plenty of laughs, quite a bit of spice, a great musical ending and a subtle sweetness that won't clog your palate. Tasty.
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