
4 Reviews
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OK, first off...
11 March 2002
There are a couple of ignorant comments that I wanted to address from other posters here. Firstly, The individual who stated that the filmmakers spent the most time on screen was totally wrong, as the filmmakers NEVER appeared on camera. I think this person was referring to the group that was dedicated to freeing the "West Memphis Three." These were just more characters in the story, not the filmmakers. Also, another person pointed out that the polygraph test as if it were indisputable proof that the step-father had not done this crime. I don't agree. 1.He was taking alot of drugs, not to mention he was obviously mentally challenged. 2. right before he took the test, he was obviously lying about a great deal of things (he said he never had trouble with the law, he said he did not know how his wife died, and in the very next sentence referred to the "murder" of his wife, etc.)3. he had spent a great deal of time convincing everyone and himself that he had not done it, that he may just have believed it. Now, He may or may not have been responsible, I am not going to try and convince anyone, but at least pay attention when making your decisions. It just doesn't make sense to me that those boys did this when you look at the evidence. The first film did a better job of presenting the case than this one, but part two is a great continuation of the case. It would have been pointless to cover too much old ground. So if you are able to find part one anywhere, or it comes on HBO again, watch it if you have not.
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Simply put:Brilliant
4 January 2002
I am not going to sit here and wax intellectual as another armchair film critic, disecting all the of this film's aspects (i.e. Anderson/Owen Wilson's fantastic subdued sense of humor combined with sincere human emotion, the brilliant performances, that peculiarly simple yet enjoyable style of Anderson's direction, and of course the awesome soundtrack by Mark Mothersbaugh), in fact, I was about to not post a review at all, until I started scrolling down through the reviews on this page. Really people!? I mean, most of you are doing a pretty good job, but there were several that just ridiculed this work of art, basically screaming to the world what a simple-mided imebcile they are. Go watch some TV or something. I don't want to rip into anyone too much, although that guy who felt he was "tricked" by the advertising is tempting. Mister, if you are on the IMDB, which you obviously are, then you should be able to know ahead of time the type of film you are going to see. It is not a slapstick, lightheated, bring my little daughter to see movie (but in a way, its not NOT that kind of film). It isn't Shrek, or even Legally Blonde, God forbid, it is a WES ANDERSON/OWEN WILSON film. It is a serious piece of art.

But fun. And I love it.

...sorry about the rant.
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Next Friday (2000)
That's enough...
3 June 2000
Fist, I would like to point out that I loved Friday.

I've had it with all these people saying "oh, this movie was not so bad, it's different from the first, blah, blah, blah!" This 'film' was an utter failure on every count. It is obvious that Ice Cube attempted here to recreate the same laughs (and i do mean -same-, since almost every joke in the movie is a rehashing of some joke that worked in the first) Even though not a single one succeded in even arousing more than a bland sense of contempt, this wasn't a bad idea to work from, since it is equally as apparent that he has no ability to create an interesting or well thought out plot. Also..ah to heck with it, this movie sucks, and I'm wasting my time telling you so, just don't watch it, and if you did, and liked it, forget I wrote this, because there's no reasoning with you.
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Sliding Doors (1998)
good movie, but not as original as everyone says
1 May 1999
well, anything with gwyneth paltrow is worth watching. but a lot of people are toting the originality of this film, which isn't all that true. it seems to have roots in kieslowski's 'blind chance' which also deals with a character catching a train, and three different possible routes his life takes based on what happens. also check out 'red' by kieslowki, if you are into thought provoking movies about chance and the grand scheme of things. for that matter check out blue and white, which really don't have much to do with sliding doors, but it is a REALLY great trilogy. anyway, i am getting off track, what was i saying?... oh yeah stay outta my food!
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