
3 Reviews
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Beautiful beyond words
25 October 1999
This movie is a feast for the eyes with an ending that has you on the edge of your seat. It is really two movies in one. The first movie is all about a boy and a horse shipwreaked on an island and how they learn to survive by helping each other. The second movie is about how Alex saves the horse and gives it a purpose in the world with the help of Mickey Rooney. The photography and story are very strong and help make this movie a visual delight with a minimum of dialog. Isn't that what movies are all about?
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Just about perfect
19 June 1999
What else can be said about this movie. Just watch and enjoy the perfect movie with a great cast. If that's not enough check to see if you still have a pulse.
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Great movie
28 April 1999
There are two movies that have moved me to tears. The end of the Searchers and the end of Paths of Glory. The Humanity was so thick at the conclusion you could have cut it with a knife.The only slight flaw in this movie was the overacting by Kirk Douglas. Don't get me wrong...I love Mr. Douglas, however I think an unknown would have been better in this role. Mostly because all through the movie I could not help but think it was a Kirk Douglas movie. All the other performances were stellar, especially Ralph Meeker, and George Mccreedy. Kubrick was pure genius. His use of Black and White made the moods in this movie what they were......stark. The war scenes were graphic and brutal pulling no punches. The firing squad execution scenes made me squirm. All in all probably the best antiwar flick made.
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