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Mahô shôjo Lalabelle (1980–1981)
Not as good at 30 as it was at 5
2 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This series is now available in bootleg DVD's in Mexico City. It's the Mexican dub which was broadcast on Channel 5 around 1985; where they get it from is a mystery... maybe someone taped all the episodes on BETA or VHS more than twenty years ago, for an unknown reason. a fan, or someone who thought that someday it would become a business opportunity? Last year I bought discs 1 and 12, the beginning and the end, and the episodes do have a decent video and audio quality (considering it's a TV broadcast from the 80's). As for the show itself, well, it doesn't live up to my childhood memories. MOst episodes are filler, with Lalabelle fighting Biscus and his silly plans, with obvious moral messages thrown in by the grandfather. Even the final episode is not as exciting as I remembered it, with both Lalabelle and Biscus finishing all the magic in their suitcases and becoming 'normal' humans. I guess it's always good to revisit the things that entertained you when you were growing up, but it's a shame that some of them don't live up to the memories...
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Dawson's Creek (1998–2003)
a redeeming closure
7 August 2003
Though season 6 was painful and absurd, the last five episodes brought back all the emotions and energy that made the series so great. No more yuppie Pacey, no more Eddie angst, no more scattered characters.

The strength of the show was its cast, the dynamics between the six main characters. When they sent them off to college, divided they fell. But when they returned to Capeside, so did the magic.

Just one question, how come The Creek is supposed to follow Dawson's life realistically and closely, if the love triangle was established during its first season? We know that, when Dawson's Creek started, there was no triangle involving Pacey (there was one with Jen, though). That didn't happen, and wasn't even hinted, until season three!

I think reducing the entire Dawson's Creek series to a love triangle is underestimating it, it didn't start like that...
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19 April 2002
There's not much to say about this movie, so I won't. All the "funny" parts were on the trailer (and they weren't so funny anyway). Did we really need to be punished with Van Wilder?

Sorority Boys is a masterpiece of comedy, compared to this.
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Ice Age (2002)
Love the sloth
3 April 2002
I'm just wondering, why do people seem to think that computer animation started last year with Shrek and Monsters Inc., talking about them as the beginning and the end of the genre (especially Shrek)? It's probably because "adults" read Shrek reviews saying it was so smart they would enjoy it too. I guess must of these people have never seen the true masterpieces of computer animation...

What about TOY STORY 1 & 2, real classics that are funny, heart-warming, intelligent? That should be your standard when it comes to animation, not Shrek!!

Now, about ICE AGE... it definitely works on the most basic levels of emotions and values like friendship, loyalty, sacrifice, etc... And that's OK, no complications but a strong emotional foundation. John Leguizamo is excellent as Sid, the sloth. It's funnier than I expected, too bad they only showed the slapstick in the trailers.

Technically, some scenes are amazing (the sliding sequence), but it's true that characters such as the humans are a disappointment. Or maybe they were never looking for photo-realism a la Final Fantasy.

Give a chance to Ice Age, and never say no to an animated movie thinking "it's for kids" (except when it's produced by Nickelodeon).
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Its worst sin is being boring
1 December 2001
I had been looking for this video for a long time and finally found many copies at THE BASEMENT LIBRARY (corner of George & Goulburn streets, Sydney) for just 6.95 AUD (3.50 US).

The movie itself is disappointingly boring. I didn't expect much from it, but nothing seemed to happen! It just went on forever!

I guess they chose these particular kids since they were the easiest to bring to life. Still, I hated Ali Gator. The FX were crappy, but i guess the budget was very limited. The worst make up is visible in their hands.

Tangerine was a surprise, because this girl works on Mexican soap operas now.

The Ugly People Centre was such a dumb idea. It gets worse when Santa Claus is a prisoner because he is "too fat" and Gandhi for being "too thin". Is that supposed to be social criticism? For me,it was just stupid.

I'm sorry, but this is just not entertaining enough to be a cult classic. And I really loved the stickers, and still keep my collection (but only have like 150 of them, the rest were destroyed by my mother!)
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Glitter (2001)
Not an award winner, but I've seen far worse.
2 November 2001
OK, people, get real. This is just a forgettable and not very original drama, but NOT one of the worst movies ever. It's definitely not worse than COYOTE UGLY (now that was depressing, and the worst part is that it made millions at the box office), THE BODYGUARD or SPICE WORLD.

I really didn't enjoy it, and I must say I'm not a Mariah fan. I just feel she's been unfairly bashed, she's not a good actress but as I stated above, she's no worse than Piper Perabo (take a look at Rocky & Bullwinkle). It just seems like the right moment to attack Mariah, having a nervous breakdown, a not-so-successful album and a flop movie (which by the way came out just one week after the September 11th attacks, not a good time for the world or the box office).

Glitter is a predictable feel-good movie, an unrealistic story of a rising star and the problems that fame brings along. It doesn't have a soul. That's all it is.
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Illegally funny!
6 October 2001
It will probably be classified as a girlie movie,or a teenager comedy, but as Elle would so eloquently say, I OBJECT!

Legally blonde is a brilliant criticism of stereotypes. There are so many cultural references and intelligent lines... it was never boring or not funny.

Reese Witherspoon, absolutely charming.
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Bruce Willis sure has a special sense
23 October 1999
I really wanted to see this movie since I first saw the trailer. I didn't know what to expect, it could be a drama, a thriller, an action or horror movie. But I don't want to make "The Sixth Sense" fit into a film genre. I just can say it's an amazing, smart, touching movie. It'll give you some scary sequences, huge surprises and great acting from Bruce Willis and the boy who portrays Cole.

The first part is a little slow. But you need to establish the characters' psychology and the way they're going to interact. Once you get through the introduction, you'll see a great development of a very simple story (you already know the basic plot from the trailer). Even if you think it'll be a predictable movie, you have to give it a try. Let it get inside you, feel Cole's fear and Malcolm's need to help this kid who thinks he's a freak.

I won't say anything about the ending, only that it's an unexpected twist that gives the movie a nostalgic and emotional mood.

This is not an independent movie. It had a large budget and it features my favorite Hollywood actor, Bruce Willis (if you've only seen him in the Die Hard series - it was awful - you should try "12 monkeys", "Pulp fiction", "The fifth element", "The bonfire of the vanities" and so many great movies Willis has made). It's an example of Hollywood at it's best: smart, well done, great actors, big bucks. But most of all, it's a movie with a soul.

Don't miss it.
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Contact (1997)
No words for Jodie's performance.
21 October 1999
Warning: Spoilers
There are no words to express how Contact makes me feel.

When I first saw this movie, I thought it would be a predictable moral fable. But it became one of my all time favorites.

Contact is not a story about alien invaders. It's true that it features amazing special FXs. But most of alll, it's a story that touches your soul and makes you think about faith and science. This comment may contain some spoilers, so be warned. It's a complex portrait of contemporary society, our obsesions, our fears.

If you start thinking what would happen to us if we got a sign from an alien life form, it wouldn't be very different from Contact.

The fear of facing the unknown, the need of holding to old traditions and religion (in a fundamentalist way), it would all be confusing and controversial. The destruction of the first machine is breathtaking, it's like you lose all your faith in mankind. How can governments and people be so stupid and intolerant? If we can't trust ourselves, how could we ever trust an extraterrestrial intelligence?

Jodie Foster should have got the Academy Award for her performance.

She became Ellie Arroway, her despair, her amusement, it was all real.

When she tries to convince an skeptic audience that her experience was real, she made me cry.

Would you believe Dr. Arroway's story? Would you have faith in her words? I believe in them. I believe, as Ellie said, that if we're alone in the universe, it would be a waste of space.
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Blair Witch comes out of the forest and takes over the world
15 October 1999
Watching this movie is being part of a cultural phenomenom. The marketing created so much expectation that you just can't miss this great film. Making people think it was a real story was the best campaign they could have created.

You already know what it's about: 3 kids get lost in the woods while shooting a documentary on the Blair Witch legend. And you know that since the budget was so limited, you can't expect to see a computer animated witch.

But the film does deliver an eerie atmosphere. You can easily relate to this characters, just by remembering when you've been in the woods, or heard strange noises coming from the dark. And if you add the story of a haunting, you can feel the despair and fear of this three people.

Many people have criticized the camera work, saying it's confusing and dark. And that's exactly what it's supposed to be. You're looking at the work of Heather, Josh and Mike, not a professional Discovery Channel documentary.

The most important thing here is the psychological development of the characters. The way they react to the situation, the way they confront each other and start losing their sanity. The acting was amazing, specially when Heather asks for forgiveness.

What would I change? Maybe the sound effects should be clearer, specially the first night they get haunted. It was hard to recognize the noises they were talking about. And maybe we should have seen a light, a mist, a glowing figure in the distance. Not an eye popping special effect, just a little touch of visual terror.

But you can't miss The Blair Witch Project. Whether you like it or not, I'm sure we'll still be talking about it in the years to come. It'll be a trendsetter.
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Little Saints (1999)
Best mexican movie in years!
9 October 1999
I had lost my faith in national productions after "El coronel no tiene quien le escriba" and "Un embrujo". Santitos made me believe in mexican films again!It's a wonderful road movie about faith and sacrifice. Really funny, with great photography work and excellent actors. If you've watched mexican movies from the last decade, you'll know all of them are about poverty and misery, a depressing look at Mexico. But Santitos is like a ray of light in a dark national film industry.

Don't miss it!
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Is that suppossed to be a professional Hollywood production???
9 October 1999
This movie really dissappointed me. I didn't expect much from it, and I'm glad I didn't. The story really sucks. When they said there was "an evil that can not be named" I thought they'd have to face a dangerous, supernatural evil force. But when they fought this african looking tribe (is that suppossed to be politically correct), the story dies. I mean, how could they be hiding if there were thousands of them, along with a horse for each one? Who said Antonio Banderas was the leading character? and who thought he looks like an Arab?

But the worst thing is the photography work. I've been in the production of school short films myself, and I bet our work was way better than this trash.In the same scene you can see at least three variations in color. Some of the night scenes were so bad you can't see anything but a huge blur. And some day scenes are all burned out! The editing in the battle sequences is terrible. It's all confusing and boring.

I won't recommend you not to watch this disaster, but don't expect to see a good action movie.
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How far would you go for a friend?
24 September 1999
This is not just a movie about drug dealing and tourists, or the Thailandese judicial system. It's more about friendship. Can you trust your best friend? Would you sacrifice your own life for your best friend? Claire Danes is a great actress. I wish she appeared on screen more often. And some say it was a predictable story. It was not predictable, we had already known everything in the trailers. But it's the story treatment and the situations that make this movie an entertaining and reflexive one. It would help you understand what this girls went through if you've ever been in a foreign country, alone, knowing nothing about the city you're in. I've lived that, but it was like 0.0001% of what Alice and Darlene lived. And someone here related this movie with Dawson's Creek. Who said "DAWSON'S CREEK" was "current teen trash"???? Have you ever watched it? Have you seen the pshychological depth of the characters? I'm not a teenager anymore but still I can relate to many situations in that show. Don't be prejudiced about this show (like I once was). It's not 90210!!
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Dawson's Creek (1998–2003)
Sometime i've felt like writers had just read my mind!
24 September 1999
I must say I was prejudiced about this show. I didn't want to watch it, I thought it would be another stupid teen show. But now I know I was absolutely wrong!! It's such an intelligent and touching show!!!

I know the actors don't look like 16 year olds. I know they're all too attractive to be regular teens. I know they're too analytical to be teens, and they speak as literature Nobels.

But that doesn't matter. Acting is great. The feelings are here. When I saw Joey confront her father in the first season finale, tears were all over my face, it was like I was saying all that to my own dead father. The same thing happenned when Jen's grandfather died. And there are many other situations the characters have lived that i just think "oh my god, i've been there, done that". Some scenes have been so touching!!!! The characters, you can't do anything but love them, even when they're act like Joey has been doing lately.

My recommendation: don't be prejudiced about this show. Don't expect to see real life on it. Just expect real emotions. I just hope they won't go on for ten seasons and end up like 90210 (which was a good show, but never as great as Dawson).
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The Matrix (1999)
The miracle of script clonation
19 September 1999
Come on, how can anyone say this is a good, deep, reflexive movie? Have you ever seen Dark city, Total recall, The thirteenth floor (highly underated movie), and many others? It has SOME good FXs (and all were show on the trailer), but the action is in a boring video game style. If it WAS an original idea, maybe i'd say this is a good movie. But since it's just a remix of many great stories, i'd say THE MATRIX is just a mirage of a good movie.
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The Haunting (1999)
I think the worst mistake is to promote it as a mo...
14 September 1999
I think the worst mistake is to promote it as a movie "from the director of Speed and Twister". I was prejudiced because of this, and you definitely can't compare "The haunting" with a flying cow flick, even when the character development failed in this haunted house story. The movie DOES create a creepy atmosphere, it's not just FX and money burning on the screen. The special FX are just amazing, and the art and production design are just unbelievable.
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The ultimate example of how critics can manipulate audiences throughout the world
30 July 1999
I can't believe what everybody wrote about this movie. It's a great show, an exciting movie with terrific actors (Kevin Kline and Kenneth Brannagh were excellent in their roles) and impressive FX. You may say it's not a philosophic story and you're right. It won't make you think about the essence and nature of life and the universe. But it'll make you have fun, and laugh. From time to time, critics respond to the film industry's needs and start discrediting movies. It seems this year's victim is "Wild wild west". People are so biased for what they read. If the critics hadn't said such awful comments about this movie, I could swear all the people's reviews would be more positive. I find more flaws in Episode 1, but that's an untouchable movie for millions, so I won't say anything about that. I'll just say, give "Wild wild west" a chance and forget what you've heard about it. Just expect plain fun and excitement.
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South Park (1997– )
I can't believe what I've been missing
4 July 1999
I had heard many things about this show. "A kid dies in every episode, it's always winter, it's disgusting". But I had never watched the show 'cause it's not on mexican TV (and I guess it will NEVER be on mexican TV). So, I decided to buy the "Cartman's mom is a dirty slut" video in a visit to LA, to finally discover this famous show. I couldn't believe what I had been missing! It's so hilarious! Definitely, an acid animation show that many people will find offensive. Just not me.

I can't wait to order more videos online. I'm sure the South park movie won't be released here, but I sure have to see that movie!!! The posters were great, making fun of the ridiculous ad campaign for "Armageddon" last year. It's a shame that non-english speaking countries will never get this show on TV! Definitely,it can't be dubbed in any language without losing it's power!
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