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A different look at: The Last Broadcast & The Blair Witch Project
27 December 1999
To be honest, I was very interested with the idea behind The Blair Witch Project, an idea which many have claimed stemmed from The Last Broadcast. Bottom line: "There aint nothing new under the sun." Before both films was "Canibal Holocaust" in 1979. I don't care to compare the films in terms of which one is better, or if "The Blair Witch" is truly original; thats pointless. Last I remember the makers of "The Last Broadcast" were kind of happy that "The Blair Witch Project" helped them get some more exposure.

I am not one to bad-mouth any independent film makers. Making a living doing independent feature films is not the steadiest of job professions. Both films showed that a lot can be done with a small budget. I'm a film student and personally know that 400 ft of film costs over $100 and only runs in your camera for about 11 minutes!! Trust me, add more film, developing, telecline, color correction, editing, paying your crew, and many other production costs together and your looking at least $20,000. Blow-up a 16mm film to 35mm and that'll cost you an additional $20,000 to $30,000 (I think Artisan picked up that tab for The Blair Witch Project but I'm not sure). The Last Broadcast got around the costs by shooting completely on digital video!! -I still like film better, but that was smart and effective way to budget!

My stance on "The Last Broadcast": Well, I knew about "The Last Broadcast" before I knew about "The Blair Witch Project" but I did not get a chance to see it until after. Both are similar in approach however, "The Last Broadcast" takes a sadistic twist that was honestly was quite unexpected. I thought it was a very clever idea, you should see it for yourself. Another thing I liked about this flick is that was done on an incredible shoe string budget (I think under $1000). It is very effective from that standpoint alone. I think those who like twisted dark endings with a sense of explanation will like this better than The Blair Witch Project ( won't be left feeling like "What the hell was that?????") You will actually get to see the Jersey Devil in action (cleverly done I might add).

My stance on "The Blair Witch Project": I found out about "The Blair Witch" when I met director Ed Sanchez at a party after he got back from Sundance and let me tell you he was a very humble about the whole thing. He was still in shock I'm sure. It seemed to me that he didn't seem to have any idea how well this film would be received. He was just trying to pay his bills and enjoy his passion of film making. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy. A little while later, I saw a pre-screening of "The Blair Witch Project" and, in all honesty, I didn't find it scary or suspenseful. Now hear me out before you blast me!!! I'm a huge horror buff: I like'em all: Bava, Fulci, Hammer Films, Argento, Raimi, Romero, Hitchcock, Craven, Hoper, Carpenter, ...etc... I could go on and on. To me "The Blair Witch" was kind of weak on horror but I DID find it really entertaining to watch 3 people lose it in the woods; especially seeing that incredibly annoying "Heather" finally bite it in the end. (The award of most annoying actor in a horror film to "bite it" previously went to Fred Willard for his role in "Salems Lot", a position he held for exactly twenty years before she showed up!!) Nice going Heather!!

What was most ridiculous is when Blair Witch fans slammed those who didn't find it scary because "you have never been camping or in the woods at night" First off you are wrong. Second, how the hell do you know whether someone has been camping or not? STUPID!!! I often found that those same people almost never had comments about films from people like Argento, Bava, Fulci etc.... Need I say more????

All I got to say is this: CHEERS TO BOTH FILMS!!! Both films have gone up one Hell of a mountain in the film market and thats a lot more than I have done. Both "The Blair Witch Project" and "The Last Broadcast" are triumphs to the little guy. I am often amazed at people who think that just because something is on film (or in this case video) makes it good or if the quality is not quite there it gets blasted by the critics. Take both films for what they are: low-budget, gritty and grainy with honest intentions. Even if they are both kind of weak, thats the kind of film making that I love the best because its honest!!!
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Very Strange!!!
27 December 1999
Warning: Spoilers
One word. Surreal!! I mean really Surreal!!!! I didn't realize what I would be experiencing when I rented this, but it is without question one of the most bizarre trips you'll ever witness in your life!!!!

SURREALIST SPOILER In short, Christ explores a world with a near limb-less handicapped man (often carrying him on his back)....the two venture in to town where Asian tourists are murdered execution style by soldiers wearing gas masks....while on-lookers in Sombreros take photos. Then Christ and the little man get hired by small circus to showcase a battle between Frogs and Chameleons in miniature Spanish conquistadors uniforms ..... Christ then gets drunk with Romans who make a mold of him and duplicate him... Christ gets angry and destroys the duplications (but keeps one for himself)...then runs into an Army of Mary Magdalen prostitutes...... This film also explores a surreal point of view on Astrology. In other words the planets and their influence on this incredibly bizarre world!!! END SURREALIST SPOILER

I realize that words can not even begin to describe this film, so I'll stop my self prematurely. You'll simply have to see it to believe it.

The first thing that popped in to my head when watching this film was a video documentary I once saw about the "1st generation of film-school directors". When Martin Scorsese was in NYU's film school he described seeing films from ULCA and USC that were very "psychedelic and "slick". The documentary then showed clips of dwarfs on psychedelic sets with very strange visual effects. One could clearly see that the west coast "psychedelic" style was much different than the east coast "tough lower east-side" style. Scorsese explained it with much laughter: "They had more powerful drugs on the west coast than we did on the east coast."

I don't know much about Alejandro Jodorowsky film career, but I don't think this film was simply conceived out of a drug induced state. Jodorowsky is a masterful surrealist and of course, artist. He had to be influenced by Dali at some point. As for the surrealist movement in general, cheers to those who stray from the beaten path, otherwise everything (much like Hollywood) would be the same story told over and over again in a different way. Surrealist film makers are the true engineers of film. Instead of advancing the technology of film itself, Surrealists advance the technology of telling a story by taking huge risks which may make the characters or outcome un-likeable by many. These so called "risks" are often regarded as crap by the more feeble minded and conceptual breakthroughs by the more open minded.

This film is astonishing, disturbing and just plain weird. I really enjoyed it!!!
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The Twilight Zone (1959–1964)
Rod Serling: Architect of Thought
23 November 1999
I have to agree with one of the previous comments which says: "Wow! Where should I start?" In fact, I have held off on commenting about this series for quite some time because there is so much to say.

Nobody impacted Science Fiction more than Rod Serling. Its hard to imagine where Science Fiction would be today if he did not exist. Like an engineer or architect of thought, he truly broke new ground with "The Twilight Zone" in writing and entertainment. His ideas were expansive and thought provoking. Each idea, exploited our old fears and opened our minds by creating new ones.

He was a writer, director, producer, master storyteller and lastly, a magician because "The Twilight Zone" was surely pure magic!!

Why was the series so good? If ask anyone who makes feature films or produces an episodic series and they will all tell you the most important part of their work is a great script.

If you remember, Rod Serling was first an foremost, a writer, and a great one at that!! I'm not sure if its fair to say that he invented "the twist" in a story, but he sure as hell perfected it!!!

He was determined too. From early interviews he mentioned his battles against TV censors and uneasy advertisers. In one of his more memorable interviews he said that when he was a writer for a TV station in Cincinnati, he was instructed to write a fake product testimonial for some kind of "cure-all" pill that was supposed to cure everything from polio to the common cold. This upset him so much that he vowed to be in total control of his writing from that point on. This was evident later during "The Twilight Zone" when he refused to change his stories because an advertiser was uneasy about it's edgy content.

I don't think he even had an idea how important his series would impact the world and our perceptions of the supernatural because "The Twilight Zone" was perceived as risky and edgy to TV executives. It was more edgy than anything on TV back in those days, and only mimicked today. When the executives of "The Night Gallery" production tried to control him, the series failed miserably. If they only gave him complete control. I feel kind of cheated not seeing everything that Rod wanted to do! Don't you? Sadly Rod Serling is gone, but one does not have to look far to see that his spirit lives forever in the writing of science fiction and productions such as "The X-Files", "Star Trek", "The Sixth Sense", "Tales From The Crypt"....the list goes on and on...
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Tim Burton's homage to Hammer Films.
22 November 1999
I read in an interview where Burton said that he was very influenced by Hammer Films. I think Sleepy Hollow pays homage to that beautifully!

Burton's films often have a dark, surreal, but yet corny feel to them. Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Mars Attacks are all proof of that. Of course, mixing Pee Wee's Playhouse with the darker side of life is going to yield some pretty interesting results no matter who you are!! I think what makes Burtons so unique is his ability to mix the lighter side of life with the darker side, and when he does its a totally unique vision!

In "Sleepy Hollow" we get to see a slightly more serious side to Burton with just a hint of his corny nature. Its is evident that he treated this project with great respect. I think it came out nicely.

Yeah, the story may have changed considerably from the original Washington Irving story that you remember as a kid, but the film still does a great job of capturing the gloom and doom of this classic gothic tale. I've never seen so much fog in my life!!

I actually didn't mind the rendering of the original story at all. Kevin Yagher (who is primarily known as a special-effects make-up artist) makes his first debut as a screenwriter. He crafts a decent mystery and gave the headless horseman a more evil supernatural background.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the cinematography is great!! You'd be surprised how much of the film was actually filmed indoors on a set in England. I've seen lots of behind the scenes footage from some independent film magazines showing the graveyard set. Did you notice the cloudy horizon in the background? Its fake, but astonishing to say the least!!! How'd they do that??? The headless horseman's dead tree was made of fiber glass, but Burton's team did an incredible job!!! Emmanuel Lubezki really knows how to use light; or shall I say lack of it!! Nice Atmosphere!!! Cheers!!
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In the words of Ash, "Listen up you Primitive Screw-heads!!!"
5 November 1999
Although I've already commented about "Army of Darkness" before, I felt I had to clear up a common misconception about the film. Sometimes you have to spell it out for some of the slower people out there!!!

You see, I was just talking the other day with someone who was deeply offended that Sam Raimi released Army of Darkness, and that it was an insult to the whole Evil Dead Trilogy. This is because he didn't find it scary at all.

GEEEZ!!! Can you believe that??? He didn't find "Army of Darkness" scary... hmmmm???? .... I wonder why???? .....hmmmmm???

Maybe because "Army of Darkness" is first and foremost a COMEDY! Ever heard of it? Yeah, its something called COMEDY. You know, the kinda stuff we laugh at. It was a clever move on Raimi's part, but unfortunately some of the slower people on the planet didn't get it. In fact, have you ever noticed how the Extras in Raimi's films are credited as Fake Shemps? (As in SHEMP from the THREE STOOGES) .....Ahhhhhhh I'm seeing a pattern here.

So in the words of our dear protagonist Ash, "Listen up you primitive screw-heads!!!" The jokes on you!!!! You didn't get the joke because you have the sense of humor of a house plant!!

Whats that I hear?

"You mean ARMY OF DARKNESS is a Comedy???"

"Ahhhhhhhhh....... Now I get it!!!!!"
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3 November 1999
I just purchased this on DVD and its easily one of my favorite new disks. Included in the DVD masterpiece are: the English Version, the German Version with English subtitles, audio commentary by director Werner Herzog, 2 different US theatrical trailers, 1 Spanish theatrical trailer and even a making of the movie mini-feature!!! Very worth the money!!!

This is not an average movie by any means!!! It also appears to be a salute to the great German Expressionist films of the early 1900's. The story line is very intelligent and compassionate. The dialogue is spoken very soft and slowly. There is not very much action in the film, but the performances and cinematography are nothing short of breathtaking!!

Klaus Kinski plays a very convincing Dracula in this 1979 classic. His slow movements are almost hypnotizing!!! Just watch how he moves his hands!! They move so slow and very mysterious!! The guy who played the "nut case" was great!! The images of coffins, crucifixes, rats, and how rumors of the plague were spreading were brilliantly executed.

If you liked this film, you might want to check out 1992's "The Cronos" for another example of a compassionate and intelligent story about Vampires, but set in Mexico. Both films explore the "humanistic" internal conflict in vampires.
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Salem's Lot (1979)
Salems Lot -The end of my childhood innocence.
2 November 1999
Warning: Spoilers
I had plenty of pleasant thoughts as a kid, that is, until I saw this movie. Funerals, caskets, foggy grave yards with empty graves, and vampires ... Simply put, Salems Lot was the end of my childhood innocence.

This movie scared the living s*** out me when I was a kid. I still remember it as if it were yesterday. They (CBS????) aired it in two parts I think. I remember seeing the first part against my parents wishes and then the following week I sneaked downstairs after bedtime to watch the finale and again, it scared the s*** out of me!!! I had trouble sleeping for days!!!!

Admittedly, I'm not the biggest Steven King fan in the world (maybe because he scared the s*** out of me) but I'll give him a lot of credit for this one (and of course Tobe Hooper)!

Actually, I never really thought about it, but that is probably one of the best complements a viewer could pay to a horror writer/director: "I don't like his films because they scared the hell out of me!"

<SPOILER> The images of the older brother levitating from the dead and scratching at his little brothers window did some serious psychological trauma to this noggin at age a very young age.

However, it was good to see the always annoying Fred Willard bite it in this one!!!! <END SPOILER>

I remember seeing it again a few years ago. It wasn't near as scary as I remembered it, but it was still very creepy.

I know Phantasm came out the same year (1979) as Salem Lot and had a similar setting: Funerals, caskets, foggy grave yards with empty graves, but mutant dwarfs instead of vampires... Thank God I didn't see that one till I was older!!!! Seeing those two movies would've really freaked me out!!!
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Deep Red (1975)
Argento -"The Horror Stylist"
1 November 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Isn't it interesting that when ever you hear Dario Argento's name mentioned, that it is almost always followed by the term "style" or "stylist"??? How rightfully so!!! He's like the Versace of Horror!!!

In "Deep Red Hatchet Murders" Argento continues on in his unique "style", if you will. The plot is noticeably better than some of Dario's other films. However, I thought the killer could've had a better motive, but thats ok, because his films always seem to entertain the viewer one way or another.

The haunting nursery rhyme still played in my head for days after hearing it!!!!! His warped visions will never be forgotten in my lifetime. <Spoiler>Especially that freaky eyeball in the closet!!!! -Cool!!!!<End Spoiler>

When you want to go see an entertaining film, remember to pay a visit to "The Horror Stylist." As always, nice job Dario!!!
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"Night of the Living Dead" with Vincent Price -Great!!!
1 November 1999
If you are a fan of Vincent Price -GO SEE THIS FILM!!! If you are a fan of Richard Matheson -GO SEE THIS FILM!!! If you are a fan of "Night Of the Living Dead" -GO SEE THIS FILM!!! If you are a fan of HORROR -GO SEE THIS FILM!!!

It is a very low budget film, but gets its money worth with pure creepiness!!

Some will argue that Romero got his idea for "Night of The Living Dead" from 1962's "Carnival of Souls" I think those people might wanna look here first....Its at very least, a mixture of the two.

It reminded me of a "twilight zone / zombie movie". The kind of thing you watch at 3:00 in the morning!!! That is understandable, since Richard Matheson wrote for the original Twilight Zone episodes.

If you are a fan of horror, go see this movie purely for a historical perspective!!
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A blind preacher and fog covered graveyards -Nice atmosphere!!
1 November 1999
I rented this flick in the classic horror section at my local video store under the incredibly cheesy title "Horror Hotel" only to find out it was also called "City of the Dead".

"City of the Dead" is a more suitable title being that the entire town is inhabited by witches and for eternal life they must sacrifice two people a year. The story starts when a young college coed researching witches arrives on one of the ill-fated sacrificial days....Can you say, "Ooooops!!! Sorry, perhaps I'll come back some other time!!"

"City Of The Dead" is not a bad flick if you like classic horror, as I do. However, don't be confused by the title, it is definitely not anything like George Romeros 1968 classic "Night of the Living Dead", but it does give a pretty good indication of a well crafted 1960's "drive-in" horror flick.

What I liked best about this film is the atmosphere and the acting of an incredibly young Christopher Lee. If Peter Cushing would've showed up in this flick I'd probably like it even better!!!!

There are plenty of creepy images of fog covered graveyards, Salem witches, burning warlocks, secret dungeon chambers and a burnt body. Plus, the blind preacher was quite a character who would be perfect in a lot of modern day horror films.

I was actually surprised at some of the special effects- not bad for 1960!!
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You'll never look at a film the same way after seeing this!!!
22 October 1999
This is a great, I repeat great, documentary on the history of cinematography. No film student should be without it!! It covers all the changes in technology and techniques and its impact on film.

It brilliantly shows the freedom of camera movement during the silent period and how things became more restricted when sound was added later and the transition from B/W to Color. But most importantly, clearly depicts how Directors of Photography over came these limitations and created new techniques which changed film history forever. Brilliant!!!! You'll never look at a film the same way after seeing this.

Covers many different aspects of "the Hollywood look" and the different "Studio looks" throughout time. Also uncovers the secrets of many DP's and how they made their "Stars" look so incredible!!

I especially like the section on Film Noir and the plethora of absolutely breath taking film clips!!! Included in this gem of a documentary are great clips from classics like the 1947 version of "Oliver Twist" and examples from some of the greatest DP's of all time!!! Arthur Miller...etc...

Very entertaining!! Even for non-film buffs!!! I've showed this documentary to friends and relatives and they all seem to watch with amazement!!!

I liked it so much I just had to buy it!
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Suspiria (1977)
Nice visuals and disturbing sound effects.
21 October 1999
This movie was very unique. I really liked the cinematography in this film; there is a lot of symbolism going on there. "Suspiria" is visually aesthetic and the sound effects were disturbing to say the least. Although sometimes, they tended to "over-use" the sound effects a bit, I still liked this film a lot.

Very unique atmosphere, like no other horror movie I've ever seen. Weird characters and setting. I was VERY VERY surprised that this movie was made in 1977!! Was there ever a remake of this film? Usually movies made in the 70's have this really dated psychedelic soundtrack but "Suspiria" doesn't ("Phantasm" comes to mind, but I still love it). The Suspiria soundtrack has really stood the test of time.

There's not a whole lot going on in the plot, but the films visuals should keep most horror fans entertained. I wasn't really ever scared watching it but I loved the visuals. Nice Film!!

Bravo!!! Dario Argento!!!
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Cemetery Man (1994)
Gives new meaning to: "Stuck in a dead end job."
20 October 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Rupert Everett stars as Francesco Dellamorte, a cemetery caretaker, who along with his "igor-like" side kick named Gnaghi live in a cemetery with some pretty busy night traffic -human corpses!!!

You see, on the 7th day after dying, some corpses begin to rise again, so Francesco and Gnaghi must kill the living dead one final time with a blow to the head.

Rupert Everett's acting is excellent in this film. I've always liked his acting and in "Cemetery Man" he's his usual suave self.

In fact, his character is so suave that the film could've been titled, "James Bond meets Night of The Living Dead."

In complete honesty, the story line gets really really strange about half-way through the film and I remember thinking, "What in the hell is going on????...I thought I rented a Zombie movie this is more like a David Lynch film.????" Try to keep in mind that it will all be explained, even as strange as it all is.

Many questions will be addressed:

<SPOILER> Why are the dead coming back to life?

What is it like at other cemeteries outside of this town?

Why is his love interest always coming back from the dead or appearing reincarnated later in the film????

Why exactly did the grim reaper tell him to kill the living???

Why can't the stupid cop or anyone else believe that he killed anyone when it is so blatantly obvious???? <END SPOILER>

The film doesn't give you the feeling that they are ever going to address any of the preceding questions until you actually see the end. Trust me, the ending will explain all that stuff in one nutshell.

Yes...I really liked the ending....very strange!

If you liked this film then check out "Army of Darkness" , that is, if you haven't already!!
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Lady in White (1988)
Surreal and Creepy- Loved it!
30 September 1999
I'm not sure exactly how "well known" this film is because almost everyone I know has never seen it. If you haven't seen it, by all means, make it your next rental.

Personally, I loved this film. It is a very unique film that brings together many different feelings which are both dramatic and surreal. The film has much to offer the viewer and does so in a way which is completely unique. It touches on many elements of childhood fears, nostalgia, fantasy, suspense, death and near-death experiences, sibling rivalries, the racial bigotry and injustice of the 60's, family happiness, remorse, compassion, fear, mystery and even comedy.

The setting is placed in a small lovable New England town, which is quickly transposed into a genuinely creepy and surreal atmosphere when a young boy "Franki" gets locked in his school closet on Halloween night and witnesses a ghostly reenactment of the murder of a young schoolgirl.

He then holds the key to help the girl "rest in peace" by finding her killer....... that is....if the killer doesn't kill him first!

Some people will actually tell you to skip the directors commentary on the DVD because he's made only 3 films?????????? Huh?????????? I watched his commentary and found it very insightful. Personally, as a film student, I love it when directors include commentary on their DVD's. Frank LaLoggia is no exception, and he rightfully deserves to celebrate his fine achievements. Besides, who judges a director based on how many films he/she has done?

At this point in time, M. Night Shyamalan (The Sixth Sense), like Frank LaLoggia, has only 3 movies under his belt. Does this make him any less of an important film maker? -Of course not! You can bet that all of Hollywood is hailing M. Night Shyamalan as one of the most important new film makers out there!! -Shallow thinking drives me bonkers! BOTTOM LINE: Frank LaLoggia great job! "Lady In White" is an excellent movie that can be enjoyed by almost any audience.
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M. Night Shyamala, I'm sure that Rod Serling smiles at you from the Twilight Zone!!
10 September 1999
Warning: Spoilers
I think its fair to say that Rod Serling would've loved this film. Trust me, "the twist" is an honest to God "twist and 1/2!"

Honestly, I was reluctant to see this movie at first because I was beginning to think that maybe the reason why mainstream audiences liked this film so much is because so many movies in 1999 were either sub-par or extremely over rated. I was already duped once this year by "The Blair Witch Project" but a close friend of my mine reassured me that The Sixth Sense had "one of the best endings in movie history." Thinking that his statement was a pretty bold one, I decided to check it out for myself. VERDICT: The Sixth Sense is thus far, the best film of the 1999.

When the twist came at the end, I haven't heard so many "Oh's & Ah's" and even crying in a theatre in recent memory. As the credits were rolling, I was still sitting in my seat in a daze. Even an hour later, I was still pondering about it.

I'm admittedly very good at guessing "the twist" to movies because I've seen a lot of them and I'm a student of film. However, with The Sixth Sense, I just missed guessing "the twist" only by a hair. You see, I had a hunch that it was like the ending of a Twilight Zone episode called <POSSIBLE SPOILER>"The Hitch-Hiker", however, I guessed the wrong character.<END POSSIBLE SPOILER>.

I could blab on like everybody else about how good the actors were in this film, but I'll spare you, because the real genius is M. Night Shyamala (Writer, Director and played the doctor in the film). He deserves and Oscar for writing and directing one of the best screen plays in recent memory.

Cheers to you M. Night Shyamala!!

The spirit of Rod Serling is alive and well!!
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Sub"feces" 4: Crapstorm(1998) Avoid at all costs!!!!
9 September 1999
I usually don't waste my time commenting on bad movies, but this is quite possibly one of the worst movies ever made. I've heard that the earlier series are much better, so I guess I'll still reluctantly give its predecessors the benefit of the doubt. I don't mean to ruffle any feathers, because I love this genre, but come on? Call a spade, a spade! This movie is bad....real bad!!!

Its sad to know that there are many talented independent film makers out there who can't rub two pennies together to finance a film and stuff like this is in its 4th sequel.

That gives me exactly 4 reasons why this movie is so bad:

1. For starters, this movie almost looks like it was filmed with a cheap video camera.

2. The plot is super weak: Simply, Michelle must hide herself from the evil vampire "Radu" who wants the bloodstone- Wow!!! that is so provocative and original??? I highly suggest that Ted Nicolaou watch "The Cronos" and notice that there is a solid plot and story line there. Notice too that the protagonist has a goal and a counter goal. The plot in Subspecies 4 is so weak and tired it makes my head spin! One gets the impression, he wrote this "on the spot" as they where filming.

3. The cinematography is pathetic. Who did the cinematography in this film? Stevie Wonder or Ray Charles? The lighting tries to be cool almost like modern Film Noir, but fails miserably. The only thing I can honestly say that was visually appealing about this film is the shadow when Radu, the vampire appears, the rest is some of the fakest, un-natural, and obvious lighting in movie history.

4. Horrible acting!! I mean this is God awful acting at its finest!!!! The guy who played the doctor was a terrible actor! How could anybody take him seriously??? I mean really? Furthermore, you would think that a director with more than 15 films under his belt would have caught the fact that the vampire "Radu" sounded ridiculously like Marlon Brando in "The God Father." The first time I heard him speak, I almost died laughing!!!!!! From that point on, every time the vampire opened his mouth, I expected to hear the theme from "The God Father." -Laughs
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If you like ghost stories, this is a must see!!!
9 September 1999
I just knew that when I checked the user comments for this film that it would be filled with praises of high acclaim. I only noticed a few who didn't like it. In fact, when I checked one of their other reviews they described Anaconda as a movie with good acting.......need I say more????

The truth is, The Changeling one of the best haunted house ghost stories there is. I remember seeing it on television back in the 80's during "Horror Week" on a local TV station; I've never forgotten it. George C. Scott plays a grieving music professor who is trying to move on with his life after the death of his wife and daughter. All is fine until he moves into a haunted house and thats when the thrills, chills, suspense, creepiness, and even mystery begins.

In short: An interesting plot, an old house, with disturbing sounds, a creepy soft spoken ghost, moving objects, creepy cob webs, and a mystery that will have you guessing till the end.

How can I tell that you'll like this film?

Easy, the first tell tale sign is that you'll start touching your face with your hands. You might even close your eyes a little often than normal, and if you're really effected, you might even jump right out of your seat. -If you're a fan of good writing, good acting, and are more effected by creepiness than gore, then you have my word: The Changeling delivers!!!!!

I've seen this many times and I still think its equally creepy each time. I can't say that about many films, The Exorcist and The Changeling are the first things that comes to mind.
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A little boy scared and confused in a creepy un-nurtured environment.
8 September 1999
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best UNKNOWN films there is..... PERIOD! Never before have I seen a story line so dark, set in a backdrop so visually beautiful. Would you believe that mixture actually creates an even more creepy feel to the film?

It would be a crime to not mention the absolutely brilliant cinematography of Dick Pope in this film. If you liked how FARGO showed the desolate, never ending, snow covered flatlands of North Dakota, then you'll love the cinematography in this film, only its done with fields of wheat and corn.

A story about a boy named Seth (the protagonist) growing up in the desolate country side where children have been turning up missing lately. Raised primarily by a crazy scornful mother and a strange father <SPOILER> with hints of a creepy past<END SPOILER>. It's no wonder, why Seth makes the choices he does, and the mistakes he makes...only he does not really get a chance to learn from them.

Also included in this creepy story are Seth's neighbor: a lonely depressed English widower <SPOILER>(who Seth thinks is a vampire)<END SPOILER>, a bunch of creepy guys riding around in scary black sedan, and an equally scary sheriff to boot!

One common theme through out this dark film is: "Almost nobody is helpful to this poor kid, and when they are, Seth doesn't know how to accept it." Even his older brother (who Seth looks at as a hero) sometimes snaps negatively towards his little brother. Suffice to say, Seth is the product of an un-nurtured environment. To say you feel compassion for his character would be a vast understatement.

Don't look for typical Hollywood ending here. Any intelligent film student will appreciate this film for its non Hollywood approach and clearly identify this film as a work of art. In my opinion, The Reflecting Skin truly is a work of art...a masterpiece in fact....but it paints a picture too creepy for most to enjoy.
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The only cool film that I ever saw in High School!!!
8 September 1999
Warning: Spoilers
In fact, it was so cool, Rod Serling put it in the original Twilight Zone series. I even think it won at the Canne Film festival too. The only thing I didn't like about the film was the extremely annoying song called "Living Man" A. K. A "I wanna be a Living Man" ..... It was a horrible song.. God awful!!! Cover your ears, but open your eyes!!!!

The movie and the story were fantastic!!! I can see why Rod was attracted to it. Its got that special twist to the end. I can't remember why I saw it in High School, but I remember being shocked by it. I think my teacher was trying to familiarize us with the writings of Ambrose Bierce....... I'm glad she did!!!
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Cronos (1992)
Sympathy for a vampire
24 August 1999
Warning: Spoilers
This is a unique film. This is not a gore-fest type of flick, but instead, a compassionate story about an elderly antique dealer named Jesus Gris who discovers an object called "The Cronos" which causes him to crave blood. While still in Jesus Gris's possession, "The Cronos" is actively pursued by Angel de la Guardia (a big "Herman Munster" of man) played convincingly by Ron Perlman.

Angel de la Guardia is the nephew of another deteriorating elderly man "Dieter" who wishes to have "The Cronos" because it will give him eternal life as a vampire. Can Jose Gris love for his grand daughter overwhelm his craving for blood? Find out for yourself!!!

What I liked best about this film is the compassionate story line, the dark humor of the mortician, and the effective use of subtitles. -Bottom Line: Very unique and Nicely Done!!!
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HONESTLY: "The Three Stooges" meets "The Evil Dead" meets "Monty Python" and "The Terminator"
17 August 1999
This movie is a must see. It is a classic. If you have ever seen "The Evil Dead 2: Dead At Dawn" then you'll understand where "Army of Darkness" came from.However, Army of Darkness is SO MUCH better than The Evil Dead 2!!! I would classify it as a "fantasy/action/comedy" movie rather than a straight up horror flick.

In fact, one gets the impression they started filming The Evil Dead 2, and by the end they realized that their idea worked better as a comedy. (The Evil Dead 2 actually gets pretty funny towards the end and it shows the birth of Ash Williams (Bruce Campbell) as a modern day action-hero. A shot gun strapped to his back and a chainsaw for an arm. It just doesn't get any better than this.

Plus you get to see the classic Evil Dead "Shaky-Cam" (when two people strap a camera to a board a run through the woods fast a hell.)

Its one of the most entertaining movies I've ever seen. Funny as Hell!!!!! This movie contains some of the greatest action hero "one-liners" ever spoken!!!!
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The Twilight Zone (1985–1989)
The Twilight Zone destroys the theory: "When you least expect it....expect it"
17 August 1999
Warning: Spoilers
From what I could tell, this was a very good series. Its was without question, much better than "Tales from the Darkside" which was around about the same time. I've only seen a few episodes from the 1985 season, but most where excellent "brain candy" and left me "hanging" till the very end (just like the original series). Hey CBS, how about putting this on VHS or DVD??????

I saw at least 3 episodes which really could have ranked up there with the original series. Including one where a guy realizes one day that there are cameras everywhere in his house his work, in the car etc.... because he is un-knowingly the star of a hit television show about everything that happens in his life. ---Sound familiar? I think the writers of "The Truman Show" owe somebody a lot of money or at least a big thank you!!!!

Another one of my favorites was set in the "western pioneer" days about a little boy who skipped school to take care of his bed ridden grandfather. Just before bed time the boy would read his grandfather an amazing story every night that would keep him on the edge of his seat (and you too). But just before the end of the story the boy would stop. Then his grandfather would ask, "Then what happened??? Then what happened???" The boy would reply, "I'll tell you tomorrow."

The next day, a school teacher noticed that the boy was skipping school and decided to follow him home so she could have a word with his parents and get him back into school. She ends up having a discussion with his grandfather and realizes that his grandfather claims to be well over 170 years old!!! "Thats impossible," she proclaimed, "I don't under stand how thats possible???"

SPOILER The teacher was puzzled at how old this man was, until.....later that night, she witnessed the little boy read one of his amazing stories and not tell his grandfather the ending. His grandfather would immediately ask "Then what happened??? Then what happened???" The little boy just said, "I'll tell you tomorrow."

(THE PAY OFF? The reason why he lived so long is because his grandson would'nt tell him the end of the story till the next day.)

Then, just when you think that episode was over it panned over to a modern day New York city apartment building. In the apartment, a daughter is reading to her grandmother. (Check this out for even more of a pay off)...... She's reading that previous story about "the boy reading to his grandfather". Her grandmother asks "Then what happened??? Then what happened???" The daughter replies "I'll tell you tomorrow."


The first part was totally unexpected...the second part of the story part blew me away!!!! Man, they just don't write stuff like that anymore!!!
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Disney's "Escape From Witch Mountain" was better.
30 July 1999
Trust me!!! This movie is not what you think it is. Interesting idea, but not scary or even suspenseful. However, I think they have created an entertaining film, but its just not scary.

The type of people who will think "Blair Witch Project" is scary are people who are afraid to watch programs that start off with: "WARNING This program contains graphic images of a violent nature. It may not me suitable for all audiences."

I'm a big fan of the "less is more" school of thought, but this just didn't do it for me. I'll stick to Hitchcock and Rod Serling for that inspiration.

Horror? NO WAY!!! Psychological Thriller? I think not! But entertaining: Yes. If you want to see an entertaining film then watch "The Blair Witch Project." However, if you want to see a scary movie then go rent Disney's "Escape From Witch Mountain" because its a lot scarier!!!
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